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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY J3'j: I'L. I CltTLAlIO, WEmr I DAY EVEIIING, KOVEMSSa -15, UC5. YoviJ yo:;c5 TOBIQHT'B AatUSKarXBTS. ....!.....'... "Ohoata" ...toThe ririt Vlolla" Marquaia Oraad..... Hrlaaro. ...... ...... H. k'r. .. I. niplrc..,, ,...... . ...Mtialcal Ptarlraqua Hooligan a Trnuhi" A Uaart of V.u.Tilia i (Jrand..... Star ..... Ulwrty. VaudaTlIU ........vauoarma i .. . . . Btetef Superintendent J.' H. AcWermen . will "apeak on 'The School and the Home'' .tonight at the annual fell raMy of the 'Home Training aaaoclatlon in Taylor Street. Methodist Eplaeopal church, 'beginning at T:4S o'clock, Judge A. L. iKraser will give an addreea on The Juvenile Court,- and Rev. Dr. J. W. ' B rotigher will dlacuaa "Home ldealiy" .All fathera and mother, are . invited end a nursery -will be provided to care for the children. . The -program will be embelliahed with aoloa by Mr. Jordan Pur vine, lira. E. S, Miller. Mra. O. A. Bern ford and Mr. Kent. Mia Nellie Dlckenaon will play the organ prelude and Rev. Pr. F. B. Short, pae tor of the church, will lead the people in prayer, .y ... y .vf t .1 ' A new demand for slabwood from Portland aawmilla haa originated in the country tributary to Oregon Railroad- A Navigation company llnea In eaatern . Oregon and the company ia making . Boeclal ratea for Its tranaportatlon. It r la aaid the people in Irrigation aectiona '' have ben getting wood, from the Blue -' mountain region and the prlcea have ad- vanced to flgurea that make it profitable; ". '- to hip alabwood from Portland. The railroad company makea a rate of IJ.15 per cord, for four-foot wood from port- ' land to Hermlaton. . . The Benefita of Organisation of Man versus Church Organlaation" waa the , fcVbJect of an addreaa made by Rev. Dr. Holt at the monthly meeting of the , Men's league of the Mount Tabor Prea- byterlan church. ' Short talka wera made alao by Rev. Mr. Pratt of Forbes Pres. . byterlan church, J. R. Kwlng, Rev. Mr. 1 ". Knlgharp. T. C. Shreve, X. R. Toung - .'.". and Mr. Learch, -John W, Cherry, the great. Incohonee .' . " of the Red Men, snd Wilson Brooke, great chief of recorde. will pay an of tlrlal visit to the wigwam' of the tribes ; , ot Portland thta evening. There will - be a council lira, followed by a feaat of - - corn and venison. Last night the of- - flclal were In Aetorla and dedicated the hall of the Concomly tribe of that ,' place, one of the flneat halla in the city. Having .put the California building la ahape and entruated it to a keeper, Cora mlaalonera J. A. Fllcher and ' Frank Wiggins have left the exposition grounda for aU tima. They a tart today for a j trip to the sound, and will leava for San Francisco .next . Friday. ..... . i ' Holland and French bulbil, W have received a mammoth shipment of flower ' ing bulbs and are ready to -fill your or ders. Our illustrated, descriptive apd -priced catalog telle all,-- Free on request. 1 Get one and order now. . Portland Seed company. Front and Yamhill. t v The thindora Piano company la dos sing out its entire stock of, pianos now at 113 Washington atreet and after De rcmher 1 will ha local ad at 1 Hivth rtreet, corner Alder.. - Now la your chance to get a high grade piano at a "'" . : low price.", . - r.... . Bound for Paris IsTL BJ.' Juaton, reai .! ' taurateur and aportaman. Juaton left .-- laat Sunday night. '. Ha expeota to be -n'T stcoe for aA lease five months. Ha was .