The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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WlULLlt L...
L "i
-- mm m
Cusiness Man Tells Commission
Nephew , Resigns
Stockton Gold & Copper Min-
Necessity of Transportation Fa
cilities on Front Street
"J'., .jr 1 .... T
, ;w , Is Urged. - ' -
Charlss ; Sweeny Makes . Cis
; covery After Buying Old
. .;. Dekurri. '
Probable That Kinderjartsn Wi!
Is Chentd From Second Night
Watch at His Own -:
Request. -
crs Prefers It to Wash
i IngtorV;--.-;' 'ft';
m From the Army and Resigni-
tion Is Accepted.
5 Ing Company Begins Suit In
Federal Court.
' V J' - "'f f ' l mmmmmmmmmmmmmm'f'- - j -
Become Part of School
". v System. ,
t -;:v :y , V
;. ft
Property Owner Leant - That As
sessor's Estimates " Art Fair and
' SustainableWork " of Commis-
Was Named as"; Core-
Badger Gold Mining ft Milling Com
Friend of the Project Declares There
State , Law Forbids ' Selling Liquor
Opinion of City Superintendent F-
Upshur Street Station to Bs Aban
doned TonightNevr,.Eaat - Side
Platoon WiU Be Established st Bo
flninj of Next Year.- -, I '
spondent in ; Scandal'1 and Court
martial by Brother Officers Would
Probably Have Followed. , .
pany Defendant, Is Kindred Organ
isation to Bunker Hill ft Sullivan
Would Be No Alliance With Any
Railroad snd Benefits Would Bs
Within That Distancs No Hotel
vorable to ; New Institutions for
Youth "-'and . Voters May Have
Could Prosper Without a Bar and
, sioners Drawing to an End. '.. .
Company."-, ',' '-.
Great and Immediate.' ' , .
Hostelry Will Not Be Built.
Chance to Decide Question."1 f,
' Real tat vslues In the biiaineaa
center constituted ' the subject, of dls
ruaaton before the county commission
ers, sitting as an "equalisation board,
this morning. - Assessor Slgler bad re
quested three real estate experts to at
tend the eeaalon and . pass Judgment on
hla valuations where question had been
raised, for the benefit of the board.
, David 8. Stearns. A. R. Diamond ' and
O. E. Watktns, all veteran dealers, were
present and g-ave the benefit of their ex-
Two Important cases - were : taken up
before the Boon adjournment, tn each
of which ' the assessor , waa sustained.
These involved valuations at First and
Washington streets and around the Pen'
nriyer block,- which la bounded by Mor
rison. Tenth, . Alder and West Park
streets. Captain William Gadaby asked
that his around valuation , of ; $S.
000 - for the .quarter at the north'
west corner of First and Washing
ton atreets be reduced. No definite ac
tion was taken by the commissioners
st the time, but the impression pre
vailed that the proportion waa fair.
Captain Gadsby precipitated a lively
discussion regarding the relative worth
of lower Washington and lower Morri
son atreets ss retail property, ' Comparing-
his assessment with the prop
erty where Tull tt Qlbbs are located he
. showed that the quarter for the latter
building had been put at 199,000.
"A location on lower Morrison , Is
worth twice ss much aa one on lower
Washington at the presents time for the
retail business," declared the business
man. "My. building has been reduced
to 1S,000 while the Tull Glbba build
ing Is held at 124,000. I am ready to
day to sell my entire property at 175,
000, and would be willing to pay $140,
ooo for the TuU tt Qlbbs property, or
twice ss much as I will take for my
own. This is not any fantastic prop
osition, for I have offered $160,000 for
the Second and Morrison property and
have my own for.aala-ai 47,00When
I caii get another location. -r
"Lower Morrlaon street is 'the 'ave
nue for most, I mi east siae iravej
making it the most desirable retail sec
tion in the city. . It will, enhance In this
respect while lower Washington retro
grades, for under the present arrange
" ment of the street car system, what
was once the favorite 'retail district of
the city haa loat-two .", thlrda of Its
travel." :..'..-
The commissioners seemed to acqui
esce In the sUtemerirThalToweTMor
i rlson had much greater worth, and ln-
stead of reductne- lower Washington,-It
seems probable that lower Morrison will
he raised.
Owners of the Pennoyer block, be
t ween Morrison and Alder --and - West
Park and Tenth streets, asked that the
assessor's valuations be reduced trora
$26,000 for. the lot at the southwest
corner of West Park and $16,000 fdr the
next lot south, on West Park. $20,000
for the next, $4t.00 tor the. lot on the
northwest corner of West Park and
Morrison, $40,000 for the lot on the
northeast corner of Tenth and Morrison,
$18,000 for the next one to the north,
$12,000 tor the next north and $20,009
for the lot on the southeast corner of
Tenth and Morrison. ' " "
In the complaint It waa stated that
the north half of this block, which was
for a total of $72,000, was $12,000 too
high, and the south half, which Is as
sessed at $120,000, waa proportionately
high. After careful canvassing of the
contiguous values, the consulting board
of real estate men decided that the
value waa not too much, although It waa
agreed that It .was slightly out of pro
portion with the values on the" block
next to the east. ; . . .
