The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 13, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Crtit Professional and Society
Event - of America,s-Art
rj tocracy of Wealth." s
; - ' t ' ' "
Owners' Mutt - Driytj Their Own
Steeds to Win Recognition Many
; Cups Offered for Different Classes
. of Animals. . ... , ', -, ,,
'' .f JhtmI lpW ImlN.)
' Nw Tort Nov. 13. Thi is the open
' Ing day of the 31t national bora show.
at Madlaoa Square . garaen. an eveni
' which annually attracts thousands of
' lover of flna horse to this city. Prom
year to year the national bona shows
have rained In professional as well as
: aoclal importance and now the New Tork
horse show is probably one of the most
l Important function In which America's
- aristocracy of wealth takes part. Recog
' nlslng the ateadlly Increasing Importance
. of the event the managers of the horse
ehow nave constantly added to the num
ber of classes and. also to the .list nd
;' else" of prises, until both bav reached
gigantic proportions..
From 90 or 79 the number of classes to
Judged Waa Increased -from Tear
year until It baa reached 137 thla year..
Beside the eiassea wbteh wera exhibited
In former years there are several claaaes
which will add considerable Interest to
. the display. The total of the prises f
... ifered. aggregate. 3K.0OQ. . not . Including
' the famoua $500 Waldorf-Astoria chal
V lence cup for the best (If horse -. and
several other prises of a similar kind.
Tha entries for the Waldorf-Astoria cuy
. " muit be ..driven by their owners and
dealers and protesalonal drivers are
barred. This cup must be won three
. times before li becomes -the undlspu table
( property of the winner. This Is prob
" ' ably the"mot eagerly sought for trophy
offered t the horse show. "'
Another valuable "cup la that offered
" """""by the American Coaching; "club for the
' beet road team, four-ln-hand. to be ahown
to a coach" and driven by the owner who,
as a coachman, must be approved by the
committee. This cup must be woa twice
by the same owner to become- his prop
erty. . - '. - " ' 1
Then thr la the Hunters', cup, of
fered by Alfred B. Maclay, for hunters
that have been hunted at least eight
times In the last year with some recog
nised pack of hound. All entries must
be -' ridden by amateurs. Among " the
minor trophies I the Hotel Martinique
challenge plate for mares and gelding,
to be ahown to full-alsed gigs, owner to
nJrive,- aecompanled iiy - aervantTTThls
. . plate - must be won. twice by- the same
. lowner. --' .
Another favorite "cup U the "Aldle" chal
lenge cup for tha best' hackney or half
; - hackney,, mare ' or gelding, bred In
-. America, to be shown In single harness
to appropriate vehicle.-This cup:. must
also be won twice by the earn -owner.
' The horse show will last all week and
)'- v there will be three sessions every day,
beginning -at 1 o'clock in the morning
and ending at midnight. - The attendance
' at the opening was exceedingly large and
brilliant and society-was well represented,
. Athena om the . OridlroB,
(Soeetal DUpatra te The Joaraal.)
, Athena.. Or., - Nov. IS. Athena has
organised Its first football, team with
the following members: Manager, Bruce
Wallace; coach, Albert Uwnney; - cap
tain Lee Hlteman; center, George. Mr
rick; right guard. Arnold; light tackle,
: f Henry " La " Bracke-; Tight and.- W.B.
Myer; left guard. Dale Preston; left end.,
Mr. Ooodall; left tackle. Clarence. Lane;
quarterback A. B. Stone, fullback, Lee
- Hlteman; right half. Roy gawtell; left
half.' Lawrence Lleuallen. -It la the In
: tention of the members to mska this on
of tha leading football teama in . the
atate. . -
' : II -II .... ,
1 -
CS-OT Ttlnt St. B
' s -
t am
Season Is On In Full Force in
the Aoorn -Thlckete of th-
-.,-. -
Rogue Valley.
California Sportsmen Appreciate Or'
gon'i Came and the Southern Part
. of Sute la Alive With Huntsmen
i How Sear Hunters Are Equipped
Grants Pas O. Nov. It This year
sportsmen' are taking a Irrely Interest
In the lower Rogue and. Bear Camp re
gions, three parties from Los Angeles
having already outfitted and hit the
trail. The bear aeaaon extenda from the
middle of October till Christmas. This
season is not designated by law, but Is
covered by the period of the rips aweet
acorn. . Bears from all parte of south
ern Oregon -migrate to' Bear camp each
season for a feast of the,' nuts.
