The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 13, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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cn::piAi;i nor;
: -s. -' ' ' "' '.' ' '-
, 'III I t .
Tell County Court That' Sixty
, Five Per Cent Valuation
: Is Too High. w r - -:
Ueier Trunk Co Lipmsn. Wolfs 1
Co, Olds. Wortmtn ft Kin Rob-
trta Bros, and McAllen 'ft McDoa-
ncll Seek Reductions.. V- ; -.
",. Heavy retailors of th city appeared
before the countjr court thla morning
asking that .: th percent valuation
fixed by th aof be reduced. ; Lat
nrfk th commissioners decided to bold
the Jobber to a. 71 per cent bal for
valuation of, their unbroken package
stock, and the retailers, carrying Block
In broken package. S per cent. Ileade
of th terse Urm givea the lower rat
ine presented arguments thia morning to
prove why . they ' were entitled to "s
greater reduction. -r- " . '
Among thoa represented wera Old.
Wortman King, Meter Frank Co,
Mpman, Wolfe a Co, Roberta Bros.,
and MrA Hen McDonnell. Theae firma
had been aeked by the county court to-
' appear , and .make atatementa regarding
their atock March 1. Tha assessment
returned for the five largest tabllsh
menta were: Meier Frank Co... lots.,
noo; Olds, Wortman a King. $337,000;
I.lpman. Wolfe a Co, I144.0V0; Roberta
Bros, 1 110.00. and McAlleit a McDon
nell. IU.000. These figures were ' de
rived br Uklng per cent of the inven
tory valuation of the stocks March 1. A
. The geuerer complaint miw Djr me
department atorea was that per cent
for broken parkagea was not In propor
tion to T per ent for unbroken atock.
W. P. Olds reaented th principal argu
ment made In thla respect. , Ha told tha
t-bmmlssionera that , th commission
charged by the jobber and th additional
chargea necessitated" when the retailer
acquired stock represented at least a
difference In valuation of i per 'cent
H. D. Rsmsdell of Lipman, -Wolf a
Co, Dan McAllen of MeAllen a Mc
Donnell and Thomas Roberta of Roberta
Bros, aeeonded thee atatementa. Jullua
Meier of Melr a Frank company bald
that hla firm' had been aaaesaed out of
proportion t th assessment of tha
other department atorea.'
Judge Webster particularly asked th
department store men If th figures of
th. aasasaor. really ropr cnted InWjfis,
tory valuations March 1. Each manager
stated' that-tf did, wltft the exception
of Mr. Meier, whose firm had not aub
mlttad a statement The store men ex
pUlasd that .March 1 their stock was
at th lowest point for tu entire-year.
Tha commissioners win decide aome
time today or, tomorrow what- shall be
established aa basis of valuation. Th
.argnmenta of th retail following
cloe upon those of the Jobber, asking 1
rors reduction and partly .. upon th
ground of disparity between wholesale
and retail stock valuation, la con fusing.
Because of th absence of School Di
rector WlUlams from th city th board
of school 'directors may not settle th
merit aysteat question at tha meeting
tonlgfft. It hae been th dee Ire of th
hoard to have all the member present
when th matter la considered..
- Of th aunt provided by th taxpayers
a't tha annual meeting for an Increase In
th salaries of teachera. $10,000 remain
to be allotted, th distribution of th
ther I20.0UO having, been provided for
by th horisontal increae In salaries
granted last spring.
A resolution will be Introduced at th
meeting of tb board tonight to dis
tribute tha 110.000 to tba teachers Who
derv an Increase in salaries. It i"f
said that principal will receive a tlO
a month Increase and th teachers In th
High school uid grade teachers posses
sing life certificate who hare taught
lc tha crty schools for si year will be
given ti a month tnereas.
rr Ta'rsTgnienrihehatnnftrirana'D're1'
Mara I)iah ami glalsehaas era aald In
favor th resolution In .prfernee
adopting th merit system.
; Don't waste time in argu
ment, come right down to the
practical -question of - today
Overcoats for every day. holi
day and Sunday; the Chester
field is the common-sense coat
favored by the practical man.
Its the regular "standby".
the kind one -can hardly ' do
... . A ft
witnoui y xvr special. z ,
Look at our window tomor
rowsee the varieties in this
style. , .. ';. .;
V If this kind don't suit your
present wants, we know we
have a kind that will.
Gus Ai!fm-Prc
O tetter fer tn and oya.