Tomorrow the Oregon - Railroad
Na vlgatIun!6mCTliy'wriTt)r g 1 1 Bll' n
hearing, aeon after which the large
rases will bs concluded. 1 Most of the
small claims have been acted upon al
ready and the work Is near Its close, y
In the -circuit court. ' this morning
Frank . Schurts, charged, with burglary,
changed bis plea -of not guilty to that
of .. guilty and . was sentenced to five
years'" Imprisonments - He was- paroled
Immediately pending his good behavior.
Schurts waa charged with entering a
residence at $2$ North Seventeenth atreet
bv breaking through a window. A young
girl by the name Of Elisabeth Busch
was sleeping In the room and testified
positively that Schurts waa guilty. He
protested his Innocence, Insisting that
it wss a case of mistaken Identity and
the case attracted considerable atten
tion at the tlma of the trial.
'i A. O. V. W. BeonloB.
Amity., Or.. Nov. 17. The A. O. V. W.
of this county will hold a reunion and
tmnquet at, McMinnvllle ' November 2.
Plan for Increasing the, membership
will be.'-tftsenasedw , .'. .- A-
The little folks love Dr: Wood's Nor
way Plna Syrup. ( Pleasant to take; per
. fectly harmless. Positive cur for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma. '
fkperlal Phtpeteh te The Jearnsl.r
-,r Iewlston. Idaho,. Nova 17. The dls
pstch announcing th removal of Regis
ter John B. West of the Lewlston land
office cam as a surprise to th com
miinlty, for while It Wss known that
chnrge had been preferred against him,
government agents detailed on the case
would give out no Information and th
general view seemed... M. PS that .th
t liarge were based on animosities re
sulting from Republican political fac
tion nht. ss Wsst la on of th prom
inent .Republican leaders of th county
and prominent ill state politics. , H bss
always taken lit artlv part In Re
publican rrr fights snd this, com
insuring wlna h took office more than
sren years ago, has been. stesdUy go
In , on ever since. When seen today
Jlr. West made the following atata
ment ; . . , ' -
"1 av not been officially notified ft,
- (Journal-Special Service.) -
Washington,, Nov. 17. It is officially
announced that Lieutenant Granville R.
Fortescue has resigned from the army
and his . resignation has been accepted.
nqulry at the war department brousht
forth Ui statement that the officer had
not been asked' to resign.. Lieutenant
Fortescue', says that ha Is going Into
business. . . v - . .
Lieutenant Fortescua la graduate
of West Point and a nephew of Presi
dent Roosevelt. He saw S"tlve service
In the Philippines and served last win
ter aa an aid at the .White House. He
waa the hero of many army escapades
mong them a fight with a cabman on
his return from Manila at S o'clock in
the morning tn Ban Francisco In which
he was badly worsted.
Lieutenant Fortescue was one of the
corespondents named by Major Taggart
In hla ault for divorce and the charge
against him was held true by the court
in hla divorce proceedings. A demand
waa made that the war department or
der a courtmarttal for Fortescue and
other officers mixed up In the Taggart
scandal. It is said on account of prob
able action Fortescue followed a time
ly hint and realgnsd before action could
be taken. i v: & Li.".".
Closing Arguments Being Made
and Case Will Reach Jury
- "This 5 Afternoon. ' 1
- (special Dispatch te The Joaraal.l
Th Dalles, Or., Nor. 17. In th' ar
guments In the Rels trial thla morn
ing F. W. Wilson opened for th prose
cution with a strong plea for, convic
tion, w. H. Wilson followed for the
defense, but did not try for sympathy,
as expected, but 'tried tA discredit th
evidence of George Perkins, who testi
fied that Rels admitted to him that he
killed Foss. A. A. Jayne, for th de
fense, followed and threw discredit on
much of th testimony and read a verse
p.w pfui
at th Joke tn regard to the Bible. While
speaking of the troubles between s'oss
and Mrs. Rlggs the lwtter broke down
and cried in . the courtroom and waa
much affected during all the argumenta.
Frank Menefe wlU close for tba prose
cution this afternoon and the caa will
probably be In th hands of th Jury .by
t:3Q o'clock.' , ; ,.,. -.I-.-
In circuit court' this morning Judge
George hesrd arguments in th ess of
Pat ,Watke against th Oregon Railroad
aV Navlgetion-ooenpaay for. th recovery
of damagea In the sum of. $10,000.
Walks waa en rout to Chicago and was
put off th train at Cascade Locka.
