THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 13, ISO?. 2r. COTDIICII LONGER, SAYS FULTON ; Senator Says President Has Promised JoWWAppoirvU " ment in aShort Timer ;. ABANDONING UMATILLA PLAN WAS AN OUTRAGE 'Senator Favors Roosevelt's Railroad Rata Legislation Ideas Bat Also i .Would Give Court Power to Es tablish Reasonable 'Charges. :-, ; M "P im onndent that" the president f will appoint Cnltea Btaics n Judge for. Oregon oae after 1 reaoh Washington." Mid " Senator Fulton this taoralns. - "That- was the -understand- : Ins at our last lntor-te. . I cannot say ' whom Ui president will) select, but I feel sure that the matter will. be set r tied soon. I- . h ' ' " "' " - Senator Fulton will leav fof Wash '"' ington next Wednesday mornleg and ax- - f pecta to arrive one week from today. It i will . be seven -or eight months before v he again vlalts Oregon. When naked 1 aa to other vacant federal office In this I state, he aald: . ' '' - ' -' " ' - "I have ,heard nothing further as to i- the Roseburg land office. -. President . Roosevelt directed Secretary Hitchcock ' to give me written statement of 111 objections to Mr. Hegardt, whom I f recommended for receiver at Roseburg, ' i but ss yet I have received no communi . cation from the secretary on -the sub 'Jeet. But "whatever differences may "arise aa to this appointment will In n . way affect or delay the selection of a district judge. W - ." ' '- -'.r . , - - . 7 ITadeelaee M to Marshal." ' viT)f course a United Statea marshal ' for Oregon must be appointed at this session of congress. The appointment i of C J. Beed waa merely a recesa ap . The president undoubtedly '.'will send In a nomination early In the aeaaion. I have not yet determine whom I shall support for the office." Senator Fulton criticises aeverely the ' policy that hat been adopted by Becre : tary . Hitchcock in the matter of gov ernment Irrigation brojecte in Oregon. "These, projects should - bo- carried through to completion. It is an outrage that the Umatilla scheme should be abandoned after the. government engl " neers hare declared It to 'ha feasible. The cost would j be trivial compared with the benefits that would result I . shall see the secretary about the mat- ter as soon aa 1 reach Washington, but If a decision has been reached. I do not t know that I shall be able to do any thing. -v--'-:'rv----f - . ' :'v Tn Seal Bate mpervtalom. Senator FuHon baa -decided views on - the aubJecCof railroad rate legislation, the lasue which Is expected to be of t absorbing Importance at the coming , session of congress. In come respects ' he would go even farther than President ' Roosevelt. In discussing the subject. t he senator- tdr - " "" am of the opinion' that the inter .' state commerce commission should be granted power to inquire into the rea : sonableneas of a rate, on' complain be ' Ing made. and,. If It finds the rata un reasonable, to fix the maximum '-rate -' that may be charged for 'the service. ' The rate -fixed - trjrthw commission should go into effect Immediately snd should continue until set aside by the '. court on appeal. That Tln substtnee i the position, I understand, of President V. Roosevelt, but I would maty this sddi ' tlonal provision: - t . ; , , "In case the court finds that the rate , established by the commission Is un " reasonably low. I think that the court, t Instead of simply annulling the rate, -' should be authorlMd to determine what '- Is a reasonable rate, and then it should :' have power either to. enrorco this rate by decree or to refer it back to the com mission with Instructions to put It in " force. Of course I know It Is con Mended by many that the courts cannot be empowered to establish a rate, as that. It is held. Is a legislative and not judicial power. I do not agree with ' that contention, for In my judgment when cause Is at lasue before the court on appeal from the commission, or even If brought there by Injunction proceed , ' inrs. It hernmrs Inrlimhent nn tha sonrt - to ascertain . whether tha r,f , VI im .- reasonable or unreasonable, and that lrv , volves the necessity of ascertaining what the reasonable rate. , ' .