1M a4 ! Third
laV, V H ..l'l'v.
orE point
Swamper Can Ba in .Saloon
, After One o'Clock In tha
-X ; ' Morning. ' n ? "
police Took Him Literally," Though,
' and1 Arretted Men Who - Wert
J-Scrubbing Reaorts in North" End"In
I Early MoniintjV It
Pol In Judge Cameron drew' attention
thla morning to a misleading atatement
published relative to a decision de
unred bv him regarding th violation
of th ordinance requiring saloons to
eloa their . doora at o ctoca tn me
morning. . ' ''
"l am quoted," said Judg Cameron,
" urlnr that I will hold any saloon-
man guilty of Violating th ordinance
If any person Is, found In nio place
after 1 o'clock'.' whether It., la shows
thaf. he was present for tha purpose of
making up cash, "swamping th plac
out or not. Th law doe not ao pro
vide and I cannot ao hold."'.." ,
Th claus OX th - ordinance appu-
cable then was read by the court.
provide that no licensed llouor-daler
shall keep his between tha
knur, nf l o'clock and i o'clock a, ra.
or during the voting hour of any elec
tion day, or "permit any person to nter
r remain therein with a purpos of
buying or drinking any vinous, spiritu
ous or malt Mtuors or beveragea."
What I said at that lime. " ronnnnw
Ah court, "wag that no eaioon-aeeper
should -as for more, than zu noura out
of every 14 In which to aell liquor, and
.kt twnm wna violated th la w de
served to ba punished' and would be if
the vldnc warranted, i can go no
farther than tha ordinance.
After making thia explanation th
court discharged from cuatody a num
ber df - men - recently arrested lor
"swamping out th saloon a or master
Bros, Frit and Erlekaon after 1 o'clock.
Fom all indications the Wills-Ben
nett box ordlnanc, providing for the
elimination of boxes ffhd booths from
all saloons In th tlty. will receive
famrahle consideration at the meeting
of th liquor license committee of the
city council thla afternoon. Nearly
every member of th committee ha
declared himself opposed to boxes In
saloons, but there la douot mat iney
will all vots for, th measure.
Councilman Wills. Masters and Wal
lace favor tha .ordinance.- Counellmen
JLnnand, Shepherd and VaughtThave hot
expressed themselves regarding - ine
measure, but It is tnougnt xnai in rar
to bring th queatlon to. an nl they
will annrove It. - One th ordlnanc re-
celvtnlihTi rrrnmmandatlnn of tre 1
mlttee. there I no doubt among wose
favoring it that It will paaa tha coun
cil nd reoelve tb approval of Mayor
Lane. ' '
Councilman Wllla will propose th
revocation- of th licenses of all saloon
men for 00 days wher convictions have
been aecured against the proprietors In
the municipal court for violating the
ordinance. He hopes-by this method
t put a atop to th unlawful practices
of th saloon men. ; .
In his ffort to leap from Patrol.
man EL Burke, wbl had placed him
under arreat on a charg of larceny
yesterday afternoon, Charles Bog gees,
aged ,S0 years, boarded a Southern Pa
cine , train on Fourth street H a
that h would be captured If he atayed
on, tha train and Jumped off and. ran
u Morrison strt.
- By grlng bis revolver in th air while
pursuing tb fugitive Burke attracted
the attention of W. Rice, who grappled
with Bog gees. He was taken to the
city prison. In th police court this
morning h showed a scratch "os his
hand and declared it waa caused by th
pollcematrr Hotter.-' Burke testified -the
h- " 'r-, .
Th case waa continued In order U
secure th attendance of th conTplaln
ant tn court. It la alleged that Bog.
gesa got a man named Stuart .drunk
In a saloon on th east aid and after
ward accompanying him to room, where
he robbed him of 120.
. Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald. In
the' police court this morning, denounced
James Randl. who, with W. Gibson,
conducts th Lexington lodging-house
st Second and Taylor streets, accusing
him of "fixing" witness whom-th
prosecution had called to prove that th
anen hsve been conducting a disorderly
house. Judge Cameron listened to Mr.
Fitcgerald's statement and Immediately
Increased the bail of Lulu Wilson and
SalUe Tomllo to $100 each. Their
former -bond wa"-furnlshd by Randle.
