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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JCrJr.::AU rORTLAND, TIIUrDAV EVENING. NOVELISES' 18. 1CC3. enng. TOVfJ TOPICS XOinOHT'l AKVBXXntTI. lnri)u. Grand. .. ...... H'laMv Hikw...., I.aiiilre......,.,, Lyric irod titer. . ....,, .-- ... Libert? ."Ghoete" ..."The First VloJIn" Mualral HurlriB 'Hnollsas's Trnuhli-a" ..i"A lieart of Kiwi" Vae-1He ....M.-.VortrTlll Vaudeville ' Th,.Red "Men xsv a banqust ' laat even In. Their auests of honor were "John W. Cerry of yir-lnla, reat In cohonee of tha order; Wllaon Brooka, the great chief of record, and T. X , Bell, repreaentatlv of the stat of Oregon. In hla apeech Mr. Brooka aald that, tha Jled Men would b tha flrat to organise a fraternal aoclety in the ljthmlao canal country, "r 'Th work on tha new elevated road way on : Eaat Taylor atreet between Union avenue and Eaat . Water atreet waa completed yesterday, but tha road , haa not been accepted aa yet by the city' engineer. It la thought that the property-ownere are satisfied with the work. .The atreet way, ba open for traffic within a abort time. ' ' Penney, Bros.' Friday Special Four big bargains In wine: f 1.6 grade of port wlneamt $1 per gallon; grade of aherry at $1 per gallon; $1.60 gradr of muscat at f 1; tl-iu grade of sauterne at II. Phone Seat SS7. $7-l Eaat Morrison street. Free, delivery. . .. x ' Nerval Tlacdretor -of tha company playing Ibeen'e "Gnoata" at the Mar qutm Grand theatre will be initiated by the local lodge of Elke tonight. High ' Jinks will accompany the . ceremony, ' which will commence at : o'clock. Frank O. Htggena. formerly lhauten-ant-governor of Montana, died at Bt Vlncent'a hospital yesterdsy after a brief Illness due to jaundloe. He waa - taken from hla home In Missoula, Mon tana, to tha hospital la at Saturday. For San Francisco The steamer VrJV Xruger sails direct. Friday evenr ing. Cabin 111. .Steerage Is. a Meals vnd berth Included.- C. H. Thompson, gent, lit Third street. Raffia Alt color Just received. large shipment of raffia all colors , and ahadea. and the finest lot we ever bought. Portland Seed Co, Front and Yamhill. . . , Watches and diamonds II down and 190 per week. Goods delivered on first . payment. Xmaa is . coming. Metsgar Co., Jewelers, opticians, lit Sixth. Why pay $!. to 110 for eye glaaaes . when wo guarantee a perfect fit for 1T Metsger Co.. Ill Sixth atreet You. save it third to a half In prices for best eyeglaaaea and spectacles at Rubenateln's, 181 Fourth street. . Pool -match between H Solomon and George Klrkland. Roddick's billiard ball ; tonight' , " Portland's bast dancing school, lot Alder. Prof. Rlngler. Miss Bockenmeyer. -' Ladles' gymnasium ctaaa. the Rlngler Physical Culture school. 11 per month. Fine chicken dinner lie,, lit Third.' '"Frits's Umale are tha 'beat." : LAgr CALL, vTHlS. Art lever Mas A,ot Promptly, Xf at ' But tw days more in which to pur chase Japanese art roods at the auction sale of Japan' . exposition exhibit in the 'Chamber of Commerce building, and then the greatest opportunity over of fered the Portland public for buying Japan's highest art treasure will have paaaed Into history. The goods offered represent the entire exhibit of Japan at the Bt. iula and Lewis' and Clark ex positions. " . Irge crowds hav attended tha sales this week and the rush promise to . keep up until Saturday night, when the great sale oomea to an end. Dan McAllen Returns. Dan McAllen haa returned to hi post of duty at the store after an outing with Mrs. McAllen and the family at ,th Mineral Spring bote! in the wilds of the Cascade mountains. ' Llae 'nearly all other Portland business men Mr. until the clos of