Bear camp Is reached by' road and
trail from Grant Paha b way of Galloe.
It is about 45 miles down Rogue river
from Grants Pass. At Galica tha wagon
road enda and the hunter must take thj
mountain tralL Thirty miles below Gal
Ice, the last settlement. Bear camp, with
tat pine-clad wilds. Is reached.
The hunting of bears In that district la
an easy matter, a the hunter has oniy
to find a sweet acorn tnicaet one lying
n a gulch being preferred and then
hide In a nearby thicket and watch for
Bruln'a approach. The beare feed early
each morning and' again lata ' in the
afternoon. Hunters, have killed aa many,
aa three bears in one sweet aeon
thicket within a few hours. .
Bear camp and the lower Rogue is no
auto-touring country. He who hie there
for big game must be content to rough
It a while.;. -The kit, reduced to the min
imum. I confined to the capacity of
two ar three pae pontesrand must not
be made burdensome with a lot of duffle
not absolutely necessary. " Flrat, there
must be a frying pan and a coffee pot.
bag of flour and the- beans always
tha beans, flnace must alo'be mad
for can of salt and soda. Sugar Is car
ried in small quantity, and oof fee or
tea, must not be overlooked, A roll of
woolen blanket. rifle not mailer than
12-40. plenty of ammunition and a
good ax complete the pack. . In a clos;
tin box. occupying an. Inside pocket of
his Jacket, where they will always be
found dry, ' tha hunter.' carries, his
matches; the tobacco la sure to go, ami
he Is never without the big knife that
serves.mor-rpurpoaes than-any tthf
article of the outfit r '. ' ? ' ,
e - -
j. V .. ,1 Joorul Rpeclal Berrlce.1
Cincinnati. O.. Nov. It. Battling Nel
aon today, for the first time, announced
that he waa engaged to be married. The
fair one who captured Battllng's heart
and who la In time to share. hi fortune
la Ml Marguerite Ballangero of Fair
fax; California. She is only IS And Nel
son wanted to marry her at once, but
has agreed to wait. ,
' "I've met. others who ve taken my
fancy for a day or two, but never one
whoa picture lived In my neart ever
alnce I met her; like Marguerite," aald
Nelson. "She la just the right girl for
me, and she's going to bave everything
money can buy her wlfen I quit the ring
and- we settle down in a home I will
build for her 'in Hegewlsclu"
1 There Is only one point of difference
between' Nelson and Nolan, hla mana
ger. and that ia thla very question of
- "Just look at tha history of all mar
ried men in the ring." aald Nolan,, "they
didn't last" .
.00 Hat on Earth
ettfQen St ark m Oak
" The South Portland teanv played the
heavy "Bunker Hill eleven to a stand
still yesterday morning, tha Be ore be-
ina? a-a.
Tha first half South Portlanl oUarly
outplayed their opponents. Bunker Hill
took decided brace In the eecouU half
and honors were evenly divided.
- The ,-stsr warriors - were w aijner,
Churo&Ulyoley and Brt of the uptiw6
team, while Kennedy, Jackson, Uy.-ne
and Menaina ahona for their oolora.
Foley and Menalnss work at oda waa
of very high order. Many a time i
man waa downed in his trsoks.
Considering the fact that South Port
land haa an exceptionally fast and well
trained eleven. Bunker Hill did remark
ably wall. Tha lineup
South Portland. Bunker Hilt
Hayes ,Vi G T, C7r.,.i. . . .Daly
Churchill........ R. G- U........ Byrne
Curran.; O. R Lewellen
. R. T. U...
