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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
TI 2 k OREGON DAILY J'J: JliTLAIID, WEDTiniDAY EVENING, NOVEMIJER 15, 1CC5. IDS TILDE HARD FOES - Multnomah Eleven Making Spe 7 clal Preparation for Satur-; day's Came. ' DFnelKie ii i'r- etuenn I0DI ""- DIFFICULT PLAYS 'Club Men Art Taking" No -Chances , Against the Original Americana and . Are. Being Coached to Meet Their 1 Effective : Playa .Locala Confident the Sherman Indians will essay to scalp the Multnomah club eleven on the local gridiron. 80 far a the high grade snsctacular football context la concernad. in which the question of superiority -Is , greatly' In doubt, Saturday's game will bo the real pippin and those who" love . t-"ee the red men skip over the field with the pig-akin tucked under their - anna, will have an excellent oppor tunity. . . ' Multnomah has not fully recovered - from the bruises sustained in the WIN lamette game last week, but Coach Overf ield hopes to be able to put a - powerful eleven In the field, one that will moat -tha Indiana a little mora than .' lialf way on every play, ana give tnem a touch of real nigh life. .' ...I . ailll W - l' ..111 t. rm in puu uuvui .111 m j ,un - a matter of conjecture, as the in . juries of several men will chance the ' complexion of the team considerably, ,. While the clubmen have . hopes of beating- the Indians,: those who have -fallowed the work of tha Shermans this . season are well aware that Multnomah has a bard, proposition to tackle. The Indiana hel Stanford down to 4. and " Cardinal arrreaatton. Conatderlnr the . great team that Stanford has this year, K f..l I. vili Maw .11,1. a WAflh.. Tk. Indiana play a whirlwind game, from . . , the start to the call of time. - There la . . no letup to their work. When on of their men carry the ball, every man on - hla side is pulling, pushing, lifting and interfering for him. One of their most .successful playa Is the "tornado curL It la a peculiarly constructed play, hard to fathom, yet capable of yardage al .most every time It is tried. It Is aimed -. at -center, and Just as - the-defense Is crowding around in an- attempt to stop it. the man with the ball uncurls -him aelf toward tackle and whirls past the ' opponent's forwards. Pm.i iSv.,fl.M w hla man anaiMiil Instruction on this . play . laat evening ' ,and the club boys have good hopes of . stopDlng It. The Indians are a tricky combination and It will require all the strategy, possible to offset their, clev- rneas. --n. This evening a special practice has been called for 7:10 o'clock and every available man la expected to turn nut. Several new playa will be tried out, and the coach will endeavor to get a line on his team for SalurdarT :. On account of the daya getting dark I..ri7 at ill', vvawia v . w wwa, nagrWatk)na haa .scheduled thsgame for 1:10 o'clock, so that It will be fin- , Ished a considerable time before dark. SPORTING GOSSIP. Those who recall having aeen the Japanese baseball . team play , In this . city during the past summer will be pleased to learn mat it won .ine ensm plonshlp of japan this year. The Waseda nlie played good ball and de- reetea every team in u uowery sing dom. e e ' - - Ralph W. Wilhua was reelected pres.. dent of the Portland Rowing club last evening at a meeting of the directors. Oeorge Luders was elected vlee-preal dent. R. Hart, secretary: 3. M. Am broee, treasurer, and Edward Glass, captain. Tha reports showed the club to be. In a flourishing condition. , ,! e - e . . . ' .. Saturday's game bet weenA Multnomah