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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1905)
: - m THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL. "PORTLAND, SATURDAY .' EVENING, NOVEMCm 13. 1S05. iLL fill! -fillLY Mr.; and Mrs. Guy. E. Raynolda : in Cout Over Possession Y of Child. CASE TO BE HEARD BY , . JUDGE FRAZER TUESDAY Mrs. Reynolds CUimii" She "Was Driven From Home, While Reyn olds. Saya She Frequently Ran ; Away Woman Wants Allowance: 'The Guy E. Reynolds family keleton rn.y be dragged from iU cloeet next Tuesday morning, and duated and aired la the circuit court. Id the hearing of 'tha babe corpua proceeding lhatltuted by Guy E.-Reynold of Cleone. a pot fftee near PortlanoV for the poelon of hi -year-old daughter, now being kept away, ao It la alleged, by Mr. Rey noid. ' . . v , : ; : .. -; . Presiding Judge Fraaer thl morning overruled a motion to quash the writ vC habeaa corpua. end act next Tuesday n th time for hearing of the caa. The csa wa occaaioned by Mr. Key Holds leaving her home and taking the baby with her.. Th huaband wayhea the child returned, and It I claimed that he also want hi wife to come back. John P. Kavanaugh appeared a 'at torney for Mr. Reynold, and when hi .motion wa not allowed he aaked.that the' court Instruct tha husband to give a aura for the care of the wlX and ;hUd. Mr. Kavanaugh aald: ' ' T' Thla woman ha been driven away from her rjpme and during tha paat two month ha been given nothing -for her pupport .Neither h nor th child bav t-nough clothing, and she 1 now In a delicate condition, having recently un dergone two eriou operational Al though the husband baa mean, the wife 'was driven from her home without a -cent. '- , ' - "Appearing" a attorney for Mr. Rey nolds, I wish to say thai the statement about the womaa being driven from her home la false." responded pan. J. Malarkey. "8h waa not driven from her home, but went away when her hus band wa not at home... She had left many times before, and her husband had written and begged her to return. Mr. .Reynold 1 willing to give hi wife th .-' comforts of life, and up until recently . she was given a tegular allowance." - - - Reynold- la -dairyman,- and is a eon ot Byron P. Reynold, a well- known pioneer. The unhappy couple were mar " ricd four years ago, and It is aald that -Mrs.- Reynolda Is now an Invalid. ,: 8h . is staying at the home of her parents, H. H. Wright and wife, at Troutdale. It Is aldthat atnext Tuesday' hear ing tale of gross cruelty wilt be told and that family trouble that long have been kept gecrefwlll be made public - FOURTEEN SUITS WILL i SETTLE TITLES TO LOTS ' in order to iftule'f the'tttle to 14 small suburban lot purchased at tax aale -at various time during the past eight years, P.- H. Maria y. baa begun 14 ault rn the circuit court.' In speaking of thi grist of canes, Richard W. Montague, attorney for Marly, aald: .: .' . ' , -"Th property Involved 1 a. bunch-of . outlying lot which are ; not Worth 'many dollar .apiece, but th former ' owner cannot be found. - Th lot were purchased at numerous tax sal, and these auita are brought In order to , locate ''If posaibliu tha former owner , o that a aettlement can be made. If .these people cannot be found then w -'wish an order from the court ao that we can give a clear title to th land. Th lot are worth from 15 to $21 each." The suit are against th following named parties : N. Merrill, Fred C and Grace 8. Forbes, .Joseph Bet and W. ., W. Marquam, . Mr Olivia Kitchen, jC'harle N. Walt,' Catherine and Emma i Robinson. Etta and F. B. Holbrook. James Chalmere. heirs of & B. Long, i snd Administrate mi'Ji-Oweiti KtWw ine fk-heurman, Thomas A. Allison. Mary Xt. Hoffman, R. A. Whiting and Camp bell T. Wilson. - i ; " ' gnr Portland" Xomea. . ' Th following were granted permrt for new building yesterday: Louis - Wgner, residence, corner East Twenty fourth and East' Ollsan streets, cost, $2,000; R. C. Redmaa. cottage, Oreely