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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1905)
.. .. '.1 V:; ' n i :;...;;;L,:;. :j:.j:i:,:v'::.' " V v :t '--------'-.---..-... - , . - . ... .- . .... 4 . , . - Made ffrom Grape 'j Cream a, ..."'. i-.v . ' (Makes tiie; Safegt&ards , tfHie food . agedinist ' Altera " .-' AIum iaicn into the stomach is injurious ' Dr;Schwidtier. Professor of Chemhtry,' University of Missouri fiayst Crf anty' nf '-twad tWn xgltTi sno'jalix)rtloxifthealii 'In the bread as sudi: and unaltered." "y 'T COMBINE TO FIGHT HILL ROADS Canadian Pacific and Milwaukee ' Unite-to V: Construct New ' Lines in Northwest. ; TO BUILD RAILWAY ' ON VANCOUVER ISLE Projected "Lin to Be Part ot Newly Incorporated - Port 'Angeles,' and Olympian kWhich It a Branch of the Milwaukee, v ' "" : . . (JowmI pMi SmV) ' Tlctoria, B. d.. Nov. 18. Application t to b mad tor m 4nd - r"nt to a . rilwy that will tnvtm the length ol Vanoouver Uland: Th proposed Un la to ba connected with Port Anselea by ' car and ferry. A. Arthur ef Mew Tork and Engineer Schmidt of Omaha hay son over the ground, and the line M to be part .of ; the Port ' Anirelea - Olympia line recently Incorporated. The aam pefaona have acquired the 'Midway ft Vernon in the Interior of . Britiah Columbia, and have also got ' acceaa to. Spokane -fey- the Spokane ft International, which la to be need by -the Canadian Paclfle railway alao In coming Into , competition with HlU'a ' linee. , -iv ; '..'-, ' Conalderable apeculatlon' ex lata here , aa to what corporation la back of theee men, aa they seem to have unlimited capital. - The Impreaalon prevails that the. Chicago, Milwaukee ft St.-Paul com pany Is really the line represented. In seeking to reach ' the Paclflo this Una la seported to. be putting up. the fight : against' Hill's lines, which control the Chicago,- Burlington ft tjulncy - Mnev ' Tr Considerable atork of "the Canadian . , Paclflo railway is said to be held by the Chicago. Milwaukee ft St.. pauk The , two companies- therefore are reported to be united In aiding one another In fight BUILT IN ORM - . LOGGING AND HOISTINQ ENGINES ; ; .MARINE AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY .; .7 wVi-r.-Tt.V'. . . .. . -ELECTRIC HOISTS Tv,;ir: HEAVY 8AWMILL SPECIALTIES i ' ) . i . nun i a an t miuu Mi,iru A - rj " h ' r't ' Tirtt If rfT n-n A iiBntm-rtttn tiintirtrrriV .-' -i" .Guaranteed heavier, stronger and of better design than, sim ilar machinery built elsewhere. We believe what we say and ' .stand behind it. "'- i-.Tr: . ...: ......vf; Willamette Iron and Steel Vorlis . PORTLAND. OREGON, U, S. A.' . ' ' THIS ..- ' perfect bread, biscuit, cake ing mutual rKala, the Hill roads.' For this reaaon the two roads will use the same lines and branches of others ss found convenient. For this reason the Baqulmalt ft Nanalmo line on Vancou ver laiand, belonging" to the Canadian Pacific .railway, nay be, utilised by the new line ss far as It extends up Van couver Island. TANGENT YOUTH IS I ACCIDENTALLY SHOT .', (SneeUI Diasetch tv Tkm loeraal.) : Albany, fir., Nov. IS. At Tangent this morning Ben Newcomb,' aged It, was shot and seriously wounded while hunting with a companion. O. PowelL The report la that Powell stumbled and fell, while carrying- a shotgun cocked, the gun was discharged and the load en tered the body of Newcomb. The wound Is nnt nnnslrtarad naneiaarllr rtangessusi MUSICAL HOUSECLOCK. , Beautiful BarlM Mnate Box h4 Bomse .; - slock Offers at Oosa. , . The Regtna Musle compsny of New Tork hss lust advised us to sell the beau- tlfur Retina, muslo Instrument exhibited at the exposition at cost price. Instead of returning-It to the factory In New Tork at. exorbitant rrelght rates. It is a genuine work-of art. cased In rich mahogany, with large curved-glass front, and mounted by a beautiful clock. The muslo box Is almost human In oper ation. Automatically selects any of of II pieces desired, lifts It into posi tion, renders It In a manner only pos sible ' In the famous ' Renins, changes pieces end plays continuously or period Ically, . as aesiren. woras rail to oo Justice' to this -wonderfully constructed instrument. - can also be regulated to play.