and the Sherman Indians should prove a football treat. The Indians Play a swift and foxy game, and all sorts .of spectacular work Is looked for. The Oregon football squad, contain I I' i i "---h -g end Mini ager Stelner, will arrive In " Portland tomorrow evening at o'clock, en route to Seattle, to meet the University of Washington eleven on Saturday. The, after dinner here, will epend "several hours at the , Multnomah club, ' leaving for the north at 11:45. Laat year Oregon defeated Washington II to e in Kinrald field. Eugene. Wash Ins-ton players are very confident of downing Oregon this year. Water Polo a dak The first "water polo ' team of the Multnomah club defeated the second team laat evening by the score of two goals, one made In each. half. The eon test wss sn interesting one and was thoroughly enjoyed .by the spectators. The lineup was: First Korell, T; Alices. F; Cox H; Blagen, B; Stepp, B; Douglas, O. ' Second Baldy, B; Sharp, B; Patter eon, H; Bates, Fj Noyea, F Is. Patter son, O. Length of halves, t and I minutes. Painting a House Is not only to beautify It. deelrahle as that is, but to preserve wood and metal. Paint from our stock meets both purposes. Another - thing: ullty granted anyreeaonsble teat will show It), we guarantee Coat tnf the same article agnlnat any compe tition. -We want your business and will merit It. fisher, Thorcn t Co. bob Airo mobbisob m COS LIT QO Fb Errors by Seals and Portland's Batting Streak, Enable the Webfooters to Win. . ; r (Joaraat Speeial Ser-JeeJ ' , San Francisco, Nov. It. The Qlants had batting fits yesterday and, with tha Seals' errors, managed to .run up a dosen runs and down the borne players. Williams was knocked all over the field. The feature of the game was the splen did work of Ats at short and his fine batUnav-Bweeney Also, hit-tha ball. hard. The scors: V PORTLAND..- . AR R. H. PO. A. E. Ats. ss 1 I . t . 4 1 van Buren, if. ...... 4, l McHale, cf. ...... .- - e Mitchell, lb. i e Schlafly, to. ......... 4 t McLean, c. 4 , I McCredle, rf. 4 t Sweeney, tb. ........ t 1 Calirt, p. I I ii e e o. i-e.,6 o li e o i i a e i . s I it o Oi o - I 1 1 Totals .-, .... . ...... ....4J It ll JT It I SAN FRANCISCO. .' AB.RIIPO.AB. Wsldron, ef. ,.3 4 1,1 2 4 0 Mohler, tb I l i t 4 4 ...... 4 X I I Nealon, lb. ......... 4 0 1 10 1 Householder, rf. 4- I t 0 i Irwin, lb. . 1 I I I t Oochnauer, ss. 4 0 1 14 1 Shea, c 4 4 0 4 I t Williams, p. 4 0. 0 0 I I Totals.. ..........II 4 11 tl it 10 . : CCORB BT INNINGS. - Portland . ........ 041111 1 It Hits 0 0 0 I 1 1 I I 1 It San Francisco ...1 041001 11 Hlt ... 111041 II SCMMART. : - -' Stolen bases Portland, I; San Fran cisco, 1. Three-base hit McLean, Two baee hits Irwin 2. McLean, Waldron. Sacrjflce hits Hlldebrand, Oochnauer, Van Buren, McHale, McCredle. Flrat base on errors Portland, t; San Fran cisco, 1. First base on called balls Oft Caliir. 4; oft Williams. 1. Left on bsses Portland, I; San Francisco, II. Struck out By Callrf. I: by Williams, 8. Hit by pitcher Schlafly, . McLean. Double Slay A ts to Mitchell. Paased ball haa. - Time of game One hour and It minutes. Umpire McCarthy. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. : Tigers Vli BaaUy. - (loaraal Speeial Srrlce.t - Oakland, Nov. .It. The Tigers got away In front yesterday and the Com muters oould never bead them. Score: R. ILE. Tacoma . 