The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Regard It as a Profitable Invest
ment for .City in Evtry
: VVay. -
-r Belt Lin and Boulevarda Would En.
able Many Suburb Now Cut, Off
to Secure Adequate Streetcar Ser
I vut amount of comment and dle
.' cuMlotvmuch or It .favorable to the
. project, haa been create by The Jour-
nal'e preaantallon of Francle 1. Mc-
- Kenna'a proposition that tha city build
' a belt Una railroad on both banks ol
' the Willamette river, .with blah bridges
' above and below tho city, and a boule-
vard traversing the auburban heights
of east and weat Portland and crossing
' both bridges. , It haa been estimated
' that the plan can be carried out for
'. $1,000,000 or Jess, and Mr. McKenna haa
. proponed to finance the -project and
bond It on a baai almllar to that of the
New York aubway. tha entire property to
' pasa Into possession of the city free
from debt at the expiration of 10 years.
"Thla propoaition will pay tta own In-
- terest, provide lta own sinking fund for
redemption of the bonds, and furnish a
: profit besides. It baa been figured out
carefully, on a baals of ehargee for
; terminal switching one flftn tha amount
.. of preaent charges, and a toll for the
bridirea that would not be burdenaoma
on anybody," aald Mr. McKenna. v,
; Vould ray City Wen. - -
"I will undertake to put the project
through aucceenfally with private capl-
tal, -he continued, "on a baala almllar
to the aubway plan, but I would prefer
-v- to ere tfcelty lasua ita own bonda eed
carry out the undertaking as a purely
municipal enterprise. It would be the
" biggest paying enterprlae, and tha great
; est thing for the clty'a growth, that
. could possibly be conceived."
. i Opinion la divided aa to whether the
. civ should undertake the plan or 0O-
operate with private capital., The ele-
" ment of chance In public, enterprise of
' this character haa. It Is claimed, been
.eliminated by the practical experience
- of New Tork city In construction of the
' subway. " The need of rtlch an artery of
transportation waa felt In New York, but
the elty government hesitated to embark
In it aa the cost waa eatlmated at $S0.-
- 000,000 and the result , aa a 'financial
inveatroent jiroblematleat
BalamoBt Took "a Jlaaoe.
'August Belmont had the thing engi-
n erred by experta and they eatlmated
- that tha subway could . be constructed
on the best possible plan for consider
" -ably teea 4haa-thejrnnlpary estimate.
. On a chance -f making a handsome
" profit, Belmont deposited $2S. 000,000 in
- escrow to lnauretha city against lose.
and entered Into a contract to build the
aubway with private funds, to be raised
' from -a tjcmd -lasue, The: city agreeing id
guarantee that the Interest and principal
i of the bonda would be .paid out of aub-..-
way revenues, and to come Into poaaea-
' alon of the aubway ' at . tha end of 60
years, free from debt" In a nutshell.
i . . !.!,..-.-,...
,and croup are best cured by the famous" Dr. Bull's dough Syrup. It's the
DewfirO Of thO 8ub8tltutO-Do not buy a substltnte elalmed to be "Just
. as good" aa Dr Bull's Cough Kyrup. It is not so. Buy Dr. Bull's Oough Byrup. and vou
wlUnotUdiaapDuiutodlaaouxa. 6oW fcy ali dnigalata, rrioe, aso, M, and auw. ,
H-larltell &m
i 1 MA
Great Values in Suit Cases..
Extra Values in Trunks. ....... i- $2.50 to $12.50-
tha plan waa a division of the liability,
equally between Belmont and the city,
and tha city loaned tta credit to the con
atructlonlat. and la return therefore will
receive the aubway aa a free gift In
lite. -- ---- - -
. Weald Kelp Subarbe.
, Mr. McKenna's plan la almllar. with
tha exception that It appeala strongly
to the civic pride of tha people by reason
of lta intent to exploit tha auburban in
stead of underground featurea of the
city- He aaya It would aoive tne prob
lem that confronts many suouroan ais
trlcta of the elty now without atreetcar
transporatlon. as "they" would be able to
get Independent short II nee constructed
to the nearest place where tie belt line
could be touched, and there make con
nection, on transfer, with Unea reaching
any part of the city. '.s
All atreet railway and ageim railroad
car a could use the belt Una at a, nomi
nal charge per car and In many waya
ahorten their runs, ' while at the'-tama
time giving better public service. The
routea to St. John a and all -,pelagt)a
points southern Portland. Fulton and
Mllwaukle would be shortened and the
city generally brought into closer touch
with the business center.