-'. Weald Prekiblt MttM Oars. . -' "It Is contended by some students of - the constitution that while tha court ..might be empowered to ascertain tha reasonable rate for a service already -performed, yet when It attempts to de Itermlne the rate" Tor future service It , Is assuming a legislative function which .'It la without authority to exercise. While J do not wholly agree with this - contention, the objection could be over coma by requiring the interstate com- mission to adopt such rate aa the court baa declared to be reasonable. '.. '1 also think that the so-called prl- - -vate car system, such as the) Armour . .refrigerating line which la no worse .than many othera. but I use It as an il lustrationshould be prohlblted.t.nd every railroad should be compelled to -aupply all necessary facilities to the jmblic. It seems to me unjust that a company like Armour's, which either of Itself - through kindred organisations la engaged In -trafficking In articles of Interstate commerce by means of spe - rialy equipped cars, should be "put in a position where It can llr rates for Its competitors as well aa Itaelf. It Is a , reasonable conclusion that the company having snch an arrangement will not . Itself auffer.S ., . i , , . , ., . r CHRISTMAS IN MEXICO.- Special Vuihaaa ' Bzearaloa Train vis . Boatbera raelae msllroaa. ; - - On December 1 a. special excursion train will leave Ban Francisco via the Southern Paclna for the City of Mexico Ixw ratea have been made for points -on tha Southern Pacific in Ortson. Par. tlcularn by asking any Southern Pacific agent Of Writing A. L. Craig, general passenger asenv-Tortlana. Oregon. r-r.---.-aaiarei:tx Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip ,. Honolulu, HawaiUa lalaada ' . Z ot tor,'... This coupon must be voted IS HELD (Conttrreed from Page On.) There la a strong faction which advo cates not only the exclusion of Chinese labor, buT also of Japanese. Korean nnd others, snd It Is -expected that an ex tension of the existing -exclusion lawa will be strongly advocate As to Ku ropean. Immigration it wilt be probably recommended to order educational tests and a poll tax. Other -important mat ters which will bs given . considers bis attention are- the- question of a univer sal eight-hour day, child labor, sweat chops and federal Injunctions. - Among the' entertainment features of the convention Will be a banquet for tht delegates and' a trip In a special train over the great ; terminal circuit about this city, which has become famous dur ing the past year by the great number of noted societies and Individuals who. have inspected . the .. tonnage-producing dis trict and' the method Of handling the traffic,-1. J . ; J V i , ; ....r .'.. i Oomper' Annual Addresa. . It A Oom per -said, in parts As time goes on, more and more Is expected from the deliberations and. re sults of our work; heavier and greater become the responsibilities which ret upon us; more and mora do the toll ing masses look to you yearning. and praying that their hopes for relief, for right and lor justice may oe Tuny realised. ' The labor movement represents In concrete form the discontent of the masses of labor with the unjuot burdens they are compelled to bear; and though we must all be more concerned In those who participate with-ns in the duties and responsiMltles of our movement, as well asvthe advantages accruing from our associated effort, let we dare not and do not fall to appreciate our duty to our fellow workers, even though they manifest Indifference to their own wel fare and the welfare of their fellowa To the American Federation of Iabor Is conceded the hegemony of the Amer ican labor movement We must prove true to our trust, true to the confidence, the hops and the faith reposed.. In us. aVabor, tndastry, rinanoe. : ' If the hosts' of organised labor per I alstently pursue the policy of resistance to wage cutting; if we shall continue to press onward our movement to become continually larger sharers in the product of our labor; If we but prove true to ourselves and to each other, we shall continually gain the confidence, the re spect, the cooperation of the fairer minded and mora Intelligent employers, confound the old conceptions of political economy, establish a new