street between. Kllllngsworth avenue Yea (SanRoft uCuOsCioy than HAYNER, no matter bow mufjryott pay or where yon get It. , Wa have been distilling whiskey for 39 years. We have one of the most modem and best equipped distilleries in the world. We know of nothing that would improve our product. Perfection in tha distiller's art haa been reached 1 HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery to YOU, with all ot Its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't pass through the hands of an dealer or middleman to adulterate. Yon thus save the dealers' big profits. You buy at the distiller's price, at first cosu; Don't yon see the economy in buying HAYNER WHISKEY, aa well as the certainty ot getting absolutely pure whiskey? . 4 " - -t -j -. i- ; ,r." ti.iLj a.M a.,. w.ikinn. n C aed H ATWE WH18KBT for meaiciaal purposes ia my family and hav sanantctory. 1 believe it be a number-oo medicinal whiskey." f nii.i. ol .00 aw"!?? U 1 QUAIITO lJ (TH FULL. (jJ QUARTO a-A n. tha ahove airfeant end w wfll marks to show content. Try the whiikey, have your doctor teet it Z-mrvry bor'l i r" wish. If Ton dnt And H aU rlrhl. ship it back to aa et OUR EXHRNSK and ytmr money will be preaaptly renwded. Hew " V eemne','b7iedeHng flrta by rrelrM. Ifyoa e't - o . - m Vn, caa hav aitbac Kea ar Bourboa. . .n,.niier w pay th prM f freight i Writ, our eareit offloe and t: -1 L.iY::n c:3TiLLt::a ccr.PArnr ri. ..- CJnaw St Lewie. ra. ti ' " r. Troy. O. Ciliftal J5ClCC0.Ca THE LAST CALL TODAYANDJCraGIIT great "exposition sale Will ; surely close 1 : this evening , r Seven Sold Yesterday, Leaves but IS, . Store Will Be Open Until After 10 O'Clock Tonight. , If the Saving 1 of Money Is an Object You Mutt Attend to This at Once.' Make Pay ments to Suit Yourself on These Remaining Ones. Only 15 Instruments remain of ail th spleiulld Exposition piano. Pianolas, Pianola pianos. Included in this great closing-out sal, which started Just about a month ago. 'Th sale will, un doubtedly, come to a close before this evening, and it you are coming you win have to hurry. Horn of the choicest and . most expensive Instruments still remain for sale. Any reasonable! offer a to terms will not be refused. Special Interest will D exciiea 1 ine beautiful Huaelton piano, which play bv mean of an electric motor, can be attached to any light socket- and plays rerrectiy. xou turn tne Dunon ine laselton furnishes the muic. Don't imagine It 1 "grlnd-organy" muaic to the contrary, criticise Its playing as you would a virtuoso's. Lou will not be disappointed. Its phrasing Is perfect, it uses also both soft ami loud pedal a The Instrument . received the Highest award, of course. Prjce la 5850, and you 11 admit it worm twice inai wueu you have aeen and heard it. A beautiful Uhlckerlng Grand ahould And a home today who'll take It at $21 1 off? t 4- A superb Schumann, used In th Idaho building take it at a' discount of 35 per cent. Only one of th Pianola 'pianos ' re mains, -and - tha- beauty- in the Maine building. Price are JO per cent off regular prio. . . - Several ued pianos' for a aong. Tsk the' Newton for tii others for t2, I10S, tl4. Some square pianos, $38, $4(, $o pay $S a month. A couple of Plnnalas under prio. Bear In mind that this sal end the chance to secure that noble educator and en tertainer at a discount. , Year's library ubscriotlon roe with each. ' If you want a (In piano, don't 4M -thi opportunity go Dy unheeded. it you do not wish to nev all cash vou can ar range tor monthly or even semi-annual installment at these, closlng-out price plus simple interest. . Com today or this evening. E1LKKS PIANO HOUSE. 