Bridges) Wools) Be Famous. 0
The high brldgea would be featurea
of. acenlc Interest that would soon be
come famous all over tha United States,
and with tha scenic boulevard tapping
Portland and Willamette heights, Linn
ton, Mount Tabor and the upper Wil
lamette In the vicinity of Fulton and
Klverslde, would do aa much as all
other things combined to make thla city
a Mecca for tourists.. The drive would
be unrivaled in the whole world for
acenlc beauty and Portland's eummer
climate would lend a powerful attrac
tion.. , '' '
"What Portland wants Is facilities for
cheap switching and terminal trsnapor-J
tatlon, - to 'encourage ' manufacturing,
huild ud ell kinds of Induatrlea and in-
aoreese tha population. " Then,-with the
vacant tracta connected up with atreet
car transportation the. ctty would All
and expand and enjoy a steady, healthy
growth.", waa. .Mr. McKenna'a argu
ment.. .:- ".
. . Would Build BaJriaaae. .
"The industrial sections of the elty
ahould now be given facilities tnat win
enable merchants. Jobbers and manu
facturer to tranaport. receive and ex
change producta on the cheapest possi
ble basis of cost for awltchlnr. The
city can and should provide these faclll
tlea and protect tha business Interests
aaalnst possible monopoly, extortion,
favorltlam or diacrlmlnatlon. r '
"Portland la today In a position to do
something for - her future, ana tne
right course la pursued can abaolutely
Insure her ' municipal - prosperity and
eaaa for all time, so far aa taxation and
revenuea ere concerned. Her indebted
ness. Including the water debt, la leaa
than 15,000.000. Under the law aha can
asaume bonded Indebtedness to. the
amount of about! $le.000.000. Later,
when Portland haa taken on debta to the
limit Of the charter, as all cities ulti
mate! do. aha will be in no position to
do anything -for-heraelfJWhatever Is
done should be with anye to lightening
the. burdens, or "
r .. BztraoTdlaaay Offer, --.'
4 There -will- be many- fine bergaine In
the provision line offered ty tne market
and : grooerymen In. , Frlday-a Journal.
Ladlea. don't Tall to ase It., for It will
save you tha price of a new dreaa by
watching thla feature every Friday.'
Only euro preveauve wuoojuag cuuu
ana croup. Thousands ot mothers save
their children from hours of torture and
threatening death by its timely use. : . .
"I gave Dr. Bull'a Cough 8yrap to my children
for whooplDg oough and only used two pottles for
children, anq it eurea tnem. A.IU,r oni
or three dosee tney began to get Del
to my neighbor and they. trio, like H very winch.
banui burton. u aiauory Ava.oruana.ura.
teall reaaara, We-weiBtyea ea haewalaailutw
confldenoe in Dr. Bull's Couch flyrop and, to
that end. will send you a sample free, if you
win write ior it ana jnenaon una paper.
Address ,
.u. hi. in. is. c to, ittuu;
tYEli CO, Baltimore. Kd.
Gbviis and
'Swansdown' Drtsjlni &t Ao
Cowns. . . : . . $1.0
' Stylet like cut, beautiful new
' ; patterns and extra quality.
" Very special at . $1.48 :
tail '".srV(i5c 75c-
Stylish new garments in newest
patterns at very low prices, ;
Special . Values - in Women's
Coats and Jackets $8.50, ?10,
$11, $12.50, $15, $160
$1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $4.05
Colonel C. E. S. Wood Predicts
Eventual Disarmament of Na
tions of the World.
Thietv-aix - membera of - tb Loyal
T.vian. Oreaon commandery, attended
brilliant and elaborate banquet at the
Portland hotel last night after a regu
lar business session. The banquet , la
an annual event. . -
Colonel Jamea Jackson presided iu
toastmanter and Introduced Colonel ' B.
O. Wood, - United - Btatea army, who
poke ia "JEperlencea In Japan During
the War." He paid high compllmenta
to the bravery of the Japaneeo and aald
that they were always msgnanimoua in
their treatment Of the defeated Kua
slana . i ,. " . '
. -The Army 'ef the Future" waa the
subject of a brief address by Colonel C.
E. 8. Wood, who predicted that nations
eventually would disarm. ,; . v'
Wallace McCamant, In speaking on
the eubjeeti "After Forty Xears," re
viewed the civil waw and lta after ef
fects. Captaja O. E. Caukln gave a brief
hlatory of the Oregon commandery and
urged that efforts be made to Increaae
the membership. ' .'
The following membera of the Oregon
commandery : attended tha banquet:
Lieutenant T. A. Jordan, U..S. V.; Geo.
eral D. W. Burke, V. . A.; General F.
H. Hathaway, U. B. A.J Snalgn J. O.
Megler, U, 8. N.; Lieutenant. John K.