philosophy of life, labor. Industry and humanity, put to rout the seers of calamity and prove their predictions to bs false prophecies. Already It Is discerned that finance has been largely dethroned from Its all- controlling power over lahat and. Indus try. Up to a decade ago. If .exposures had been made as have been made In the recent past, of peculation as . welf a speculation and of the corrupting In fiuencs of "high ' finance," a financial panic. Involving an industrial, crisis and stagnation, with all its attendant evils. would undoubtedly have been inevitable. The tlme,la happily passing when pure I ly speculative, -C nance can bold the doml- WUb more compact organisation of la bor, with more enlightened employers, finance Is tailing and will take its proper plaoe and perform its proper functions, thst of serving the purpose of real in dustry and trade, of .being a real mess ure of value. A. medium of exchange! Thus the relative position of Importance Is being transposed, and Industry and commerce are coming to. control and regulate finance. ' . . i . - ., aiffht-Kon Workday. There la no field of sctlon upon which If we concentrate our greatest activity there wilt result so great advantages td all. with the least possible Injury td any, as the movement to reduce the hours of daily labor, the establishment of a normal workday of eight hours. From the inception of our federation we have voiced the demand of labor for shorter workday. In 1884 w called upon and urged all labor to endeavor to establish the eight-hour -workday, if possible, by agreement with the em ployers. Ws have been helpful to many crafts In establishing the elght-houi dan the hums ef toll far all hare beta- reduoed. ' - : , With the wonderful Improvement -In machinery and tha application of steam and electric power, our workers are pro ducing " wealth surpassing even the Imagination, much less the expectation, of a decade or two ago. Living in a land fertile and bountiful as ours, with its Ingenious and Indus trious people, there can not be sny good reaaon aaalgned why in our day the tollers should be expected or required to give to labor mors tban sight hours In a day. Trade 'Union Bohools. Education la regarded by sll as the es sential to progress and success, and this fact is equally applicable to the trad union movement Much has been said and done regarding th trade unions and trade union movement It. Is, neverthe less, true that there Is not as wlds or general a knowledge and understanding of ths history, the struggles, tbs metn ods and th work of our movement ss should be. The misinformation upon trade union life, activity, and purposes li still too genersl and profound. And to this Is largely du ths unfair criti cism and opposition of opponents, as well as the inability of a number of our trade unionists often to defend them selves, th organisations - with which they are connected, and .th faith that Is within them. Their confidence In and their judgment of trade union work and objects ' Is, therefor,' sometimes weakened or perverted, and they become easy victims to antagonists or sophists; ,.I would recommend that our central bodies establish In their respective lo calities trade union schools where at least the elementary principles of the trade union movement may be taught; where a correct understanding of trade union history, - struggles snd achieve ments my be demonstrated and im pressed upon students. The Western Federation of Miners bas , on or-before November 20, 1195. :zisxzzz:2zz3z. not alone been ungrateful to th trade unions Slid the American Federation of Labor, but Ita orncera navo laxen tne poaitlon of 'bitter hostility toward us. From the then meaner funds the Bos ton convention, ss an expression of good will, appropriated ll.Ou.0. sod luter. by authority of the executive council, drafted and Issued an appeal to all the trade unions, trade unionists and friends, throuxhout th country, for financial as slstanoe to be transmitted directly ' to Secretary Moyer. - .Civil rights and constitutional guaran tees were trampled under foot by the state authorities of Colorado. We felt a realising sense thst It was our duty to render every moral ana financial alstance -within our power, not only that the wrong. Injury and injustice, com plained of might be righted, but that atlll -further action should be taken-to prevent a recurrence) of such infamous tyranny and Invasion of the lawful and human rights or i;oioraao a people as waa -experienced by and meted out to members of th Western Federation of Miners.; .v.'