The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 13, 1905, Image 1

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    . t
f 7 , , .T" . :
Fair tonight and Tuesday; variable
- winds, mostly, southeasterly. ,s
Journal Circulation
U. U U
VOL. IV. NO. 216.
ow thaiki a no rrwa
- iaw. - fiv crar
Journal's Expose of Real Situation Rouses Shorts, Who Had Planned to Rob Growers
; ' . 1 . ' ' : ; " i ' ' .' " ' 1 r . .. " ; - .. . r" . rr
"What Are You Going to Do About It?"
Say Agents of Hop Profit Fed
, Trust Magnates.;
Nevertheless It Appears
old Thousands of Bales Years in Advance
; Hay Be Caught, : ;
Oregon choice hops, lOVs cents ? a
pound. . '''' . .
Freight ' and . commissions to New
rTork, t cents. -; - ' v -,. .:
' ''Total to bring Oregon hops to New
York. 1H cents. "...
Prime hops selling In. New York at to
. and J! cents.'- - '
i Choice bops selling In New. York at
cents. . -y. v----
: Commissions paid In NewYork, one
: half rant. ' ," '"'...-:
1 TotHl cost New York hops, S3 cents.'" :
( Difference rn price between Oregos
.hops and New . York hope in the lattet
'market, rents. .' .- -V.-'"
:- Quality Oregon hops,- best-in the
- World.
1 Quail ty New2XorkJopseryQorM
ordinary. - ..,-. ...'-.... ,.,-'
Shorts 1n the hop market are getting
cared The expose by The Journal of
, the ItlgB prices ruling In tne New Tors
' market, compared with the low . price
In Portland, is having Ha effect Deal
- era tried for a while to nay that these
-prices "were tncorrectnd -that hope
were selling In New York at 15 cents
They have changed their mlnda. ,
"Hops are selling at trft -cents - a
pound in New York," renyirked a dealet
, yesterday, "but that la not here nor
there. We can buy all we- want at lea
becaush the growers will not hold. - See
ing thst ' growers are crasy to lose
money we might aa well try to dros
the quotations." "
? Unable longer ; to keep' secret ' the
prices ruling for hops In the New York
market, the dealers now admit the trots
of the recent remarks of The Journal,
but add, "What are you . going te 4
about itr", r v - . -
It la known positively that two thirds
'of the Oregon crop of hops haa been sold
' Short by various dealers for terms rang
ing from three to five years, the lattei
salea being the most frequent. Dealers'
are figuring on a remarkably heavy pro
duction of hops In this state during
the next few years In order to make
, themselves wealthy at . the expense of
; the prgdjicejs,
Millions for Dealers.
- - ' mtt
" na- woum nappen tne grower
of the Pacific coaat ahould not produce
- a good crop during the coming seasont
Would tle leaJers then, have the whip
nanlr vtouia may om in poenion la
dictate to the" growers what price te
accept for their hard labor? How many
years must they work for nothing so
that the shorts cftn become fattened? 1
Millions of dollars will be gathered
' In by the dealers In hops this season.
This money will not be earned by hard
work, but. by grinding the producer.
' These dealers sold hops that had not yet
been produced or did not belong s to
' them. - Illegal methods . were used In
many Instsnces. . ... . ,
Have you ever heard of Swarts, th
big eastern' hop bear? No. Well his
trading In this country Is put through
: by other dealers. Perhaps you are ac
Puget Sound Metropolis; Celebrates Fifty-Fourth Birthday ; With
' T' " u Point and .
i - - f Other Spota in the City.
(Bptctit Plapsteh te Tbe JoomnU)
Seattle, WKh., Nev. la. This city Is
today celebrating Its 4th birthday, be
"cause on November 1J, 1861, there
landed at AIM point from the little
schooner r3xacL Captain Folger, the col
ony . that speedily developed -Into -the
city of Seattle. During the forenoon
six historic tablets were unveiled at
different point of the city and In th
( afternoon a-almllnr ceremony will be
. performed on a granite- shaft at Alkl
The. monuments and tablets have been
erected under the auspices of the two
' historical societies of the state who
. have charge of today's celebration. The
tablets mark events In the. city's history.'--
- ,: '
The monument at Alkl point will mark
the landing place of the colonists and
; contain the names of the 11 adults and
It children that comprised the colony.
