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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
THE. ... OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1J, 18C5. i r was TKxma YOUR I MONEY BACK! , -, Sa seek ' wtetmi la mo satisfactory. Beaptlnf tnlnaS vrhlo cam't be old acala (or ea salary a a ' - . .' ' .. - ruw- 1 Stationery Specials Letter-site Tabletsr "Rul' 15c. 'Special... 6e Acceptances and Reg-rets; regular 30c. Special Quadrille' Fabric Papeterie; regular 35c. ;! Spe-, ; v rial . . a 8e .Flaxine Linen Papeterie, gray; regular 30c. Special TTTTiTTt'v"' " rs'"-4 'ivf.; " ' t Coq de Roche -Papeterie, yellow;; regular 50c. f Special . . tJ t, i ....... ." ,..;.......... .. Kioto Roche Papeterie, gray and blue; regular 5UC' Special, .-. ..,;.,,.."..' ,..' ,.. v . ; Wt cany V full line of DennisonV pin tickets, ticket pint, string tag, gummed labels, sealing wax, crepe paper, napkins, etc ' . : , -.''w I, 1 I . THAT ALARM We guarantee every one sold y The "Woodlark" .98 Alert .......... ;t.0 Luminous ,: 1.35 Spasmodic .' . . . '. , l.TS Bueaboo ....... '1.T5 Sunrise 1.25 Souvenir Spoons : And? Novelties of the : Fair at Ridiculously t Low Prices 4 " , ' - '. ; - .. Rather. late, do you say? Yea, we know the Fair is over and we .also know that thousands of. ; Portland', people didn't buy sou venirs who intended to in some instances Vfrom ... neglect others because theprice was a bit high, That's why we secured the en tire remaining stock of Watson Newell' Co.'s ' souvenir sterling, copper,' gold ' and plated spoons. Jancy.bp.xMaseflaginselt,". buckles, hat pins, etc., and now offer them for, sale at less than half whatyou would have paid -dnring'-he-tFair. ;y : 1 , '" 1 :", - This display is positively the 1 " largest" shown during of since the A, ; ' Exposition, and we cordially in vite your .inspection you are never under obligation to buy, . THAW " Woodlarh '-News READ IT Our Elastic "Hosiery and Support ers are Made on. Our Own Looms We "Knit A II r Fir . -) ( t . -..VJ x- Experienced attendants, male and ' female. , Private - ' fitting room. No ready-made. shopworn , elastic ware. - v " saustacaon , v guaranteed Prices moderate. Tolu-Fir for' Coughs and, Colds. 50c It's Guaranteed to do -the Work. ; CHRISTMAS GIFT? . GET IT AT; WOODLARK V STORE. " - FINE WINES Vin Brut Champagne Splits You and I size.. - 1, - W tl TK . ' I19K ij uiiiiii s . xAiis u y vuiis v - i la . . ... T--. Grand Imperial Sec pints 1.35; quarts.... 2.25 Moselle Sparkling White, imported pints. ,.f 1.35 CALIFORNIA'S CHOICEST ; Sauterne. Cabernet. Claret. Burgundy and Zinfandel quart .,.....,.,.50 SOAP SPECIAL Jersey Lily Floating Bath Soap delightful, absolutely pure large 15-tnch bar. .lf THANKSGIVING SALE OF -CUT-GLASS opportunity to purchase .the Empire and ilass at prices which save you 25 to 40 A rare Quaker Glass per cent.,' Wellerware Our en , tire stock of these beautiful art ' gems 'in vases, pitchers; , etc., st half price; regular 80c to $6.00. Now...40 to 3 Louwelsa Jardinieres at half price; regu lar 85c, $115, $1 50, . $1.85. . Now 3, 58f, 75f, 02f. " S h o p by Phone , Can Prfve 11 (Mt tost eraav well WEDDING GIFT? Get it at the Woodlark Store. VV H.HJLJ'iLirlL-' CLARKE&CO. 50c 75c $1.00 Tin ease, to. MODERN DRUQQISTS . Z.lttl drops of Wktar, uttle ' Ina of Band In sufficient . qnawtltr la thm proper home for Gold Fish ;Wa mU tfcsask ... for . DISCORD RACPAUT IN 10. P. ; ?aiK?LBtuW,e!-.E8tabihed Principles of Machine Politics ; : Will Be Ignore. MULTNOMAH COUNTY MAY NOT HAVE NEXT. SENATOR No Avowed Candidate Yet From This County Geer, Judge Ellis and Judge Lowell All Political Aspir ants. republican politicians ar lylns iviki O' nlht trylnc to flgura out tho prob able raauita or tne curact primaries in thS comlna; stats campalsn. - The prob lem is sorely perplexing. There Is the graveat danger that all of the eatab liahed principles of machine politics 111 be ignored utterly. - Ueorraphlcul considerations, which ordinarily play larse part In the making; of the party ticket, may be wholly forgotten : ana the voters are likely to be beartleaaly oblivious to tne plans or the profea slonal slatemakers. Indeed It Is. quite on the cards that the voters may nom inate the men of their own choice and not thoae choaen by the bosses. According to all the rules which have governed the distribution of offices 'n the past. Multnomah