161 Washington street, cor. Park. and Burton street, cost, . $2,000; Mra. C. L. Hounsell. shop, Illlnol street be tween Bancroft street and " Hamilton avenue,cost$$;John Johnson, cot tage, Fargo street between Union and Rodney avenues, cost, $1,(00; Mary O'Hern. cottage. Alberta street between Jessup street and KUItngswortb. avenue, cost,-$900: J. J. Kadderly, barn, corner East Sixteenth and East Washington residence. Halsey between East Twenty- first and En st Twenty-second street. cost, ($.000; J. R. Caples, cottage cor ner Benton and Cherry streets, cost, $1,600; M. I Ralney, cotuge. corner Cherry and Benton atreeta, coat, $1,500; 8. O. Hersey, residence. In Raven's View. cost. $4,000 Thomas Hodsoor ooU taite. on .Terrae , drive, cost $250. .' " Repair permits were Issued aa fol lows: George jerrcott. residence, 1011 Corbett street.' cest. $200; R Oulllaume, residence, corner Couch and' Seventeenth streets, cost. $200. - , . 'Pure old Mine Meat Brandy and Bherry Win at P.. Oermanua, 228 Mor rison street. ...'-..: .'..,.. PHILIPPINE EXHIBIT IS SOLD FOR A SONG Th Philippine exhibit which is In th government building at -the exposition waa sold today to th university of th tat of Washington for a sum between $4,000 and $5,000. It cost $15,000, ac cording to Carl L. Hall, who . collected It. . ' ; .i h , ... .-, A visitor to the exposition will re member, th exhibit waa of absorbing Interest. It consisted of 110 sample of wood, besides food products, clothing n.ifc4!keandatrricted no mMS: tentlon that members of th faculty o: th Waahlngton university opened - ne gotiation for It purchase ahortly after th beginning or the fair. , Mr. Hall at first set a value of $5,000 on the ex hibit, although It bad cost three time that sum, but It la understood that th sal -mad today wa for a considera tion aomewhat less. Tha exhibit .'Will occupy consplclou plsr In ' th museum of th -institution which mad tha purchase. Buy Pupqp ir JL PREPAID .20 FnEIGIIT -PREPAID shre hi plain sealed mm. erllh barge. . do It NOW. ft Oaytea, 0. AtlaajU, 6a. nMfaWl Established 1888. man uui-a u k J L'"-. I "TUJUS' .11 KREBS BROTHERS FORFEIT " THEIR HOP YARDS Civ Over to SaJam Bank Eight I hundred Acre to Satisfy a : 4 ; : Mortgage. v tSseelal Dtopet t Tb goorastl ' ' SalemVor, Nov. 1$. Krebs Broa fa moua aa th owner of -the large! indi vidual hop . yard In th world, hav turned over to th Ladd at Burt bank $2$ acre of hop land; to aatlsfy mort gage amounting to $i $0,000. ? . Oonrad Kreba baa been tha moat per sistent of bear In th hop market dur ing the eaon Jut ended, and hi ftrm held fully 1.60S bale o old hop at .... j e tha nreaent season. For ID. UflT'llui v " W ' most of the hop the firm paM hut 10 cent a poona, mm j of about I centa additional. Thla make th total cost of the hop to Kreb Bro. amount to $t centa a pound. The hop--lat yeara crop ar now aelling In th market at about ( centa a pound. PORTLAND AUTHORESS '' ; WINS FRESH LAURELS Th Lothrop Publlhlng company of Boeton ha Jut4ud th newest work for Juvenll of nrletta R. Eliot, a well-known Portland authore, of $T Wst Park atreeU It 1 ntltled "Laura In th Mountalne." and will prov of absorbing lntrt to children, whll adult will And wlthta lta cover a good deal of UUrary material worthy of notice. -: ;' '. - ', ' um iriint tnr aovaral veara has been a resTilar contributor to Llttl Folk. St. Nicholaa, Youth's companion ana mi... : nai-inrilrala nubllahed for cbll- Armw, mrA thara la a f asclnatlns . styl about her work that haa endeared her to thousand of youngsters. - er lasi previous volum waa called "Laura's vjnitu -r,A In tha later work th same character ta Introduced In new ur- ronndlngs. Laura; In fact, la apenaing her holiday In th mountain of Or- .. with fnnnv sntertaininff ( V II u.Wkv w.... . adventurea while living In a chliaren' camp In imitation or ner eiaera. im book la apUndldly Illustrated by Helena Higglnbotham. . ( . ' COAL FAMINE DUE TO CAR SHORTAGE ( (Toorasl Special Brrle.) ' t.v.. 'it. rtr Nov.