1000 10 10 7 10 1 Oakland 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 11 t Batteries Keefe and Oraham; Hogan and Hackett Umpire Perrlne. ' Angela Skat Out. ' , (Journal apecial Ben Ice.) Lo Angelee, Nov. It. The Siwashea put a shut-out crimp into the Angels yesterdsy, the score being I to 0. Seat tle played an errorless game. Score - . . - . R. II. E. Lxia Angeles ...eeeeeeeee e 4 Sesttie 0 0 000 1 10 1 Batteries W. Hall and Eager; C. Hall ana Bianaensnipi umpire jja via. SOLDIERS AND CHEMAWA PLAY A FINE GAME (Speeial Dlapetrfe te Tke Joaraal.) Salem, Or., Nov. 15. The Fort Ste vens soldiers and the Chemawa Indians plsyed each other to a standstill on the university football field In this city yesterday afternoon, neither side being sblo to score. Toward the laat of the game, however, the Indians had de cidedly the advantage, and had the half been enough longer to have permitted them to pull off one play they probably would have arored. They were going down the I field by leaps and bounds, making more than their yardage at every down, but when within two yards of the goal time was called. . Although, there was some very govtd playing, the game. as a whole was a poor exhibition of the great college a port. listh st tasm TprKjae the fault of ea team. LIPMAN-W0LFE BOWLERS OUTPIN GOLDEN WESTS The Commercial1 Bowling league open ed the winter tournament at the Oregon alleys laat night' The Llpman-Wolfe team won all three games from the Golden- West club Oough rolled high average for the Lipmans and Lamond high score. B. O. Csse rolled high av erage and high score for the Golden west team, i ne scores ioiiow: , Llnman-Wolfe (1) f) m McClellan Ill ltl 11 Reese .. Ill 111 114 Oough . .....i.m -I84-107 Christian..... ...11 141 117 Lamond, ...147 III ' 151 Touts ,.171 lit lll OoMen Weata . . f1. (!) m B. O. Case 1 'M 1 70 Moore . 145 It Peterson . ...1 ..17 111 111 Henneksmp ; ............ IK 141 144 Closset . l&f HI 110 I'. Mk Totals . ..........T:..m .74 ?tt BARBERS ARRESTED FOR NOT HAVING A LICENSE ' (Snerlal rHapatck te The Journal.) Pendleton, Or.. Nov. It. The members of the state barber commlaslon were In the city yesterdsy and arrested three barbers who were alleged to be work ing without licenses. , Two of these, Tom Scott and W. J. Courtney, we.e brought 'before Judge Fltagerald. while the third, whose nsme le Oliphant, could not be located. A fine of 110 and cosvs was Imposed upon Scott, while the cast of Courtney-was turned over to- the eie trlct attorney. ' . Examinations are also being neiorvy the commission for the benefit of the new men that have come here, since the commission's last visit. - - . . - Shlpptag "Trait Trees. (Special Dtopetek te The Journal.) Milton. Or.. Nov. if. The nuraerlea In the Milton countrjr are now among tha chief Industries of this section, A. miller A Sons having ahlpped out 110,000 fruit tee thle season besides small fruits and hardy ornamental shrubs. These trees go to Washington, Idaho and ss far east as Missouri, Iowa and Wiscon sin, and trees have also been shipped to British Columbia. . .- . 1 1 1 : : : : U : Los A ! .L.I10 1!1!IIIS Ml .IV) J a rraartar ....... lot.. 17-11 lo H .MI Oakland L B' 11413 AW SMttle J. 711011 . . Ijlo 43 .472 Portland '101 0..l I aoi .! Taooaas .4f.14 Tl II.. SA .aw . I ' I ' tat H6!4T,74eo3,27Jl a . . TIIE-GRAB m OF -'Clllf JlOiiS- More' Titled Boxers Jn the Ring . Than There Are Pugilistic Nitches for Them. THE REAL CHAMPIONS AND THEIR WEIGHTS Fitxsimmoni Holds Light, Heavy and Middle, Walcott the Welter, Oana the Light, McGovern the Feather and Bowker the Bantam. Shake up the bag, stick In your hand, and pick out a champion. - , . Dope It out for yourself or let the msnagers run amuck with It. What wil you getT " Jabltla, the god of Pugllalus, . only knows, snd