Davis, U, 8. V.; Captain Cleveland Rock
well, V. 8. V.i Lieutenant J. D. Merry
man. U. 8. V.; William M. Kapua, R. O.
Marrow Colonel John Murphy, U. 8.
A.: Major 8. B. Harrington, U. 8. V..
Wallace McCamant, Colonel James Jaok
ann. II. B. A .: CaDUln & B. Ormsby. U.
8y.i Lieutenant T. C. Smith, U. a V.:
Captain J. H. Woodward, U. & V.: Major
K. Y. Lansing; Captain J. A. Sladen, U,
8. A.: Captain F. W. Sladen. V. 8. A.;
Captain G. K. Caukln, U. a V.s Lieuten
ant C B. 8. Wood, U. a A.; Major John
A. Payne. U. a A.; Charlea E. Warrena.
-Th - guesta at the banquet were:
Colonel O. K. Wood, U. 8. A,l General
T. M. Anderson,. V. 8. A.; Lieutenant
rr P.-Candee.-Tr 8. V. r Major ' KT ' B.
Wright, U. a V.; General William An
man. V. 8. A: Lleutenanf 'O. C. Harta
horne; Lieutenant A. C. Sloan, U. a T.(
Got U. Watklna, R. 1. Eckersoa, Cap
tain George Mcb. Weeks, U! S. A: Lieu
tenant R. T. Chamberlln, Ui a V. ,
(Continued from Page One.)
neglected.. I would like to ' have the
people of the Inland Empire lend their
aid in this wora, ana it win omy am m
matter of a few yeara until mere win
be a channel opened for COO mllee up
the Columbia. . . - - .
"Now, in regard to Oregon. We are
going to look after that atate all right
becauae it la a part of the' Union and
need, aaalatanca. We want to open th
Columbia river to its headquarters and
thus regulate trafflo-ratea- here,- for tie
railroad can ever rorm en aareenwii
with the river." . - . 1 '
BnatorAnkenjr aald that all OceAB
commerce now tended to big ehlpa, a tat
ing -that no money can be- eaade in e
portlng wheat and lumber In email vea
aela. "We must have a deep channel."
ha aald. "and hv Ood'a belt we are go
ing to get it." He told of how he had
viTiMinvnr emw . from a Hudson
Bay company's trading poet to oe .of
the aeaporta or wo norm weat.- r.
. Oeveznoa Keed'e Sveeek. v
Ood Intended the Columbia to be
tha a-reat highway of tha northweeC
said Governor Mead, "and if the earns
spirit waa shown air along lta ours
aa ia displayed in Vancouver, it would
ba a navigable river from Northport te
iiwaco. Nowj whUe you "are oraing
for your city, you are contributing to
the unbulldlna- of Waablngton. uregon
and Idaho, - At tha beginning of the
hlatory of thla atate It waa propoaed to
uae the. funda received xrom ma aaie
of tide landa for the Improvement ot
harbore and waterways, but the money
waa, unfortunately, placed In oier
funda: I favor a lew that will allow
the taking of that money out of the
funda in which It baa been pieceo ana
nmM i. aa waa arlalnaUv intended."
Mayor A. B. Kaetman. prealdent 'of
tha Commercial club, gave a hlatory of
tha clty'e efforta to secure a deep
water channel. He aUted that tba eel-
ebratlon honored an epoch-making event
in the hiatorv of Vancouver. yeu are
invited tn a irnka anil a rbrlffr'"g
be aald, "a burial or ma oia amjm ana
the birth of the new awakening." He
said that Vancouver waa bound to have
a ahare of the traffle-of the northweet
now that "It baa a harbor whera one
of Mr. Hlll'a alanta of the deep can
turn around without bumping the
shore." He also aald that Vancouver
waa willing to aid Portland In the mat
tet of a deeper channel and bar,
' Time to Wake Xtp.
' ;t
Judge A. I Miller said that he was
elad that the elty had passed the reeo
lutlon stage regarding being a. seaport
and aald that It was now time to wakt
up and throw off the pioneer clothes,
ramemberlna hat it to not 1160. but
ItOS. Judge W. W. McCredle paid i
rlowina- tribute to the beautiea of Van
couvar. saying that there waa no place
in tha world for which God had done
an much and man so little.'
In responding to the toast. "The Lord
Helps Them Who Help Themselves," H.
J. Blddle said: "I doubt , if congress
would ever have helped ua if we had
not started to dig out the channel for
ourselvea. And If the people had not
goner to work for themselves without
government aid,. I doubt that we would
hve er. been able to do what we
bava done and we ahould be lad that
we had such an enterprising neighbor
across the river. -
O. r. Paxton of Portland responded
to the toeat, "Mother and Daughter
Oreaon and . Waablngton.' He aald:
"The foresta of Clarke county ehouio
be manufacturedlnto lumber In Van.
couvar and here loaded onto veeaela fer
ports across the ocean. Join hande with
Fortland and we will make a 10-foot
channel to the sea, with a 40-foot bar.