, .Brown
Rekdahl U T. R. . . HIU-Klumpp
Taylor ...K. R. I. . . . . Menelng
Foley. . i i nvrmJM- B. R Orn-Hlll
Harwaa VI . . .t--ooven tcapi.i
Uarr.. .......... .n. rt. i...... .nenneay
Thomas IC R., . ,. . . Jackon
Warner-. F Btlvet
Offlclala umpire, e.- ixmg or Burner
Hill; Dal of South Portland.. Time of
halves, It and Zt mlnutea. . ,
Tha Multnomah clubmen talked' over
their Saturday defeat yeaterday. and
while regretting to lose the game, felt
that Willamette earned the victory by
their ability to tajte advantage of the
clubmen's fumbling of punta and poor
kicka.-1 No injuries were sustained by
tha clubmen; with the exception or a
few bruises here and there. .
' . , e e .
Multnomah will resume practice to
morrow evening In anticipation of the
game with tha Sherman Indiana on Sat
urday next. . The clubmen - will be
strengthened by Mart Pratt, who will
rejoin tha team thla week for tha bal
ance of the season. The splendid show
ing of Oregon this year haa driven raal
fear and trembling? Into the hearts of the
local clubmen. Coach Bhort's men are
playing great ball and when Oregon and
Multnomah meet on Thanksgiving after
noon there will ba aomethlng doing. .
v'. ..'.-,- .' V. e . e ;".' ' ; .v
Martin Pratt. Multnomah's famous
tackle and all-round good player, will
Join the Multnomah aquad thla week and
remain with the eleven for the re
mainder of the season. This is good
news toCoach TJverfleldTaa Pratt will
ba a tower of strength, both In advanc
ing the bal and atopplng tha oppo
nent' players. . - ,
e '.. i
Roosevelt on football: ,
T humbly beg your pardon, sir; '
I fear that I have smashed your toa
Such accldenta will oft occur
In gatheringa Ilka this, you know." ;
And I have been, waa the reply
- "More haaty than waa rightly due,
fear I have contused your eye .
And doea thlsear.JlonfJo'youEL-,
Believe me. sir; I meant no harm.
It happened, by the merest ehance. v
I trust that you will take my arni
In getting to the ambulance.
Tie now fulfilled, our fondest dream.
Theae college rudeneseee are past.
Kind courtesy doth reign supreme "
And football la reformed at last.-
' e .
The following table containing tha
name, boraea, olaas year, beigbt, age
and. weight of . the players who faced
each other . in - the. Stanford-Berkeley
game on Saturday last Is of particular
Interest to the followers of both elev
ens in this section: - '',-,
Stsnford .
Name. Year. Home. Hat Ae.
W. Koerner. '01, Or. Clty..S.i :
D. P. Crawford, '. Santa
Clara -.-, .-. -
P. T. FrlsseU. '07, Mitchell.
Oregon 5.1
A. A. MolflriO. J07, Jackeon 5.4
R. A. Thompson. '05, Palo
Alto , S.ll
H. L. Horton, '08, tTklh...l.
W. E. Lyons. 'SI, . Des ''
MOInes, la. ........... .5.4
R P. Hlott, "07, Portland. .6.8
O. EL Dole, '07. Riverside. .5.11
T. Vandervoort, '08, Palo .
'aho . . ......'...:: S.1S
A. J. Chalmers."07 (capt)
Centervllle, Or. . v. . . . . .5.11
SO 155
18 18S
22 IIS
21 -left
24 IIS
20 18S
21 170
21- 151
20 170
21 1ST
22 175
Name. Year. Home. Hgt.Age.Wt.
R. w. Klttreue,. 05, Mo
desto . . . . . , S.I
F. W. Bush. 'Of. 8. F. S.S
P. N. Gray, '01, Oakland .. .1.2
C. HafTey, 07. Sacramento. 5.S ,
K Stern, '01, Kureka 8.
J. A. Force, '04, Denver. .. .1.2
R. H.' Klllott, '0. S'mento.S.ll
3. H. Whitman. '07, Los A.. 5.7
H. Mead. '07, Berkeley .... S. 10
O. Snedlgar. '08. Oakdale. .5.10
W. B perry, '07, Modesto. . .4.2
: (Speclai Dhipatrli la Tb Joaraal. I I
University of Washington, SeattM,
Nov. II. Since the University of Wash
ington trounced the Shermsn Indiana o
easily last Saturday the football team
of the Seattle Athletic club win try
the visitors next Wednesday afternoon
The clubmen have been running signal
for some time, but have had no opposl
tlon practice and it is not expected thy
will put up a very strong game. The
clubmen usually drsw heavily on the
university playera at the close of tha
collegiate season and on that account
tha team Is not yet made up. Dr. Rolle.-,
Dr. Council, Evans, a former Minnesota
man: Burrlngton. who hall from Dd
trolt and Wells and Degnan will proba
blv co into the lineup. . Several of the
'varsity players have signified their In
tention of assisting tha club team after
Thanksgiving. . , . . v .
