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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
Till: OREGON 'DAILY JSLT.IT.'.L'. I GOTLAND. THURSDAY. EVENING. NOVEMBER 18, .1901. -1- - e " REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. Large 11-roocn bousa and U block on John m tit., mitat be soul Bud will so cheap. kASY TEunS. Lou In VEKNON sold oa Installments. . Corner lot 00 feet by It feet, Twenty-eeeoud and Johnson. . block la Alblna oo R. vrly. foe warcUouec. R.; gret-claa prop- . Wf aril lota la VEU.NO.N cbeao and oa EA8T 1KUV13. t lorn n Johnson at., bet. Twenty-aecond and Twenly-luird tu. VFRXOX la th beat plica for a horn la tha MOORE INVESTMENT .CO., IMS hutb ;. Pbona Mil IV v. 2S0 EACH 4 Iota on Eut and Iran au., near DlTlaloa. Call at 706 oa tba placa. FOR HALE Uodrrn suburban cottars, eloe to carltne. Una location, (round liHjlluO. O. W. V. Townelt Co., 134 Hr aU ELLWOOD lots, ft down a ad (5 a aaaatks (ram ITS to tu SeUwood ' lewaalt Co. I'koaa Best 4T04. -ROOM boner, foil Int. plenty of fruit, f-viO: 1100 dnwa, I0 a month. Inquire at MO Inast Washlngtea at. - LOT, crag and restilencee on Portland Height. J. 0. Shofner, log Yamhill, cor. Park THRKB ew house, rant or aalat soap. IK Si Fourth at., room 10. owner. WAONER PETTY. So Commercial blk., bare , sonie of the beat bora In tha city, bra lUeBl before buying and ba convinced. MEW .room comer bottse oa Fremont at. ' bath, porch ; aa eaceptlonal bsrgaJa; only 11. WO. Treon Buss 11, ul Commercial blk. Mala - ft" OB lU at a bargain, modem 7 -room bouee on Rett Taylor, eloee In; terma to ault purchaser. Apply F 42. care JaurnaL A ROOD earner. Quarter block, near Norther Paciflo terminal; (ood Income property. Call early. (IS Plaa at National Real Estate Co. lODER T room boaaa. aaat aide, block from. car. 12.300; VX) down, balance til per ' month. Pboaa Seat 4i5. HEW roots fcons with barh. concrete base ment, bam and chic ken -boaee oo place! 1 lota go wltb place. Apply to B. T. Taggart, 4 Id Chamber of Commerce. KFW modern 6 mom colonial boose, corner lot, 2830: alao room modern cottars, Husnr- aide, 11. Sou. Inqalra oeoer. too E. Ralmoa at. J ROOOM modera bona, aaat aide. $1,000: F dowa. balance aid par month;- i-aaa Seat - FOR a ALE Cheap, elrhtly . elnea hi. Lower Alblaa. Inquire owuer, 2e Market at. 100x100 ON Eaet Twenty-eighth at.; fine comer . near Gllaaa; a Map, H.ieiO. Tyaoa Klaacll. oa Oommercla blk. Main SS2J. FOR SAI.B 1 lota Makes vm mortgage) for two thlrda tbelr value: eaab. Choice comer on ear Una. Inqalra Felfbnef. Iran boa a La tton. . CROICM acreage. 4 nil lea wee of city, at eery low price If enld at once: eeav terma. Owner, 419 McKay bld. " . Z ' 7ZZ-'- -. 100 FARMS, email tracta and Iota; beraalna oa O. W. P. el-ctrfc line. O. R. Addlton, Laata, oeeatoa. Take Moaat Beott car, ac RPRClAb BAROAIlt FOB U I ..Tracta 42 front foot. 115 feet deept eaa era aa many front feet aa yea want from BO feet apt all la cultivation, all lev. I and alently. mlnotee to rood 10-rooa achooi. predea, near a'orea. poatofflce, eborcb and ear etatloa at Lenta; B-ent tare ta any part of Portland. Tula la l- price; terma If waaieo. v.ra. aflnitoa ueara, vragvau awnar. TabeTblt, Beott car, B cant. IF TOO want a anlrorhen koma of 4 lota, fond . barn and plenty of fruit; caan or term. Itbt Broad at.. MoatavlUa. , FOR BALE S 4-room cot ta tree on oast side; basement end yard, 'hot and cold water, baU; ' price 41.800. Addroaa C 40. Journal. HOI'SE, 7 North Twentieth, T room a, porce lain' bath, furnace, cement basement. K. L 0 lias a. 420 thamber of Commerce. t. TOO g, ROOM boaaa and la rye lot. Alhtna. near I'nloa ave. Miller, T14 Chamber ,f c CC7.Y cottage, anbarba: aea koma; must aell ' this week: good Inside Job (If competent); coma It yoa arc pre pored ta trade. 0 44, Journal. AND 10 acre tracta for aala by owner; aa atone or gravel ; S4 aillee from city limits; cleared and nix: lee red ; $100 ta 1200 per acre. , C 47. JoumaL - 11UUE. fos 3M dowa. and 110 montklr sea 4 mom bonae, 40i oo splendid fenced lot. 1 ' block streetcar; price 400. Homo Land Can V14&H First at. ' ANnri.ES SPECIAL 4 3. poo Income property, i gl.300: gtiaraataed So0 monthly Incoara; ear ner. lOOiltiO; S boaeea, strictly modem, ana 5 rooms, two S moras; close, in; g.l.AOO e qnlred. Anrelea Raal Katata Offkw, SeJ Fifth at..-, cor. Mala. FOR BALE Largo or small tracta af Improved or anlmpmved land, aeer Portland; railroad and ateamhoat transportation. Call oa or write w. J. Pnllerton. Worren. Oregon. FOR SALE FARMS. CTI0ICR FARMS. It acres, blrhly Improved, o-room hard ftnlahej V booae, good barn, erobard, etc.; 10 ml lea ont, t mllea station; a fine' placaufor 1,T00; gl.OoO cash', balance to sut., " , 40 acrea 80 la cultivation, good hotldlnfa, eloae to town, IS mllea ont; $8,gon,'terme. M acrea, 41 In cultivation, new bntldfnrs, run ning water, beat of anil, good road, IJii miles out. rinse ta town, with stock, crop and Im plements; $4.M, terma. I have lota of farms to select frota. If jag want a good one. Bee F. Fl'CHS, 14S4 First at. lfO.ACRB farm, 10 mllea east of Portland oa Bandy river; 40 scree under cultivation, good Improvements. 