the exposition, and rejoices that he did.. He says that on can leave Portland la the morning- at T o'clock and b at the Mineral Spring hotel at 1 In the afternoon and ao far aa all appearance are concerned be sojourning in the midst of the wild of . Africa. HI Up are prollfio of praise for the Springs and for Dav Houston, manager of the hotel. The elegantly equipped building; I the property of the Hneppard Brothers, ana they hare fitted it up Jn moot exqulalt fashion. . The water is really boiling hot and Is used . to heat the rooms as well as Jpr ejylnk . ng and bathing. ' Mr. 'McAllen says he feels 10 ysars younger than he did two .week ago, and he look It.,,,.. . , ' . ' "" ! ' 1 L 1 ' "' Dancing School Prof Eaton. ' 1 Beginner Monday ' evening. Claaa Thuraday evening. Arlon hall...' Ieaon by term, XI cents. Phone West 1041. .. . mm t V Merchant' lunch II cents; special chicken dinner Sunday If cents. Craft's .restaurant, 111-117- Fourth, : between Taylor and Yamhill. , .-,-:o. .y 1 A, Our Laundry b like a street ' : Crowded til the time . ' with ; '. 4 6c Pound A ' , ...... We're Do Jni Easiness Yoa Bet Ring Up Main 398 lOTi IA03Y CO. ' tioovo AtP ooivmiA. S.1V3 Labi. i- ID GOOD GITIZEfi Served hi Army Ten Years and Fought In Cuba and the - Philippines, v WOUNDED IN CHARGE UP SAN. JUAN HILL Helped Organize Manila Police Fore and Served as Second Lieutenant of Constabularjr Citixenahip Merer Was Questioned Before. . Polios Inspector Patrick Brain takee issue with a number of crlticlama re cently published regarding hie cltlaea ship status, la explanation L hla statue as a citlsen he said: - ' . "I came to this .country la lilt, and in. December 18. ml, filed at Chicago my declaration of intention to become a oltlsen. The flrat year I was in Amer ica I enlisted in the army t-this was December 14. I fought throughout' the Cuban campaign and was at the battle of Santiago, when President Roosevelt's Rough -.Riders fared ao badly. I was wounded on the morning" of July 1. HIS, at San Juan HU1. "After that campaign I canto to Port land and concluded to make my. resi dence her. Her my relatives have lived, and her -my property has boon stored. :-.- , "I reenllsted September X, Iff and went to the Philippines, where I served until January fa, 101. with volunteer cured from Vancoaver, the reenllst ment taking place at Grand Rapid. Michigan. I was discharged then by military order for the purpose .of aa slating in organising th Manila metro politan police fore. , "When the constabulary was organ ised August I. lUIwaeohiro'la. stoned second lieutenant, and went Into the swamps, engaging In guerrilla war far at the head of native soldier. 1 commanded them until laat June I, when I . came bom to . Portland on leave. Here I decided to apply for a position On the police force, and under tha dl dection of Chief Grltamacher took the civil aervic examination. -;. . "A few daya prevloua to this exam ination I applied for my second paper of . eltlsenship. There were no blanka available, I anawered all question at Isfactoniy and had ; the proper wit nesses. " . - "All I hav. to ear is this: I waa not aaked for my second paper when-1 on listed la the United State army. They were not necessary for the Cuban cam paign, j They' were not neoessary for Philippine service; not neoeseary for. the hard campaign In fever-laden swampa But It appear -that my right ar qoestloned now, in time of peace. - "I have boon too busy fighting for this country for the laat ten year to look properly after civil matter. - I am a citlsen now la every sense of the word. .. Thl la all I hav to say to my critics , ' ... -v .,:-: elad tidi::bs reg aroi::g soldiers' t;o;;oir Contractor