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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905) FOULEST EUER IfJ HOME - .-NEWS THE IIMOR. Ten Tons of Barnacles,1 Shells, Of Interest to Everyone -., - Dirt, Gravel and Seaweed -on Euphroyne;j r; BUY- ONE' IF NOT THE BEST ON THE MARKET AT In Portland. Your : cVIoney, Back: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND, TIIUr.SDAY.. EVENING. . NOVEMBER 13, ' 1805. I0-QE m aw uill; v-xy: v :;.;v- :;. ,. ... . HAVE TO USE CHISELS ' TO CUT OFF BARNACLES When They Are Removed Hull of " Vessel Lookr Pitted Snd Had Collected on Bottom and Luxuriant Growth of Seaweed Flourished. ' Ten tons of shells, barnacles, . dirt, gravel and seaweed war removed yes terday from the bottom of the hull or the Britlah ship Euphrosyne, which bad been raised on the drydock at St. Johns for cleaning and painting. , It was the fouleat bottomed ahip ever seen In this port and those who saw the rank growth are wondering; how she managed to com plete the trip from 8an Francisco with out the assistance of s tugboat. The barnacles had fastened them selves so firmly to the steel hull that it was necessary to cut them off with aharpened chisels. When they were re moved there were left big spots, giving the ship the pitted appearance of one who has' suffered , sever attack of smallpox. . .' . -1 ' '. ' In some manner great quantities of oil hud accumulated between the barnacles.' Out of this soil had grown seaweed two feet long. Since coming In contact with freah water the vegeta tion had. begun to die. Before the growth had been disturbed, the under part of the hull resembled a msmmoth sponge and was much the same color.,- Clinging to the grsss and Imbedded In the aoll were sheila of various slses and ahapea. Some were of the variety known aa mussels.-. There -were larger shells, almost the sis of clams.""- On of the men at the dock took a dinner pall full of them home with him, de claring that he believed they would make a fine dish If properly prepared. In the collection wer small shells of variegated colors and dasallng beauty. llowxthey got there no one knows. Juat before coming to Portland the Euphrosyne had been lytng In the harbor at San Francisco for almoat three years. It was then that the barnacles and weeds began to grow on the bottom of her bull, But how -so much nana ana oil got In the mixture Is a mystery. A theory Is advanced that possibly large schools of fish plsyed around her-keel and stirred up the mud. portions of which found lodgment on the ship. Captain A- Mcintosh has the contract 4n- rlnm nln. , Anri - fiAfntlnar - th K 11 "pnrosyiw. H-had-S0 men employed -cm the Job yesterday nd expects to com plete the work tomorrow. . The ahlp la under charter to carry a cargo of grain to Europe. Had she not been cleaned H Is said that It -would, have i.bM hoi- a trti, le comnlete the nefc- age. . ? .. '; ,: G. W. WALKER SOLD." t, Verthera Faelflo Bay lUatl from Jaoob.Kamm Carry TTelght. Jacob Kamm sold the steamer O. W. "Walker this morning to the Northern pacific Railway, company, the conSlder oi Ion not being made public The ves sel will be used on the upper Columbia river while the building of the north 'bank' road Is In progress. Bhe will be '- epersted altogether as a freighter, trans porting material between the. various ' cam pa. - It la alao probable that she will make frequent trips to Portland for freight. ' ' ' ' . The O. W.. Walker was formerly op erated between Portland and point on the Lewis river -as- a freight and paa- 'senger boat. Bhe has also run between here snd Vancouver. A couple of months go she was taken out of active servloe and given a general overhauling. 81 nee coming from the ahipyarda she hss been lying Id! at the foot of Jefferson street, although there hsd been talk of sending her out soon on the Lewis river rout to assist the Msscot. The Walker Is of 1S4 tons gross register. Si feet long- SI feet-across the beam and 4.S feet depth of hold. Bhe wss built st Portland by I laci'D XI rain in ana una nn re garded one of the best steamers of her sis plying In local waters. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. : STasieroaa Changs Bport4 by Captala Xk O. XeUaer, Xdghthoaa Inspector. v Captain L. C Hellner. local llghthonae Inspector, reports the following changes In the aids to navigation: Columbia River Entrance Clatsop spit ' buoy No. S. a red flrst-clsss nun, sent adrift October SS by a shot from Fort Stevens, Oregon, was replaced Novem ber, 1. On November the buoy was found out of position and replaced the asms day. .' . . v. " Columbia River, Channel Of er Van ' -rouver Bar The following buoys were . ewtsbllshed November as guide In the China Crockery Sale It will save you lots, of money -.:-lValuble1-: 'r Coupons : -. given ; , 't with every, V: purchase Don't . miss this sale American Importing Tea Co. nt First - WertlaaaV M Wasalagsoa Bt ." Our 100 stbrcs - 'I lielp us to, help yon err newspaper la tns country you d atatements mad by people living In out-of-the-way plaoea, who are suppose to nave peen curea or aenvea great benefit from some wonderful rem edy or "oure-all. But here In Port land we only publish statements made by- Portland people the .testimony of your friends, neighbors , and . fellow townsmen. " ' T "., B. Meredith, the : well-known brlck- mason, contractor and - builder, who Uvea at 61 Twenty-first street, says: Doan s Kidney mils is one or the beat remedies I ever used, and I cheerfully recommend them to any one.. suffering with kldner eomnlalnt. and no medicine rave me nermanent relief until I tro- cured Doan's Kidney Pills. J was so well pleased wltb them thai when my wife had severe attack a short time ago and could hardly get about to -do her work, I had her take Doan's Kidney Villa In two or r three davs thev straightened her , up' In fine- snap. We both endorse the claims made for Doan's Kidney Pills and have nothing but the highest terms of praise for such a val uable remedy." . . , ,.. For eale by all dealers. Prloe BO cents. Foster-Mllbum Co.. Buffalo. N. T.. sole agents for the United States. Remember tns name ' iXJAW H ana take no other. . . recently dredged channel over "Vancou ver bar. The channel Is' about X t-t miles in length In an , easterly- and westerly direction. end - runs nearly parallel with the northerly side of the lower end of. Hayden Island, Oregon. . Vancouver (Waablngton) Bar Buoy No. I A black second-clssi spar, la 10 feet of water, closs to the northerly side of the dredged channel. . Hayden Island, westerly end;. Willamette -river, light houae and Hewlett point, tangent. Vancouver Washington Bar Buoy No.' I A red second-class spar. In St feet of water, cloae to the southerly slda of the dredged channel. - Willamette river lighthouse. W. 7-1 N distant I l-f miles, -.'v Vancouver (Washington). Bar Buoy No. I A black second-class spar, In U feet of water, close to the northerly side of the dredged channel. Willamette river lighthouse, w. - N distant 1 ! miles. 7 ' Vancouver (Washington) Bar ' Buoy No. i A red second-clean spar. In St feet of water, cloae to the southerly slds of the dredged channel. Willamette river lighthouse, W. - K, distant I l- tnllea. . . ,-..-,.,. Grays Harbor fcntranc (Page Tl) Outer buoy, a PS. ftrat-claas can, found out of position November t, was re placed the earn day. FIVE VESSELS CLEAR. ; roar aViw Coasters and One Is Stoaad for ' Australia. ' . . : ' -Flv vessels cleared at the customs house yesterday afternoon, on foreign andT the othera for donestldports. ' in French ship Vaubsn cleared for Queens town or Falmouth for orders -with 10, 20 bushels of wheat valued at S7,0v. whll the coasters - wer the steamers CAympla, Coata Rica and Wasp and the harkentln - Portland. -The manlfsat shows that the Olympla had on board 1,800 tons of wheat and a big assort ment of miscellaneous freight, the Costa fjtlca carries 40 -tons of flour and mis cellaneous freight, the Wasp Is supplied with f 60,000 feet of lumber and the Portland with 160,000 feet The Olym pla goes to flan Pedro, stopping at San Francisco, and all of the other coasters will go direct to the Bay City. The French bark Touraln completed her grain cargo,' comprising about S.tOO tons, for the United Kingdom this morn ing, and tho work of loading the British steamship Aglneourt will be finished be fore night. Bhe will have on board ap proxlamtely ..