l), bUHUAY MOnlnU. I4QVWUEK 12, U.j. 1 i i . L.-1- -i u BessmmmmmmmrtwnBBam OKSSESS IS PETiTiOWEI) TO ,J)EEPEN:CHfflNEL AT COOS BSY coW bUNDAY JOUkuaL, , S 1 a f. u r i A ft,-". i.r. P. '. hnsrs and Shtppsrs Closs Most Successful Meeting af McMJnnvIIIs. RCE NECESSITY OF ROAD .TO TILLAMOOK bmittee Appointed to Conftr With outhern Pacific ' to Construct Badly-Needed Railroad Appro- riation It Asked for Harbor. - (Special Dispatch to The aml) uoMlnnvllls, Or, Nov. 11. The rmers' and Shipper congress, under auspices of the Willamette Valley hrelopment league, convened In Burn' l this morn Inc. .,- - kfter calling the convention to order, u. uoason. president or the looal cue, save the address of welcome. onel E. Hofer. president of the WU lette Valley Development league, re- tnaea. . .. The first address of the da was by Mph N. Teal of Portland on "Coos T ana the Necessity for its Improve' pi in tteiatioa to the Best of the Lie." 1 ; - legrams and Isttera were read from oral who were unable to attend the iventlon. - - - . "he last address of the mom In was jlvered by Judge W. H. Hollla of rest Orove on The Portland. Ne- em at Tiuamook Railroad." At this ns tne convention adjourned until v p, m. , Afternoon- Secslon. . Kt the opening of the afternoon see n a letter waa read from W. IX fnon or Portland expressing- his rs t at not being able to be present. piowmg this the ladles' Quartet of MlnnvUle college rendered a aalMtloa tne great enjoyment of all. fhe first address of the afternoon given ty Hon. Peter Toggle of rtn vona, coos bay, on ."The Prod- s ana Resources of the Coos Bay intry." A memorial to the federal tigress prepared by-the chamber of mmeree or Coos bay, wss reed by Logglo and anpiuslsstlcally adopted Ion. Walter V. Tooss of Woodburn n. annresaea Ue convention. r. James JU Wlthvoomb of rW. Us and Governor Oeora R Cham. am aaaressed the afternoon session me convention. t the close of the afternoon ln Resolution wss adopted, thst a corn ice or one d appointed from each ley town, to meet and elect deJe es to meet end confer with th atn. is of the Southern Pacific to urge oecnairy ror tne construction of r line irom Sheridan to THUwinnk PS evetilDg jujccepUon .was tendered aoiegaies - Beeolation to CoBgrees.L Hie following memorial was adopted I the -national Eonmii! 7--r-- . - . - - nfe ' f rmers' and shippers' congress embled at McMlnnvlMe. Orearm. No. mber 11. ltos. and the Cooa n mber of commerce, the chamber of bimeree of 'the city of MarahflaM chamber .-of oommerea cf the city of In "Bens."" firowiTultir.i.f br honorable- body the- rfrgent need runner seepening or the entrance Coos bay to a depth of not e than ieex ai iow water, and tbe dredging of the Shoals of the channel from entrance, to Marshfleldk to such rtn as will make a uniform depth of ivet at tow water tne entire length said channel. i- n support of asking fo the above ntioned improvement, we beg to call ir attention "to the following facts pectins; tributary country, and the isflts to shipping, also the increase weaiui or the nation that wOl result m such improvements and to the hrtened ocean rout such Improve- nts win give to tne deep draft com' res of the Pacific ocean. , . Area Benefited. Irst The area drained into Coos bay oout i,svs.aquar miles; greater thaa rhat Sulphur Does The mention of sulphur will recall to ny or us. tne early days when our there and grandmothera gave ua our r the Human Body in Health and Disease. lly does of sulphur ry spring and fall. and, molasses t was the universal spring and fall ood DUiifler." tonic and curuif nd you, thls old-fashioned remedv e not without merit. She idea was good, bnt the remedy i crude and unpalatable, and a larva fiuuiy iu iv do utaen to get any er Nowadays we get all the beneflctal toib oi euipnur in a palatable, con. titrated form, so that a alnala in I far more effective than a tablespoon ui viiv cruai euipnur. In recent years research and evnart knt have proven that the beat sulphur r meaicinai uee is tnst obtained from ldum (Calcium Sulphide) and sold I drug stores under the name, of uart's Culolum Wafsrs. " They are tall