- not accompanied by his family."- . Watches and diamonds ft down and , o per week. Oooda delivered en first V payment. Xmae is coming. Metagar Co., jeweiera,-opueieaa, ill BUtn. ; Rummage Bale, ladles- Flrat Chrle - tlan church, Eaat Waahlngton and Grand . avenue. Open- all week.- Donatlona so- :...-- lictted. i i. V . Any watches cleaned, ll.0: - maln . spring, It.; all work guaranteed one year. Metager Cow, 111 Sixth street . ' Pan-Co-Veato ' club. It " per month. v Keepa your clothea cleaned, pressed.- 1TI .Veet Park. Paclflo III. Open all night Try a meal without meat at the Vega, tariaa oafs, lit Sixth street ' Portland's best dancing school. Iftf - Aider. Prot.Rlngler. Miss Buckenmerer. Ladles' gymnasium class, the Rlngler Physical Culture school. l per month. The Marquara Program reaches the better element of ad readers, . Dr. E. C Brown,. Eye-Ear. larquam. Fine chicken dinner Ifto, ltt Third. FrlU's Uraalea are the beat &ot Printing tut at mart t(tn in and F. W. Baltes B DesiP A specialty" of Catalogues; 'Books and : Booklets, Driefs'&PublicatidlrisRosters.' Lowqst prices consistent with good work' , .cw'W ' .. '-.14 At FiYstand Oak: Streets Telephone Main One Six Five f7 -4a, Having FlucI; And peraeverince usually prosper. Very often, this prosperity has its beginning in the opening of a savings account. Allow us to assist you in starting. - -: WE -pAY- -'---' .INTEREST GENERAL - BANKING BUSINESS V TRANSACTED. " Oregon Sayings Bank , Sixth ; and Morrison Streets. ' : omoni . ' W. H. Moore. President. 1 v 'Si. E. Lytle. Vice-Prealdent. 1 ' W. Cooper Morria. Caehler. ,,' - S. Logan Haya, Aaa't Caehler. BIBBOTOSS -W. H. Moor' E. E Lytle, Leo Frlede, W. H. Oopeland. W. Cooper. Morria. . ' 8300 COST; 83000 ' THE SAVING Garbage Plant Crematory Super S- intendent Hat Plan for In-JI ' stalling Cooking Vats." TO SELL CREASE, BONE : . . : iANDHIDESJDFAN!MALS Forced Draught System in Furnaces Ordered Removed Meat Inspect ion to Get Instructions on Law From City Attorney McNary. A aavlng of approximately M.IOS a year may be made at the garbage cre matory for an expenditure of 'about 1300, according to Superintendent Dag gert -who appeared - before - the - Uy board of health last night with a propo aitlon to Install cooking vats at the re duction worke. Ha proposed to skin all animals brought to tha crematory, sell Ulelf hide, cook tha carcase In the vata and save the grease and bona. Qrease will bring S cents pound at soap fac tories and bone 2 a ton. at sugar fac torles. Horse and cow hides bring IS each and dog hldea IS, cents. He esti mated that th city would realise ap proximately 11,600 -a yeaf , from thie source... . , m- A resolution waa paased asking the city council to appropriate funda for the purchase of a vat and a pair of scales for the crematory. Tha resolution wui be introduced at - the meetlna of the T'counoll today. 4 - ' - ' - The forced air . draught Installed at the crematory by R. Robinson, Sr., who reconstructed the reduction works last spring, waa declared defective by Su perintendent Daggart and alao by W. O. McPharaon, an engineer who. recently made an inspection of the crematory. It Is said that the furnaces are not built for forced draught, and (hat the fan syatem makes the grates and the bricks burn 'out ruining the furnaces. Superintendent Daggert waa ordered to take the forced draught arrangement out. v. .... .... .. Dr. Loveberry of the government bu reau of animal Industry, Pr. Madden, a government Inspector of meats