I am a native of Oregon,,, bom at a tttn
when Washington waa a part of Oregon,
so I am a native of Washington aa well.
There should be ' no "Jealouay between
Portland and -Vancouver,-between -Van-
cewver and Puget aouttd. for we aheuld
all -pull together for the development
of tha whole northwest. Ii II years,
Vaneouver will celebrate the centennial
of its birth, and when you do It, have
100, 0U0 people here."
Many Beeyoaase to Toeata.
Other toasts were responded to as
follows: C. F. Beebe of Portland, "Our
Big Neighbor Across the River"; A. L.
Miller, "Vaneouver and lta Environ
ments": Major Xbert, United States
army, "The Health of Vancouver"; B.
W. Wright of Portland, "Push the Oood
Work Along"; T. I. JMlIer of Portland,
"A Streetcar Bridge Acrbas the Colum
hla"i W. W. MoCredle. "The Future.
I. enetor C. w. Fulton wrote, '1 am at
' II a man akould oror anakata
bis pathway, be would ouit-alv eruxh It
bnilk bla baal Wore It could sink lta
puiaooous (auga luto bla flesh, lie would
ne step out of the way an4 bunperUe
wim ao uaurr
oua reptile. ' And
yet bow many
people are there
w be tamporU
with a still nor
deadly enemy
coDnumption. Like
silent serpent, It
glides along almost
unnoticed, t'irat
a cold, or tore
"throat, then slight
. cough, then catarrh,
then DroncDltia, men
bleeding from the
Innga and Anally death. The way to
crush out the threatening evil is to fortify
the ayatern and purify the blood with
Dr. Pierce'a Ooldon Medical Discovery.
Every weakneaa and abnormal condition
that precedes eonaamptlon la enred by
thla non-alcoholic remedy. At the flrat
rlira of derangement of atomach, liver and
blood, look out! It H only a question of
time until tba lungs, will be atucked
through the impure blood, and then the
dangvr will be moat deadly.
It should be known to every alck person
that Dr. E. V. Pleroa will give carefully
considered, fatherly, pTofeealonel advice
by mail to all who write him at Buffalo,
N. I. No charge or fee of any nature la
Mr. Xoeea Horner, of Stahlstown. Penn'e.
writes: "Last fill 1 took a ervere cold (the
rewlt of wet feet) and this brought oe ca
tenfa and bronchitis which lsed all winter,
riaed three bottles ot Dr. Plerce e Golden
Medical Discovery and two or three ylala of
the Pleaeant Pellets." also one packaaeof
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Bemedy. I am now cured.
Many thanks to you."
Aa honest dealer will not try to per
suade you to take a worthless substl
i of the "Oolden Medical
Discovery for the aak ot a littl added
.11 iaa read to aid Washington aa
.ail aa rtreeon." and Governor Cham
berlaln aent the message, "All Oregon
la with you In tha good work you have
in hand," - -. . - . : .
Letters of regret at not being able to
attend the banquet were .read from Sen
ator Piles. Congressman Cushman,
Mayor Harry Lane. Tom Rlchardeonf H.
T. Tinrlr and V. W. ScOtt.."'
-. Mayor Crawford ..propoaed.. a .vota of
thanks to tha Port of Portland commis
sion for tha uae of Ita dredge, and the
good time closed by . toe singing . ot
"Auld Inf Syne.- ;.v -
Madame Norelll'a farewell
naat Tneadav . evening at the
Temple la
tha next mualoal event in
Thoaa who love music and
attend will And the program an Inter est
i.. a it will not be confined to aongs
and ballada bu -VlH lnolude artaa from
grand opera, aung in Norelll yle. For
the flrat time wUl appear tha Portland
Wind Quintet ciud. uusiav wmw,
director. . - - - - -
Football. . .
Sherman Ind lane - of -California ya
Multnomah. Saturday, November - 1,
MMltPr"ah field. z:0 -BJBaraln.or
shine. , Admleslon Mc. - i
We . have' many excellent
lines' fleece . lined, natural
wooL' merino. ' camelshair.
lambswool, etc., Underwear at
50a to S3.00 each. , "
See ; the special values in
Derby Ribbed All wool tnat
we are 'selling at 85ejtach.
for the monev. !v . - '
4 Wright's Health Underwear
in wool fleece, UU? eacn.
Heavy OCtton ,Fleece, 40
each. ' r 't.', ? - '
.. Camelshair , Merino, - 75t
each. U : J.'
