The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 11

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    'C- fields ' ''AftNif
PAGES 11 TO 20
. jm. mm
. i .. y.
.... - i, . v.
Hote Men's Mutual Benefit As
; toclation of America to; ?.f
' Hold Convention.
v I ':
t- ii::i:iT70"';::
Excursionist Will Come In Three
or Four Special Trains and Various
v Special Car Parties, Probably fa
'Y May and Be 'Portland's Guests. , "
'- -' '. i '
Yfest jreafr probably In the month' of
'May th' HotI Men" Motual 'Benefit
Association- of : America will . come " to
' Portland on Its annual excursion. The
oraantsatlon includes nearly every prom
. Inent hotel manager -In the eonntry. A
leadlna- hotel proprietor 9f New Tork
city, writing to the Hotel woria. says:
' ' "I hav been aeked several time what
srrstisements are twins; made lor Jint
' year's trip to Portland.. It seems that
some people ' are anxious . to . know
whether a elrcultous route-will" b de
cided utxin. as that, not doubt would
make It more lntereatins:- . Most. people
, think more qf California, than they da of
Portland. nd unless' Callforala trip
were included it would , be ;unlntereat
ln to them." : , , . . ; ,
Portlanders propose to make the hotel
men's visit in this city -nest year so
interestlna- that none of them ever acava)
will Ulk in that strain. The association
,'' lit former years has aiven annual excurs
Ions that took in California or Colorado
resorts. , The hotel, men hav, .acquired
a fondness for the southern route be-
. cause of the cordial, treatment'they have
received- at southern California, taoatel
rles. It will be th aim of. Portland
people to enlist their -Interest In; the
Paclfle northwest. ". The Hotel woria.
- replying to" the . Nw, Yorker's letter.
says: ... ' ": .. ' V,' Y" ' " " ' i '"
.-"No person ;jWln east of .tha Mis.
' slaslppl river need besltsta .shout, the
trip- to-Ort-son on "the- around -that it
- will b uninteresting.- or Iesa interest
' , Ins; to go by one. sf tbe -northern routes
' Instead of the .California, reuts. . Thoso
, t r northwest through. Colorado or
Jdaho, of by way of t Paul snd Mlnne
'. ' aboil, and the Northern Paclflo or the
Canadian Pacific, have not the slightest
conception of what i 1a store for them
- ;The World quotes from a letter re
rnlvrd from a Clovelnnd, man who earn
to Portland 'to 'see the exposition. . lie
. ei1: . . -
V'You cannot tell anything about, that
country from the maps. They do not
give you the slight idea th. only
: way to comprehend it 1 to go and see
'it.".- v ... I.- - r
' "Without - any .disparagement of the
- beauties. and attraVtlons .of Callfornls."
- says the W.orld. if th association. c
the different delegation . -decide to go
to Portland- through' what 1 knows
aS the northwestern country, they may
rest assured they will never regret their
r experiences." -.'.
The- excursionists will eeme In three
v or ., four special trains and parlous
cpeclal . car. parties. There . will b
special' trains from New Tork, Bostoa
Chicago and Memphis Snd New Orleans.
. They will probably come to the ot
by on of the northern route, and re
,: turn by a southern route. The visitors
"will be guest of Portland several day.
'' fJornlSperll Serrlce.) . ' '
New Tork, Nov. 17. William Nest, s
leedy circus performer, found a string
mot pcrl outside the hippodrome at
the carriage linfrahcc, aTid"i. wTRfl'Tfi'ffinY
for lit later,' - ' .. ' ' :. v
. . Oertrud Fowles1,- daughter of. a
: wealthy Importer, reported the loss of
. the -pearls to the management, i The
necklace consisted of SI rare pearls,
valued at tS.OOft. King Menellk of Abys
sinia sejected the jewels and presented
them to Miss Fowles'. mother.
. When Nest heard the owner, had ap
' peered he cams promptly to the hlppo
drome and. said he was glad to restore
the Jewels, ss he pawned them, pnly
after vainly endeavoring to ascertalu
the owner. . lie was rewarded handsome
ly in return for th pawn ticket. ;, ;
. ' (oorasl Rpedfll gfrrlce.t -New
Tork. Nov. IT. lieall B. Mc
Murty of San Francisco was held In
It. 900 ball this afternoon- on a charge
of larceny. John Wslkes, president of the
Great California Oil company charges
that MrMurty stole unrecorded deeds
to 10,009 seres of . land In California
valued at 110.000.000. j ;;
Sincerity In Advertising Alwayt
:.'--V ;v Pays, "-"v""
'' "Sincerity " in' advertising ' always
psys," said the manager of the Chicago
Clothing company when he announced
In laat Friday evening s papers thst we
war going to .unhiad 'ottr entire -"stock
f men's,, boys' snd children's clothing
on account of being overstocked. The
publlo Just Jumped at' It, and f were
simply overwhelmed with mors business
-than w eonld attend toi - It fully dem-
- onstratea that th Chicago has always
kept faith with th peofSe, and our every
ntatement mads la watched with Interest.
