The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 14, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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. 1(1 CAPITAL .
: : .. ' - - .-,'., ''. y , --
Czar Doe Not Dare to Return to
St. Petersburg During the r :
V' , Troublous Times. , -
Resolve to Use Force If Necessary
: Terrible Riots in Progress Near
Odessa and Over a Hundred Killed
Revolt at Vladivostok. . .
, J.' (Journal Special Srvlee.
, ' St. Petcsburg. Nov. !. At the work
men's meetaf today. It wss decided to
'demand and efgat:bour day and to uM
violence If necessary, to enforce. the de
mands. - The 'League of League, ha
paaaed ' a resolution oondemalug ths
declaration of msrtlal law. Jn Poland. ,
An Odeana dispatch says thai terrible j
yiota are In progreaa at Krlvel Jteg, ; nrer
Odessa. Oxer 10S are reported Wiled.
' It Is said that the reaaon that the
ciar la going to Tsarskoe-Belo, Instead
of tha winter pslsee, is that he la afraid
" to spend tha winter 10 St. Petersburg
during these troublous times. Tho de-i
, j rlsion Is regarded as unfortunate, be.
, rsuse It Is believed that he should be
nesr Witts at all times.
It Is reported that Insurrection has
broken Out to Vlsdlvostok where aloters
and troops' are fighting In! the streets
and many have been killed. It la re
ported that Georgia la In the peesessloe
of . revolutionists, who are. armed with
modern weapons. . "T ' ' ,'
In order to restore peace In tha vsri
' ous provinces it has been decided to aend
out aide de camp of the- emperor with
utmost dictatorial powers to take com
plete control 'of affairs and restore
-order.- Count Wltte Is said to favor this
. : course and also to have advised msrtlej
, law for Poland," K . - .;"'
Convention - . .-; of , M uTtnomah
County" Sunday "Schools Join
in Request forJ.egis!tiori.
- "The Sundsy -school clsss - is not a
ntsnnia which demands only mechanical
knawleaxO said Jrs. 1C Merritt
hi. nnrnim at the timlay school con
' v.ntlon In her talk on "What Ws Bhould
Know About Ourf Pupils." Their home!
addresses, ages and even blrthdsys, she
said, should be matters of personal. In-
- terest. - v 'r .' ".. .-.-!' . '
"If r were -a man and Uught 4 elans,
she said. "1 would go out to play with
' them, my -pupils.; I would run wMb
' them, but. If I were too ol4 and stiff for
that. I would learn their baseball games
and show, ray sympsthy, end enthusl'
asm." 1 i.. ; .'; . ;' -
. Dr. Clarence True IRtlswn discussed
the lesson for, nest Sundni showing the
various points that mlsbt . be .enlarged
upon end how It mighty be made to In
terest students -of different .thought,
according 'as 'It 'waa' treated as a tem
perance r -histories! lesson.- Rev.tW. G
Merritt'-followed,' with a round 'table,
where, tha aubiect I waa - changed, te a
: discussion of teachers. Instead of super-
intenaencn, . lor men . u
more present, i - -"' - ' ' J '
The, m vent Ion of Multnomah eopnty
Sunday schools opened yestrdsy , for
reorganization, after five years' Inao-
, tlvltr. and elected the following of
fleers: President, Dr. -jr. "J. Wiggins,
- Centenary M. K. cburclx vice-presidents,
M. . K. - Thompson.-Mleeleelppl -Avenue
CongregAiiohtt,r rhurrh; rhurlss' Blavse
i?ntted . Kvangelical church; C H,
' Watennsn, First Christian church, and
Jaioes F. Ewlng, First , Presbyterian
rhurrh; Dr.,w. p. Holt, secretary; C. A.
' 4wi. First Baptist church, treasurer.
. The association united Ita petitions with
others sent' tn . Roosevelt ssklng the re
pfi of the Internal revenue htw. ' The
v association also' empowered the presl-
. 1ent(to appoint e committee to formu
. late a plan for-the observance through
out the county of "Temperance Bun-
Ouy".. November .2. The. convention
I continues ' through this . afternoon and
evening.' ,
,f: y -i.v'.-,- ' 1 ' 11 ., h -i'-'r
Oustav Oulbrsnson, ' a ' Norwegian,
aged about W years.' waa foaod dead on
the- sidewalk at the northeast corner
of Becond end Couch streets this. morn
ing by Patrolmen O'Brien and John
son. Deputy Coroner Arthur X. Finley
was notified and removed the body to
Jils undertaking rooms, t .--"
: Investigation by the coroner's office
- has - shown that Oulbrnnson fhrmerly
( worked st Clateknnie and also In this
- city. He was a violinist.' His death
Is believed to be due to heart disease.
' He hss relqtlves In Minnesota.
Get the Best
That's "Hostetter's
; From 18S3 to the present time It has
ween impoesmis ror any one to make a
. kt t. nr anf.p remMV fnr all Q nt.
Mver. Kidney or Bowel complaint than
Its merit' Is
firmly estsblished
thst doctors nsver
heel t ate - In - pre
scribing It to their
patients who suf
fer from , ,. .
ciisri, v.