The inscriptions on the other tsblets
ground ths city ars as follows: '
"Carson D. Boren built hero the llrst
cshln home of white man In the cityof
. Pesttle in Anrll4 lS2. It Was made of
put cedar puncheon""
t n
ill 0
That Shorts Who Have
qualnted with Joe Harris of Balem. He
Is the buyer of Bwarts. During the
past season It Is said that this firm
sold f uliy 100 00. bales of hops before
they were produced. What price they
were sold at can-only be guessed, but
at that time other dealers were secur
ing on an average or 19 cents a poun4
for other people's property t - this
basis Bwarts. through Joe Harris , ot
Salem, will net about 118.004 this sea-
eon.. ;What have they done to secure
this profit? ' , t.,..
.' Worm Starts to Turn. ':
Then there is Llellenthal, another "One
Or . thoae dealers that wax rich selling
a crop that Is yet In the making: Con
'aervative dealers estimate that his
flrnr-mrld -more--than 7.000 toatea of, Ore
gon growers', bops before they had paid
a cent for them, something like !!,
000 will be the net proflt for this work.
Now, however, the worm seems to b
turning. Growers re receiving a hall
cent more for their hops now than pre
Vlously and the shorts are beginning ,te
run. r. 'v.
y The exposure by. The Journal baa
caused great alarm among sellers of
hops which bsd not yet been grpwn, or
belonged to other people, and they are
oat In tne country today trying their
utmost to fill their ordera.. By careful
estimation It . la ascertained that be
tween 06,000 and 76,000 bales of hops
were sold by.loefU dealers nearly a year
In advance of the time when they were
to- be harvested. These bops, although
not yet produced.- were - marketed - by
large dealers .of the Paclflo coast . at
prices ranging. from IS to 25 cents a
pound. -4.;
-; Conspiracy to Ormsk. "
Karly In the year,' before the hop
were out of the ground, there waa gen
eral correspondence among the various
short sellers by which it wss agreed to
crush the growers if possible during
the present season, because of the loss
the shorts had suffered in the pear three
years on account of. selling something
that dlil nut belling ' TH' I1ISIH"
At first some of the more humane of
nrvnrniiKraen iwitjw iit. irwwna
J4 -nJ ,fi p,ntB a pounfl toT ln.)r prMj,
uctr Inasmuch as these sellers had
received a considerably larger sum. ' Th
other shores refused to 40 this and the
result was that prices soon tumbled
down o the' present figures. The heel
of oppression has not yet been lifted by
theae self-appointed executioners of the
Oregon hopgrowers. They would tram
ple them still further because conditions
during the former three .years were
such that the growers were able to de
mand a proflt on their crop and secure
It. ; - 1
Scared beyond reason, the grower
are being driven like sheep to slaughter.
Borne ealea ot the choicest, hops In the
world were recently made, as low as
sH cents a pound, At present quota
(Continued on Page Two.)
. "Henry 1 Tester built here the first
steam sawmill on Puget sound In 1S52."
"? "Arthur , A." Denny,' In his log cabin
home on this spot, opened the first post
office, of Seattle. August 17. 15.'.
"On this spot the first school In Re
sale wa taught by Mrs. Catherine P.
Blaine In l5i."
"Bite of the blockhouse 'fort to pro-
tect the whites In, the Indian war of
1NS6.1. A etockade stretched from here
to the smaller fort' at the Intersection
of Mnln street and Occidental avenue."
"Site of the smaller fort to protect
the whites In the Indian war of 1I&&.
A stockade stretched from here to the
main blockhouse at the foot of Cherry
street." ,
- Kach of the tablets will also contain
this Inscription: -
"This tablet wos erected by the Wash
ington Cnlveralty State Historical so
ciety. November 1. 105.'"