The prosecutor alao Informed th court
that he would How, under no condition,
put either of tb women on th atand
for th stat and instead of asking for
leniency for' themwould request tt)af
sever penalties - be Imposed after the
trials of Randl and Gibson ar eon
elude!!. . I , . '
Both women -entered pieaa or guilty
Friday. ; . '', - - f ' ' ::
Slmms a Shields, the contractors who
ar building th Northern Pacific' road
down th north bank of th Columbia
river, closed- deals thla morning for th
steamers Volga and Stranger, which will
be a Bed for . transporting material be
tween construction camps. The Volga
belonged to Joseph Supple, th ship
builder,, and haa been-used In th -local
harbor aa a tugboat Oeorge Walker
owned tha Stranger, which haa als been
engaged In th general Jobbing trad
on th Willamette. ' Each of the ea
sels haa a carrying oa pacify of about
11 Iahi - Th. . will k.
their new seen of operation In a dTT
or two.
. Praaa Stewart atUMriag. -
Th polio have been, asked to locate
Frsnk L- Htewsrt. years, who
left hie home, 7Jt Whalen street, the
night of October- :e with th intmtlon
of going to Mncoln. Oregon.. ba
not beeti beard of alnce then and his
father fear that harm, may have corn
, '. . w- ' i
METROPOLITflfl 00016,000
President 6f Ufa Insurance Company Speculated in Syndicate'
' Deals With Policy-Holdera Money and Cava Concern
.,, ':. - . - as Its Share. a Quarter of the Profits. -
(Journal Bpeclal Berrlee.)
; Msw. Tork, . Nov. .. Jl. Astonlshlnc
revelations were made before the legia
latlv Investigating committee that re
sumed Its Investigational thla rooming,'
by President John R. liegeman of tha
Metropolitan Life Insurance company,
who was recalled ' to th stand, v Th
greatest sensation was caused wher
liegeman testirteiS""thaf"r1e had" kept
personally three quartere of th profit
made In ayndlcat operation In which
th Metropolitan - Life furnished th
monev and tliat he had turnU ever a
quarter of the profit to tha Metropoli
tan a ita ahar forth us of th
money.- . ' . - ' . .
Heaeman anowea a suttemeni 01 in
financial tranaactiona of hla company
with the various brokerage firms. The
ngurea abowed that . large rebatea had
been allowed, by Jh company, on lnter-
eat on personal accounts. He waa then
Councilman Rushlight .Plans to
Relieve Traffic Congestion .'
. - by City Ordinance. . -: ,
Councilman Rushlight la preparing an
ordinance making ' it a misdemeanor,
punishable by. fine, for a etreet railway
company to collect fare from -passengers
required to atand in a car because
of -lack of seats. ' He has' been investi
gating th matter and after cor.ferenc
With th city attorney haa reached the
conclusion that-such an ordlnanc would
be constitutional. - '
Thla ordinance will b for th purpose
f forcing th streetcar companiea to
furnish . sufficient - transportation Xacll
Itlea to prevent the crowding of care.
If no farea ar collected for pereona
standing, he is of the opinion that the
company would gladly put on additional
"The idea la all right, but there la
some doubt that th proposed ordinance
would better conditions." aald a city of
ficial today. "If a car started from a
suburban point for the city, all the seats
might ba oeeupledjSRefor th car had
gon a dosen blocks. Th car would then
apeed toward tha city. leaving people
waiting at every' street corner, xne
railway company could not be forced to
take, on pasaengera. when there la- no
roojn ror them, under th provisions of
tba proposed . ordinance. On thing 1
eertaln. I would rather-atand-rnp-twr-th
car than wait for 10 -or te minute on a
street comer when. X am. In ahurry to
reach my office, i
"Th ordinance might fore th cor
might not In th former case th
.measure would be of: great: benefit. In
th latter a greater atorm of protest
than ever would go up from people re
siding along tha railway lines." ,
. "Oregon Bcautlea" ia th phras under
a picture of a beautiful woman on the
cover page of an elaborate itinerary
published by th Southern Pacific pas
senger department for 'th Portland
business men's excursion to southern
Oregon. ' Th description does not ap
ply to th Hat of 04 business man whose
namea ar given on an Inside page, but
to th bunch of roses th. woman bold
In her hand. Th contents and printing
of th Itinerary ar admirable
The excursion will leave Portland to
morrow irnoon and return Friday even
ing. Stops will b made at 64 places.