DTsrcrgiA, ' .
COI.DS, ,-
it omrrra 0
gggXBAL . 1 V
Oa a ; bottle ' wilt
prove thst It , e
Us .best. Try it
txtiiy. Alt drug-;
sisie. -. . ' '
Member of;- Election Board
Murphy's District Tells Se-
crets to Grand Jury.
OFFICIAL - COUNT ' OF, l-ti ,.: .
Hearst Fights to Hare Diacrepanclei
in Tally Sheets Corrected, While
., McClellan Wanta No Investigation
of Ballot-Bozea Made. . 0 '
. ' (Jemraal Special Berries.) 1 .-'-..
New YorVNov.,14. -The ante-rooms
were filled with., witnesses when tha
grand Jury resumed tha Inquiry of the
election- frauds this morning. It is .re
ported that member of tha election
board In Murphy's district r hsa con
fessed. ' - , . . T '
Alderman Hsggorty was arrested this
morning fin complaint of eeaaultlng a
Hearst watcher. Ha pleaded not guilty
and was held In mil
The official count began today Jin
each of the four counties Included with
in -Greater New Tprk. Lawyers for
Hearst and tha Democrats appeared be
fore each board. ' -' . -t -
Hearst fights to '- have discrepancies
In the tally ahesta corrected, the pro
tested ballots counted and the ballot
boxes opened. -end the ballot recounted
in districts where there is evidence oi
fraud. - ' ; ' -' ' ,
McClellan fights, to confine the can
vassers ss closely as possible to the
fscs of the -official returns, which show
that - McClellan waa elected by about
1.000. A content In the court a aeems
Inevitable. The forcea of Attorney Gen
eral Mayer and District Attorney Je
rome' are active In preparing fosthe
prosecution of the perpetratora of the
fraud. ... - ".- . . .
' . " ? '(' ' - '' ' .
' Owing to complaints -registered at
police headquarters over the praoUces
of performers In concert halls, who sr
said to hsve 'gone Into bsr-roome and
drunk liquor In the - company of men
after rehearsals In the afternoons. Inspector-
Bntln-- notifiedall proprietors
yesterday that the ordinance prohibit
ing women-In places where -llquors-ere
sold will be strictly enforced. The
places affected are - Erlckson's, Blssler
Bros.' Burnslde etrert establishment. J,
Blaster's First street concert halL
Frit t s. De- Msrtlnre and the Mass cafe.
' Inspector . Bruin, whose notiflestlon
was' given aJter conferring with Chief
QrlUmacUer X say a that a second - effort
probably will be made to have Erlckson's
female orchestra barred. , A. Jury at .A
former trial held that hiring auCh-an
orchestra was not a violation ' of the
lew.- --'!;.'..-..--.- ' v --' v;' '
; ; ; boat stirs police
"The discovery of a boat, shotgun and
ether articles at Smith's landing yea-
tsrday afternoon lead the police to be
lieve that a man net death, and marks
on the boht show that he msde a des-
Mi-at frnrt- tn Avoid a viterr aravs.
Stanley . Arnold '.foiind the . boat 'on Co
lumbia elough yestsrday afternoon. It
was. marked. Lighthouse- tender No. 1.
Imprints of dirty fingers on one elde
were made In. such manner as to con
vince the Investigator -that some man
had either been thrown out of the boat
or had fallen out and had made -an at
tempt to cling to the side. This theory
was strengthened by the feet that the
boat wee partly filled with water. - The
shotgun was a, le-gauge, and one barrel
had- been discharged. Detectives - will
be detailed to make en Investigation, t
V ' ' r r.
- IWt.l Dlwetrh- ta Tks Jesnul.)
Salem. Or., Nov. 14. The state Und
board today authorised Arthur C Spen
cer, the Oregon Railroad at Navigation
company's attorney, to contest the right
ef George Weetherby to SO seres of land
t the mouth or. Multnomah -.creek.
Bpencer made application- to he board
to purchase the land as swamp land.
stating tluU weatberny naa niee a sol
dier's homestead entry on the land for
the nurnose of acquiring the wator tn
he "creek, thereby destroying Multno-
man lana im ibdq nmm ntvw ormn i-
enUd. -and tbe -board refused to sell tbe
state's' right te it. . Members think the
falls should be preserved and will aid
Spencer for that purpose.
' Assesso. Slgler reduced the. esaess-
ment of laundries today asifollowsc
Troy laundry, original assessment. 111
00 .'reduced to 111.700, Isrgely on ma
chinery account; Vntted tttates.-$1,800,
reduced to IO50; Oregon, -15,200, re
duced ' te $4,200; Btsr, $4.S, . reduced
to $2,230: Pacific, $2,(00, rsieesd to $1
tint l-ninn. 111.000. reduced to tS.t-00.
C1ty,' $4.oo,.: raised to r $S.t00V - Amer
ican, $1600, reduced to ,$$20; Portland,
$3,S00 raised to -1.S00( Grand. $S,$00,
no changef Opera, $oo, no Change.