-...!'-.--..' ' .'......L. Tcata- Bzolasioa. '.' ' Perhaps one of the most momentous questions which will confront ths American people, and of which this con ventlon must take cognisance and .deal with earnestly. Intelligently and em phatically, is the campaign Inaugurated In several quarters for what la called a modification of ths law excluding Chin ese from entry Into the 1'nited Statea or Its possessions. Within the paat year manlreat errorta nave oean maa in mis direction, particularly Inaugurated and stimulated by - antagonistic employers snd some of their sseoclatlons, . . Information of an authentlo charac ter and from varloua sources has been communicated to our office showing that a carefully devised policy has been agreed upon and Is being carried out Labor's antagonists realize ths fact that American public opinion and sentiment re fully expressed : In the existing Chinese exclusion law. Ws make no pretense that the ex clusion of Chinese can be defended upon a high Ideal, ethical ground, but We In-, aist that It Is our essential duty to maintain and preserve our physical con dltion and standard of life and civilisa tion, and thus to assure us ths oppor tunity for tbs . development of our In-' tellectual and moral character. Self- preservation has always been regarded aa the first law of nature. It is a principle and a necessity from which w ought not and must not depart ' . i .-. Oaaal Oosartxnstloa, ' ' Ths Boston convention of th Ameri can Federation of Labor, recognising that our government is committed to and will undertake the construction of the Panama cansl connecting ths Atlan tic and Paclflo oceans, that it is one of ths most important public works ever assumed by any nation; that It Is de signed to be American, not only In con struction, but In ownership and control. declared that there are hundreds ' or thousands of workmen and laborers In America adapted In every way. to the class of work necessary In construct ing ths canal, and urged that our own people be employed thereon. - - NO on underestimates th difficulties involved ' in the construction of the Panama canal; there can be bnt few Who dissent- from .-th claim that what th American people set for themselves as a task they do with g wilt With my colleagues and others I nave tried to be helpful to th government nd 10 ths'offfcers- -twctiarge.' so -that no unnecessary impediment bs placed In tneir path in tne perrormancr or their work, . A Vase ef Xajuctioms. -. In. view of the .continued uss or abuse 1 the Issue noe of the writ of intone tlon in labor disputes, there can be no question but that it is our bounden duty to Impress upon congress tha ne cessity of enactfng a bill which shall relieve: our fellow workers from -the Injustice which so many ara compelled to endure. .-:---'--"i--t -.--.. . i Entirely, apart from the unjust coarse pursued by th courts In issuing the In junctions of - which we complain, they csnnot but have a baneful influence unon all our people, 'not only In having their lawful .rights, on after the other: Im paired and invaded, but "because of ths consequent lack of respect for ths law and the courts, which bias and. malad ministration naturally evolve. ';'- A Worfanaa's Big-lit. There Is no act whlo- la a lawful act that a workman may do from which he should be enjoined from doing by an Injunction of a court; there Is not an act if H be an unlawful act, which a court by its injunction may enjoin for which there Is not already a law with Its provided penalty. Viewed from any point, the- Issuance of Injunctions, as we have witnessed them in our country, cannot be defended In either law or morals. There ia no desire on the part of la ir fer eslta eeiialdratroa r lanleney at th hands of the court a ' we neither reauest. nor desire immu nity for sny wrongful or unlawful act when committed by a