at the Paclflo Statee Packing company, and Dr. Mae Card Well appeared before the board-in-tha interest of me meat1 in-1 spectlng ordinance, ., the validity, of which waa upheld recently by the cir cuit court It waa decided that before the inspectors provided for unden the ordinance were appointed, the board should jasours legal advlcu from City Attorney McNary in order that It may know how far to proceed. - ' Dr. O. M. Wells, residence. Hobart Curtla Phone Main 12. . :- . ds 3Ut It many timet frtatrr ners T . Mark of Qm Hons I r,.a.;pAL cvAr;o2LiCAL cnuncii TO BURN OLD MORTGAGE FRIDAY Memorial Evangelical Church. , A Jubilee servloe at Memorial Evan gelical - church, Eaat Eighteenth and TIbbetta streets, Friday evenlnr will mark the removal of the' 1 1.100 indebtedness-whlcirrhftS 1urif -over the hulldtng and manse, for aeveral yeara. Paatora from other Evangelical churchea of. the city will take part In the program.' The feature will, bejthe burning of the mort gage notea. - . ' - r . Tha church was founded by Rev. L. 8. Fisher In USD, and lit llll Rtv, N. Shupp organised the society. The church waa built during tha aummer of llll under the pastorate of Rev. O. A. Mans hardt Rev. P. J. Qreen rendered faiths tul and untiring servloe in raising the principal part of the lndebtedneae, a work completed-by the-present pastor. Rev. R. D. Streyfeller. S BUILDER DIES J. H. Smith Waa One of the Best r Known Contractors in the ;?V;;V'V West. MADE A FORTUNE. THEN -,v-: LOST IT IN BIG PANIC Was-Original Owner of Willamette Heights, Was ' Interested in Sell wood and ' Sannyside . and Built Mansion at Top of Mt Tabor. By tha death of J. H. 8ralth,'who died at Fallon. Nevada, last Sunday, the weat lost one of Its beat-Jrnown railroad con-tfttUtoiS.'-Fur eaia lie ha psedletad thai era of railroad building that baa Juat begun In thla section of the United States, and had hoped to retrieve his fortune In the construction of the -new lines. At the eve of the great' rush of 4SSM J. H.- Smt1i. : roads to the Columbia river death called him. -- A keen Judge of men and work, J. H. Smith amaaaed a large fortune In rail road work, then lost every cent of It In real eatate Investments Just at the open ing of the USf panic. At the time of hie death he waa president of the Pa clflo Coast Construction company. .. His body is 'expected to arrive here)-. tomor row, and It la thought that tns runerai eervlcea wjll be conducted by the Elks. Mr. Smith waa also a Mason. He leavea widow, one eon and three atep-chll- dren. - ' - Born at Nottingham. England, it ywars'ago. itr. Smith came to America when lad. After living several yeara In Canada, he returned to England, then came to the United Statee. - Ha worked on a Wisconsin ranch for some time. men begsn rauroaaing ana ouiuiing levees along the Mlsaisalppl river. He oon formed a partnerahlp viHh John Hale. The new firm built rallroada throughJiowa and Kansas, working westward on ths Rio Grande system. Smith 4k Hals constructed much of the desert route of tha Oregon Short Line, and then built the O. It ft N. through P QUEER RAILROAD ' I' The program for the aervlces Friday follows: .. , t ', : Anthem, Memorial choir; : Invocation. RawThaodnra HrhanerFlrat-German Evangelical church; scripture reading, Rev. H. O. Henderaon; anthem. First Enarliah church: "Our Outlook. H. -A1' bright; address, T. C. Mechel, general mleeionary aecretarr of Cleveland. Ohio; "Our Experience," Kev. P. O. Green, who atarted the debt campaign; "Our