The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 13, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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NOVZMPEIt 13, 1SQ5. .
Bettar B an Old Maid Than
Wed a Rake, Sayii y
Preach'er. iJi ;.-
Preacher Declare That Wife Cannot
' Reform Husband. That Money It
Not an Essential to Wedded Happi
. neta-Hundreda Turned Away..
"At the White Tempi ast evening. Ir.
X Whlteomb Brotigher. In a aermon n
"Chooalng a Husband." the second of a
series on "Hot W be HPPV. Though
Married. spoke ; to aa. audience that
Hied the eburch. The crowd began to
coma n hour before time for service to
beam. Every seat w.i taken --at 7
o'clock, and probablr thousand people
were unable to gam entrancs. In part
Dr. Brougher aatd: ' '
"If a woman exerclaee her royal rlht
in a judicious manner, she can. have a
great deal to aay roncernlnr the man
- that wanta to be her husband,-. In this
case, man proposes but the woman die
poses. There are eertaln principles that
should guide a young woman In me
. choice of a husband. ' .
KtreU-donot ohooae man simply
to escape going through life alone. A
little glrl aald to her mother: - . '
.- -Mamma. If I get married, will I have
man like paper . : ' '
v -The mother replied. Tea. dear. I eup-
. And If T don't et married, will I be
an old maid like auntie?
-1 expect so. my dear. Why do you
akf .
Oh, I n- Just thinking what a
tough time we- women had.' . .. :J.
-.. Salaf aa OU Maid Xs Wot Bad. -'
' "As to the choice between the wrong
-husband, and being an old maid.-1 would
rather be an old maid any time. ' We
point Jokee at old maids, but aa a aaual
thing they are ahe happleat and moat
iiMf ul' membera of society." Many of
them are unmarried, not becauee they
have not had a chance, btit becauee they
wouldn't accept the things that offered
'them the chance.- - V. L
'. Money So Weoeeeary.
"Second, don't rhooae a young man
almply. for hia money. No amount of
gold can take the place of a loving heart
and a noble' character. It la a aad com
mentary upon many young -women,' that .Jntojthelr ao
" clety rakes, whoae only claim to their
attention la the fact that they have
plenty of money and can dress in the
latest style. . - .
"Third, de not choosers, young mas
who haa bad habits. ForJl that you
hold dear, never marry -a, man that In
dulges In the Intoxicating cup. If he ll
riot willing to' give It up before marriage,
remember this, that you never can re
" form him by marrying him. God pity
the young woman who tlea herself to a
HnmkiM ct rambler, or a libertine.
TT4a,VehSveFseen aliappydine where
husband or wife Indulge In the Intoxlcet
liMt cno. or believed In gambling.. Too
eannot marry a wine bottle or beer bar
- rel, and by ao doing, make man out of
It. -'
", Xaahood Coasts.
' "Fourth, choose a young man for his
Christian manhood. Tou can never make
anything of a man who does not have
ambition to make something or hlmsnir.
Insist upon his standard of morality
being aa high and noble aa your own.
If you are willing for a m to aow his
wild oats, and go with him while he If
doing It. the time, will come. If you ever
. marry him. that too wflt have to reap
the. harvest wttlv him. Let him have
wll power, pure Ideals, a 'clean eon'
science, and Christian character. ' A mar
rlage that la not baaed upon character
Is aura to fall. - '
A meeting waa '.- held yesterday at
Foresters hall by the Roman Catholic
laity to arrange for elaborate functions
; when Archbishop Christie returns from
iHnma,., where tha pope has haaeetd him
:by tbe-presentation of a clborlum. J.
I P. Kavanaugh waa. chairman and P. E.
Sullivan . scretary. Bar, Father "Mc
(Devttt told of the desire of the clergy
to receive the head of the church In
fthls diocese fittingly and committees
(were appointed, J. E. Courtney Frank
.Barrett and M. J. MaUey on arrange-
ments. 'and John Drlacoll, D. F. Camp
. belL Br., and Joseph Jacobbergnr to se
lect a hall. Mr. Jaoobberger la treasurer
, of the committees.
