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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUr.IIALV PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18, 105." ELECTRIC ENERGY FOR DREDGE Champlin Plant - Has' No Diffi t;ulty Using This Power ; forth Digger' ' ' , ' t. : J. -S : STEAQY PROGRESS IS ' " i ' ASSURED IN THE "WORK This Oregon Plant Ii in Condition to , -Make Coast Record If the Gravel - to Be',JIndled "Doee Not Prove Tb9 'Compact,-"-','' f f ' ". : ." - (Special 'Dispatch' to .The-' Joarnsl.) ' dold 'Hill, Or,,lxov.'' II. The Champ lin dredge,, which ' recently.- resumed on Foots creek,., near here. with electric , energy1 Instead of' Meant, . la malting ..steady progress under tba direction of Manager Christian. . When electric ener fry was first discussed the. management thought to .supplant steam In all 'parts of the plant save the digger, and keep this on tbe-"lang-tiied power." "As some . of v the Champlin' ground, is; unusually compact, last. fall necessitating the use oc . powder,. tt was , feared - that i'elec'trio energy-for the 'digging apparatus .would nut be equal to the sudden requirements of this type of gravel. -. Manager Christian finally concluded i otherwise, and- Installed a muoh larger motor than Is ordinarily required. His decision has been found discreet, the dredge Is .not bothered by. delays due to lack of power, and the consumption of electrical, energy Is not so great as to be a serious cost factor. The Champlin dredge has no difficulty continuing work through the winter sea. son, aa readily as the California plants, . southern Oregon climate being' quite ' mild. Nothing la in sight to Interfere with-a long run, -which should be the most profitable by far of Cny similar operations in Oregon, aa the dredge Is remarkably efficient and the ground la handling haa .been proved to carry good values. The buckets of this plant, having eight cable Teet capacity, lnaure heavier tonnage dally than any other dredge of the entire north country,' and equal to-the latest that haa been built In California.- -a DEEP PLACER BORING. California Xaterpxis sThaptng te Ope Operations Saity ST ex. Tear.; H. Dolman, who has spent some tune' In this city Interesting Portland men 'In a deep-bortng enterprise near posits beneath what -has been the com. mon bedrock, says that he expects to go .south soma Uma early in December, and will begin at once arranging for the commencement of work. He eapects to have the - drill In place some time after the., first of the year,' when he hopes to proaeutstiis woik uulnterrupt- edly until he has proved whether call- mined at the surf ace,- or- tf the- Inland ae., which la conceded to have occupied the Sacramento basin at one unit im formed rich -reefs ikva-Uioa mad tw moua at Johannesburg. "V- .. Mr. Dolman believes that when the Inland sea. washed the base .of th Cas cade range, -erosion -of auriferous veins was in progress aa at si later date. Moat of the coarse gold found lodgment first, tjntng situated . near the eminences. whence it was carried by torrents, and this hag been the objective for the rich California placer work of the past half century. But the fine gold which occurs In any great drainage system in a placer district waavnot mined In the hydraulic operations; of California, and Mr. Dol man believes this was carried further and precipitated