Union Suits for Men. and
Bo vs. - v' '. ' .
" Ask our man to show you.
j j 6us Juhn-Prot ;
Outfitters for area and Boys.
- 180 aad lee Third Street, -.
i . ". area Morrlaoa. t.
Marvelous la what all the dentists aay
about the wonderful ayatem of Alveolar
Dentistry, originated and practiced ex
clusively in Portland by Boston Dentists,
III H' Morrison street. We aava teeth If
only a good root remains. We restore
old decayed teethr to usefulness and
beautv. ' - " .
We replace loat Or absent teeth with
out plates.. ' ' ' -- ., '"-'I
We extract teeth withjetft pain free j
of charga '..!
We treat and tighten looae teeth, and
soft or bleeding gums are made sound
and healthy. - -
we guarantee our olatee to fit
: We give you the beat dental work for
tha lowetCoet eonsistsnt wun nrst.
elaaa work." Come and have free exami
nation sad consultation and leant for
yourself what we oan do for you. -
Boston Painless Dentists
StlH Morrlaoa St Opp. Male Si JTraak
- ana roBtoiaoe, ....
MOtms aoo a. aa. te e p,
day, Sao a. aa, W 18 ao p. aa.
aa, , Baa-1
M II .
. i t a i
. a a j V ua
The Journal Party .will
HEftli IS
Vote wceiyed op to
Of Tha JocrcaVa
Hawaiian Tocr
t ' ' ' '
reaaa Isey
it ess aur be aaauasete si
Maaka sevloe by Tee lean
say tle ea
aL with the
.aa.eet ef twe weU-k
ef the aiswtet la wkleb eke nsMee,
SXO0vn-rkree fseges agresaue
,--. ..sia.ia akall sa Salei
eraebillr aaaoaae the wlaaer la each els.
trtrt, eae reaag lady te ae eatsea reai
each atstflsL , "'V ' ,
namn Aa m en)er eleetleaa. sack sis-
Shan vets MpanteV. Tse eate tm
aaa aaaaot afteet the etker. Mattera area-
erly eoaeernlag the district win Be wttled
br tke wlbei ef Jbe majertty. Tae win.
aer aban have tae right te aaae a aresy
tf aaable te attead herself.
VOVmTS Vetlag wtn eeaisMaes There.
ay, aacast a leea. aa elees Satera.r.
Dwmeer SO, at S e'eteek a. at, leoa.
Ompoaa anat ba voted wlttta aevea dare
after waaa. Ooaaeas eat . thd Daily
joareel aaeat be aeatly tHaiaMd! all
eoepeaa. wkether atngle or special, arast beat
the aaae ef the eaadldata te ba veted foe.'
coirreirs aas ertaaT, as roixowsr
- nTTH tul 'iwuseaa, eat fraaatkedanr
HPer. are gead far eae vote, a-berrlpttoa
te the avealBg Jearaal and Soaday Momiag
learaal. three aiaataa. a speelal
eeapea ef 1M vetee (paid la eaVaaeeh,
eberripttea te SvealBg aad Baaday Mara.
Isg learaal six BMmtba. g.T, a special
empoa ef tSO votea (paid m advaaes). Sab.
sertptloa te the Kvealag aad aeadar Vera.
tag learaal 11 SMathe, ST SO, a special
seaaea ef TO votes (paid advaase).
ahaertptlea te the Bvealag aad Seeder
Uoraiaa JoanaL three BMsttw kr bmIU
. 1. SO. s special esapea ef lae eetes (paid
, tatasveaee), aabearlpMea e the vealaa
; aad Baaay Ksralag learaal kr aiaU eta
amtba, ta.T(. s special eeapea ef SM vetae
(paid ' ta aavaaeeV. gabacriptlea te the
vealaa aad Senear bforalag learaal by
m,n It BMetta. t ee, a spatial eMpea ef
TOO votes (paid la sdvaaee). aau.WMkly
Jearaal. fl M a rear, epeelal soapoa ef M0
votes (paid la aavaaee). . . . ,;V.
grtTB Coapeee saeald ae' veted at the
-1.staqaaX.sis aesiast la' st illi Jp
esapea departaMat ef The loanal. ar at
aay petat aaaMd aelaw. Tetea will' be
-eeaated Keeoaya, Wedasaaaya' aad Fridaya
aad the totals eaaeaaeed t tae pabhe the
Mlewlaa .dev., ft .-.,..,.'. ... '
- Aay eaadlaasa wHadrswlag fteat the sea
. test eaaaet aava her vote esaated tor aa
etr. .. .: - ".-. i- t
i : , ' ' ... : v,
rt, Jf ' . ' ' '. . ' ' - . -
HZAsevABTBXs AJra Tornre rtAezsr
7 Vint SiatrteV-MHeoh tad CbtekaaMe
eeeatlei. Vo tint !. Oeapea DapartaMat
ef Ta Jearaal eMoa. ... , ,;. Vi
"' ' aeemd Wrtrtet-alaB, VaMtma aad
. Wallows saaatfea, L.-, t y-
tUrd PUUIet Wasea. geanaaa.' OIIIUbv
Morrow, WseaM and Creek eesaoes.
