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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
.IllZ OPvZGON DAILY JOUHIIAU POHTLAIID. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 15. lCClC 1 S20 ACV.rH flue titular mr Portland, $10 T" acre. fl. ww Good groom none, near cu line, Im proved etreet, eaat eie. 3,.'iiai l.irru 6 ruoia colonial bouse, eloae In. runt etne, $4 -m J. u 100 and nlodcrn colonial fronts hoiiNa. on l iiinn are.; a rina home. $7. nun A 'ra-tiUal lot on Haehui(toa It. Su.talu looxluo Kevertaaiun al l food In come and worth SJ.uia) aior than aakinf ?rl-. . .Suo latora nrlrtt as rirat at. 'lltiO Lota on rar line, oolj 80 ailnntea from center ef clti water anil (radd street; $f 4 per month. . $10,UU0 Full rorner on Tentti at. haiils'iuum A I'attkbson. !."' Fourth at., cor. Morrison. FOB AAI.S -room none, mtw 1st 60x100. la Sunnralile; on of Ilia beat bur In Ua city. tof aal SO 1 1 no. Eaat Itavl. near Grand art., corner; fruit and ebruuberf-; await cottaf; a betas In today. , . for sale Soma slftatly vacant lot to tba Raw Uiorna district. . , , Cor iala-A.trea.fa and am all firm. ,t For aal Fruit lama and ranch. For aal Stork In hlfh rlaaa Industrial otr .., prlee. . y . TUB CONTINENTAL fOMPANT. ' ' CU Stark at. Pbooa Main 1878 ' exSCOalB ; PROPERTY QT'ITR T)flB TO TlinUOiu UlBiUIirx.. . Comer lot aod 8 food boueea, renting for . 10 pr cent of price, 88.60. r -. txit 82x100. T-room bouae, Beat Washlnftoa between Union nv. and Kaat Twelfth. 82.0UU. 15 acre on Mount Scott, 400 corde of wood. 'i acrea on Wlhers lan.1 all cleared. Be , travel, old bona, plenty of arobard. ei.nOO Larae mtrr kit with 1 food bnuaes. central Kaat Portland, rent 83S. prlc .0; teroje. CULVER. 8M Chamber of Com merge. SPECIAL BABOAIS 88 FOB 81. Trecta 11 front foot. 115 feet deepi eaa sav a many front feet a yoa want .from 80 feet BP! all In eultlvtlo. all level and Ifhtly. S ailnutee to food 10-room echo. 8 frade. Bar More, Bustofflee. church and ear atatloa at Lenta; 8-cent fare to any part f Portland. Tula to 1-S prloel term if wanted. O. B. Additoe. Lent., Orefoa. Take Ml. Boot! car. a earns. BT'ILDINA lot for aal In ill parU ( Portland. Special bargain. - 00 to $000 for fin lot In Central Alblna; etreete yraded. aewer and sidewalk, jsnopin let la Weet lrrlniton; Eleventh May Tillamook. . S27R to 350 Lota tn Beat Portland HrtfkU. Tbeee are ettr fin lota; good bulkllnf aU " j arauad. . Pt'BOin at HBKeuuu. Sojh Morrlaon. roont S. S8l WILL bny (mail bona and tot 80x100. i No. TM AlWn bet. rremont and Beach 'at. W. Pettenon. SM Tamhlll at, owner. rpR SALR 6-roona eottaf. lot, all kind' of . fruit, berrt. fin aotl. food water) 90 m la st ee' walk to car Hn. 10 to Southern paelfle. 12 mi lea from Portland. See owner, A. S. Diaper. S33 Waahlnfton at, city. FOB BAI.B At a battala, S-raoa nttf at runnyalde. ay monthly payment. Tb Aaaaa Mereantll Agency, Ablnfton bldf. TWO fin kit. 100x100, cormer; food Ttew of anow mountalna; rbeap. Ala new modara tnlbed t-room bona, ban. Kat 42S, er Main .115. FOR BALB TSi100-fne lot ea Bt Berenloenlh - and Conch will Mil for tt.SM If old hi aext few dayat face eaat; well werth Sl.dOOt will en part of lot If deal red. Ad dree K A car JoarnaL S3.T0A A SNAP Comfortable modem no, eloa In on the eaat aide. Mrlnc-coom. bath, "etc.. fa and electricity, large baaement con taining laundry, two ator and fualrooma; - Trjthln abont tb boa In Srt-claa re . pair) the lot I 110 feet deep, captain chicken ' lion and yard and number of fine fro It tre: aa !o.l- tome - rnr comrurr ans con- : venlene. Call or addre th ownr. rooni Son, th Ifarojnam. Phon Mala SOS, 1 Xa 4 P. . $Wt KACIf t lot on Eaat Soth and Ivan eta., Irrar IMrlalon. Call at T05 on, tb plo. EA8T RIDB HOMB8 Thr T-rootn and on M room boo on K. Third and Mnltnomah t.: new. becntlfnlly flnabd: fin location; convenient ,to S carllnea eaay terra. Pariah -ar eoarmy,' oia.-aiii aiunnmaa A SUTORT bctck- tmlldtnr. IOOiIOO.. on . Bart airt; v"''! pay a per cent net. on; ' arte 11.000; caa .flra Una, .-AddxaaeVal TQH SALB Modern anbnrbaa cottar. loae to carllne, nne location, fround lOOgUM. U. w. P. Townalt C.. 134 Flrat t. KIXWOOD Iota. M down d M fram STI Jo I20U, Sellwood Tea Pboa Eaat dTOd..' , S ROOM bona. fnU lot. Blent of fralt. SHOO 1100 down. 10 a moatb, . Ioqstr at SSC Baat ..... waaaingtoa at. - - r-.t LOTS, acrear- and raeMence aw Portland HeUrhta. t. 0. ShofnOT. SOS Yamhill. or. Park THREH new bona, raat or aa); aaap. loom Fourth at., room 10. Owner. WAONER PETTT. SOS Commercial blk., bar . aon of the beat bay la tb elty- 8e ttem . before buylnf and be eTincd. - ,KtW 6 room corner boo on Fremont t.t bath. porch; an oioeptlooal barfaln; only fl.ano. Trana tmtoU. 03 Commercial blk. aUla Sa. ; . - .. FOR 8 A LB at a bargain. Bandera T room bona on Kaat Taylor, cloa la;, term to . salt purchaser. Apply F 42. care Journal. . A 60OD earner, anarter block, wear Norther ractnc terminal; food income property, uu early. SIS Pin t. National Real BaUt Co.' MortER! T-rnoaa bona, eaat aide, block from ear, SS.ano: I " dowa. balane i per month. . Pha Baat tit. NEW S-mom bona with bctb. concrete baae ment. barn and chicken hone on place; S lota go with place. Apply to . T. Taggart, did Chamber of Commeroe. , - fTW-moderir roini colontat bna, correr tot, $2. WO; alno S-ronra modern cottaf. Sunny aid. 11,800. . Inqulr owner. S00 E. Salaaoa at, KEW ROME Jnat completed, pretty deelrn, welt built,- latest lmpcneementa. corner lot. . : Holladay addition, fiordoa. bnllder, SOS 4th. S-ROOOM modern bona, eaat aid. ll.ftoO: $r0 down, balaac 15 pr aooatb. Pbon Baat ?. FOR "ALB Cheap, alg'btly Iota, cloa In, w , Alblna. Inqulr awaor, SOP Market at. ' lOOilOO ON Kaat Twentytrhth a'-t fme corner near Oltaan; a ana p. tl.too. Tywa KIdmU. 