Archbishop Christie' will . be met at
The Best
$3 HAT
in the
Means the best possible
HAT VALUE no heed
paying more for any hat
Leading Hatter) vr
tha state' llm-ry1' -; delegation. Arrlv
lug In the city wUI Proceed at once
to tha pro-rathedral. where ha will be
addreaaed by Monalitnor Blanche. Tha
special reception will then be held tha
folio wlna" Sunday afiecnaBn.'A Tha arch
bishop is expected to arrive Jn about
two weeke.
Father O'Hara Explains Tenets
of Church In Sermon to
"The Church of Christ. In tha world
today should be able to establish Ita
hlstortcaT continuity with the church
built upon the foundation ' of the
apoatlea," said Father O'Hara In a ser
mon to non-Catholics at tha cathedral
last evening.. "To admit that such
continuity Is lacking la to Imply that
the promise of Christ to , be with his
church forever waa vain. The church
founded by Christ must be able to trace
Ita history back In unbroken continuity
from ' the present day to the day on
which Christ gave to the apostles the
commission to teach all nations.'
"Now,, aa the historian Macau Jay tens
us ' tha Catholic church alone of all
Christian Institutions cariiea the mind
back to that distant period.- Her line
of supreme pontiffs wa can trace in
unbroken succession from tha present
pope. Plus X. back through the ages
throuah Pone Plus 1 la we aecona cen
tury to the very daysorr-eier, wwdoid
Christ aald: Thou art Kt'k "
tury to the very days of Peter, to whom
apuB urn im -"""-
'It haa been the habit with many to
regard the 11 centuries following upbn
the -council of Nice ss dark agea, as If
the light of X3irlaUanlty had become
extinct.. Nevertheleaa, - thoae - were the
ages in 'which the foundations of all
that la beat In modem civilisation were
being laid.
-r,. 4.rki.rif ihou times' save I
Emerson, .'artaea from our own want of
Information. Human thought was never
more active and never produced greater
results In any period or the worm, it I
was a period when the Catholic church I
waa fighting single-handed for the cause I
of civilisation and Christianity."
Father O'Hara aooke of the common
charge that the Catholic church Is rigid
and unyielding In doctrine.
f8o far from being an objection," ne
declared, "this is a fact to which the
church wlshea to direct attention. - In
mere matters of discipline she scoom
modatea herself wonderfully to circum
stances. But In transmitting the truths
revealed by Christ- the church. or the
apostles must be unyielding If She
would fulfill her mission,"
pleadld , Weather at .. This popular
waclflaQoast mesort.
rxllahtful In every particular la th
weather at Newport, and the Southers
Pacific and tha Corvallts Eastern rait,
roads have resumed their cheap rates
to this place for the winter. Particulars
by asking at Third and Washington
streeta, Portland. ; ' ' "; ..
' (Bperjol DUpatch te The JnornlnL)
Baker CiEy. Or Nov. 11. An excur
slpn train was run from Baker City to
Austin 8unday ever the Sumpter . Valley
road. whljh was well attended ana
much enjosled, giving thoae attending
sight of the new road and the new town
of Austin. The excursion waa given
under the direction bf Superintendent
Barton of the Bumpter Valley road.
The public spirit and enterprise of
David Ecclea, president of the Bump
ter Valley railroad. In pushing the line
on Into Grant county means much to
this section of eastern Oregon. A few
months ago the work of grading the line
from Tipton on' to Austin, distance of
eight miles, was .commenced, and , nasi
that this distance la completed It la only
a matter of a short time' when the road continued on to Grant county.
" (KpetUI Dtapetrk to The Join-sal.)
La Qrande, Or., Nov. It. The digging
of sugar beets In the Grand Ronde Is
nearly completed, and It la expected that
the factory will close downforlU,j(
soifTyfne ehdof next week. . Eighteen
thousand tons Is approximately the
amount of beets that will be handled
this year.. Thla haa been a successful
season In beet culture,' and arrange
ments are being made to raise the rrop
even more extensively In this secttos
next season,
Itchiness of the skin, horrible plague.
Most everybody afflicted In one way or
another. Only one safe,, never falling
Doan's Ointment.' At any drug
K0 cents.
The Best
$3 HAT
-. 1 ' .
in the
Six Hundred . Fifty-Eight New
Homes' This Year in Al
l ; 1 blna District. .