(Hpet-lil Dhbstek to The Joanwl.l .
Oregon City. Or, Nov. 14. Mrs. Ella
J. Ingcoy of Clackamas, waa brought
before -the county 'court at noon today
and was committed to the state' Insane
aeyluW Mrs. Longcoy Is the' woman
who believes She inV raise the deed.
swphSjran sway from home several days
ago end -was found at Newbrrg.
' . -. n IJmraat SwcUl Serrlce.)
, 'Chicago. Nov. 14. Before special ex
aminers of the bureau of corporations
today five rellresd men testified that no
favoritism had been shown the Standard
OH compsny. They declared the ratea
oa .611 -were only staple ratea ',
Olarksiea Store Bobbed,
' - ' rKoeHl rrtmetea. te Tse Jnarnal.t
., Ctarkston, Wssh, Nov. 14. The gro
cery store of Algle Ayre'was broken
Into by burglar last Bight. About
wss takea -' i .J
Declares Washington Delegation Stands as Unit and Will Fight
- for Appropriation to Improve. Columbia River Idaho
Also Solid for
With the eosnbinsd forces from three
states Oregon, Wsshlngton, Idaho the
congressmen, senators end business men
of the Psclflo northwest empire will
brine their bstterles of argument to
bear upon the men at Waahlngton who
hold the purse-strings, and It Is believed
will succeed In getting enough money
epproprteted to continue work on .ths
Columbia river Jetty end the Celllo c
nal. . ' , -,.:'. -" ' ' " ' .' '
Senators Fulton of Oregon. Levi An-
keny end Bamuel It Piles of Washing
ton. VT. R Heybum end Fred T. Dubois.
Idsho, and Congressmen Wesley L.
Jones. Francis W. Cushman end William
B. Humphrey jf Washington, end Bur.
ton J French of Idaho, are the men
whom the people of the three etstes
must denend upon to lead the. campaign.-
They will be supported actively by busl-
nesa men and commercial organisations
of Portland. Walla Wallv Lewlston. and
every town along the Columbia end
Snake rivers within navigable limits. ;
Washingtoa Btaads BoUd. - '
The eongreaalonal delegation of the
state of Washington is a unit on this
question. Every man of them Is pulling
for appropriations ror tne ioiumoi
river Jetty and the Celllo canal," aald
Senator Ankeny. who came to Portland
today 4o attend a meeting of the cham
ber of commerce trustees and trans
portation committee to conalder the plan
of campaign that la to be carried on at
Washington for securing tne acsiree sp
The Columbia Tlver ' Is more ours
thsn It Is yours of Oregon." he ssld.
rws own more of it thsn you do. It Is
hslf ours to the piece where it leaves
Oregon, and all cure beyond that point.
Therefore we feel an active interest is
Ita Improvement. We do not know why
Mr. Taft haa taken the position he an
nounces against rlver snd harbor appro
priations. It la likely, however, that
he haa taken to heart the statement
made officially to congress by Leslie
M. ahaw. aeoretarv Of the treasury en
very good one. :
VCt. Shaw's tead, U-.-r-i.vr
"Mr. Bhaw said the treasury Is In
the hole.' and- warned congressmen end
senstors Bgainni spending- muuj. i
said the treasury- Is I2J.U00.000 lhlnj I
that expendlturee muet be chopped "off
and revenues lncressedto make ootn
ends meet. " Hs asserted thst he "had no-
knowledge or- prejudices regarding any
or all of the projects for which money
to be . epproprlated ell or . tnem
Ight be good projects but there we
limit to the emouiK or money in nis
charge, - and he . felt, obliged to ware
congress to go slow on expenditure
Ith this talk, - Mr. Tart -eviaenuy
agrees. He baa aetermmea to noia ins
expenses -down, end -he propoaea to be
gin by chopping, on nvra ana naroora
sppropruUloDS.'Z t
Taft Xmpertaat atam.
"When t there Is -trouble In : Manila.
whq goes to tm, UT . Taft, ; When there
ere -diplomatic strlnga to be pulled In
a pan, -who goes 7 lari. vnen ins
Panama canal mattere - - have - to ' be
straightened out. who. le preased into
service? Taft When the president la
out of town, who site? on the lldT Taft
It re only fair to aas'ume that Mr. Taft
s a verj; powerful omciai axwasnr
I don t know aooui gemng n mr
Judge . Cameron ' Will. Take
Spender's Case Under Ad-
visement on Friday.
Imuran Pesse reeelved his prellminsry
examination on the charge or emoes
sllng 1.00 from the Bt. Paul Fire
Marine Insurance eompany yesterday
afternoon before Police Judge Cameron.
OwlngMo the contention of '. AttorneJmornlng and brought here.
Frank FreemSn that reese acieo mm
agent for several insurance companies
and wss. not . required 10 seep meir
funde separate, he csnnot be charged
with embeisllng from any on of them.
