THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. 1MQHDAY . EVElnNO. NOVEMBER 13 1005. 10 am O B5 si Entered at the mtofflc t rVcttoad. Oregon. . for lrarpMslloa through UM '" man- .I mm t.lfa ho jeer. 1 rest; 1 to $0 ? CTuU' " . U t pates, $ ssots. . , .,, ;'.-' V '" Edltorlst Rooms.. ........ u . k ua CM--. l initial inmnnil REPBsABBTATival. Vwlmd Rectsnto Speelsl Advrttog Agrr. .' Nss lrt, NW ft ,.rrw9. ump, .t-, f n. ; '' " ; subscriptioh ' Th IHHy Journal, with Buaday. . J'.'- Th Hail? JhmI) I Tr " 'fk Dally Journal, wtt svesdsy. ' raided ... ..........-' ' Tb Dally, per tMt, deliver, BantUy w erpted .....v.. .... Turn hmi by Mm- L I eer S?J U wit Sunday. month. iiL a months..., f'ii ; Ths Dally Journal 11 Dally Journal The Dally Journal. c.. I. 1 1 . i . t 1 - , BMthS. iiw ni i eoumsi, wiui o'nwvi " . Th Daily Journal. 3 saootbs..... ; ? Th Dally Journal. llk Suaday, 1 sonth. -"jj Th Dally Journal month.,, . To Sunday Journal, I yer.. ........ fl , Tba Bandar Jooraal. Mthi LUO -. Tka aaai-Waaklf Jaaimal. ' Ilia- Kml-Waaklr Journal, I M U V-V ' arh am, ufuatrawd, tall virllt ra- f ; nnrt, 1 aaar.. ... t.w r . Ratalttanrw aboald to faada b draft, poaial KMra. ntm onxra aid II mola ra " acwptabJa la 1 awl lVoaat' P"'1" Jl'S'JT' ' . IH J0VBJIAI. ; WHIU m JOtTMAL JUT M JTOtnift ' Tha Joarnal cis ba foH M ila l tlM . uoisu. iDAilt-U. Ballet Ob.; W. . Me- CHiCAiiO Poatofflca Mwi eotopanf; ITS Pr- DK.NVKH, XIX)BADO J. BUck, Mitentk b4 ' Cnrtla atroi. ... KiNKA CITY Taa Kef Mtwa eotppaBT. v alINNI.APUI.I-kl..J. Karaaanctv. Third atnwt. - -NKW rOMK CITY Brrntano'a, rnloa aqaar. :. OMAHA MUlara Hotal naw alaod; Uagaatk , . Hiatkinrrr emnpaajr. IlkMi raraan arraat. SALT iAkK CIXV Krajoa ! Barrow Urn., 441 Wat tteroa arat, AmUi. - ST. LOJ.IH Pbtltfi Roadrr. 1 Locaat ttraat; . F. T. Jott. txat OIIa auat. ' . SAX rRANCISCO W. B. Artlla-, Palana HoaI ' nawa atand anif IOfW Markat atn: -' amlik Una.. 39 Hatter atraet and Sal-tt . . Fraacta aol: Foafar Arear. Frrry bull ' bur; N. WbaatWr. awrabla ' bwi aland, auc .. nrr Market and Khrwi atraata. . - 8KATTI ii Rainier Unoi Bern aland; W. k Khanka. Hotel Keattle peara atan'l. SI'OKt.VE. WASUl.NOrO.N Job W. Orabar c. , TACOMA. WASniNBTO Central Kr m- pan; flobsl -Tafvma neira atand. - -... VICTORIA. IHtTTIfin COLUMBIA Tletorla Book Statleaer rampaa. - WEATHER REPORT. -a Tie waatber bi tha aortb Paetfle Mate tea tlanea fair, dot ts the Influence of aa area of blah prrtenre whlrb la central . thla atornlna orer the IntermnantalB reclin. A aaoderat Ulatnrhance eentral oer Wleootiita,: cauabif aitow la tipper Mt,-b1rnn.T wblle B Beroud dl tnrhaiwe of derided etiaraeter. eentral la tba Ht. t ljiwreuoa Taller, kt cans luff rala la tli axtmua nnrtliera portion of tb Kew Enaland state. '' Kleirhere rMmifboat the Fnlted Mater fair ' nealber preralla. eieept abate lb writ Julf feaflt.. vbere llabi rain, fca reported. The Indleatlona are for fair weatberlortitB . dlatrtet tmtlcbt ami Taeadaf, with bat Utile ehawce hi temperatare. . - AUCTION SALES. AtTTWX aale of ftne farnUnr at room.. 411 Wnahtnatoa at.. Tneedav. Tltaredar ai4 FrV dar. earti da at 10 a. at. a. U N. tillmaa. .i awtloueer.; v ArcTION aale at Mra. Curt I.1 realdeac. 84 ' Sat raaiewto at.. Tneaday at 10 a. aa. C. L. Ford, aoetlofieer. -, . ' - . TI'KSIiAY at 10 a. at., en the nremlaea, ' 3a Nortb Nerentb at J. T. Wlbwa. aae- Weddln Card. - V. (I. Rmltb A r, Waab ' inrtoa blds tor. Poartb and Waahla toa ata. ana Bertha Martin, room SIS Allaky bids. Stamping and fin, needlework; liaaoaa (Itva. BIRTHS.' SIMMERS Xavraiber . t Mr. and Mr. (iitir S. Hammer. Is Alhlna. ana. rr.MlKKOKAW KTaher-4. to Mr. and Mr. Jamea t'eBaersr, 664 Valuut streat. S daitahter. UlN'KOW Koxtemher T. Mr. and Mr. Fred H. Lnkw, 0&O East Tweet sfeoad atrrat, danahter. BTF.RUNU Korentber S. to Mr. and Mrs. t Hubert M. StrrUnf. TM Bodnry are naw. a danirbter. MAYS Neveatber . to Mr. and Mra. M. Vaya, 213 Rat Tblrtletb street, a datirMert ritoRHT Neeenber 11. to Mr. and Mrs, Artbar i-ronar. mi nanny roaa. dancntrr. 1 - -COtfTAaiOUS DTSEASESr- BI.Al rft !Wer 10. Floyd Blaner, let a- Mead afreet, dlphtberla.- . .. .. a LAMKOPTOX Moresiber M. Mia Lakoatoa. . INS Lrneol street, aaeaale. ' i .-'". ; BJVI1THW CTMXTXBT. - k 1nle sre 110. Paajlry lota STB to tl.OOO. Tha only eemetery la Part land whlrb per. petBally maintain and earea for kita. Par full le formation apply to W. R. Maekaal. War. i erster blork. dty. W. M. Ladd. president. " J. P. PlBkvy A Boa. funeral directors and . enihalatera. eornrr Third and Madlaoa trt. $ OfSe ot eoantr forsaer. . Talepkona Mala A Marrlos. MeBato A Ollbaask. snaertaker s4 nnbshaers: saodera la ersry detail, lemtk and Pin. Mala 4S0. Lady asatstaat. . 1 .Funeral wreaths and eat Sowers a speetslty . st Rosa City Orrenbooaa, Twenty saoond aad ' Morrlaoa. opposlt ernetefy. ' Tba tdwsrd Holawa Cndertakla. eoarpaay, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . lot 4, blork fl. elty a .Pro7,.t wife to U S loner, 4 . Ms swl . block S. Losaa addition Arlet Land eonnsny to M. Heath, lot ;th. . 