when the mountain streams .debouched Into, the Inland sea, forming rich reefs or deep gravel beds, "It is only a theory, but It la one which "lias more . fact . back of It than any I have ever heard advanced,'' said Mr. Dolman this morning. "If It - is found untenable, the coat et proving it la small, as borings are cheap prospect ing. If I am right, the work haa won y' MIMIMft'rJnTFQ La Grande. Or., Nor. It. Attachment proceedings against the Canon Consoli dated Mining company to enforce pay ment of claims fofr supplies and wages have not yet forced a settlement from the stockholders. - Several hundred dol lars is due the merchants of La Grande, several-hundred to the employes, and 120.000- Is due -the Foley-Imhaua com pany,, the former owners of ' he mine, on deferred payments. The cause of the difficulty Is. said to be a disagreement among the stockholders of the concern. About 160.000 ha been expended .In putting; the. property In shape, and it Is hsrdly probable that the whole enter prise wHl be abandoned at this stage. Baker.: City, Or, Nov. IS. A corpora tion has been formed here, known aa the Ka stern Oregon company, to buy and develop properties in Baker county. Th articles of incorporation were filed,, by W: O. Drowley of this city. .The capi talisation is placed at $15,000. and those backing: the enterprise are C. P". St. John, Vance Johnson, O. E. Beerley, , B. E. Cleave!. ft P. Riley and Lewis Runaker. I Grande. Or., Nov.-" IS. The Aurelia Get thc7Best- That's "Hostcttcr's" rrom IBM to the present time It has been impossible for any ons to make a better or safer remedy for all Stomach, Liver, Kidney or Bowel complaints than the famoua , - v - - ,..-..-. Ilostetter's Stomach : : , Bitters ' tils i v : r.--i I I tin. i CV' I! It merit ie so firmly established that doctors never hesitate In pre scribing It to their patients who Buf fer from ' '. I room kmrvn, ravawa, . , C11MFI, f yLATULEWtrr, ;, iwoTonsntoir, BrsrsrstA, COLDS, x.a grift. OB otitraii, . ....-. debility. - One bottle will I rnve that It Is toe best. Try It i t...iay. All drug- J tlntH, tnlng company has been oriranlsed the officers bring: president, J. lit: i iuo vilUflm ur-iiiB. ........ w. A. Thronson; vtce-premdent. J. L. Cor nell;; secretary. C It. i;rawioru. CHURCH SERVICES ' . ' ' - . METHODIST. ' ' " Ceateaarjr East pine aa4 Beat Ninth streets; Her. Wllliaali. Heppe. .. D. At 10 : ., .Willamette Bui r Uj, with addrew ey pastor' and special rclm by the oaday w-hool; T:SO d. bl. arrTlo In tb tnteraat ot the I.'at.-C. A., with-H. W. Stoae,' r. Me. krclir and ir. J. M. Weatnertm a atirak era; uinilu( claa, :;) o'rtu'k; Huuday aclwul, p. ui. ; judhht ana inieroMraiauw, p. i tuworth leaaue. S:l& d. a. - Kpwurlb lorDPr fweuty-tblrd and Irving tree la; iienrjt X. Atktuaou. Hnnday ' acbuul, lo a. an.: at II a. .. "ilow Cbrlat Bebukod tho -flptrlr-wf Intolaranre'1 v Epworlb trmgnt. s:au p. m. ; 7 ;w , m., "Bttaaut or naufum; or, Uaaua and UellRluuT' - - . v. rna-Kut Mulh and Mill etreeta. .. Preaea lag at 11 a. m., tuliowad by ttatlmony aoetlu. lulreraJtr Kev. 1. A. Watrra. At 11 a. m praK'hliw ' by Hv. T. H. Mr Denial ; T :S0 Lm.. prmulilng by, lr. W. L. UolUu(abaad; nday. actool, 10 a. BJ. ; claaa SMtUi(, 13. Id p. m. i luutur Uasue, 3 p. m, ; intoruedUU league,' .p. n.f aulor leafnc, : p. m. . ' Ontral-llUMiell and Kerby , atreau; Ut. J. T. Abbett. (Uaa aueetlua, : a. Ba,; Hun day achoul, 12 p. B. ; Kuwortb leafue, 3 p. m.j lo:SU a: at., -"Hln") 7:80 p. ui., "tMrloaa lrliliia and if Bad and Hood. Keaalts." . Tarlur Ur.