reaith TMstHet tuker. wiaat,
aad Malkear seestlea, . .. ..- -
vmk nl.lilnt rrilnistilt aad Clr
Anmal Klickitat. fiOWUta Clrt
PaHe. 'w.hkUkaaj aad SkaauaU eaaatUe,
Waifelaatoa. i T'
'- gfartk XMetrlet aUrlea, Use 'aad ' test
amatles. , - . . . . .' .. , ',7. ','
Seveath IHatrlet Wtsktaftea. T1a.
Tatu Beatoa. Polk aad Uaeela eMaUea.
" ElgMb IHttilet Deerlae. 'Oeoa, Carry
f oaooUla. Jaekaea, . KUBtstk aad Lake
eoeaties. .', . -
An Information regarding con
ditions of the Hawaiian tour should
be addre.saed to the manager ol
the Contest Department of Tb
Journal. , ' ' . ; - V .'- '. '-,
Coupon Free Ha wllan Trip
"., Moneiulu, iiawaliaa UUndg - j " f
: " Thla coupon niuat be voted aa or before November S, 10I.; ',
basaJa m
sail from San Francisco February 15th, 1905, on
Sonoma" for the Hawaiian : Wanda ,(
Wednesday eveniojf in Th
. . Birraicr no.
Mlw Minnie 8. Fhllllni. deputy elork elrro'teoort ,.
MlM 8 111. Madlgaa. V1- Wortmaa A Klag atora
MlH Sadie 'W'lnternuiBUo. City le worka
alias Lara Baty. eau aaa itaraei wir .............. .
Mlae Grotcbaa Karth. lelepboiie operator Portland Hotel .....,.......
Mine Ruth iJtm. endorsed by Fleratd Trades Caaarll .....................
Mi Km Sharon. 10 Beat Tblrtlath rot
Miss Hanrlotta Wlnklemaa, eiiT Cast Coach -atrtat.i,....t."....
Mlas Maraaret Batlth, 690 WIHtaaie aveaae ,
Mlaa Kdlth-Buro. 246 Jitark atretU..-.. .,.,, 1 1 1 ittAt -- " ' vw,f
Mlaa Laura Dorbyahlra. oxi Water atreet
Ulu Sn-hla Olaoa. Did Iv atreet.. ... . .......
Mlas Alroaa Hora, Oraaoa City. .......
Mtos Elaa Oiioaol, 80S Eaat Thirty-Bret
Mlas Elta Horlhert, Bt. Jo Haa
Mlaa Lacy Oua Id, tolrphono operator Oiwroa hotel
Mlaa OonevleTe Holiaea. Olda. Wortman Klsg atere.
Mlaa Nalite Manser, AeS Ratrlfh atreet v
Mlaa Georgia Kink. X2 Burnatde atreet ,
1.11. fan rlMt atra.t. ........... m ..... ...
Mlas Martoa Leahy. Woodard. CUrke Drag
Mlaa CoraelU Barker, 8SS Uraad aveaae
(Voting riaee, Coepoa Ptpartment, Joornal Otaee.,
.... .... Tr . r DMTaunt ao. a
Uha dlli Itaah. la. Oranda. Oreaoa......
Mlas Mollis Proebatet. La Oraada, Orraoa . . . ..
(Voting riaro, ft rand, atalnbeek
Mlaa araea Plotrhar, Paodlaaoa. Otefoa....r.
Mlas Pearl Harrla, Pondletoa, Ortsoa
MlH Oreea Hawka. Paedlrtoa. Oraaoa.
Mlaa Mabel Jobneoa, Pendletoa, SVilliZlZX'iC'mZZL'l'
I votiaa riare, reaoteion, croca m
Mlaa Ulllaa B. O'Harra. Athena. Oreaoa
(Voting Place. Atbena, Dell Broa.' Btore.) - v.- .
Mlaa Ivy McOalllater, Walla Walla. Waablaftoa .....,.:,...........,
via VI. t Callahaa. Walla Walla. Washington
Mlaa Boy imhi, ..Willi . u, niMuiiua
"Mlaa Battle Broea.' WaUa Walla Waahlngtoa
, . , - v-iia W.ll. Vt'..hlntoa
(Voting Plaee. Walla Walls', Waahlngtoa Book Koek.)