The young men of Multnomah-have
arsantied a football team zor ina pres
ent sesnon and ar ready to play any
team of 185 pounds in Portland and
vlclnltv. All challenges should be ad
dressed to Msnager John K. McRae, 747
Alblna avenue. The lineup or in team
will be: ......
. Jean FarrelL center; ai uoaienn, rtgnt
guard: W. Coetello. right tackle; K.
Gatea. light end; J. MnRae. right- half;
F Montag. left guard; A. Carlaon. left
tackle; E. Volker (C). left and: B. Cava,
naugh. left half; J. Owlg. quarterback;
Joe Montag, - fullback, Tha substitutes
are: ti- Farrell. O. Volker ajid A. De
Francq. Jr.
- , awassaBasassBBBB.
San aselaee.
ITilit'lO) 1 .MT
Milil2 .11
l . . 3 10 41
Portland. Captures the Afternoon
. Came In Ninth Inning oh Two
Hit and Two Errors.
In" Morning ' Contest 'Giants Outbat
Commuters, But Eight Men ' Are
' Left on Bases Dunleavy and Kelly
Helped Contribute Second Contest
(Joaraal Special Strrtee.)
San Francisco, Nov. IS, The Giant
managed to break even with the Com
muter at Oakland yesterday. In .the
first game the Portlanders outbatted
Van Haltren'a team S to (, yet Mo-
Credle's men died on tha bases with r
markable consistency, eight of them
being left on tha circuit. In the second
game It waa one all until the ninth
Inning, when tha Giants landed on
Iberg for a couple of hlta, and thla, with
two errors by Dunleavy and Kelly,
netted the visitors three runs an the
game. Van Buren got three hita in tha
morning game and Sweeney the same
number In the afternoon. The score
Morning tUrne. .
Aa R. H. PO. A. K.
Van Buren, ft
, .ir. i-
9 1 2-90
Mitchell, rf.
Bohlafly, 2b.
1 O
4 a
4 t
4 S
2 0
0 t
1 it
McLean, lb. ,.
Sweeney, Jb. ........
Sues, c. .........
At, ss. .A. .
1 1
1 J
S 0
Esslck, p.
Total ...... .,....! S S 24 IS 0
- - OAKLAND. ,-'
AR B. H. PO. A. H
Van Haltren. ct .... S 2 I S 0
Kruger. rf. ......... 2,1 S t S S
Dunleavy. ir. I 1 110 S
Mosktman. lb. SSI 7 0 0
Kelly. 2b. ... 3 , a t 1
f-rancaa, aa. 3 0 0 1 1
I e verMU x, -1 b. 2 1 S- S S
McMurray, c. 10 1S S S
Graham, p. ......... 2 1N0 0 4
Totals'.. ..........!! 4 5 27
S 1
Portland , .......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 03
Hits . . ! 1 1 1 1 2 1 8
Oakland .........40100 100 Vr-i
Mlta i i .r ;-; .1 1 S 1 Z 0- S -J-8
. . - STJMART. -. ; '
Two-base hits Mosklman. ' - Mitchell.
Sacrifice hits Kruger, McMurray, Van
Haltren, Esalck. Stolen bases Bo hla fly.
Van Haltren 2. First base oiball Oft
Esslck, 8; off Graham, I. Left on bases
-Portlnnd, If Oakland. I. Struck out
By Ksalck. 2: by Graham. 2. Hit by
pitcher- McHale, Schlafly. Double
play Mitchell to Bchlafly; Graham to
Devereaujr-to - Mosklman; Schlafly to
Ala. . Wild pitch Graham, Time of
game One hour and 25 mlnutea. Um
pire Perrlne.' ... ...... .
; Aftemoom game, 'j; '
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
.4 0 0 2 0 0
Van' Buren, If,
Mr Hale, ci.