It la stated In the complaint that
Watke purchased a ticket at Detning,
New Mexico, July 1, 110$. for Chicago.
Th ticket called for passage by way
of San Francisco and Portland. He
reached Portland August X and a fw
day later had the ticket validated.
He then boarded an O. R. At N. east
bound train for Chicago. When ths
conductor examined the ticket he de-claitdtft-JwJCiUuxitwi,
and after, a
row. In which the conductor and pas
senger, called each" other various dis
reputable names, Watke waa ejected
from th train at Cascade Locks, i,
It waa during th month of August,
ths complaint alleges, but the plaintiff
declares that It was cold and there was
no fire In th station where he wanted
to apend - the night He waa also
ejected from th station, and not hav
ing sufficient money with which to
make, the Journey to Chicago, he re
turned to Portland.' , s ... j
" i.ik J?' A :.h.t ..."
' (Joaraal Special Servlee.) ,
Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 17.-vTh In
dian sohool near this city, th largest
In th southwest, narrowly escaped de
struction by fir last night. : Th com
missary building, containing next year's
appropriation- of clothing, provisions,
etc., valued at $11,000, was totally de
stroyed. Three hundred ' children and
the 'officers of - the - school worked all
night to save th main building. , The
origin la unknown.:- The school will be
rebuilt.-'-"-',..', - .. -v- v,--
' f;' Oraad Dak Adolf Bead..
' (leornal Special Service.) -Hohenburg,
Nov. , 17. Orand Duke
Adolf, the reigning sovereign of Lux
emburg, dld today. .. .v r
th action of' ih authorities at Wash
ington, but presume what I saw In the
dispatches is true. I have been In thla
offlc for-tiarly eight yeara and have
given a flrst-claas administration. Peo
ple who ijld bnstnes in 'of flee are my
witnesses f have never been directly
or Indirectly : Implicated In any land
frauds. t'1iaya r.ever . received a cent
while I have been In office In connec
tion with public lands, except th salary
paid me by receiver. I have never dealt
directly or Indirectly in any relinquish
ment In my life. ' .
"I have one brother, who is an attor
ney living at Moscow. He filed on a
homestead about seven yesrs sgo and
thereafter relinquished It. .. 1 had nothing-
to do with it except a my official
duties as register required, and while
the press esys I hsv been dealing n
rellnqulahmsnts with my .. brother, I
brsnd th statement aa absolutely
tH." . ..-.v.,-.
- ; - 1 -.
An action to recover, $$50,000 from
th Badger Gold Mlnln A Milling com
pany , was begun In the . federal ' court
this morning by th Stockton Gold et
Copper Mining company, through the
latter a attorneys, G. u. Ames snd John
M. Gearln of this city snd B. C. Hughes
of Seattle. ' M. A. Ftolsom, th young
attorney. of Spokane, - who has fought
Kennedy J. ' Hanley'a 1 quarter-million
claim through a decade of litigation to
success,- appears for th defense, being
associated with R. A. Letter or Port
land. Th Badger company Is a kindred
oiiganisation to the Bunker Hill eV Sul
llvan company, the famous Coeur
d'Alen concern. '-. -; ;
' The damage suit Is th result of
contest over title, which wss heard In
the federal court here laat summer. In
this th Badger company, through Fred
W. - Bradley, general manager, asserted
a half interest to the Stockton claim.
which Is th principal part of th Stock
ton-group.- In his testimony at that
time Mr. Bradley admitted that hla
company had crossed th Stockton ld
line and had don about $$1,000 of work
The Stockton ownera did not Institute
suit at onoe, but secured an order of
survey from the court, and had an ex
amination made, which had to be done
through the Badger shaft workings, as
the Stockton has never opened its prop
erty at near the depth attained by th
litigating company. In this survey It
waa found that the Badger shaft had
been aunk to the (00 level and that
wlnses had been put down to the 700 or
$00 levL Th plaintiffs In the present
suit aver that the work dona by the
Badger, has blocked out large reserves
of high-grade ore, and that much of It
haa been stoped, th value of which
they seek , to recover, together with
damage for the encroachment. "
' One of the defenses lhaX-has , been
maderTn"tho preliminary parleying la
that th Stockton vein apexes on the
Bsdger -claim, and hence th Badger
peopl. have a right, to follow the dip
across th aid lines under th, extra-
lateral right law. The' Stockton con
tention la that the original Badger
claim was not lengthwise of th vein,
but crossed it, which brings-thei vein
across Its side-line, Instead of the. end
line. ,. :'", ..'' '-. . ; , .-
Th suit promises to be th first im
portant extra-lateral right case of im
portance In the atata. This Is th rule
""""""rfft". wno seeured
th apex of a big Butte copper vein on
a fraction, and waa permitted -to fol-
low It to Its vast depths, after It crossed
th side-lines of a neighboring property.
The Stockton company waa granted an
Injunction forbidding the Badger from
working across the side-line during th
litigation. , . - , .