03 ComnMrcial blk. Mala 1H38. . CHOICE Iota $i awmtb; don't wait: price d . ranee. , Bom food heueaa. larre fround. BeH Coaeett, Ockley Oreeo atatien, St John car. - -. , i . a. ; FOR SALE S lot (taken on mortgage) for two third, their rata: caeh. Clinic corner on car Ua. laouira- Flf hav leanhaa .to- tlon C'HOICB arf, 4 mile weet f city, a eery low price if aold at one; May tarma. , Owner, ' 41 McKay bldf. . - .t. , VI bar S new modern cottage and a number of modera bouaea In food loeatloa for M (t bargain prlcee aad very eaay term. W. J. Day aV Co., Fonrtb at., room M. SPECIAL ffcr, Sl.OOO T-rooia ami. S tul lota, near ckaol, fond well: one half eaah. Pubol 4k Rherwood, S0SV4 Morrlaon, room S. FOR SALE FARMS. CHOICB FARM8. li acre, highly Improved, d r. mm bard flniahed houee, foird barn, orchard, tc.; 10 mile ont, S mile atatlon: a fin plac for 1,700; $1,000 caah. balane to cult. ,40 acre. 30 la cultivation, food bntldlnf, cloa ;h to towa, IS mile ut: ti,), terma. S3 acre. 43 In cultivation, new building, rub nlnf water, beat of soil, fond road, 12 mile '. eat. cloa to town, with atock, am aad lav ... plementa; 4,2i0, term. ? t bar lota of farm to fleet rropj,Tf TPS want fond an. t. FL'CHg. ltfH Flrt t. COAL AND TIMBRE MAPS Onn county, 440 acre eoaj. ...... 00 ar McMlnnvllle, 120 acre S 00 acr Iougla eminty. 80 acra timber...... T OO acre Ian county. 100 acre timber T.OO acr 40 acre near tiroaham at acrlflce. HOME CITY BARGAINS..,, T room Vaiae, new. modera ...3.eWI room hone, nearly new S.80 B room bona, new, modem. ..'. 1 TOO mora bona, tat 100x110, mortem S."fl Spo"- new. modem....... ............. ,4,600 SOS Foartb. Tat Clay 1T4. ' , IfO-ACRB farm. IP, mile eaat of Portland 0 Sandy river; 40 acrea under ealtlvatloa. food f Improvement. Id acrea on Powell Valley ,:1 road. H mil aontb of reaervolr; abort dla l tanc from 3 rarllne,' IT cre food, level ) .; land dJolnlnt; Motor 'audltwa. . W. . FaV , kalaMf, aW Hltof bldS.. ; i; . M for sale fah::3. i ACRPS, 0 frolf tree, berrira, Sroom hotiao, aprtng. 14 nillee oil. on . W. V. R. It.; , pine f.'.0. . 24 hecond at. , STATS I.ANIIS TOR SALE Th atata of Oregon baa for "' a Dmlted amount of boae for lieu er"-,.o.': price until further notice Id no per aie. ror par tltilra adclreaa Oawald Vveat. fctate Laud Agvut. Saleiu, Orefoa. - -- f 10,000 FARM of 4u0 acrea. 1 0 cultivated. balane pnatnre; 80 acree clover; h.Miae, two . barna; wiuld sell In lota of acre. Ad , draaa E. 1111, Rout 1, Klckreel, Orafoo, or 4oS Baat Twauib- t., Pertlaad,. FOR SALE Stock ranch of 3.400 acre Wear , Coburg, 8 ml lea nortbeaat of Eogeno, Ln county, Oregon; prlc fcw and tarnt aay. . F. D. Chamber Ula,. Labba hull., - facUaad. FRRR LAND IN. OREtKIN nnder tb Carey Irrigation Act. Deed direct from elate. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S Cook A Co.. Sol Aider at. PurUand. Or. , -. FOR PA LB Farm pear Latnarell Fall. H mile from nation or river boat; 140 acre, all fenced, bottom land. ut table for dairy or prKluce; T-room new bouae,. 10 row a, food i pair Auraea aad all Boeaaara fare Imple- menu; AO. HO"; ierui to ult- J, T. Suiith, Latourell FalU. Or. ' 0 ACRES, 10 mile eaat on Seettoa Lin road. a mil to car; oo acre In cultivation, food hotiae, bam, and a beautiful location two of th baat road In th atau; S3,000. F. Abraham, IIS Second at. BARGAIN AO-acre Improved farm mil aaaf of l'ortland. LaOoinpt, 82T Frout. SO-ACRB farm, 8 mile from Vanoonvar, new honae. 1.000 fruit treea. 6ZT Ikaelawa are. FOR SAI.R SO acr farm, 8 mile from Ret rada, f l,3Ao. Inquire S. 1. t'alniatacr,, Cut rlnavtlle, Oregon. - FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED' crlp, 1 ny alia piece; lowaat . price. W. Q,. Howell, litS Chamber of Com Bierce. . FOR HOMESTEADS, timber claim aad acrlp apply to 80S Commercial blk. . FOR SAI.R 3.000 acta flrat-rlaa timber, cloaa ' to Columbia river, near Cap Horn. J. J. Armatrong. SSS Cabl t , Portland. r" Pkoa Mala as, c HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE Cheap, If aold anon, food bugry .. bora and aw rnbhrr tired buggy and aud act of harneae. Addrea B 68, Journal. FOR SALE Oood work bora; can b eeen at golf Ibika, Sellwood. Inqulr William Moffet. TO EXCHANGE. TW0-H0RSB expreee outfit- to trad far any thing of equal vain.' SMS Burnatd. " FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE La tea Improved , Kelly lofaawing aucbln, cheap. Addree 8 - 42. Journal. .... "OR aal and exchange ISO acre, eaetern Oregon, all In wheat, crop with plac; will - take cottaf or vacant lota for part payment. Northwaat Land Co.. 366 Marrtaoa at., room 311.. -.-.- SO ROOMS, hooaekaeptnf flat, well rorotebed. to exchange for lot or bona and lot. Inaulr t 107 U. Third .at.. DM Raelata r' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. RUMMAOB BAI.B given by Ladle' Aid aodety ., f 1 Maaale-Stret Oanfregatlonal chnrch, will . eontlnu next week. 11 South Cnloa ava. F0R SALE d-boraepower holatlng ngln and boiler. K. Q. LuDdatrom. So3 Commercial ; bldf,' i . . . . FOR RALB OR RBNT--NEW AND SECOND HAND SRW1NO MACHINR8. STANDARD 6EW1NO MACHINE AGENCY. H. 0, JONES, 2S0 TAMH1LL ST. ... , WE print your nam on 80 calling-card;' proper la and atyle. 26c; S-V nuelnea card. 81, BrOwa eV Sctmtle, tJit Flrat. PortUnd, Or. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent r for , a.le on aaay-payment, t Third (., Portlaad. LJrRGB toch Mod-kn - Remlnatoa aad j Smith-Premier -typewriter, from 840 aa. LadeiwMtd Typewriter c SB1 Stark atv LARGEST stock a( bottle ai aortkwtt , f1lld promptly. Portlaad Bottle Supply 91 , North Eighteenth t. Mala S2M. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to ardwi cond-band food for Mt. C'arleoo aY Ralt- trom. S8S Couch at. - Pbon Clay STI. PORTABLE locomotive botler and nglne bra , tbaa V price; 4A bonepower. O. M. Par pott bw oiiic, aautaey niua. . . FOR SALE One S-tacb Smith tlckr, on ana . under, on two-eplndl ahapar, bait aad pulley. 804 Foartb at. ' '. , UNCALLED-FOR mounted (peelanen and far ruga cheap. : F J. Breaea, 803 Third aC ' 837.50 ONE aplendld rgaa; mnart Mil at 836 Morrlaon at. ' - REMEMBER. If your fireplace need a- saw grate. Krocbmaa A Hartman. 16 Flrat at., - are aalllnf to remainder of their etock be law ' coat ,- - , v - : -. HOTEL rang (Charter Oak);1 aed month. dlnlnf chalra, table, bowce, ' count or. . Waatrra Salvaca Co., S2T-S Waahlaftoa at. MILK goat for aale for enneumptlv, bable, - old and weak atomacha. 804 OoldamlUi at-, Alblna. . . . . . MAYOR'S Walant -Oil rector fray or faded hair-to natural color; Ijottle t. For cir cular addreaa B. Mayor, 118 Secoad t. $800 NEW upright piano. 186; another $4B; orgaa S3S. a4h m. cur. aaain, up- ataira. FREE trial of a pew ell burner for ok fovea J lu-gxiraiaav-poa aaiaa -u C. W. Mower, 804 Marguerite . av. Phea Kaat ww, FOR SALS Toang Scotch colli, food aheep dog. Inuuh-e William Mofft at th golf link. Sellwood. , - . FOR SALB-i-Bl'RSOCOHH NO. S ADDINrt MACHINE, ALMOST NEW. 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PACIFIC 4841. FOR SALE Mom Hnret Antomatt S. . eV S. atock. very cheap. F 68, JonrnaL PARTT oftif;pt wfll ell Iron bed, eprtnr nd matmaae.'loj extenalon table, $2: beating ator. 82; chair. 40c; lady a bicycle, goo-l condition. 812: pent' blcycl, 8: coaater brak. Mr. Brown, 4U Baat Thirty-ton rta at.. Hawthorn av. earv ' MACHINERY of kll klada repaired. Ceatennlal eon A nteel worn, una unaan at, M. BARDR SON. having nought th com plete stock of plumbing material on th Trail . and Onvernment Inland, offer all th pin and fitting and very reasonable Scnre; am the electric fixture of tb American Inn Co- which will to to tb buyer at leee tbaa half of coat prlc. . ' THE H. O. ALREE CO..- ecood band machinery, aawmllla, etc. S4S araad av. FOR SAI.R Electric bath; can be take to pome and treat peneme; leaving mj, as e bargain B. Addrea S T. carJewrnal PERSONAL. BR MPN! .'.. . V. P; ( Vital-Power ) tablet Prill reatore yoa th ana p. vim and vigor f ainhtod; yen ar mcain in in power w .i.eot, loea Hmklna fram Indlacretlon ad ax oe end for a boa of tbeee tablet and be o vlnced of their merit. By mall la plain pk SI. Th Armetronf Table O., - la., I Tolima blk., Detroit, Michigan. SPEClL NOTICE TO WOMEN Don't rleh your live ny aa upeiaiion wewra iea b cured by harmlea methods; electricity froperly applied will av Ufa where per loea kin. W poaaaa th la feet Invention to control dtaeasee peculiar to women. Ir. XV. j, ace. M. E., Medical Eleetrlciaa. Of fice TIB I'ekum bldf. Pkoa Red 8381. Office hoar 8 12. 8 6. MRS. ANNA LUCKEY and ETHBL WARD ar now mcatea at o-hi -larior ex. pr-iunpaie oi tb American Beauty Parlor. W cur all ecatp dlaae aad poal lively grow balr or niak n charge; all kind of bath given electric eieaaaf. manlcwrUHl aad ebtmpody; aleo Madame K arrow a remedlee; aatlafactlea narantaed. Phone Mala R248. , BETECTIVB AGENCY SnaawnMal taveatl- fatlon; reporie mane on any inoi.Miuni mia,. pee or property; mraaln relative tneetaxl; bad debt collected: rhergee reeeooahle; ccr reetmndenc eollctted. Oregon Detective Service, offlcea 314-818 fXnmhl bldf., SSA Waahlaftoa U , Pboa Mala MIS. FEHSOriAL. 1R. AtSITUNO. dleeaae of women nd r ry. Kid Allaky bid.. Tblrd and Murrlaoa. K. Palm Tablet make yuu aleep perfectly; tney cure nervouaneaa and make you atroug; price Roe a boa, l boaea fi SO; guaranteed. - A II drugitlata, or addreea Brook Pruf Co.. Ml North Tblrd at.. Portland. NO DRCOSL no operatlona; Prof. Dunn five OBtaofialhy and magnetic treatment, reducea your (leak, reiievee aupprvaaed monthly Irr.-ao. larlrlea. t'onaultation free. Ofnc. au3 Uoodlioug b bltlf. MANLY vig.iT reetored by Dr. Roberta Narv double. -On month" treatmeuti 82; tuniiiiui, f5; aent accitr ly aed ny man, Ageuta, vYoodard, Clarke Ic Co.. Portland. Or. BOOKS! Her they are; - "Iacameron.", llp tameran." i"A Hot Tamale." "Fanny 'HIU, ' "Twenty Year Faker," "Forbidden Fruit. ' 80c each: llata free. Scbmal. TJ Flrat at. LOST power - reatored by tb great Dr. Lorena'a Nerve Tuailc Tablet; 2fic per box. S boxes for 81. 28. Write or call at KyeeeU'a Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaon. bet. let aod 2d. THE Celebrated Star Hair reaaady restore - gray atMt faded b4r to tie -statural color, pro mote th frowth of heir: aett greaay. Pari Hair Store, 808 WaahUif ton. WHY live aloo when yoa can aeear a lira weipaninn ny joining me inreraiaoa wv during Society, and meat or eorreapoad with reputable neraon of tfata aectlpa. many wealthy; tb November reglater. 10 cent. Suit 34 Rueacll bldf. Pbon Pacifle M. Sl'lTtt preaaed while you wait. 60c Ladles' sairta preaaed, eor. Ullhert, 1"" Bin ax., nest to Quell. Phone Clay 8uS. WANTED T confer with tboae contemplating a ' aualaea eour; to your person at and Una octal Interest Jo investigate. Address !,? 