14, Arlet Park ;-"' 1 50 ' 1ST f. - 800 1 , uMiea n m n uiock M, Sell wood. . . Lereh and wife to X. U Palsser tot Ul. btork ST. Bellwood ...... V'. " Ir-b sad wlf to K. U ralnur -' ""SI:"14 k . iork s iZ: - Wlllasitolte Steam Mills. iMberln- A Msntifartarlns eompaay to J. w An ' plesste, fraelUmal lot S, blork 10. Mr. Mlltea' addltb .....I . W. I. Morssa and wife t T. A. Kindred - and wife, wear 4 feet esf S7 feet .; lot 4. blortf J..1, oltr S Poasl snd wife to Pr lasmlloo et si . . V li. Hohbtn to O. Rtwk, lots IS Bad , 1 blork IT, Alntn lloaestead T. It. Starbswk ssd wlf t R. Perkins Irster. aest US f-et lot 1. north (eat west 6H feet lot A btoek m. Fast fort land D. Kran and wife ts H. I. Blaeslnf et " l., southwest M sssilBeast saetlaa lit. rownehl 1 aorta, rant i eaai... A. K. I arte ta B. H. Prance, west t-t lot 14. b-k as, (oarb addition , I. II. Hrallt and wife to B. J. Sonnen- hnrs. K4s M and id, bhirk 19, t alssa Ills Hclglils , R"erri ( rhnrcb estenstoa of l:nlted ' rreahjterlsn ebnrrb to T. Mnlr, lot 4, tHH-k II. I'tcaoant Home addition .... B M. H-wford to B. Vsa Allen, lot rt and xa. Mork . Muas Tsoot rill annes S k. Srnallry and wife to J. Tslentlna, kts 12 I" 3 blork . Krr-tya Park. U tlartre to II. K. Nolile, kita Ilk aad . IS bloHl an. All'lna K V. I won snd bttelisnd to U. V." M ST, brrak A. Ilollsdsy park . bdil!Ua ,Maasa as - sw 'f i,iw 1,000 1 1,000 T,60 '. . 1 . sot .: xt 44 . .J' l tb. 8.T3 . X HO m iwtiy Mrul, a asosuiB. , r Th Dally Joarual, with Kunday, ? To Dally JosrsaL 3 BMOthe. '-7 Th Dalle Journal. Willi raulr. ' t"1l'i m-i iwn. - shuadar IB A.. C tlrobsr aud bnaband to P. 'rnrba '4 A Mock 3a, Snnnrslde , ,. SLOANS' Wt hare ampl funds to loan in any mount . on improved business and residence property in, Portland and vicinity at lowest rates. The Title Guarantee - & Trust Co. . so wAnmraTOV bt. ' (Corner Second at PORTLAND, OREGON . ;;: IN O There la not any oonneetlrtn what . ever between the Northweatern National IM of. Miuuoapolla and Ike Mmm Uu life :.o BxxxwAVzsa, wis. -. Tha latter Company, which we have the honor . to repreaent, , alanda for all that Is best In Life Innuranre, and haa received ne unfavorable erlticlnm by thedally prena or otberr. It is Trywbar Was a.notall as tb hifltest ex am pi of what a Ufa Zaatuaaee Ooanpaar bo aid b. . - -. POLICYHOLDERS ARB " SATISFIEDl . S. T. LOCKW00D & SON Sinaali AOKBTTB, -Ooaoord ldr rortland. Orafoa. rr,c- AKOuurnrci TO A' ) f' ., Million and a 'Quarter DOLLARS t INCLUDING ONE OF TH ' FINEST BANKING HOUSES In the North went is tha security . for everx dollar deposited, with1 the ----- "OLDEST TRUST, CO M PAN Y IN OREGON" Call and Inspect our new bom and modern banking- equipment. '. .4 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 3. E. Cor. Third ani Oak St. ' Phone Private Kxchang-e 71. , SPOTCASH Oa FURNITURE In Any Quantity ' TV .... , W also aall On Commlsalnn ' tee best results." , PORTLAND AUC- TION ROOMS. Jit First street. A. Bchubach. proprietor. Phone Main CI6S. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. Trp1e nd wife t E. J. Thomas, lot A block ft. lamrelamnal Pwb TS Tl B. Selling sad wife to K. J. Thorns a, lots snd T. btork ft, L nrr I wood M. . Tborsea snd wlf to B, A. Bell, lot 7. block Sfitl. Holladar'a m.lAttl. 4, SOU Oak Park Land company to IiL ' toe-e htrTTlilok 11. ok Prk ddltloa 1 1 4M Osk Park Land company t T. Bora. tot X. block 10, Ask Park eddlttoa No. 2 Snanyald tnd A Improvement com- rf .to B, , L.vKlBSWy, lot . blork Inveatment comnaay to f . M. McDouoaghl sots 10 sad it, block 8S, Pled moot.... B. Selling aad wife to-S. Nsea. lot r- SM TS ' 629 21,00 11. block B. Laurrlwood W. R. Ellis and wlf to L. Moa. loU T aad . block f. in rh land A M. Uuthrle et sL tu B. P. Booa. 1 or brglnalng tm feet S Inches nortb point XI chslns west 21 chains T6 links, north i aitb urnsr seclton 8 and 9. tuWnshiD 1 OMth. rilwi s eaat . J. Clnsset et si. to L, M. IMcksoo, aortk donhl block I. city , Iter to M. M. teller, lot a, btork lo. Mouth Portland . . L. N. Uay and wife to W. W. Rdwarda. sns i, aoniBeaai aoribeaat u sooth esse k orcfioB x, range i swat tuwushlp 1 (onlh. ' I.S04 Commercial Truat eompaay.. 1 II. S. savings Loan eomiiany. lots 1 and A btork 204, Ksst Portland Onmmerclsl Trust rompsny to L. O. Clerk snd W. V. Woodward, lots 1 aad 1. htork 204. East Portland i -; . 1.S0S h , it M , , ' A0O0 eo.sfsj 14 t,S0t ' 50 " . IIOS . .' .J lSM A B. Unthlcnm and wlf to Secorltv Serines at 1 rust eompaay, lota 10, IB, 18. blork tsa, east ' lota IS and IS. block Sll.-Couch's addition ... L. TherkcleeB and wife to T. Sctitt Brooke et si., lots B sad A btork IS. Coactt sddltoa K. gttsckeabash, trustee, et sL. to C. J. Annersoa, wt s, : blocs 0, Mvrrane addltto Portland Lone Fir Cemetery saeoeUtloa to t . w. rsrauerg. lot 4Z, block SS, crsieterr - T. W. Younger et at. to K. B. Duffy, -undivided H tots to . blork ION, Eaat Pnetland t R. Shsver et a I. to 1. W.tsjirs. berg, northeast H lot 4 and S, btork I. D. khowera' Secrma addlttnn C H. Rorell to Security Savlnga a Trnst company, aorthweat "a block SO, Coacb addltloa r:-. :.. . ... Pari fie Realty a I nv raiment eompany to . etarmau, isc it, Bssrs a. Btewart Psrk , P. -dnudornh t M. B. Twlse, lot S, block 41. Csruthere addition Snnnysld I.sud a Improvsment eompenv to C. W. Smith and wlf. lot S, west H tot . block 40, Kannyslde..-.. S. O. Priestly and wlf to J. T. Nicker, M 14. block as. Bellwood ' A. Sbowera to S. Bosrdmsn, tots 12 nd I A Mock B., Willamette Relghta. C. H. Korrell et (. .to Jto nrlty Ssvlng Trnst eompany. sll their property last willed by r. Pbllllpia or A. pbll llpnt. Multnomah county ........ i M- '". lof I. btock 2S. Arblna (, Oet ton tnssrases sad bstret ta real satst from th Title Oaarsets aj Trust essa. asny. 140 Whliito street, corner Seosad. ft Say There Is -no use 'trying" till yon have tried a Journal want ad. and tried it more than ones. NOTICE. PROPOBAIA TOR RBPLEXISHMBNT OP Depot SUtrk. lienors! Depot 'of tha Uusrtar- aaaatvre Denarlaient. M Nuw Moainumw; St.. Bsa Praartsro, California, Woreniber a, lnt. Mealed propoaabi In trlpllrata will. 1st received at thla of Be antll HI o'clock a. at.. I'aclac aUadard tlsns. Iicaber , 1W0A. for furnlalilut aad drllesrlnc st ths Bsn yrmn. place depot alcohol, sistlonory, plumber I supplies. shhsrrels, rosltisskel, bsrdwsr. Btnrebolts. burs, wklskorooto. pa lata n4 brnahs. nlin-lttln, barnes. and saddlery, burlap,. offtoe-ohaUs, wasoa-parts, atorenlp eloosr, ' eirslsior, arapnica, aosa, ormolu- Iron. tnrud.srst kasjon. Ire. oils, wrsp-pins-paper, library . paste, saucepans, trpe. writer ribbons., sawdust, pisiform Brslea, boetkresd, tarasntlsj. twins, whips and eopuar wire, ate. Tb I hi ted State reserve tits rnui as scceni or reject snr or an bids, or spy part thereof. Informatloa and blank proposal furelshed oa appllraaoa. RoTrloBs eootslnlns proposals to ha marked Kroposals for HepieniaosQens ok oiock. m 8.S.TI. to B Opened Peeraiber 8, ltMaV and addressed to Msjor li. A. imsoi. guar tar muter. V. A A.. Depot Quartormaater. IN THS circuit mart of tb stst ot Orcgm for MultBoajsh eounty. In ths matter of tha recelrerahrp of tha estsis of Aniust arsti, aa laaoiTeat asbtor Voiles l t Tbs anderslyned will rerctes sealed bid foe tha asset Bsrtalnln to toi estate, uriadint Intersst la lease to Tb Tarern and Th t'afe. resiiactlTely. oa Hlxtb street, lietwsea Wsshkistoa and Alder, Portland, Oreaoa. np to 12 o'sloek boob, of Wsduesdsy, KoTssabtf IB. 1BU0. . ' Separata bid for tb Tsrsrs property and th i'sf property most b mad and a rerll fled check for 10 per font of th amonnt bid most serowosny achoffar. No conditional blda wlU be eoaaldered. Ineentvry snd Inspectloa of property may be Bad oa application. . i Dated rJovaibr 10, I9M. ' ' R. L. 8ABIN. RecelTsr, . Front aad Aaksay sts PorUaBd. Oraaoa. NOTICB OP DIJWOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP I karehy firs not to in as ras partnerabip berstotors eilstlns between N. A. ftcbsnea snd Philip Ne. under tb Bm of Bcbanaa A Nou. hss been -dissolved by mutual sre OMtnr. Tb honloess will be continued at tit local ion or th rormr nrr at sks First street by tb new firm, Na Klnssley.. All bilk, ow Ins by tb furmar firm wlU be paid by at snd sll aceooata collected. - ruiur nau. PortUad. Oreaoa. November H. 1906. NOTICB kt hereby livea that I am ae tons eoanscted with cslumet rostaarsat. 14B r)ev enth St.. Portland. Oreson, and that tb partnership heretofore exiatlns between m and P. AllsdM was dlssolvod by matusl run- sent on the "tb day of November, 1WUA, aabl Allauio aasuwuif su oeots. BKRNARO SARQOrSBB. ' Dated Xovsmber 13. lBOe. TO Whom It Msy Coarwra Tb pslntlns Irr of Parker Ksbler. located st 33 Third St., Is this dsy dissolved. Mr. Parker eontlnnlna tha boslnes at tb same stand, assuming U debts and raoslvlaf SU saooay now sat tb arm. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE No. IS, A. P. tt A. M. Stated commaiidcatlott this (Uoodayl even Inc. T:30 o'clock. Masoale Temple, Third , and Alder sts. Brotber B. O. Wrlybt will deliver aa address, habiect. "Is Thrie Masonry Amor. I tb Imllsnsr1. AU M. M. are welcome. By order w. M. - BrrUS B, . BALL. Secretary. BET1NO NOTICB Th annual meeting of tb stockholder of the Rosslsnd at Deer Pars Mining company will be held at th of fir of the company, (ooma -44 sad - Wsahlnrtoo bhlg.. outheat mr. nf Poartb and Washins ton sts.. Port load. Oreaoa. oa Friday, N. Veinbsr 17, Ht. st in or tors a. m. . .. . ,, II. Mius LUHis.t, rreuoaai, . AlteM sr. W. KINO. Herretary. Portland. Oregon. . November 7. ISOil. ,, i, esq LOST AND-FOUND. rOt!ND Near Bandy road, cocker spaniel dog. p. o. Otillsoder, care el veopey at Boa, tauore-. 68 1 -Third t. TAKEN I'P Stray row. Owner ran have same by proving property and paying charge, call phone Ksst 4TT at Woodstork. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Experienced waitress for family hotel. Call Ml Thirteen U. WANTED 4 men acquainted WlU city to ollett fur eofrse and tea stor. Apply rearnlay Holms. 449 Washington at. TWO more mea wanted ta preps ra foe railway man clerk; applications must b In at one. Call on B. 6. lleaoa. 12 Breads bldg. zoStt Washington at,, 9 a. s. to S p. m. SECURE A GOOD POSITION. -W amlst competent office men, bookkeeper, stenographer, cuhter. collector, bill darks, general cSsrlcaLi technical commercial men. Sue loess Men's Clearing Hons, 110 Seeoad. MEN sad hoys wanted to earn SS day. sfts a moatn instruction, position gusraatsi; special tuition bslf nrlce. few day only. Ooyn Bros. Co. Plumbing Hcboole. New York, Cincinnati. O.. St. Louis. Ma. Pre cats logo. Utos 4ek4 and accident benefit for Laloa Mutual AM Ass'a. TOO Marqaam bldg. SALESMEN waatod; cask advanced weekly: good territory opeal eatnt rre; som ar ms Ing 1100 to 2150 per maotb. Why not you T Address Waablngtoa Nursery v., Tappsama, Wsshtogtea. WANTED Clerk and wtndow-dntssers to study show-card writing st Y. M. V. A night rbool; persossl lnstructloa. , Apply tot par ticulars. COATMAKERS wanted. A. J. Branlt, room IS Hamilton bldg.. .