- Patrolman Whit reported to Chief
Grltsmacher this morning that th elec
tric flatcar which Ja- ased Sn helpibg to
push cars filled with gravel at th Cor-
bett atreet fill recently haa been run
ning at a high and dangerous rate of
speed. Yesterday, he said. It struck a
amall boy at First and Snerldan streets
and threw htm high In the .air, but he
struck on th fender and rolled off with
out sustaining other . tnjuriea than a
few bruises.
- This morning, according to th officer,
th car struck the butcher wagon of
Koessell Frey at First and Sheridan
streets, damaged tha vehicle badly and
scratched th horse In several places.
Cats Crttsmi
ils i Instiueted ttia"Tff
trolmaa to make an
1 1 ;,
(Special Dispatrk t The Joaraal.) -
Willamette Unlverelty, Salem, Or.,
Nor.. 17. The new pip organ which
was placed In the university - chspel
laat week ' was ., dedicated yesterday
morning. - Professor Ooodiich enter
tained tha student by plsytng five se
lections on th new Instrument, and Dr.
D. L. Rader f Portland gave a very
Interesting talk on music - This Instru
ment will add greatly to th attractive
ness of the chapel exercises.
(peels! Dispatch to Tb losrsat.t " k
. . , ... l . . 1 . , A 1
Seattle. Wash., Nov. 17. A wire re
ceived tier today' states that Peter
Hansen, th millionaire railroad con
tractor, who constructed a large portion
of th Northern Paclflo line, la dying
of cancer tn a hospital st Rochester,
Minnesota. He owna $1,000,000 worth
of property her. ", V t --?;;' y .
Wen tehee Olty siaotioa. ; , . -(Speetal
Dlsnateh to The Joaraal.) '
'Wnatch, Wash., Nov, 17rTh city
election scheduled for December $
promise to be the most hotly contested
on ever held In th city. Aldermen,
s city -clerk, mayor, city attorney and
health officer will be elected. All of
tha of fleers - with the exception of the
aldermen are candidates for reelection.'
Two slates have been mad tip already
and they are good prospects for a third.
The registration books have closed snd
show SIS voters rg1atered,- an "nn
usually hesvy registration :
. . i Wetld'a Champlos. Drillers. ,
. (Joaraal Bptetal gervtes.) -TA
Paso, Texas, Nov. 17. Chamber
lain and Make are still th world's
champion drillers, aa th result of th
final contest In th world's champion
ship serea -held this morning. When
th hoi In th granite mad by them
ws measured the tap read an even 40
Inches, or three quarters of an inch
more than the next best record, mad
by Pag brothers of Blsbea, Arlsona.
' Alley Wants Slroree. ;
' n (Sseetsl IMsealeeTto Tee Jonrsal.)
Pendleton. Or., Nov. W.-WtlHm D.
Alley ha comsieneed divorce proreed
Ings in the local court against Nelll
C. -Alley on the grounds of desertion,
They were msrrled In Saa Francisco De
cember (, 1$$$, ... ,
-- it v - : '. ; :.
Thoma McCuskers application for a
franchise for an electric line on Front
treat -will come before the city council
committee on atreeta on week from to
day. . At that, time tba subject will bs
rone into thoroughly.- and the facta
asked. for by the committee will be fur
nished by the projectora.
Mr. McCusker, Edward Newbegia of
R. M. Wade Co. and Tbomaa - P.
Honeymaa of "the Honeyman Hardware
company, whoa namea appear on th
application, stated today that they wer
disposed to believe that sentiment was
crystallising tn favor of th plan.
The potent argument, according to
tha projectors, la the urgent necessity
of providing adequate shipping fsclllties
for th Front street and South Portland
district, which Is now bottled up; they
assert that concerns doing business
there are arriving at tha conclusion that
they must have transportation or move,
Dan McAUen, of MeAllen at McDonnell,
aald today: - : -.
'I favor the application of Mr. Mc
Cusker. In tha first place, ha haa been
doing business with the merchant of
thla city for th past 10 years, and naa
never bean known to misrepresent a faot
to any shipper. He haa been one of th
most valuable men In the anlpptng In
dustry of th city.- because hla word
ha alwaya stood for reliability. , - .
'In th second place, w need larger
shipping facilities. Portland la at the
period ot development that demands
broad-gauge policies, and ths proposi
tion of Mr. McCusker is ons that ap-
peals to me aa fair to all Interests con
cerned, the people, th other transporta
tion schemes and th concerns that are
striving to gain an entrance to the city.
Th terms stipulated in the application
are open and above-board and cannot
ba-adversely-criticised." '- -n- " -
Numbers of wholesalers and menu
facturera are aald to be backing tha
project by moral support, besides those
who are supporting It with pledges to
furnish the capital to build the line.