Rela tione to the Public," Rev. fl. A. Stewart, Flrat English church; "Our Proepecta for the Future," Rev. N. Shupp; "Lettera and Sketchea of Former Pastors - In Charge, of tha Memorial Church." Rev. R. D. Streyfeller. preoent paator; burn ing ,ofthe notea; chorua. First German choir; benediction. p Piles Canyon and down : the .Powder LRIver valley. After this waa completed, the partnership, wss dissolved and Mr, 8mltureturo.ed to- England for a short visit. The visit over. Smith; again formed a. partnership with Hale, and. Joining forces with tw AUter contrac tors, they built a atretnch of the North ern Pacific's main line from Ellenaburg to five mile weat of the Stampede tun nel. Including the then famous switch back. ; : ..' " . V;;, Before this work waa completed. 8mlth St Hale took the contract to fin ish the Southern Paclflo between Port. land and San Francisco. When this was finished, the firm dissolved and both came to Portland, where Mr. Smith In vested heavily In real eatate. He waa the. original owner of Willamette Heights and waa deeply tntereated In Woodstock and Sunnyalde when they were laid out. He purchased 10 acrea On the top -of Mount Tabor, where he erected a handaome realdenoe. , But the contracting, aplrit in htm would not stay down, ao Just as a pas. Mme he built a portion of the city's old cable llnea Then he built SO miles of the O. R. N.'s Coeur d'Alene branch, and alao the Port Townsend Southern railway. ' While In Idaho, ha Invested 11(0,000 in mines. Afterward he j took the contract to extend the tracks of the Union Pacific from Portland to Seattle, but a change In the management of the system stopped the work. -1 , 'tTBe?TCme tn" panlu 1 vt -mSr-end financial failure. TEXAS POLICY-HOLDERS FORM AN ORGANIZATION (Joaraal Special Sarrfce.) ' Dallas, Tex., Nov. IS. Hundreds of policy-holders, representing various In surance companies doing businsss In this state, are In attendance at the confer ence which waa opened here today for ths purpose of considering waya and means of protecting the Interests . of the policy-holders. . An organisation will be formed for the purpose that Texas policy-holdera may have a voice In the selection of the fruateee and directors of insurance companies doing bualness in the state. , - .. Almost Closed Oat. , A surprisingly large number of fine pianos. Pianola pianos. Pianolas and organs have been aold by Eilers Piano House during the paat couple of weeks, and the great Exposition sale: Is rap idly drawing to a close. . - There are still left for sale several very choice styles of the moat costly of Chlckertnara alaa two vSrv hnry un. right Klmbails, three Webers, one veryl ,).. u.n w.. ... i ... i a.k . n and one Pianola, piano, . together with several Pianolas, and 4ess . than a half! dosen "second-hand" pianos of various makea :'''. - If you ever hope to own a really choice piano, an instrument that has been selected by some Connoisseur or high clasa artist specially for some prominent feature of the muaieat work of our great Lewis and Clark Expoa t ion, and secure such a musical gem at a very aubstantlal reduction In price, you a ill have to attend thla sale without de lay, Payments have been made se thor. oughly easy, too, that no one whoae home is without a really fine piano need hesitate to secure one. "Money back," we eay, If the purchaae, after delivery. Is not in every way acceptable 'to. you. What more can be dona! .If you're com ing, come thla afternoon or evening. Ellers Piano House, til Washington street. : . -. .