- WANTED 4 rellsnl spent, sslarv or com mlaatoa, 44 per dsy. Room S Labb bldg. lino A MONTH sure oa 25c capital; remarkabU nut true: pays rrom sxarv; worseii spar Iboun; psrtlculars for 2c stamp, Th Was nlta rtllltv Specific Co... lock bos boA Portland. Oregon. . : WANTED Fbrst-chts rshlnet-maker foreman; wnly men with high ability and able to com well recommended need apply. Oreaoa Pisa His Mill Co., Nineteenth and Bond at. WANTED Oood. Strang boy.- Apply to eaabler, Joarnsl. HELP WANTED FEMALE.- SALESLADIES wanted to solicit trade for te and coffee-hoes: salary ana commission: . mast be of good address. SUsdard Coffee A Splc Mills. 20S Second St. . PORTLAND SBWINO SCHOOL - Pastilonahle dressmaking.. 27 m Morrtooa St., cor Fourth, . room c. system tsught. OIRL to work for board and g to erhooL ' IB F.sst Twsnty-aiitB at, near Morrison. ANSEN'S LA.tS' AOENCY. t444 Wasbtsa ton St.. eor. Seveafk. apctalra, raoae alala 2SB2. r..aaia kelp waatod. LADY soTtf Itor for th te and eoffe trata. -sorrfn , Hawthorne Te-ief sto riswinerne eve. TOl'NO girl to help Is general bousswork. Room it Hamilton bldg. WOMAN, energetla, . rellsbl. to tsk tS. Lewis bldf. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 161 north stts WANTED Immediately, einertearwd Bortaswork Sin, rirsf-eiasa private ramlly; wsgea gxn; another tows. ZtOi Yamhill. Pboos Mais MlA - ' - SALESLADIES wanted to solicit trad for tea and of fee: salary and rommlnslon; mast he of good address. Staadard Oof fe 4V Splc Mill. 200 Secsmd at. smsBSassmsssssaBasBBsssssssssansmssssssaas MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeepers end - teonTBpbers 1 greater this ths supply. Pror Angoat I, 1904. t August 1. 1WKI, we placed . f Is good poaltlossi fcsd sail foe mors tba Bo0; our grsditste re ALL employed; a will ssslst yea to s posltloa when competent; enroll bow; dsy or eight. Behnke-walker Business (VtHega, Stark and Morrison ars. WANTED Immedlatelv, t ntea er women to de auras!, Csll j Bst 7i Se4 proposlltoh. MALE AND FEMALE HELP." WANTED At one. . brliht, energetic, pre. sentsbis msa or woman, a good talk sr. to tsk up sa atrrsetiv proposition. Inquire I .m i.a.aiiav vi miwuwoj, m a. as, 1 BILP wanted sod supplied, male ar femsle. R U. LTBSV. evil HMUIUIIWB Si. tllSC lVMO. SITUATIONS ( WANTED rMALE, WANTED Posit toa by aa einerteared houk keeper: csa com sny tiro 'ter November 10) togging nrtu nretsrred. Address w. J., In ear of Cornelius Wsxaaous. Oorusllui, vrsguw. BAKER wiahea posltloa la or out of Portland; arsi-cisss sinowBi ran giv ossc or rr ereares; nonunion. Address Blltert Mcaois, jna vrssc swouua or., Atosay, uregoa. WORK waBted dartng odd hour by young saas Blteatuing memm. aiKii aae b au, journal, . BY young man, sot sbls to do hesvy work on account of airiness; nave aom store expert. . nc. also card writing: will tooa be well ss In. Address 1 ujl, journal. WANTED By young msn, position ss collector. iperleneed. Address T 4T. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB SITUATION wanted: rapsbl sromsa as cook 1a smsu hoardins-house, restursnt or plala lUHOl. seitf assnniu. saw srsia Oslo. WANTED Br yooar girl, altustlou la restau rant or kxtglng boas. Msorl Smith. I'boo BUck 1W73. - EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES. ' " HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FPICA .. 1 PQB MEN. . " SS B. Sssaad t .... ... Pboae Msla 1S2A JAPANESB-CHINESB BMPIXTMBNT OFPIOR, tieary nun, ao7 siveren su , raoae ' re clfto S40. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Help rurnlalMd rrs. 2o9 Bumslde st. Pbona Mala 437. - . ... PACIPTO Coast Em p. Co. Rellsble emptoyaMat sgests fi. 2d at. Pboa Main OoTO. ACMB EMPLOYMENT CO. SU Morrlaoa st. uppiMS ma for au aiau er wore. BIO POUR BMP. A0ENCT Help so pp tied free. is n. BAcoos st, raoae Hsin lau. RATIONAL Employment and Labor . Ageacy, six ftD ai. thon Mala loo. WANTED AGENTS. WINNER for ateot Hrslth) and accident Insurance on popular monthly payment. Far liberal term, address O. A. Lrmsn, msn. ger. Continental Casualty Co., N. W. CpU SS Mobswk bid-.. Portland. . Oregon. . AGENTS wanted ts sell nursery stork; new ad complet outfit famlshsd free; cash weekly. Capital n City Nursery - aompaa, Salem, Oregon. AGRNTS WANTED Ms I or fern Is. for tint heat selling household srtlcls on tbs market, for Reatti and surrounding town. Call or address O. H. M wetland, Lenta. Or., Bos 7. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST your property with a for quick rsturn: fsrm lines specialty, f'regg Bros., real estate. S17-S1S Fentoa bldg. " HAYB buyer wilting to hear of small borne In or aear Portland, any direction; If you an ready to seU address F A cere JournaL WANTED Let close In. also email farm: bv arustomer. aos Fourth at, . .. WANTED T bay or less s building tot atoea in. strrBersoo, vtimsa sotei. r irst aau aiaer. WANTED TO RENT. WB went desirable bouses aad flats, all part or tb city: bar hlrb-clsss ellents waiting) rents collected, property cared for. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 248 Stark at. l Phoa Main 1STA WANTED Te rent farm, IS er SO seres, aear city; souse sag Barn. sa. u. aiergsa, iv Mliwankle St. WANTED To rent s chlrkea rtaeh near city. Call am Couch et. GENTLEMAN destrrs room end board nenr In ton ave. car line bet. Roeaell t. nl Woodlawn. Address A 40, car of JournaL WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewis and Clark fair at boras: send 40c Is stamp for handsome photo book, nearly 200 photo ef fair. 7H6tt Inches. Wester View Book Co.. Portland. Bos 294. PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing trees, basement, bar us. dock, etc.: largest gasoline : spraying outfit a th coast. M. O. Morgan , a C., 470 Mllwsukls at Pbon East 2lf. STAPLES, THE JEWELER, BUYS OLD 00LD Amu stii-VEin. -. ot every description. Portland Bottl Supply . Ctv, S91 North Eighteenth, Phone Msla XtbS. BOOKS bought, enld aad exchanged at th Old Book store, Z29 xamnui . F. 7. RYDER, printer. Seeoad Ssd Washington ata. . Pbon Mala 6B3A IF yoa . want manure for rue as pbon Front 9040. r laws, caB WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO. t WE WILL BUY. SKLL OR TRADB ANT OLD THING. WF.STKKN SALVAGE CU., BZ7 ' 629 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 798. WILL do carpenter work by th day or Job fin? enhaiige for dentist's work. T TA care ' ef Journal. . 1 DESK printed; stst kind ssd trTtot. T 45, lb journii. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KING 809 Jefferson St., new building, kaedaoroelv furnished, with every saodera con venience; all nts1to room, wltb beat, ass cf leetrtc light, porcelain hatha: rate from 4S to fIB per month; epeelal rats to S or more person. ' BEAUTIFUL front snlte wltb open grat aad large rbatets; also' two other destralii roooif , In modern bom; pbona, paw, furnace bsst. BSO Fourth St. . LARGE, llrbt, elegantly furnished rooms: gas. electric light, norcelsln bath, phone: V min utes' wslk to- Iiualnes renter, or, S car : line. ' Pbon Main S08S. 423V Jr eon at. THB HAMANN. 189 N. IStk.. sor. Hoyt Newly fnrnlshed room, $1.50 up convenient Iocs tie, 18 mtaute' walk te fair grounds: Morrlaoa ear it aaloa deyot direst to bouse, paoae S4T0. HOTEL HOOD. cor. Sixth snd Everett, I sndst sew manage meat and can rent aew end sleely ' furnlahed rooms, with steam heat, free hat - aad phoa. at vary tow rats lor lae winter. THB HUB. 98 Eleventh t.i eor. 'Stark NW moraine house, newly furnished, stesm beat. gss light and baths; close to business aee- tloa, 1 diock rrom cariinv; su in cnniorn ,.f s horn; everything ap te date. Mrs, P. A. Claaey, prop.' THB KINO go Jefferson St.. new building, bsndsomety furnished, wltb very saodera convenience: all outold. moms, with beat, ' gas r electric light, pnreslale baths; ratee - to. 75c and SJ; spedsl ratae by the week - er moafh. THB BEIXEYUB, 212H Powrtk St. Neetty furnished rannnr for gentlemen; an eatsids rooms; slsctrie lights, porcelals bath) ratae, Sor, toe. i : very Ww rats by weak se moata. Bood T01. , WAt Cie Mind Is In a State o! Uncertainly , The smallest Impnla will direct M to the other lde." With lb shopper e Journal want sd la a Utile better ths 'the ether end sclasa this "smsllest Impulse snd deetdrs which of tbs Blurts a be shall visit, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT WEIX furnished rooms, board; good tors t Ion; car service. 401 Tenth St. I'bua 1'sclfto CHEAPEST d best toeatsd room la Portland, fl week aad SB. Otlmaa. Pint aad Aids Uw HOTBL PALMER. Centrally located at the eorasr of Alder and Psrk sts.: stesm heat, hot and cold water, frss porcelain hatha; raoost toe, TOO sad 1; special wsuaiy rsiaw. BFAlTtrT'L front suit and 2 other deslrshl fornlaheS rooms in moneru some oa lu-iTBie fa rally l pboos, bstn, rurnse Bast, wsiklug aiBCanca. oou w wi. ... . oi atim KINO'S HEIfJHTfl Dsslrsbl Belghhorhood. near St. uein s nam uirwiy uumiain r"is for one er two. wiib private lasiuy; perms- aut prsrsrrso. ios stain es. UNhEIJ, HOTBU 4tb and Market I sS" im.. mrnianeo .aew larousnouT: no osra comroruDi uomo, . straw m. sscljs. MABQHAM HOUSB. I48H Stb Room a utt ST Bingl; now"esavina awrss hath. toctrl krbts; trsnslents sollcltsd. PURNISUBD rooms, slngls or ea suite, ta par month d at, noisi rsirroouni. Awaaiy slsth ssd Cpshnr and Tnugha b. NICKLY fnralskad room st moderefs prices for rent m urge envat nousa, ciase la. uau at 14T Tenth St., near Alder. SlitiUSninx inniipnag rovwa, anvana pnieij hot aad en Id water; tan rssuswaDie. J 14 Nortb Sixth at. NEATLY furnished stngl sleeptng oome, en double parlor ; 1 Wpgi soHSspiB(-rooma, 101 Testa .- .... j. , HOTRL MONARCH, SS Stark st. transient so llcltsd; pries reaaonaois. rnoa rsciric su, NICELY furnished - roost, sll modem v sciences, rsssonapia. oe auta su FBONT parlor for tastlemaa of re floe meat wb room nar tba ceatat of etty. Ml wishes Everett st. THS GRAND Newly farnlshed nam by th week er ssoatk. ZoSH Ursnd av. - 0NB room with or without hoard; both, phone. ctos In. 4o East oersstn, K. NEWLY furnlahed reoma to prlvat family strictly modern; assy walking distance to buetnsss center; wast be seen to be appre ciated. 2tH Svatb st. , NICE rooais, reasonable. STS Alder, opposlt Ar ling toa lub. Mala xuaa.. FOR RKNT Nice -room, every convenience; raa serve, break fast ; on or two gttomen pre ferred. (23 First sad Halacy. Pbon Cutoa HUM. -..!,' ELEOANTT.T furnished rooms; bath, electric light and pbon; fl.TB per wees and opj butts tboronglily clrsn srwl reapectabis, Ho tel New Belmont. 18M First t. - FOR RENT Furnished flat er ta sqttes ef 2, 8 or 4 room; new modern fiat; ras, bam, stc. 2ftt North 8lxtenth St.. eor. Washington. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB RF.NT Furnish ad bousekeeplag room I beet artctr block oa east side: gss ranges. bath. etc. no transtontoi prleae msderste. Logsa 4-ik., 10BH i-nloa av. Alitor.. Fuooe But 424. . . 