'Every dollar invested In the line will
be Portland money," aald Mr. McCusker
today. 'There will not be any discrimi
nation.-' either, tn favor of one line
against another. It will, be to our in
terest to give all roads common treat
ment. for in no other manner may , th
line b mad to pay. : , r .
'Let me Illustrate this: Presume we
wereojttsuawltany Hne. and th
line In a car ahortage wer to refuse
to aupply equipment to move goods or
manufactured- sturr.Wf woula""mery
be bankrupt, that's all. W could not
make this line pay by allying ourselves
with any railroad corporation; we must
in the very nature of tha case be Inde
pendent. . :: v'f,-' ' '"
Sixteen-Year-Old Orphap Would
Bs Rich If He Staid
at Home. ,
Though a large amount of money Is
said to be coming to - him ' when , he
reaches' his majority. U-ysar-old Harry
Lynn ran away from a Wisconsin maif
Portland on a cattl train. - - -
Detective Hawley ot the Boys' and
Girls' Aid aoclty,- Into whose cuatody
h waa given by Pollc Judge Cameron,
haa wired th Chicago authorities con
eernlng th boy.- . r'A. t
One bef or th lad ; ran away and
cam as far west aa Idaho on a cattle
train. II waa hired by th owner of
cattle to get them east and went back
to Chicago. For thla aervic ha re
ceived $10. -i
- That la th biggeat amount 1 ever
received for anything in mr life,' aald
tn little fellow. With conscious pride.
"If I could mak that much money often
I wouldn't car whether or. not I lived In
th east or west
- From th boy's story It seems that
his parenta died a few years ago. ; He
waa placed in a atat lnatltutlon at
Sparta, Wisconsin, and waa given Into
th car of a man named GlfTord, liv
ing at Edgerton, In the same atata.
When I learned that he was going
ak m work all summer and go to
ut,Ml 4.lnff Ik. wlnl,, mIA IK.
school during th winter," said the
boy, "I ran away and went to Chicago.
I was not allowed to go -Oo the funeral
of either y mother or my father why,
I don't know. My father left a Ufa In
surance policy of $2,000 and this was
collected by, somebody. My grand
mother, who Is in an Institution for
old people, told me my mother got It
8h died In Chicago and I don't know
wher sh waa burled....; . ;. , ,
"I am sorry I hsv to go back east
again, r never did anything wrong and
am satisfied I could easily- mak- my
living her If th polio would only let
m alons.". y .' : -. ' r-V
Polio' patrolman ft A. 'sWiwider'r-
slgned -from tha force this afternoon.
Hs waa employed at th Upshur street
station under Captain Slover. The exact
cause of the resignation Is known only
to ' the officials. - Schneider failed to
appear for duty thla morning and at J
o'clock thl afternoon entered th chiefs
Offlc and resigned. ,
' rtftt Case la Benton.' , ' -SpeetaI
Dlspeteb Is Th Jooraal.) '
Corvallls. Or., Nov, 17. An applica
tion waa filed by A. N. McKachnla te
register title to land under the Torrens
act. Thin Is the fifth case of th kind
to be filed tn Benton county.
.e '. -1 ' '.' 11 " -t
r Brysa Ss Again Orandpa.--;-r-. -'
(Jimu) Saeelsl Swrce. ; . . . -'
Denver, Nov. 17. William 3. Bryan's
laughter. , Mrs. Homer Lesvltt, gavs
birth 10 a sou last menu inis 1a uieir
second ehlld. v- -- -,.
Men who leased the Dekum homestead
property at Thirteenth ' and , Morrlaon
streets for the period of the Lewis and
Clark- exposition , converted - Jt into a
hoteL and applied to th city .for
License to sell liquors. Th application
vaa rejected for the reason that the
property Is within 100 feet of the Port
Isnd High school, and then, for the .first
time. Charlea Sweeny, owner of the
property, learned that ha could not bav
a bar "In -any hotel to be built on th
ite. It Is said ths. discovery baa
changed Mr. Sweeny's entire plans, and
there never will be a hotel bunt on th
around.. ., . - - 4
Mr. sweeny engaged lawyers ana naa
an exhaustive Investigation made of th
legal complication, but- was not able to
find a way around th obstacle.
' Dr. John 1 A." Zahm Of Notre Dame,
Indiana, arrived today on hla annual
official vialt to Columbia univeralty on
the east aide. Dr. Zahm la th chief
In the business relations of the Institu
tion and la personally responsible for
the conduct -of all ' schools under - the
control of ths congregation of th Holy
Cross. H Is th author of a nu ber
of books and la prominent In educational
and scientific matter. The students of
Columbia gave him - a reception thla
morning - and Ignatius McNaroee rep
resented the body In an addreaa of wel
come. Tha afternoon waa given them
as a holiday tn honor of th visitor, who
wllL remain till tomorrow night.