- li. The ear shortag In some part of aatern Ore gon 1 becoming almoat a erlou mat ter. Baker City haa been wiinou coai for several wek ana i-enaietunr w t ahnrt nn eoL One in a few week a small amount la delivered to- a, -localdealer,- huUnothlngllka a sufficient - amount haa been on hand inoe th cold weather haa t In, and thr nimi to be no prospect of any Immediate relief. . '--. T-THE-THEATRES . Whittlesey'B Last Week. : rau. whitiaaw will eloa hi en gagement with th Belasoo- stock com pany tomorrow night with tha" tins per formance - or the - beautiful romaatl drama, "The First Violin." Of all tha plays Mr. Whlttleaey haa appeared In ki. a fVrnhahlv th artlatlo tri umph. Mondaj evening th company opena In Th. ratal tra. viia-nui Walling in th leading joi. Andrew Mack Next Monday. r and Andrew Maok ar almoat eyponymou. Mr. -Mack having played th character of Tom Moore la hi play or'tnat-nama or quite 1.000 times) that hi personal Identity seems to be merged lnto'th Ttiandnra -Burt fiavra ' ha don adm'lrabl work , la thla drama, of "Tom Moor." ' ' ' nnv. nut ! invanlnna and Well worked out, and th dialogue 1 full of that repartee essentially insn, wnicn toucnes th spot at once ana is -uiramiowi "J .. unni.'1 tha Inatant that It la uttered. fc . - Mr. Mack begin an engagement 01 three night at th Marquam Grand theatre next Monday, November 10, la 'Turn Muii" Oeaf are Silt! !l. ' "A Broken Heart" Next. - T mIm aaatnar anal of th areatcat Of melodrama on inai taae posses sion of th spectator and move him to tears and to laughter, "A Broken Heart" " It will be given at th . Em pire theatre tomorrow. AU who hav en th play will welcome it coming, .... wl. k,M Km tA of It for It two uocaaaive seasons have mad It a pbpu- . . . . i . . i lar ravorite. a nroaen . nmti wui week at th Empire, starting tomorrow matlne. .r.! - Parisian Belles Tomorrqw. . " -The .Parisian Bell will be th at traction at the Baker theatre next week. Th glittering extraveganaa opena with a skit entitled "Th Bultan'e Wiv,n which It Is said is one or the runniest acta now before the public. Next we have an olio of the funniest and. second to lion In th circuit and then comes the breeslest burlesque ver gotten to gether entitled "Th Olrl From Manila." Parisian Belle will start with torrror' row matinee at th Baker anu hold the boards for tha week with usual mat inee. ' ' ' j 1 ' I Original Brftt-Nelson Pictures. The original llfe-slaed lt-round ' pic tures of the famou Brltt-Nelson fight t Colma. California. Beptember t, 10B, will be shown at the .Marquam Orand theatre next Friday and Saturday nlghta. November 24 and It. ,Th advance ale of eat will open next Wednesday morning. '' ..' '". '."'"'. .: .' ' Empire Tonight. The laat performanea of th laughing fare. "HooHgana ,Troubl" will b given at the Empire tonight. The com pany aniiiar have en.."maklng them laugh" alt week at the popular uptown theatre.,: ' -t-e"' ' . vaudevill'e and stock.- -. ; "Tha Heart of SteeL There will h but two mor day In which to see th Lyric great play thla week. "Tha Heart of Steel." On of th greatest wucgsse of the season ha been achieved by th Lyric compsny In thl play. Next week, "A Tramp' Oath." : , '.. .- . Liberty's Haman.Pillar.i ;. , Only a feW more chance left to th greatest vaudeville- act aver glvsn In Portland. ' Herf Schmidt, th Oar man giant, who holds , th 1,100-pound rycl whirl abov his head whll daring cyclist ride a race with death, will epaj tor the last times at Ui 1 - ! y - h." Er. $f. I. rOXIOK. Ifataresath, " MY.BIE17 OFFICES Are great ImproTcaMat e-r tb former esea In the lwla balldlng. I have abandanra t room sre, sad nr. velhooa r certainly worthy of InTcatlsatlos wbaa aa altnnarhlc of ficial of th Medical Coosreas, fwatlr beld I Portland, came to me foe treatment. "I ta aatUfl.d." he said, "that druca will not reach my ease." And thaj woald ant. But r treatment did, aad it will rear yonra, too. Tbls doctor rejoices that hta prejvdicr did Dot overcome bla better Juilfmmt, sad that b suffered himself to submit' to the rational treatment of a Kataropatnle doctur. I aire ao medicine, aor d I employ the kaifs, yet I CAS CUM TOO. 1 " Too. ' If gives