chocolate coated pellets snd oon In the. aotivs medicinal principle of , lohur In a highly concentrated, affao. e form. x Ksw people are aware of the value of aui ilphur in restoring and my vigor ana health la form of ilntnlnlna Kvii fphur acts directly on the fiver, and! cretoryy organs and purines and en tries the1 blood by the prompt ellmlna )n of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this when Hy dosed us with sulphur and molas l every spring snd fall, but the crud- snd Impurity of .ordlnsry flowers of lphur were often worae than the dis ss, and cannot compare with - the dem concentrated preparations of ipnur, of which Rtuart's Calcium fers is undoubtedly the .best end list widely used. They are . the natural antidote for ler and kidney troubles and curs eon potion and purify tbe blood In a way ht often surprises patient and phy lan alike. . lr. R. M. Wilklns, whit experiment t with sulphur remedies, soon found nt ths Sulnnur from Calcium waa eu- rlof to any other form, v He says: or liver, kldnsv and blood troubles. beclallv when resulting from constl Kion or malaria. I have been aur- Ined at the reaults obtslned from Liart's Calcium Wafers. In patients lut ing rrom bolls and pimples and even -p-aeated carbuncles, I have repeat y seen them dry up and dlssppesr In ir or five days, leaving ' the akin "lum Wafers is a proprietary ar- i- iwiu vj aruRiiii-, ana ior it reason tabooed by many phyal- ns, yet I know of nothing so safs il reliable for conetlpstlon, liver and Insy troublos, snd especially- in all mi of Skin dlaenae, na this remedv." Kt any rate people who are tired of is, eainartica ana so-called blood irlflera." will find in Rtuart'a Calnlum tfere a far.aafar, more palatable and ctlvs preparation. ' . ths area of ths ststs of Delaware, which has an area of 1,0 square miles. . Second Ths area of tbe Coos oountry, set off by tbe Paciflo ocean on the west, the CaJlpoota mountains on the north, ths Cssoads mountains on ths east and tbe Siskiyou mountains on .the south, snd Bccessiblo to Coos bay as ita only available deep-sea shipping port, is l.. ZOO square miles, nearly equal to the erea of Massachusetts. Connecticut snd Rhode Island, which hav.o an ares, of 14. 6t square miles. Third Ths , sntlrs area looking to Coos bay as the proper shipping port is thsn nearly equal to the states or Mas. sachusetts. Connecticut. Delaware and O. . O. Hodson, Chairman. Rhode Island combined, now sustaining a population of 4,t2,m. ' Bast Markets la "frond. rourth The area Is sstlmated to eon- tain 10 per cent of the timber of the United States and nearly half the tlnv ber of the stats of Oregon, or about It, 000.000,000 feet. Fifth The beet markets for this Um ber are Asia. "Africa, Australia, the Is land. South America and Eurone. from which It Is only' excluded by tbe depth of water at the entrance and Inner chan nel of Coos bay to head of navigation, which exciudedecpaniitvestisfpr long Voyages. Sixth Ws estimate the value of this timber for foreign shipment to bo at least fl per thousand . more than for coastwise or eastern shipment; there fore, that the Improvement' sf tho'en' trance to Coos bay and the Inner chan nU the subjeot of thle memorial, would add I9t.000.00q , to ths wealth of - the nation rrom this one source. k ,r Wsattk 9t Ootwtry.' .... Seventh The area Is largely fertile land, and togother with the climate, makes possible a range of agricultural production embracing every grain, fruit and . vegetable known to the temperate sons. v ' - Eighth Its mineral wealth embraces not alone coal - and Iron, but the pre cious metals, and every useful Tnlneral known to com merce. ive ry 4 an nsr Cent of the gbld produced in tlw stats -Oegoa 4a mined , wilhlnthle I and ! per cent-of ths THatinum-tntsed in the United States comes from this area. i . ' . a . v Ninth This area has msny v rivers hlch fall from adjacent mountains. snd offer fine, water powers. These streams are turbulent, snd maintain a high level at all seasons. This vast and largely unoccupied sou roe of power offers untold opportunities for ths building of new factories to menu 'na ture ths . vsit raw materials Into ths finished product! Just as soon as the world's markets can be mads available by the proper depth of water on ths oar ana inner channel or coos fy. wearest Vmsl to yaaaaia Tenth Ths harbor of Coos bay Is ths only fuel ' harbor south of Puget sound, snd ths nearest fuel harbor to the Faciflo entrance of . the Panama canal. The TJnltedi States Atlas. Coos bay folio,, shows ths coal-bearing area Immediately surrounding the bay to be about 400 squsrs miles. Ths veins srs blsnket veins snd vary in thickness from S to It feet. It is estimated that ths Coos bay fields contain ovsr 1,000. 