It wss decided to file brlefe by Friday,
on which day Judge Cameron will take
the matter under edvlsement
W. F. Zwlrk.. general manager, ana
I.. B. ' Edwards, pacific const manager
of the company, who ltve(4n San Fran
cisco, testified that Pesse hss made no
remittances since March1 1, though fre
quently urged to do so. its is eaia to
have ' used I1.0 of thev company a
funds. He did not deny ' owing tne
mnnev and admitted hie financial em-
barrasament, owing. It Is said, to being
a free spender for dinners, flowers end
automobile rides.- ' '
"We did not hsve him arrested soon-
er," said Mr. Zwlck, "because his bonds
men wished time In' which to psy us
the money themselvee or to eecure the
smount from the relsllvee -of the. de
fendant." i ,
Attorney Freemen argued that ss ins
money 'of; the compsny was -mixeu
with that of other companies, larceny
could" not be charged! He asserted that
the compsny waa trying to use the
criminal courts to oerce the reletlves
of Pease, to make good th amount of
the shortage. Deputy District Attorney
Ilaney ssld he' did not think the con
tention good, and-It -wee decided thai
brlefe shsll be , filed covering the law
point at Issue. ; j. r . ; i
garvaral Hew Xoaass. :. . y
Building permits were granted to th(l
following yesterdsy: M. w. tinmsnaw.
cottsge. corner- Mannauan aireei ana
f.i. ovenus. -cost $1.6001 Grotto res'
tsursnt, excevetion, ismniu near mm
trt coat . I4S: J. . Christiansen, resi
dence, corner Corbett end Olbbs streets,
cost $1,000: John Monks.' shop, corner
Seventeenth snd Pettygrove streets,
...i (i tiiil: W. H.i Tuttle, cottage,
Cleveland between Maegley and Oolng
Greets, cost Il.OBWA. It, l-rain-inn
--- -- -- . . , 11-11
n .-Alberts . streei - oeiween
llnms snd Vancouver "avenvrs.--A-ost
ia. TCnls-hts or fytniaa. lempie, cur-
s-i.vnth and Alder streets, cost
tin nnn.' . - ' . - - -
R.mlr nermlta were ' granted to Mrs.
nallaeher. eottsge, 1010 Keny streei.
cost ts00:'Blumuuer A Hoch. store. cor
ner Fourth snd wasningron ptreeia,
coat $00: U C. Potter estate, tenement.
Flanders pear Everett . street, cost $75
' ' .. OoUlsloa Im rcr- '
The eteemer Telegrsph rah lnl the
Lnrllne thle morning at sbout o'clock
t. the mouth of tho Willamette river,
in I he fog, tnd bothj;raft suffered some
Oregon's Cause. : ;
proprlatlona W'e- will do the best w
can. .','.'
Ooaferesoe This Afternoon.1
A conference was-held at the cham
ber of commerce at t o'clock this after
noon, at which the situation wss die-
cussed in detail. It was expected that
Congressman Wesley L. Jones of Waah
lngton would attend the conference, out
he missed connections and dtd not ar
rive until late on one of the afternoon
boats. . fir a letter to the transports.
tlon committee he say a he .will support
tbe effort to get appropriations for Co.
tumble river work Included in the eun-
dry civil bill. : ' - -
Theodore B. Wilcox, now ai waaning
ton In the Interest of the Jetty work, le
xrtlna nersonuT Influence and the
chamber will send -one or two'more rep
resentatives.. The trensportauon com
mittee hss recommended the names of
J. N. Teal and A. L. Mills and the true
teee of the chamber have commissioned
them as representatives of Portland's
business Intereets at Washlngtpn. t..
Joaee Wot Xopefal. j.'.''"
Congressman Jones of Waahlngton
ssldr "You have a provlslonf for $00.
001 for the mouthf the river in the
sundry civil' bill and $200,000 for the
work at The Dallee, and thst will be all
that can' be: expected et this session.
There will be no river and harbor bill
so that It is not .much .use to expect
eny larger t approprletlon. The Wssh
lngton delegstlon will stand by Oregon
ss It bae done- li the paeu ) I suppoee
our work in the rivers and harbors com-
Ittee at the last session will speak lor
itself In "this respect.
- "Irrigation projects In "Washington
seem to be in much the same plight. 1
am sorry to say. as the Oregon projects.
The dispatches say Secretary Hitchcock
hss not approved these projects because
of lack of funds, I have the matter up
with him and I era eatlsfted that by the
time the whole ettuation has been thor
oughly, tanveased It will be found that
there is money enough far et least seme
of the work." - ' T
"The people of eastern Oregon are
deeplv concerned In the completion of
th government - leriastlon. projects.
said State Senator Walter M. Pierce of
Pendleton thle afternoon. They will
be deeply dlssppolnted .lf the Umatilla
, , . .Kandoned
PJeet le to be bnan:
The moet
Important thing before tne-people oi
Oregon today le getting water Tn the
rW lands.
WU1 Oe oa Anyway.
But Irrigation work will go. forward
even if the government doee not carry
It on. W. J. rurnisn is engageo in - a
private enterprise on a scale even larger
than the governments i.raaiiiia ecneme.