the epportunltr. Not my ad dreae below, look for mr alsa wbaa yea call, or chat with ma by telephone. . ,:. , BIAO THKSK TESTIMONIAL: , . ' PortUnd. Oct. IT, IftOf. '"To Whom, It May Concern "I suffered a Ion time with aarloas stosv ch trouble, the duwaae barlnf profreiMed so far that I waa unable to retain tor food, and finally .found water to raaae. saaaea: la aeert. my entire yet. to waa In a eerkmely depleted eondltina. Oa or about July IS laat I advised with t)r. Nancy 1. Fultotv of thl city, and waa Induced to take treatments from bee. Sad after taking 'the twelfth I waa- dlerbaravd. I raa sew eac aarining i aeaire. tcri per fectly well and am constantly gaining strength. This marvelous change I caa truth fully say Is do to Dr. Fulton. t ( - . , "i;ixiih tttuun, ."Bom. Jcffersos. Or." Note Hr. Taurh caa be communicated with at Jefferson. Or., er hie father. Bll Vaucbs. can be sees at tha New Orand Ces- tral, esraet Third sad Headers, this city. 'October 20, ISO.. To Whota It May Coecera: "Tt afforda me creat Dleaaunv to writs' a word la Praia of Dr. Fnlton. I suffered on- told asony (or sue week with pain ia my whole body. My beebaad called, .la whoa wa anppoaed wa one of the bast shyalcians In lbs city. He was sot aura, bat tboufht 1 had neuralgia, or it mlsht prove t bs gaU atcnee. left medicine and thousht I would be better Beit day; but 1 gradually grew worse; sot no relief mm pal except under opiate. Having beard of Dr Fulton throes, friends ot ours, we decided to call her In; so my huaband went at once aad brought bee- to tbo bouse. tTpo examinatlo aha pronounced it s caae of acute gaatritla, and after eae treat swot f wss sble to set sp. dreae myself and go a boot my uaual household duties. I have sow take! "wref trearmfnt and celtalnly think bar the most wonderful doctor I ever met- MRS. C, B HI TSON. . t "28B Tenth St., PortUnd. Or." Note--Don't forret to tocloee noatase tarns for reply wbaa writing to any of my paUent. iNeXnitroN VATtrmorATB, ; ; -IS Twclltli Street Ootnrr Clay, one Meek, free TJ ear. one tress 13U) stxeer cer. s rrara jerieraou car, - Telephone Mais TIM, r 1 Teeth-NoPain Marvelous Is what aU th dentists say about th wonderful system of Alveolar Dentistry, originated and practiced x cluslvely In Portland by Boaton Dentist. If IV Morrison tret. - We save teeth If onlv a good root remain. W .restors old decayed teeth . to uefulne and beauty. ' We replace loat er absent teeth with but nlatea. - . ' We extract teth without pain free of charge. W treat and tighten loose teeth, and soft or bleeding gums ar made aound and healthy. We aruarantee our plate to fit. 7 W give you the beat dental work for th-!owt cotetmtstcnt with first oiass work. Corns nd hav f re exami nation and consultation and learn for yourself what wa can ao for TQ1 Boston Painless Dentists BSlVh Korrisoa Srt-, Opp. hfeUr k Trank , - 'ajaa voetoxaoa, KOtrma satf a. m. to p. a. ' Sua- day, ISO a. m. to laoO p. aa. Liberty tonight and tomorrow afternoon and sight, Seven other great features. At Hie Star. "Fra DlaVolo" haa on great scene. It Is th disrobing scene. This I given at tha Star by Eleanor Jenkins, the Soprano prima donna. ' Miss Jenkins' engagement- at tb Star will clos with th Sunday performance. - Besides there ar many other good vaudevill specialties. Performances tomorrow from t:0 till '. '. - " '.'. Burlesque Another Week. xfin.areat ha been the aucccs , of Zinn's Merry Traveety company at th Orand thla week that Manager Errlckaon ha decided to extend . the engagement for th coming week. There will ba a complete chang of bill with, new cos tume and new onga and dance. Per formance tomorrow will be contlnuou from t:S0 till 10:41.' TortheBaby F(d)T Mellin's Food ao infant food without an equal except Mother's Milk. A food that feeds, ' a food that gives satisfaction, a food that has been used for many years ' with best results, a food that makes the babies grow strong. 