-a-raael HuTawtte Sourt.- At S:M a. -m., elaaaoa; 10:30 a. m., "Wumaa'a Homa Miaaiuaary Worfc," by Mlaa Mlunlt triey; 12:1A p. m., Sunday achool ; 6:90 p. m.,-Epwurth leairue; 7:30 p. m., "Au Catlnable Old Maid; or, "iiuat a Woman Marry to Ke laarul?" Trinity Baal Ten lb and Grant atreeu; Bar. flaruld Oberg. . I'rearblug aerricea at 11 a, aa, and T 30 p. in.: Sunday acbeut, 10 a. m.; p-wortb- leaf ae, e.uw p. .- - - Oraea Kev. clarenee True Wtlaoo. D. D. Ai 10:80 a. m , "Tbrae Typical -Binnera"; at T:M p. "TVa frodlral Urotbcr": . Profeaeot Wanta wlU interpret (or the deaf at tba anara ln( aerviee; claaa auetlng at S S0 a. ra. ; Bun day school, U:1S p. at.; Cpworta league, a:4Q P. B. , - Bunnyaida Tamblll a treat between Thirty -aftb and Xbirty-alzth atreeta. HevT. B. Cord. AI 10:10 p. .. Sunday aekoal; 11 a. m "The Care ( e Uelneua Ulaeaaa"; 12 aa., claaa Beet Uif; :80 p. b., ehJldrea's elaaaea and Juaiue league; : p. m., Kpworrb aane; T:30 p. m., temparaace rally with Mlaa Cauls M. Howe as speaker. .... ; -. : '- - . t, ':',;:'. OATHOUO. '- Preatbedral ef tba lataaaeolate OooraptlBa rifteratb- aud Davla atreeu; Moat kev. A. Cbriatlef D. D.. uaa tor. Maaaea at 6. ft. S sod 11 a. B.t erenlna ear rloa, 7:80 o'clock. He. ratrtck'a Mneteenui aaa Hanar atraeTa; Her. X. V. MurttbT. ractiar.- Maaaea at a sad 10:M s. m. evening eervtea, f : eeloe. - - Mt. ' Lawrence's xclrd and saernaa atreeta; Bev. J. C. Uuahea. rector. Maaaea at 7, and 10:80 a. b.; eveidng aerrice, 7:ao 'clock. St. Joerph's Uernan) -Ptfteeath - sad Oeoch atreeta; Rev. P. lie Hoo, rector. Maaaea at t and 10:80 a. m.; evening aarvlce, 7:80 o'clock. 8t. Mlcbael'a (Italian) Fourth and Mill atreeta ; Bev. A. CeatelU, rector. Miaaei, JW and S. b. - - sacred . Heart 8RS Mil winkle a treat: rataer Orecory, O. . B.. rector. Maaaea at 8 and 10:80 a, m. j evening awelce, 7:SO o'clock.' Holy craea iniveraity r-ara; rainer ihiii aa, O. H. C., ' rector. Maaaea at 8:8a' and 14 na.; evening aerrlca. 7,:8U o'clock. Moat Prarka Blood Mbatavllia : Bev. L. A. Braaaeas, racu. Handay anaaa. s. B.t 8nn- day acbool, 10 a. B.; Tea per and benedictloa, 8:80 e'elocb: Srat Boaday, adoration; week daya: Bats :Su s.. M-i ere ulna devottoa, 7:46 o'clock. I Moat Holy Roaarr Beat rare ana liacaa- Baa; Very Rev. A. 8. Lawlee, euperiorr Maaaea at 8. I. 8:80 and 10:80 a. B.: roaary and beau- diction. 7 JO p.,B ' . -h B, av.Ml. B-.., n,k ' mwM Wmmt Aak atreeta; Rev. Janea H. Black, rector. Maaaea. 8. 8:80 sad M:8W a. am. I a renins service, 1:80 a'cioer.- , Immacalara Heart at Marv WlUlama arevoe and Stent oo ttreeta, Alblna: Bev. William A. laiy, rector, ataaaea. e, B:oU ana a. b.i STenJLng servlca, 1:80 o'clock. . . gek0ATIOBAI ' MlaalealDDt-Aveaae. Mlealaatppi avemo aa Prenmot atreet: .Rev. - WUlUa L. Upabaw. Sunday aebool, 10 a. B.T 11 e. B-v "toreel aad tba (Web; or. Tb Jew and tke t'artetUn thrUtlaa Kadeavor, :0 p. m.l T:S0 p. at.. "Ueaeea Wbere It la an mow 10 wee mere. -Ulk-hlaaeV-rlreaeotfc. and .Beet HltB- etnot, sortb; - Rev. Ardea . M. Bockemnd. Booday rwm, w , 1 at. ' Huncry Maa"; innior oodeavor. 