Wright Denies Con -tract Was Taken From Him . Unfortunately Delayed. . Contractor H. O. Wright, who la rct. Ing the monument to the memory of Spanish-American war veteran seaj. says that the statement recently pub lished to the effect that the original contract was taken from him are abeo- Jutely.nnjuat. Mr. wngni deciarea last evening inai v wm .) - - - Bontrairt a It Baa oeen let. ana al though delayed by unforeseen conditions. wa getting the stone ner ana nu o"m nmiml niacin it- Ths contract never wss taaen irora me. says Mr. v riiai. . aiwr a waa delayed unfortunately In getting the great shaft from the east, I auted the fact to the committee, and they agreed that I could not be blamed for what had occurred.' and extended the time lor completion of the work. At the time nf h .vtenslon. I assured the commit tee that rcouwyinimfhrwarttTSy abo,r the first or in is year, uiuwr in saist lnr circumstance. thla was aa aatlsfao torv as it could be mad, and everything posslbls haa been don to expedite the work. - -" - -. 1 -Ths shsft will .weigh 41 tons, and Is an enormous pise of stons to handle. and all details In connection with quar rying. . shaping and shipping such . a monolith cannot be carried out with the precialon of a contract for small stone. I gave to the committee a bond of 11,000 to fulfill the contract and when the quarrymen of tha eaat ' prevented me from carrying out my work tn the time firat fixed. - the commute . extended without exacting the penalty prescribed by the bond, as they saw I waa not at fault. This bond is now In force, and should the work be deferred beyond the fixed time. I am responsible and' the bond eoutd be forfeited." .-. Mr. Wright give assurano that noth ing furthsr will delay the work, and that It will be executed qulckly a posslbls. Ths foundation is being placed now, and aa soon as the great shaft arrives It wlll.b put in position also. r 4 SAYS ALL PORTLAKD I.EEDS IS IM FACTORIES' Charles Coopey Sees Live East ern. Cities and Then Gives , Opinion of His Own. While on a business trip In the east Charles Coopet of the tailoring firm of Coopey . SorrVlsited all the large woolen mill factories and spent mucn time tn factory towns, r H says It Is easy "to see the difference between a "live" and a 'dead- town In th east by cotlng it attitude toward the question of securing factories. - ' Cities that hav 100 or 1,000 factories are actively engaged in aacurlng mora. Their board of trad and commercial clubs srs constantly In search of fao- torle that wlllntertaln propositions to move to these towns. There are many Inducements offered and the cities that are enterprising and liberal are getting factories and building up large cantors of population and Industry. -: r 7 .All Pianos and Organs Valued at $5,492 . Sold at ths Eilers Exposition Sal v Yesterday. - t TE8TERDAT WAS ANOTHER PTO DAY AT THU EIL.KRS PIANO HOLHB cloaing-out 8m1 of Exposition and ueed planoa, PUnelaa,. Orobeairellea and Pia nola pianos. Three planolaa found buyers, a tine mahogany one to Ir. Alnelle. a fancy walnut one to Mre. R. Jr. Hume, and an other ebonlsed caae to D. 8. BtaUaharser. A fine HadderfT piano, aa exhibited in the Illinois building, waa eeoure by Mia Clara Wenger; a beautiful Hobart M. Cable wns selected by Mr. Cooke for hi talented daughter, Mies H. W. Cooke, who will use the sema la her studies at Oregon Agricultural college. Jacob Ham bath, on Maruuam Hill, ae cured a fine Weaer Orcneetral piano, while a choice Victor upright, in fancy mahogany caaa, wa selected ' by Mr. H. B. Price. Mr. T. W. Wright aelected a superb oak-cased Kimball: another of the same make in fancy mahogany case waa bought by Mre. C. K. Everett: still an other Kim bail, in fancy French walnut flnlshed case, waa purchased by the Misses Lavena and I. N. Mover: Mr. A. Eaaon of Sllvertott, and Mr. D. M. Jones of Lebanon, each ordered Klmballa by mall. A fine little orgaa waa sent to Mr. C. L. Colburn, also on mail order; a auperb. Schumann, as used In the Idaho building, waa taken late in the after noon by Mlna Mattle King, while Mr. 3. W. Hubbard, who will make Dayton, Waah.. his home, secured a choice new Milton piano In fancy oak ease. Mr. H. U Carter and also Mr. H. R. M. - Bchram. of Mount Tabor, decided upon one of thoa beautiful HaddosrT pianos, exactly like the beautiful instru ment aelected by Miss Wenger early in the forenoon. Mr. J. Adrian Erplng stepped In and decided upon another grand piano for the Western Academy of Music, which the growth of thla popular inatitutlon makes urgently neceasary, and a choice little Chlckerlng upright wa taken by Mlaa P. Lolllck. Another one of the exhibition styles of the Son urn an n, aa used in the Idaho building, was taken by Miss A. M. Rob inson, making altogether IS sale for the day: The Bale will continue but a few days longer, and It Is very doubt ful Indeed if any piano and organs out of the glorious -Exposition will be left tor sale by (Saturday ' evening. Everything is to gn, pianos, Pianolas, Pianola piano. Orchestrelie and- or gan a Price are way down, term of payment are so easy that any one can afford to place a fine Instrument In his homo at once, and the plaoe la Eilers Piano House, 111 Washington atreet. Hons that could not dispose of their product on the Pacific coast and would therefor be' handicapped by the charge for lone haul to the sastarn market but many ' smaller factories that will build np themselves and the oountry here. We need every kind of factory, and particularly Is our state and ell mat adapted to the woolen mill Indus try. Western Oregon cannot be excelled in the world as aa Idea place for woolen manufacturing." i ' . . He traveled 10.00 mile on his east ern trip, and mad apeclal Investigations along certain lines, in the interest of the local woolen mill company with which he Is connected, and to which he will make a detailed report within a few day.' - . ". . i.L v . LMilwsjukieJSeuntrjte Eastern and Seattle race. ' Take Ben wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. ' na oxxooh wATta rown aAXLVAT OOst-TAVT. . HOTEL ESTACADA " , RATES t nr zrrxct raoM xornoizm a teigisf with breakfast . l.H lialulll4Mrl B.VS aad Board par week , 10.0 reaUsst, tee. Tiebet. tsetsStaw teead-srl fare a4 Siaaer IIS Sysetal ' Tlakst, tsetaSIs fsasd-wtp : , fare, sas-sifht's lslag aad thns weals CARS LEAV8 tiokst omoi naar avs aisks sts. Daily at f :SS, t SO, li st a. a.; IM, t.-es, . S:e0, T:l a, m. . ' . Psoas er Writs . " Li O. MaeMmhen, Manager BSIACADA. OSKOOS. It pay to buy th best wstch that you can afford. At our prices any one can afford a pretty good one. We hav no watch at any price thet we can't warrant to keep good tlm. .. , .. - , W carry the atandard makes, and our prices are lower than the prices aaked by regular -deal era. . , Bverybody oaa aSTord ens f - a watokee.. Call aad investigate. A Li:ae Down, A Utile st a Tl.