hs's ss reticent aa a graft witness when the investigating commit tee Is asking questions: . Look this card over: . Light heavy, 141, Bob Fltssimmona Middle, 18 Fltialmmona. f Welter, 140, Joe Walcott. ,, Joe Oans. Festher, 111. Terry MeQovem. . - Banum. Ill, Joe Bowker (England). ' Heavyweight, . over IIS pounds, -Jim Jeffries.;' Don't care for- It? It's only legit, though. ' When they poke their noses through the ropes and ars Introduced they are all champions, per the announcer. But if the claas divisions mean anything, the foregoing seem those with the tags on them. . No dispute about Jeffries. The light-, heavy was. sandwiched in to give Jack Herman a boxing show at Fort Erie. Fits and Oeorge Gardner fought for it In 'Frisco, after Gardner-had beaten Jack Root- across ..the J"lver fjpm.Bufr falo, and. Fits won. he haa not. been beaten for that title.-- The grand old man of the prise ring alao'holda tha middleweight mortgage. He pinched that from Jack Dempaey a long time ago and no one baa taken It away from him. Tommy Ryan, Jack O'Brien and a few others get their names 'on the plsy bills ss the middleweight champions, but there's no legal stamp on It. . Walcott remains the wslter guy until he is whipped out of that claaa or re fuses to defend .his seat. The'sfar'mlxup Is In the lightweight layout.. There are more near-lightweight champions than there sre jlums In a Christmas pudding, such ss mother used to make. - Battling Nelaon is the nearest'Clalmsnt and has the clearest title. ' , Gans Is the -champion. But If ha doesn't fight for It pretty soon he will have to let It go by default. Nelson has ssid he won't fight the coon. But If the coon la kllllng to fight him at tha class weight, thenTTflsntranteartliirctBse number unless he fights for It.- ' All Chess weights cited are ringside, nothing leas, or rather, more. . If Gans can't make HI nd It's a bottle of wine to a glass of water that he cannot let him confess and go higher op, which. a parsdox. seems lower down.' -f Then you must give It to Nelson. Terrv McGovern ' dusted the .feather from George Dixon's cap. Neither would tip the beam at ill with an anvil In each hand. Toung Corbet t put the bee on Terry at Hartford and stung him to defeat. .But it was at 111, three hours before tha fight Slicking to the card. McGovern did not lose the title. He haa not lost It at 121 pounds. Aa he has not retired ho must be considered. Corbett claimed the feather after his win over Terry, and has some color to support it. It was Bam . Harris' fault. Harris billed the show aa carrying the title with . It. Granting, for - the sake of a stretched argument, that Corbett did win the title, ft would be a stretch from here to nowhere to de clare him the feather champion now. Frankle Nell lost the bantam thing to Joe Bowker In England. Bowker has It yet No one ssems to ear for Ir, at thst . Fits Is out of ths running for eitho of his two titles. Few believe the old man can fight any more. He may think he ran, but nobody else thinks so. Jack O'Brien smong ths rest That leaves ths light-heavy In the middle .In the open market The light Is np to Gans and Nelson, tel. He can make It) without shavlna or cuiting nis nsir. Too bad Walcott anJ Lewie were Al lowed to decide the welter championship in uetroir roe otner nay. , . MRS. ALICE TURNER DIES AT HER PENDLETON HOME ("pedal Dhpatek te The Josrail.) Pendleton. Or.. Nov. II. Mrs. Alice Marta-Turner, wife of Doynee Turner. died suddenly at her home, 101 East Court street in this city, Monday even ing of apoplexy, and - bar body was chinned to Albany tontcht for burial. Mrs. Turnsr was a' native of Iowa, and was born Auguat 7, ISM. When he was but 1 year old her parents came across -the plains. In 1111, and settled In the Willamette valley, locating . where Albany now stands. She was msrrled to Doynes Turner and they realded at Albany until It years ago, when they removed to Pen dleton. . Mrs. Turner leaves besides her husband and three children in this city seven brothers who reside In and around Albany. 