8 p. m. j I M p. B.. "Wnnld Voe "wear If Toa Were It" riret Madiaoa a tie r-ara auvra, an, jv. aa nana, ft H. , At 10:80 a.. B.. -'Tbe Flrat Oueatlona of the Old ana tns new ieeianear -j 7:30 p. BM "MteTeneoa'a Thrilling Naval, The Ebb Tide' Baoday acbool. 18:U P. m. 1 I, P. a. it. a ao a. aa. Raaeelo-Street Beat ' HereatB street, aorts. and Haaaato atraat. At 10:80 a; b., eerrlce with aermon: 18 .. Bandar ecbeol: S 80 p. aa.. Chrtatlan BndeaTor; 7:80 p. B., apodal servlo wits eneakera rrom Tar T. M. v. a. sgi:::l fi:e c::il r.T:;y little tots Presence of Mind of Teacher and Efficiency of Pupils Prevents "7" 7' "Serious Accident. ' - 11 : - ' (Journal BpacUl Service.) ' ; Ban Bernardino, Oil., Nov. IS. Mlas Jeaale Thorapaon. a. teacher In the third grade public sortoole, by. great presence of mind and, the unuausl efficiency of the pupils in the Are drill, prevented a serious accident In the F- Street school yssterdsy, . Miss. Thompson. . noticing the celling crack and . bulge ' outward. quickly faced her clasa and uttered the Are call, "Clear." Instantly every little tot.- et-'in number, wss standing in Una, and In the next breath when the teacher exclaimed "Double- quick, march." the puplla, three abreast, poured In perfect order from the -room. Aa the last 11ns passed Into the corridor the celling fell with a deafening craah. . completely burying the desks, which a moment be fore had 1 been ' occupied. The entire building waa emptied in three minutes. Federation Will Help te BerooYe ' the Bis 'et Ueneminatlooailem Hlble acbool, yi.ia p. aa. Curletlaa Eudearor. S.SO B. m. Rodney-Avenue Bodney aveaae ' aad Knott atreet; Rev. K. M. I'atteraon. . "Tba She peer d realm,". 11 'a. aa.; rsaracuineiie aia- netita of the Goanel," 7:80 p. m. : Boaday acbooii 10 a. bl; t'brlattan Budearor, 8:80 p. b. Central Eaal Twentlutb and BalBon atreeu; Bev. J. F. ukormler, V. V. At 11 a. B., "Flftv Taara and Bvrond": 7:6 D. at.. "Ba during tba CYeaa"; uaday school. 10 s. B.; Junior eadeavor, s:su p. a.; seoior eaoeaTor, --,. Biam in t. laaee' XncUah West Park aad Jefferaoa atreeta; Bev. J. A, Lea a, paator. rveachlof aerrice at 11 a. B.; 1 p. b., "The xoung Men That we fieea "; uiuwr ieagve, i p. b. Sunday achooL 10 a. B. Bethaaia Danlab Onloa aveaae and Morrlaos atreeta; Rev. Uudmuad UrtU. (Teachiug,. 1 :80 b. aa. : Sunday acbool. 18:18 a. aa. Swedish lmmanuel 'Burnalde atreet ketweea Tenth aad aileyeath , atreeu; C. 'J. Renbard. PreachUuT aarvlcea at 10:80 a. aa. aad 8 a. aa.: Sunday acbool, 18 m, NorwasUa Synod Coraer Beat Tenth aad uraat atreeu; Hev. u. Higoea. rreaeaing. it a. an. ; preacsing la Engnaa at tjm p. m.; Bandar achooL : a. to.: X. P. S. Tboraday evealng; catechism Saturday from 8:80 a. m - , ' omiSTiAV aexxvox, - - Beonad Church of Cbrlat. Srleottat Asdi- torlua baildtng, Third atreet between Taylot and SalBoa aueeta. At 11 a.B. and 8 p. aa.. "Aaclent and Modera Necromaacyi er, Meaaaer. uua aad Bypaotuun"; Sunday achooa, 11 a. ah, la the readluf -rutins ; Wodneaday meeting, I vvat unorea or vnnsi, ocientiai ocoruaa Rita Cathedral, Morrtaoa and Lo woe dale etreeU. At 11 a. B. aad 8 p. m., "Ancient and Modera Necromancy: or. MeaBertBB aad HrunoUnja" : Ssaday achool at cloee of atarauig aerytoe. . , VTRES XTAaT0ELIOA. ' Second Farre and Kerbv atreeta: adv. 1. Bowl aox. Preaching services at 11 a. m. ; T:80 p B., "The BellgVoo of Uood Cheer" Sunday school, 10 a. aa.; a L. C. B., 7 . sa. Ockley Orel a Sunday achooL 5:80 p. m. preaching, 8:80 p. m. by Rev. B. B. McVlcker. riral Eaat Tenth and BberBaa atreeta; Bev. A. A,-Winter. At lO a. aw Sunday . achool; L'nttrBrairv Park Artlaaaa' teBsle.' amiehi Bev. D. B. Urar. At 11 a. m.. "Ove ouoilns tke World"; Sunday achool. 