.SI 040
Mitchell, rf.
BrhluHy, 2b.
4 0 0.1.0
. 4- 1 '4
. 8T2 2 10 1
.4 I I I I
. 40 10
. 8 0 0 0 3
VIcLean, . lb.
Svreeney, 8b.
Sueaa, c. . . , ,
Ats, ....
Garvin, p. .,
Totals , . '. .
S3. 4 , T 27 12 1
OAKLAND. - ,.;
1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Van Haltren, -cf. .... 4 0 1 3 0 0
Kruger, rf. 4 0 0 1 0
Itunleavy, If. , 4 0 2 S 0
Mosklman. lb.' ....... 4 172 10 3
Kelly. 2b, 4 0 1, 0 4
Francka, as. ........ 3 0 0 1 3
DevereauxT 3b. ...... 3 0 0 3 3
Byrnes, c 3 0 1.4.0
Iberg, p. ... 3 0 0 3 1
Totals...' ....22 1 7 27 14 3
Portland 0 000 1 000 3 4
, Hits . ....... ..0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0
Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
- UlU 0 13 10 10 0 17
N Two-bnse hits Sweeney, Sue. Sac
rifice hit Suess." First base on ball
Oft Iberg. 2. Stolen bases MoLeart.
Kelly, tjeft on baaea Portland, 4;
uaKiana, . Diruca ou ny uarvin, a
by Iberg, 5. Double play Garvin to
Ats to McLean. Time of game On
hour and 30 minutes. Vmpire Perrlne.
Brea Break at Trtsoo. .
(iwursal Special gervle.)
ranlss, Mew. li, In I contest yesterday the Seals and
Slwashes managed to break even. The
scores: . . - .
Mornlns same R. H. 10.
Seattle 61101122 0 8 14 4
San Francisco. .0 0028432 14 18 2
Hatter lee Jones and Blankenahlo:
i rreiiiey ana onvau
Afternoon gume K, lu E.
Seattle.. ......2 2 00 08 00 1 ( 14 3
San Franniaco ..31000000 04 11 1
Batterlee Vlcker and Blankenahlp;
nawivrana nuwn.
Tigers Twice (hat Ont,
(Joeraal Speelal nVrvte.!
Loa Angele. Nov. 13. The Angels
shut out the "Meandering Mikes" yea
terday In two games, Gray and Tosler
being very effective. ' Tha scores
Morning gam ' R. H. B.
Los Angele . . .3 2 0 0 1 0 4 0 4 8 0
Tacoma 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 4 t
Batteries Gray and Eager: Keefe,
Emerson, Graham and Lynch.
Afternoon game R. H. IB.
1X1 Angeles ,.,191 lHIVI'-S
Tacoma ....... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S
- Batteries Toaler and Eager; Hogan
Preferred Stock O eased 0coda.
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.
The Marrard Bnmpiaf Baooa.
' (Joaraal Sneelal Sarlc.t
Boston, Nov. 13. Tha Slrst. of tha
series of bumping races of the dormi
tory crews of Harvard takes place to
day and will wind up the season. Bump
ing races-are a regular feature of -tha
university crewa In England, where the
boata actually bump. At tha Harvard
bumnlns- races the boata do not bump.
as they would break, being too fragile.
(Special Dispatch' to The Joeraal.)
Chemawa,, Or., Nov. 13. The Che-
mawa, football, team will play the Fort
Steven eleven on Willamette field ' In
Sa4em tomorrow afternoon. The In
dian .bar been practicing hard thla
past week and a good game Is assured.
Since- the news or the Sherman score
against Washington at Seattle reached
here the Chemawa bravej ha v takam a
brae and they are full of confidence.
The next same after tomorrow will be
against the Shermas Indians on Mult
nomah Meld on tha twenty-flrat. This
will- be for the western Indian cham
pionship, -nd as : both teams hope to
com off victorious, it will,, be 'fought, to
a -Union, i ' .. -
Twslvs , Hundred Sailors Enter
stained at Coney Island by
Bob Evans Fleet.
