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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1905)
Cr.TLAI.'D. SATU7.D.W evening, ncvet: e: 13. 1CC3. -IT i uuu uu..i.- uuli u C.::z3 C.J ctrz-z'-'-i cT Coooa r.ilxod vlth cvz-T, ctzre.':, cr cr rcwrczt, cr.JIz, C.zro foro, f a r cioro czzr.zIzz!. 1 MY TO SI . And One Lumber - Carrier Com pletes argo for Port Pirrie, Australia. A - - UnII:rD::!crGGo:s WlLLiCARRY EQUAL OF HALF MILLION BUSHELS Mm BreaJ-feot More Vessels Loaded and Ready to : Leave for Foreign Porta Than at Any - Previous - Time fat Season , Others Outside Bar to Take Places. :z czzzz:: daily j; fine ; ; Four grain ships and one lumber ear lier have completed their cargoes for foreign porta and will leave down for trio sea noon aa they can set tug boats. The vessels supplied with grain ; and flour are the Vauban, Touraine, Durbrldg e and ' Aglncourt The French tnrk Brlzeau haa a lumber cargo whloh ehe will take to Port Pirrie. Australia. It amounts to 1,442.009 feet and waa furnished by the North Psciflo mill. : -.Reducing the flour to wheat meaaure, the grain ahlpments which will. go. .Put pn the four vessels now loaded "will ap ' iiroxlmate 600.000 baehela. The Touraine Cleared yeBtcrday afternoon for Queens town or Falmouth for orders with 101, 4 bushels of wheat valued at I70.JSQ. She will leave down Tuesday If a euffl . clent number of sailors' can be employed . to make the voyage by .that time. '- TheTVrenflh ship Vauban,. wltWtt com - ploled ber cargo the other day 'for the , United Kingdom, loft for the sea this . afternoon in tow of the Ocklahama. She . has on board more than 100,000 buahela : of grain, and the British ship Durb ridge, which finished her cargo today for Eu rope, will take out , r close to 110.000 biiBhels of wheat - The British steam- ' ship Agincourt has (.000 barrels of flour on board, which she will deliver to ira trorters tn Japan. It la probable . that ( he will sail tomorrow. t . This Is the largest number of vessels loaded and ready to sail for ports across f . the seas which have been In -the harbor at one time' during the eeason. -Before .' they get far from the Columbia river ' their plaeea will be taken In port by ; other vessels which are on1 the outside ; watting for a favorable opportunity to cross the bar.-The fleet on the outside r 4s made up of -four ships; it Is believed that one of Jhera la the British -ship . Eskaaoni, which U out six months from Antwerp for the CoUmnla Hver. She has been placed on the overdue list and l ' reinsurance rates will advance If she does not show up In a day or two. v , ; The British steamship Croydon, undet ' charter to the Portland A Aaiatlo Steam- --aehip eonnaiiy, la scheduled to sail from ,.' San Francisco today for this port, and me. indications are that the harbor will , ot be thinned out for. some time ' .come. - tFUN-CATCH!N O SHARKS. Thg Finest in ihfe World Jtesletared. Highest Awards J... in Earep an4 A.mrtca y A new and handsomely Ulna trated Recipe Book sent free Daimer&lLtff; EstabOabed 1751 ; tSJlT.'PSJ of the ships before the - vessels-home' ward bound begin to arrive. - 'With few exceotlona all of the' shins at San, Francisco, Portland and Pugef sound suitable for grain' loading are under charter, where as a few weeks ago the majority of them were on the dlsengeged list Several - ahlpa were taken for grain loading at San Fran cisco which had been lying there almost three years waiting for charters. Nearly all of them were secured at the union rate, and It la thought that one or two commanded a higher tariff. WANTS REDUCTION. to - Kate Johnson ef Uytaewod Wrltea Beeent rassags from AastraUa. ". Mate Johnson of the British shin '! Blythowood wrlta an Interesting letter r 10 i ne journal from Astoria, where the 4 vessel arrived a few deye ago from Newcastle. New Booth Wales, with cargo ef eoal after Minn of Tl " days. He says that- the weather during the entire voyage was ideal and that tne j members or the crew put In a greet deal iof their leisure time at' the pleasant . paetlme "of retching sharks. Shortly srier leaving tne antipodes he declares ., mat ise sea appeared-to be full of the . blir man-eater Some ef fhem got so bom that they- could eaaiiy bo her . pooned and drngged on deck. When one of them- was landed . he .was tightly -pinioned ano nis tail removed. Often during this operation the fish would al most make his escape, and,' In fact, one or inem am succeed in releasing him eeir, when a penlo among tho sailors ' almost eneued. , 8uheequently he wes captured berors he had an , opportunity te do anyatrest amount of damage and then ha waa put. to. the torture. The backbones were taken; put and made Into After a portion of her cargo has been discharged ,at Astoria. Abo- Blythawood will come up td Portland. She Is In command of. Captain Prltchard. who haa maae a number of trips here, where he nas many irienas. i -r-FREICHT-RATES-OROPr nreeea . siUlnga Vow for Briagtag Cargoea from Barepa to rorttaad. ereignt ratea zor bi-lnalne? earroe from European porta to Portland have Dropped from 20 to It ehllllngs during the past fortnight, and It is said that several amps soon win be chartered at the latter figure. Heretofore,, It Is de clared by local Importers, tho tariff waa . pracucaiiy pronioinve.- , Nearly all of the available vessels . for grain carrying on this eoaat have , oeen taken to load for the United Klng- aum. xu aevsraj rnonins iney will be gin to arrive nome and as a eon quenee more tonnage will soon assemble there than the owners will be a to place to advantage. To forestall this state of affaire, It was decided to ac cept lower-ratea for handling, freight , coming this way and get rid of. some OQff.tffia m mnnv ma an to Vc-JtMtsI GcTcn "-' "ttti beeee treaMed wltk dtndrae' a long tine Attn mine see bottle of Balrbealik 1 found tk . Samlnig e ind taf kair, whloi waa twe-tbIM ' Srar (I am 4S year old) restored te Its niton subnnt enlord. KICIIIIAN, La CnaM, Wis." Ralrbealik ealckly brlnse bark yeattafnl enjl to rr balr, so matter bow Ions It ku bees fr er white. rVieltlTrly remoees daneniK, kills th frm and it op. bilr falling, Doee sot etals tkl - er ltet. Alrted by HARfT HOAf and Bklr health. It snntbea and kla tk "lp, Stop hot tnf and pmntntee go Balr growth. Lafje Sk bnttlr. ilruirf i.t.'. . Take BotlUag wltaeut stgae ' tare i'blle hJ Oa, Fr:3 ::? tlttr taiSJPH Biro this ensfioa. take te ate ef tha fnnawtm drnoilita and rt a tie. hot t la Ray' Ralrheain Bad s Soe. take Barflna Mltratad Snap, nt fo balr, bath, tniiet, both for Aoe.j er arnt h Phlh Bar Boialttr Ce., Newark. V. J., easreM ste paid, ee nMipl ef toe. aad Ula adv. , 7 -. ' Kam........w.r..4...................,u..M. .'edreatt....,. ' . -iVvvlnff dmerltta fmpvlr Rav'e Batrbaa" .katflua Soas la thelt strap e-Ul voosaxd, rzjtmxra fco, aa Waahtaroa Bt. rearta Oaptata of SargMat Asks Special Bate for Xia eseet'ea Drydoek, ' Captain ' Reynolds, ' .master of -the American ihlp 'C F..BargeantrTs la the city endeavoring to make arrangements with the Port of Portland commission to get special ratea for placing hie ves sel on the drydock. The captain representing' George E. Plummer at Co., uta - nan- yraaeiooo-owaera of the Bar- geantr As waa resorted In The Journal a-few days ego, Joseph Stipple. of tho Supple shlpysrds has been awarded a contract for calking the ship, but as calkers are ecarce at Portland It will be necessary for-him to-send to Seattle to get me chanics. As this will Involve consld erattle eapenae tha ownera are desirous of having the dock dues reduced to offset the outlay for Importing men front the sound. The members of the commission have taken the matter un der advisement and .may reach v de cision thlo afternoon, v.. :, Several of the members of the com mission are strongly opposed to m&k Ing a reduction In tho drydock rates en the ground that It . will be setting precedent.' . -' : : If the sergeant should be docked here and pot in condition she will be loaded with a cargo of lumber for New Tork, so tho owners aay. vShe Is one of the fleet which baa been, engaged in the Alaskan aalmon trade and. at present is. lying at Clifton. . . ::;fBlQ LOTS OF TIES. O. a, k at. BrljuriaeT Oroat QaajiUtlee .; ; "Trom &owee Oolambia. - ' Big quantities of ties ' are - being brought to Portland from points