Buslnesa men of town all along the
route are. breoarlnc cordial receptions,
Th excursionists will d greeted with
bras baada, committees, and in various
ways' made to feel that- they ar wel
come. They will -b entertained with
carriage rides, . aocial receptions and
dinners, and In turn they will entertain
i hondrcda cjtlxensonthelrjecla!
tlie most BiuLuaefiil sweet el the. kin)
in the history of the stat. Many let
tera and special Invitations ar received
at th Commercial club from business
men between Portland and th Califor
nia line, tendering entertainment, and
aaklng for exact hours of arrival and
departure of th train.r-"
Fir waa discovered at a residence
at 845 Union avenue at. noon today. . It
was preaumably of Incendiary origin, aa
ther waa nobody In the house at th
time and tha ilremen found a hand
kerchief, eome kindling wool and rub
bish pilsd on the front porch. On the
report of District Chief liolden, who be
lieves it ws Incendiary, the Are com
missioners are making a rigid investi
gation. . ' .'
R. Schmld pleaded guilty to a charg
of keeping bis saloon open after - 1
o'clock in th morning and waa fined
123 today. He waa arrested by patrol
man Oustafaon. ,. ' ' '
Th sams plea was entered to a sun
liar charg agalnat A. l Llcco. arreet'il
by Pdtrolman Parker. -Aa thla la not
D Cicoo'a first offense, Judg Cameron
postponed his sentence until tomorrow
in order to msk an Investlgatloa of th
circumstances. -
' - . w
- Jevraal Haedal Service. 4
. New York, Nov. II. Th
grand ' Jury thi afternoon re
turned eight indictment for
Illegal voting. Six of those, in
dieted were arrested on election
day. Warrant hv been Issued
for other. It I understood fhe
jury has ordered other indlct-
ments drawn.
Those arreeted ar John Kroup,
Albert rarer! Thomas P. Grady,
John P. .Foley, alias Mead,
Thomas P. Brrnnan and Thomas
Hull, i It la reported that Kroup
4 .has ooflfepsed, Implicating on
signer up.
48,500 PflO.IIS.
Questioned-" at length by Attorney
llurhea '-regarding ayndlcat trana
actiona. "
t Hegeman testlfled that he had mad a
total prone r -. on synaicat
opcratlona in which th Metropoliun
furnished the money. Ovr l,00-waa
turned Into th treasury a the Metro
nolltan'a ahar of tha profit a of syndl-
enta-Tiijerathmw ln"-whleh-.h-oompanp
partlclpatedtTh rest he kept as per-.
aonal profit.-but did not. reel any Im
propriety In retaining it " - -
John A. MeCali, preaident of th New
Tork Life, was recalled and naked th
address of Andrew Hamilton. He aald
that ha bad heard that Hamilton waa ill
either In London or Farm Mocall prom
ised to cable Hamilton to come horn,
or if unable, to rush an .accounting of
h 170,000 which amount waa given
Hamilton with th otner quarter million
unaccounted for. - , . ' ' ' , .""
Interesting . Program Arranged
- for Sessions of Multnomah )
v ; , County Meeting. : ' -
! The Multnomah county Bunday school
convention began Ue sessions at the
Grace Methodist church thla afternoon.
A number of deleirat wr . present
from various points of th county rep
resenting all denominations. Rev. W.
d. Merrltt ia th out-of-towa apeaker on
th program, and Mrs. Merrltt. also a
prominent. Sunday achool workr, .will
conduct on of th round-table confer
ence. E. 8. Miller will have charg of
th congregational singing and special
choir work vry venlng, Th program
followa: ' .'
Monday t p. m., aong and prayer;
I:':o p. m., organisation; 1:30 p. m.. de
votional Bible study hour, "Th Master
Teacher . Teaching to Win th . Sinner,"
John lv:7-2. Rev. H. C. Schaffer; S p.
m., rollcall of Sunday schools; t:S0 p. nu.
"A Training Claaa for Futur Teachera,"
Re. 4. Pr Condor; p. m., discussion;
:1a p. m. report oi commie on nomi
nations; 7:J0 p. m., aong and prayer;
T:50 p. m.. address, "Reaching th Boys,"
H.-W. Stone; 8:20 p. tn.. solo, Mr a. K. B.
Miller; 1:30 p. m., add rasa, "Our Inspi
ration In Working for th Toung," Rr.