county should have the next United States senator. But up to the present time no avowed candidate for the office tias appeared from this county, while there is ample Indication that there will be two or .three from other parts of the state, . Some Ambitions Ones. While the people do . not elect the senator .directly, they have opportunity st tne primaries to express their choice, and legislative candidates may be called on to pledge themselvea'to be governed by. this expression. Ex-Oovernor T. T. Geer Is commonly credited with an am bition to make one more try for the toga and eastern- Oregon has at least one potential . candidate : in Judge A. - - Lowell of - Pendleton. Other names have been mentioned also, so there seems no -danger of dearth of candidates. Multnomah county will be plaoed In an embarrassing po sition If the choice of the voters falls upon a man from some other section of the state. - - The uncertainty as to the senatorial question seriously complicates the con gressional nomination In the second dis trict. Under the old system, when' pro gram governed. It was customary for Multnomah to waive all claim to the congressman. In consideration of hav ing one of the two senators. ; But there are patriots In Portland who look upon the custom as an Irksome one. anl would fain enter the lists themselves as congressional candidates. - Tend May Be Bevlved - I TO ':: : : ' Art Auction , Sale of Japan's Fair txliibit Closes Saturday Night Only Two Days More Make Your Money Talk for this Is a Chance of a Life Time - Sales" 1 a'XrM.'to 6 P. M.; 7 P. M. to iO P. M . v ' . " - Y. KUSHIBIKI, " . rtiir fi' Ar Commissioner-General.' CIIA5. He 0 Connor y. Hashimoto, : ' Auctioneer Commitsionen -' i V. YAMAJI, . 1 ! Manager. ( i . -Iv JOURNAL yANT ADS PAY DEST WOULD. LIMIT SPEED OF . TRAINS IN CITY LIMITS ; Councilman Masters Introdured an or dinance In .the. council yesterday limit Ing the speed of -all . railroad trains within the tjltyUralts to II miles an hour and providing for bells to be rung continuously ' on' the. locomotive while passing , through the city..', ';'.. . Many complaints have been made against the s trains running at a high rate of speed In the city, and several accidents have been reported on this ac count. I' The ordinance Is for the purpose of ' forcing 3 tne railway: companies to take precautions. A Members'of" the ecouncll heartily agreed ! with 'Mayor. Lane's suggestion that . the 'City officials should hold monthly or semi-monthly smokers or dinners where questions pertaining to the Improvement of the city could be discussed and the officials become better acquainted. The mayor suggected that It be a :gt together" :lab. . Those who spoke favoring It were Councilman Beld Ing, 'Vaughn, Shepherd and Oray. It was decided that the ' mayor-should be a committee' of one to make arrange ments with other elty officials for the first dlnner., . i . 7: Try one drop of Schilling's .Best lemon extract in , half.a glass of water. . - , Try how many drops of some other extract intakes to flavoi as..much.;;: -;Xt 'S:i7:' 1 ' They argue that there is no assurance that under the direct primary - law Multnomah .will be gives the senator, and that therefore there Is no reason why the congressman should be con ceded to some other part of the district. They say also that the selection of the nominee from central or eastern Ore gon almost Inevitably will - revive the old fsud between the Moody and Wil liamson factions, while It would be easy to find 'a candidate in Portland . who would be acceptable to both wings of the pSrty. It will be strange If some Portland man does not enter' the lists as a candidate. , . ' The question Is frequently askd whether Malcolm Moody will seek the nomination. His past experience In con gress and his . cordial relations with President Roosevelt are urged as stron reasons why he should be the nominee, but if Moody has any Intention of mak ing the race he has not yet disclosed it. The general belief Is that he will not run. Undoubtedly he ' would encounter some bitter opposition from friends of Congressman . Williamson.