There are many other places to be
marked In the future, but these six will
make a. fine beginning and will stand ae
constant rmlndera ' of .the struggles,
dangers snd triumphs ot the ploneera.,
Conressmehlo Attendlmpor
tant Meeting in Interest of
" Columbia Jetty. ;
At Conference Tomorrow Plans Will
Be Made fori Carrying on an Or
ganized Campaign at National Capi
tal for River Appropriation.' , , "
An Important conference will be held"
In Portland tomorrow on the ' subject
gt-JlXiJtmiXlatlnilfi Pr3Jrijonj;ress
for continuing .work . on the Columbia
river Jettjr andihaelllo canal. ? The
meeting . will 1 be attended by trustees
and members of the transportation com
mittee of the Portland chamber of com
merce. Congressman 'Wesley L. Jones
of North- Yakima and Senator Ankeny
of Walla Walla. J
It Is said ' the Washington members
sre deeply Interested in ths effort to
secure appropriations, and that the en
tire Paclflo northweat delegation la a
unit on 4he subject. Hurton L French
of Idaho wrote to the transportation
committee expressing -regret that he
could hot attend. .He aald he was In
full sympathy with the-object of the
meeting. " - ; ': .,,-.......--',
The conference will be held at 2:S0
o'clock at the rooms of the chamber of
commerce. It is- expected plans i will
be completed for carrying on an organ
ised campaign at Washington to con
vince congressmen and senators of the
absolute need1 of money,1 and show them
that a Cessation ot w;irk. ot this time
wouin entail-great mss 10 tne govern
ment by destruction of the Improvement
now under way. -f - --
(Josrtnl Sret Serrlee.1
Florence, Colo., Nov. 1-3. By' the se-
cldental dlnnharge of a revolver tn the
hands -of hie- brother, George Tonao.
aged S years, Lena Tonso. aged I years.
wus shot through the right lung todsy
on their father's ranch near here. Th
ball passed out at the shoulder blade
The child is In a critical condition and
owing te the location of the wound her
recovery, la coneldcred doubt fuL '
tJoorsal Special Secrioa.) .. '"
Colorado- Springs,. Colo.. . Nov. II.-
President B.-lls-of ths Manltou & Pike's
Peak, railroad - hns- ordered new pas
senger -cars for his road built entirely
of glass. The ends are to be rounded
and the cars sumptuously .furnished.
This will afford an uninterrupted view
of the scenery "along the' line, from all
portions of the Interior. . . . .
.IJmrnl speelai HeTTlee.
Johannesburg, Nov. 1 J. A vertical
shaft in tin DrlefonU In mine collapsed
today. One .white man and fi natives-
were kills. . t f . "
: o yff . JZ
Photgraph and diagram showing how the authorities declare Stuart Pier
, Son, the 16-year-old , student, met his death, and a photograph of the
boy taken shortly before his de ath.- ' . . .- .i 'y-,
t: NOW REACHES $8,000
Total1 for Sufferers Now Expected to Be Nearly Twice That Sum
' PoCountrymeAXiyjfti to Relieve
Thanks to the liberal response of the
Russian Jews at a mass meeting yes
terday, and the efforts of , Christina
ministers of tbls city during their' regu
lar Sunday services, Portland's fund for
the relief or-the-' Jewish sufferers In
Russia had passed the tt.OOO mark to
day at noon. That It will, within three
days, be Increased to 113.000 is the san
guine expectation of the committee.
The Christians will be represented In
this total by. about 11,600. -
There were scenes at the meeting of
Russian Jews without parallel In this
section of the country. Men and women
wept and hugged their . children more
tightly an the frightful story of perse
cution waa told and retold by the speak
ers, and although vthere was not a
wealthy -man In the congregation, the
sum of 12,000 waa collected..- In tbls
offering the most s poverty-stricken of
the assemblage .objecta of- charity
themselves were given credit, for their
mites. . ;.,-.,., , .V ... ,
Talmud Thora synagogue waa crowded
to its wulls when lVesldcnt Adolnhe
Wolfe requested Dr. Bloch to open the
meeting with prayer, r Mr. Wblfe briefly
stated the.. -object of . the . meeting,
urging the necessity of prompt action.
Isaac Swett followed with an eloquent
appeal for aid In the cause, . .