W. C. Merrltt. " ' '
Tuesday a. m aong and prayer; r
m., devotional BlblTrrnd7 "hour,
Th - Master Teacher - Teaching th
Wortfe of tb Wayward Boy," Luke gv:
11-14. Rev. Howard Smith; 1:69 a. m.
a atudy, "What W Should Know About
Our PupilaiMtav-WCVMrr4U5-10ia.
m., discussion; io:zo a. m., next- sun'
day'e lessoa ' taught, Nekemlan f
Prayer." Nh. 1:1-11. Dr.- ciarnc T.
Wlleon: tl: a. ' m.,J round-table : conferi
ence, ' "Th Sunday - School Superintend
ent," led by Rv. W. C. Merritf, J p. m
song and prayer; 1:15 p. m., devotional
Bible atudy hour, "Th Master Teacher
Teaching to Pray," Luke zl: 11-1L. Rev.
I J. F. Qhormley; 2 At p. m.. "Holding th
rskAl.. In tha Oioluutl " fir H T. ttAf
I p. m.f discussion; 1:18 p. m., winning
th llttl ones through: (1) "Vradle
Roll." Mrs. C. M. Klgglns, (2) "Begin
ners." Mrs. C. A. Mordn.: (I) -"Prima,
rles," Miss Ada Bell Brown; 4:1S p. m
"Teaching to Win," Rer. W. C. Merrltt;
4:46 p. m., bualness; lao p. m.. song and
prayer; 70 p. . nf.. address, "The Book
W Us." Ur.' Edwin U House; 1:19 p.
m.. solo. Mrs. C. O. Royle; 1:30 p. m.,
"Organised to Win," Rv. W. C Merrltt
tSpedel rxanateh V The JoanxLI
Baker City, Or, Nor. 11. Th
known person who ha been rifling in
dividual mall boxes In thia city atlll
peralat in hla operations despite th
efforts of the police and secret service
man to prevent him and effect a cap-
inside an Iron pip in front of th offlr
containing check amounting to 3S for
merchant In thla city. Another letter
containing a check for 1500 waa found
today in the rear of the Baker Light a
Power eompenjre office. -.
T data nearly IMOO worth of checks
have been- foimd on th street, taken
from the . postofllc. Suspicion points
to a. 14-year-old youth, but as yet thr
Is no incriminating evidence . against
him, .4, . - ,.
- (Jeers)' Special service.)
Honolulu, Nor. IS. -United States
Marahal Hendry returned from Maul
on the steamer Llketlk today, having
in custody O. L. Brokaw of Spokane,
who I under indictment by th federal
grand Jury In Washington stat for land
frauds. Tb prisoner was taken to
Oahu prison.. .After a preliminary hear
ing It 1 expected that Brokaw will be
returned to Spokane. Brokaw gave him
self up to the aherlff of Maul, , ,
ttnedal DametHi to The Jearaal.)
Ban Francisco, Nov. 1J.- A a result
of a collision between the gasoline
schooner Nonpareil and th lighthouse
tender., Madron oft Paclflo street wharf
at 7:19 o olock tnia morning uecK Hand
John Boer of th Nonpareil waa
drowned. Captain Murphy aerioualy in
jured and . tha Nonpareil badly . dam
aged. . -.
(Jearsal Seeetol serrlee.t
New Tork. Nov. It. Harry A. Leon
ard, th office boy who etole II6J.000
worth of securities by a forged check,
pleaded guilty to forgery 4a the second
decree and waa sentenced to an' Inde
terminate eentence ia th reformatory
today.. . . v : : "
Morrl Hatha rreceVJ
. .... Uqorjitl Special Sertke.) I
.. rtnston, Nov.. 13. Morris Nathan wes
leles'sad today and freed from- alt lekal
censure in connection with the murder
Traffio Manager of the Northern
, Pacific Telle-of Growth of
Railroad Business,,
Beat Evidence Yet Brought Out Be
' fore Railroad Commlaaion Shown
y'Bookf-TDf -Car-Serrice Aiaocia-
- (ipeelal Dlspatek fit Ta Jearaal.)
' Colfax, Waah.,' Nov. I J. Better prog
fees la being mad in railroad Investi
gation today, four wltnessea being ex
amined at th afternoon session. Henry
Blakeley, traffic manager of the North
ern Paclflo at Tacoma, who occupied th
stand all day Saturday, waa th most Ira
portant witness. He declared that rail
road rates in Washington should, be
ralaed rather than . lowered, but ad
mitted that th net Income of. the North
ern Paclflo waa more than 11.000,000
greater thla year than last, and that the
Northern Paclflo la working all ita own
and other large carahopa . in eastern
states to their fullest capacity, but is
unabl to keep up with. th continued
increase .of business on Ita lines and
ta auffrlng from oar shortage.