.Walking up to fire alarm box No. S$
at. Tenth and Washington street this
morning an old man tried to. open It to
mall a letter. , He rang In an alarm,
but finding no place . t put ths letter
passed on unconcernedly to the next
corner, wher he found a real 'letter
box.. The department -. responded, but
found no fire, t v ' ' -
While cleaning out box 142 at Third
and Davis atreeta a few daya ago. City
Electrician James Still well and hla as
sistant. Fred QJfforLf ound a Utter
which had been mailed two months ago
to Swckholm, Sweden. -
Frank Jamea resembles a girl. His
features are feminine, hi feet and handa
amall and dainty and hla voice borders
ot. the eoprarto. Judge Cameron con
cluded thla morning, that Jamea waa a
"Bailiff Oolts." he said, "take this
prisoner out and give htm 'a bath. --!
hav my suspicions aa to th sex in this
ease." . -
It waa anticipated that If Jamea waa
a woman aha would object to taking the
bath and ' would be forced to explain
why. But Jamea took the bath, and
new the laugh la on th court .James
agreed to leave th city, .
;' tsneelsl Dispatch te The JeeraaL) '
Enterprise, Or., Nov. 17. Judge
Rakln on Wednesday - opened an ad
Wallowa county and la disposing of the
collected - business on his docket ac
cumulating since the regular term In
September. Several condemnation suits
ot the O. R. aV N. Co. touching land on
tha right of way of its proposed rail
road from Elgin to Wallowa, which 1s
at the head of th Wallowa canyon, are
pending. - ... ..
(Journal SDeelal Service.) a
Tola, Kan Nov. 17. Th prosecuting
attorney has warned every physician In
this county that they will be prosecuted
for violation of the anti-trust laws un
less thslr organization which yesterday
fixed a scale of prices for professional
services is immediately disbanded.
. Change ta 99 Stella.
'' (Joaraal SdscIsI Servics.)
Washington, Nov. 17,-r-Tha recent or
der changing th pay days of govern
ment employes In ths various depart
ments from ths fllrst and fifteenth of
each month to th third and seventeenth
bees m operative today. Th change
was mads to aecura uniformity In th
rendition ot publlo accounts and to pro
tect th government from Illegal pay
ments. From now' on every pay roll
wtH be certified, showing that an 'em
ploy' has worked up to th time . fa la
being paid for. " - l,rl."'.l.'"' '"
raa Bonde mi nipped.
(flpertsl Dispatch te Toe Josraal.r
tA Grande. Or., Nov. 17. The apple
crop In the Orand Ronde valley la being
ehlppedNiut at a rapid rata, tha apples
being ' tn excellent 1 condition and are
bringing good price. Approximately
$0- cars wllt - be Sent from here thla
season. . This -Is not aa large aa the
average crop, .owing to late i spring
frosts, but the price are higher than
the"y wera last year. :
Th Oregon Produce company haa re
cently completed a second atorsge ware
house InftiA Orand at $1 $.000.
' Sfeard f Canal SagUtra Meat. . .
(Joaraal Special aarrlee.)
Washington, Nov. iTiTh full board
ot consulting engineers met this morn
ing.. It is expected a final decision ss
to the type of canal to be constructs
111-b srrived at oon. .,- ,
: To Bepeia Terry boat. - . . i.
Th fx)wer Alhina ferryboat. Lionel f.
Webs tee. will be taken oft It run Sun
day and laid up for repairs. : The repslrs
ars not considered of a serious nature,
snd It Is believed that the boat will
resume it-run within a few daya,.V ,
-'.-',-.' .."',-'''' -''-.''"
' ; ' i ' .4 ' ..')isjTl'T '-,-'
Kindergartens may become a part of
the publlo school system of this city
in the near, future., City school officials
have been considering ths matter and a
lecommendation may be made to - th
taxpayera at the annual meeting ef the
school board to. submit the question ' to
the peopl at the next annual election,
City Superintendent , Rlglor la tn
favor or kindergartens. He believes
every large city should have them, snd
especially in the districts where poo
people live, where children cannot get
the proper training in their homea.
"W really nerd f lndergartena in the
publlo schools of this city," said Pro
fessor Rlgler today. 'They afford ex
cellent training for children preparatory
to entering the grade achoola. Several
yeara ago wa attempted te hav kinder
gsrtens and Six ot tha schools Were In.
stalled - in. districts where they . were
most needed. They wer conducted for
only one year, when th peopl voted
to discontinue them. . ' "
"It was the plan of the school board
at that' time to extend the kindergarten
department to Include tha first and ulti
mately the second grades of tb primary
schpvla. This arrangement would aepa
rat all the smaller children from tha
older ones, which should be don. -
'It .-would not coat - vnr - much - te
maintain kindergarten achoola in thla
pity. , The six centers that were main
tained In. 1501 and l0$ coet tha olty
about $5,000. As soon-ss tb manual
training department haa been eetabllahed
on a firm basis th school board' may
glv. their attention to kindergartens."