14 acrea oa Powell Valley road, 'hills Booth of reservoir; short dis tance' from S rarllnee. IT acres good, level land adjoining Motor addition, W. B. Fech hrlroer, U27 Paling bldg. 4 ACRES, 40 fruit trees, berries, g room bouse, spring, 14 mllea ont, on O. W. P. A R. R,; price goOO. 2.S4 Bccond St. STATE LANDS FOR SALB - -The stats of Orerna has for sale tlmttrd amount of base for Ilea eelectlofis: price antll farther notice td-00 per acre. For par ticulars address Oswald West. State Lead ' Agent, Sslem, Oregon. $10.000 FARM ef 400 acrea. 110 cultivated, balance pasture; 10 acres clover) boaee, two - harne; won Id aell In lota of 40 acrea. Ad ' drees B. Bell. Route 1. Rlrkreal, Oregea, ar dot Eaat Twelfth at. Portland. FOR WALK atock ranch of 1.400 seres Beer Cohurg, g miles nortbesat of Enrene, Lane county, Oregon; price low and terms easy. F. D. Chamberlain, Lab be bldg., Portland. turn LAND IN ORK'ION onder the. Carey lrrleatioa Act. I'eed direct from etete. ' Write today. Booklet and map free. B. B. Cooke A Co., Ml Alder at- PortUad, Or. FOR SALE Farm Best La tours U Falls, H kails from alatloa or river boat; 140 acres, all f-nced, bottom land, suitable for dairy or produce! T-rooro new bouae, 10 rows, good pair horses snd all neceeeary farm Imtile- ? tents terma M auiu 4. a. a mi lb, dtnnrell Falls, Or. t BABII l ao-acre "Improved farm mllea east j of I'ertlsnd. omirte, 127 Front. FAI for sale In tha viler. Ill scree In roitlvaitcn, 1 1 in t . , t l ., rtm nll'C on- ? r r-"e f v fUii HXI K AO aire tni-i-i. II D from fc-ta- c.l. ... . luqulia a.. J. 4 - alcr, lux ri in. i , trra.Mi. 2 A tf5 ' 'm, n'Ha from ' oiivpr, new .wa ave. b. . 1 v a r ..c iita. t, i A r l S acre tract with n rocm bouae. t 1 I '.n. fii.e orchard t xl V.--.1, 1 lin.a tioin Ion I a; will a 1 cheap l takcu btaliia of 10 oma. t'harlea K. JoUiiaon. UlU rcr. sal" Ti::rn: CERTiriEO acrlp. any a'te tilecea; loweet rl..a. W. U. lluwell, b.XI LHauiUcr 01 LOW UM'rce. . - IUH HiiMlsi'tAliH. tlTiiher rlalma and acrlp apply tu dod Couiujerrtal blk. FOR SAI.K aarea flrat claaa tlmher, eloae to Coltimtiia river, near Caie Horn. J. -J. ArmniroKB, 3!t0 Cable at.', i'urtUad. Phone Main fc to z::z::x::zz. TWO H011RH eTnreaa out"t to trade for aay- thlnf OC emal vaiue. 1 3 tttimaiue. roH BA1B OR r.X '11 A NUB -(ateat liopmved KUt l,.saawl(ig uiacuiue, cbeap. Aduicaa o 4i. Journal. FOR Bale and eichanre lrtil acrea. eaatern Oregon, all In .wheal, 14 crop with place; will tiiae collate or vacant lota for part payment. Norlhwcat Land Co.. S6 Morrieim at., room 311. 3U KlMIMrf. h.'eke,,inr flata, well furnlehad. to excltanre Tw loia or bouae, and lot. Inquire at ::, Third at., Mel Ilrcleler Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR HALE OR REVT NFW AND RBCONi. HKil) bKWINIl MAI 'MINSIB. ITANOAI'U BKWINO MAChiVB Al.t..SClt. O, D. JONt-i. YAMIUI.L r.r. , WB print your name on vi calllnr-carde. proper bibb ana atrie. oc; buaiueae cerua, i. Browa A Bet male, 2'- Flrat. Portland, Or. BILLIARD AND Poor, tablea for rant or for aale on eaev pavmenta. TUB HRL'NSWK K BALKS COLI.ENDKR CO. - 4H Third at.. Portland. LAROR atnek aeeond-hand . RemlngHon and omltB-Preoiler typewrltere, from $0 Bp. Underwood Typewriter Co., Il stark at. LARORMT atork of unttlee kt northwaat; ordera Piled promptly. Portland Bottle Ronnie (Jew, 1 North Eixbtaeotb at. Mala tUad. SHOWCASES AND FIXTt'RM made to order; eeeood-band cooda for aale. raruKm at Ball atrom, SflB Couch at. Pboaa Clay STL. UNCALLED-FOR moented apedmena aad fur rasa cbeap. F. i. Breaea. Third at. f 27 BO ON R aplendld organ; moat eetl at aoea. 0.10 Morrieoa at. REMEMBER. If roar ftrenhiea needa a arata. Krammaa tiartman. lu riral at., are Belling Iba remainder ef tbelr atock below coat. HOTEL ranre (Charter Oak), need 4 annntba, dinlnf chalra, tabkm, ahowceeea. eonntera. vV cetera halrare Co., 427 - Washing too at. MILK goats for aala for conanmptlvea, bablea, old and weak atoaucba. Au4 Voids ml th at., lblna. . . .: MAYOR'S Walnut Oil reatorea gray ar faded kalr to natural color; bottle gl. For cir cular address B. Mayor. 113 Second at.""" 300 NSW aprirht plane. 1S; another .; mAAtA BOH 1 I 1 1 VIM, AAA. ,1 l H. ve" mAA ""'I mmtmt mtr at aire. . , , FRCK trial of 4 new c.11 burner for cook atovee; rail for one; I will furnish yon wltb the oil: C. W. Mower, 04 Margaerita are. pboaa F.aat 4908. FOR aKAt.B BI BROl OHa R0. t ADDINO MACHINE. AI.MOdT NFW S1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PAClflC 41141. e PARTY mine east will aell, Iron bed. aprlnra - and msttreafl. 41: evtenBkin table. 12: beatlF atove. 42; chalra. 40c; ladyia bicycle, ax4 rendition. !1Z: rent a nicvci. an: enaater I laaka. nfra;-Brown, rwl- East Tbtrty-foortb at tiawtuorna ave. car. MACHINERY of -n afnde repaired; - Centennial Iron A .Steel Wot a a. 2K8 Glissa at. M. BARHB A BOM. hsvtnr bonrht the mm oleta stock of blumbltir material nn the Trail aad Oovernwient leland. offer all the pipe - aad filtlnre and very reaaretabla flgnreei.'aleo tha electric flitnrea of tha Amerlraa Inn Co.. which win go to tba buyer at lees nan half of coat price. - . FOR SALB A full Wooded trlsn setter dog. B months old. Inquire Washington Street Pharmacy, 4S1 Waablngton. . FOR SALE nice per gorart. good aa near : also Irish water span let. It months old. InqUI, mij Monroe at. rase Kueeeii ana onaver car. WEivTER! OREC.OM ' MINING A MIM.lN'l CO. headquartera: stock for sale and In formation at 1RO Flrat st. Phone Main l"Sd. PERS0NAU BR MEN? V. P. (Vital-Power) tahleta win reerore ro you the anap. vim and rigor of manhood; If yoa are lacking In the power ef vitality. Its loee reenltlng from Indiscretions and eieesaaa, send for a bos of toeee tahleta' and be con vinced of their merit. Br mall In plain pkg.. 11. Tha Armstrong Tsblet Co., Inc., XM Tolsms blk Detroit, Mlcblgaa. SPECIAL NOTICE TO WDMEN Don't risk Kar Uvea by aa operation when yon caa cored bv harmleea metbods; electricity rroperly applied will eeva life where opera lone kill. We possess the latest Invsntloa control diseases peculiar to women. Pr. VV . 