on th lower Columbia , river, by the Oregon Railroad Navigation company. The steamer Resolute left this morning for Lake river, a tributary of the lower Co-lmnMtr,-t tow a barge loaded with l7oo ties to this city. -. . It Is supposed that they are procured early ao that they win be on hand when the propoeed con' etructlon work starts this winter. Steam. boat men say that they have orders for bringing more tied to Portland front points down . tne . river than they can possibly nu:, In: addition to the ties being purchased by. tha O. R. aV N. the Northern Paclf lo Railway company alee le niacins? man v jirdera 1 . ALONGrTHE WATERFRONT. Ih a few 0aVa' the Old river nun at Tho DaUes. wUk'be replaced by a new one. District Forecaster Beala la haw. ing tha work done far tho government unuea Biaies engineers who. are em- Ployed up that way are giving their as sistance. . '"..".-. tS. rj '......w Steamer Undine of the Kamm line baa oeen xitted out with a chiming whistle. one of the finest on the river. It makes mraa aisxinci Diste by-one pull ef the cord. r ' .-. Laden with 1.000.00 feet of lnmh... me scnooner Mattnew Turner left dawn wis morning oound for Ban Francisco. . Tne French bark LHermite shifted tnis morning from tha Greenwich, to th Mersey dock. - , The steamer South ' Bay will arrive tomorrow irom can FTancieoo and the Northland of the eame line will leave e ay uity tonight for Portland. ' Major Si w. Roesaler of the corns United States engineers, . went to Celllo mis morning to insnect the arnvarn. mem worn in progress at that point. - Tne steamer Senator aalled for San Francisco- last night with l is u.v. Of flour. 119 sarks Of 'notatnea' anil x.710 sacks of bran: aha alao had a hie paasenger list. . - , , United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller Inspected the steamers Lillian ana voiga yesterday afternoon, and In tn evening ten lor Bonner s Ferry, Idaho, to Inquire into 'the aarvlreahll. ity of the steamer Errand Bov. The American ship Roderick Dhu trill complete her grain cargo for San Fran cisco this afternoon aad in tho evening win inaTw xor me souta in tow of th steamer Dauntless. Carrying 4f0,000 feet' of lumber! the steamer W. H. Kruger sailed this aft ernoon for San Francisco. Tho schooner William Bowden has been pieced on the drydock for clean ing and painting. .i - . The steamer Mildred, a small vessel built at the Supple shipyards, will be shipped by rail today to Grants, Oregon, where she will be used by the eontrae. tors building the road down the north MM ot the Columbia river.' Th FOR THE HOLIDAYS ELECTRIC SIGNS gaajataaMgt-twsgs1B-s- ' BBBBBsMajBsaBBsBHBtaBBaM ARE TRADE-BRlNGERS fwi:ievuiiiaiAitay.eiagwiiiii jiaajjisil irn ---lr,.,tiri-1tjr. TT ir '"i-fn" ' . . - .. .. - - r T i n i sj i tbit ari ( sri mi irs i iaTn i n r i f i i ai . -- n - aw . - ife) & PT ?lb ?tr X&' & m ii44? cV ,.t. V7 w "' -ft"-1 "tiSV . .ki,V "'. Vv5 -Zfc? K,x 'Zstt tf,..v S -bi - T Tl'-ll I ""t ' TT , V... - - -- -"' .... 1--,..... r... - liriH II i-t -'-I ...i - . 11 J-' f :: The company will furnish and insttill in front of your prcm iscs an attractive Electric Sign FREE OF CHARGE. C 0 : ;These signs arc of porcelain enameled steel have letters of brUliant white, with background oi royal blue, giving an effective contrast by day or ,iight They are constructed similar to that above shown, or in other designs to suit special character of business. - The Portland General Electric Company will supply the sign, lettered to suitrW rent' consumed, and ; measured by your present meteiv : ; : : Act prompUy fUl outthe ah DAY and you can have an ELECTRIC SIGN drawing the HOLIDAY CROWDS into your place of business. --11 '-.j-y, v v.-; .' -jt-Hi . .- ; , .... t .... .... .. ., -;.:- . .- . SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 13 '-; i. 1 .. RETURN COUPON :) PORTLAND GENERAL .ELECTRIC CO.. - Xrr1 Serenth and "Alder" Streets ..''.".'.' 4 ' j" - . ' ..'.'. ' ' ' Pkto hi ge ewagsBBftesrOsF eaaasaasj V9 your represcnUtive call and see me with rtferenct to an Electric Zlgvu ( Name " ' ''. 