Postmaster Minto la Making Strenu
1 oua Efforts to Secure Two Addi
tional Caniera for Albina, and
Wants One More for Sunnjraide.
The eet alM office tf The Jooraat Is la the
tare el J. M. V. Miller, MM Kart Morraos
street. ' Ttl(ue Keet XJft. .
The postal service tt the -east side
is to be made much better ' II the re
quests of Postmaster . John Mlnto are
honored. He Is doing hla beat to Im
press upon' tha minds of tha authorities
at Washington that the people living
in the northeastern part or Albina . and
tha northern section of Irvlngton are
sadly In need of better, delivery service.
and that the carriers now working there)
. h territory to cover.
" Station B. Albina'. aub-poatofflca.
mw has 11 carriers working from It.
but Mr. Mlnto la urging the department
to allow two more., He says thst since
January 1. (St houaea have been erected
and are now occupied In tha territory
covered by the carriers from the Al
bina station and that In this same dis
trict 147 houses are being constructed.
At the beginning of the year, the car-
rters had Just about alt they could attend
to and now that thera are mora than
2.000 additional people to be supplied
with mall the worries or the postman
have reached a serious stage. .
neople In that part of tha city
ar. somewhat to blame because there
are not more carriers," said Ur. Mlnto
this mornl ng. . ;ln that there are many
stretches of territory where there are
uo stdewalke, the houses are not num
bered and there are no grades. These
things do not look good to the Inspectors
sent out here by the department at
Washington to look over the ground and
report on the requests made for addi
tional carrlera." , .
It la said that the" Station B carriers
now have to walk more than It miles a
day, climb many ; thousands of atepe
nd carry out of the office an average of
tie pour.da of mall. '
After the two additional carriers have
been allowed for B station, Mr. ilnto
will . telegraph at once- a requestto
Washington for one more postman at
Bellwood.' It Is said that an additional
carrier Is almost aa badly needed there
as at . Albina, ; During the- past few
months scores of new houses' hare been
erected and are now occupied along
the lines of the Oregon Water Power
Railways company) doamia mora are
how In course of construction, and each
new bouse means several additional
pjhyfsofmf 11. roMtr to he Wt dwMy,
An improvement is to ds maae aiso
at Station C, the Bunnyalde sub-station.
located at ' Belmont street. At the
present time, this la a contract station,
bat within a ahort time It Is to be made
Into a government sub-office and a civil
service -man placed In "charge. The of
fice will remain In the aame place, the
building having been leased by the gov.
ernment for five yeara.
Leata aad Iaarelweo4 am Ires of tha
, Dread Disease.
- Smallpox no longer threatens the var
ious sections of the east aide where It
waa feared for a short time thst II
would become epidemic. County Health
Officer Dudley Evana this morning re
ported ' that the several patlenta that
have been under quarantine have been
dlschsrged, the houaea thoroughly Turn
Igated and every one In the neighbor
hood of the Infected houses vaccinated.
The disease waa confined to two dis
tricts. Laurelwood and Lenta. At
Laurel wood, smallpox was in the house
of a mall-carrier and It waa feared that
others had been exposed, owing to the
not know the nature of their lllneaa un
til they were forced to their beds. At
Lenta, three members of the Webb fan
llr were IM with smallpox and number-
ous of their friends visrted tnem Be
fore ' tha ' nature of the disease was
known. - '
As soon as the matter waa reported to
the deputy health officer, he hastened
to quarantine the houaea, and vaccin
ated the school children who might have
been exposed to the disease. A oione
watch' was kept upon those who were
known to have been exposed.
Mrs. Deborah Uvlagstoas Organises One
With Thirty-three Mem hers.
Mrs. Deborah Livingston, state presl
dent for Rhode Island of the W. C. T
U., who haa the distinction of being the
rounaest state president or the organi
sation and ! known as one of Its most
eloauent- oratore. spoke yesterday In
tha afternoon at the quarterly meeting
of Friends in Bunnyalde, and in the
evening in the Methodist church In St.
Johns. At Sunnyslde; 11 jwomen Joined
the local organisation, and at St. Johns
a new branch was started, with a mem
bership of 11.