1 .. - . 1 - - Wis net Ze Arrested. (Socrlal Plana tch te Tke Journal.) Helix, Or., Nov. II. L. J. Wlnnet Wh4 Wss wanted on a complaint sworn out by B. F. Myrlck of this place, for an aasault on tha tatter's daughter, was ar rested 29 miles out from Day ton. where he was found working on a farm, and he Is now In the county Jail st Pendleton. fiumoro Cured With Hargna gnaw. fclaHealtk Mat. neat) ine Sklallealth Tablets. A poal. tire aad ip.Miy eura fur eerty Itohlas, baroinf , (car, btredlss. eraeted, Bliaply aad blotchy kamor. with fcae at kalr. Pnxlaeea clear, Wli ttaat, bealtay akla sad yara, rich, red Mood. Troutmont 7 So LIU enaaletaef Hargaageeip.gBe .sieiUcated.aBtt. Saptlei aklaUealthlolot.). HAe-toliUI arrma, b-al the aula, a ad BkltaHealtli Tablets. BAea te expel hastor (anna. U1 droi (lata, . Harlaa Saap far Caaaplexlota, fw alaiplM, blarkbaada raileaae, ronebnoa, eba(. ark a apaedr ear. Ma.t t eakae, AS. Be. nrwf.ra fnm vaaa) faainlaa ana teafclets te TUIU) BAT CO.. JTSWAIUL. M. J. , woooAjad. o-bABxa oo. aad WasUag-toa . J All $15 Of Caaaimere, Cheviot Tweed OVERSTOCK SALE PRICE All $17 Of Casaimere -Tweed OVERSTOCK SALE PRICE OS: 1' SEATTLE MEN BUY OREGON r.llfiE i-T- Agr to, Pay Sixty Thousand Dollars for Cold Standard in Applegat District. PROPERTY IS EQUIPPED WITH .FIVE-STAMP MILL Western Clay Company of Portland Haa Commenced Operationa on Kavlin Depoait of Southern Ore gon and Will . Ship to Thia City, (Soorlal Dlepatek te The Joaraal.) Grants Pass, Or., Noy. la. Seattle people bay purchased the Gold Standard group of quarts claims on uauia creea of Applegate district. Ths group wss owned by Cssey A McWllllams and was bouaht by Frank Kile and A.-H. Lewis. Associated with the purchasers are Se sttie business men, some or whom al ready have heavy Interests In southern Oregon. Ths consideration is reported to be ifO.000, of which a part was cash Ths Gold Standard is a well developed property. Three yeare ago a rive-stamp mill was placed on It. Messrs. Kile and Lewis havs been on the uoid Btanaaru for ssveral weeks past, making assays and mill testa of the ore, and thor oughly examining tHe ledge, which has a width of from t to 11 feet and carries from it to tie a ton. The Brattle men have moved with their families to the mine and will have personal supervis ion of the property. .. COLCONDA MILL OPENS. -ktaaaa-er Says Oood ktilllag ore Is ' reaad oa Tnanel XVeveL Manacer H. H. McCarthy of the Go!- conda mine, near Sumpter, spent several days In ths city, departing last evening, after having made arrangements tot reonenlne- the milling plant. Mr. Mc Carthy says that tbr-work la the well known property has far exceeded hie expectations, - srtd Is bringing for'.b large quantities of both shipping and milling ore. "In addition to ine snoot wnicn we opened on the tunnel level end are shipping to the swelter, we' have found another bodyof ore on this same level which hae a urge race or muting ore. said Ire . yesterday; "About 250 fet from the portal of the main adit I ex plored a formation which seemed te In dicate an ore eepoait. ana was