10 a. a. ' Laurelwood AaleU ball, Kara I'ark ataUoaj Rev. I. B. Uray. At 7:30 p. a., "What la It Is lollow Cbrlatr": T. P. B. . E., :m a, am. Sunmyalila Eaat Taylor aas lairty-ronrra etreeta; Bev. J. J. Staub. At 11 a. aa.. "Wat ChrtBt Only Humaat"; at 7:30 p. a., ad- dreaa oa the work of the X. M. U. A. by David Pattnllo, W. . Maatera ana i. b. Kboaes; Suaday erbool, 10 a. aa.; Junior Ckrtatlia Bn dravor aoclety, 8 p.. a.; aauior Chrtatlha Ba deavor, 8:1 p. a. : : . TBiverattv Park Preachlna at 11-a. B. by Rev. Joha Bentnea, T :80 p. a.. Rev. E. B. Krrraletoa, chapel ear evaageliat, "The Black Herand Eaa "'BVyentK' and ""Baiaf ' A-EtVKT atreeta; Rev. gUntoa C Lapham. At 10:80 a m . 41ra. Callla B. Howe, the BAtlonal orfanlaar of the W. C. T. f.,-wlU preach; 7:80 a. . B., aefecatea rroa x . a. v. aw in caarir. Bible Behoof. IS a.i roans people'a anton. 8:84 p. a.; Bldweak prayer aerviee Tbaraday evea- 1rat The Wtilte Temple, corner Twelfth and Taylor atreeM; Bev. J. Whltroab Breather, II. D. At ll:BO a. a.. "Making the Moat of Ufa"; Bible acbool, 12:10 P. a.; B. T. P. U., l. m. 7: p. a., -The Wedding Ring." third la a eeriee, '-How to Be Happy Tbooyh Married." Calvarv Coraer Baat Blshth and Beat Orant atreeu; Rev. A. Lawreaea Black, pastor. At 10 a. a., Bible achool; 11 a. m., ovangellBtle aerv tree conducted by Bey. R. W. King of Paloaee, Waablnftoa; 8:80 p. a., yeang people'a aeetinf ; 7:80 a. n., eyangeJiBtle services conducted by Bev. R. W. King. Arleta PreacblDg servMeeVin tne airtnoaiat Knlaeooal chanal at 8 B. B. by Rev. A. Lawrence Black, paator Calvary Bevtlat ehareh. Imnenoel Hecona eeo aeano eueexa; nev. Maad M. Bledsoe. At 10:80 a. a.. - "Onf Guide" I Bible acbool, 13 s.; B. Y. P. 0., 8:30 p. .; at 7:S0 p. a., "The Caturned Cake." .,- Trinity Ntneteesth aad Kverett atreeta; Dr. . . . i u.1, wiMnnnl a a. aa t Stiaday acbooi. irtIO a. B.(' aaornlng f rarer, ll O CHM-KI peOOW B B,'a ,.W I- , " . "0 at'.nhaa'a .Tbti laoiith aad Clav atneUt Rev.' H. M. Kamsey. Holy eoBaunloa, T:!M) a a.; Sunday acbool. 8:S a. a.f Borhtng aerylro, 11 o'clock; evealng aarvaos, 7:80 o'clock j Fridays,-litany at 4 . a. 8t7 Psora Woodaaere; Rev. C I Parker. Service and seraeevat 8 . a.; Sunday school, fkanel of the TraDaflruratloo Mnlkey build- in. Morrtaoa and Second atreeu; Rev. W. R. Powell. Service and aermon, 11 a. m. a St. Joan a Meaoriai Powelt- Servtco aad eermoa, (:4S p. m.l Sun- aay emnoi, s:eo p. m. not, a:o bh iu. Shenherd Sellwood atreet aad Vanroavet avenue,' Alulna; Rev. John Uawaoo. Sundaf Oood 1 , l - a. 'Wnla MaannlM. S a. BS. S aiornlng prayer aaa many. 11 o cioca, ovbbibo prayer. 7:80 o'clock.. e.i 1 pa no a aaai iwtiiu ,ra - w Boat arewue; Rev. Oonri eorca B. Vaa Waters, u. aad seraon. 11 o'emra eveeeong . aad popular aoaical aerviee, 7 ;3 cma) Maa, vLMwa . . i v ' -L- nmnnuii.''' : " " First-Rev. Bdgar P. Hill. O. D."Tit 10 SO ... .i.a. v-ai't a aa . "Tha rHB- IBtearatioa ana t,onecrvanm ei , a. a T K r I Hm III. tfiwn ,.in-i v. . " . j . - Calrarv Eleventh aad Clay erreeU; Rev. W. Ullbert, At 1; s. a, "Tb. Church for the Ae "1 7:80 P. a., g.iltters aad Stayera." 