-ne GEVURTZ&SONS 'v it-iti rtmsT ruit. : JOMSTON THE T1I10R Olves one suit of clothes 'sway svery week. No lottery. No drawings. Ab solutely free, 1 !,' Call aa-w wlU ssrplala. Sartorid Tdlorino Co. -'Me'trASsTJOrtTOat ST. '' : Watches " THE i.'l : " " Uqvj I7cSa ' In the face of a stubborn advance in all cotton and wool material! we have decided to fol low. our regular annual custom of This course must be followed and carried out regardless of loss, for the reason that when the annual inventory of stock is taken in February our merchandise must be at the low est possible ebb. This is not done with any fear of the assessor, but to make room for The pruning knife, keen-edged, is being used in all departments. ' Nothing is overlooked in table linens, curtains, blankets, comforters, pillows, dress goods, cloaks, suits, ladies and chil dren's underwear; corsets, hosiery, gloves, men's underwear, shirts in fact, it. applies to everything in the store, even the most staple articles. The following prices are simply aa index of what we are doing: . ' ' " Corsets! We hav secured several lot of th celebrated . Thompaon'a and War ner' rust-proof Corsets for less than cost of raw material which means lees than , half their regular value. Th corsets are all new and up-to-date 1101 models, At $1.47 .... The celebrated Thomson's Corset, . 1 Victoria, black aad drab. French eoutllle, bound with fine satin rib bon; worth 11.0 and 11.10. shap the beet all round corset made. We .want you to get a pair before aU --r aold We at them. ; : . '-::;.At'38c;";J Ladles French Batiste Fsney Bro-, cadsd Corsets, colora pink and blus, lway sold aa a ' leader at 71c While they last...'. .88 i":At'50cv::'; Warner's Nursing Corset' white, black and drab. Regular price, and " yoa know It ha been and will be again when thl lot I sold. 11.00. . At 95c Warner'.. Corsets, bleckvldrab and . white, boss supporters attached; regular value 11.10. Another lot - root quit so good. hosupporters attached, at 47o pair,; . At 25 c Each Misses' Corset Waist, black and drab, all slsea, new standard price ,10 cents. While they laat....25 12cPair DlacHCcattStochins For woman and children. Pleas do not confound th Black Cat with th Black Pony or Buster Brown ' ' makes., Black Cat ar warranted, .' We could keep on quoting values, but you must come and see for yourself in order to be convinced. Come and see the bargains in Swiss and Bobbinet curtains, portieres, couch covers, fancy Swiss sash curtains; silkolene, Upestry and sateen draperies. 'v: ; Be sure and visit our cloak and suit department Friday and Saturday and look through the sample lines of suits, rain coats, jackets, skirts, petticoats and waists. We guarantee you a saving of 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. We guarantee it. Our Reputation Back of Any Statement NOTE J3urin-Jht sale we guar antee bargains impossible at any other time MtVI Three SongRedtals Mr. AllcnOcodwyn , and Mr Claire Montrith "-. AaalsUd ky . ,: ' Mas. stnxn riaxivs sad KISS xu.iv coriLAJip KB. I niS'l J. ' eOODBICK. . aVeeesisealst. 69 North 18th Street First on Wednesdays November 22 'Is S Pecslaa Osrdea" and -Caala" (Lehsias.) "Tbe Delay Tickets ' It SO, . adsilttlnc to- the three re citals (50 left), obtainable at Orsves Ce., Mr. Alles-Ooedwya, North KlaHtsestk, sad Mr. Meatdth. SSI Thirteenth street. . WHITE TEMPLE TtxesdaT, 21st cf November ' , Parewell Cbnoert of y:"'-'A.:r.: MME. , NORELLI Ticket on sale at Woodard, Clarke a, Ce, LOOK .AT THIS 10 lots, each 10x104 feet, in ' Hawthorne Ave. Addition FROU . to $325 .:. SM aowm. SIS yer saoatk. - Streets ;raded. Bull Run water. Fine place for a Home. v. Empire Investment, Co. SST Caamkes f Ooausv. . , 11 -3T lMi ft llf if Jim A MU STORE WITHOUT A RIVAL' Specials in Hand Bafi'o Tlo grade evlt t..............50 11.00 grade cut to. ........ ...7S 1.11 grade eut to........,...d5 n.M, Df . . . - - . . .11,25 ..... ia.oo 11.00 grade cut to. 11.71 grade eut to. 11.10 grade eut to. axz, ui snsw wOODS. At 29c Men's Heavy French Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, natural gray. Just the thine for hard wear;, value now sOc : WhH . therzlet. , ? . t 28? - At 45c Great range of extra fine Shirts and Drawera, colors pink, blus, gray and ' tan; I0o the aulb . These ar extra nloe good. v At 85c:.' Men s Al-Wool Shirt and Drawers, French ribbed, sslmon color and - , brow a: 7 regular r price 11.11. Thl' is in siui 1 uriin pwTr-ivr exposed to cold, damp weather. --rAtSOc': Men's snd Boys' Heavy FUnnal. Night Gowns. . full . ales; ; regular, valu 71c ,- .... , . In order to . keep In line with th great cut In Shirt we hav eut price in ' Men' Wool Underwear and Wool Boa. The price are far lea than almllar good can be pur. chased for of ' th manufacturer. - - At 25c & 50c Children's Union Suits, cream and gray; good value for 25 and 50 Sleeping Garments &O ' Ton can search the city, examine -carefully goods and prices, then come and aee what bargain w ar offering, and you will admit at one that vry article In our stor I a ' bargain. . - AJCT7 octasco i ncairc - nxis iu BKtasco auTxa. yaors. Poortsestk snd washhurtoa Streets. X. . Mm, Sea. Mar. X. U SeekeW, Sea. XfT. ' TOSIOHT, lils-ALl WTU LAST WEEK Or TBS KOhUKTIC ACT0B lVhitc Whittlesey. la KteWi HaaaleU's Brest Bseeess -. "THE FIRST VIOLIN s Sveslsfs. lSe t TSc; Mattaees. Setsrasy asd Sander, Ste te 0e. Next Week, SterMn With sUttaee Sasday, . -'.- Mevembar IS, - . . , . "tub MTax oaao.M r Marquam Grand Theatre ADTANCS SALS TOMORBOW ' . ' Sr.ES ANDREW MACK . la tb Beentlrdl Irlsk Cemedy-Draasa, i tost xooaz." test Mnnalay. Tseaday snd Wedneedsy. If hla, Kevesiker SO, SI. 21. . : PSlCRai-Psrenet. II.SO: parquet dirte, 'St. Bslranr, It. TSe end SOc. Osllery, ' See asd Sfte. Besas kn ks, I0. Oragea Tkesta Oe lessss. " See. t Mksr, aTav. Xsaklll sal TktrS Sts. "We Mils 1S0T. JIM el Moeieai arweqae. TOHIOHT TOXIOHT r T. W. IMsftn's rasMoe Keaaty Skew, - kreslcal aarleeqse BstraTSfasss, - - - "The Utopians" Wrmmtn nrirsa. SBe. Sfle. SV. TRei SMtlnee SsrarSaj (laat sarforsMBcel. We, So. SSe, Sue. Kest Week "THS PARISIAM BC1XM.- Marquam Grand Th.ctre rkee Mala Ss, LAST rBR'OBMANCB TOMOBT I. IS. . . Tbe riever Teeac sar, .. BABST BIXSTATXa. Islieertk ibeea's Createet Rrama, eeO M O TO ' Tke Trnstle Tt nt tbe See. . raikxa st. , oo, i5. u Odd TMng Silk Embroidered Stock Collsrs; regular price lo. Sale prio..64 Racln Stocking Feat, heavy winter weight; factory price 10c. Our sal price ..T Cub Pins, larv and small,, black, ' whit and colored & Ladles' Fbncy Belt a alt colors, new things; worth lie. Sal price.. 1T ;::At-35cf Men's Fancy French Percale Shirts, stiff bosoms, detachable caffS; . regular value. J c. ' "' The greatest rang of Soft Golf and Stiff Boeom Mount Hood Brand Shirts, value rnginr -P t 11.00 Take your pick for to. - W cleaned -out th Mount Hood Shirt Factory. At 25 c Each Boy unlaundered White Shlrta Sbd fancy French percele stiff bosoms; regular price and worth IS cents each. Ton need not expect to find them her a month from now. ; At 01. CO Ladle' fin and heavy ribbed wool Veat and Pants, in whit and gray, nicely finished; regular I LIS value for . ...... ..... v -.f l.OO At 25c ' Ladles' fin fleece-lined extra heavy Vesta and Pant; regular I So value for 2S At 50c Ladles' fin ribbed part wool Vests and Psnts; regulsr 11.00 and Tto values for BO THE STORE NOTED -JOJt-THE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES ' Aire Empire Theatre! , lttk aad Merries. ' Pfces Mai 111. M1LTOM W. SEAMAK. Maaaaer. Pertlasd s rosslsr riaykaase. . . . Teatfkt All WmS M.tlMe Setsrdsy, ' Tke Merry, Jls Us Mselesl OeeaeSy. Hooligan's Troubles" A aelance ef kssier, easHsf . slnftn asd enalcal nsBbers, Street trees Kew York City. " BVIMJtO PRIceS lSe, SBe. SS Soe. MATIN KB PB1CES lOe, lSe, SSe. NEXT WEEK "A SBOKBK HEABT." LIBERTY