Was Stalls La Landa, Weatoa, ornn. ..
Mlas Baallle Prosaaa, The Bailee, Orefoa
W I t ( 1 -'-- Tk. t.l Ia. rpaoM... ...............
(Vising PlaaeThe- liaUra. Ulakely Drag JUffl : l-. ,-
Mlaa gtellaBlcbardaon, Hood Klvrr, Oresoa
Mlaa Grace Hawka, Hood Blvor. Orcaoe... ......,.... ...........
(Voting riaca. llooe Hivar, unwi
Haa. I
M . ... ll IT . K.. IIMMIM.
Mlaa rinnnc, GcorfO. Arllnatoe, Oao. ...,...,...,,
iVettaa-JPIere. Arllnatoe... Brabams .Ceafactloaery.) - ' a
Mlas Occtrudo Sbanaoa. COBdon. On-fe. ; . .... -; : ,...........
(V.tlns Placa, Cusdon. Oaeseaa HoralbraeVr tore.y -a, ;-j ; -.. .-, '- 1
Mlas Lona Haa, Hanpner, Oragoa. ....... .-.f ,,-.......
(Voting 'Flora, H'ppoer, raucraoe aa oou . ,
Iftat Gertrude Sharp, 'prlaevllie, Oreoo..i.w.....i...,
. , ,- DISTEIOT 0. 4, .V -' '- -
Mlas Bfne site King, Ontario, Orcgos ..........1.....
Mlas Hattle Bar too. Bakor City, Orcgoa.............v .......
utu wtrada Tlce. Baker City. Orcaae. ..................-.
Mlaa Bthel Parker. Baker Cltr.- Orcaoa -.,, ..,
Mlaa Myrtle Brattoa, Baker City, Oregoa..,..,..
I voting riace. naaar 1.117, jotis
Mils Clara Beats, Bursa, Oraon
. I voting riace, Berne, wriome rmo(.) a ana
. , .. 1- V.Ia . ................... .......... I.QH
miwm awiv .1 wj , . v.vp.'w. ........
Mlaa Oaraldlne Darken. Rnaipter. tlrcgon. ......... ............
" (Voting Plaea, BaBpear. De(fa Clear sad K a weat and.)
. luaiaiui av. e. ....... , . ,'
Mlas Ploraare Hoavrra, ' Vtneaaver, Waahlnatoa ., .......... as,Bti: -
i Voting PUce, VaneooTcr. Bi Male Btnet.) . . . . , , . . )
athorlae Oorv, Kalanw, Waahlngtoa ...,f mi a.. .......... lw,eaa ...
(Voting Plaea, Kalame. Blore. .
Mlaa Asntlla Wllllama, Kelse, Waabingtoa ...... ............... .4. .. II, ail y
(Voting Placa. Kclao Onntectlonery.) . . - - .
ui. 11 . Mima Vallav. WaahlBCtoa - .,....,.,...........,. ILBns
uia Ka t. Todd. Astoris. Oraaoa. ........... , ll.aet
uiu D..WI-. rh.ffM.An Aatoria. Oraaoa. ....'..,...................... S.4a
Mlas Batbar Anderaoa, AatorU, Oregoa..
(Voting PUce. Aatnria. Owl Drug
MkW ratar Watklna, Bt. Helens, uregoB
Votlna Place. Bt.
Helena, Gray'a
Mlaa Gertrude Bandall. Caatle Hock,
Mlaa Grace WrighW Caatle Bora, Waehliigioa
i Voting riace, vaaiie noca, bwi, ' f . .
nnla Perrlne, Clatakanle, Orcgoa. .............. ..m
(Voting Plaea, Clataeanle. Blmawna Co. 'a Store.) . j
Miss Alice Perrr. Balnter, Oresoa... .........,.,..... ,
(Voting place, Balnler, . rrleannre n vamacirawwr.i v - i ,
leratrrr BO. a Li'l.'
Mlas Blanche Brewe, Baleai. Orcgoa
ilu W... navidaoa. Salem. Oraaoa..
Mlaa L. Belle Uarbr. Balam. Oregoa.,
Uhia Ulnala Iratoa. Baleai. Oraaoa..
Mlaa Paarl Bballoy, Baleai. Oraaue. .........
Mlaa Minnie Acbrnbaeh, ealaaa, Oregoa...
Mlaa Nettle Beddtheop, BaleBi. Oragoa.. iV"Y
(Voting riaoe, neieni, naa. vrae
, im nub. n. t.M . Tunm oj,aaa. .