8end for a free ssrnpis. T"T. ' pellla's r4 U the 0RLT tafaats fe4. which received the Craad rris, th hlfheet award f lb Lullaaa fur. chaa Issesitlea, St. Lewis, 1904. UUh er Uabj Sls saaai.. , . MEULlN'i FOOD CO, BOITON. MAS. ''iitr WTTMOUT In the "Shads-of J 1; The Journal Party Will a. HERE IS Votes received up CONDITIONS ' - -''...: t " ..... ' .. Of Thi Jottmal't r Hawaiian Toot CONTEST ; miT Aar roone lsey erer IS rears are Mr b emlsated at ar ttan a Masks ' prerlded fcf The Joe real, wlta ta aaarsaaaest ef twe wll-sew dtlsss 4 th district ta which si:s raslaes. sioxiifDirtir slffereot essdlsatss ahaU . sslseted t rSdallr aaaoaaee tha wlaaae la each dts trlet, sue reac ladr ta be chesaa trees each eistrlet. enmn I, aa ea .l.illiaai aarh Sfa. 1 trtct ahaU rots separately. Ths vote t see eaaaot erteet e ouar. awiai r erle aoseerelsg the glatrtct erllt he ettle4 by the wtabe of tt saajarlty--.fha- wts. Bar Shall hare the right t bssm a es If saable to attend haraeit. TOUBTH Voting ' win' eeeasasaes There. oar. Auauat a. ISO, and sloe Saturear. Daceaahar SO, st S eeloek a. am.. la. Oespons mat he ot4 wlthta sera day after Issue.- Coupons eat from ths Dally ' Journal smst be seatly trim wed. - ' An coupons, whether single er spselsl. saust heat the nam et the eaadldst t be Tote4 for. ''' ; . ' ' ;-.";:! ..:VV':.. . oovpova ami ami aa roixotrsi . mrtt aiagl coupe, eat from th dally paper, are good for en Tots., Subserlntto to the Bveolag Journal and Sunday Morning Journal, three swaths, Sl.Se. spselsl eonpoa ef ISO votes (paid la sdvsse). ' Bubscrtptloa to Erasing ssd ftusdsy Moray Ing Journal six' sseaths, SATS, special coupo of S80 vote (paid la sdrssce). Bab serlptlo te the Brenlng ssd Sunday Mora. Jug Journal II awntbs, ST.BO, apeclaj coupe ef TOO notes (naid adranee). ' Sabscrlptlo to th Srenlng ssd. Sunday Morals Soar!, three saoufhs hy Basil, S1.S0, s spselsl coupe ef ADO eete (paid I dTace). ubeeriptle te th Breolnf sad Sunday Morning Journal by wall ig aonths, SATI. special eoapo ef SBO vote (paid I sdTsaee). Bubserlptloa ae . th Krealcg and Sunday hUmlsg Joraal br TOO to tea (paid ta adraaee). Seat-Weakly Journal. $1.00 year, special a ease f IS vota (paid la advaae!. . . ''."'." ; "''.'' T . SIXTH Coupons sheuld be vetod at th headqaarcars neareet yo er stalled ts the eupo department ef The Journal, er at any point named below. Votes win b ousted Mondays. Wadnesdsys and Prldsys and th totals aanouaeed. te the pub Be the following dar. ' ' Aay candidate withdrawing from the ' brat eaaaot her bar Totes sedated tor . ether. . v. v.' ' '."'.'' xxAsaVAxnas auto rornra rtAorsi That ttstrle Mnlrsems sad Clsebamss counties. Voting pises, Ooapsa DeBarlaaeat sf The Journal efSce. , ... ,. ., Second ' rHatrlet Csios, Cms MIT " ssd Wallows counties. -.- -.',f , . Third BlatrlsW Wsses. hrms. Olltlam, Morrow, Wbeelsr and teok counties. reortli PiatHet Baker, ' Orsnt, . Harney and Malheur eoantle. , ?- V fifth Dirtriot OlomMs and Oatao eonntlee, Oregon) Klickitat. Cewllta, Clarke, Pacille. Wahkiakum sad Skamania eoaatle. Waablogto. 4 . ".''-, ' Sixth District Marios, Una and Us eruatlas. - hTnth Dieriet Washing to. TITIssaeeh, Tamhlll, Beaton. Polk ssd Uaeola oountlea. Sights District Dourlaa. Coos, Carry. 'Joeeputne, Jackson, Klamath s4 Lake eeostles. ... , An Information regarding con ditions of the Hawsilan tour should it addressed to the manscf of the Contest Department of The Journal. ' , ; r .''.. ', ; Coupon -r Free Ha wall an Trip ' Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands v f . . - " , ; '':'.'" ......... t . . r . - '- r . - - ..-.., , .. , t . . . - c I TOttl for.,,.. see ewe Iiim .. ' .. . , , : . '. , v ' .-. - ' ' ' thl coupon, tnuat be T'oted en er Before November li, HOI. . tlis Palms The Roycrilavcii'in llctd , -v--jf .tjW!'fef ;i Be Entertained et This Hotel During THE WAY THEY STAND to Friday evenias in The Journal'a Hawaiian Trip ,.;--.