(.009 tons of flour and grain, which will be , taken to Japan. Th vessel Is chartered by Mitsui - Co. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. On account of ths fog the steamer T. J. Potterdld not arrive from Astoria until 4 r clock this morning; her usual hour for, arriving Is o'clock In the even 1 nr. As a result she waa forrort to miss atrip, In tow of the Ocklahama tb schooner Mary Wlnklemsn and barkentlne Port land will leave for the sea today, bound for California porta - P. . Railroad ties are being sent, on barges from the peninsula mill to Llnnton, where they ' will be placed on board the Schooner W. F. Jeweu for shipment to Ban Francisco. The vessel will take out about S60.008 feet of ties. . On Mondsy ths steamer Jesale Harklna will again resume service between hers and Washougal; shs has -been off that rout for six week. .Two gangs of longshoreman began tnt worx tnis morning or loading the Ameri can barkentlne Roderick Dhu with a grsln cargo. .The task is being rushed, and It is aald that the cargo will be com pleted tomorrow evening. '. The steamer Dauntless Is waiting to tow her to Sas Francisco. . . : - ' After aa a bee nee of two weeks United States inspectors Edwards and Fullst returned this morning from nolnts on in. irrgon nan, wnere may re-inapect ed IS stesmers. They will leave for Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, tomorrow night on a similar mission and will probably pe gone two weeks. -r . Proposals for the purchase of a lot of condemned government property were opened yesterday afternoon In the office of Major m. W. Roeaaler.' There were 14 bidders, but It will probably be sev eral days before the sales are mad. Ths property Is at Fort. Stevens, Cascade locks and at the government mooring opposite at. jonns. . MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Nov. II.- Arrived down, dur ing the night, steamer Atlas. Steamer senator from Ban' Francisco crossed In at 6 o'clock last night and stayed be low on account of fog, arriving her at a. m. jLrt up at 1:40 a. m., steamer senator. '- - - . Bt Helens. Nov.' -1 (.Passed at 18:10 a ra., British ' Ships ' Dunboyne and Kynance. - - - - Ban Francisco, Nov. 14 Arrived at S:4S a. tnH steamer F. A. Kllburn, from Portland. Balled at t last night, steamer South Bsy, for Portland. Astoria, Nov. II. Balled at S -p. "., steamer Asuncion, tr Sah Jranclscd. Astoria, Nov. 14. Condition .of the bar at I a. m., obscured; wind south east; weather rainy and foggy. -T Oatarla Tewastt Boiav ' Bpeetal Dstpatch te Tbe Joaraet.) ' . Bole. Ida., Nov. 14 The townslU of Ontario, Oregon, hss been sold te C. C Wright of Bsksr City and James A. Howard of Bumptar, It- belonged to David P. Wilson-and S.040 lots brought 130. ooo. Esstera people are ssld'to b behind ths dssU-, , ; , ; -' Old gashioncdl &PAN0S)01 M ADDD j HandcTHade ALLEN SAN - NICOLAS WINS THE -ki::g$to:i hakoicap v Winner ! : of Inaugural Event Comes Back and Captures 7 '- ! Good Purse. ' 9 n va, 1 i fi . n HlAnla-can turat the 'Klncston handicap here yes terday In easy fashion. Crasadoa won the 160 handicap In a pretty race. - Re sults: .... ' ' ' c ha nan won, - Dtxell second. Maid of Fermoytnira; time, :ti. 1 rwAMa Hie - Kd. ward won. I'm Jo aecond. Kauorum Rex third; time, 1:01. Five m3 6ne8Jrunohgs,T-S-Tar-olds and upward Craxados won, Balabls second. Ruby third; time, 1:07. . On mil and 10 yards. Kingston han dicap, t-year-olds and upr Ban Nicolas wonlXubln second. Rightful third; time. .. Seven furlongs F, R Shaw won, bus- tig scond.San-Pr1mo- third: tm,-18S. Seven furlongs uoo A.naeraon won, Ocyroh second, . Flaunt .third; time, I-.S7H. . , :- '.'; ? . At vashvUia. '- Nashvllls. Tenn.. Nov. 14. Cumber land Park rac results: , Seven - furlongs Bitter t Brown won, Oblyesa second. - Royal Legend third; Mm. l:SS. One mile U-ber won, Hallowmas sec ond. Horse Radish third; time. 1:41. On mils and an eighth Drexel won. Nine second, Besterllng tnira; , time, 1:14 S-t. .