8UITB S rooms, greand flhor, newly fnmlsbed. su modern con rente sees; aisa otner room. Tba Naw Grant. Sarnnd and tlrant SI THE MITCHELL. Flanders and Seventh Rooms, , housekeeplsg sad traBlBt OBVsolnt iprtos reasoosbl. ..... THB GLADSTONB-61SH Ssrtar St.. furnished rooms; a rise sew maagsmn; an as tea. eoasbto. - v , HOUSEKEEPING room; pleasaat front; ress- eaahae rate; light aad naone. soih Wats. 2' ROOMS, .modern rsaldenos, furaa best, 20tk near Waahlngtoa; part rural tura foe aale; ,rent 1&. Devena. SIS Commercial bib, , Mala FURNISHED er unfurnished housekseptng and sleeping rooms, riom m; Beta; tM Tenth, near Sterk. Also A4 North Twsnly sixth, , Rsvler. $1 week; Wssblngtoa cars to ttyrt Twenty -sixth, tura left 100 feet, . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms And slnkls room for rest, 809 ttovwath St.. aaar Clay. MICE suite, furnished or unfnralshed room; low rent, psoos Eaat 412B. aw. u. nsrtsr, alt. Tabor. - - ,. . fl.TB PER WEEK Large eleea furniebed BOueeBeping-roouis; launary us eeia. . &OS Shera aua, nouta PortUaA . FOUR very nicely furnished room: bath and pantry; rirat iioor: gsraen; rani reasons ois; cars convenient 169 Porter St. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. THB COMMERCIAL Select family . hotel; nicely rurnlaaea; stngl ar en suit; isom Srst clsss; free hatha: walking distance) ratee ressonsble, 4M8 Washing kus st. FIRST-CLASS rooms aad beard for permaaeat . people, SJ2.80 aad S2B per month) table board it par wtek. A at or bona, Tth ssd Madlaoa at. TL Mala 8231. . Bonus wl.k w. rA I. eapaaanetiV s?i ressoaahto; flmt-etoaa lsoaia euoklng. Sixth at. WANTED Children to hoard; alee bom. Pboo Hood 10OL, PI.RASANT room and board; modern plumbing, etc.: central toeattoa. 487 Eaat Asaany, near Ninth at. THB MANITOU, 261 lth Hsndsome rooms and snlte; steam neat, tine nataa. vary eomrort bt. excellent home-cooked meals, wsll served. EXCELLENT tabl hoard. 4 50 per wk; ales room wltb board. T BA JournaL FINE front suit with board, $22.80 Back. 2S1 West Park, eor. Salmon. ROOMS with breakfast la private family; phone, beak so-mlnut car rids; en block from carlln. Pbon 4540. . UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1 V HOTEL FAIBM0UNT. North . Twsety-elitb at.. ; . , Vssghs.. from - Upshar to Beams furslsbsd snd onfarBlshad, slngl and suits, $1 par wsk ssd op. A permanent - modern building, plastered snd with bathroom and Bodsra plumbing. . - i FIFED FOB OAS FOB COOKIK0. ) ; ALL OUTBIDS BOOMS. . , BOOMS and offices Is Lewis bldg. White, 808 Dknm bldg. Isqslr UNFURNISHED beusekosplng rooms, $1 weak. B4 North Twenty-six th, cor. nsvier: wsaii Instoo cars te. Twenty-elxth, tura left 100 reet. FOR RENT FARMS. 10 ACRES with bens aad bars for rent near Troutdsl; good land. Inquire 338 Burnalde. SUITABLE gardening, chickens, dairy, email rarm near- moutavuia ear una; oerrie, or chard, aouae, bars, grided rhnol; snap. AI lender Ind Co., 13 Morrison. - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS: FOR RENT About Jsnnsry 1 Aetorv brick build ns , lormloo. noelbesat eor. Third ssd Madison), will ramodel and less whole or part to deelrshl partlea. Apply to R. T. Cdt, Ne. T First at., room 10. FOR RENT 8-slory wnrehooee. 100x100, oa trackage, northwest cor. lottrin snd'Hoyt. sssIW1' 1 rtntl W l"L HOUSES FOR 1 RENT FURNl- TURE FOR SALE." " FOB bet rarelt ea r i FUBNITUBB." -. . Whether to buy or sell, ring to Vila 6d8A PORTLAND AI CTIOH ROOMA. -. Sll First st. V BUYS furniture of room modern house, in wslklng dlaiascet rent reaaoaabls. Ad dreas K 81, car Journal. ' THBEB 9-room houses for tout, furultur f. ssls; S 6-roor fist for rsnt sad 1 furultu.' roe ssls; thes are naua. es u. aia No. 278 Taylor t- NINE-ROOM bona for rsnt snd turn I tor for : sal, A00 csslii selling ou socoaut of ueaUi In fsmlly 20 Fourth st. rrnviTi si r a rooms: best offer tskes It borne foe rest, call . aiir p. ss-, suv Park et,-- - . - AROOM bouae for rent Bad furniture for sale. wits ne without niano: com p trie au pesity nirBlshed. . 6o2 East Murrlaoo at. . Phvn Ksst 4M4. ; ' ' 1 FOR RENT HOUSES. TO rent or aril t-roeia cottar at Tremont ; porcelain bath, not nn coin water, m-marn.. garden and cement side wslk; prlra fOOn; M down, . he lane $10 per month Bad Interest st 8 per cent; rent for $12.50 per mouthi A. Ogdea, room 003 Teuton bldg. FOR BENT Ronse and Sat. aU parts ef the city. Rental oepsrrmsnr ; THB CONTINENTAL COMPART, ' . 248 Stark sL STUART station. Meant Scott ear 4 large rooms, eathulldlnsa. monsra; psrues witnoai chlldreu, furultur for ssls. Call Ue BUe vas, F oar th snd Salmon, t - THAT elegsnt 12 room modern dwelllne. 4M Holladsy ave.. only $30 per month. Inquire at XJt Washington sr., or panne isnuc on. NEW S-room hous snd. Quarter Mock. Hancock , ana ssai i wenry-aixm sis. e-ii.o. as Lombard. 814 Chamber et Commerce, FOR BENT New, BBOdera cottage. Jaot4 Eaat 2078. FOR RKNT At $2AB0, 9-roou, nou. SM Jobnatoa at.- r r FOR BENT T-room bonsa on Kerby St.; price $18. Inqiilr st Sua kmy at. - TO RANT AT UN1VERSITT PARK, k.X ax v.V4.swa raas, . :::::::::::::::::;::::;::::::::::io modern ..1 ...tit 4 room a 8 room a ennui. f rooro, modern ..-...'...-. .