Tie takes water about four milee above
Echo end already -lute about so mliea or
main canaL This is a. private enter
nrise and ie locsted sbove the proposed
Umatilla project ; rurnisn win auppiy
several times ss much territory, as
would be supplied by, the government
project:"- . . ; .
Benator Pierce le conildsnt that Gov
ernor Chamberlain will be reelected next
year: In discussing the political out
look he eald: . : - - v -:'
"t do not believe Chamberlain ran be
beaten, no matted whom the Republicans
nominate. He le very strong au through
en stern Oregon.' Party lines have bees
all shot to pieces, and thousands of Re-
DUbllcans wilt vote lor namoeriain
next June." '
Rancher Found Near Hood River
4Had Evidently Been Stealing
f Ride on Trucks. , "
' (Sneclsl DlSBSteh te Tbt Joornsl)
Hood River. Or Nov, 14. Jesse
Herthem. a rancher living near Cheno-
wlth. wae picked up by en extra freight
train crew on the O. R. N. line this
Herthem, it Is thought, tried to ride
the resr trucks of a passenger train
from The palles to some-point elong
the road, but when about half a mile
west of Mosler loet his hold and waa
dragged along the track for 200 feet.
Hie clothing was reoucea to riDoons,
snd the libit on one side of his body
sre broken. He sustained other Internal
Injuries snd It le not yet known whether
he will recover.
When searched, there wss nothing on
his person by which he could be Iden
tified and no money. t c .
The Oregon Bar association will hold
Ita annual meeting In tbe circuit court
room Tuesday, November tl.commenclng
at 10 o'clock. ' Addresses . will be de
livered by Robert ONyMorrow, official
reporter of the Oregon supreme court,
on "Official Reporting," snd Corwln S.
Phnnk of Seattle on "The Lawyer In the
Making of Nations." , ... . :
At 7 o'clock' In the evening there will
be a "dollar banquet" at the Commercial
club. '. Lionel Webster will "Act as toast-
master and It Is expected that responses
will be made by Mayor Lane.- Governor
Chamberlain,' Colonel Oantenbeln, T., O.
Hartley and others.
. A' large smount of routine business Is
to come before the meeting,. -Including
set Ion upon e large number of applica
tions for-membership, for which reason
the secretary Is urging all members to
t (Jearaal Special Serrlee.l :
Wsshlngton. Nov-14. The national
association of presidents of Unlversl
ties closed It session's today without
considering the resolutions condemning
the present methods of football, Prest
dent Richard J. Jesse of. Missouri wss
elected president of the sasoclatlosj. The
next meeting will probably be held a
the University of California. President
Roosevelt'.recelved the members . end
their wives at the White Mousey
Green's Ausrucit (:lutver
! the swist pnnnlsr rnseitr es tse glntw fni.lf
mre of all st(tiiMn. aisystiva. liver tronM sitil
k.lilln.l ron.llti.llon. ith eilenralile ef.
fiM-ts. sdTcrtlsr)! ss a tml la 7.00 m-wspa-ners
slWorer the I'nltrd Ststrs. for snr rmmm
ehrr Ansn.t floirer was us.4 thst dirt wt grr
tmtl.fnrttvn. (ml? thrre rssM of fsllnre In
thmiiHl. of lettM-s: two of th. wr casrrr
of th .tiimsrs. TW a.1 snd TO rnt er,btl)e
Mayor Orders Registers Installed
to Test Efficacy of Pro- ;
; ; posed System. " "
'" r "' essaaSBSBSBSaisaBsasaaBsaassBseB
It Would Cost Three Hundred Thou
sand Dalle re to Install Meters, but
New Pipe Line to Bull Kun Would
Cost Six Times as Muciu. ' J,
' Instructions were given the munici
pal water : boerd yeeterday by Mayor
Lane to begin a series ui experiments
for the purpose of ascertaining the
amount of water which may be saved
br Installing meters tn every house
In the city and Jy charging for the
amount consumed. -
It is ths plan-to select a block In
some thickly settled residence district
and place a meter In every house. . An
other block will be chosen and a meter
attached to the pipe supplying the en
tire block, unknown to the household
ers. By this means a comparison may
be made between the consumption . of
watsr In houses where there are reefers
and where there are none. The experi
ments will cost about $5,000, .most of
which will be expended In the purchaee
of metere. ' - - - - '
.If the experiment is- satisfactory,
metere will be Installed In every house
in ths city. , -. i
It Is thought that thle plan will do
away with the necessity of having to
lay another pipe line to tne biui un
beadworka, for eight , or 10 years to
cams. - The cost of the metere would
be shout $200,000. whlls a new pipe Jlne
could not be laid for leas than II.
$00,000. ; ' - -
"If ft 1st found from these expert,
mente which I heve ordered thst It
would not be a paying proposition te
put In meters, then we will have to Isy
another pipe line," said the meyor to
day. - ...-.. ,':' . ,. ..
North Coast Road Asks for Fran-
chise but City Fathers
: Are Wary.
(Special Dlspitcfi te Tbe loarasl.)