Mrs. Livingstone spoae on -ine com
ing of the Kingdom." She declared thai
In-the ITnlted States the annual drink
bill amounta to $1,400,000,000, while the
total, spent - for. tamperanee -education
was only $1,000,000 a year. The total
amount spent by all Christian churches
In missionary efforts annually waa only
$11,000,000, said Mrs. Livingstone.
Irvinrtoa hfotormea ': aaa Conductors
Transferred to eleventh Street ZJaa.
- Kaet alders who ' travel on the old
Irvlngton cars arsjameptlng a change
that recently wa made In the transpor
tation system on that line. All the con
ductors and motormen that have been
operating- the Irvlngton cars for years
have been transferred to the west aide.
many of . them now , running on tne
Eleventh street line.,' The men took
their car with them, and cars that were
formerly on the 'X"" run ara now op
erated on. the Irvlngton track. Conduc
tor A., Pie had been on the Irvtagton
ru for 11 years, r
Song ef .Kaauner aad Saw Is Xeard
Throughout afeust Tabor,,
'In the : extreme northern section- fit
Mount Tabor.-Just north of the rail
way track, several doien new homes are
The Aftermath of the Fair
Music Lovers Taking Advsn-
7 tage of the Greatest Bargains
Ever Offered in the Piano
Trade Bona Fide Reductions
' of From 30 to 60 Per Cent
', Only a Few Choice Ones Left
That Should Sell ori Sight
Specially Easy Terms.
This sole of Kxpoaltion and used pia
nos. Pianola Pianos. Orchestrelles, Pta
nolaa and organs, has broken nil pre
vious big selling records of Ellera Piano
House. It has enabled scores of homes
to secure a much-wanted piano or .or-
Yet there' are taundrede of families
who really need a piano, and who have
fait heretofore that their meant would
not permit the poeaeesion of a really
good one. A cheup or poorly made In
strument, auch as Is frequently offered
at "bargain" prices, they would never
care to own. v
It la to these people that we desire to
direct our remarks Just at this time.
We put, you In, position now to secure a
really fine piano or organ at a aavlng
of from 10 to (0 per cent from the low
est cash price obtainable on aame grade
and quality of planoa ordinarily, and
besides we make -arrangementa for you
to pay for an Instrument at this re
duced pries at virtually your own con
venience. .'.
Come In and aacertaln how really
easily you can own one. and, incident
ally,, look at the greatest display of fine
planoa. and organa ever ahown.
Bear In mind that a few dollars down
and a little effort each month now
aolves the rauelo problem once and for
-We'll let yon select a piano now and
atore it free of charge for delivery aa
Chrlstmaa pieseni. lou name me
hour and the day, and one of our crack
delivery teams will be there with the
Instrument ai in iime. v.iiers rmno
House, til Washington street, , corner
Park. -
being erected, and the owners of most
of them are doing as much of the work
themselves On their houses as possible.
In the business and Don ton' residence
district of Mount Tabor several hand
some residences are nearlng completion.
Im 8. Normandtn la building a 1,000
home on, Church street, north of the
Base Line road. What will be j-hpe
tha handsomest residence in Mount Ta
bor Is that being erected ly W. H.
Orenfeld; the house wilt cost at least
Deputy County Clerk ' w. a. Kerns,
who lives near the corner of Forty-third
street and Hawthorne avenue, says that
20 new-houses have been erected within
sight of his front porch since February
11 and that, eight others are now in
course of construction.
Uonal B. Webstar, Koodoo Boat, Onos
nIfors Xald TJ for aVepairs.
J'Tramp, tramp,. trn)p the boys ar
marching," softly sang a caretaker on
Portland's new , ferryboat, Lionel R.
Webster,, yesterday as ha watohed aooree
of people walk down to the ferry slip,
note that the craft waa not running
and than start (or the old ferry. Tbe
Webster waa tied up along the east
side ferry slip all day yesterday, some
thing having gone wrong with her steer
ing gear. The Webster Is now known
among the rlvermen as the hoodoo boat
Although- ahe has been In commission
only a few months, something has gone
wrong nearly every week, causing de
lays of from several hours to several
daya' duration., The county commis
sioners recently let a contract to tha
6t Johns Shipbuilding company for re
pairs to the veaael; at least three weeks
will be required to complete the work
after the repairing la begun.
County Clerk Molds Says Suburb Xa aa
Warm aa a Jnu Morning.