re. warded with a fine line of eamples. Not believing that such was possible in work already done. I sampled again, and had my work checked up. with the re sult that better averages were obtained. find a shoot there of mors thsn toe feet In, length, which has a width uf about seven feet ln he, roof of th-t tunnel, and front It 1 gtf remarkably good average values. I hsve been camp. line the dump also, ss I rind thst much of It haa good ore. and I am confident that I will be able to work a large quantity ef this at a- profit, with ths ore stored. - We have lots of ore.. end are getting the Ool conda In shape for 111 MKTS -BUSKS SUITS - Of all-wool Cheviots, Tweeds . and Cssimeres,ina grade ;that stands alone Jor style, fit and service., For the first time in our history we announce a slaughter in prices at the very height of the selling season, making the cut deep and decisive, . No man with an appreciation of values will fail to take advantage of this opportunity to : buy standard, guaranteed goods at wholesale cost Furthermore, every man who knows us knows that we do as we advertise, always.: Remember,' every fancy Cheviot, Tweed and Casslmerc Suit In the house Is reduced, arVND NO OTHERS. Every suit this season's make, ..ii'-iiLtU: READ THE PRICES .50 Suits r-'jjteA, mere, Cheviot or V 1 1 OVERSTOCK- f J II RICE.... ...... VJsaJLs A LEGITRIATE SALE 87 Third St. Setwoen Stark Oak. ' Mt- . r.-7.r ' " Teeth-NoPain Marvelous ta what all the dentists say about the wonderful system of Alveolsr Dentistry, orlginatsd and practiced ex clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists, 191 H Morrison street We ssve tseth If only a good root remains. We restore old decayed teeth te usefulness and beauty. Vfr replace lost or absent teeth with out plates. We extract teeth without pain free of charge. We treat and tighten loose teeth, and soft or bleeding gums ars msds sound, and healthy. We guarantee our plates to fit. - Ws give you the best dsntal work for the lowast cost' consistent with first claaa work. -Oame and have free exami nation and consultation snd learn for yourself what ws esn do for you. Boston Painless Dentists esiV Kentsoa ark, Opp. Melee ft rraaa aad Pestoffioe. -gOTma a 30 a. mMB a p. as. Sna day, s-30 a. so. to 1130 p. aa. steady operation under circumstances thst are gratifying to the management." While here Mr. McCarthy secured the services of W. P. Johnson ss mill super intendent, snd within a week he will go to the property, after two batteries of the 20-stamp plant will be put in commlaslon. - In the exploratory work done so far a large amount of milling ore. has been removed and placed In the yard, and it is necessary to get this out of the wsy. --4n addition, recent developments have been so favorable that no doubt trf felt of being able to run the entire 19 stamps In time, and sll of this work; Is yet on the main tunnel level, with no effort to explore the shsft workings. - SHIPPING CRUDE CLAY. Xaella Deposit la Sontherm Pari of State Being Operated fey XVooal Company. (Special Dlapatrk to The Journal.) ' Oranta Paas. Or.. Nov. IS The West ern Clay company of Portland has pur-. chased the kaolin deposits located near the Oregon-California- line, a abort dis tance from the Dead Indian stage road. The company Is placing equipment on the ground, and will employ a crew of workmen soon. -The clay will be hauled by wagon to the -railroad In the dry season and shipped to the plsnt of tha company at Portland, -where it will be worked un . Into the various articles ihanufaclureabyhtaOTnpanyr-rari rins- its sllaht excess ot silica, - thi deposit of kaolin is high grade and, 1 said to be one of the largest tn the coast, - BILL NYE'S BRICK. her Baa ea Oold Bill Property Wits Bsw Mill Proves Srood I Or. - (Special Mapatrk te The Journal.! ' Oranta Pass, Or., Not. 15. A ! daya' mltl run has Ireen mads en ths ore of the Bill Nye mine. 