- who has' a strong personal following In the district despite his conviction In the federal court. ' ....! B. W. Bartlstt's Show Small. E. W. Bartlett of Ia Grande, former register of the land office at that place. la, said to be a candidate for the congres sional nomination, but he Is not looked upon as a serious factor la the fight. The fact that he was removed from his office .would militate strongly against him. ' ' ' - " '" A more serious aspirant is Btate Sen- J.h T n.nrl at Baker City. Ranj Didn't CurtaCIt. the Chicago Painless Dentists : 1 303yJ Washington; SC V Corner of Fifth St Opp.Perldnt - HoteL ; ,v .. SEE THE . Special ; Rates on Dental Work Full Set Teeth that fit.. If 5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-K:.....f 3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-K.. ...,f 3.BO Gold Fillings ,....k.fl.OO Silver Fillings. .. .... ... 50 , '.' A 12-year guarantee with all work. We do : strictly as we advertise. Open evenings - and Sundays. Bank reference. , CHICAGO PAINLESS dentists .aasfa datea in the field and neither. has been making any sensational headway. In deed it is remarked, frequently that a dark horse may yet win the raoa." Henry Ankeny has been urged by- his friends to become a candidate and they believe that- .he could capture . the nomination without much difficulty, but he - la not Inclined to take a hand In the political game. . Can he beat Chamberlain f- U the test ) applied by the Republican politicians to every possible candidate for the guber natorial nomination. There are many who' argue that the nominee must come from Multnomah county If he Is to be elected. But the fatal objection to- such a selection lies. In the fact that the Republican cannot be found In Mult nomah county " who will command the united support of the Mitchell and Si mon faction. 4 . ; CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO. V:... , : peolal anoimam axearstoa TralB vie , Bon therm yaelfle'JUllroad, " On December IS a special excursion train will leave Ran Franclsoo via the Southern Paelno for the City of Mexico Low rates have been made for points on the Southern Paclfle In Oregon. Par ticulars by asking any Southern Pacific agent or writing A. I Craig, general passenger agent.. Portland, Oregon. W. H. PRESTON TALKS 10 1 ASSEMBLED CREDIT MEN has not yet declared himself, and even to his friends he professes to be unde cided, but there is strong reason to be lleve that he will be an open candidate for the nomination long before the pri maries are held. But there will be stumbling blocks in hie way. Rand haS been closely Identified with the Mitchell faction and could not expect very cor dial support from the Simon wing. In the last- legislature he made a bitter light for the Jayne bill and aroused much antagonism. And finally Rand's candidacy for congressman scarcely could arouse enthusiasm among the friends sf Mayor C. A. Johns of Baker Ctty, who hopes to receive the Republi can nomination for governor. Johns naturally would feel that Baker City could not. have both governor and con gressman, and as he has been In the field for several months he would argue that Rand should leave him a clear track.-' i--.- -- ..'.....l... ,. ' jro Word Trom Bills. - It has been Intimated that Judge W. R. - Ellis - of Heppner might enter the congressional race. He has not declared himself, however, so that his course Is a matter of conjecture. Kills has served a term in congress and tne experience thus gained la one of the arguments ad vanced In his favor. - In the first congressional district the light appears to lie between Walter L. Toose of Marion county and 8. B. Hus ton of Washington county. C, B. Moores of Salem Is a candidate, but seems to be making little headway, and the chief significance of his candidacy. Is -that It Is representative of the opposition to Toose In his own-county. Huston Is making a vlgordus fight and has devel oped unexpected strength In various parts of the district. . .. , .. - As chairman of the congressional com mittee Toose played an active part in the last two campaigns and did his part to- secure the election of Blnger. HarJ. minn, i ni iiimawaiii uououui Claim on the voters of, the district ie expected to bring him strong support from soutHr em Oregon, and especially from all of Hermann's friends. But there will be a battle even In the Hermann strongholds, for Huston has a Urge personal follow Ing. The attitude of Clackamas county Is a matter of much speculation, for Its heavy, vote will have a large Influence on the result.