County Clerk Frank 8. Fields says
that Mount Tabor was as warm aa a
June morning when he arose from the
breakfast table and began hia tourney
to the courthouse today. . When he
reached Pretty man station the fog
that hung over East Portlsnd reached
hi hi mid llieil IH WUl'tOTJ.
"Although I have -noted during
the past week that It waa much warmer
in Mount Troor during tne eany morn
lnga than it la down town, I never
noticed auch a marked difference as
there was this morning," said Mr.
Fields. "It was not one half aa cold
when I left Mount Tabor aa It was
when I reached Prettyman station. The
fogs that' have been worrying Port
landers residing within a mile or two of
the river do not bother us on tha
mount." 1 '.; ,
Rev. Oilman Parker of Alameda. Call
fnrnla. haa . been called to become the
regular paator of the Montavllla Bap-
ttvt church. Several years sgo Mr. Par-
, ' ' V'T; TME .-V"... '
Canadian Bank
. t .1 L ' ' ' '
of Commerce
Capttst ' $8,700,000 X'r
..' T "Ressrvs $3,500,000 ,
" Portland Branch, 144 Washington,
- ' 'B. A. WTLX), Manager. .
'-' -.- ' ' ''''"" ' ' ' ''
AvaiUbie In all parU of tha world
'."' ' '. ''''
' lit branches In Canada and tha
United States, Including Baa
' Francisco. Seattle, Victoria, Van
' couver, Nanalmo, New Westmins
ter, Dawson (Tukon). . , .
Drafts Iiatiad 00
" . any Branch
: .,..:... f- - -..'r
Transfers of money to or from '
'. any part of Canada by letter 6t
telegram. '
AQenrral Banking
. Business Transacted
4-'-w vN
ifef (life
Mfr, .TTTT) 'Third
ker was pastor of the Oregon City Bap
tist church, resigning that charge to
become a general missionary. .
Rev. E. a McVlcker, pastor or tne i
Johns United Evangelical church, egan
a series of special meetings last evening
which will continue through tne wee.
He la being assisted by Rev.' A. A. Win
ters. . "
Forty workmen are engaged lowering
the grade of the Portland Railway com
pany a tracks near Oreeiey station, -ins
grade la being lowered, about three feet
for a distance of three quarters oi a
mile, and the earth which Is removed
is used to fill the company's old gravel
pit at Peninsula.
me First Violin."
White Whittlesey and tbe Belenea stork em.
iiaiii'aHl ilia Hun mil 'innniiniiu ui iiiu
prlaia fararlle. Toe . Vlret V tolln." thle even
Ins at the Hetaero. Tlie Dlay u an artletle
trlnmph whea produeed by i Mr. Hlekanl Mana-
f lekl aome eeaeuaa ao. am lie immacima sere
alwald prere one of the really great dramatic
errata of tbe yeari ' '-
Minstrels at Marquam Tonight.
tllrbarna and Prlnsla'a funoos Clenrgle mlo
trele will he the attrartkm at . Hie Merqnam
Urand tbeatre tunlstat at 8:15 o'clock. Thle
sterling orsanltatkm baa weathered tbe theatri
cal., seae tor 28 yeare. never -hn(tng manase
ment. and not oncw drnartlns from tbetr eot.h
llalied mle of preaenthig only what le rt,
ermd aad wboleaoma In the BnlreL world.
Clarence rowell.'-rhe eomedlen, who hS Biade
the whole world laosn, la still at the bead of
Ilia Hat at artlnts. awl will brine with him thle
eeeaon a bit nadxet of (nod things that he he.
collected during tbeupaat en turner.
' ' "Ghosts", Tomoirow Night.
Barry ' Meeteyer, . anpuorted by aserellent
eoaipaay of playerer-wlll prment MenrIK Iheea'e
sreateet drama, "Obokte."- at the Martnenf
Oraad tlteatre tomorrow, Wedneadiiy and Thurn-
4ay alshta. - -;onote ' . le
dramatic eettlnf
of taa blbllrel iwledoia
that the sine of the
father ere rtnlled 10a the rhlMren. In Ibeea'e
basda It Is a drema-ef tertitle latenelt)'. . . ,
- A Pillar of Human Flesh. V; ;
Thle la the top, Una arTerhnr -at' the Mhert
thla week, eomnienrliig this afternnon. Hen
HchiaMI, .the (Jerm.n HenittaoUj liolde akift .a
ryrle whirl welshNi l.HW. (toanria In whlrh
a daring eyellat performs deallwnxfjrins feate.