- automatically at ' every quarter, half or on the hour. The pretty clock itself Is worth ths pries. An ex ceptional opportunity to secure this In strument, which -will prove an orna ment to any home, at oost price, IKS. Drop In and hear It. Will make de livery' as sa Xmss .present. If . desired. Etlers Piano House, 161 Washington street, corner Park. , ? : '.''i'-' OlympU Pioneer rea. " ' (Special Dispatch to The Joornal.1 -Olympia, WaaH.. Nov. It. Mrs. Benjamin-Howell died at her home In this olty yesterday, at ths age of tl years. She was a pioneer of Washing ton. 8he leaves four children. . - - - i .j. .- OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY of Taria? alum baking- powder- powder, remaining-- - .'vv v; A;:"V i-'y: 1 REFUSES TO HEAR CHARGES - ABA1HST 60HPERS Federation of Labor, Convention Indorses Government Owner- -ship of Telegraph. 1 ' Oearasl Speelal Ssrrlce.I Pittsburg, Nor. 1 a A resolution ex pressing sympathy and condolence with ths. Russian strikers was adopted by the American Federation of Labor conven tion this morning. ' A previous resolu tion, contributing $1,000, was defeated. The convention Indorsed ths telegraph- trol of all telegraph companies. reso lution asking all labor men to oppose the election of senators and' congress men who are opposed to organised labor was adopted. , The . resolution denouncing President Oompers for alleged association with certain labor leaders and plutocrats re ceived no attention. Oompers would not answer and the convention refused to listen to ths charges. . MORE COMFORT FOR PRISONERS RECOMMENDED ; (Special Dtapatek to The Jearsal.) The bailee. Or., Nov. It. Ths grand Jury has mads Its final report to the circuit court, as follows:' ... "W have been In session' four days snd have returned two not true bills. Ws have Inquired Into several . ether matters, some of which we have re ferred to the district attorney, and some we did not deem worthy any . further mention. Wo also examined the city and county Jail, and do not And them kept as neatly as wo deem necessary for ths health and comfort of thoss confined therein We would therefore recommend that In the future greater care be taken for the comfort of the prisoners. .. H' "Having completed the work before us,' we now ask the court to be dis charged. - ; "ANDY M. ALLEN, " "Foreman of Orand Jury." Modern Weodmea Zaltlate. ,. (Jearaal Special nXvtos.) Chicago. III.. Nov. IS. One of the biggest Initiations ever conducted by the Modern Woodmen of America takes place in ths First regiment armory here tonight. when l.OOt candidates will be admitted to the order. - Head Consul A. R. Talbot ef Lincoln, Nebraska; Head Clerk C W. Hawkes of Rock Island. Illinois, and other officers and promi nent members will be. here from many states. -: '. , ;;.;' Kayos X.aas e Talk. , ' "Forest a In Oregon In the Early Days" will be the theme of sn sddress by Dr. Hairy Lane before ths State Academy of Sclencee tonight In the City Halt " l"-. Lane la familiar with the early condi tions of the forests In this state. . All who are Interested In science are wel- CBW'.'' ' . ,1- . Y"'1- ' ' '- '" Inaaay tjekoel BoelaX ' I tk. MwwkAmm aotinnl (lrf Sfetholst " rnlwAiul .hnpph m9m a well attended social at ths church parlors Isst night. A Tine program was ranaereo, rcrjunng Mitnv. nuth.rn scenes, end Ineludlns plantation melodies and dialect recitals. '..'IL.