000,000 tons of coal, and if mined at rats ef i,bb,s8q, tons a yesr n would require 1,000 - years to sxhaust this flsld. - - ' It la sn undlsoutabls fact that vessel with a carrying capacity of 1,000 tons osn carry coal cheaper than the vessel with only a capacity or i.ouvtons. Therefore, the larger ths vessel ths cheaper can coal be laid down in the cities of our non-fuel harbors on ths Paalfla and. ths . manufactories and homes consuming this coal will be bene fited thereby; also, ths cheaper that a stsamer esn , get Its fuel, the cheaper It will be able to carry its cargo; there-' fore. If for no other purpose thsn this fusl source, it would be to the Interest of ths nation to maks ths proposes Imnrovsmsnt for the benefit or Ameri can commerce on the Pacific seas. To Stimulate Manufacture. . Eleventh The hsrbor of Coos bsy has the most equable climate of any seaport In the Unitod .States. Ths gov ernmsnt records for II years show that the total range of ths thermometer during tbe year on Coos bay Is but IS degrees, making It an Ideal harbor of MfUgS. -..;'.' v Twelfth These Improvements When completed Will shorten ths routs .of travel and ' commerce ' from flte" state of Oregon to California . and Mexico over 200 miles. Thirteenth The Improvements of ths entrance and channel as asksd for In this memorial would bffer stimulus to mnnufaoture, agriculture, lumbering. mining and - - railroad construction through1 undeveloped territory,-, increase the commerce of this port, and there fore Increass ths commerce and wealth of our nation. Ths value of ths proposed Improve ment to tbe Immense- population this area will some day sustain, and ths wealth thst will accrue to ths nation, cannot be estimated. Beqnaet Appropriation. ' ' Ws also . respectfully refer, for In formation concerning commerce, re- anurcaa. the various aurvava of Cnoa bay by the different departments of ths government., showing ths depth of ths water on the bar and loner channel, and ths Improved, condition at the entrance brought .about by tbe appropriations lrsady expended, to the reports made by the United States engineers; to ths reports concerning . forests of -ths nlted states and the state of Oregon, by Henry Oamott, United States Cleo- loglcsl survey, puoiianea st tne Gov ernment Printing office in ths year ltOS. giving areas snd estimates of tim ber tributary to Cooa bat; to special consular reports entitled. "American Lumber In Foreign Msrksts." volums Xi, giving ths value of our lumbar and its use In ths markets of ths world snd-to the (2nd annual report of the United" States'" Geological - Survey, vol ume III. giving the reports on Coos bay coal fields. Fifteenth In view of the facta herein stated your memorialists urge that you may appropriate the requisite funds so that ths Improvement asked' for can bs made, Wlthyoombe's Speech. Dr. James Wlthycombs said In part: Ths Pacific Northwest Is undoubtedly entering upon the greatest sra of de velopment ever known on-Tths coast Geographically. Oregon Is most favor ably located and her coast should be ths commercial sons fpr ths populous cen ters or ins world. Every condition con ducive to tbs upbuilding of a great maritime commerce can be found here, as her coast Is studded with harbors from the month of ths Columbia to Coos bay, and her farms, forests and mines are teeming with natural wealth. This brings up ths question of mar- ksts. A market to be a market in fact as well as in nams Is a plaoa where sn equitable exchange la