. Seattle.' Wash.. Nov, 14. Before the
north coast raUroed ..whicH lastnlght
asked the city council to grant It a
I franchise to enter ' the city, can- Set
wnat it warns n mu.i nia w m wuvwhik
of Its Intentlona If the line Is owned
bv the Chlcaso. Milwaukee at 8L Paul,
aenarallT reoortea, tns councilman
say they want to know before taking
action. It la expected an executive
meeting of the council members and
President Earllrtg will be errangea our
Ina? tha atav of Karllng here, when the
information desired will probably be
Imparted with the Injunction that the
MUwaukee'e ownership -De pi quieu
This Is the etyle of the metnoas Do
ing employed by Earl in g since coming
to Seattle, and he has aomiued me jsci
that the Milwaukee Is coming to Seat
tle and Tacoma to many perso
has refused to make, any kind
statement for publication. :, . ,
(Special Dispatch te The Joarsal.) 1 j
Kalama. . Wash.. Nov. 14. W. H.
Johnson, residing at 414H Jefferson
street. Portland. Oregol, was struck by
the switch engine pulling the rear eeo-
tin .,.io K-n x rmm tne .rnrtnern
Pacific transfer steamer this morning
nt 10:10 o'clock. He was taken to the
hotel where he wee ettended by Dr. u.
M. 81ms. --The Injuries were not .of a
very r-cnoun niiui.. .vicvnu
bruised and the right shoulder consid
erably Jarred.
,- Mr. jonnson snn snoinsr man were
walking on ths piatfprra near the track
The engineer ssw Mr. Johnson and
blew the whistle, but not In time to
avoid -the accident Mr. Johnson got
on the Vancouver train at Knapp eta
tlon, en route to North-YsKlma to visit
his sister, who le very 111 and not ex
pected to liva Mr. Johnson Is a brother-
in-law of the late Judge Bellinger.
' (Special Dtspatck te The Joarasi.ll
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 14. At noon to
day In ths superior, court a Jury was
secured to bear the first local real es
tate fraud case against Bert Connors,
who is alleged to be one of a ring which
bilked hundreds of Seattle property own
ers by means of fraudulent deeds. .This
afternoon the state will present Its side
of the case, . .-.r .', . i .
' . " (Jonrnsl Sneelal Serrire.)
Chlesgo, Nov. . 14. Ths Dally News
London correspondent csbles that he hss
definite authority for the announcement
that Lord i Rosebery will be . the nex
premier; and Campbell-Bannerman will
become a peer and enter the house of
lords. John Burns Is slsted to become S
member of the csmnet. . , ?
' 'a - - ' ' . t
, (Jearaal Special Barrlee.t.
.Boston, Nov. 14. Judge Wentwortb
today decided to Issue a warrant for
the arrest- of Thomas Wl Lawson on a
charge of criminal libel bsnught byC
W. Barron of ths Boston iiewe Diireau,
V -Te Pay SUaer'e Boadeaem.
The United Steles Fidelity Our
antv company, bondsmen for R. M
Rlner, eontsactor en the Tenner creek
aewsr. will be paid $72 of the $1,000
they demanded ror extrss in recon
atructlng the conduit. This wss reeom
mended by. the Judiciary committee of
the cltf council yesierasy.l . t
- Aek Boosevsl to bteeeeeje.
(Jonrusl Special Ser.tps.t
' NeW York. . Nov, 14- The bosrd of
alderman has sdnpted a resolution re
oiiesttng President (tooaevclt to Inter
loata in behsJt ( the Jewa la Ruatls,
.:;;r '.
. ' ; '
' fit' l
if) L
Kempe'of San Francisco R
" fuses to Pay an" Old : '
' Jvidgmeht."'
(Special Dlspateh to The Jearaal.)
Seattle, Wash.. Nov. 14. Rather thfcn
pay a 1400 Judgment In the name of
U. C Better of Beattle which baa been
standing for - four yeara, 8.' .Kampe,
president . flf , the Independent Mining
company, a Nome .man worth ISO.000
end the hesd of. a. money, loaning con
cern in Ban rrancisco, -ioay . w
tbe county Jail. He-arrived from tne
north a few daye egb. end waa taken
before the . court ' on -t i supplemenUry
proceedings ' in ? an ..effort t te saUsfy
Judgment.- - - - . . -
On the stand Kampe naraiun inn
tanned at the -best . hotels . ana spent
large sirms In entertaining, -ell because
of hie position. .. uut oi -nia aaiaiy,
declared, he waa unable to pay the
debt. He edmltted 4het, he. was worth
IS0.000. but .declared that it.a-ss in
property outside or. , the, county ana
nnuld not be used to raise money. He
wae en route to- Sstt- Francisco when de
tained by .process. . , ... i'. .... 7
Ghosts'' at Marquam Tonight
A Portlssd ' taroHta, Hsrry Vetsayer. ss-
sorted bt ss excelleot company et piarera.