E. C Fleming, agent ureat Northern.
Spokane; Qeorgo Adams. - chief clerk
Great Northern freight office; F. R.
Hanlon, commtaaloner Paclflo North
west Car Service association, alao testi
fied on unimportant details. , Hanlon in
troduced tha book of rules of hla asso
ciation and th Master Car Builders'
association. Which shows that all roads
of th northwest have contract for
Joint buslnesa and exchange of cars.
Commissioner McMillan declare that
thla ia the -beat evidence brought out
before the commission. Railroads can
not claim it I a hardship for th com
mission to compel them to do what they
voluntarily contracted . among them
selves to do. .
Th commlaaion hopes -te finish th
session thla evening. V
; '' ""'. ' ' -V'"' " '
J. H. Smith Did Grading for
Northern Pacific and South
ern Pacific Roads.. ,
J. H. Smith, a pioneer railroad con
tractor. died yesterday-In California.
wher he was ngaged 4n- oonatntetlon
work for th Wstrn Pacific, He waa
about it years of ager-snd leve-
wJdow and one. ehUd..- j
For yar or. mora Mr. smttn naa
been prominent contractor on raQroad
work. -In- th .pacific , noftuwest., h
came, to the coast a quarter tt a cen
tury ago. and participated in th build
ing of a, number of the Pacific rada.
Th firm of Hal Smith took contract
for 'grading on th Union Pacific, and
also the Northern Psciflc. ' About -10
years .s go the firm dissolved, and Mr.
Smith mad new alliances. He finished
th grading work on th interurban
electric-between Seattle and Tgcoma,
built th St John cut-off of th O. R.
N and other roads. Th Paclfte Con
struction company, of which ha was a
member, built the Echo cut-off and th
Condon branch of the O. R. N.
For the past year h was engaged in
Irrigation work In Nevada. A few weeka
ago he went with Frank Huaon to Ban
Francisco to begin work on tn western
Paclfie, th firm having aecured a
larae aradlnc contract irom in uouia
system. H waa taken 111 and lived only
a few dava.
Mr. Smith waa twice married. During
tha life of hie first wife h waa pros
perous financially, and built a mansion
on th top or Mount Tabor.' Reverses
came, and h lost most of his property
H wss a man of untiring Industry, and
a shrewd contractor, whose Judgment of
men and th cost of work could be re-
(Jearaal Sseetal Servles.)
1 Washington. Nov. 11. Th supreme
court today upheld, a peculiar Ohio law
which permits any resident of tha stat
to recover money lost at gambling re
gardless by whom it Is lost. . A woman
brought suit agalnat the owner of a
building tn which the money waa loat
and a lien agalnat the building created
by th stat law waa declared valid by
the highest court today.- ,
- - ; v .,
. (gpeelat Dl.patrb te The Joornal.) ' '
Vancouvsr. H, C Nor. 13. W. Jack
son, a mining engineer, ang wlf drank
poison with suicidal intent whll eating
dinner on - Sunday. Jackson Ja dead
and the - wife' condition la serious.
From what can he sacertalned Jackson
planned with hi wlf to commit am-
elde. ' They mixed th poison In a hot-
tie of beer and then drank the content:
. j,
. . (Jooraal Special Service.)
Vienna,- Nov. 13. King Alfonso ar
rived her today from Potsdam. Em
peror Frana Josef and .high official
met him at tha atatlon and drove to the
palace through-, lines of troop along
gaily decorated streets. -.
-L';'1 Oraf Waldre Floated?"?"
New Tork, Nov. It. Th liner Oraf
Waldersee, which grounded Saturday
off 1 Brooklvn. after atartlng for Ham-
burg, wae floated thla morning. :
Journal Special Service. 4)
StocVholm, Nov. II. Seven- 4
4 leen Jewa. refugee, hav ar-- 4
4 . rived from . Ruaala with 110.. . e
4 OOO.ftflO in cash. They fled to
4 escape threatened ,erecutton. 4
4 ' 4
f rS'"
. (f;-', I;, '-.'. f .
i'infl' Wl
i?w. nl TSfTTw
HUblcni UUU11UUU A3 - TecGi Streets
One of the (Authors of 'Seattle
Real Estate Frauds Believed h
' to Be in Prison.