: aleagta Are Achlag. . .
"We Jews are waiting with aching and
breaking hearts,'' suld he, "to hear front-dear-
ones. .'0d knows, how many we
will hear froaav-agnln. We know too
well that some ef us will soon weep In
greater anguish for loved ones that are
no more. We know enough -now to con-vlrw-e
us t hut -th unnumbered tliou-
Lsands In Russia are walling and weep
ing for their children, for their babies
butchered walling for brothers, -weeping
for sisters. Ten thousand children
Id Odessa, are orphans today their par
ents killed by murderous beasts.-
, "The dead are gone; we can do- noth
ing for them. But these men and women
suffering', untold tortnres.of the mind,
with -heart bleeding for lost ones these
men and women have nothing to eat
they are starving they have no cloth
ing they are fretting they .have no
pltce to lay their, heads they are home
lesst We can help them. We can glvs
tnem food, and clothing, snd shelter.
, , t ' All Most Otve. .
Mcn'a"nd women, what will we do tit
them? ' OlveT Yes: this day all must
Xlve. 'Every day wfc give what we Can
spare today we .must, .give, what wc
ordinarily cannot spare. We ni u it gl
far bcnnd our mransl -'The Jew who
does not glre today Is ashaatcd beforu
Uod and tnaol
loantsl Special BerTlee. '
Gambler, O., Nov.- ll.---Be-
cause he gave the authorities
information regarding the death
of Stuart Plerson, the Kenyon
college, student, -who was 'tied
by hasers to the railroad track
and killed, James JB. McGarvey,
a atudent, wi. - fourid bound,
gigged and . unconscious lying
on the floor of hts room last e
night. A . note pinned to his
clothing read: .
"This will do fdV this time,
but if we come again it will be
for worse." ' - - - t - .-
A. ring sna a sman wnuvni w
money was taken. . but 1 other
money was untouched.
-, Stuart Plerson met his death
on the night of October 7. He 4
waa beina Initiated Into a col- e
lege fraternity, '
: Tor the sake of God, for the sake
of. the suffering, homeless mothers and
fathers, for those stricken orphans, give,
give and give enough."
After this appeal, Ben Selling arose
snd ststed that he would add 10 per
cent to the total colected at the meet
ing. With this the congregation, down
to tne poorest among them, waa ready
to empty its pockets in ths cause. ,'
- D. Soils Cohen spoke along the line
sdopted by Mr. Swett and Dr. A. Abra
hanison of Ahaval flholom followed, and
Dr. A. Shapo of Talmud Thora addressed
a touching memorlam in Hebrew to the
memories of the massacred.. '
This fell with Intense sympathetic
effect on the congregation. The people
wept, not silently, but aloud, sa the
rabbi chantod the death prayer.
All Bask to aire.
' The collection of donations then be
gan, snd the response was so. general
thst three men were required to restrain
the crowd that surged toward the treas
urer's table. There were 140 separate
contributions. Including Mr. Selling's
bonus of 10 per cent, and the total was
exactly 13,000. Notable among the con
tributions was $110 from A. Fleishman
and $100 from J. ShemanskLltwas
observed that members of the faith who
are practically supported by the relief
society came forward with sums' rang
ing from tl to ti in order to do' which
they will deprive themselves of necessi
ties for weeks to come. .
Once during the meeting the contri
butions lagged. Someone suggested thst
erery-person-who had -contributed In
crease his offering. Three minutes Inter
sn additional 1 100 was on tho books.
Then It was- suggested that men donate
in the nnmea of their children. They In
cluded grandchildren, snd . the total
grew and grew. One man who had given
SIS John Dellar by name afterward
gave 15 each for his seven- children.
The Spirit of charity had seised these
ChWdrcn-of the Ghetto snd they were
art lag ss nobly as the widow .of the
mite. i - '
Christian Cbnroheg lislp.
Meanwhile, there waa activity among
the Christian Worshippers. In practi
cally nil of the chnrches yestesday he
pastors called for contributions to the
Jewish relief "Tdrid 'and approximately
Se will be. tnrnctr ,over -to Treasurer
Ben Selling as a 'result.