-A.' ,m .' .'.. -"i km' J , ti-aj ,JrVijr!,.vJ i-.SB- 'i'-.i ..- . SHALL - - BOYS COB HARNESS SHOP Detected and Caught , at Outset of Career as Gentlemen ,v Thieves.'"-' HAD SEARCHLIGHT AND CHISEL FOR AN OUTFIT Hid Booty Under a House and Then One of the Three Robbed the Other ' Two Summoned to Appear in Ju venile Court. ; The(r youthful, minds '.. Inflamed by stories they had read of the deeds of Imaginary "gentlemen thieves' and ad venturers, three lads equipped them selves and began a career as house breakers. "Luckily for them, their plsns were ' frustrated by Acting Detective Hellyer after they had sueeeasf ully looted a harness shop. Todsy the lit tle fellows are having trouble: at home. The police were Informed last- Fri day morning that some time during the previous night the harness shop or John Moore, st Seventh and Davis streets, was broken Into through a window and a large number of - tools stolen. Hellyer was assigned to Inves tigate by Inapector Bruin. He learned that the window had been pried up. the marks of a chisel showing on the lower pert of ths saah. , The policeman discovered this morn.- ng thst the burglsrs were Elmer White, lv years old. llvtns at 44 North Kightn street: Fred Lutkemier. aged IL -40 DaVIs street, and Willie Davie, aged lOJU North Ninth street. Burpriaea oy the discovery, the detective went to the boys' homes snd Informed their par enta. Ths young lawbreakers were celled - Into Hellyer's presence fend In tears confessed their wroiur-dotng. - They procured a seerchllght snd chisel, they said. "Just liks real burglars use." and going to the . harness snop pried up ths window sfter breaking one pane with a roric. wnne one neia me window up another entered and secured the tools, the third acting as watchman. After looting the shop the boys ten with their plunder and. stored it under neath the porch of a house on Davis street, near Eighth. . There a part of It mmm found by Hellyer. .. An Interesting feature of the affair Is that after the goods had been stored under the porch one ot the boys, un known, to his companions, stole from th.m In turn and removed a part of the tools' to another hiding place, to se nepi "Ha rive' us the "double cross,'" lu gubriously asserted one of the other boys. 1 . u.iwer " conferred with Chief Grits- macher after - recovering ths tools and notifying Moors that he could secure his property hw, celling at pone neaii- nuartera. and decided to report the affair to the Juvenile court. Papers havs been served on tna oojrs parents, hut thev themselves nave not oeen placed wnder arrest. . NO LEWISTON MAN HAS ASKED FOR WEST'S PLACE ' rfSMnbl DbnMteh to The Morsel.) ' Dswlston, Ida.. Nov. IS No candidate from Lewlaton has entered me iieia ror appointment to the position of ths general land office, made vacant by ths president's removal of John B. ur... "..., , iHAriuv RmrtlAtt Of Grangevllle seems to be In the lead for ths Important offloe and la known to have asked to be recommenaea oy nens tor Heyburn In connection with the ap irtwftn 'the 'annolntment of West for a second term at the Lewiaton office, Bsrtlett was a strong canaiaate. He Is prominent in KepuDiican circles In north Idaho and his appointment would not be a surprise. HILL RAISES MONEY , FOR NEW RAILROADS (Jooraal Special asrrlee.) V New. Tork, Nov. It. James J. Hill, It once return from Europe, having se cured alt the financial aid necessary In the space of 41 hours for the backing of his extension In ths west and south' west. . It Is considered thst part of Hill's plan Is to secure control ef ths Missouri, Kansas ft Texaa which. In connection with ths Burlington, will give a gulf outlet. CHARGED WITH USING : GUN TO INTIMIDATE rSneclal Dlseatrh to The JnarnaM ' Pendleton, Or Nov. U. Charles