43, cr Journal. - LADIES Yoa appear 30 year yeemger. re- mov ti wnnnua. nv axtn aik velvet v Ualnf Orefoa 0rp Skin Food. Phoaw Last isbT. '. '. . . . DR. ATWOOD, IS Rnssel bldf.. luBV Fourth ax. remaie oieee ana conilnamenta; epa evening. Conaulutioa free. MEN1 - WOMEN! Raymond's pill positively cure nervousness ana Jacx er Tltamy; at. boxe 83. Plumarar Drnf Co., 200 Third. BXPERIENCRD dreaamaker will auks Off- n n . - i ...1 1 1 ... , , . 1 , - DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. BOrOHT, rl,l UK Hl MA.MiEIl AT UIUI"1 M X Enn, ! PIONEER MONEY LENDER, 148 THIRD ST, , NEAR ALDER. . SWEDISH trained auras. HsMngfeea graduate, positively cures rneumetism. nor von oiorder nd atomach trouble by band-rubblnf , ateaax, 1 sweat and tub bathe; both aexee. T Eaat Eleventh, at., two. door from Baat Ankvay eerlln.. Pbon Bat 360. , - - - FREE aampl eora. hanloa aad wart cur. BA wla U Daaa. dept B, Tauntoa. Mean. TURKISH BATHS. 80ft. Orsxonlaa bldg-i Udias exri, avuuaaxHna augaxa. main Xtfoo. WANTED To know the wbersabonta at Wllllsm Stephen Bmlth. formerly of Loa Anaelee. Addreaa Mother, box 128,. Santa Barbara. California. - ... . ... - . FREE to oat of town patron, eur ltt eat. men or rsncy work, pi mow tops, renter Siece. sbtrt waist and aovertle. The Need) rsft Shea, SOT Allsky bldf.. Portlaad, Or. DOLMT hospital; re pa bring and , Ym- niu ana weal rare ata. . . SEND for free . list at cat price and em rate ea merasinea; agent wanted, joaaa Rook Stare, 381 Alder i. . . HBLONIA EOTPTIA.- arlentlfl palmlat. peycnic, 11 IV resner lira neaier; peer, present and furor. 3S4H Secoad. cot. Morrtaoa at. El NO CHOONO. importer of Cblnee root medl. cine: aella Chines tea that I certain cure for ell dtseaec. ltl Second bet. Yamhin and Taylor. - , . - . . . - DISEASES of women a specialty; autternlty cases given apeclal attention, private hoapltal accommodation: profeesloaal lady aurses la attendance, crmanltntton free. X-Radium Institute end Sanitarium, Tblrd bad Alder, , entrance 338 Alder at. . ' . . . . SEND for free lint mt rat prlcee and clubbing ratea on mafaslne. Jones , Book Btore, i aiasr-vi ' MIDDLE-AORl kady aotna to Cblcaa can learn eoxpathtn to bet1 tntereat" by addrawtbf B ''VI 'J ASSA YERS. C GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, aad Montana Aasay OTtlce, 18 atufrwaa St. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVEY, Flfteenrb and Alder, a met ror cedinsc and fierce auromootiaer macnii - rented, repaired and atored. - ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, Y Oommerclal blk.. Second and Waehlnf toe (to. Pbon Mala 843. ST B. P. BTJRLEIOH. lasryar, ataet Portland. . Oraad av.. EDWARD T. TAOOART. attorney and arlor. 418 Chamber of Commerce bldf. ART EMPORIUM. "THE LATEST FAD" or) bay a pea aad tnk sketch of yourself from photo or Vf. Fay , Klnf. SSS Ralelfh sU aaar SSta, M. . rFRSSOR R. MAR MEYER, S4S Aid. Portrait aad lanoscap artist (ad teacher. NEW wall decoration, panel la nil paintings; orders solicited. Phone- Colon 206T. - BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. 8.. SURKRNWALD CO.. S04-SM Everett Laraeet batch ere' sopply bouse ea the eoaet. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DA TIB KILHAM. lOaVlll Second at.' fllank book manufacturers; scent for Joae tn proved Loess Leaf ledgers) oe tb aw Eurek leaf, the beet ea the market. - ' BATHS MASSAGE. ansflENGUSHS kea eFS rbsmatsxai eared. a medicated oat Da, etecmc anu msfxnriiv irwsx menta. 1464 Sixth, eor. Alder, room 34. YOUNG aclentlnV maaaevjee five electrical. thermal, alcoholic ana meaiceteo vreaxmsnxi . chiropodist, pedicuring ssd msalcarlnf. Re ception room 10, Bensoa bldf., cor. Fifth ' and Morrlaon at. Phone. Pcl8c FSa. YOTTNO eden title aisawuae glvs mametle. al coholic and electric treatment, vapor, nomsu . end medicated bath. 3T Taconva bouae. Stark net.-Tblrd and Foartb. BLACKING. WBBFOOT Bleesrlna.- akeoeasely we tea preef , pre- eervae the leather, make nae wvar.ov per rent longer. , for l everywhere, 10 aad la esnra. - v , CHIROPODISTS. IF yenr feet are eat of order, f to Dr. Worley Benjamin, araivk waenuurrna ax., xne . xnxn epeelaliet. Pbone Black 818. CAFES. i THE OFFICE FS Waahlaataa St. Pboa Mala T71. nam net vigneeaa. - COLLECTION AGENCY. . DORS asybody aasw yoa say money 1 We eol- led bad debta ef all frnaa rmm pi bb. a Grand are., room 13. Cat tbl eat. COLLECTIONS by the ' Northwest Collect loo Agency; your bualneee handled in a manner; try a. 1S-1T labh bldf. CROCKERY ;AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE areekerp and glaeewar. Prael, Begele Co.. 100 to 106 Fifth, cor. Stark at. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KSSER0-6UNST CO. , VIsUlbBter ef ""Portland. CHIROPRACTIC .'' . POSITIYRLT cure afl form of rbeemartate. Vt. BV ilof IS, lOV niu at. xnxaa sxsxai xeea. ;t: 1 Kiii i; 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. targeet plaat en the coaat, Lorlnf and Harding ata.. tele phone Baat 80 Carpet cleaned, rantteo. sewed and laid: both steam and latest com preaaed air process; lease ting) aaattreaaaa pad feather a specialty. ' SANITARY carpet eleaslng. auctloa aod enm preeeed air KHnblaad; carpeta cleaned on floor ' without removal. Mala 6o.H4. Baat 364. CARPETS cleaned en ' tb floor r w rale a duet Phone Clay 88L tree deiwonatratjos. J. HUNTER Steam timet and atattraa deaaer. 660 Jef fsrsoa. Phon Main 814. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LBNSCH BROS., eommlaelon merchants, flour. feed, bar and nroduca. So3 to 3tM Front at. V Phon Mala 3SM. ' YBRDINO FARRELL. producs and eomarw. rioa mercnanr. 