'III preseat Maoris' t" T-
Ghosts." st tbe Marqnem .Urasd theatre to
aleht. Wasaesdar anS TSorsear skbsi. nr.
u., v-r . mmm - ffarsMTir . leMiae jilTeaisr rm
the Moroece stock company, wbch played
Portlssd to ma tmp y-rs.aeo. wkn he smos s
most dedded Impression with tkestre-goera ef
this cllr br hla clever scrlng. Seats are aew
selllag for the ' engafement. j
- - Whittlesey's Last Week. -
WliUe - WMrHesay bexas ths Ust week ef
liU .n.asMiiit with the Belssce Stock eempsnr
last with a supers production oi - iae
rirat Violin." i The sesstirai play wss aai-
alSMttl nerforraMl sad that It will reerire
strong support front Portland playgoers Is I
yoad qaeatlos. f ----- "".'"'
V'V i :. Andrew Msek; Coming. . : :
Andrew Meek, besides behvg as setor ef
saperh sesllty,. la posarsned-of -s light a OS ef-
f. tonor - voice, waica - as aaea
an Jiuum
haiusn offered br .aim dhrlns the performsuca
ef "Toev Moore." Mr. Macs will stag slee
of the - eoeiDoaltlons espreaaiy . wmiea
. v- k-i tn -Tn Uw., -' tha nlaw
I'W mwm ,1,7 - - - .
will preiwnt-at-tbe .Marnam ' Grand theatre
Best Monosy, -iesanjT7wa"7
Kovember SO, 21 and 2Z . .. ...
.Utopians Burlesque Company.
T. W. Dlaklna' I'taptass, a eompsay thst hss
v-m h..o a farorlte la tbe Borleeuoe waeia, is
. w .tM.riMM r in nil r inr in.
MliMI- Mnddled Sod ruw is ine line o
tk. ..iriTinnu. A vsnaevilie sin or en.
et-Dtloosl mcrtt Is InctadVd. In which spoesra
n li. a.n .inVwosasa of the ertent. la a
ui ,mi Mtiitimi acT-caiiaa -nrmmwrn r tvm
inn...... BarsslB mat Inr a .tooMrrew at ' 1:1
e'cleek.,' ., i. ' . i ' ' - :"'-". "
"Hooligsn's : Troubles" at Empirs
One ef " the " langhlng bits ut "HoollgsB's
Tmablae' . la. the barleaqne dance preaeatea st
Billy A. 'Ward ea the-stage ths gmplre
thestrs ttla -week. .The HooUf an rhorsa Is
tkr Mt.rtaliilne fcatnre. Matinee Best
Saturday. .Last time saterasy . S'fo'-
Liberty's Tower-of Strength
IT... von' snen Tlerr SckaiMt, the German
flsnt, at the Mrrty this weekt ' Hsve yee
seen him sokt slort a cycle wnn-i weiaoma
I ana mmu In which s dsredevll rrcllat
forms wonderful featst This Is positively the
iMtaot act on the American' vaudeville atase,
thn't mlea this snd the saves ether wosderral
sets st.rhe Liberty this wees.
At the Star
ye the week the Star Is showing s vaudeville
Mil thst mar he eonelriered from every
of tIow as a rrackerlark. Bnd and (Mile Wood
ham the feature. Their mmair perrnrmsars
on the alack wire Is nnrhmg ahort nr remarks-
ble. Mlsa gleaaor jmsina.-tne-prima oonna
soprano;. Parle and Dlsment, Spanish slngan
and dancers; Dlsmond. May and company, and
Con lay and McOntre pleased the audience. ,
' Burlesque- at - Grand. t
I Jin. im 1 inirmi " nw .nir...B.n-n, -" im
fOrand this week. Kmn s Traveatf company
arorlng a pleasing sensation In amnsement
rtrrWa. Tbe, show li remarkably Isree., eon-
aldertng the edmlssloa charfcU. and It Is gosd
In every respect. i .. J , v
"The Heart of Steel.- J
' The Lyrle eoattaawa Is popularity and erewded
bnn are of BlMlf .occurrence. v- "The Heart
ef Steel." the present attraction. Is a border
drama la four acts with plenty, of coaiedr aa
well ss thrilling sttnstlons. For a aenaatlona
play "The Heart of Steel" la the heat drama
area' St the Lrrlc' this- sessna. ; ;
Bloeere ael'Tewa.--
Krlvetreg. , Nov.. 14. It Is reported
Thst rioters sacked the town and helf
henak4ldlpgs have been destroyed by
fire. .... - r : -:.. . . :: --. s . ;
' ' '' Tlfth Aaalvsrsary Today. ' .',
;Dr.and Mrs. Stephen B. . Wise sre
celebrating their fifth wedding annlver
sary la Hew Tors today. : :
'li'i-U :
na Apparel
Besides the materials and trimmings
the skilled tailoring is of the most
, vital importance. Our
Suits, Overcoats
and Xravenettes
'Are Indeed models of progressive
designing, cutting and finishing.
Each bears a stamp of satisfaction.