Wll- llama was arrested on a charge of drawing a pistol on Roy Stewart ' at the Rainier saloon today. Btswart la a bartender and Williams tried to force Stewart to give 'him a drink, with ths revolver aa a persuader. A lively scuffle followed. In which Stewart man aged to get possession of the weapon. HEARST WINS POINT T - IN ELECTION CONTEST (Journal Speelal Service.) ; New Tork. Nov. It. The court this morning declsred thst ballots marked for a straight ticket, but with a. mark In the circle over Jerome's name, are legal ballots and should be counted for the straight - ticket except for district attorney, which Is for Jerome.' It Is be lieved that this ruling Is to -the advan tage of Hearst. It will be at least three weeks before the board of canvassers completes Its work, ',,v. . ,, NATURALIZATION FRAUDS r CAUSE SAILOR'S ARREST .. ., ; '" ' (Special Dhpatck to The JnoraaL) . -."Seattle. Waah, Nov. It. Jens Jensen, mate on a bark now loading timber at Aberdeen, was arrested bfy the deputy marshal last night, snd Is now In the county Jail. He Is wen ted, In San Fran cisco In connection with naturalisa tion frauds. A warrant ,haa awaited his arrival here for two months. TsrrlSe Base With TMatk. "Death was faat approachhtg" writes Ralph F. Kemandea of Tampa. Fla., describing hs feerful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me ef sleep snd of all Interest In Ufa. I had tried many different doctors and several med icines, but got no benefit, until I he ran to uae Klectrto Bitters. So wonderful wss their effect that In three- days I felt like a new man, snd, today I am cured of all my troubles. Guaranteed st Skldmnre'e drug store, HI Third street; price Mo. , . ' EVENING, NOVEMBER 18. Am Who buys a horse without know-. ; 9 ing whether he is balky or not or biiys a house without knowing how it ; is built? Then why do you buy a furnace without knowing HOW it is better than an- : other? Investigating ALWAYS pays. We WANT you to investigate; We will explain evcry.part of PERFECT': CONSTRUCTION.- The We MYSTERIOUS I:0jDER BANKS OF- COLUMBIA Indications' Point to Slaying of Man and Throwing of Body ir n Stream. : "'' f (Special Dsjpatrh to The Jearaal.) trtni rtr Knv. 11 The trsnaull- Ity of -peaceful Umatilla has been dis turbed bv s probable murder. This morning- there was founds, a handker chief, pocket manicure set. and pecjk age of tohaoco near a puddle of blod. Portions or human Jiair were aiso lounu. Marks Indicated the dragging of a body across the sand to the Columbia river, leaving 'trail of blood .'to Indicate a murder.-- -' i ., . The cltlsens are dragging the river for a body, but up to this time without success. None of the Inhabitants - of th. t. niuiii.. oiit mint newcom ers are about aeeklng employment at the construction camps on the opposite side of the Colubtnla. BUDD NOT GOVERNOR - WHEN HE WENT EAST Ueeraat aeeeUI serrles.) Nov is. Kx -Governor James H. Budd states In, reference to the testimony brought out yesterday k i.iir.n.a ifiveatlK&tins commlt- .Va. t,An A VMI1 u new IUI. mttmr M.4wm aa nnanMr ef allf emla. he made the trip as an attorney mninvad hv the Insurance people. He ref oses to state the amount of money received or by whom he was empioyea. but -expresses nis wunnpi w w m tk. leaHslatlve committee. Attorney K. 8. Plllsbury admits Ust IIBf II I W Viuiiie s asvv.eav In behalf of the Insurance company to protect tne interests oi me annpuixa but decline a to give nis reasons iot em ploying him. - Adjourned VntU Tuesday. (Joorsal Sneelal Servtee.) New Tork. Nov. It. The legislative Insurance - Investigating . commission. sfter a week of exciting developments and sensational disclosures, adjourned until next Tuesday at the conclusion ol yesterday's session. 