(Spsdal OUpstch to The JooroaU f
Seattle. Wash,- Nov. 11. On of th
author of tha local real estate fraud,
Which are growing every day and foot
up hundreds of thousanda. Is now be
lieved to be in the county Jail under tha
name of Bert Connor. Two month ago
Connor, through a broker, W,' P. Mc
Quillan of Seattle, purchased the Grand
hotel . from Mra. Sarah. Orlngua for
13,000, paying 1260 down and giving a
mortgage on 121 acre of land in Lincoln
county, signed , by th Unlverlty-of
Odeaaa. and . a.: deed! to .. ISO acrea . In
Mecosta countv ia security. He im-I
medtatery piacea tn property witn a
broker tor salefor
Next day he got drunk and informed
guest of th hotel that -be had mad
barrel of money-' out - of - ignorant
Swedea. Th man Informed i&g-jGring-
us, who atartad a -detective at work onJ
her own account, resulting in tn dis
covery that th mortgag andilaed given
her were bogus. Connor wae . then ar-
reated. -
Before being -taken- Into on tody he
pnrchaaed th hotel of Mr. N. Jensen
of Olive street for 14,(00. giving her
a deed to land In Fentress county. Ten
nessee, and a conditional deed-, signed
by C. D. Hlllman of Seattle aa security
for the money until paid. - Th Hlllman
property Instead of being worth what it
waa said ta be. was not worth mora than
ISO and th Tenneaeee deed 1 believed
to be forged. The day following th
purchase from Mre. Jensen he eold her
property for f too and had blown it in
when arrested.
This aftemdl officers expect to have
four more complaint against Connor
wherein he I charged with defrauding
four men In Seattle In a almilar man.
ner. He will hav a hearing tomorrow
Bjftte Mont.. Wov-l. Bl'ly Semper,
I a , gamoie., w buu. w j
Wnother gambler. In tha Turf gambling-
rooms at Anaconda "tnis morning, i n
bulleTntrd th Jaw. waa deflected by
a gold dental plat and Semper, spit it
out. H lay under th tab) feigning
death until hla assailant left. A phy
sician aays 'it would have entered the
brain if it had not been for the false
teeth. He la not seriously injured.
. (Journal Special Serrlee.t '"
Washington, Nov. 1J-A demurref
waa filed today, in the District of Co
lumbia upram ourt.o ndlctmonts
kgalhat John A."T9ensn, fh California
millionaire charged with bribery In con
nection with, land fraud case, and I
th conspiracy cas with Frederick H
Hyde; Henry P. Diamond and J.. H.
Bchnelder, Jolntlylndlcted for defrauding
th government out of California and
Oregon lands. Th demurrer states that
several count of th indictment are bad
in aubetanc. s
(Rpeclal Dfaipatfh' te Tbe Journal.)
- Seattle, Waah.,- Nov.. U. On her trip
south from Nome the eteamer Corwln
while In mldocean struck ' an Iceberg,
which caused her to spring a leak. The
pumpa were kept going until her arri
val here. She will go to tha Moran dry
docks thia) afternoon for Inspection and
repair. , ".
-.. " (Sperlal DUpatck 1 The loaraal.)
Aftorla, Or., Nov. II. No further par
ticular hav been received,. from the
steamer reported In distress Iff Tilla
mook, yesterday. Shipping men her
ar Ignorant aa to th fart and .th re
port seem to be unfounded.
, .- , , . . i .
aTerthera Seearltlee lectlem. ,
' (Josrnal Special Service.) . V -.
New Tork, Nov, 13. Northern Securi
ties stockholder elected today to serve
for throe year th following directors:
James J. Hill. 0orge F. Baker, Oeorge
W. rerkirm, Nicholas T. K. Hunt, James
N. Hill, th latter to succeed th late
. ..HLl2 . . :
Fat - ,
. ;PCC2:u03v.-
' We are submitting, to you is
as plain as daylight, easily un-
derstood and appreciated by
thousands: Our Clothing De
partment, regelated by oup
most- perfect credit system,
gives you the privilege to se
lect anything in the lines of
- Suits, Cvcrccttsi
cni Cravcccltcs
J To pay a fraction of amount at
time of purchase, and the bal-
; -v ance at .'.v
$1 a Week
Journal Cat This Out
(Joed for $1.25 ca Pcrchsse
'. y. of Overcost ,
Ce4 bmU Juurjr ta. WW .