$1T H. O. H1BRAT. Phon rnloa SSU. 8-ROOM boas for rent: swat desirable toe. tlon for rooming bona. inqmrs -MSV tl. Cohen, 400 Columbia bldg., S8 Waahlngtoa st. Pbona Mala 7H4. FOR RENT a-room boase, besides ball, pantry and d rioaer. sot and eokl water, porcelain bath, basement. Inintlre of .O. IB. Tucker, Horn Land Co., University Park. " HOUSE T room, bath. baaesMst, mrdea. lawn. rnlcaen runa, isau, ssrs, tie areoaiyn. Phono Scott 1322. T FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOB BENT Centrally toretod office with pbona end neat. 10 par moots, tt, u. est. iu Seeoad at. -. . OFFICES snd noma. Lewie bldf. . Inquire White; -808 nekuar bldg. : FOR RENT Drooot snd everything for. slsbed. E. A Jack sou Co., 246 Btsrk Bt, 0FPICB- ROOMS flood kldf. ApplF levator. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR' RENT Reataarant, or will maks good barber sOop or meat market, with FOR SALE Barber shop, tw ekatrs. Address Box 844. Tillamook, or. rear. Inquire TfsJ Wsskragtsa at. IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Fine grist mill, new ....$14.feX) BHcksmlth snd wsgonmaker'e shop..,. l.rval Photograph gallery .t Too General mercliandls- stork ....$t5.0"0 0nrsl merrhan.lle stock $ 8,000 A11 lines paying well.) . ' City and fsrm property. ' ' W. U IRELAND, tb Real Estate Mas, Grants Pass, Oregon. -. -! CONTINUED Ulnees compel me to sell ar ex- chsng rarnlihing and Bstsinea ef best 85 room hotel In Portland; central location, goad lea. M, Oilman betel. First and Alder. , FOR 8ALB Bakery, doing good bnsteeaa; 2 bores and 2 delivery wagoae; ttokaees tb can. Inquire 868 First at. GOOD . restaurant for eele. $900 essh; good trad sua toeattoa) Iras. Address F 81, JournaL BICB, clean 20-room bene, full ef steady room er: owner musi wave town) pnee soup. In quire 2094 Madlsoa et. RESTAUBANT furniture for sale. - W. H. Ittln, Hotel rslrmount, Twentytstb ssd rpsbar ete. t FINB epportonttT la swrsblisbed Boslnesst help ana capital. A a areas u e. ear JouraaL WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A OO.I FOR. 8 A LB Plrst-claaa restaurant and bekery, aoing gooa numess;' wan i w, eeit on screen s of III bealth. Inqulr ITS Commercial st. Salsm, Or. ..... A RESTAUBANT ea Sixth et. doing a good buslpese, elso one on Bu op aide at.; both are bargains. S12 Pine St. National Real . tat Ok, - . - i - , - . - IF yoa want a farm, city or suburban property. e gooa nnsinsss ox any aino. or aav any kind of property to sell or exchange, call on or sddrees Northwest Land Co.. 268 Morrt Boa St., room ill. Phone Main 6418. FOR SALE R-rcora boarding boase doing good rmsins sravmg xowa cause ec sets. ' bus First t. . SALOON doing business ef $88 per dsy, fin lor t tort, very cnesp rent; n clears $200 per mouth; will sell st $1,280. Address 11 n, journal. FOR ssl,. cheap, good business to thriving Bnnurhi fine location, cnesp rent; prerer re eell direct. Address X. X. E., ear of Joorual. CANDT STORB, WELL LOCATED WITH LIV ING ROOM, raa be had at ww rent by a desirable party; location ea east side op po sits the Alhlna erhoolhouse. Parttoalara, aall office, BIT Oommrctol btork, FOB SALE Oa aeronat ef slob sees, atee, eleen. Biooey -making nasin oa t aids; aale from $16 to $.18 per dsy: price $1,400, er will tovsieei a sgests wsnted. a 89, Tb JeurssL EXCEPTIONAL opportunity Is offered In a .nice cigar and confectionery etnr; th owner going ta California, will aM vary resaonable; nice stock, good Svtnres; cheap rent; good leass. . Don't mis thlarOwnr, 189 "Madison. SAIOON end rood hotel with er without hotel, . for ssls; will sell bslf Interest to th right ' party. Address B 60, care JonrnaL BLACKSMITH SHOP doing good bualnem past 12 years, full supply of tools, qusntlty of , Iron snd coal, dwelling-baa, bearing trait trees. chlckeB-hous. 2 possenger-hoata, ear service each day, 2 mlnnts' walk to sch rises; sll for $200 If taken Boon. Apply te TbompaoB Foster, Bldgefleld, Wsshlugtou. WANTED T parrhaee a good-piylng re. tsnrant, centrally located i; $1,400 or ever; a aganta. r es, onrnai. BATE other tried to cell rosr boalnesa and failed T Then list with ns; we Mil vry thlng. $17 Cemmercl! bldg, . . , RESTAURANT cheap for rash; mutt he sold st . once. 01T Comtnarctol bldg. , A JournalWant Ad Csn llkclr find you a partnep n olher ptirse to hitch tip wltb yours and another head to divide tha Worry. JOURNAL "Want Ad" Rates UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION Five Cents per UaeT" " f ' ' . ' , . . , V No sd taken for lass tha lrie per day. Seven words, ss a rule, constitute S llns. bnt esrh line to charged rsgardlsss ef the nnmiier of words, . WIEKLT RATE T tnssrHona (lneludhg Sunday issue) 80 Civil IS psr Ua par MOMTHLT BATE (Insludituy nil Suaaay laauea 181.04 per line par month, ADVERTIb M ENTS must b la Fasraal Bualusse of tee by 18 e'clook week day na sy l oloc Saturday evening for th Suadsy Issue, to esour elaaalfloatis. Display raws glvaa upsa appuoatiaa at xae at bos. . . ' THE JOURNAL branch Offices r " . ADTXBTISIaTINTA"-- '; , " Will be received at rsmlar matn-efflr rate. Follow Ins I a list of aathorls! sseui. wno win forward yoor aclvsr'lae neut la Uui fug publlcatioa to tus next , WORTH USX.' ;'-.'.: - ' Pr,on. druggiat, Tweaty-thlrd and TUnrmas streets. Nob Hill Phsrmscy, $80 Ollssa street. Comer Twenty-first A. W. AUen., pharmackit, Blzteeath aad Marshall street. . . Met'ommou's Phsrmscy, NUistsoth sad Waahlngtoa strseu. . , south irBr,: 't B. F Jones Co.. druggists. Frost aad Oihb streets. Coitsl Drue company, ' Fust ' and Great street. . ... . . . . Fables ' Byerlev, druggMt, 400 JaroB street, corner Tenth. Hettmaa' Pharmacy, eoreec Sixth sad Bsrrlson strseto. Ptoinmec Drug company, 200 Third street, eoraer Msdleua. , . , ". ... .v.:t ','- (AST UOX, .v' :r-l.