We do not urge you to buy, but to
call and look through our lines, if,
you-decide to-select any-garment-you
can pay a portion of amount at
time of purchase and the balance
At $1.00 a Week
aor. le. 09-
OVood foe S1-0O ea" pnrohaee ef Msa"e
Sal until ' January 1st, ISO. - -
Washington and Tenth Sts. -
, ... - - , ,
The Store Where Your Credit Is Good
OF ODD cui;.i
Retired Officers Recall Circum
stances Relating to Big
- Inheritance. . r '
(Speehl tttapste te-Ike JoaraaL)
Seattle. -Wash.. Nor. I4.The story
of tho Ords' clslra to an estate of,
$121,000,000 based on their descent from
King George IV of England, through .
his marriage to Mre. Mary Sntythe Flts
herbert, wae' army gossip 20 years ego.
It la revived now by the claim of James ;
Ord ef Chicago to his share .In the -esUte,
made public as a result of dis
covery of papere tn London validating
the klng e marriage.. ". .
'Sergeent-Major Vai'-Joetse,--Thlrd '
U. - B.- Infantry. .- told -me S yeers tje -the
story of General Ord, a veteran of , .
the civil war end head or a - family
claiming mllliona tn England," eald Cap
tain O. A. Delchementy, U. S. A., retired.
today,- . . r : . ,.- '. . - - -' .
Von Goetse wee a German count In
hie own right end femtliar with the life -hlatory
of . European bousea I believed
the story then and believed- It later -when
I heard It again. I knew Lieu
tenant James G. Ord. who wss killed In -the
battle of Ssn Juan hill, end, hie
brother, who was Interpreter on General ;
Shatter's staff during the Cuban. eam.l
paign. ' James Ord. as X sm .informed, -Is
of the same family. ' .,. ..... ,
"Sergeant Van Goetse, who told me
the story of King George's mafrlsge to
Mra. Fitsherbert and the fact that Gen
eral Ord was bis son, died at Fort Mor-
gan, Alabama. He wasnhen an orderly
sergeant. The story is known- In the
army by men old In the service" . -
Tbere are many Portlanders who as
plre to serve their county ae sheriff tn
lieu of Thomas Word, but Jamea M. .
Stott Is willing to be numbered among,
the "haa-beena." In fact, Stott will not
be a Portlander eny longer,' having
moved to Sheridan. Orestin, where he is
president of a large milling company.
Stott waa the. regular Republican ma-
chine candidate for sheriff In 1904. He
hsd been chief denutv under KL
Una when the bosses decided to shelve'
Storey, they planned to have Stott oc
cupy the vacant niche, . Stott ran. Also)
Word. Also Storey.
Boon after the ballots were counted
Stott became intereated In the Sheri
dan mllle. He moved to that town, but
hie family remained In Portland. They e
are moving away today from the eld -
family residence which "Jim- ereoted $1
years ago at the corner of Kant Thir
teenth and East Ash street a Stott sold
the property of Mr. ' McKlnney of the
grocery Arm of Smith ak , McKlnney, '
grocere. . " .;"' .''';.
Eastern Oaifitling
All eecond-claee auotloneere In ' the -
city will be cited to appear before the
licenee committee of the city council -Thursday
efternoon to show cause w-ryr.-: -
their licenses should not be taken from
them. They have been accused of sell
ing cheep brass Jewelry for large sums '
to unsophisticated buyers, inveetigs
tlon by Councilman Wllle and AnnanJ .
has convinced them that the charges
are true. Police te whom many com.
plaints egalnst the auction houses neve
been made will appear and e;lve teetl-
nonyV'-' : "V - , -rr---
i. J. Johnson, master of the Eaetem
Star grangs, told the license committee -that
be thought the chargee for etalle '
at the People'e msrket were altogether
too high. He was of the opinion tht ;
the 2i cente a day for stalls should be
reduced, and thought that the proflte
from the market were enormous and ut
of all proportion to the sum of money
Invested by the propnetore. ,
,',,' (Jonrsal Special ServlceJ " 1 -i
Norfolk. Nov. 14.Secretsry Taft on his
srrlvsl today telked on Ohio politics, and '
said he wss sorry that Henick was de
fested. glsd that Cox was knocked out 1
and believes the result will be open con
ventlons in' which' the people will rul.
He sdvocstee young men taking a vig
orous lead In pollMcs. . - J . 'f.
- Onrsons Coming te Oaloage. ' '
. : (Journal Speclsl Serrlet.)
- Chicago, fc'ow lf Joseph Letter says j
thst Lord snd Lady Curaon sre coming
to Chicago bn a visit N .
li Are easily rcll.Tr-d and rnred In the betlsntn
but ae the eiaean grows In severity we mn.t
Snd s mora pot ant remadr- - Here la where
li.lnr'a Riirhn Vt'af.ra etcl aa a cure, of
mirae thr sirs enlrh relief, hot. more then
that th-r flva-s aur and l.atlnf corn. - Th.e
BoKtllrclr (xirlfy tbe blood. at ne a has hr
g. O. fjkldmore'fc Oo., Smgglaee, 111
STUrS st sole efsata lot JToxmuU, Oa