3 . Weep; Mvv?., 'hfedlt'sl" Bhjrti h Ian. " ftf flea Tl Dekum bldg. rbaae 4M Kmi. umca hours 111, S-8. MRS. ANNA LUCKEY and ETHEL WARD arc . bow located at S30 Taylor at, prladpala of ' the American Beanty Parlors. We cure, all celo ii aa and noaltivelv rrow hslr ar mska no cbarga; all klsda of baths riven t electric maeasre. maaicaring ana eniropoor; also II a da me Harrow's reeled lea; aatlafactloh guaranteed. Pbona Mala 22 U. ' DBTECT1VB AGENCY CeaSdentlsl Investl- gstiooei reporre ansae nrm aa leiiimwi " ess or property; missing relatives located; had debts collected: chargee reasonable; ccr reepoodence eoltetted. Orerow Prtectlve Bervlce. ofOeee SI4-S1S Colombia ' bldg SSI W asblBgtoa st Phone. Mala edlS. DR. AtJBPI.CND. dleeaaea of women and ear. gery. SOS A I laky bldg., Thh-4 and Morrison. YES, Pslme Tahleta make yoa sleep perfectly; they cure nervousness and make yoa strong; fire 50c a boa, boaee 12.40; guaranteed, II drug data, or addreee Brooke Drug 00., 11 North Third at. PortUad. 1 NO DRfOR, ao operations; Prof. Dona given osteopathy and magnetic treatment, reduces your Bosh, relieves suppressed monthly Irrego- , ferities. Consultation free. Of Bee,. M Ooodnough bldg. , MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberta' uiouniee. una sornn invim,uii v., , -months, got Bent eecnrelr sealed by mall. Agents. Woodsrd. Clerks A Co., Portland. Or. BOOKS! Here they are: "Decameron." Hep tsmemn," "A Hot Tsmale." "Fanny Hill," "Twenty Tea re a Faker," "Forbidden Fruit." 60c each; lists free. A. Rcbmale. 1 Flrat at. LOST powere reetored by the great Dr. I vena a Nerve Toole Tablets; IBo per boa, - boaee for 11.1ft. Write or call at Eyaseire Pharmacy, 127 Morrieoa. bet. let and Id. THB Celebrated Star Hair remed reatorea gray and faded balr to itayaatural color, pro motes the growth of hair; not greeny. Paris Hair Store, AOS Washington. WHY live alone when goo caa as rare Hfe companion oy joining rne inrereieie m,. during Kociety. and meet or correspond with repuTanio persona or ins eeeiwen. wealthy; the November rerlster. 10 cents. Suite 34 Roeeell bblg. Pboae Pacific 2A. St'lTS pressed while yon wait. line. Ledles' - skirts pressed, tor. Gilbert, 1'KlSk Bill St., nest to Onelle. Phone t lay 14. - WANTED To confer with those eontemplatlng a bualness course; to your peraonel and -Snandal interest to Investigate. Address t 48. care JonraaL LADIES Yon epiiear 10 yeara yoonger, re move all wrinkles, have ekla like velvet by aaing Oregon Urape Ski rood. Phone Last 12U7. DR. ATWOOD, 14 Roasel bldg , Idni Foarth at. Female dlaeaeee and confinements; eoea evenlnaa. Conaultatton free. urn WOMEN! nsvmond'k nila positively enre and leiHi of vitality; 41, 4 l l. i i h ii ii.,-r lung Co., 200 Third. . I I i I A. scientific ' palmist 'r aid heal-r; peat, peeacnt , F . ihI, tor, tiorneos n. KXPERIKM't.O dreeameaer will Ojabe ena- iuenla In fau'lltee. I HIH &--t- DIMO'R, WA1-' "I Hi il l OH F V I A I' I Pl'i " l it H a Li-. Nr.Alt ALlir.ll. i 1 J S aWK.IHSH trained I irae, elah ire e-artnate. (tllvey enrt ih'UuiaUeiu. n.ivoua oianlTa and atuumcb tmulil.-e liy hand-riiomu. aleain. aweat and tub balha: bom '' " r.aat Klcvenlb at., two uoire from taet AnkruT cp rilue. I'bune Kaat 'All. FBe-B aanola corn, bo- 1 ' ' wart cwra. BaV Wla L, leaan. B ut. a, 1. a, aaaaa. TIHK18II PATHS, "0 Orconlan h1"!-) laulea daya. fcntieuica n mi. aiain lit.. - W A NTKI To know the whereahoota of William Stephen Mmllli, foriuenr of Loa Anaelee. Ail.lreea Motlier, box 123. Haul a barbara. t aiiromia FRKR to out of town patrona. our laieat rata li'aue of fancy work. . pillow tone, center piece. ahlrtw Mete and novelliee. 'I lie eedle Craft Shop, 2ul AlUay bUl.. Portland. Or. hoenital; renalrlnc and dreaaln(. Taut blll and Wrat Park ale. SEND for free llat of nit prleee and ehih ratea on raaraBiitee: areola wanted. Jonea Book Mlore, Uvl Ahler at. BIN"! CIIOONO. inniorter of Chlneee root medl rlnee: Bella Cblneae tea that la certain cure for all dlaeaeee. 1U1 ftecond bet. Yamhill anj 7aylor. DINEAMKH of women a specialty: maternity caaee riven special attention, private bopltl accoin modal ion; profeeetonal lUy nuraee In eonaulra I Urn free. X-Haillum Inalllute and Kanltarluin," Third and Alder, entrance 2i3 Alder at. SEND for free line of cat prleee and clubbing . ii 1. a . .mi 1 raiea en magaiinee. rfoee awe . Auler ar. ' FOR alALtV 5 aharea O. M. stork m Equitable Ixian 4t Pavliuie; moniniy maeiioiuta made. C 40. Tba Journal. - ' T. R. Cannot - coma Thanksgiving. . Bpod ad- drees: will write. Adolphe. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CVANIDR EXTRACTION CO. gad Montana Aaeay ornce. tso ntm-eu . AUT0M0PILES. HOWARD COVET. Fifteenth and Alder, agent for Cadillac aad Pierce aotomebilea; mecblnee rented, repaired and Btored. ' .x ATTORNEYS. L H. TANNER, attorney, 0B Commercial blk.. Second and Waablngton ate. Pboaa Mala S4S. H, F. BURLEIGH, Mwyar, US Orand ava Bast Portland. ARD T. TAOOABT, atlotwy and aoaar . 