19 rroat su. rxartiaao. nr. Phone Mala ITS. lntn : l 1 ' 1 1 -''. COAL AND WOOD. ;r"l KINO COAL CO Sob) agent for th -famous IHamond roe I; try It and yoa win always nny It.' Wyoming and Washington boas coals. Vtrrlnla and Washington emitting coal: full . weight guaranteed. TL Main. 1438. A. L. niepneaa. manager. - t CHURCHLRY BROS, base Da via at to 429 Kramer t Bear lit: It bow the la r seat woodyerd In tb city, carry, laf aU kind ef wood aad eoaL Mala Bill. RROORY MORRrS. successor to Cal e McKnn. dealer la wood and 00 1 at lowest price: e tlaf cttou guaranteed. Cor. Taatk and Irving. Pbon Mala 4STS. WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co., on Front betweea eilaea and Hoyt, dealer la all kind of bona coaia and blseksailtb anal. 1 Pboa Mala 1018. - , - - .. . " . . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la eordwood. eael ana green end dry sisnwooa. b. ax. ana bins eve., 3 block east ef ferry.- Eaat BT4. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer ta coal. card wood and dry alabweod.- Pboae Eaat AM. BOXWOOD and planer trlmmrnga. Standard wooa ue. r-hort seat sxia. root aiasi rnae. OR ROOM FUEL CO. All kind of coal aad wood. . pop Alder er. paon Mala no. . KIRK HOOTER. 818 Water at., wood pad aaL rneae Mala 4DPS. . , - FOR SALE 8,000 eords fir xnTO. - DANCING. , WOOOWARD'S daadng achool ef tb Westra jxcaoemr or Mnaxe- monoas sna xuursasr. . Spectators Invited. Leesona feIxsjiclnf J - To 11. uor. neecaid and Morrtaoa. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING1 , Company. 300 Stark mt. Portlaad. O, K. for verythTnc la the electrical Unai Pboae Mala 1888. - PACIFIC Bf.enTRin CO. Rnalneara. - eon tree- tor, repairer, electric wiring, supplies. Ivrrste eor. atarx. Main Boa. K. H.'Tti. may. J EWtrk-aT ipprtane Co.. 400 Wssblngto rXLEANINOAND -DYEING. IIaS.StVk.ilsasV m ) A Wf WB AR, aa snlCfal talal JVIU ; par Snlta prmmi. 0e; psuit Mb ffhoM axil v erwy syasy W,IJ - mim .--( YAMHILL OLE A NINO eV PRESSING CO. , work called for aad delivered. "Phon Clay ana. Portland Steam Cleenlnaj A Dyelnf Works; prae- xicai aatter in connection, fll 4tb. Clay to. CLOTHES cleaned and preesed 81 per moa Unique Tallnrlof Cm.. 84 T WashtBftoa at. I. W. TTRNER, profesalosal dyer and 1 SOS Jefferson st. Pboa Mala'SBIS. ' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenters, builder! re- AelalM. - . .k, . . , f fl CI 1,1. I . taUt.. Shop SOS Colaaxnla. Mala MPT. WA8HRURNR a FI.0YD, Wagon builder and eTsaeral )oh work. 83 eth St. Phon Heod BMk r. B, . YANDERBOOF, rarpeater and jobber. BT Stark at . Pbone Main T4T. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. Sophia 9. Betp, pyehoroetrfst, trrs and propaote; osiiy id to a, x 10 w; electee Tnesdsy and Friday. 8 p. m. 84 1H Yamhill, cor. Seventh. Pa rifle 108. Sunday avcnlnf meeting Drew hall, 183 Secoad at. , Coat Friday. . . , . ...... MRS. STRYENS. Portland' dlatlngulahed palot- mt, astro log Mr anu apn-itnai lit raer, u yoa went to koow facto Important pad retl ahlef If an. call upon Mile gifted and ad-nttnc-eeT. 16 Se renin at. Pboa Pacific T14. . ... ;'. ...- ; R. H. KNEERHAW, aealer and trance aredrom. raa be coasultod at 146 H Sixth St. Bow 12 to 4 p. m. CURTAIN CLEANIN0., ?r NEW proceaa leee curtain cleaninf, 80 to 1 parrr q ijiiMn.Jaln4a. f POO AND' HQRSE-WoSPITAL. DR C.E PROWN.D.Y.S. D.C.M Dog. Horse hos pital. 3RT Bumeide. Phones: Malo4Ma; Be arxosa DETECTIVES. TELL ua year traableet er never sleep ; evtdenee traced la civil and criminal eaaee. sw i. Henlnmtr, 1S-1T Labb bldf. DBTBCTIYB mt secret aervto work; strictly confidential; dlfflcnlt casee solicited. Roes 14. Washington bldf. Tluroiiigil'a JoiimalWantAd Alba ma . Rooks S"--"- FOR -. FOR . :;-. FOR FOR . , FOR ' - FOR FOR " FOR ' FOR " rH- ' FOR ... . FOR FOR FOR . FOR FOR -, "'R ' , ' FOR ... FOR FOR FOR FOR ' FOR " FOR - - - FO -. -FOB Autnhaee Bicycle . Chin , . Drum . . Farnlnf -Flour ' " Onrden- truck Ilome-eltr TIaatructlna Cbslra Do , Knergy Firearm Olaaawar Horses Iceboves Jcwetrrt--" - J painting. , at tea . . ' Kinexoaeope 4 1Ocr Mnalr-boxea Napkln-rlnga Offlce-Siturea Poo lea : , . Oulncea T Railroad- tocki Secnrltica , Tailoring , T-'mhrella Yeeee Wallpaper Xllopbone , Yulelo - -Elac-etcblnfa, Land Mschlnes Needle-work Organ fainting Qnlnln " Real aetata Sllvee.war Typewriter I leter Ylolln Watches X-ry tube Tale pica. Either FROM GENESIS: "Joscpli iravc them Bread In aeenentra PA h trr ar rr UvUAU'V AU1 UU1JVJ4 v DRE'3MAi:iIaU ANflKI.KS DRBHMMAMNII PARLORS, 43 Fifth St.; up to . late alylee. perfect fit. aklll fol workmanKlilp, new melhoda In all hranrui ' of dreaainabtnf and repairing; lowest prices; call or write. ... Fl RST-t LASS parlors. 21T Allaky bldg.f anita. gcna, coata, Jacketa. latest atyle; dktrta bound and jacket rellned. ' SHIRTWAISTS, wool r wse silk, mad fee 31 16; ablrtwatat aitlrs. 83.60. 48 Baat Mar. bat. Phen East 8231. KEINTER'S LADIES' TAIIXIRINO COU BUR, 2" i2 and 400 Allaky bldg.; write for booklet. DRESSMAKER will make a few Psora ea, fagements In feulllra. Phone Li'loa 644. DRESSMARINO Strictly BP to data; latest 1 signs. 4o Clay at. ' " ' ' DENTISTS. -- RRY CHURCHMAN, dentlet. SS4 - Maransm bMf .. Bla 1 1 h and MottIsob. Pkoe Ma 1b I ll. - - EDUCATIONAL. f . I - LKHHONS tn decorative art, painting, nornlna, lielf and furniture makluf . Room S8, Lwia bldf. ' FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OP WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society ofsMorthwrat: protect th living 813 "Martinara ft V., Portland. Oregon. American Florist A Garden Co.. 3NS Tsatb at. Mala 6410. Flowers nd pog puanta. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON- Fnrnltar Manufacturtnf Compaay Manufacture! ef turniiure Bug up traoa. Portlaad. Or. . .. - - -. FURNITURE mannfaeturlng aad special orders. a aumur turuii ur. . wu. , , m , w . - ' FRENCH BAKERIES. ' - ? THE only place in Portlaad to get French bread. narrere a Mayiw, vt aixta ex. vauy osuv ery. Pbone Greea 60S. FURNACES. BOYNT0N warm-ahr furBscea aavs fuel .1.0. Bayer s-urnsc Co.. zno aeeoao. axain anx. GRINDING. Baanrav knlve. aclssora sharpened to perfec tma. Kerlson t ue., ts ri. ata. racinc ihs. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wboleaal grocers, manu facture ra n eaUauaioa aurcnaaxa.- aoeu-xa ad Oak ata. -- -. ALLEN LEWIS, eomralsetoa ad prodnc chants. Front and Davla at.. Portlaad land. Or. HOTELS. HOTEL Peadletoa. Pendleton. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL PortUnd. Americ plan 88. 88 per day. HOTRL St. Oeorge. Peadletoa: lea dl rut betoL BELVEDBBBt Earopeaa plaa: 4th and Aider eta. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. aolldt epportnnlty t oaot prtcea. la let .. o. Aiaer. aiaja ua. HAY AND GRAIN. L o. COOPER CO. Potato, feed aad flour. -128 Union are. Pboae Bast 1517. A INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, firs insurance, 80S Dka loW LA 11 BERT.. W HUM ER aV CO. Fir laaaraaea 7 and real aetata; etflces IOT-I08 Sherlock bid. Mala 10O; dept. 404 Kaat Aids,- Baa auL JAS. Mel. WOOD, employers Hablllty sad la- at vt dual accident sursty ooooa ex au etnas. Pboae 4T. - Sua McKay bldf. . .. . - , H. F. BARTEI COMPANY tire 448 Sherlock bide. Oreaoa Pboa Clay 628. LOCKSMITH. 1, B. RICHARDSON, expert lock aad ksysmttty p feoeral repairing; Caatlroa hrsalng ; all work . fuaraatMa. sua rourtn r. rnoaa atosa iioz. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith aad bicycle rape lrtng. SSfi Stark, Day Clay 833; nlatit phone. Mela 88SB. MUSICAL. BANJO, fultar aad mandolin leeaoaa; peclal rates xo viuos. ears. v aa, xxviauxivxav, vi WlllUm v. PIANO. violin, string and wind itraaranta. Prof, 4708, Bdwla A. 8m! Ita, 364 Twelfth. Mala WEBRER'S Mandolin. Ran Jo. Oultar atadlo, 8TS AMer; aavnt ror uineoa msaooiia. PIANO tunlnf, SS; perfect Work fuaraateed. c w. JoLsaoa. raoae Main 111. YIOLIN, mandolin, fnltar. 10 Is ana 84. Phoam Union S06T. Moatavllla. WEBBER'S Mandolin. Banjo, Gnltar atndlo, 375 Alder; agent for Olbaoa mandolin, ' guitars. MONEY TQ LOAN. U , HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 1 edits lie Min liaxfiu Na r..l.ll ll;. Tf yoa borrow 820 yoa pay bark 31.86 a week. If yoa borrow 826 yea psy berk 81 M a week. If yoa borrow 80O yoa pay back 82.00 a week. If yoa borrow .'18 ye pay back 82.88 a week. If yoa borrow i yoa pay back $3.00 a week. PayawBta suspended la . ess of sickneaa. Strictly Salary Loaas. ' " THE CREfiCENT LOAN 00 , -- . SIT Oregoalaa Bldf. MONEY TO LOAN Oe ImprsTsd city property ar far bull din pqrpeasa. Any amount ea from 8 to 10 year' time, with prlvlleg to repay all or part of ma after en year. I-oene ap proved fram plaaa aad money advaaced aa buHdlaf piograsessi mortgages take ap aad repleeed. . FRED H. STRONG, financial Agaat - 343 Stark Street. ' THE STAB LOAN CO. ' Asy salaried employ, waft aaraaf. BBB get a bla aete, witaout rnortga a Month. U Month. Week. 8IM.uA Repay ta a 11. M ar 88.08 ee 33 86 13 00 Repay to a 8 S.A5 r 8T8A 31. M 116.00 Repay to 3 4.00 or 13.00 er SL90 xio xarnay oiog. . MONRY ta los. sslsrled pevpls. res maters, stc.. without eurlty; aaay sMyaxentsi mrgeer bnalnesa tn 48 prloclpsl dtlee. Tohaaa. 333 Ablnctoa bldf, Pbone Mala 848T. MONEY to loa on real, pnreaaal and collateral eeennty; apeclal atteettop to cnairei ssorx- figee; Dotes booght. C. W. Pallet, 804-3 sntea bldf.. 84 Sixth t. HIGHLY rspeetabl place where ladles aad peat caa borrow money on diamond ad jewelry. Cellateral Lnea Bask, SSS Waaav tftoa at. Pbaa Black Tl. ' CHATTEL loan la amount ranging from 831 to ao.nno; room inc -bouses a sperisiry. new Br Loss ft Treat C.. SOS AMaftoa bM. WE mak an klada ef Vma ea food (ecarlty t kiweet rata: apeclal ettentloa Sit chattel loans. IPS Morrison t. MONEY to los to an ef from S3.000 to n rwnt tenna to eolt tb borrower. tOS-10. Commercial blk. MONEY to loan la trr r a suit aatnoata ea rood peeurlty? - mweet rates. William . Beck. SOT Faltlnf bldf. MONRY to na aa Chirk me eoaaty laada. r. and r. b. Biisy, xj unemoer mt voae- LOWBST rate aa furnltnv and piano. Pimp. era lvma u 4 Bneriara ina. i.iay max. TO LOAN Sntns to suit oa etiattet R. A. Frame. 814 T Marqsam. MONRY to loan on all kinds of security. Hon. room s. Washington bldf. MEDICAL. THE SPRtNtlSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. Sit De- kum bblg., agents for tb relehrsted Mountain Rose re med lee : cures all female trnnble, lae tumack d liver trouble; coaaullatloa frss. I . 1 FLORISTS. -. , MACHINERY.! - THK H C. AI.BEE t t. Oecoud hand machlasry. eewmlln. etc. 34N flrsnd eve. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. AD1X NOKTHRt'P. 4I3-1S-1T Deka bldf.. Third and Waablnftew ata. Main S4V' Eismlaatloo free. DBS. OTIS Si MABEL AKIN, rm Maeleay bid. I lay T7S. Bee. M. II 01. Coaasltatloei trse. THE very best lady eeteopeth tn town. Dr. . G. Jnbnaoa. IM Salmon, near Sixth. OVERALLS. BOflf Of THB OAI OTERALLA Met eaaucs ?lotiiinfi union aiad, ntfMift4t4af Bsmr., luMfieiiirfft: Portland. Or. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH CO. The Pleaeer Paint 0. winoow-gtaa ana f isaiuf. . is run sc. Pboa 1834. ERNEST MILLER CO.. Seeead ssd Taylor wan paper, paiuv. aw at mar set prices; ires delivery. . RASMt'SSRN A CO. Jobbera. paint, sal, fl. assa an oora. aecen ee Tar me. PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE Planing Mill Cx. Sash. end woodtnrnlng . St el Kaat Tamhlll st. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO RADEMACHER. sanitary piumaers. reartb at. awtb gbaai. FOX a CO.. sanitary plumber. 381 Second. , ffxiaiBs Bsimon. tirefoa rnowe msin xewx. PRINTING. WELCH DAYIS. Printers Doers mt clever , thing wttb Ink and typ ea paper. Stoaraa i bldf.. Sixth aad Morrlaoa. . Mala 41 4T. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lirnoerapniof. pwak baoa. raeaa Malar II. Alder st. - METROPOLITAN PRINTlNtJ CO. -Every tk lag in printing. Main irae. 17 Froat at. RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDING CLUB Saddle horses aad carriage for rant. W. O. Brown. 60S Aider. SCALP TREATMENT. , 0BAY, falltnf balr, dandruff treated; shampoo ing, axanicurinf . chiropody, race work. Mrs. B. F. Kyue. 1S6M Fonrtb. eor. Morrlaoa. Room S3. Pbon Peelfle 368. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OOODE'S Fnrnltar Binxss Hlfhert rrlce sold mr cnaa-nna rural rnrs. . st Phon PseiOe 408. TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. We have them by the thousand; strong, stealthy atoca. titir ivon iimstrntM ana pncea cata logue tell all PORTLAND SEED CO,- Froal nd xsmhlll at, ' ROOFING. ' TIN ROOFING, gotterlsg. repalHof aad 8 antral jonninf. , ixmii, zig jertereoa i. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Ceaatructioa Co., etreet pevlnf. aide. wraiaa aad croasxvaiaa. Tl oregoalaa biob. THE Trinidad Aspbstt Pastas C. el Part land. urnce eoe Worcester bib. SAFES. WE repair aad rebuild aatomoblle, fas ssgrnex. printing prveaea. time locks, aafee. open lock- out, da. all blade e axe eh lap week.- Columbia Gas Engine A Safe Works. 342 Second a Pheae rifle trta. Trank J. gaper, eopt. DIE BOLD Mensamea ssfeat rira aad ban lee. pracf srorki lall aad pvVaeu work: bxckssM epraea; repair, t. m. uevia. a xsxra sc. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef eery deacrlpttoe; bank, bar ; aao a tors axrorse mane an ror. --TB Mtc - Maoaractunof Ce., Pertland. - - SIGN-PAINTERS.' COLD SIGNS, window lettsrtng. cloth banners. - ponemlcsl electric fan and algae ef all klada made quickly. Foster Klelssr, Fifth ana a-verett. raoae axrvjaar ea. TELEPHONES.' THE only exclnalv telephone ' bouae. B.-R. Kiectrinp TeicpDso ataDsracrunaf 00 aa pany. S3 Fifth at. . RUBBER STAMPS. F. C. STAMP WORKS, 348 Alder St. pbon Matn Tin: rnrmer eta m pa, , arenctia, nagyage, trad checks: end for eatalorue No. S.V TYPEWRITERS. MEW tyncwiltcrs. all makee. rested, aold and i repaired, t oset Agency, zsi atsra. lru iui. BLICKENSDORFER typewrite, uppllsa. rs- pslrlnf. Bos at Boa, xa atsra. atatn into. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWKLS DAILY--omb. hrustv saaua, per aainlh. Lswrenc Bros. Towel Supply Co.. Foartb nd Coach, Pboa 43S. TRANSFER AND HAULING. APIS, piano and faraltar asovss, pecked reedy for blpplg and ablpped; D work furntedl large. S-etory, brick. Ore-proof warehouse tor steesgs. Of flee 123 Flrat at, C. M. Olera. Phone Mala S4T. THE BAGGAGE" OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. aixth and Oak ta.: baggage checked from hotel or residence direct t destine t km: passengers therefore avoid rush aad annoy ance at depots. a O. PICK, effje Flrat at,, betweea Start and Oak at., phon Me: piano aad raraltoe BMsed aad parked for shipping ; eoinoxodiew arlrb ware bouae. Front and Clay ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mela SB. Heavy aaullaf aad storage. EE Rose M. Promoter about storage: fee proof; cut ratea. SSS Third at. rnone Mala xvx. BAST SIDE Transfer Co.. A. B. Holcomb. 138 Eaat Water at, Pboae Bast BMP. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na. SOOVi WssaV ingtoa at. mono Main a VICLINS. I. A. WESCO, vlolls-meker aad repatrert war nrst class, as Koaeel hldf.. ata aad Horraxoa. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE Sj WIRE WORKS 3W) Eaat Morrlaoa at. - Pboa East 8. FINANCIAL. STLAND TRUST COMPART OF 0SI80E, Tfe Oldest Trust oompaay ta uregem. ., ' RESOURCES 0VBR 11,360.000. General Nanking. Bxebanf a bit PSrBt nf tb world. Saving account. Time cretin cat.. 3 to 4 per cent r abort call special cert Id- atea. potw ar ever, 111 per rem. Call tor book mt 'II4r8TRATl0NS.M . Sautbeaat Corner Third and Oak Bla. Kl . KlHftA,.M BENJ. I. COHEN , President H. L. PITTtN-K........M,.....,Vlc-Prrlden H. I. ICS PAOKT. Secretary J O, GOLTRA..,.'..i......Altt Secretory I ADO TUTOR. BARKERS. I -a i skaaaaV a - U I.WVBIIIHVC1 aSE mSPSial Colltlpna mad at all D4nta favnrabl rnm. Ittra ot i4ad inllihr ta Ifsasuaa all aanlaatam tan ,la I' nlfaWl atmltMR tii arh r as, an ak satlct TasaaRsW laaaLf TB last a rta Off I 01 ltW lOTB. W OinBnsjL !-; ri. Unit, It-er, omaaa. iociaro ana tit una and British Colnmhu Er I IA .v-...- BsakS-HsS rr Hit fort, nfwfk-ug, okoa.aia. Msiala au4 IlOfWIUItj. rr FI83t BATI0 X. I OF H.iU.j, CKE3C3. Deasgnated Deposltfwv ao.l lloancMl A; ''. . tb Iml.J Stat.a. Piaaident .A. I. " 1 Csakler , .......J. W. l. Aaaiatant Castile ....W. C. ' Srcnnd Aeelatent Caahler H t. I t t Lattera ef t redlt ..oed Avall.lde lu i. " sed the kaatern Htaiea. Sight FsrheH and 1 elesraoelc Tla'ra a. Id en New lurk, kvntoa. 