It take year to gain th confidence of
U th people and that confidence Is
the greatest asset a business possess.
Our statement that we were going to sell
' men's 11? 60 suits and overcoats for t7.
1 17.64 ones for $. 120 ones for til,
boys' snd children's suits snd overcoats
for just on hsef price, was certainly a
daring on to make, but th ' public
knew that the Chicago never dlsap.
points, and responded even more tha
, we expected. Tomorrow w will be bet
ter prepared, as we hav an extra fore
of salespeople, snd hop to serve every
on w would Ilk to. . .. - ;re r-
Ttchlness of the skin, horrlhle plagii
Most everybody sfllcteit in one way or
notherr ihily one f, never falllns
-Mre. Dosn s OtnloicuU At au diul
tor, 10 cants. - - . '
When you buy. your clothing,' hos, men's furnishing goods from any other store in town you waite your money. .This is a .
broad assertion, but we mean every word of it. Our prices make other merchants jealous. This is-an honest store. When we ad-
vertise an article we sell it. , Our. salesmen do not try to palm off something else, which is higher priced. Always keep your eye
on "London's"; you will always find something to interest you. Our prices are always the lowestr " ,-'
Why are our prices the lowest? We will tell you. London's do not buy one dollar's worth of goods from any wholesale house,,. .
thus saving the middleman's profit, but London's make a specialty of buying up bankrupt and salvage stocks at very , low figures ,
for cash 'and that is why we undersell. ' 0 ': r '';'." :'.:?T 'U' - . '-r
We bought out William Gruber of Omaha at 26 cents on the dollar; that is why other stores cannot sell goods at our prices.
Waste Your' Money
Come to Eondoe's
" .
""..; -,V- '-.': : '-v - .
" The choicest domestic and foreign fabrics are used, skillful tailors are employed, who exercise care jfrom the first stitch to the
last. ,You cannot detect the difference between our apparel and that produced by the best merchant tailors, because Gruber's only
bought the best. '' Occasionally a slight alteration may be necessary, but when the customer receives the suit (or overcoat) it will ;
, give him perfecV satisfaction. ' '. ,' '. , ' '. ! U ; ..- ' ''.''JZ'. ". ; "'"r'
.Men's Sms Its...
MEN'S SACK SUITS rriade of worsted '.and unfinished fabric's," live-effects.'.
plain and fancy shades, close fitting collar, double .breast- jrjn '-f. ! TV "v
J ed or single breasted.. These garments are worlh,)fc49';' 7) f' WI'
Our price ,.,. .....f. . .. '4r ."' .
' ---,V', :--v..;V:VV; -; Z:, .V?.
i ENGLISH WALKING SUITS, new model, made of fine :-4rm;JixW-
I worsteds, serges, clays ; worth $35. y;
Our price . . . . .'. ......... ........ . . ......
. a . .
I SACK' SUITSr, single and, double -breasted, worsteds,
' cassimeres, plain and fancy patterns,, nobby, up-to-date
suits ; worth $2
!25 and $30. Our price...;....,.,'..;. ' f' Hr Mf
ON HAND 785 MEN'S SUITS, various patterns nobbly, up-to-')
1 or business suits. We have put these all in one gjn V -V -Y
are worth from $27.50 to $18.50., f- .
WE HAVE ON HAND 785 MEN'S SUITS, various patterns, nobbly, up-to- !.
' date dress or business suits. We have put these all in one
lot. -iney a
Our price.1; ,
ASK THE SALESMEN to show youJthe suitavwe' are
"Selling or t e',s is i
; Other stores ask you $20.; -,y- ;-v : -. ': ;
WW 1.
we are selling: for,',.;. i
'Other stores ask you $15.'
A :
OMEN'S OVERCOATSrfall andmtcr-wdghtSTnewHFabrics-with lose fit
ting collar, elegant garments, including some 01 the im- m miT
v ported tweeds. These garments are worth $40. nr jS Qj
worth from $20 to$35:'' " . . - 4v VCJ' f
These will be closed out at. ..-............". i ,.; . kjfJm JkJ
- v e nave Duncnea togetner zo uvckcuai s. . ' grit 4
Come and take your ! uf 7
"All our garments are well made and' will retain their shape. ,Ve carrnotihelp ,
' , y but suit. you. . .;'.,-;, : ' -t
Why Waste Money? Come to London's
. .The genuine Priestley Cravenettes.' Other Stores; ask,
you $35. ' ' '
' Our price for Saturday....,..'............:..',......'....
Genuine Rocksburry Cravenettes. There are about 700
. of them. ' ' ' '; -'
Com take yo 111 piik... '
Furnishing Goods
Note Some of These Prices and Save Money.