workman. Ws have the right, however, to de mand to bs regarded and treated with absolute equality before the law. - . We must snd shall be content with nothing less. . - - DEALERS ADMIT (Continued from Pegs One.) tlonS nothing but bankruptcy stares the producer In the face. "dive thess some of their own medi cine," is ths remark made by a abort seller yesterday. "What If hops are selling In New York at 2JH cents pound.' Whst are the growers here go ing to do about it If we choose to offet them cents." ' The little folks love Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Byrup. Pleasant to take; per fectly harmlens. Positive cure - for coughs, colds, bronchitis, -asthma.' JEROME'S ASSISTANTS . BEGIN PROCEEDINGS . ' ' : ! ''':.. (Journal Special 8erl-e.) " New York. Nov. IS. District Attor ney Jerome's assistants, Saaford and Perkins, this morning instituted John Doe proceedings In the sixth, four teenth snd twenty-ninth sssembly dls trlcts In the election fraud cases. ,' The nrocSedlnss are said to result from new evidence obtained by Superinten dent of Election Morgan's men. who this morning took several witnesses to the district attorney's office. Secrecy Is betnr maintained. Tha grand Jury resumed Its .Inquiry of ths election this morning. Many witnesses were be fore It DRENCHED BODIES WITH OIL, THEN FIRED THEM v '-. - ' ' " -' '" ; v (Journal SpK-lal garaleeJ. , Dayton. Ohio.- Nov. 11. The police believe that Dr. Oliver -Haugh. who la under arrest accused of the -murder , of his parents snd his brother, drenched the bodies of his victims with Oil be fore Igniting. He is believed, to have killed them with drugs. Dr. Ilaugh, who la a victim of drug habit and has several times been con fined in as ssylum. Is accused of being Implicated in the murdnr of nine per sons. - , 4 rt-ofowoa sStoch- Cannes Crooaa. - Allen aV Le wist Best arena,- ' LAND PROJECT 111 FOliLl Eastern Bulnst -Men Favor Christian Cooperative Enter w prise. Says WaJIis Nash, - ENCOURACINQ RESULT ii of;his; eastern trip Proapect-'That V Great Coloniiation . Scheme . Will .Readily , Be Consum ; mated. Bonded by. Eastern Capital Idea Is Declared Practicable. To develop a great colonisation project under Christian auspices, with an organ Isatlon owning l.eoo.uoo acres of land, building its own railroads, model cities. and factories, and In the demonstration of .this plan spending l,eu.uou in ad vertising Oregon's resources, la the pro gram of men from consultation with whom Wallls Nash- returned yesterdsy front- New York. . -. ,. Mr. Nash- Is reticent aa to details of his business, but said the success of the effort to finance it ia assured, and that all the newa concerning th enterprise would be given as fast aa It could be published without endangering the pro ject. --'- . .'. I round eastern financiers willing to give time snd serious thought to the business side of the undertaking, and hours of . discussion of the plan only served to further, convince tthem of its practicability." said" Mr ftaah. "There was no Suggestion from them, ss ws so many , times heard among our local financiers, that th project was 'vagus,' or 'impracticable.' They' were abl to see through to the ultimate of the under taking with a reasonable certainty, as with Sny other business enterprise, and to weigh very closely ths chances of success and failure on business grounds. "Ths federation plan, as Is already well known, baa new features upon which ths projecters rest Its business side, and which ensble business men to take hold of It understanding, as , they would any proven proposition. ' Competent judges nay It will be comparatively easy to dispoea of tha bonds of the federa tion. Ws are able to finally settle the terms snd conditions on which ths fi nancing la to proceed, and these condi tions only await approval of tha local contingent of th federation trust" A meeting of the trust was held thla afternoon and Mr. Nash made a report of the results of his visit to New Tork. There are yet three local appointments to be made- to complete the treat mem bership snd nsmes for these appoint ments were recommended at today's meeting. Rev. H. 8. Wallace, president of the federation, remains In New Tork several