8enator Armatrong announced that a - subcommittee hsd been appointed to take the depositions of George H. Squire, the, ex-fleld man ager or tne jsquitaoie. . i STAGE OVERTURNED ON TEEPO0UNTAlle-SIDi fSnecta! DIsDateh to The Jearnsl.) Myrtle Point, Or., Nov. It, The stare running between Roseburg and Myrtle Point met with a serious accident re cently. While going ever Sugar Loaf mountain, about five miles east of this place, in making a turn in tne roaa. tne rear wheels left the grade, overturning the1 coach, throwing the driver snd four passengers down the embankment, which st this place Is about lot feet down te the river. ' . Two horses were killed and the driver seriously Injured. Among the passen gers were F. W. - Vallle, superintendent of the railway postal service, and F. E. Whitney, chief clerk, both of Portland. Mr. Whitney received aoms scalp, wounds. Mr. Vallle and the other pas sengers-were badly shaken np. DEVISE A PLAN FOR CHURCH FEDERATION , (Joersal Bpeelal Ssnlse.) ' V - New Tork. Nov. It. The t'njted Church conference today received an an nouncement from its committee ora, plan of church federation along the foUowlng lines: A federal council of all Protestant churches to meet every four years, the first to be held In-De cember, IIOS.- Each denomination will have four - members In the council for every tO.000 communicants. - Thirty de nominations Will oe in tne reaeraiion at the start and provision will be made for others. . PORTLANDER INSPECTS BIG LEWISTON DITCH ' (Special Dispatch to Tee Josrasl.) Lewlston. Idaho, Nov. It. Manager H. I-Powers, of the Lewlston-Bweea-4- water Irrigation company. Is In Lewis ton for. the purpose of Inspecting the canal -that Is-being built by Portlsnd capital. He la greatly pleaaed with the work ort the costly ditch, four miles of which Is completed. He will leave his Portland home and live in Lewlston during the remainder ot the construc tion work - , -J SELLS VALUABLE MINES IN FAR FROZEN NORTH rSiifeliil Dtasatrli to The Jaerael.t i Seattle, Wash. Nov. It. B. F. Mil lard, formerly a, inember of the Wiscon sin legtalature, has Just returned from the north, where he sold to minine claims In the Copper river 'valley i,,ui Cotsena valley for .tK.eo. The j.n- chaser was, I). A. McKenaie. 1905. Vl-I: i-'LA... Ge McPherson Co. 47 FIRST STREET There's Nothing queer or mysterious about dyspepsia.. It's the natural result of a defective digestion. Its remedy is, simply to restore the stQmach to its natural condition. It is for. this single and special purpose that '',-'' -;,-,'' "i! - " - w tstttn . . v -. ,..-' -..- '. v --,.-cv ; e "-.its.-ii". , is prepared. It 'digests , to digest foodj just as the ,i do,. without help ' ,'Are yoti willing to he helped and cured ? v Then go to any v1 f druggist and get a..bottle of , .:" - '.;" 'r- ' Chase's Dyspepsia Cure . , Take it ' according " to directions for three days,' and if it doesn't benefit you go to. the druggist and get your money ; back without question or argument. j ' . . ; 50c and $1.00 Per Bottle- - ' THE CHASE MFC. ' CO., NEWBURCH, N. Y. FOR SALE BY WOODARD. CLARKE & CO. ' XVi-fcfable Freparationpar As similating ttsFoodandRetfuIa Ung the Stoaiacfas and Dowels of "Ki t,-i,. I , it j lilt i Fromoles DigestiortCheerfu ness and Restontains neither OdunvMorphine nor Mineral KotHarcotic. ' i"U(l a SmJ' ' A perfect Remedy forCtmsHpa Hon.Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms jCorrvvlswris .Fcverish ness and Loss or Sleep. , Facsimile Signature of . VF,W YT)HK. ccact copy c r -1 r - ri --.-r and assiststhe:defectivf! stomach stomach in proper condition would ' ;; - --;';;-" "' '. !' fij Jll LaJ For Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You lluvo Always DoL'ijhl Bears tho In . Ugo U . Pnr TlTTPf IUI UUUI Thirty ' Yoor o o n n II II I I II u VJ