1 a liMilaoa. &. D. Vnhlle Worahlp, 10:80 a. a. aad 7:80 p. a.; evening Service onoor aoapicea 01 1. aa. v.. 1. -Flrat Cumberland Corner ' Twelfth aad East Taylor a treat a: Key. K..Nelsa Alloa. At 10:80 . na., n inriiiina . a.i." im .w. .. ai,e It t.t nr. "1 ll a.. Sunday school: 1:80 p. a.. "The Last Jadcaeat." t Fourth Flint and tilbha atreeta. Prearhlng he oa a n hmm aa in aa a. an.: Saadai aekaulr-lS- B-i J :1 p. ..-SB-- Dr.- ,T1aeodia Feaaler. 4. Tbomura aoea ana ). w. neaa- tt wtll IKiltl sereico IB inwreea or 1. a. v. a. Tul.a a... t)iM ana TliMMtti ateaata! del. Andrew J. Mrmtaomety. k AI l:8ijj a. a., "TB "Able to Says to 1 the t'tteraoet." - ' CBBI8T1AW, . ''"-. .(-' Flrat Park end Celnmbla streets; Rev, B, R. MiK-kley. At I1:: a. Bi , "The TraaefneBi lu( i'ower of Uu-laf'i 180 p. sl, 'ttoW, 11 a. at., "The TeatlaoBy of Jesna Christ to the iJharch of Epheaua"; 7:80 p. aa.. preaehlag aerv. Ice; 8:80 p. au. K. U C. C; prayer . aaatlng XBuraoay.aK a p. aa. . , " "T. M. a A. ?: AsaeclaHoa auditorium. Poarth aad TaBhllt atreeta.- The Sunday Club for Men. B p. aa.. aa'a'ailf -wrllii half heor' rlKtoB- McCnrdy'a orehesua; en toa by Charlea Cutter. 1 brae atuoy groupa diacnaa the topic A Poaulae Preacher" v luacb 10 canla; ao admla. a cnarga. tor nam oauy, - '"' ' " UlTATtOI ABMT.,''f"'t SaJvattoa Army Hall 'No. a. 100 Pourrh At io:av a. a., eoea-etr aeeting. Thtrs and Marrlsoa atreeu; 11 a. a., "HoiiBoea"; 1:80 p. a., Sunday achool; 1:30 p. a., open air meeting Third and Alder atreeu; a p. a., mixed aeeting Inside; 8 p. aa., Y. P. L. Bible aleay) 7 :aw p. am., greei opea-au- aaeotinc, corner Third and Morrison atreeu; S p. aa. s Sghl to a aaleh la Ua aau. -' aVtRlTVAXIBT. Ptrat Spiritual aoclety Arttaaaa kail. Third atreet near wasaingtnn atreet. unoreronoa ai 11 a. a.; young aoople'e club at S:80 p. sa.) lecture at s p. as, rer toe enitaroa. Bible Sptrtnal Society 800 . Alder street. Coaferenca at 11 a. a.; lecture, 8 s. a., foe. lowed by spirit saeasages by Mrs. Nesbetk. 'x' 1 ' a' An tat-'aV.' i'.1- rT-' ' V ChrtotUa aad Missionary AUIanco siith sad Mala atreeU; Bev. C. D. Baw telle. Sunday acbool, 8:48 p. na.; preaching aervlceJ 10:80 a. a.: yonng people'a meeting, 4:80 p. a.; evangel, latle aa ilia. -7:80 a. a.; also aarvlea Taeaoay at i:u p. aa. aaa snaay at s p. an. Charch In Eton. Allakr haTL Third and Mor rison atreeu; Bev. C bar lee A. Hoy. At t p. a., Blblo stmdy; 8 p. aa., "Be Faithful rot Ood": 7:80 D. m.. "The Sword ef the Lord aad Oidsoa; sr. wldeoa'a Brave xaraa uaaarea.' MOME NEWS Of Interest to Everyone : :In Portknd. ; - M..L mimvm--" BHea ITlU. H.wi.H aeaat BWaatava Ball Rev. B. U. Mowro. At 10 S. aa., Sunday B., Epworth laagne; T:M s. St., 'Breaching i- '. 'i XTAaTOlXIOAX. aaVJ00XATI0aT. ( Ptrst English Rsst Slh aad Market streeU; Rev. B. A. Stewart, paator. PreaehlBg aerv Ices, 11 s, Sa. aad t:S p. a. Sunday school. IO a. at.; young psopw a aiuaace, s:a s. s. ' -i :- ASTEUT, Advent 1 See and atreet between Hat! And I.ln- ......... II - 'k . -tu. Ll ll.ul.. V anH.. achool, 10:80 a. a. ; preach lag service. 11:80 a. a. 1 praise aeeting, 1 p. a. Ptrat Taahltl and Seventh Itraetal 7.' O. C. Cresaey. At 11 a. a., 'Tbe Oreat Need of tne Maa ana tne nanoa a Asaertca , auaoaf acaoot, i:v p. a. - -P't:''" gpntrr or niti ' Sntrlt f of Truth Society Drew Ball. lt Second atreet. Bear Morrtaoa atreet. At 7::e) n a., "The New Hams"; aoeages by Mrs. SophU B...Selp. , VsTITXRIAlIST. Ptrat Cast Oonck and Bat Eighth streets Rev. W. P. Small, paator. At 11 a. as., "Two Standards ef Value''! 