1 lii. ci. bt. . at raul, oaaaha. Pan Frsexcoxw and i principal points lu the North ei. atgat end Urns kills drasra In euma re eon en ludou. pari, Berlin. Frauar.e-t-on-the Mftln. Iloaakonc. Tuk.inaaxs. t ,.iasa-ti. ( krlstlania. Htorkholm. oc... i'ttsralHua. aw, Sor'ch. Hi. . lulu. Cuibrrtlon Made oa Favorable Teraw. u BITYD 8T ATr8 NATIONAL P4 OF FuSTLAhO. CAIou. BORTsTWTST COR. THIRD AMD OAK ITS, Iraausxet a Sensral eankiaf Bsataeea. Hkll IH IM1 kl. Available la All titles mt the f 'sited States an Europe, liunfkoef end Manila. 0OLLXCTI0BS UABt OX I AY0RAST R TtpwS. ITll.lent i. C. 1I.SHWIIHIH Vlcevreeloenr....;.iS,vrii-i i .-;-. .-. V . B A V f 11 Vice-President R. I.KA IHMS Cashier R. W. S I' U K Aasiatt Cnabier. .A. M. V.h. Hl Aaalatanl Cashier W. A. liOLT M1 ERCHABT8' BATI0WA1 w"' , PORTLAND, OkaeuA - J FRANK WATSON , ..President R 1- Dl K1IAI..... .....Vice-President R. W. HOYT I a.hler GEORGE W. HOYT Aaalatent ( a abler Traaaaeta a tMaxeral Banking BuaiMss. Drafta aad Letters of Credit lued Avsilsble to All Parts ot the World. lollei lloci a Specialty. ,' SEcaRrrr saytros trust compart. 88 Morrlaoa St., Portlaad, Or. Tveaseets a Ostxsral Banking Bualae. aAVIHtl DEPARTMENT. Istersst Allowed ea Tlae and Savlnga Desoslta. Acts aa Trustee for Rststes. , Drafta aad Letters ef Credit Available ta All Part at th World. . 0. F. ADAMS President L, A. LKWI3... ....... ....first Vlcs-Prealdent A. L7 MIIXS. Second Y Ice-President n a ' jr-xiiT . . ftecretsrv wBO. F. RLKHtl'.L. ..Assistant Secretary MORRIS BROS. 1SS Flrat St., Pert land. Or, Offer leeastaxents Ib Municipal aad Railroad Bonds, writ or call. THE OOBTUmTAX COMPART. ; ' Financial Agents. ' ' - Stocks, Bond aad Idortrafe.' J48 Stark Etreet. Mala 18T8. MORTQAGG L.OA1NS On Portlaad Real, Estate at Lowest Bstss. Titlee lanrsd. Abstracts rnraisnsa . TITLE. OUARAWTEE at TRUST CO. - - SsO Washington St., Cor. Beoond. 700 DELEGATES III ATTEIlDAflCE Big lntrdnominatiqnal Gather ing of Protestant Churches Convne$ lnNew.,York-j TO CONSIDER FORMING . OF GREAT FEDERATION Conference Hopes to Create Perma- tient OrganisatioB oi - DraoininR tioTis, Although Not Bn Orgsnic . .Uiiiotv Many. Profninent Speakers. ' (Jooraal Specie 1 Servlc.) : , New Tors. Noy. 18. -Tha moat Im portant Interdenominational fathering -ot " repreeentativrw of Protaatant church avar held In this country con varied hctre thl mmln at Cameirt hall to eonaldap tba subject of forming; a federation of all the Protestant ehurche of thin country. There are about 708 delegate ! attendance, p- rasentrnr IT Protaatant denomination, numberlnr In tho asres;ata be-twean lt.800.0O8 and , to.SOS.voe . member of confrefatlona. For a number 01 yaara tnnr nan ocen a ctmiUiit nn - aranuai - movement ttnont the religious borjtee ef this coun try toward cooperation and Toacration; tha deeire for concerted acttoa In Chris tian srork with a view to the spiritual welfare of the whole nation. Tba more mint found axpreaaion aevaral years ao In tha orfaniaatlon of tha National Federation of Cuurcnaa, an unorriciai body, which did a sreat deal to brlns tha varioua denomlnatlona into closer contact and to eatabllah a batter under (tandinf betwan tha varloue churrhea. Tha present conference la tha flrat to which tha various denomination repre sented In It bare officially appointed - dclesatas. This conference la In no sense an at- . tempt to bring tha vrloosre!lglotn li lid I as of Ihe riiiinU r"Tnlo orfanlc union. It is the hope of the leaders that the conference may creata a per manent organisation Of tha churches. which will bring the various denomlna tlona Into better and cloeer relations than ever before existed; an organisa tion that will make it possible to voice the attitude of tha United ChTlyr)an . ehurchee on great questions, iocftit, ethical, economic and religious. ' Among the speakers who will address - tha conference era tha foremost man-in nearly every Protestant reltgioue body. In the United ' State. Among them there are five bishops ot tha Kplscopal 1 church, etx blahopa of the Methodist church, three of the Methodist chnrch . south, two Moravian bishops and one each from the United Brethren, Re " ' ,rmed Episcopal - and African Melh odlst bodies. There will also be manf prominent laymen, among them Vice President Fairbanks, Governor Hlgglns, Mayor McClellan, Justices Harhtn and Brawer ef the United States supreme court. Secretary of State Root, Senator Beverldge of Indiana, judge Gronscup of Chicago. Judge Gray of the United Statea circuit court, John Wannamaker and) others of equal prominence, The colleges and universities will be repre sented among the speakers by Presi dents King of Oberlln, Tucker of Dart mouth, Fmunce of Brown, Hull of Union I seminary . and Professor Van Dyke of Princeton. ' - Among the subjects which will come up for consideration and dlacuaalon. will , be "The Relations of a United Church to Evangelism, to the Social Order, t Home and Foreign Mission, to Re ligious Education, and to the Fellow, ship ef Faith''; "Tha Rasenttal Unity of Christianity." "Tha Relation of the Church to the National I.lf. th King dom of God, and the Transcendent Alia of the United Church."-. , DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. - Bplaaadld Waathet at Tale Foyular .. pacifle Co eat Bleeert. Delightful in every particular th weather at Newport, and the Souther Pacific and th Corvallla A tastern rail roads have resumed their er.p rti s ta this place for the winter, particulars by asking at Third end Washing ti streets. Portland. Preferred Soek Canned tooCx. Alice eV Lewis' Best Uraiid, r"