. Mlaa Emma Morrett. awgena. urrsow
Hiaa Btalla Beaa, ogaaa, Oregoa. ..........,............ .a........ a.... ),ao.
(Voting Plaea, Ensene, Hull s Drag Btara.) ....... .
Mlaa Lacy Morcom, Woedbara, Oregoa........ ............... iB.sse
'Mlaa Myrtle Traafc. Wood horn.. Oresoa
(Voting Place, Woodburn. Beebae Whttnaa't Btore. , ".. '
Mint Maada Blair, Cottage Grave,-Oregoa . ........... e.......w.M.eM..
XlM Era. Stewart. Cettace Grove, Oregoa ......... f2
Mies Llama Veatch. CoMage Grove, Oreaoa , W,a
' (Voting Place, Cottaae Orove, Gill's Confectionery.) ,Ul ,. .
Mlaa Kathrra Garvlg, Bllvertea. Orem...i..i.(..iw,Mw.ia,.r,w!i, XI, see
iaa,kthrya tearvlg, Bllvertea. Oregon.... ......... ...
(Voting Place, gllTertoa, Brook's Drag Stors.) .
as Pearl lavase, Albany. Oregoa. ......................
Mlaa Masgle. Chambers, aweny, vresvw. ...........
Mlaa Alice Lncka, Albany, Orea......;.........,.
(Vi.tloa Place, Albany, Itewaos's Drag Btore.)
Mlaa addle filmnwtn. Lebanon. Ofefoe. .......... .......
(Voting Place. Lebaaon, (ttoa's Btare.) - ., '
Mlaa Bonds Gleay, Aurora. Oregoa. ...... ...... ......... .. ...... mm. .... J.eTS
UkMi gay Ceoley, Brewaavlllf, Ores. .... 1.S40
MleS Berths O art em ache, 'Mrltlonrllle, Oreeoa .imajmn mae W.TT4
(Voting Place, McMlnnville. Hoaeer's Store.) . ,. , '
Mlaa Haael Kennedy, Lafayette, Orejpia...... i,inMH,aioieiinaaii 14,eas
(Voting riaee, laiayane
Mist Cora Spangle, Paytoa, Orefoa.
. (Voting Place, Karvoo. narrnr s ' -
.Mlaa Minnie Boy, Dallaa. Oreaon.... M.m ll.SM
(Voting Place, Dallae. Blast s Cratectloaery.) .. . . .
" Mlas Marie Hiwtetlee, Hlllahore, Oregos...'.... ......... ;"
Mlas Roaa B. Bnwncr, Hlllaboro, Oreaon. ... I. ...... ....l......a . ,1
(Voting Placa, Hlllaboro. 8chlmerlch's Store.) - v .
Mlaa alrrtle Bo tier. Fncent Grove. Oreaon. ...a.......... ....... ,MS
(Voting Place, Poreat Orove. La Coorat'S Stort.) : - "
-Mlaa Olive Itratton, Kewberf, Oreaon . . . .i.,...,'..,w.iaM '"'
., (Voting l'laee.- Newberg. Calwell Ce.'s Drag glare.) . - ' . "
itlea Lillian Webater, PhlloBiaih-, Orfgoa..., .....,...r.. .!
l lltaa Bxieale C, Holah'lmer. BetTertoo. Oregoa 1 ............. ................ .. ... J.I70
- (Voting Place, Beav.rtoa. Thomas Thing Coaf eetlonery. ) -. . , '
Mlas Grace Btarr, Cervallla, Oregon, c" l.MS
.-. - s,- v v.. DISTSICT V0. ,;.----- .xv.. . .
Mlaa gdna Pkraley, . Boaeborg. Oregoa ,.,....... M.jse
Mlaa Dale Harmon, Boaeborf. Oreaon. . 1 a. ...,........ aureus
( Vnring riace, Itoeennrs. n,.m , ,n
Ula ImIu T. Jonas. JaekeooTllle. Oregoa....
Mlaa Mande Berry. iOranta Paae Oregnn..
(Voting Place, Grants Paae, Smith's
Mlas J-anle wooarorn. aieorora, tii.,i....
(Voting Place. Medfnrd. Hnaeell a Geafectloeery.)
Mlas fr'ncee Oehorae. A "bland. Oregoa....
Mlas Lydla Mci'all, Aaniano, irfaon... ...................
I ( Voting Place, Aabjacd, Button a Heweatand aad Baylaa'.) ,
Journal't Hawaiian Tri
Total Vote. ,
.6M I
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Com.ti33 U done on
Mondays, Wednes
days. tsi Fridays and
tbt . sUsIn cf .tha
c&istts annocscal
, to tha public tba fol-:
lotvlsa day - r ' Ai
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