Priirer-fcotiis and - His - t&af f ; EnterT
taincd by the New York Chamber
J of Commerce Co to the Horse
Show. w. , J
Newport, Nov. '13. Prince Loul of
Battenburg and Ma staff wera gueata
today at a reception and luncheon ten
dered ' them by (he chamber of com
merce. Many or toe city s most prom
Inent men were in attendance and the
function waa one of the most Important
of the many events prepared for the
entertainment Of the Prince. .
The other event of the day was tha
great dinner of the blue jackets at Coney
Island. Twelve hundred American sail
ors entertained an equal number of Brit
ish sailors, and Prince. Louis, Admiral
Evans and several hundred officers of
the American and British strips visited
ths men while they were at dinner. The
American Bailors, who pay for the din
ner, had taken good care to supply a
sufficient amount of liquid refreshments
to put their guests in the very best of
humor. The sverage allowance per man
Is aald to be fifteen glaases. Six thous
and bottles of beer were served.
Tonight the prince and hla ataff go
to tha horse ahow. ,
Two Electric Companies. Desire
Through City. '
' ' (Special niapatck t Ta JeeruM
Chehslta. Wash., Nov. 13.- The -city
council at its Jaat meeting eonnldered
me matter - or tne - proposed - electric
franchise asked for by - tha Cen-
tralla-Chehalls Klectrlo aV - Power
company.- The .company haa agreed
to . eatabllah and maintain- a lo
cal aervice in the city a well aa be-
t weeoChehalis ad- Centralis -if -tt- is
given a franchise.. The line will enter
tha city from ' tha north end of First
street and make a loop of the- realdence
street, Pennsylvania and St. Helen ave
nues, Prlndle, First and North street
to the courthouse, up into the business
center by Chehalis avenue, Bolstfort
and Market streets, thence -south fend
ear to the reform choot: A half hour
service will be Installed at first and in
creased aa business will, warrant.' The
company will put up a certified check
for 81.000 for the completion and op
eration of the road by November 1, 104.
Manager Canon states that they will
begin work Immediately on the grant
ing of the franchises In Chehalis and
Centralis. The work done Isst night
settled tha details regarding - the ordi
nance that-will be passed and thla will
go through at the next council meet
ing. - ..'.,
; No action waa taken on' the franchise
asked for by James Rich and hla asso
ciates. They wish for a line, through
the city merely and do not figure on a
local system. It is their intention to
build a line from Tacoma to Portland.
If . they secure franchises in Chehalis
and Centralha they will also put up
a 31.000 certified check to build the por
tion between .Chehalis and Centralla and
operate it by another year. Construe
tion would then be hastened toward Ta
coma aa rapidly aa possible and later
toward Portland. I ,
Both - of these, "companies want the
uae of the same streets in this city and
tha council went over the ground yes
terdsy with representatives of both com
panies. It was arranged that one com
pany might use one side of the street
next, to the curb line and the opposition
company tha other aide of tha atreet, tha
companlea to guarantee the repair and
Improvement of the atreets tha full
width where they run. It Is more than
likely that the Rich company will also
"JBB. ""jtVBH"' 1tW flBIIUh 1W"veHls"t 9 mXttK'
council Is inclined to treat both com
panlea fairly. .
(Special Dtapatch to Tb Journal.)
. Ontario, Or.. Nov. 13. There has been
a call issued for a mass meeting at the
council chamber nest Tuesday evening
for the purpose of nominating a mayor,
treasurer and three eouncllmen to be
voted on at the-Ontario city election,
which takes place the first Monday in
December. .:'
Tha three eouncllmen v whose term
expire era J. M. Brown, Wsrd Cautteld
and John Landlngham. . Mayor J. - A.
Lockay, Is now serving his second term
and In all probability tie will be re
nominated for' mayor at they meeting
Tuesday evening.
If the other nominee are eatlefactory
it is Mkely that, there will be but one
ticket in the field, although -the two
previous elections have been hotly con
tested. ' "
V'' Three Wait Divorces.
(paclal Dispatch to Tb Journal.)
Pendleton. Or., Nov. 1 J. Three ' di
vorce aults are pending in' tha local
courta. Elisabeth Swlttler wants a
separation, charging . cruelty. Sllva
Russell aska for divorce from Milton
Russell on tha grounds of desertion.