THDATRC .. rOUBTB AltO ST ASK STBSSTS. ' Management ef Keatlnf Flnod. . sxasovs saxAixat bill. aterr Sekstalt. Lee Wklt. Tke BerUa Cbildre Badelsk BsklaaA. , Xetly and Daria. MevSa Pteaaras. " Selaet.S Orakestra, rwlWrBMaea esllr st 10, T ito end S n. as. ASalsstos, TEN ead TWS.NTT easts. , THE STAR - , . Bed and OUie Wee. - Sties Bleaaar eaklss. Bkuaesd. Hay S) 0. ' Paerie aad IH stent, center sa saa.aa. "' Mr. Pead Ceaeral aSwtasle lee; eveelne. Sesdsva snd kelwtar. raeereed seats ietrer Seer Suet be LYRIC THEATRE XXX ST AX TIBS MOBKAT, B0TXXBXB. IS. "Th: l!:;rt cf S!c:L SS Acksisdy-Praai ef tke artseea Berdet. ASmleale loe. Reserved Seats BV. THU QliAND r-i t-""'"T r-. Aa4 i,iwnn .( 1- b.rta, .f T -r. ff... fey T'nr v t. 1 .ia ."1 r. I Cr-T gnS . , J , a. I "n.-lnj ... v... , n,4 ib-'ius of i vtu '4.J . After looking' around at every other Cheap Ci'.j to John Dellar, either one cl his ' two stores, and :t brand, new ' goods jood qualitj. the latest make, at the following prices; Lien's snd Youths Suits ' and Overcoats from 3 up to $20; Men's Hats and Pants from ,$1.25 up to C5; Men's Overshirts snd Un derwear from 25 up to Q1.50; a general line ef Shoes from 50 to 3.0; complete line of .Trunks and Suit Cases from $1.75 up to $15 ; good selection of Blankets and Comforters from CO up to $4. You takt no chances trading with us. Prices marked in plain figures.. Goods guaranteed satisfactory. JOnriDELlAO lktat lalV 51va Cer. First tzi Ytr.LCl tzi Ccr. H!rd tzi Civ'j Of recelvlna some bOsuTrful piece "of Jewelry la Increased tenfold If you know that th , . Rinfl, Drcoch, KccMcce, - ! t . ' ' r whatever th eift may he wa kraht ef a jeweler who has an unsurpassed reputation a a Judge of flu (eras. i , We a r prepared for the holi day buying. Come early you'll appreciate the aervic and the as sortment. . ." ; .. . , ANsVright THE IOWA JEWELER ; 293 Morrison St. ' Your Attention ii THE QUAKER PBOPIIET CLAIRVOYANT, MEDIUM, PALMIST Will, on BATVaWAY, XfOTaXCBn ia. start a lady out on the etreets of Port land with a Wanvx.a-racK artnr- xo-Dox.xuLXt (eioot Tavaraxvavata CXXQTB, Me, 4008. The Isdy will hsv the cheque and yen must us the following word to her and have this ad vertisement In your hand: "Has thou aeon Brother William, the Quaker Prophet. t.nd haa thou the cheque No. 4silT The prophet live at S1SW WASxxjrmar itxhi. - if thou ha. f iv It unto me, that I may fo and hs S$ dollars which he will rive to me." There ere on IV two people In rorthmd who""Xnow th-womn.- 80 aer thy neighbor In the street, car. stor or reetaurant, or any Jd place thou may St it. Do thy beat t wxxx so arm. Clairvoyant, palm and payehle readings dally. Ala Sundaya - - 'TIl6 faalll tie C s s el - Business Instltz! ST. - Special School of Greta Shorthand and Touch Typewritlna. Bookkseptng ind Business Methods, Business Pen manship by th Palmer Method. : ooav 0 Ttxmoxr. : Just a third les than la Usually required. Evening- er dsy session Call Main 40 for particular. - Hotel Eaten new . asdaeaely mretaaed. elesasttf SenteSe. reprao, tee srfnnW walk frees keert at aaeevtn and kastneee Statrtet. ell lenre. alrr. eatate raeaa, eeaais NiM alee)rle Babes, ti.ane in eee ipannan ate, Lam sfSew Isanatns. ewoain. wrttii oSIs, wHtlas, . Seeas rasaaaaii Isejear reaestM ssrwrs. sr BU at UlarSnss, Ivrsats smalbs lasts tralss' aad Rovmi 41.00 to 95.OO a Day sacial Bats t CesnsaraUl lbs - xtxa mai (ato. ' .r trersterly f Betel aeOnae. teakase.1 Mis3 Edith Kelly roferlr et Oilref. "Ill tel"f'"r'f'' at etedle. IM loanwdaie nrta.) , IXeCHITIZXT MXTHOP. Pi -s rni r v.w-a rvM" rue Joy 01 I -What Portland wants now," ssld Mr. Coepey, "it fiet4rles-net frsat instltu- ' ' -:c .. -: I'