AS - FiBfll SPAT - I HE
First' Conviction UndefExpeo-
toratJon Law Recorded n
Cameron's Court.
Stephen Farrell haa - th distinction
of being the first man aver convicted of
expectorating floor. of a street
yarinPottland slnra the adoption ol
the ordinance. He wSa convtoted by
Pollc - Judge Cameron- yesterdsy and
tihwu nn son. jtugn j. - arret!,
waa discharged from custody. ,
It wss oharsed by Conductor La
Hreeqae that wheaj be remonstrated with
Farrell for spitting on th floor he waa
struck on the mouth with th end of an
ax handle and aeven false teeth knocked
out'. A charg of assault with a danger
ous weapon was lodged against his
assailant. . but Judge Cameron said he
did not believe the evidence, warranted
nis being held to answer to a felonv.
Deputy. District Attorney Haney waa
dissatisfied with, th decision, of th
court In thla respect and expressed!
opinion that Farrell could have been
convicted of the offense in the circuit
court 1. Th conductor t a small man
and his assailant of sturdier frame and
welt abl to handle "him wlthout-resort-Ing
to the use ot a weapon.
- (Spscfal tJlspatck te Tb Joaraal.)
Seattle, Waah., Nov. 17. A Jury al
S o'clock last night brought In a ver
dict of guilty against Bert Connor In
the land -frauds rrr...f nr
torney Mackintosh expresses th belief
that Henry - dough, secretary ot, the
Odeasa university, and O. Ralph Norton,
tha mysterious stranger to whom hun
dreds of tracta of land In Waahlngton,
California and Missouri were trans
ferred and sold, are th same person.
Paul C. Dorm User, attorney for Connor,
who waa proven one of Clough a gang,
la also under Investigation. -Mora ar
rests, are expected, i . -
' Fred Stock, who was arrested .Wed
nesday in San Francisco on telegraphic
advices from Chief Qrltxmacher, la ta
be released. It Is understood that ar
rangements have been made to reim
burse Proprietor B. A. Whltesldes of
th' Palm saloon on Stark atreet nwr
Fifth, ' who waa bunkoed ef $50 by a
bogus check presented by Stock and $10
on another spurlo-u eheck .which th
prisoner Indorsed for bis- son, Percy.
The son la now awaiting trial at Salem
for paastng a forgad chack. (
11 - .V .4,t
" (Speelsl Qisoateb f Tie Joarsst.l ' f --
Helix, Or, Nov. 11. Ela Welnnott,
S farmhand who waa arrested a few
days ago., waa bound over In th sum of
$1100 In the court st J-endleton yesterday
to a Walt the action of the circuit court
by Judge Fltsgerald. Welnnott waa ar
rested at Dayton a few daya ago upon
th charge entered against him by K.
F. My rick," on complaint of the daugh
ter of Myrlok.'- Welnnott entered a plea
of not guilty. - . .- . ..".'; , .
'' -'i (Jowsal Speetal Berries.)
Rocky ford. Col., Nov.- 17. Ten mil
lion pounds of beet sugar waa destroyed
by firs and water tnis morning. Loss,
$400,000...-, ' . : , ;
1 1 1 1 " . :
V ake Early Adjonrajaent. ,
. .'.(Joansl Sseelal gsrvtee.) -Pittsburg,
. Nov. U.The American
Federation of Labor convention ad
Journed early today ' to give ths com
mittees time to complete their reports.
"rp ' 7'?"; FootbalL itr-x
Sherman " Indians of California vs.
Multnomah, Ssturday, November v IS, rieid, z:o p. rata or
shin. Admission lOe,'
Sweeping 'changes' a re te Ke mnmAm ill .
police circle tomorrow, aside from the -contemplated
reductleo of five detoct-'
Ives to the rank and th promotlon-'of .'
patrolmen to fill, tha vacancle caused' -thereby.
." . s
Captain George H. Ralls u i,i
th desk st pollc headquarter and as- -sumo
charge of the day relief. - Tnla
transfer of Captain Ballev from the
second -night to the day relief la mad
by hla own request. George njulnlan.
acting captain, la to be retained aa desk -
eerfr sent to assist Captain Ballav on .
account of .his familiarity with ths
duties of that position.' ,-
K. A. Slover. appointed to act is ran.
tain yeaterday, will assume commsnd , ,
of the seopnd night relief, "since tha
opening of tha Lewis and Clark fair he -haa
officiated aa acting captain at the . -t'pshur
atreet station. - 4 x
Th - upshur street station Is to be
abandoned thla vsnrna;. -Chief " Orita
macher haa arrived at th conclusion
that there la nothing In present elr- '
cumstances which warrants th malnte-.
nance of the station. , l.