414 Chamber af Commerce bldg. . ART EMPORIUM. t THS LATEST FAD not bnya pen and In sketch of yourself from photo or life. ' Fa) King. 8M Raleigh at, aaar SBth. M. aar. PROFEHS0B MAX' METER. S4S Alder. Portrait aad Ian decs pe artist and teacher. HEW wall decoration, panels la otl pa hi tings; orders solicited. Pbona I'nloa BdBT. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. M." BIRKRNWALD CO.. 04-t04 Everett . a Larreat botch ere" supply bouee ea tba coaat. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. H0WB. DAVIS A KTT.HAM. 10B-111 Berood St. Blank booh mannracturere; agoata for iooee Improved Looee Lea f ledgers; eea tha new Rureka leaf, the beet oa tba market. BATHS MASSAGE. YOUNG adentlflc maaeauaa gives electrical, . thermal aloobntte end medicated reeatmeati chiropodist, pedicuring and. msnlenrlnaV Re- ceptlon room lo. pennoa hide . cor. Firth and Morrieoa ata. Pboae PaetBe Fla. Trkla ectewtlftc masse nss rlvea mernetle. al- eohaitc end elertrte treetmenve, vapor. Roman and medicated bathe. 17 Taooma Boaaa. Btark bet. Thh-d and Fourth. BLACKINQ. WBBFOOT Blacklna?. aheolatelr waiernroof. pee. eervee the leather, mekes sboee wear SO per cent longer. Fer gala gvaiywbera, 10 aad 15 coats. ' CHIROPODISTS. IF your feet are out of order, go to Dr. W or ley Benjamla. SHOia Waahburroa at., tba foot operlallet.v Phone Black BIB. CAFES. TIT OPEICB tas Washington at. . Pheaa Mala TTl. Bam sal vigneenm. COLLECTION AGENCY.- DORS anybody awa yoa aay money? We anj. lect bad rtebts or an gtncia rrom si np. i Orand ave. rosea IS. Cat that oat. COLLECTIONS , by tba Nortbweet Oollertloa aie J f yoMr Piae e,e,n-is m msnner; try ns. ld-lT Labbe bldg. CROCKERY-AND -.GLASSWARE. WHOI.ESALB erockery and glaaaware. Preel, Herele A Co.. 1) to loa rirtn. ear, antra ex. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. BSREROOUNST CO. - eMauioatara or FINB CT0ARB. ' . Portland. Oroawa. CHIROPRACTIC POBITIVCI.Y earss all forma of rbeamatloni. Pr. Eva Hngan, wm Hall at. raono atsia ewa. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleealng Co.. largest pis at ea the coaat, lortng ana Haroing am., tele phone Best tHO Carpets clesned. refitted, aewed and laid: both steam and latest oeea preeeed air proeeea; renovating aiaUnaasa and feat bees a apeetelty. SANITARY carpet eleaalng, aactloa and coss- preessq an- romoineo; verpvTe teams o. aapv wltbont removal. Mala fiM4. Beat load. CARPETS cleaned ea the floor; we ralee dust. Pboaa Clay Ml. tree demonstration. 1. wttnter -c flreeaa aaroet and eleener. 450 leffeeeoa. Pnone Mala 114. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LRNSCH BR0R commission merchants, floor, feed, hay aad produce, Sol ta KM Front at, Pboae Mala Ml9. . . , - . BVERDlNd A FAR HELL, orochjee and com aria. aton mercbants. leg Front at. Portlaad, Or. " Pbona Main 1TB, CLEANING AND DYEING. UP-TO-NOW CLRANINO A PRESSING COM panr Snlta preeeed. 50e; pants, 15a, Fhoaa Parlfle Bsd. a-tS Aakeay at.' YAMHILL CLEANINtl A PRE8SINO CO Work railed for aad delivered. Pboae Clsjr 11, Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Werka; prso - Ileal better fa eonaeetlea. Ill 4th. Cley 104. CTOTHES cleaned and pr-ea-d 11 per moat. Valqae TsHorlag Co.. 4T Waahlngtoa Bt. B. W. TT-BNER. peefeeslonal dyer and a mease. o lefferena at, phono Mala tMl. . CURTAIN CLEANING. NEW process laee enrtala cleaning, 60s ta 11 pelr. 4H4 (lllaen. Mala Q4"d. Classified ASycrtisins:li Blmplldaa year search. ' Evra ta "look for a aeetlle In a havstsch" won Id be eaaler If the havstaek were "claee14ed'' and tha needle pieced under In N. am) If the needle, like msur wsnt ads, were threaded 4 with, a col dee thread the guest would be till (Mr attractive. ::rA'-.. ra.A . : COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO.-Sole areata for the famoaa Diamond coal; try It and yoa will aiwaya buy It. Wyoming and WaahlnKton booae eoale. Virginia and Waehlnr'oo atnlthinr coals: full welitbt guaranteed. Tel. Malg 1420. A. L. Btepbena. manager. CHHRCHLBT BROS, bava temoeed front font Davis at. to at Kearnev at., aear lirht la Bow the larreet woodvard In tba cltv. carrf, Ing all klsda of wood and coal. Main Sat. OREnoRT A MORRIS, enrceeeora to Cala A MrKaae. dealers la wend and coal at lowest prices: satisfaction marsntced. Cor. Taut and Irving. Pbona Mala 487 S. WEHTERN Feed A Fuel Co.. on Front, between Ollaan. and Hoyt, dealers la all klnda ef boaee eoaia and blacksmith Boa la. I' none Mala 101a ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la aocdwood. anal and green and dry slabwood. R. R. and Al bino ave., t blocks eaet ef ferry. Rset 574. STEEL BRIDOI FUEL m ralers In eoel. corawooa aad ary slab wood. Fhoaa Kaax u. BOXWOOD and planar trlmmlnra, ntanoa-4 VfAAjt n. - a ... Mll . in.. OR BOON FUEL CO Alt klnda of eoal and wood. SOS Alder at. Paone Mala SB. . KIRK HOOVER. 1 Wata at. Pboaa Mala 46M. Pbona Bast DANCING, W OOO WARD'S dancing arbOBl of the Weerora Aca.leniy of Mnale, Monday and Thnreday. Rpertatnra Invited. Leeanna HOe. Dancing t to 11. Oof. Kecond and Morrtsoa. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. ArTHORS A -WOOD, earnentera. bolldeest re pairing and Johhinr? store and ornce nxraroa evrtht. -Shop- Cornmhls. Msra WASHBITRNB A FLOYD, wagna builders and general, jo wora. gg ota at. t none nooa ew F. B. VANDERHOOF, enrnenter and Jobber, gpTT Btarg at.pooe atsln 7T-M - CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. Booh hi B. Relp. pychometrtet. aaeraaa and Kipbetess: dally 10 To a. 1 to- a; rirrire esdar and Friday, t a. m. S4St4 Yamhill. anr. Seventh. PscISc 10S. Bundsy evening meetings Draw hall.. ISZ Second at. . uom Friday, . . aiRfl. BTRVENS. Porfland'a dlstlnmlehed Balm- 1st. astro lor 1st sad spiritual lite roaoer. lw yoa want to know facta Important and rell ardet If an. call noon this rifted and ec. - entli3e seer. 1B Servntb ab I' bone Pacific Tie. .... . - " '-- R. H. KNKE8HAW. healer and trance medium, caa ha conenlted at liSVi Sixth at. Hoars 1 to d p. ss. - DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL; nn n nonwn n v a n.n u new. Horse ho. glial, bht Bamslds. Phowooi Ma lief eia: aaat arms lDETECTIVES.- tv i t. vow- vrooKieet we never sleent evidence traced ha -civil and criminal caeee. R. L. Henaager.-IA-IT Labbe bldg. DBTFCTIVB ar Be ere t , confidential: difficult 14. Washington bldg. atrtetly . ; Room Solicit DRESSMAKING. ANOELES DREclRMAKINO - PARTX1RS. 141 Fifth et.t up to-date styles, perfect fit, f hi II fnl workmanship, new methods la all nrshchee of dressmsklng aad repair big; loweet prlcet; ' -call ar write. . . FIRST-CLASS parlors. SIT Allsky bldg.; enlte, gowns, coats, jackets. Is tost style; skirt bouad and Jscksts reltned. v- SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash 1lk, asade rot . . . . .. , e. ao lal W Wk- ei.sol rainwRm .n ' . euw ww mmm mmm- ket. Pbona East 1211 KETMTER'fl LADIES TAILORING COLI.EOB. 101 and 400 AlUky blda.( write lor Doocm. DRESSMAKER will make a few more eo gegsmeet la famine. Phone inwa 44. DRESSMARINO Strictly a to dstel latent sh eigne, dno Clap st. . - STRICTLY tailor-made eklrta which were enM . g.l and 44, now gs this week eaiy. ztw Alder et. - DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, dsntist 114. Marqna , bldg, Slath aad Morrieoa. Pboae Mala i7 nv. 700. EDUCATIONAL.- LBMIvONS la decorative art, painting, bornlnr, shelf gag rarnitnre maaing. Bosva ow, uvea bldg. A PRESBYTERIAN minister would give lea- gone, to neglnners in urert, iiie, nec.-w or Oerman; would no typewriting at offlc or residence, or weald cell for copy. Ad dress D. 145 Royal ave., Meant Tabor etatloa. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL RN01NERRIN0) Company. SOS Stark at., Portlaad. O. K. for everything ta the electrical llo. Phaa Mala INNS. " PACIFIC RLECTRI0 CO. Engloeera. con tree- ri-s, fspalrsra. electric wiring, eanolla. 44 ktt, eor. Sta.-k. Msla BBS. B. H. Tste. afgr. THB Electrical Appliance Co., 40 Washbagtoa et. rnone fsm enne, FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF W A SH I NflTON Formaoet fraternal society of northwest; protects the living-jlv1 IHsrquam aiug., r-oniano, uregow r " FLORISTS. . J American Florist A Oardoa Co., TM Ti Main 5410. Flowers and pot plant. 1M Teath at. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Maaafactartag Compear Msnnfaetarer ed furalUif, lut the trade. nnfuetaren tland. Or. mri FTRNTTCRR mannfnetarlng aad epeeial seders, U Reveaaky'e fomltnra factor. 170 Free et. FURNACES. BOTNTON warat-atr fnenace eae fneL I. 0 Beyer Pnmsce Oo tog Seeoad. Msla 41. GRINDING. Rsanra, kntree, ' scleeora sharpened to' perfec tion. Ksrleon A Co., 40H N. tb. Psclflc 7M. OROCERS.' ' WADHAMS A CO..' wholesale , feeturere and and Oak ate. skwatoa merensata. Foarth ALLEN A LEWIS, eommleetoa and pendnce mee ehastw. Front and Dsvt are.. Portlsad, Or. HOTELS HOTEL Psedletoa, Feadletsa, W.A. Browa, sage. HOTEL Portland. Amerteaa plea; IS, S per Sap. HOTEL Bt. wsorge. Peed la tool Wading beteL BCLTKOBRKp bropaa la 4th ad AtSag gag, FRENCH BAKERIES. TUB only place In Portland to get Freoc bread. rwrrere el Btayiie. e"t aula - ary. ' phone lireea IK'5. ' HARDWAr.X Portland Hardware Co. aollrlte opporronlry ta quote prices. U let at., eor. Alder. Mela 114. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO. Potstose. feed aad flour. 124 Inlon ave. Phone East imv. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITB. flra Insurance. ' SOS Dekaal LAMBERT. WHITMER CO. Fire Inearanea and real eetate; otneca r-i"v ao Mala luOb; dept. 4u4 Eaat Alder. Beat awl. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employera' liability aad In dividual accident surety aoaoa e au aew Phone 4T. iS McKay bldg. B. F. BAKTEia COMPANY Fire Inenrano 4411 gberlock bide Orcroa f none isy cji. LOCKSMITII. 1. H. RICHARDBON, eit-ert lock end kevemlth; guarantred. SOd Fourth at. Pboaa Hood llsl BROW MB IN TOWN Ernert lockamltb aad eicycie repairing. piiir, wv viar ffu; mxni pdhdv. . 11 ...... MUSICAL. BANJO, gattar end mandolin lessons: special rates fa. cuius. . aiv. v. e, omweimi ww. Wl Ilia ma ave.. PIANO, vtolla, atrtng and wind Instrantente. . rroreaaor Bdwia A, Bmlto. aa Awairia, aaia 4703. . . PIANO tuning. 13; perfect work gueraateed. ae ,i M. - lOlt. VIOLIN, mandolin, guitar. 10 lessons 14- Pboae Colon 3B57. Miaitavllla. - . - WEBBER'S Mandolin. Banjo. Oultar atadlo, IT5 jtioer; agaac tor uinwa ui,nwmn., i - FREB lesson on the violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo. Ivy'a Music Mouse, in rounn. V- MACHINERY. PORTABLB loconibtlr boiler end engine; le-a then H price: t nni eepowev. v. aa. a-ia-gott'4 law office, 4 Malkey bldg, . ' FOR SALE One B-tnch Smith atlcker, one arm asnrter, one two-spinaia . aaapav,.- eviie eea ' poller. 204 Foarth et. . , THB H. C. ALBER CO.