-l : W. A Love, drnggtot. corner Grand svesa snd Ksst Burnsld street. Nlraoi A Thompson, US Bosssll street, oomer AlbtnS evenae. Janek Daig company, earner Hawthorne and Ursad avenqea. W C Cable, druggUt, eoraer Holladay venue and Larrabee street, near steal brldg. . i- R. A. Wilson, 183 Grand aveona, seat Bsst Morrison. t R. W. Ball. Hi East Seventh street, earner Steplisn . . ' BioKuurs. ' P. I. Clark, druggist. 1003 North Unloa svenne,.' - - . , ...... t TJirsTTSZSX. J. E. Worth, pharmacist, 90S " Bslmost street. .. .... , --. - BXOOXXTW. -Brook lye Phs nosey oompsny, Powell sad MUwaukla etreete. v M; AKLKTA. OBZOOX. ' Arleta Pharmacy, Alar and Foster streets. ' KUW00D. ' ' Remetock's Pharmacy. 848 Umatilla are-1 sue, .corner Beat Thirteenth atreet.- BUSINESS CHANCESj;. INTE8TT0 ATE For a emn amount ef asst. tal large returaa.. toe McKay bldg. FINE opportunity for good man to secure half Interval in money-miking real eetste or nee) smsll Investment required. Apply 221 tt Mor.. orr First, room a. .in., i ii ., a i i pzgjc3 - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . FOR SALE Aroem cottage. S lots, all kind of fruit, be trie, nn eon, gooa water: so aim. atee' walk t r Unev 10 to Hostherw Psetflc. 12 mile from Pnrtlsfid. Se swaer, A. 8, Drsper. 232 Waabtogtoe at. dty. ..,.' FOR SAI.R At a heresta. 8-rnom cottag at Pnanyslde, y nsuntniy paymenua. aa a sera Mrrrsntlls Ageacy. Ablngtoa bldg. L TWO fin tot. 100x100, enrnsrt good view ef enow mountains; cheep. Also new modern fnrnktbed t-room asms, Dare, t axs, ror Mala 1418. - ' I FOR SALE TBxinO-foot tot ea Bast Seven toentk and Couch; will roe n.po ir eoia is aexs fsw days; fares cast; rll worth $1,400: will sen part of lot if asalreA Address K 48, ars JoaraaL. , INCOME would be at least 12 psr coat per asnam, er lo per cent net, srter part ag taxes and Inenranc en tw auodera doubl house , asd a full auarter btoek ea west tide, la Kod residence district; tbs boase ceapy t 80x100 feet, leaving 40x!00 feet aaoc - ranted which might be sold off for s good, sum to reduce to th Investor tb eosf of . th tonne ef tb quarter block n which . th bouse are located; thee -houae ar la a good condition and In a deslrshl tors , tlon,. BUrrouadlogs good. Price $1B,8U0 bslf , easb. ' . CULVER. S2S Chamber of Com S3.TO0, A SNAP Comfortable modern bens. rioss in on rue asr aina, p iivins-rooms, nata. stc., ga and electricity, largs hssement eon. tslnlng Issndry, tw store aad fuehnmms verytblng alwut the bo la 8rlt-clae re- I nalr the Vf is 150 feet Oeep. contslns chicken, Tona-n8r-nC-1ntmbT -of" an tnur trees i aa I oca l aom for eomrort ana eon. venlene. ' Call or addre th owner, room BOO. tba Marqaam. Pbon Msla 863, S te d p. m. LOT 22x100 aad T-reom eld hone. R. Waah. lag. between catoa svs. aa m. sts. tioon. Fifteen acree at ML Scott, on wbick .IS " about too cords wood: price $ano. Large comer tot with I good houses, central Eaat Portlsnd; rsnts $88; prle $6,400) terms. Elegant B-room aew modern cottage and corner lot. Hawthorns' First addition, $A2b0 half cash. Quarter block with Improvements; taaaat rent $1,878; west side: price $15,500. , CULVER, 023 Chamber of Commerc. $280 EACH 4 lot on East 2fJtb snd I vsa st., wvision. usii as too ou m pise. ; ; ' ACBB TRACTS. ' , V" 0CB SPECIALTY IS ACRE TsUOTft ' '. Fsll-im4 streets. wter to each Mr. , " TE8f-$10 PER ACBB fASH $10 PEA ACBB FEB MONTH. Tea ne te these sores ea the am sr, Cy ths eame 8 fare the tot msa pays. Tba t msa to your aslghhor. but h It re stricted la majority of faatared that BMke a tme saharban home. ... , ,. r . ' A. C CHURCHILL A CO., S. i , tM Beeottd st ; . L SPECIAL BARGAIN 88 FOB $L Tracts $2 front foot, 218 feet deep) CSS hive as siaay front feet a yoa want from B0 feet Spi all la cultivation, sll level and sightly. S mtnatee to good 10-room school, S grade, near at or, poatofflc. church sad car station st Lents) B-rent far te sny part of Portlssd. Thla I 1$ prte; torn it wanted. O. R. Adtllton, Lenta, Orsgou, Tat Mt.,BCot ear. a csur. . $800 WILL boy small hous and tot 60x140, No, inn Alhlna av., bet. Fremont aad Basra '' sts. w. PrttrrsoB, 268 Yamhill L, awsrr. EAST -8IDB HOMES Three t-rooej and one B-roonv house en E. Third snd Multnomah " sts.1 new, bsantlfuUr flnsbed; fin Iocs tlon: ' convenient to S csrllnes; eear (arms. Psrtab -A Gonrlsy. ewaere, 848 Multnomah at. EIGHT seres, reedy to plst, close In. high and alghtlv; Box loo; lota all around sell for $.100 to $500: will sell for $8,280 If takss soon, , T 86, Journal. v . SKI.LWOOD HOMES. :- 4- room house, sear rar line. .'... SOS B room modern cottage, half block frsta car Una II. tod 8-room cottage: modsra .fl.f.O 5- room hous , $1,000 8-roota modern houee; fln fruit tree) ce ment walka .....fl.TTiO Aroom hous .81.4O0 B room bouae., vslth in. fruit tree.,...,. Ji..Vo . room modern house ,.....l,aod . We csa make eaay term oa most sll the above. Fine lots St prlcea and term thst will sulL i SELLWOOD TOWNS1TE CO. . Those East 4704. Take Scllwaod car sad get off s Tenlne St. A 8-STORY brick building. tOOvlOO. on Estt side; will psy 8 per cent net en $10,000; ertoe $; ess gits Urms. Addreet m as, evsaisae. , ' I X