-.: 1 - - - - Six furlongs, handicap Funlculalr won.' Envoy second.. Estrada Palma third: time. 1:11 1-1. Blx furlongs Margaret M. won. Bitter Hand second, veux. lemps uura, urn, 1:14 4-6. On mile Manfred won, Naran see ond. Or Viva third; time, 1:41 4-6. . a Aauedact. - : -: ; T..W Maw 1 a TIlA 1 A-. 1 ranlne n . v. k. . ' v . . - mi season cam to a close at Aqueduct yea- tsrusy. -Kesuiis: i i - Six furlong Battle Axe ' won. Prince Frederick second. Mollis Donohu third; time. 1:1S-I. . .... - On mil and a sixteenth Novens time,. l:4SS-i. - : The Roslyn handicap, on mil and a sixteenth Cantallna won, Cedarstrom second. Coy Maid third; time, 1:47 4-6. Blx and1 a half furlongs Considera tion won. Dlsmond second. Enobsdot third: time. 1:2S. i One mile Ormonde's Right won, Ivan the Terrible second. Dreamer third; time, l:4l. ' Flv furlongs Nostromo won, Flora sonde second, Billy Banaster third; time, 1:0S. .-, , .v , ' ' Football at geas.;. ' y. ' IHotcUl Dlseateh to Tb. JoarSal.) ' Eugene, Or., Nov, 14. The Salem and Eusene high school football teams will play a return gams on Klncald field In this cltr on Saturday afternoon of thla week. Last Friday st Salem ths teams played a tie game, the score being to 4. . ,' ' .- ' i RIIWKFR Hit I ELEVEN " : ' IS BUSY AGGREGATION v Bunker Hill, on of Portland's favorrto teams. Is practicing diligently , thee evening. A large hall baa been ranted that will enable the players to se the pigskin better and secret, practice can be Indulged In. ' v , ' The team Is greatly strengthened by the return of Ray Kennedy, an old High school stars Oeorge Burns, who will be remembered as playing on the tears years ago; Jackson, formerly of Colum bia university, who Inject ginger into the team, end Jess Piatt, star quarter back on the Baker city high school. Coach Long Is working wondsrs with ths boys and before many days will have a team that will be entitled to play any amateur teem In the state for the cham pionship Manager Donnerberg announces that the "patriots" will leave for ' Astoria December 10 to play the crack Owan ponpun club of that city. The boy are greatly pleeaed over this gam and ar looking forward for tne aay. - Any team deslrmg games wKh- Bunker Hill should call up usst izz. ' DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. plsadld Weather at This VepiUat ' I SHolfla Coast Baor. ' Delightful In every particular , Is the westher st Newport, and the Souther Psolfle and ths Corvsllls A Eastsra rail, toads havs resumed their cheap rates to this plae for the winter. Particular by asking at Third and Waahlngton streeta, Portland. .....,.. Tiefened Steek Ouaed (too da, ' . Allan A Ls wis Best Brand. W, LEWIS "i r v i y 1 l "i l "i i -i i i r i i i I i t i i i -1 i" mmJf mmmn l, . 1 - mmm . -mm, mM wm - I -- - , "IQsJLj 1 ji J I 1 1.. 1 J 1 1 ,1 ' ' j-4L Ralston Health Oats will please the first spoonful The brain ; New Process ' . Salston Health Oats cess) are different from any other -. cereal food. Our new Cereal Soarterrthe only one on the Pacific Coast, heat the oat gradually and re rulatea tha T tempera tur to the fraction - of ' a degreev That brings out 'all .. of the natural oat flavor. . . The - Cereal Roaster, ' by the. perfectly . Regulated dry - heat, softens the tough little leathery ) envelope around each ' starch granule so that the second cook-; Ing prepares. It for perfect and . easy digestion, k' rn ar""aBSsatl NATIONAL GRANGE TO . . AID THE PRESIDENT (looraal Special terries.) Atlantle City, . U. X, Nov. 1 . The National grange will hack President Roosevelt In his efforts to cur the ills of lnsuranc and' railroad rat legisla tion. . Orand Master Aaron Jones In his address to ths opening session of the National grange naked the . support ol the members of the organisation num bering 800,004 farmers to aid the presi dent in securing railroad rates that would be reasonabl and ths enacting of a law against the reckless us of sutomoblles on country road a. ' - HY0MEI KILLS CATARRHAL .; -GERMS. It Healing- Atr Beaches Sverv Tlssn ' of STose, ThroaS aad XAnga. ' '.All the stomach dosing in the world cannot do any actual good in the treat ment of catarrhal troubles, unless the nos and throat ar completely freed from catarrhal germs, and the poison that they produce. - - '., . I Hyorael Is Nature's r tm cure for catarrh. - It destroys all germs In the air passages and lungs, soothes and heals the Irritated muoous membrane. nd effectually drives from ths sys tem all - traces of ths poison. When using the Hyomet treatment, the sjr you breath is Ilk that on th moun tains; high above sea level, where tbe pine woods fill tha air with purifying and healing qualities that giv health and strength te those suffering from diseases - of ' th respiratory organs. Breathed through th neat pocket In haler that comes with every outfit, th healing air of Hyomet reaches every tissue of nose, throat and lungs, and Immediate relief Is given, and a per manent cur Is soon made. ' Th complete Hyomel outfit, consist ing - of an inhaler, - medicine dropper, snd on bottle of Hyomel, - cost only 11.00, extra bottle 50 cents. If you cannot obtain Hyomel of your dealer. It will be forwsrded by mall, postage paid, on receipt' of price. Write, today for a free cample bottl and con Sulfation blank that will entitle you tdl services of our medical department ( without charge. Th R. T. Booth Com-1 pany, Hyomel Building, Ithaca. J4. T. Woodard. Clarke Co., drugglata. . . RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansy Wafers Origi nal snd only genuine Put up In yellow vrapper and "Crown trademark. For sals by ths LEADING DRUOOISTS. . : XT WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS HaC vigor which ioiioy their use will make ipermanent your fe gardforLtheirterling worth. All' the natu- (new pro , j-aloat flavor of ite kind centage ofeasflj phates in - Ralston Heaitn uats. IT'S ALLr ROASTING $t.00r$t.00 Turkish Bath ; and good bed fsgj thaltt,aatarfL King's Baths tngtoa Sta. aad largest ks ths alts'. Every Vetaan , ltoUnd twirl ahTiW tttow MARVEL wblrUna Sorav I The sew VajM Srrifep, to jut- i .TvwtHi. new bu eae Snvfrt ar h. If b MnRoi ancMr MSBVR1., aoucpt BO otlMr.eut Mod lUunp for I luMratM anaK- full Dertloulara and -llrnrtton. In. v.iu.hia t U'liia, ntavii, ro, bl eaa nr.. us iuml rok BAU BT WOODABU. CIABM Oo, Scott's Santal-Pcpsln Ce?sc!:s A POSITIVE CURE VorlnSaraaMtloa orOatsrrliot the Bl.dd.r n lllm aid- O.T.. MO 0D BO tST. Cares Iqufckly aa4 iirkle aaa r woret mm of nod H, ae watwr of sow knf ttaedlns, Akiolatelf barailcai. Bold by Srafflita. Prlea ti cs, or by, sost peid,, I besea, Sa,A -TXESAXTAL-PEPSnca Bollefoatalae, Oaes. Otrbi A Oa, 4 FOR GOLDS N CEO. M. STRONG, IE West Park St. tzoitfsm oomixsoiAt raotootArm DIinTH COPYING AND ENLARGING IllUIU A SPECIALTY lUatdeno Views, Tuner! Work. Flash I .if ata, s.ooa seveiopiag, xrsnuag. V12Wi,i:-; t. eea i v; eat xoM (-odtotmiii, . J'nw a " i nr. t tmm a ! Sa-'lt, V' 'jmm. If tMMmnoXnrplTtiie .2 r''ru.'... ,JJ . tar i.; 11 JLa H 3 civ -V MX ' ' FeeSale to ' raRTLAD y our palate and bodily and a high - per digested phos IN THE Just Try a Package the Checkerboard . . . rt(.u(g ana sew now juuut . " Better Yoa FeeL , -------- MILLS COI PORTLAND, OREGON There'o Only v '' . I ; ; - ' that's Perfect Health. You can have ft. V But first you must cure your constipation. J '. . " y v )i Wedont say; " relieve it. We don't mean Ve a' , - slave to the Pill; Habit. .Cure it! .perfert 'yout' r digestion. The best - prescription '. of a once , famous , 7 ' - physician, ' ; 'will cure you. ' We can easily prove it. . : v t WA TCttSHAPB MOTTUS FITS VBST rOCKBT, CBJtTS. - .jT..I Fees sVsaysjf i FOR SALE BY WOODARD. CLARKE ft CO. LeiAu i. -. AAAA "VaAA KJ.h'i UV.'.'i 1 , . ' PORTLAND WIRE Phone Mala moo (WIS l-ro. Purina Mills ?jiity . i ' .1 r: j., One! CH4SBMPQ. CO. C. N mtargA JV, F. BATJK AND OFFICE RAILING -: V-'-- aw.isea meat .r.:; ... f,: . tATUaa' XATIs-ea f ..... f - wsju lvw v v w asi ayaw a gr rTTvilliyi . Poultry Nstting, Eta, . . , 1 & IRON WORKS -i FLANDERS ST., Near Third v.. - r