"Men's All Wool. Underwear; worth $2.50 a garment,' '
v ' Our "price, for Saturday. ; , . ; ...'.'; . . ... .. ; , .'. . . . ;69f '
f Sanitary Fleece Lined Underwear; a garment worth-
'.' v: 75c. Saturday's price. . . . . 7.
Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts worth $1. Saturday's
U price, ; r. . . . i ,10
Men's Working Shirts, dark and Jight; colors ; worth
' . 75cf " Saturday's price. . . . . . , . . ."i i . . . . i .'. .; 35s
Fancy Hose for Men. Saturday's price. .-. .;. ; .'. 4s);
- COO Dozen Suspenders. ' Come take your pick... V.ii.. ",55
Boys' Suspenders. Saturday's price. .'T; .'.i'. ; . j .. .'.5
Regular $2, $1.50 and $1 Gloves4-Saturday's price.1.;'. 38;
. 750 Dozen Neck Ties. i';ItsHoroose,..from.';: Satur- J -
y: day's price -ilini J .-t-ri.'. . . . . I .V . i .... . . . ." v
See. those beautiful .Linen .Handkerchiefs. ; ;' ' "? - " ' V
Saturday's price. '...'. yi ............ ..T.. ..3 for 10 v
2 Men's and Boys' Caps; worth 50c and 75c. ; Saturday's.
; price . . . . , . . , . . . . . v: . '. .,'. : . . r. . : . . . . . 15:
" 200 Doren BoysVCaps all sizes. '-SaturdasjriceV;'.
Men's Overalls. Saturday's price. , i7. 7 .i . .33
Beautiful Sweaters. Various patterns. Big assortment.
Thev will all go in a bunch. Men's, 54f ; Boys'. . :a46
:$3, $2,50 and $2 SilkTMufflerSaturdaffV price .".77;. 407
Chifdren's regular 25c Stockings. .'.Saturday's price. . 1. .9f
- 5,000 Other articles, too nurmrus to mention, will be sold
Y at ridiculously low prices, v ; i--- J .-V;;.; ,' C
WHY WASTE HONEY?: Come to London's ,
tAll our $4, $5 and $6 Suits will be soldf Ck ft
All $3, $3.50 and $3.75 Suits will be' sold , 2? f T
... ... .......... as-SWf-
All $3, $3
All the $2, $2.50 and $2.75 Suits will be 4CJ
sold Saturday? . .... . . . . . .... a I kJkJ
., See the Suits we aVe selling - ' ' v i; ijn
fOr. ..,..... ... . . . . . lT i ........,... ifc ;
ff y IfUSre MOvey WColne io London's
We have on hand 783 pairs, in fine worsteds, cheviots, either -'
for dress or afternoon or evening wear." Extra, good
Working Pants. "";.".'" i.;: JO 'f O .
Saturday's , price ............. . .... ,'. , . . KJJ x
385 Pairs, "worth$lo'o7' " ' 7 ' CTQ T
"Saturday's price. .........'...,...,...... aW f
Saturday' price
385 Pairs, worth $2.50. . -. ' .'.',.U 1 . '. - CXQ'r
. We sell goods by mail. : your , orders. ," They
will receive prompt attention, and if you are not satisfied
we will refund your your money. Good treatment and low
prices is London's motto. ; : ' , , ;
Wr Shoe Debt
If You Intend to Buy Shoes, Come to London's. ; Don't
Waste Money By Going Somewhere Else. ; , ,
Ladies' Vici Kid Shoes, Blucher and lace; regular
$2,60. Our price. ...91.49
Ladies $3.50 Vici Kid. -Special. .. ?1.0S
Genuine Kangaroo; regular $3. Our price......... ?1.78
. Ladies' $3.50 Welt Kid Shoes. ... .. ,1 .. ..".?2.S3
MisseV ViciKid, from 12 to 2; Gruber's price $2.50. 1 " '
OUTS .- - aa a a, 145
Misses' Vici Kid, sizes 8 to 11; combine's price $2. v"
Ours' ........ ''.; . ... ?1.21
Ladies Rubbers .... . ...... Y. ....... .34s
'( Men's Rubbers ..,..;..;7J..,. . . .V. . .-. .40
Everything in our entire stock prices slaughtered duf- -"
Ing lhis great sale." Don't miss this opportunity of buying
J. your wants at . these very low prices- - Why waste money by
going to. other stores, when London's sells for cheaper?
, i . . J 1. . T - - .-,
i Doors Open at 7 a. nu to 110 p. m.. -
Do Not Be Misled This Store Is
17 Third St.
Two Doors From Yamhill (near the Baker Theatre).
MtheBm Sile: at 172 TMrdl
We repeat jt .Two doors from Yam extra salespeople, to wait on you. Why; waste money ? Come to London's
i . ...