-, . . , . .. Milwaukle, Country Club. ; Eaatern and SeattU faces. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City cars at First aad Alder. Ths little folks love Dr. Woed's Nor way Pine Hrrup. pleeaant to take; per fectly harm Una. Positive cute for coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma. . Preferred Stock Canned oeda., Allen ft Lewis Beat Brand, i - 1 t ' ,.t i)0YS. Aro yea vatching for thb maii who cells XISacood ? clothes V He will call on us within a week, perhaps In three daysT possibly today. Watch all trains, the streets, and especially our store. -We've a handsome suit oLXT,A?H J-Pj-'JLj first boy under H who Remember to rfay: Ec!crhti:cr, Steia Sam'l Elosenblatt Co. -.. ', v- ,s , r Cor, Ttird vxi Morrison Sts. ; ; G. P. RUIV1MELIN M SONS . No. Between AJrnsxatzsTTa. Bttasco Theatre su , MxAsoo KATta. non.-r ; - ' -- a,.al TaV.a,W(.aa4MS taSL C S. rrla. Ow. atea, B. U Sakett, Baa. Ms. .' . TOMIQMT. I II 111 1U ' LAST .W1IK OF THS BOMAITTIO " ACTOB lVhite Whittlesey Ur-aicaari ' XaaaSald's Srest Seeeees "THE FIRST VIOLIN" triiliiffe, tSe to T5c; MaHom. aUtnrde 4 dtjbuiip. mtm v sw. JTtt Wwwk. diltcrtlny With Vatls Sunder "TKX JATAL CABS." TamhlU ana ThlrS Bte. Phoee Hats MOT. Heats ex awtu aaauw. .; ... TOIflOBT TOKIOBT T. W, Diskls's raaMaa Beaaty Shew, Maalcal aoriequ , .L.-.-a-- . The Utopians" 1 aaa . 1 aBdt. " BA. VttaS tmaltSaaBSi BTaniTlfJ pnesjsj. SWT, wg, ar-v. "t mm aVl Betstraer iwec purnxmrnmcmt, atw, w, ew TUM PA IIMJ.IT HTM Harquam CrandTheatre an, u'.i. ajta TONIGHT and TOMOkROW,MOHT. at S:1S, . . 1M I lerwr inwi mw, i HABBT BTZSTATZB, ' ."' ' la Baarlk Itieta'a Orvatut Draau, . jiO M 08T8" 'y The rtramatle Treat ef tae BVaaos, .. PRICK-ase. Ste, SOB. TSe. SI. THE QRAND - llirW S TBATBSTT CO. Aad Oaeraa ef DaaetBg fttrta. l,;. ...,; A ORBAT CAST. . Baaded bf Toay Weat. Maaa asd . rran vrj aaa mrrj, four, . Slnaloe, randBg asS Well-IMUrd Ckeraa ef Pr.ttjr Qlrla. Ilmril aSmlaaloa 10c: etenlnca, gandara and soHdara. taairTid aaeta as lower Soar Kv; Sail aiatlneaa, entire anrar aner jwt nam aeaia., aoc LIBERTY THEATRES ,t: FOCBTH AND STABK STBCCTS. " UanaivBimt of Keatlnir A Floo. SEASOB'S SBBAXXST BILL. Xarr SehaUlt. Lea Walts. Tke Beriiae OkiMrea. Badalsk Xaklaad. Bally aad Davis. Movtas rvtwm. , mm mwi WHawt. PcrforaiasrM 4all at t:SO. T art aad p. SI. Advlaaloe, TEH aad rwiTi eaaia. .. THE STAR ; f Bei U OUi We4e 1 .' tflaa KidasUBdaai Tataaklma ... - Conler aad H . Stajvaeapa aJ .1 - - - 1kMI - - - eiaaaajlaiH - A kAhrla, reaerrad aaals m Aawar.Ar Sue; koi araia sCe lyric theatre; WIIK STABTDtS MOVSAT, BOTIMBIB IS. "The Heart of Steel. A Oaatedr-firaaea ef the Arises Bariar, . Adaitaaiea 10s. B Marred Seats SOe. Empire Theatre i Itth aad Morrlaea.' i Male nr. MtT.TO W. SBAWAV. Manafer. . . r art MM a raealar rierboaae. - Txnlkt An Weak Matliwe Sa tarda r, The starrjv Jlagllot Mitatral Ceaaadx, "Hooligan's Trbubles" A atawne ef mmmtmr. danrtaf. atnriAe aad aaaairvi avaiprffv, airacs iroai .mw 1 mK WKf. BVTi puirits tie, e, w, BOs. MATINEE miCSS-lOc. Ut. tie. "' " KBIT WttE-"A BBOKBJI BBABa. catches him. , ;'; ' YOU IN ttOTX Cv Co., tsA vCX S 136 Second Street - Washington and Aider Streets, t' FURCOATS Our Stock of Fur Coats . in Alaska Sealskin. Persian Lamb. Mink. Otter, B e sver, Astrachsn and Near Seal are made tip 2 in the latest designs, wun .iow, conari, cion ' effects and fancy beltsr ;;;-' ':r f v. Misses and Children's Furs --:....'