-'., ...v.. DISTBICT Jio,,!. ; Mlas Mlnnls R. Phillips, depaty clerk circuit eonrt Mies Hal lie Madlgas. Olda. Wort man King store ..... Mlas Madia Wlutermaatle, Clly Dye Works ..... anas Lars tutj, set) as Rafael street.,.. Mies O retches Katth. telephone operator Portland hotel ,. Mlas Ruth La, tatlnreed by Pedersted Trsde Council ..... Mia Keas Mhamn. Z10 Eaat Thirtieth street Mlas Henrietta Wlnkleuiaa, 40T Eaat Couch street ..... Mies Marcaret Smith, KM Stark atrset Mlas Edith Bera. S44 (lark a treat... Mlas I Jura Uerbrahire. w Water street........ I Mlas Sophia Olaoa, Sua ley street, Mlas Alreaa Hora. Oresea Cltr..... Alias Klaa Orieeel, "i Eaat . Tslrtl flTH Mlas F.lra Uurlbart. 8. Joaos Mlas Lacr Uould. telephone ooerstnr tlresaa Mis OenerieTe Holmes, Olde. Wort mam A MM Heme alnnser, one Ralelrli street........ Mies Georfts "ink, 32H Bnrnaltts street.,....,. Mies Cora Jolljt. 78 rirst street..... Mlas Marlon Leah?. -WoodaraV Clark Drag Oe Mlas Cornells Barker, itd Urand arenoe..... .. Miss Bnrae Beddlrk. Oregon Cltr ,....... , - (Vetiof Place, Oouvo Department. Journal Office.) DISThMOT 0. S. - Mia Katie Kaah. La Grande, Oregon UlM Unlll. PMiMtal t. 1hm.1a f ImmB (Voting PUee. la Grande, Hreinbeck Mlas Agnes Pletcaer, Pendleton. Oregon... U(M Pm.I 17 -r I- I.Ia. Mies Grace Hawka. Pendleton. Oreatoa.. Mlas Mabet Jobnaea, Pendletos,OeaMei. (Voting flare. Pendleton. Bra. a mcvosbss vrug Bian.t x i . , Mlaa Mlllaa B. O'Harra. Athena. Oregon..' ....,. (Voting Plsce. Athena, I1I Bros.' Store. Mlas Iry McCalllater. Walla Walls. Wssblngto ....,....-......". Mlas May Cellahaa. Walls Walla. Wsaalegtoa. Mlaa Boxy Xoung. Walls Walla.' Waabhistoa ..,.............."..-.... '""7' Mlas Hattls Brows. Walls Walls. Waahlnxtea Ml keI.nella Barr, Walls Walla, Waabhigtoa linuna riiw, Tteiia nana, eiwnuHU fjwm , - . 4'wajtrr t W Btell La Lsade. Weatoa. Oreson M. ..... .l.lw . 1 I . TJtBTT(TT I Mlas Emilia Croeees. The Danes. Oresna.. i Mlas Lnrlle -Crate, Tlie Da I lea, Oregon ' (Voting PUoe, Ths Dallas. Blakely Ulu B 1 1 - OI..I. I A U Mias Laura Oatner. Hno Hirer. OrVeon MJss- Florence Oeorge, Arllngtoa,1' Oreson. . (Voting Place. Arlington, Brakes, 's Mlas Oertnide Huaunoe. Condon. Oreson I Vol Ine Place. Condon. Jackemi at Hnrnlhrook'S Store.) Mta Lena Rae, Heppner, Oregon. ................ ...... Mian flertrode Hager, Heppner, Orego.., - i voting flare, uepener. ratterao bobs eioru.j -Miss Gertrude Sharp. PruerlU. Omroa ............ ....a i' ' SIBTaUOT VO. 4. . - " ; " ' ' Mlas Effle Mae King, Ontario, Oregon ...,.,.''.......... .... J!!' Mlas Hattls Barton. Baker City, Oregos...r.. IJ'SIi " - Mlas Oertnide Tic, Baker City, Oreguu.. H'S"? Mies Blbel Parker, Baker City, Oresou ....- ................ Mias Myrtle Brsttoa, Baker City, Orego. W.etni ' (Voting Place. Bakar City, Lsringsr's Drug Btors.) ; - , , Mia Clars Swain. Burns, Oregon...,.'..... ... i , I voting Flare, Bums. Welrom rhsrmaey.f - " Mis Daley Betterley. Vale. Oreson. ............. - .............. Mlaa (leeeldlae DUrkea. Ruainter. Oreaon (Vtkng Place, Bumpier, Ds Neffe Cigar aUBTBICT Miss Florence He' rrea. TaaeeaTer. Wsahtngte (Votlns PUce. Vancoueer. SIS Mala Bias Katherm Uore. Kalasw, Waahlagto I Vet Ins Place. Kalame. Coffer e Hlore.) . Mlas Amelia Williams, Kelso, Washlsgtosi (Voting Place, Kelee Confectionery.) Mlas Bra U Todd. Astorls, Ore iron Mlas Robins Coffmnn, Aatoria. Oregon.....'. Mlaa Eatber Anderao. Aatoria, Oregon:.' (Voting Placs, Astoria, Owl Drug siias mary Berga. UMia Tauey, waaaingioB Miss Delay Watktns. St. Helens. Oregon .... (Votlns Place. St. Helens. Grar's Store.) I MM AiiiiW Trrilne, 'flankante: tiniu (Voting Place. Clatakanke. Slmaxma A Miss Gertrude Randsll. Caatls Back. Waahlngtos AikM urare Wright, caelle Bock, waehlngtoa . (voting riece. caetl riors. Anders Vrug Biore.r Mia Alice Perrr, Belnler. Orego (Voting Place, Banter, iVtedberg's OonfertloneTy.) district a a, - Mlaa Blasch Brown, Salem, Orego.,,.,..,.. 