- Wecoad hand macblnery, eewmtlle. etc. leg Urajad ave ; MONEY TO LOAN. . HEADQUARTERS FOK SALARY LOANS. , 217 Oeegoklaa bid. - Lsdtea or Oentlemen, -r No Put.lletty. If yoa borrow 420 yoa pay bark 11..1S a week. If you borrow 125 you pay bark ll.M a week. If yoa borrow w yoa pay back li on a week. If yon borrow 15 yoa pay beck ll 15 week. If yoa borrow 1A0 you pay hark $&00 woeh. raymenta anepenaed la ease, ot awa . . Strictly Salary Loan. THB CRKOCKNT LOAN OO .117 Oregonlaa Bldg. " ' - nfONBVr TO I jOAPJ Oa Improved city property or fag batHttir aarpssss. Aay amoont oa from S to 19 years' time, with privilege ta repay aD ar part af toss after ana year. Loeae ne rval building prsgrtBsasi mortgages takea ap aad rep i a cen FRED B. STRONO. Flnaaelal Agaat, S4S Stark Street. araa aril toil crT. Aay eelarled employe, wegi a a mar. ana got Big as, without mortgsgo Montn. H Monta. wees tftn.oo Bepay to a IIS M -or M.M or 125 00 Repay to as I 145 st M M" 11 " 1S. DO Repay to as i 4 0O ar 11. 0g a 1. Vnnih ta. uonra- wot. as. is) L.M 110 McKay bldg. WCItaaW k,. Mteetea wnl. tweataHI 00.. huslneea In 4B Drlneipsl drlea. TaHaaa. KM Ablnctoo) bldg. Pboae Mala 467. MONEY ta loss ea reel, personal and collateral aecurity; enerlal sttentloa to chattel gaort- fages; notes bosrbt. C eatea bldg.. B4 Blith St. W. Pallet. 04- HIOIILY reepertable piece where lediea gad rente gag borrow avmey en dlanvooda aad leweiry. vol i n I era J I a osua.- sew w ingtaa at. Pkeoe Black Tl. CHATTEL loans la amounts ranging fraoj 13B to 15.000; roemlng-haeaee a eneclalty. New Bra Loan A Troet Co.. SOS Ablngtoa bldg. .. Wl msk an klada ef, loss ea good eaearlty at loweet rate: special etteatlea glvea 4 chattel loans. Id Morrieoa at. . MONET to loss la earn ef from gl.00" t . gn.onni terms to salt th Borrower. me-10. Commercial btk. MONBY to Inaa la large or email amownta on good security: loweet retee. Willi . Heck. SOT Falling bldg. - ' MONEY to loan ea Clack amaa eonnty land. B. F. aad F. B. Blley. ens Chamber a Coa- f IWTaV mmtmm e e-ewtleie end alnnna. era Loan Oa.. 44S Sherlock bldg. Clay BBS. TO LOAN Sum to stilt ea chattel Balmily. R. A. Frsmo, 414 Toe Marquam. MONET to loan nn an kinds of aeewrlty. Wat, Holl, room S. Washington bldg. 11.500 TO maa oa Improved farm land. Interest a per cent. i. out i ooi merci . i p... MEDICAL THB BPRINOSTRKN MRDIC7NB CO.. 11 Tle- kum amg.. create roc tne wwnniiei Roe rested lee; cures all female tnnnhlea. alee stomach and Irrer troahlee; cenenltstloa free. OSTEOPATHS. JJx ORS. ADIT A NORTH RHF, 41S-IS-1T IVh" bldg., Tnlr aaa fvaaaingroa sta. raew MsfniScB. EismlnatloBS free. DBS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 401 Mscleey bldg. Clsy 71. , M. BlOl. usaaniiataeo araub THB very beat ledy osteopath ta town. Dr. L. f, iobnsnn. 124 Salmon, near Birth. OVERALLS. OSS OF THB ROAD 0VE BALLS and me. ehaalea clothing aaloa made., Heastadte Bros.. msnafsctuTeea. Portlsad. Or. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The nearer Paint CM wtndow-glaBg gad Biasing. IIS Flrat at. Pboae 11M. ERNEST MILLER A 00., Seeoad aad Taylor Wall paper. peJat, ell at market prices l frag delivery. RASMCSSEN A CO Jobheo. paint, etl, gl, saah aad door. Second end Tnylor. PLANING MILLS. Ing MIT log la nd taming. at Yamhill s. PLUMBERS. DONNERRIRO A RADEMACHBR. nsaltarg plumbers, a roana as. wots FOX A CO- aenltvry plnmber. tl Seeand. bet. Bin sna osiatoa. to i pii. -' e.. .. PRINTIN0. WELCH A -DAVIS. Printers Doem ef rkree tblnge with loh and type ea paper. Sleeve tldg.. Blith snd Morrbwa. Mala 4147. ANDFBSON A DHNIWAY COMPANY, prtetlra. Mthogranh log, blank books. Phoaa Msla II. Bn Alder at. METBOPOI.ITAN PBINTINO CO. R very thing fa printing. Main in. 147 Front st. Thcrc'KHct Oic: Snnerflt-oog ad la tmlay's Journal- wot en i but that appeals to the lnterr.1 of son. one- not one thst will n,4 hewent ttader eg the advertiser e both of tti--n- RIDINO CLUBS. PORTLAND RIIMVU CLUB Paddle horass sad carrlagss for rent. W. O. nrviwn, suo Atoae. SCALP TREATMENT. 6BAY, falling balr, dandruff treated: ahamnee. ing, aiBniCaring. rnininiF. w,e. aire. B. F. kfae. ldft'4 Fourth, eor. sierrtsea. Rosm U. . Phone PaetBe Ml. SECOND-HAND GOODS.'. GOODS g Furniture Home Highest prleee paid for aeeaad-head fur altar a. 115 Phone Pad Re oOS. TREES, SHRUBS. ROSES. We have tbeea by the t boaee n da: strong, hssllky' stork. Our llruo llM.tretej ann prices rara locne telle all. PORTLAND BBKD CO.,-Ffual and Yamhill ata. ROOFING. TIN ROOTING, guttering, eepatrlag aad j"eviiW V, 1XM 11 . sis eviierw e - ie- . i.i I m lainii in iaa ISTREET-PAVINO." WABRBN Coaatractloa Co.. street paving, aide. walks aad cresawalk. Tig leregoaiaa atag. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paving Oa. et PerUaae. urnee eoe woreeeter Bin. SAFES. VI aPeSpBla" SH4 reoulld sntomobtles. gaa engine. printing preeees. time locas. sarea, anon toes eats, do all kinds of morhine work. Columbia One Engine A Rate Work,. JH1 Second et. Pboae Pacific 174. Frank J. Seper. aapt. DIE BOLD Msagaasae as tee; flra Bod hwrglss. procf work ; )aU aad prtsea worn ; tneaoata apenad; repatra. 1. B. Davis, 04 Third et. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef scry drocrlptloel bent, hag ng star urnree atsde ta oroet. ,Ta ieie Mtaafacrarlng Co.. Portlaad. SIGN-PAINTERS. BOLD R10NB. wtndow hrtteetae. cloth banns economies I elertrte rana end eicne et su bind mads quickly. Foster A Klelsag, Fifth aa gverm. Pbona Kicaaage ). TELEPHONES. THE only etrltnlve telephone bouee. B.