-- . - '-' lew Oat for Oeverao. : . , Surprise, is expressed that- there are net more candidates for. the Republican nomination for governor. ' Mayor Johns of' Baker lty and Pr.i Wltycnmhe of Corrallis -are the only -avowed candi- At the monthly' dinner of the Portland Association of Credit : Men. . last even ing, st the Commercial club, a guest of honor was,, entertained In the person of W. H. Preston, father of the National Credit Men's association, who la visiting in Portland. . Among the guests were: W. H. Pres. ton, bankers' department, '.American Credit Indemnity . company; ri. N. Wheeler, American ' Credit Indemnity Co.; W... I. Abraras, Allen et Lewis; J. Walrath, .Western Baking company; C C. Richards Closset - & Devers; Mr. FHsgerald, Union Meat company; O. Mangold, Mason, Ehrman A Co.; J. H Walker, Western Baking company;. A. V.- Stafford,. Rosenfeld-Smlth company; H. B. Merc wen, McEwen ft Koskey; W. A. Mansfield, Bell Co.: J. Crane, W. P. Fuller Co.; R. L. Bab) n.' secretary of the Merchants' Protective associa tion; H. K. . Arnold, Blumauer-rrank Drug company; W. H. McVey, Marshall' Wells Hardware company; F. M. Sher man, Allen Lewis; E. H. Kiltuun, Howe, Davis & Kllham; Mr. Anderson, Acme Mills company; CiM. Dtlley, Page Son; W. B. Roberts, Leng aV Co.; F. A. Frasler, Portland Seed company; W. B. 'Ferinycook,. Sinclair,. Provision . eom pany; A. H. Devers, Closset aV Devers. (r Makes Stout r.n Sender- The stout man frequently has difficulty in finding art overcoat which does not make him appear stouter. -' - - The West End is a long, full overcoat,' which drapes from..', the shoulders. It is a remarkably graceful coat for tha v v ' . .. ,,., :",' "heavy set" man.. - ' . " ml fMW Oxfords, Vicunas, ' Thibets V Prices from $20 to $35 The average over ' coat is not jnade up as carefully as tho average suit. Our overcoats are fitted and tailored -as ac ceptably as the best dress suit. HATTERS CLOTHIERS T FURNISHERS 311 Morrison St Opposite Postoffka - Wrinkleless Underwear, also t fits your form so your clothes show off to advantage. We ; carry exclusive Ones of tha finest goode. a FEW SPECIALS I Isabella, Sable and Fox Boas Fimshedorfc cnds.-5yith jniatuxalJFojCBniBh Tails. ; , ;. Special $6.50 ii H ' Baum Marten Tie Trimmed with" corded fringe ' and with" corded ornaments.. Special $5.50 Canadian StoneMarten Stole Baum Stone Marten Stole ' Satin lined, finished on ends with .--V. ' ';'.'' six bushy tails. Special $12.50 tS: CO. ;''.".V.;5v-:; V RELIABLE FURS i-',; : JOHN P. PLAGEMANN, Mgr. ' 288 MORRISON ST. HAH Kemp You looking Young Aiwirs Teetor voethrnl mine tn m tmw3 .'ID. BBir rSIIIOS rTlSHITVIJ VBMme dsndraff. A bitk-tltmn ilf.(rowt sreseiDf, kerplng bslr soft, glair, lararl snt. Deee sol enll ekta or linos. Tbs Greet Bslr Food. aMed br R4RVINA SOAP, bnls sralp, kills eandraff (cnas. etnps ttcfelnf, proBMH Sae rrawth. Irte Sor. kotUrs. arnjlt'. fake setslaff wltkeat fntimtmt ai Arnsss Slro this, tike ta an? et following Srar rltts. aa rt SOn. bottle Balrheslth asl 3c, cake narSas Mllate4 Soap, hath for toe.f rfii1r price TK-t or snt br Phllo Bar Ob.. Hewsrk, M. 1 sretMld. tar SOa. see this sn. rre enes set steS br Sranlita wltbeat inia mm ht, ih auc. lor uairMalta, MsaM...,,..,..,r.,,.,,....,,,..v,n, Adse...:...,..,.r,i,r............. WOOSAJtS. sOXAn Si CO. aa4-WaeUB-tom Sle. lourO Cannel-TheCestGrateCoal- .' s Buy your coal judiciously. It's -economy to use the proper coal . ; . : in each kind of heating apparatus. ' Cannel Coal is the best grate '" coal large lumps, handled easily . a quick lighter and a guarantee , .of a hot fire, r . v t. , . Delivered at your home for $8 . a.ton. , 'Phone Main 780. 353 Stark St. IIOLMES COAL & ICE CO. " : ' j ; V STATEMENT .-OF' THB CONDITION OF-i t - - " Theism " " ' .:. i-i-OF PORTLAND, OREGON. , : ' ' y " - .:'' ; . ;: , ; v---;-- v - At ths Close of Business November I, libaV "'.," .. : Asaa,-3i : , . . .. .1" txiene end discounts'. . . ,f ,1M,"S1. 40 U, fl. bonds to eo. dr.. . 600,009.00 U. 8. 'and other bonds and prem. ........... 114.l4g Real estate 1 M04.ll Office' furniture and fixtures .............. "4,600.00 Ranb; bulldlna- ........ i. 125,000.00 Cash snd due from . . , banks ............... 1,:4.I41. 71 t.i24,:is.ii '.-. -'' UAsnirnii capital .rr....... Sur. and un J profits. ... Circulation Dividends unpaid Deposits '.,.,..".., I."..,', OO.eoO.M S2t,llMI i00.000.00 . JOI.OS . 4,tM44.4l Attest, correct: . , - f.i!4.:Mi J. C Alnsworth, President i! r- 1 i 4 s : v.-