'Gold Hill. Ths new flve-stsmp mill recently built en tha property was tested In thia worC The IOo gold brick 'reaulting was from ore tsken promiscuously and rep r.i All $20.00 Soils Of Caaaimere, Cheviot Tweed OVERSTOCK SALE PRICE IT"--f -'tJ- .50 Suits R FU mere, Cheviot or. 1 1 ,f f' I fflcsS.vJiflo6W " Of Caaaimere, Tweed OVERSTOCK SALE PRICE OF HONEST GOODS I AaBB"aMaaaaaaaBaaaakeaae"en STORE 208 FRONT STREET. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND . . -- . . - -SALMON. - - - - - Thia la the Pur New Era Producta, made in Detroit, famous all tha world orer, a written guarantee of runty go-, - ine- with each can waa $1.75 GALLON, now .v. ........:... . It ia a-uaranteed aa rood aa at thia pries because water and aoiled tha cane, - Printers' White NEAL'S INTERIOR ENAMEL - . That smooth finish, so eaV to keep clean; former price e.;,.. $1.25 - - NEAL'S BATHTUB ' ' . .ENAMEL ' , Transforms the old tine tub rcelain; former , priCXa. quart, $1.4a IZn Now toy NEAL'S ALUMINUM ENAMEL For steam pipes, radiators, gas ranges, etc; former price. No one will ever again buy Painta at tha prices ws ars seCin these splendid goods for now. Don't neglect ths opportunity. NEW ERA PAINT AND " VARNISH CO. : 208 Front Street, Between Taylor and Salmon. . Portland,. Oregon!: riBRIDGEWORK dentistry. Makes sn unlovely mouth look more thsn presentable. Fills the tap In your line of teeth, where many roublea start. We extraot free when bridges are ordered. Dr. Sturdevant. speclallat en chil dren's teeth and regulating. WISE BROS.. Dentist Falling Bide., Third and Washington: ( s. m. to s p. m.; Sundays, t to 12. Main 02t. f . ,1 , A pn: w. a. wtss resetrts tbs general run of tha ledge. owners estimate that the shoot -explored, aa Indicated by the mill test, will yield tit a ton. rrTha mVtiiH te prpperty of eout b. ern Oregon mining men Harry Black- merr Frank Bellamy and Major IX R. Andrns. They have had tha property under development for several months. Work wMl be continued all winter In mine and mill. FINDS BANK BALANCE OVERDRAWN BY FORGER ,v , v'. ... (Special Ph-eakrk te Tke Joaraal.) : La Grande, Or.. Nov. la. JC Rlealaml, who had Just been notified thst he had Overdrawn st his bsnk In the sum of 14. upon Investigation the matter f-mn -1 that three Ciiecks csshed were not a -1 !- 171 1 : rr .y.-. ; r ... "" -'-' -t i . . .Kit - 'J. '''' . -, when it left the factory, and la BolJ amoke half destroyed ths labels and - , - . Lead 6jc Pound NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT -The Old . Original; former " Ifow quart 75c- 4Cc GRANITE FLOOR PAINT , The kind that stays on yonr floor; former price aj $175 gallon. Now. . . ,? leV J CRESOLENK SHINGLE Wears well, won't fade; form er price $1.25 per , 7if'' gallon. Now IVw DA VIES' VARNO-LAC Makes your floor look liVe " mahogany; former price $2.75 :NoV.a.l:?r:..........$i.5o la a good example of twentieth-century WtSB ALL THE MINE r Opentad .wai -tha-Mlaalaelopi e their., coal-to - asv That's -why - pee, call tie . e THE BIG FELLOWS M TI- aiLctsiMss : We sell soke, too. Our tlr- Main 1T7S. will espials the p-J you will ring It up. e T Utw. .. 4 bv him t ut h--l I - i f chir'lnva h Ilie a-M - n a i 1 the t lli 1 rie caelied o " na. t. p.