'Mlas Mary Darldana. Bale si. Oregos Mlas I.. Bell Darby, Salem. Kfeegoa . Mlas Mlsnle I re ton, Sslem, Oregon. Mlaa Pearl Bbelley, Salem. Oregon Mlas Mlnnls Arhenhach, Salem, Orego.,..,, - Mlas Nettle Bed oe coop, Salem, Oregos. ,. (Voting Placs, Balem, Haas' Drag Store) - .a' ana Miss Madge Bailee. Eugene, Oregos............ Mlas Emma Motfett. Eiigeoe, Oregon. 'MI? Mia "telle Bean. Kusene, Oregon I. (Voting flare, Kusene, Huns Drue Mlas Pearl Baraga, Albany, Orego...... Mlas Maggls Chambers, Albany, Orego Miss Alice Locke, Albany, Oregon , (Voting. Place, Albany. Dawson' Drug Mlas licy Morcom, Woodhura, Orego. .. 1 Mis Myrtl Traak. Woodburn, Oregon t voting fiacs, woonnum, neeoeo m wniteaaue o Mlas Maude Blair. Cottage Orore, Oreaon Mlaa' Kf He Stewart. Cottage Grove, Oregon Mlas f.lsale Veateh. Cottage, Orore. Orego (Voting Place, Cottage Oreve, Ulll's . Miss Kathrya (.arrle. BIlTertoa, Oregon (Voting Place,- HIlTertoo, Brook's Drug Miss Addle Hlmpeoo. Lebanon, vregon . (Voting Mace. Lebanon. Cotton ,.. Store.) Mlaa Nnnda Oleer. Aurora. Orego Miea Pa Coolev. . Brownsville. Oregon - . . .. mi'ium aw, t. . ., ... - , , Mias Berth Courtstnsnche, MrMtnnTllle, orego SS.TT4 . (Voting Place, MM InnTllle, Houaer'a Store.) - . Mlis liaael Kennedy, Lafayette, Oregup .,,,,..... . e.rvW'a 1.9S (Voting Place, Lafayette Postofflc.) . '-' ,. Mlas Cors Spangle. Dayton, Oregon........ llSOJ (Voting Place. Imytoa. Harris Drug Store.) - - , Miss Minnie Ry. Delta, Oregos..... .......... 11,SM . (Voting Place. l)a.lln. ntaet'e Con feet tooery.) , . ..a' llta Marie lioatetler. Jlllaherejfregon. .,.. ........ 11.1'S Mlas Boa B. Boweerf nilllabore. Oregnav. , ,, AUS ., (Voting I'lar. llliiaooro, acnuiuieric s siora.; Hiss Mrrtle Butler, yV"rl Orove, Oregon (Voting Place, Forest Orore, L Ourse' Store.) . tea OIIts Htratton, Newherg, Oregon .'.. ..'eeeeeaeeeeaeseeeeee; (Voting PUce. Bewtwrg, la 1 we II AOs.' Drug Store.) . Mlaa Llllhia Weheter. Philomath, Oregon .....e.eeeeee.e Mias R"eeie C. Ilolabelmer, Beaverton. Oregon (Voting Place. Beeeerton. Thorns Thing Coafertlcaery.) Mis Oracs Starr, Consllls, Oregon r ,....,i,e,nein, . .v ' ..' district no. a... ,,..1...., .; . .. - Mlaa Rdn Pare ley, Rceeharg, Orego.-,..,, SS.ana pile Dale Harmon, Roeebnrg, Oregon .....'..... 0,&J (Voting Plar. Roaabwg. Hamilton' Drug Star.) r j . Mlaa Ixmhw T. Jones, Jacksonville. Oreson .'...U... l.l.Tt VftM Mend Berry, y rente Peee. Oregon (Voting Place, u rente Paas, Hmitn's Drug, stars. r Miss Jennie Woodford. Med ford, Oregon ......4.. ....... 11,140 IVotlnc Place. Medford. BilaaeU's Coafectlonery.) .. . , . Mies Frsnrea Oehorse, Aahland. Orego... Mias Lydls M-H all, Aahland, Oregon (V otinf Pises, Aahlaed. Sutton's Hewa Their Stay In Honolulu Total Vote. .... S1.0TO .... Te.NCT a, . M.SW 4A.04T 0.011 S7.310 ...... en.s'w ...... XI. V SM.2WI 15.11 ...... ai.x-'i sa.uit ...... Si. II1S .....- JO, 6" I S0.3SI Is.aif ...... le.exo 1.IT .14."! ....... n.m 10.7ft a street hotel .... Klaa star Te.'eoe 4 BteTer Confectionery. ........... ...... ........ N.S1S ........ 10711 14.61 ... .a.,, f s.oes mil SO. S. ..7.... ........ ....... itf."r aS.TT)-J ....... So.ll Drug Star.) . . . M.1M .. lt.3U3 ...... A..A4eae.eWyee;XArHaa CXmfactlosery.J .. f .' Mi 17 eeM.eeTraewweeek SIS' S.tlth)' S,Tt and X ewe -at and.) V , , . : . ........ m, 4 .. ,,S0S Street.) ..,.,,,MM,H,M.n is,oj ..eeeeeeeeeeeeeee T.Stl ., Store.) B.0 ...............................' H w i Cn.'s Store.) ....... .ee.eee i. 'l.BT 4H.1U ll.XTT ll.4 10.W21 ..,,.. ....... .k. ... ... Btere.r - ilwt 10.8rtT T.oet Stors.) '?. 11,12 111.49 .............. Coafectlonery.) eaeeajsv J eTrrj 10,13 Store.) ........ ej,Mw...iei,a e,oeTj, S.STS l.MO ...... ....... ...... s,im S.04 S.1M a, 87 i,ee la, 70a , .v.. .,. ........ n ,..,... g.t't we4eaiei 1.0M - atand aad Say Us.) Connttas is dona on1, Mondays, Ve!act dayaand Fridays and tha standing cf tha; candidates asnoicai to the pzlllo ths fol lovrinj day '-y '. V.