10 a. a., Saaday school. SWEDEBBOBOIAB New Ctinrrh Society Mulkey building. Secoag and Morrtaoa streets.- Bunaay scneoi, 10:30 a. at. tay service, 11:80 a. a.-:, "f-;-' ' OUTS SBASTOaf atTBglOaT. ''..-'' . rtnva Branch Ooapel Mlsaloa Ptrat. near Clay etreet. Bervlcea everr evening at 7:80 o clork aad Sunday at a p. a. ..,....' ... - - STAirOXUOAlV. S. .''-'.'-' ' Mllwankle At 8 a. m.. sermon by Rev. T. 7. Meckel, general secretary ef Bhnrionary society, Evaagelleal charch. -. . -- New Theeght Drew hall, lag SeeoBd street. enraae Mta-rlenn. At 11 a. BV. "What tka eW Thought Stands Por." ... ., , ' , , 1 muwrni, p. aa., aoscphy Ball 800. Allakr bulldjiig. At 1 , "Clalrvoyaaca la Tlae." . . There b no , pepper !n SchiLUng-'s Best ganger ; there's nothing' wrong la Schillirig'i Best anything. Moneybacic, " " ' ; ' ' " ' 1 ''' (,.."-,' . '', .:, . ' ' ... 11' " af ' 1 c y Jn every newnnapor in the country you will read atatementa made by people living in out-of-the-way plarea, who are supposed to hsve been cured or derived great benefit from some wonderful rem edy or "cure-all." But here In Port land "we only publish statements made by Portland people the testimony of your friends, neighbors - and fellow townsmen. B. Meredith, the well-known brick mason, contractor and builder, who Uvea at 681 Twenty-flrBt atreet. says: "Doan'a Kidney Pills Is one of the best remedies I ever used, and I cheerfully recommend them to any one suffering with kidney complaint, and no medicine gave me Permanent relief until I pro cured Doan'a Kidney Pllla. I waa ao well pleased with them that when my wife had a severe attack a short time ago and could hardly get about to do her work. I had her take Doan'a Kidney Pills. In two . or three days they straightened her up in fine shape. We both endorao the clalma made for Doan'a Kidney pllla and have nothing but the highest terms of pralee for auch a val uable remedy." For Bale by alj dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agenta for the United Statea. v Remember the name DO AN and take no other. PRELATE OFFICIATES WHILE OPERA TROUPE SIX VW'i eBWBBBBBWBBBBBonBBenBSuBBB V " V " '"'''- ' ' '' ?r .'!;.'' t-- - -V Archbishop Riordan Reads Fun eral Service for Sailor Who ; Buried atrSea. ; ' ' (Journal Special Servlcs.) f New York, Nov. 18. With opera quar tet, singing and Archbishop Riordan of Saa Francisco officiating, the body of Vlncenso Giordano,-. a sailor, on the North German Lloyd ateamahlp Koeni gin Xule, that arrived today from Medi terranean porta, waa buried in mid ocean Wednesday, U hours' after he had been Injured by fait. ' ' - At dawn Wednesday the body of the sailor was laid out on the deck, and the captain and officers stood by while the artuoishop, assisted by other priests and passengers en the- ahlp, read the burial service' of the Catholic church. After four members of an opera troupe bound for Mexico had sung the body wae committed to the deep. - - PaasengerBupon learning that G4op-l dana -iad a wife and four children la Genoa,- made up a purse of 1,000 lira, which waa forwarded to ( the family. aire IU8B la WaOa WaUa. ' ' ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) . Wall WaUa, otur'thaWaUa WaUa valley last night. Advices from different parts of the county are to the effect that tha rain waa general. arm- era who have got In their fall wheat eay the present rains are badly needed to give the new grain a start before cold weather -seta in..