consummated. In the absence of competition markets srs prone to become unfair. There Is a widespread feeling that ths markets for livestock Snd soma other agricul tural commodities of this stats are un fair to the producer. Portland by, reason of her location should bs ths-grsatest commercial city or the Pacific coast. Her destiny, how, over, rests wholly In ber ability to de velop attractive markets. . Uvery loyal cltlsen is proud of her financial achieve ments and her standing among ths cities or tne coast. . ' 1 The livestock Industry of this State Is capable of assuming Immenss propor tion If afforded ths proper encourage ment Ths stser snd hog built ChicagoJ. ths fifth greatest city In tbs world. Ths cow. stser snd hog will maks Fort land ths greatest city on. ths Pacific coast f given Sn opportunity.. But to reach - thle, present market conditions must bs revolutionised. Not only should ths local trade bs supplied, but outside marketa should bs Invsded ss well. To day tbs farmers snd stockmen scarcely receive ths cost of production for their animals, while ths consumer Is charged good prices.; It is this Illiberal policy that discourages h livestock Industry. Tanas Should Save afore. We realise that Portland la becoming famous for being ons of the greatest wheat shipping points on this continent. but there is a feeling of suspicion that ths pries is not siwsys kept at tbe top notch. A ton of wheat costs ths miller i24.T. -T- , : -v.- The country people srs keenly Inter ested in the deep channel to ths sea and every other movement to strengthen tne commerce or Portland. But when large ships load at ber docks, carrying to distant marketa ths products of our f a rm a at lower frelcht rates the producers expect a just proportion of Ui emoluments. 4ln addition to ths im provement of ths Columbia rlvsr con certed action should bs taken by ths people of ths stats to have every har bor On our coast Improved ' ao as to -strengthen ths commerce of every seo- tlon. When we have active competitive markets at Portland, Astoria, Tillamook, Taqulna and Coos bay, then we shall ' see ths -stats develop with leaps and bounds. Give agrlculturs a square deal and the prosperity of our . people is assured. "waiter t. Too si's Speech, ha--yasj-iaOaaiarka.anaponh, In. the hlatory of Oregon. The Lewis and Clark fair haa been the means of attracting puDiio attention to the undeveloped re sources of the stats. Eastern visitors have been charmed with our wonderful climate, pleased with our generous hos pltallty and amased at our lack of man ufacturing lndustriss and shipping facilities. Whst Is most needed how Is a united effort upon the part of all our cltlsens in this great effort for the Improve ment of our harbors snd ths development or our Boundless resources. No Jealousy ought to exist between ths different sections of ths stats. Congress bss appropriated for ths Im provement of ths Columbia river during tns past II years 14.425,180. All of this princely -sum hss been expended snd sn additional amount of nearly $1,000,000 la required to protect the work already done. No olttssn of Ore gon from any portion of the stats should object to ' this necessary im provement or attempt to retard ths ef fort now being mads to secure the ad ditional funds from congress to carry on this great improvement of such vital importance to thscltliensp OrssTo,"! inia development league win not at tempt to block ths wheels of progress by open or covert opposition to ths Improvement st ths mouth of ths Co lumbia rlvsr: but this lea sue does de mand a proper consideration of ths needs of our coast harbors. ' Ths slogan of ths hour Is snd shall be: The open ing of a deep-sea harbor south of ths Columbia on tbs Oregon coast DELIGHTFUL NEWR0RT. Delightful Weather- a ' This Vopalaa : Paclflo Coast Besort. Delightful In every particular Is ths weather at Newport, and the Souther paeinq and the corvsuls East am rail, roads have resumsd their chean rataa to this place Tor the winter. Particular by asking at Third and Waahlngton sirssis, rortiana. ' !C?StP For Stores ' : BilUard Halls & j Bowling Alleys LARGEST ENTRY