The couple were married in Pendleton,
July S, 1(03. Florence Btreever also
pleada for a divorce on the grounds of
desertion and drunkenneaa on tha part
of her husband She asks for -the cus
tody of the four minor children. ;
thaTvruSkis)ScNrei Hchlna, Burnlpj,
Blsadlns; Wcaplmj, CruTttaa; Scallnf.
Mttle bable ssnst alleted.- To sUep, sereet fmnf
eerslns. luhlsg, Hnpelea SMtber worn oet wltk
wasryvstcblo. Tbsi I a quick, poalilr are ia
OnsMa of ITsrOss leap, aaedlcsted, arises.
ihlakMlth lolnt.l. ta kill fatimnr aerma.
beai tbs akin sad atop Itching, snd Iklakfallk
Tseleta, to expi pnmor pran, ejva.ji-
Tt UKg OFMOTHKHS relroa BltisheaMhi
trealmeot with lisriaa soap ror lmmeniainr
rallerlng aid qnk-kiy ennng ail linasor im
In IraBier Ima Infaney to old fnr beaoll
(ring the akla and hair, onthin all Irrltstasaa
gaa If avas bbusvdim bbvb
.1 '. j- -. . - '- .) ... - s . . -'.
We have
do not resort
you ho falSe'
in a snon
lXrfngee sasUab-an(j always
t -AiMtBawM We guar;
.eiaiista u Biaeaf ea ' ing cure in the quickest possible time, with
'of stem or woaaea, out leaving injurious after effects in the sys-A
a . saaAioai . Bipio- 4.em, and at the lowest cost - possible for
m iwr.M( honest,' skillfut; and successful treatment.
. 3wapaw Brd.. w-cure . . , .
Eczema and All Fqrrns
Decline Rectal, Kidney and Urinary
'.'7. Diseases,' Vcricocele. Hydro-
V--V'j'.: cele .cad lXupture
' Ab4 AO Dkaaaaa an4 WaakAaataa of Both Men and Woman.
Write for Symptom, Blank If You Cannot Call.
- ..... .
I St. Louis McdiCail end
, . Mvra lauium ucci, rwiuauu, vi u '
AlwaysrIn'close'.Ten'2-Cent Stamps iWheri AYriting.
- - We treat ueeeas-rtiHy an private ner.
voua aad ehronlo diseases at men; a!s
blood, atomach. heart, liver, kidney and
throat trouble. Wa aura STPHIL1S
without mercury) te etay -oured . fori
ever. We remove STRICTURE, with
out operation or pain. In IT day. --
Wa stop dralna. night losses -' and
spermatorrhea by a new method In a
week. Wa can restore the aezual vigor
of any man under 30 by meana of local
treatment peculiar to ourselves. -
We Cure -Gonorrhoea
TV- in a Week . .
Th doctor of thla Institute r all
regular graduates, have had many
years' experience, nave been anowa in
.Portland tor.J years.. hsve a reputatloa
ta maintain, and will undertake no oas
Unices certals . cur can be effected. -
' We guarantee a cure in every caae we
undertake or charge no fee. Consulta
tion free. Lett -re confidential. Inst mo
tive COOK FOR MEN mailed free - la
plain wrapper. , '
We cure the wrst eases ef pllea ia
von. ur guaranteao. .
rou eanrtot oau at otnea, write tor
OrBce honr. t te and 1 to I. . Rand aye and holidays. 1 ta 13. - -' -
OOeea ta Van; Hey Hotel. 3tt Third Street, Corner Pine. Portia. Oc,;!
f' . C: '
eases, eanuer, paralysis, tumors, rheumatism snd u.ii disorders of the
. stomach, liver and kidneys. He has had great success in curing eon
sumption when tha victim la not too r.uch run down by the dleea.
and will stop heraorrbsges in an Incredibly short, time. . He brews his
own medicines from Chinese roots., herbs, buds, berks and vegetsbl
teas, all of which are entirely harmless, and whose medicinal properties
are unknown to American doctor. He uses In his practice over (00 dlf
' ferent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of testimonials from grateful pa-.
tienta. ,
DR. WI1NQ LEE ---r '
Marvelous Is what all tha denttsta say
bout tha wonderful s yet era of Alveolar
Dentlatry, originated and practiced ex
clusively In Portland by Boston Dentist,
Itltt Morrison street. Wa save teeth If
only a good root Temalna. Wa restore
old decayed teeth to usefulness and
beauty. '
We replace loat or absent teeth with
out plates. - .