1 At Trinity 'KpWnpal church. Dr. A
-A': Morrison delivered a atlrrlng address
on the nnhJiK-t of th Any. and shout MA
was subscribed by Ills congregation. -lr.
Contnucd eu Page Five. 4
$5,000,000 IS HELD
Assertion Is Made the Harriman
Interests Would Spend This
...-;'-' to Foil Municipal Belt :
' Line Plan. .. .
$y This Meant . It Would Control
Situation Absolutely, Say Experts
Scheme Might Be Balked by Emi
nent Domain Provision of City
.Charter, Says Councilman Vaughn.
Five million dollars Is available In
the treasury of the Harriman system to
prevent the proposed construction of a
belt line along Front street and - the
waterfront on the weat side.'" Which
would be controlled by the municipality,
and to give all transportation lines In
gress Tipon equal terms.
Three realty sales have been made al
ready through the agency of . C. K.
Henry," aggregating 1168,000. - and the
Harriman system is the real purchaser.
These purchases are the McCraken dock
at the foot of Davis street for ITS. Oft.
the Willamette Boiler works dock across
Da vis-street -f r the MoCracken--prop-4
erty for $60,000 and the 21 b; 10 feet
adjoining the - Enmond - hotel running
from Front street to the meander line
of the'TWer, Which, brought J,000.. J.
C. Alhsworth owned the McCraken dDck.
It Is claimed that he had valued it at
$60,000, but that, so anxious Were the
Harriman" agents-to -procure title tb it)
that they paid an- advance of; 60 per
cenu . - - -
Qnartea MilUoti Already.
It Is claimed that already $260,000 In
cash has been sent to J. W. Morrow,
and that the three purchases announced
were msdo from this fund.
However, municipal authorities hold
that not even such tactics 'can prevent
the -consummation of the belt line pro
ject, for the charter confers the right
of eminent domain on the city council,
investing that body with the power to
condemn property for all municipal and
public uses. Councilman W. T. Vaughn,
who la a lawyer, holds that the city'a
right of eminent domain applies to the
belt Una project, and,, In aupport of bla
contention, he quotea the charter as
fOllOWS: ' 1 ' , ..1
Coamcil Can Ooadesam.
"I believe that the city council may
condemn property for the use of the
belt line, and my authority for 'the' as-
rtlnn. Is aaetlnn g nf ths .Ch.rfr.
whtcrr,tndeflntng the powers .-of the
council, says that it may purchase or
acquire by eminent domain, receive and
hold property, both real and personal,
within or without the said city, for mu
nicipal purposes." . -
"And again In section 73, subdivision
0, Is found this language: -
"To purchase or acquire by condem
nation such property, real and persons!,
as may be needed for public purposes.'
"Undoubtedly, this confers upon the
city the power through the council to
condemn property for the use of the
belt line as proposed, and effectually
blocks the plans of obatructton that may
be formed -by any person .or corpora
tion." . . T-, -
It Is known that the Harriman sys
tem wsnts a belt line of its own along
tne west J'ortland waterfront, and that
a number of deals are pending for prop-
(Continued on Page Two.)
Troops Being Rushed to Scene of Revolt and Much Bloodshed
j Feared AH Traffic to Be Stopped by Strikers Be - ."
.tween Waraaw and St. Petersburg, y V - '
'ft. (Joeroal Bpaclat Strvtes.) . '
L-Petersburg. Nov.' 11. News from
Wrrnaw la to the effect " that desntte
ths proclamation that martial law haa
been proclaimed throughout Poland and
the declaration ef the government thst
there would be no consideration of the
demands of autonomy and that Poland
must remain within the empire, the re
volt continues. Today the railroads are
closely guarded end desultory firing is
Reslment after regiment of . tronna
are being rushed 1 special trains to
put down the revolt and ft Is feared
that bloodshed and massacre that have
not been, witnessed in many years win
result. The government's , mnnlfento
served notice upon the Polish; Nation-
sitsta that -while the government fully
Intends to observe the nitlonsl rights
ef Poland, the ancletat kingdom is now
hcoonle Hn'liireg'rxr pHrt tf Ihe' Jt'iKnnm
cmt-lre and nu' attempt to wrest pohh
autonomv from the emperor 'H1 ie
con-i.l-r-d hi) a-'t of revolt.