.";.';. Fur. Carriage and Anto Robes' v ,'",. ' . .Fur' Caps and Gloves. " .,T r .-; ' Leading and Reliable Furriers EsUbUahed 1870. - Send for Catalogue.. EVERYBODY ' By purchasing a Suit or Over, eoat for man or youth yon get a compliment of a , , of charge, which will make the .whole family happy at its inantgmng dinner. . - . . We save you 20 per cent on Shoes, Hats, Pants, Shirts or Underwear. Alao a full stock of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforjters. r - jonrj DELLAR BUNKING TWO STC2ES Cor. First sad YxsttSl tzi CorJUrlalJ)iils REMOVAL SALE V Are aolaT to Blove. Seeeaakes X, to . 1M Sixth Bt Oor. Alder. We have large new shipments to ar rive at that time and wish before then 1o dhrpoee ef eur entire present stock or Pianos. .'!,.; . Not an Instrument In reserve and yeu j ran now here buy HIGH ORADB PIANOS at prices never before heard of. " STEINWAY A. B. CHASE ESTEY EMERSON STARR HELLER n RICHMOND ':. -fj AND OTHERS Also a few second-hand pianos from to a p. -.rr ' Dandore Piano Co.! Steinwa:Dealert ' 233 WASHINGTON STREET :-1 How It's Made In making White River Flour the wheat . kernela are flrat scoured and rallied by a patent roller proceaa Puri fying currenta of air are. then paaaed through It. keeping the flour Tree from duat particles and the machinery sweet and clesn. . i."' ' Then "ionised Sir" Is pumped Into the sgltator so that every tiny partR-le ef nour Is rreed rrom certain oily proper tlea common to other hard wheat flours. and rendered white, dry and granular. - That la why bread made from White River Flour la se white and olaan and appetising is lighter, a little mere delicate, more satisfying. It Is the per. lection 01 nara wneat noun. There'e a guarantee that goaa . with every aack. It saya: "Try it at our risk beat you aver used, er , your money pack.1 Alien Lewis. , v , attention NEIGH Something Polng In Camp now- 1 nuD-r::;:.. full Ta.iY El LACECUtiTAir; V4 & xfkk m tuuuk fV HESE lace curtain land--portieres - kit mc shop worn "or soiled in any", way. ' They art broken lines of patterns, which we have discontinued, There, are no two pairs of portieres the same pattern, and not more than two pain of the curtains are alike. , rare opportunity, indeed, anc" while there are a great manj pairs in the lot, these specia, prices will move them aloft; rapidly come early. 4 r - ' ar ral. $12 to $15 Portieres. ,G.5 $9 to $12 Portieres. Y.$4.C' $5 to $9 Portieres. . . .93C $8 to $10 Curtains... 9- .C, $6 to $8 Curtains., , .93.5', $4 ta6U:urtaina92.C' (2.50 to $4 Curtains. .52. C TADLE COVER: B ROKEN lines of chen lie and tapestry cov ers in a choice , lot c beautiful designs, no tw; alike, at half former price. R EMNANTS linen warp matting, all choice pat- terns: 35c ft 50c qua!. Per Tard. Lengths up to 5 yards'. .100 Lengths 5 to 12 yards. .18 , Kan tkeae tkiaga oknrt t'lU yea like, aad we'll auke f . .Vteraaa eeay. ..... J .', 0UTFITTIKGCC Tke -Stem Where Tear Credit fa OooJ WASHKGTOri ANE TENTII STREETS Matting S2!: '. We have ia very large line e( finest quality' of Linen Warf Matting on hand and must elosf Out In order to make room for holiday goods now arriving. In eluding '' Xmas Toys and Japanese . . ' WBtOUBBAUl ABT9 BSTAXk , We will continue our auction sale 1 day longer. 'Come axd get bargains. Andrew Kan & Co. SS7 BtOBMUSOBT ST. Concrete Cc.nstrccticnf TOt Chamber ef Commerce. Manufarturera of Concrete aione I : -i Contractors for all klnJ of .. work. T - 1 T .1". jc:::j r t '. x LiVLiir 1