-R- Eieetnc A Tele paone MaoarsctsriBg aaar piri ea ruin at. . RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, Sep Alder et. pbnoe Mala TttiT ruTHwr rtanjne, eeeat. stcnciia. oagrare. Irene cnecra; send ror rsrsiorws no. ao. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, aold and repaired. - Coeet Ageacr. Bel Blare, Tea, lew. BLICKRN8D0BFBR typewrltere. aapplles, re pairing. Rob a robs, znei wtsrg. aia into. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLBAN TOWELS DAILY Coma, hrnah, sees. gl per month. Lawrence Pros.' Towel Bapplg vjo.. roarta aaa tnaca. mono ezo. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES... nlaaot and rural tare aeeve. pecked mar foe nniuniur ana antnoeo: an wora guaranteed; large, t-atary, brick. 1 re-proof ware hen ae tor storage. Of gee US First at. C M. Olasa. Pboaa Mala VT. THB RAtiOAQB A OMNIRL'B TRANSFER CO. cor. Rlitb aad- Oak ata.: Baggage coerkoa from hotel or reelileace direct to oeetlnatiou peeeeoters therefore avoid rush sad anee at depots. - C O. PICK. efSce SB Fleet et., between Btark and Oak sts.. phone hwa; pisnoa and rarnttnre moved snd packed ror nipping ; sown brick waJabeooo, Front and Cleg ata. OREGON TRANSFRB CO.. 1M North Birth. Phea. Msla S. Heavy heaUng aad terare. SEB Rne M. Plammcr hoat storage: flrepra cat ratea. BSS Third at- Phone Mala SM, BAST SIDB Transfer Co.. A. B. Holenmh, aroa. izg But water t- rhoa cast eea. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY N. BOO It Weals. ingvoa st. t'Bone msla an. VICLINS. i. A. WRBC0. vlnlln-msker and repatrert work ret ctosa. SB Rueeel bldg.. 4th and Murrleaa. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB A WIRB WORKS Sr Bast Morrieoa St. Phone Beat SSL FINANCIAL rB TLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0BE00N. The Oldest Trust Casnnaay la Oregea. , - RESOURCES OVER fl.BM.OOO. ',' - Oeaersl banking. Bscbsng ea an aat of the world. Set logs accounts. Time eertlfl eatea, 8 to 4 per rent: sbort-eall apeclat certll catea. tnoo ar over. 111 ta I per cent. r Cell for book eg 'II.LraTRATIONR." , Soathesat rt orner Third ssd Oak Sta. . a a ii , P'7'-r. - " ' dldfnT pnei. i ..iTri.i.i H. L. PITTOCK.. ...... Vice-President , ..Secretary .AssUtsat Secretary Bv LER PAOET. . ,. J. .0. UOLTRA. . , . . LADD A TIL TON. BANKERS. atnhllaksd la 1US.) Trans at "a Bane ml Baaktag Baslana. Oollectlnn made at all points ea favors bis terana. Lettere of credit lasaed available la Europe and all pulate la th I sited Htatee. Sight Eschange and Telegraphic Transfer sold ea New lock. Washington, Chlcaga, St. Loals, Dearer. Omahe. Hen Francisco aad Montaaa and Brltlah Columbtn. Exchange old on London. Farts. Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila aad Homilala. - FIRST HATI0NAL BANK t - OF PORTLAND, 0RIO0N. , Deslgnsted PeptMitory and Financial Agvat of , th Laltcd 8tte. . .,.. President....... A. L. Mil Lf Cashier ..J. W. NRWKIRK Aasletsst Cashleci ....W. C. ALVOUD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. BTEtRNS Letter of Credit Iseoed Avsllsble la Barope . and the F.aetera Statee. Slrht ticbsng snd Telegraphic Transfer rid oa New Torh. Beaton, t hk-sgo. Bt. Lewis. St Paul, .nmaha. Baa rraartsc) aaa av principal points la the Nortbweet. ' Bteht snd time Mils draw a la eame ta anlt on Loadon. Parts, Berlin. Frsskfort-oethe Mnln. , lloageoog, laseniaa. t npsaaaaew. t -hrtatlaula. Stockbnlaa, St, Pvtevaborg, . Mua sow. Enrich. Honnhila. Collect toaa Msd ea Favorable Tee ana. u SITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF yoiILAaD, USEWUa. HORTnrWTlT O0R. THIRD AND OAS STB. Transacts a Oewernl Basking Baaiaaw. ' DRAFTS 1 Sell Fit. Arallabl In All title of the rutted States aad Europe, Uoagkoag aa Manila. - 0OLLICTI051 KlSX 0 FAV0RABLX TERhTS. Presldeat J- C A l-l v, l tl Vlew.Preal.lewt W. Jt. ATFR VleeFresleewt R. LEA BtRNFM Cebler......e,....., ..R. W. BCHwEER Aaal.tast Csahler.,.. ....A, M, ulh.Ht Aaslstsnt taahkvr ;......W. A. HOLT MEBCXANTr HATIONAL BAaTf M1TIA4D. Ok-IUON. - ' I. FRANK WATSON , . ...Pr-nldeat B. L. Il RI1AM..., I...,..Vlw-PTssldnt at W atliVT , ..t'sehier 4ROHOR W. HOYT Aeslstsnt Cashier Transact a 0 taaeal Banking Buelnees. . Drafts od Letters ot Creilit leaoed A telle We e All t-srts et tne e. otiw. Collet tlooe a Bpedelty. SECTJBITY SAV1BOS A TRUST COMPART, eg Mervmea St., Poniaad, Or. Tmaaaot fwner.1 rnt Wustnees, SAVINltg Istereet i w-ed on Time snd v1nrs Tieoeslte. Acta BS Tmvtee f.,r KHtar.s. Draft nd letters of tTeint A.ailnbl la All l-arta of the World. C. F. ATMVH, . . .-: r. .., 'rrwatoant I.. A. I II Fleet Tlee'.Preetoetil A. Ia Mil" . .-. Second Vlca-I' ft. ii. Ji :' ""' t.1'0. V. I,. -III. Amlstsnt I- i j OS r!I9 ; I .nt It., PerUanA Or. FINANCI ' XX CONIINLMrAL I. , - - - FINANCIAL A'i"1 STOCKS. BOM'S AND Mil. 1. 141 Blark Street. Ph.