81. I !-ratting Is rr"..iMl-iv f--t t--J
: 1 i . i 'i-j jdi c di'-i-'-i 1 ' -1 a ii-- I '
Twenty-Fifth Annual Convention
.-. of American Federation of
Labor in Session at
- Pittsburg. - "K .
Radical Stand 'Advised Against Ad-
mission of Chinese) Coolie Labor
Government ' by ' Injunction Con
demned Prosperous Condition of
' Organized Labor Shown.
' (Journal Special srrlos.l
Pittsburg. Nov. 1$. The twenty-fifth
annual convention of the American Fed
eration of Labor, coincident with the -sliver
jubilee of . the organisation, which
was rounded In this city a quarter of a
century ego,' Was opened here today.
Samuel Qompers. the president of the
federation, called the convention to or
der and delivered the opening address.
In which: he outlined the vartoua Im
portant questions which are to be con
sidered and acted -upon by the conven
tion..' ... The. 1 number ., of delegates at
tending the meeting Is about (00. "The
representation is distributed on the";fdl-"
lowing basis: - From -national or Inter
national unions, -for less than 4,000 '
members, one delegate; for .0fia. .or
more, two delegates; $.000 or more,
three delegates;. 10,900 or more, four .
delegate; 42.000 or more, five delegates:
M,00a or more, six delegates, and so oit
st. the same . ratio. From central la
bor bodies snd state federations, and
from local trade -unions, not having a
national or International union, and from
federal labor unions, -one delegate. - -""
'- Chinese Xxolusion. '
- Among the most Important matters
which will come up for consideration
In the convention are the questions in
regard to the exclusion of Mongolian
labor, the matter concerning tbe move- .
ment among printers all over tbe coun-
try in favor of an eight-hour, worklnar
day and! the proposition of forming a
f armers' union to be affiliated with the
American Federation of Lrfibor. ' Jt is .
stated on good authority that the con-
ventlon will insist upon .the rigid en
forcement of the laws excluding 'Chinese
labor from tbls - country. It Is also
stated that the movement in favor of an ,
eight-hour day for the printers will be
warmly aupported by the federation. '
It is understood that determined
Federation of, Labor to bring about the
unionisation of the farmers of this
country and their affiliation with the
American Federation of Labor, for mu
tual benefit and protection.,- In Wiscon
sin snd Minnesota a number of Farmers'
onions have been formed already, and,
according to the statement ot the of
ficials of the Federation, tbe affilia
tion of theae farmers' unions with ths
American Federation of Labor la merely
a matter of time. The leaders of. the
federation are highly enthusiastic over
the prospect of an alliance of the city
wageworkera with the farmhands and
farmers all over the country.- The
Western Farmers' unions have sent dele
gates to the convention and It Is not ex
pected that the proposition of Sn afftll
atlon will meet with any serious oppo
sition.'.'" .-. .;-
' (Continued on, Pago Two.)
1 '
roughs st Kevsky Frospekt who started
sn attack on the Intellectuals. The
strike leaders-have -drafted- an. appeal .
calling on all rltlens to arm In defense
of their homes and families. It wss
decided to sgnln stop all traffic between
Warsaw snd ft, Petersburg. All worfc
men have been commanded not to work
more than eight hourg a d-iv. beginning
this morning and the situation Is gen
erally graver.
Riots sre f.-nred at Moscow, where (lis
fashionable quarter Is deerted. Ait t-ta-ek
on students and Jews Is feared to
day. Jews are fleeing In terror hv the hun
dreds from' southern ltuta town nn-l
portions of Nlo.ileff. klHlilnrff sn1
Odesa sre trrHllr l-roni!.ii 1 Tl" .
re 'bound for l-:ngi-ind nn-l ' '
For 'failure to ei'ir-"--" ' ' t !
Oenerat H-'l-'' !- "
tr.Tit-" st Kr-n-i