- .- - - - THE NEW TRAIN FIRST TRAIN NOVEITBER 22nd Between Seattle,; Spokane, St. Paul,' Minneapolis and Points In 'r-'7--:-7---: via -the ;U:AVr mmTmmmm mil way The Comfortable Way' . Leaves Seattle : . Daily at 8 p. m. : " for St Paul, Minneapo- lis,; . Duluth and v ; Points East . Coaaeetiag Train ' Loaves Vevtlaad -Bally at 8 80 a. av Leaves Spokane Daily at 8 p. m. for St Paul, Duluth and , """Points""" . East 7 Canaaerlag Tram leaves Vartlaad . . Bsily at t U p. as. NEW COHPARKIENT OBSERVATION CARS New Dining Cars (Meals a la Carte) j . . New Palace Sleeping Cars, ' . , Through Tourist Sleeping Cars Comfortable, Roomy Day Coaches v For Farther tnformatloiVaCateBr Berth RcpwVaUicmnvcU pn H. DICKSON, C. P. &T. A. or S. O. YERKES, A. Q. P. A. r 122 Third St, Portland, Or ' SeatUe, Wash. . STTDakota Sails-forthe-Orient December: 1 6 - k 'a. . : i . jkA ii i ii iii u i i r u 4-rtW-WU U It I 1 1 1 1 1 ( I D, When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coug-h arr is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. ir JL mm v stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants-that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recorery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND , TAR is a sate and nerer failing remedy for all throat and (.'lung troubles."-', r yf-ii.j i-y ' "-:y- -,t,.;y-."'-i., -- Thi .Doeters Said Ki Rid Conjamptlon - A Uanrtlans Curs. .' L. M. Runles, Reasoner, lows, writes: "Tha doctors said I hsd con, sumption and f rot no better until I. used FOLET'S 'HONEY AND TAR It helped me right from tha start sod stopped tha spitting of blaod and tba pain 10 my lungs ana txxiir i am souna ana wen. -THREE SIZES 2S, 50o. Anil $1r00 REFUSE SUBSUITUTES SOLD t!.'D RECO-'JEflDED DY WOODARD. ? CLARKE & CO. AND S. G. SKIDMORE & CO. - PORTLAND'S GREAT MARKET FOR STOVES AND RANGES THE j J KADDERLY IIARDWARE, STOVE AND FURNACE ErilFOniUT. WE SELL CELECSATED UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES Known throuthout the eWorld as the "PERFECTION OF RANGE CONSTRUCTION." Burns Wood or Coal. Superb Baker,t Practically Indestructible. .,,"'( , ,, , , ' ';,:,,-: Cj- ., ' 7 CAPITAL STEEL RANGE oSm-kainlr pcforje" : aoft eoal 'Or wood. One attach reenT'flts all alsea of thia ramgeva - CROWN UNIVERSE STEEL RANCE 5. . blue steel, slumlnlaed balanced oven.' door, caat (lron , reservoir casing, . uple-a arate, sectional cast or , brick llnlnss. , - . " v- COLUMBIA STEEL RANGE : rVnsaror4 harde"orJ,,ft v coal er wood. i Oaa attachment (Its all alsea of this ranee. COLTS CELEBRATED COT BLAST EEATftS STOYES The most 'renowned heating stove ever placed on sale.. It burns either wood or coal, la dust and smoke proof and the most economical stove aver constructed., , ,.' ELECTRIC STEEL 1MiOZr'fl ' soft coal or wood. '. Oaa attachment (Its all siaea of this range. -SUPERtt STilEL RANGEill;:: -fnent fits all sites of this range.. ' - " ' POPULAR STEEL RANGE ATT. ; tschmcnt fits all' slses of this tsngs. , -.- , , - W Haw Tureiity St Varietitt of Htatert ETery One a "Prinet" an. I aV I TtLEPHONE MAIN I3S2