weeks longer to dispose of final matters. - .i BREWERY AND NIIiE ROADS SUED -BY fiOVERHMEHT Will Endeavor to 'Ascertain Hf Railroads Can Lawfully Pay ' j Indirect Rebates. ; " - Milwaukee. - Wis., Nov. II. Tn ' the federal court today the government filed suit against nine railroads and one brewery i In an attempt to ascertain whether or not the rallorads can law fully pay Indirect rebates through pri vate car lines owned by large shippers! such car lines being, in the opinion of ths government, a mere device to secure reductions over, other shippers who-are competitors. f ' . ; STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE. The Xotel Oregon Aptly Termed "The . MSeeoa ef the Traveler." The hew Oregon hotel, situated at ths eorner of Seventh and Stark streets, has with a single bound attained a promt among ih hPtflls, pf tflfl jZllT'h 1 ha unprecedented in ths history o?Pa elite coast hostelrles. Its guests, are unanimous In Its praises, because of the elegant equip ment and perfect service. ,.ye Oregon Grills Is without doubt the finest in the city, where the best the market affords la served in such a manner aa to suit the most fastidious epicure. The 8ym phony orchestra discourses - the - very latest hiuslc each evening after I: SO. "Get the Oregon habit" ' Milwaukie Country Club. ' Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sen wood and Oregon .City cars st First and BISHOP MERRILL DIES w OF HEART FAILURE ' fJnernal Soeclal Service I Chlcsgo, Nov. fltephen M. Merrill. Methodist Episcopal bishop of Chicago, Is dead at Keyport, New Jersey, .of heart failure. He was apparently in vigorous health when he left here, despite his sdvsnced years. H has been bishop 3 years, 14 erf them In this. city. .. . Demoqrats Ooneede Minor Of flees, (Journal Special aVrvtee.) - Cnlumtina. Ohio. Nov. 12. The fmA. cratlc chairman ssys there Is no doubf that the minor candidates on . the Be publican ticket from governor down are elected by a ssie piuraiuy.- , Tote ravers Danish Prlnoe. ' f Journal Special Reevlee.) - ChHstlanla, Nov. 11. Returns to date show 15.100 votes In favor 'of Inviting Charles of Denmark to become king of Norway snd only s.nno against. . . Sound., business practice - is as- important, here, - as the wealth of nature. " S Schilling's Best is the basis of it in " Ma ' sisast fmim. sslias .- ' eaevs ssvatisg esarscM asea your grocer' and -Tnone-back. 1 GOOD W Y M ore Fit, - Finish and Fabric guaranteed. The price will suit and ' " " The suit will fit. ," 1 :.. We handle no Readr Made Clothing, but make M CURES the Most STUBBORN - v ; WOODARD, - CLARKE CO. AND C O. SKIDMORE ft CO, READY TQ USE . 'f .... . . r I 1 , (ConUnued From Page Ona) erty which the system wants to buy. The plan was to make "the purchases before the fact leaked out. for the rea ssn thst publication naturally, would make owners get on the bull side of ths market and hold for lgher prices. -The purchases that were made were conducted quietly and denials were made today by both General Manager J. P. O'BvUa-and Tax. Agent J. W. Morrow that the Harrlman peopT"iers Inter ested In the deals. The belief, however, IS becoming general tha the MeCraken, Willamette Boiler works snd Esmond an nex pieces were taken for the Harrlman system, and ths assertion was made to day by one of tha beat Informed men In tha city that many other deala are on foot In connection with the same Harrl man project. The Maps Slow I. "Study ths map." said a well-known realty, dealer, "and you will -see, thst ths two docks srs just this side of the Northern Pscillc Terminal company's yards, and that, were any person or corporation to own ahem, snd main tain his position sgalnst the condemna tion plans of the city. If such wars to be laid, he would Intercept the belt line from entering the terminal company's grounds and effectually spoil the mu nicipal belt lino plans. : "If, however, the contention of the municipal authorities be valid, that the right ft eminent domain applies In the case,, -ilie Harrlman system's purchases would not accomplish ths desired ends." It is known, that the Harrlman sys tem has considered the possibility of bringing their west side road that now comes down