The Berliner rlillilren; tamoaa Jurenlle "iiMlcaJ
artlata, are also OS' tile greet all-star bill. ;;
. -; - -j . Good Bill at Star.'. .' .
This week the liter will give what pmlM
(d"be one of tha beet all-around vaudeYille
pmerame la Ita rareer. Hnd and Ollte Wood
will bare the top line position. They, are
daring alack wire pr for mere and hare no
superiors. Mies Bleanor Jenkins, a prima dnnne
anprano, who haa . appeared In Tertland wllh a
naroher of bkr ooerarlc eompenlee, will elng.m
the disrobing ecene from "rra llaoh." rerle
and Wament, ' Klemoort. May and eostpanr.
Cooler and Mrulre, rred Fnrlntoa aad lue
Mtaroacope complete' the W"lll. ; .
v .,
v Burlesqut at Grand; ' ' :
ThkHTrea-'klter week at the firand. In
stead of TaaneTllle the management baa eeeared
tbe Xlns Trareaty company, ana of the emart
ret maslral eitra.agania emunenlee oa the
road -thla eeeaon. . .Tne engagement le for this
week onhrj There- are plenty of songs end
dances and the euoms girls are . vlvarkme and
talented. Thera will be dally matlueee and
two ebowf every nlgbf.
"The Heart of SteeL"
At the l.jrrw thla week th play will he t
enmedr bnrnVe drema In foar acta,' entitled
The rieert f "teel," from the pen of V. II.
M-Leea. who hum wna qnlle- a repntetlm aa a
plarwrlght. TIe Heart of irel" rnntalna
much ai-lhm. It rieala wllk the early days of
the Arlsooa. frostier, ' i i ' """)
with all purchases ej$5 or orer in our Boys' Department
- .. . , .. . , ," . SALMON. :.'
This is tha Pure New Era Products, made In Detroit, famous all the
world over, a written guarantee of punty go- J 1.1 A
'; ing with each can waa $1.75 GALLON, J) f 1 J
It iasanteed'aa'good arwhen'iVkft 'the YaVtory, and la aold
at thiaprice because witer and smoke half destroyed the labels and
soiled the cans. . ' ' '
Paintcrs, White Lead 6Mc Pound
That smooth finish, so easy
r to kern clean; former price
-$Z5a-pcf-gaHon. . TI TC
... syaeae-vr
ENAMEL '' - - '
Transforms the old sine tub .
to porcelain;, former price,
quart, $1.40. . - 7C,
Now.. ,,.....;.,
ENAMEL . '-. .
- For steam pipes, radiators, gas
' ranges, etc.; former price,,
L -'quart, $1.85. Qfr
' No one will ever again buy
these splendid goods for now.
208 Front Street, Between Taylor and Salmon. Portland, Oregon.
2sa.eW) .
' ' The large lumps of Cannel Coal;,
make it . .very desirable Jot (Tate.v
Clean and easy to handle wBrifliant
flames that add to a roonis appear ."
ance.' Lights readily and makes a.."
' . hot fife. -; ; , ''"l -.:' '
Delivered at your home - for1
. a ton.....' '" 3, " ;
' 'When your coal bin's low, 'phone
- Main Seven-Ei eh t-O." . -'):'
. .,- ............. . . , , . ; .. s
Sells the Best
-the World
If . you doubt it ask your friend who
. has already purchased one, or come
r;'..,,- " in and . ,yy -,:v:'-
The Old .Original: . former
The kind that stays on your
r ' floor; former price -i. tfl ftft
' .$15 gallon. ., Now.., .ipIeUU
' STAIN . ' ' ' - . -Wears
well, won't fade; form-
1 er price $1.25 per". 7 fi ro
gation. Now........... iUC
. Makes your floor . look like
mahogany; former price $2.75
r; v.4"??::....;.... $1.50
Paints at the prices we are aelling
Don't neglect the opportunity.., t ,
f or Yotir Jirate:
: "