- mortqag: Oa Portland Real Xststs st lii Titles Iiisnre. Asetrer's t-.n llTLi OUASAhTTX A la' .f l. IKO Waihinitoa 4t.. Cor. e---"- J .. AT THE THEATCEC. Lsit Perforrnanc's "Ghoiti Tonijlit. The last pesrfM-manee of Hcnrlk lheen'e grsatsot maater)tece. "Iihoste, will be given tunlrht et the Margnam tlrand tbeaire. I1. lever yoaag star. Fisrry Mestayer, and aie excellent cuaipaut at playera wbo are preeeiitms thle wonderful dram have been given ea eta toe the past two evenings. Carts la at I IS cur. ' Advance Sal for Andrew Mack. Tomorrow (Friday I atom tag at 10 erlnck the advance ant of seals will eiea for the fsaous Irmh eaeaodlsa and sluger, Andrew Mack, vu at to the Marquam Grand theatre arit MnsHlay. Tuesday and Wednesday nlghin bt hie latest Irish comedy success, Tom Moore. - 1 1 ronvnany which accooipanted the stsr oa his snrceasfiil Austrsllsn tour will sppesr with "Tor Moor" will be preeeuted la most elaborate msnner. complete In every detail, magnlfteratl.r etaged, correctly costumed aad epkndtuly acted. Whttlesew'a Lsst Week. While WkHtleeer baa 'added murk to hie leral repoutloa by hie magnificent productloa of The Plrat Vlulln." It la a play mat sppeaia to tli heart of It bearvra and never baa a hotter performance of the drama been wltneeeed In Portland: It may be cleaned aa th maator piece af the Wumleeey . eogageaaeut. , whR cad next Buaday alght. ;' (. "Happy Hoolian.,, Hsbdv Hoollrsa ha coma eut ef the Sunday papers nod stepped enle the etago of the F.uiplr tbeatre tbla week. Mia III lues u ami with him, however, aad. be eaeceeda hi ynmp hi from tha frvlnr bob Into the fire frequently mak every aaa laugh hlmeelf late ftta. - Let th ehlMroa tuga saiureay an base. Lsst time Betardsr alght- . -A Broken, Heart." Hits ra seve "A Brokea Heart?" If not. do not mas yeur epportnnlty to wltaeae a play tha acvet fall ta hold aa aouieeee. -in piay la clean, clear and clever, . and the fact that It to hi It eeeond eraaoa of eacosea mhrrsat the atatemcat tbat M has meting power. Parisian Belles Next. Mae vaudeville (et entirely ew to devotees ef thle kmd of amusement wlU be found wltb th Partataa Bailee company, the attrertioa I tbg Baker theatre beginning Sonde v matlne next. -The Itot Includes Clsrs Cole. Sutton aud Button. Beta Donakleon. Ma Power, to Mound City guenet. Bursa and Merrle and many , there. The aeual mstlueee will he glvea. , . -. ; . ;.'. , At the Baker. The l topis as' Burlesque company la streaia card fur the Bake this week. Al though the satire performance la par excellence, special mention at made ef tha vaudeville por tion. The feature Is the set of O llgjia fas. Other ea the Mil are Madden and Jeasv pre mier Irteh earned lens: th two Aslitoae, comely rear Beeeha orothera, cometlisns, aingers and-dangers'. Rose deenrtte. . anum-etre, anv block ford aad Han lev. clever aleter team. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. A Mountain of Flesh. . That acraratelr describee Herr SciimMt, tlv4" Oerman giant, we might eM tnai no ass maaeto aad bone ha- .refer! Urn., for he I' am- gasattoaably the BUrongeet living man an in greateet attraction oo too vauneviiie aisre. He holds shnTt a mammoth cycle whirl welgiun 1.800 pooada. ha which a daredevil evrl'et doea frets that make roar hahr stand on east sthec great act st the Liberty that week. ) ' At the Star. , - Vsaaevllla of th beet brand hi at -the Star tbla week. Eleeaor Jewkhas. wbw haa fre quently appeared hare wire eperathr eempenhra. -sing la the beautiful dlenihlag m-en frone "Fra DUvolo." It to the aaeet arttotl enerattc select km ever heard to a Portlaaal vendor kowee. Mb Mae. woe was hmdtng woaaaa wtf "Feiy Qalller." to preeeatlda assasdr eketcw with Mr. DtouMmaV aaa ef the best deacere la th country. Tb rest ec ta aui sww par., . Travesty Compnr Hit. , Bright ssd Hvebr eheewa ghrto. fmany eowao- dUna. Baedora aang snd hamnna ettuanow. rk th ontonainmeai aa a Zlna s Tmesety company m iimoa jow tre at eieiy pel fur nta nee. . It la a bt mnah-al etrrnvarseaa show wrrh aa anarpp entertatahtg a company na Be naaa sraver Ing throngh th west. - - FOUR DIFFERENT CHIEFS TO COMMAND THE AKr.IT UearaaX SggcJsl .rvtcga. TA-nshlnsrtonL Nov. lXh nnounca- aant or tha aarlr rotlremont ef General Chaffee) from tti offlco ot chiof of ataf bss created much romntnl ii th mili tary per vie, and hm cAllett Bttentloa ta th fct thst In th coming year .Ill amhaMv ha SB anaBV four dirferent offlcr arvt to thst ca eaclty. Ocncrnl Chaff will b ceeded br OaooraJ J. C. Bate, who will b followed by Oenorej M. K.. jtriu. kc i. inc. mill wtvo to General Arthur MacArtbur, according to th preav- nt plan. This rapM ucx?Mgiot in in principal nailltary offlc ha Its affect ..o tha vwtiltar administration ami th president Is coming to tha rortclualon It would be bwtter on many account ten th chief of gtaff t have A longer term than a few month. LOCK CANAL FAVORED BY ADVISORY BOARD Ueeraai SpocUl Serftce.) Washington, Niv, la.-The aubcom- Ttltte , of th adrlaory board of th Pareaasa canal commlw Wn today guhmll ted to th eommlanton its report on th beat method to bo adopted In building th canal with locks. Th report make recooimamlaMone aa to th number of tocka tbat, would be n acted to carry thw gaaal at a height of , or feet. It la understood that tha rorornlt- to recommend. If a looh cenal ig de cided on. not to carry It at a greater height than.! ft. Th faport alo roommenrl where tha aceweeary luck should be count rue ted, Indlmte their IS . and probable -coat and alao tli ttmo ncgary to build htn. Yarm Xowaa Xs temrtroyd- , (gpeeisl Dlapatch to Th Journal I Ontario. Or, Nov. II The twi-liry frnm farm hotie of Jarnea Dlttlon, on Bunker rroek. haa boon compietolr t troyd by fir. Th hlno o,:currel arly In th tnornlne. while the fumllr wr t broakfaat, and wa rwraaloned by a defective flu. Mr. Mttlnn " nr,r,,rirc .mall chlMren had no tim to v ny of th' household gwd n barely e't'e,j with trtlr lives. fe.te f ... ! i I i i l - f I