Fourth street into the city by another route and suggestions havs been made that It should be- dene by building a bridge serosa the Willamette above the city, and thue getting to the tracks of the Southern Paclflo to come along the east side to the steel bridge snd scross the river to the union sta tion. . - . . The plans of the Harrlman system. sppear to Involve the construction of a trestle, which would to a great extent cut off the waterfront property from access by other transportation lines. If the Harrlman system really, plans such a bolt line snd were to construct It, It would glvr-it the virtual command of the transportation situation In this city, according to the experts who . have looked Into the matter. - -j -..;'.; ;. ; . MINING COMPANY BURNS ITS "BARNS AND STABLES " -0Pcsl Dispatch Ta JoaratL) Anaconda, Mont; Nov. 1J. It is not often that a fire department Is called upon to stand by and watch property burn of thst a company touches a match to some' of Its own buildings for the publlo good. This wsa witnessed in this city, however, when the Anaconda Copper Mining company burned sheds containing several thousand dollars' worth of lumber 111 order to kill ths germs of glanders left In ths buildings by some "afflicted horses. The sheds were psrtly" dismantled to take- them away from ths electrle light polea and v Will Equip Witt ou c onfidence iLWe want you to come uTand see thtT cloth from which we J make a $25 suit to your measure. ' - To have a suit of clothes that fits perfectly and which is made from a fabric that will wear and keep its shape and appearance Is worth more than $25 to .any man's peace of mind, t , ' Have a well made.'wll fitting: suit for your exclusive wear. ; V You will feel more confidence in yourself. v , , ; v , , Everybody with whom you come in contact will, have more, confidence in you. .,;: ; j i;t' k. j.? til Hi There if some peculiarity about every man's body which prevents any ready-to-wear suit from fitting him acceptably. " : ' ' ' " ;-.-;----- - -- - , - -.- ; .v.- -.' ' - Hsve your clothes made to-your-measure. , ' :: ; 7, '-"A suit to 'your measure for $25. ; 1;.U ''y,tS:rViU.':. All wool worsted cheviot in plaids, grays, checks and over line stripes lined with imported Venetian cloth hand padded every seam sewed with silk. . : i. . ( ' v You can't duplicate this suit in Portland for less than $40. ' From loom to cutting table and tailor specialism explains our low price. . ...", ,.; .';'.' i.:.;',;' '--.i'V..' ' 1 1 - , A $5.00 Suit of XTOAGQon Clothes Flip to the Best Boy Detective ! The - man who - ? Clothes; for EdermTnTeTTStetfl & CO., CMCTgrrr - is corning to see us within ten days. We will give free any Yiraoood strhVin bur store t C , the first clever boy under 16 years of age who finds THIS man before he leaves town. ',' - WHAT YOU MIST DO f . When you think you have found the right man, say to him : "You are from Ederheimer,' Stein Go Chicago, and sell X,taoood . , ' Clothes." Remember , these words. If you. xsa anything else he will not answer. SARl'L ROSENBLATJ1 & CO. COR. THISD AND IIORRISOIV STREETS. ZZlfCE MOTHER 4flV ariww mji;h y N aJTB IOC PACK-eiiMeiA- -f?N II 00!d Filling .nrfu'n- II X f f .: sound teeth. Tl mean an end to i f V 1 many tooth trouble Help the other ' ', f . 7T .. VI .teeth snd add to your appearance. 1, I r 1 Good Gold Fillings are a specialty l 1 t i of ours. y .,- . I. V ') V WISE BROS., Dentists V , ' S Falling Bldg Third and Washing ' .-taW ton. I a, m to p. m. "un- TawT., .. rn. w. a. wtsg - W- Mln 2t- rm. 'T. pK wW wires and straw and rubbish were piled Inside. S. B. Mcintosh .applied the match and a force of men under Fore men McCebe Snd Brush stipertn tended affairs. The flames spread furiously and the beet drove beck the big throng of spec tatcrrs ami compelled tbe - firemen te 1 s ... ,-. OOLEM 05ILLJ sells XTRAopon , Boys' USED tomi .!.. .,. ,TT.1 MiNt;ij threw two streams upon., ths adjacent electric light poles. The brick kiln Jo drying lumber was the -last to burn. The- property destroyed represented sn orglnal outlay of probably 1 11.000. . It has deprectsted in value, but the lum ber and brtrk ss salvage alone would hivs bttu worth $1,900. -. ' : J