'i'y. r ".' :, f -i : 'J; .' , Address. Convenient Time to Call: steamer Volga, recently sold by Joseph Supple to the same railroad contractors, will leave for the aooer Columbia on Monday under her own steam. , a . il MARINE NOTES. - Astoria,' Nov. II. Arrived down at 10 a. m.. steamer Senator,. Arrived at :tl a. m. and left up. steamer Booth Bay, from San Francisco. Baa Francisco, Nov. li. Sailed at Il:t0 a. m., steamer Columbia, for Port land. . Sailed last night, steamer Des patch, for Portland. . .. " . Astoria, Nov. it. Arrived down at 1 n. m.. steamer Wasp, San Franolsco. Nov. IT. Sailed at S D. rn.. steamer ftadondo, for Portland. Point Loboe, Nov, 17. -Passed at 9 m., steamer Asuncion, from Portland. Astoria, Nov, II. Condition of the bar at I a. in., rough; wind southeast; weather light rain. r DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. : SpUadid' Weather a tala Peralat raoifla Ooaat Beeert. . Delightful in everparticular la the weether et Newport, end the a eu there Paclflo and the Corvsille A- Eaatera rail roads have resumed their cheep rates to-sole plaoe for th winter. Particular t asking at Third iSnd Wsshlngtoa streets, Portland. v . - BLAf.'ES WHISKEY FOR HIS 3 FALL FRO GRACE . skaaaasMaaaBBaaaBBaBBBsWSBa Drink Cost a W. Scott Health, I Position, Family; Frlsndt . - and LibartYa 1 .WhUkey was victor in Us fight, with O. W. Scott He admits 1L First. It cost him his health; then a good position. It next lost for him a wife and babies, then his friends and ultimately his liberty." Scott m taken to the penitentiary yesterday to serve two and a half years for highway robbery, while ' the man accused of committing the crime with him. is serving fllve yeara. The letter la Harry Stott. Together they held np a man en First street some time ago. . ;. Soott's remorse Is psthetlo. Just be fore a deputy sheriff started for Salem with the prisoner, he wrote the follow ing missive for publication as a warn ing to the users of Honor! , "I would give a little edvloe to other men. both young and old: Let liquor alone. That Is and alwaya was my downfall, it was what brought, me here, and to the prison' 1 am going to. It lost mo a good and loving wife and babies; . It caused me to forget , my duty to my frlenda and at last to lose my liberty. ..f.,...Va.a....-....'. ' "May God be good to my dear old parents. I know I will never see them gain. I hope others wll take warning from me and turn away from the curse that is send I nor so many noble-minded boys and men to ruin. Take away- the liquor and you do away with prisons fo a great extent I remain, your a. "U. W. SCOTT, Play by EUctrlcity. T A truly wonderful and moat beautiful electrle piano- (a Haselton), now at Ellers Piano House, wlU bo sold for eost Highest award at world's fair. Playing device entirely concealed. Turn on the button, that a alL plays. beau tifully anything and everything.. Can be attached to aay light socket . So simple a child can operate It See and hear it at Ellers Piano House, 111 Washington street corner Park. " Fat Folks. . t tiara reduced my weight If Boumfla bust nine Inches, waist sight Inches and hips nine inchss In a short time by n guaranteed, harm lea a remedy without exercise or starving. J want to -tell yon all about it Enclose stamp and ad dress. Mrs. Charlotte Woodward. Ore gon Clty4 Or. . . impriran Inn PI:r r " ) 1 A111U1 1VU11 11111 A 1L-. XS SSXAtaTw VAjre. All those desiring the XXST BVAJgXUS BATZTVBS, VOOm and SASX1TS, with, SICXSX, PtATM rZT TXaTOS, "complete, ehould not -delay purchasing VOW. - Most of the goods have never been need. We also have a lot ot mr 1 ft -inch tTAJTOAKO lou ITU XOffsV wltheoupllnga, no sales and racks. Theee goods are to be seen and, are FOB SAXS at our Ware house, III and 111 Front street .HE riETZGER, Pcri!:rJ C; Vaioa Tbankagtrlag sulusav ' The vartoua , Protectant ehurchee eq the west side of the river are arranging for a union Thanksgiving service to be held at 10:10 a. nv. November 10, in the First Congregational church. Dr. Oax enoo True Wilson of Orere Methodlet will preach th sermon this year., and the other mlnlater will lH ' i.i services. . Mechanical! H- Have you sen r 1 fill snd hoaniir-il n n-! .1 : Piano Hcm o I - I ' lrop in at J ' I V- ' 1 '