During his Incumbencv ss centaln ot
tha second night relief Bailey became a
terror to violator of th ordinances
governing th conduct -of aloona. For -aoma
time he waa assisted by Sldver, -then
sergeant, doing plain elothea duty.
and many arreata and ponvlctlona wer
du to th vigilance of the latter. It le
anticipated that Captain Slover will be
com ta unpopulaK with saloon law- .
breaker as was Captain Bailey. ,
captain John Moor will retain charg
of tha first night relief. He la ti- '
tld with th shift assigned him.
it is iarnd on good authority that -
an east eld pollc station la to be . '.
Ubllshed Immediately after- the first
of tha year. Both Mayor Lanv and
ChIef.OrltxmaeJier.. tayOtaucl -ata-
tlon. realising that the district has
never had as food polios protection ss l '
Is to be desired. It Is impoaslbl to
construct th station now on account
of the, inadequaney of the approprla- ,
tion f or th present 'yaatv ;,-...... V. it
When a atation la built on the eaat
side It may become necessary to change
tne captains around again -to ault the --.
emergencies likely to aria. 1
Judge Fraser granted seven divorces
In th circuit couit this murning. Eieir
was granted by default, the defendants
falling to appear or make defense. The
cases were as follows: .
Millie Weiss against Max;-Weiss.'
Catharine Mohan against Peter Mohan,
Florence C. Kreb against -Nicholas
Krebs, Louie EL Kuhne against Lsnona
M. Kuhne. Anna EX Hyde againat John
P. Hyde, Millie C. WlUcut-against P. B.
Wtllcut, John A. Andrea againat. Lulu
May . Aidnsaf- .,t
X ''' .'. v. mmmmmmmmmi ',''' - " '
" ' "" (Jeorsal Speetal Serrle.'' - r
Waahlngton, ; Nor. - 17. President i
Roosevelt haa summarily removed John
B. West, register of the land offlc at
Lewlston, . Idaho. . Th offlc - will re
main cloeed until a successor Is named.
He I charged with making improper us
of his office and undue political activity.
Ha had denied the charges but hives- .
tlgatlons made bv two special a sent a
resulted in their being sustained and he '
wa dismissed. . .; - ... - f. f u, u-.,
mv,w't. ,tz,$v-"mm'" -ws.--. - ii. . . .j.. :, .
(Joaraal Special Servto.) 1
Washington, Nov. 17. President C.
8. Mellen of th Nw Tork. New Haven
Hartford ' railroad favors rate laws,
and will support President Roovrt.
This announcement . waa mad after' a
call that Mr. Mellen, accompanied by
hla assistant, mads on the president
yesterday, and after- which Mellen was'
a guest of ths president at luncheon. '
" - '''':
(Setelal DllpatcB to Tke JearsaL) '
Corvallla, Or.. Nov. 17. Th docket
for th November term of the Benton
county circuit pcurt closes today. There
will be but f Teases tm tha docket, non
f 1 whioh r criminal axoept thos of
th corvallla social and Athletic, elub,-
Suit for dlvorc baa been filed In th
Benton clroult eourt by Mrs. Margaret
Norton against Nathan Norton. Thsy
wer msrrled In Benton county March
J0, 187$, and cruel and Inhuman treat--
ment la charged.-
Arrested at Asotia. ... ' . .
-Rpeetal -Olapetck te The Joenuti ' V.
Pendleton, Or., - .Nov,-It A. Knltht
haa been arrested et.-AsotliWWashlng-..
ton, on a charge of disposing of prop
erty which he knew to "b mortgaged. '
On ef th Pendleton officers hns re
turned to Pendleton with the prisoner, "
Knight sold a horse and wagon In this
oounir - ih. . (iiiiv ss . uuuar , cii vuiyi-
stsnoes which are said to be Illegal. s
Bqaal S off rags Amendment.
: ( i'ispUI Mipsteti ta Tk Joortwl.) ' -Corvallls,
Or., Nov. 17. Ths elark'
today- certified , to petitions" that con
tained 460 name for th equal suffrage '
amendment Of thl number 420 names
were found qualified, th remainder be
ing those of partlea falling to reglstef
or vote at tha last election, y
i- . i 1 1 1 1 - ar .
-""" ' ' -B ana way Boya Ceagbt. ' i;
fSneeiSt Plapsteb tn Th Jnnrasl.t .
'Harrlsburg. Or., - Nov.i7 S. ; Hn-
sens two boys tnat ran away from
thslr home , at Salem, Oregon, were
caught here .and their father notified, -who
took them back .horn today. -, , , -
- Xarrlsbarg Btaa start. .
ftie-Tat Clrpstra te Tb Jenritat.)
'!'- 11 Isburg. Or... Nov. J$ ipt. Ander-
011 junction city, bought tha
old school building and ws. tearing- It
evsa when ons of the window weights '
II snd struck him on the top of th
head, and. fa is tn a serious condition, 1