Eastern Ontffttlng Co,
- eW . - lVisIalastoa and
Calls In New" York Reach Twenty-Six
Per Cent and Flue- .
7 ,tuations Are Heavy. '
- ' (Jovraal Special Service.) ' .
"NwTork. Nov. II. (Secretary of th
Treasury Lesll M. Shaw today author- ,
Ised the atatement that he will not go
to th relief of the saoney market tint II -he
la convinced that business Interests...
ar likely to suffer. Bhoujd any bust
ns concern be denied deserved credit
at reasonable rates, the secretary say a
h wants to know iha facts..
Th Inauranc Investigation la hav-'
ing a very weakening effect upon values
In tn atock markti- Upon-th rectpt-"
of Shaw's atatement money, rates went
as high aa Jt per cent today, although
th ctosing was at pf cent Th pools
worked hard to keep the price rrom alio,
ing off too far. Th strength in Ten.
esse Coal waa remarkable, as was th -trading1-
in.. Heeding. Lecontotlve and
Railway Springs. The general market - '
la fully ) Vt point lower at the cloae of
today's session. - . .
(Joornal Bpeclal Service.) .
Denref. Col,. NoytH. Dreeeed Jp.the.V
height of fashion, tall, dark and hand-
aome. Arthur S. Hyman appeared In th
criminal court thla morning to plead to
a eharga of forgery, : after paying the
sheriffs' expenee to California. . the 1
coat of th suit, and refunding ' the
money h was charged with haVIng ae? .
cured on a forged check, Hyman wa 4
allowed to go free.'. He had signed the
nam of Hyman Berg Ca of Chicago
to a check on a Denver bank. ,H waa
arrested later tn San Francisco and
after apendlng two weeka In Jail her
appealed ' to hie father. It coat bin) ,
. (SpetiaJJWtcttck t tte Jegraal.) ,
Pendleton, Or.,-Nov. 11. Dr. Robert
Warner, paator of the Methodist Bpls- '
copal church of thia city for the past
five years, waa stricken with paralyala
t Hla horn in thla city yesterday and
waa unabl to enter th pulpit . He wa
taking an actrv part In th new church
project her. . It suoosss greatly de
pends on his condition. Th right side .
f his face la totally paralysed and his
ltmba seem affected. Th seriousness '
ef hi condition t not yet known.
1 IOndon, '' No. 1 1. King ' Oebrg of
Oreece. accompanied . by Princ and
Prlncasa Nicholas of Oreece, arrived thl
afternoon on a visit 'to his brother-in-law.
King-Edward. He crossed the chan
nel in Edward'a royal yacht, accompan
ied by a squsdron of British warships.
He was met at Portsmouth by Prince
Arthur and escorted to Windsor. .
....... j . t , , , j j. ,., . ,-n-'-
-; (Jooraal Special' Servlee. ' ' ': - i-
Lawton,-Ov T.. J."ov. 11 Pos this
morning ar searching for th negro
who last night shot sn kllledl Mrs. H. ."
Stedmsn. wife of the Rock Island agent
at Eblnger, while tha negro and hla
confederate wor robbing the station. -
ynjdrsd at Stallx. r '.,;'".
(Special Dltoatdk t The Jooraal.) -, 1
' Helix, Or., Nov. i--ri- M. Hopkins,
man about 20 yenrrs Bt age, whll at-
tempting to oard th' train' for Petidle-
ton atfhla place, today, fell .and waa'
seriously Injured 'Internally. .He was .
takan on to Pendleton, wher h Is now .1
under a phyaloian's csre and tha serl- ,
ousness of hla 'condition Is not yet
known. Hla parents reside In th east .
and he has been making-. hla horn In
Pendleton for some month. .
..V - 1 . "...
Fnaeral of Mrs. Saatlafton. ' r .
(Special Dtepatcb te Tke Jearaal.) . ';
' La Grande, Or., Nov. 11. Mra. A. &
Huntington, on of th earliest pioneer
of Union county, and a resident of this
city for 13 years, was burled In this
eltV yesterdsy. having died In Port Ian 4
frlday, wher ah was operated on rarly
In. the week. . Her huabaiid. A. C Hunt
Ington, was one of (he pioneer mer
chants, and her daughter Kdlth la the,
wife of oorge H. Curry, editor of tk
La Orsnde Observer. - , f
4.4 4 PI Susan uenry