' Ws extract teeth without, pain free
of charge. --',.'.'.'-ut-
We treat and tighten loose teeth, and
aoft or bleeding gums are made aouad
and healthy. ; , - :
We gusrantee our plates to ML c
W give you the beat dental work for
the-lowest i coat consistent with first
class work. Come and have free exami
nation and consultation and leant for
yourself what wa can do for you.
Boston Painless Dentists
11H Morrlaoa mu, Opp. MaUr B rraak
and postof noe.
XOTBS COO a. sa. to p.
day, too - to II 00 p. aa. -
Ring Up Main 2776
The yoa'rs f reef In la tha kltcbea ' and I
"the psrlnr' auld Ire,
Aad the hirers op ,ad, dowa year apla
do roll.
Grab ymr 'phone, ring ear oambsr esd,
bellera aa.. Is trie
' Ws will cheer yea with load f mlesdld
' (ML - - ' )
W ell the prodaet of vry eeal Bin that
In to Portland and eokeT ton aa no
lldijle aemind 'eTerywhere aland la your owe
Donae - inn ornvr 7lrfir sosj I run tba great
surveyor te the puUllu,
swrora aa the suUUi.
yw"" lae suimmi.
El Vulcan Coal Co.
' ."4. ' . m vkiwi)X iiazu.
no free proposition,' cheap or
trial treatments, no pay until cured catches, T
or similar acvices to .sen meuicines, oeirs,
" " etc." Honest doctors of - recocnized ability
to such methods.' t Our edu- T
cation, our experience, our reputation, con-
demn all such quackery. Ve will make
promise as to curing your case X
time, Knowing 11 win iskc joneer.
as we promise nothing bat what we can do,
do what we proniise lL
of Skia Diseases, Nervous 1
Snrgical Dispensary t
two ar three treatments, without
avestioa Diana, noma treauneni
x 2-
The Great Chinese Doctor
. . SINCE' 188 O .' v
Ha la called great because he cures all
' dlsessses without resorting to the knife.
Cell and bav a free examination. He will
: tell you the exact nature of .your trouble.
' He treats successfully every form of f
male eomDlalnt. all nrlvatc and blood dis
The Great Chinese Doctor :
rarawrly located at
tsi Aloar sb, earaa
: ; Has
Te ts sirs brM
balldtn lit I. esTBae
.. f rirst 4 Marrleae
: Entraneo - -
io girst oiraai
Dr. 0. Oe fee, the Oraat Oktasae Boeter, '
h Weil kavir) aad (aasea throng boat tk I),
a. beesas kla wosaerful sd ssarealaat nrwt
kv Bees hmlrtsd brnatfeaat tbroashoet tha ' '
le(th and braadik ef this eoantrr. B traau
any aad all dlaae wltk powerfal Cblaaea -
root, bertai, bnd, fcarks sod vtab- thai
re entirely snknoars te siedlesl neac la thla
oantrr. aad tbrangk the se at tfeaee karnleaf ' "
remedies ba gasrssteae te ear catarrh, asthna, '
hg trochlea, fbaonutiaai. sarvensBeaa, atom a pa,
liter, kMnar, female troablae and all print-''"
dleeaas. ' '.
Tkl ft mom onetne cere wlrhoet tb a 14
ef the knife, wlttinnt estns vnlano ar grata.
Flnndrada nf teaflmonlal ee sle at hi efseas.
Call aa Mm Oiarees siadfaat.- -
f -t,-?.r'epHimtTio m. ''"""
rMest 'eot 'of the city writs fnr blanks
ad rlrrulsr. Isclose 4 aUsip. address Tha
O. Om Wa Chines Maelein O,, Ma 1st ll
Mr. Marrisaa, Fartlasd, Or.
flees snUos tbl Bapaf,,,, .
. aad : cood . bad fegi
tha alght, aa tor O,
King's Baths
aevatb and Wash
Ington Ita. Plsert
and largeat katkg
( 1 .'