LIST V FOR ORATORICAL CONTEST (Kneelal DaiMteh te Tne learaal.l Whitman College, Walla Wall. Wash.. Nov. 11 Ths list of those. Intending to enter the oratorical contest this year cloeed this svenlng ' with ths largest numnsr or contestants on record en tered. Ths winner of this local con teat, which will take place during the first week bf December, will represent Whitman In the Intercollegiate contest next May, when Washington, Whitman. Idsho and Montana colleges will com pete. Ths " following have signified their Intention of trying for honors: Lucille James, Belle Wallace, Annie Rue, May worthlngton, Howard Cox, Wslter Eella. Lester Ltvengood.VWalter Fclthouss and Calvin Thomason. . T Stricken with Faralysls. '' ' ' " , - (Seeelal Dlspatc te Tbe JoeraaL) Tillamook, Or, Nov. 11. Marcus "Mun son, one of Tillamook's prominent cltl sens. was stricken with baralysls last Tuesday. Its waa vlsjtlng about three miles In ths country When ths sttsck came on. . He was Immediately brought to ths city snd medlcsl sld secured. He la seriously ill and but little hops is en tertained of bis recovery. ; ' Child! Badly Scalded. (Special Dlapstcb to T JnnraaL) Newherg. Or., Nov. 11. While Wil liam Crater waa emptying ths boiler of his steam engine, his t-yesr-old child wsded In. ths boiling water and was ssvsrely scalded. " r t . for any purpots where a bright, rtrong; clear and ECONOMICAL light fa needed. The Humphrey GAS ARC. LAMP to next to sunlight In Its Intensity and purity. -And If a the Cheapest Light you can use, because It bume almost as much AIR as lt does CAS. :." . -, r;;1 -t ' ' ry- -' ; ; ' "': ',Tr ' - "" , ''. - ' ' .. V.!. : ' ' ' : Where ECONOMY Is practiced you find the Humphrey OAS ARC LAMP. " T " PQv4QQQ iiis The CAS COMPANVujManteeijyejryJjmp keep H always at the helghtof he efficiency." Call us up and see how Low the Cost Is for Installing, the Gas ARC LAMP. Learn how you can secure MORE Light for ES30NEYrOr, betteretiIW-aII Irr andaee one In operation. 1 - . , , . rotTLAW GAS o v i - ' ' ,,,-.-.-- - , ' v '., . 1 TELEPHONE. EXCHANCE 26 CHELAN OFFICIALS LAUD PORTLAND PEOPLE (Bpselal Dhp.tes.tw.Tse Jooraal.) Wenatchee, Wash.. Kov. 11. H. A. OTAliamrwlidfiad cttarie-bTlBrtniflan county booth at ths Lewis and. Clark exposition! returned tc Wenatchee to day. He is snthuslastio over his trsat- msnt by ths people of. Portland and ths fair officials. Mr. Graham stated that not only wars rival fruitgrowers from ths eastern states Interested by ths display, but ss most of ths visitors cams west for ths purpose of looking for a horns ths showing made by Chelan COUnt ef "rj f Mmt nt t.. r..l- dehts forhs valley. Elmer S. Johnstons. In a letter to Stats Senator Arthur Ounn of this city, statas that Chelan county won 10 per cent more awards than any othor county exhibiting at tbs fair. 'Ths county se cured 144 awards SI of These wsrs gold. St silver, fS 1 bronis and ' 14 were honorable mention diplomas. Wenat chee secured over half of ths awards given the county. - - Mew Wig Shakespeare Onti IRpeeial DametcB te Ike JooraaLt Newberg, Or., Nov. 11. Ths Newberg Shakespearean club has sleeted ths fol lowing officers for ths coming run Mrs. U. Gould, president: T. H. Morris, vice-president; Mrs. O. W. Cutts. sejers tary; Mrs. C. A- Butt, treasurer. Oaprores Bight Medals. " "Par'PlspStc T TM TesrStt.l ' "' Tillamook, Or, Nor. 11. TUlamookt county captured all ths. gold medals for oheess"sttha Lewis and Clark fair. ths cheess manufacturers' gold and two silver medals. I j-" in M JtfjT"- It Keep the Brain Alive RALSTON HEALTH; OATS contain all the Phosphates of the Original grain. Oats are tremendously rich in Phosphates. P h osphorous in proper form, will keep the brain alive and active for a. hundred years. JIT'S ALLrIN .THEl ROASTING. New Process Ralston Health Oats (new pro cess) srs different from any other cereal food. Our . new Cereal ' Roaster, the only one of its kind on the Pacific Coast, heata the oat gTTBdually and regulates the ; temperatttf to the fraction ' of " s degree. That bringa out all of the natural oat flavor. . - The Cereal Roaster, by the. perfectly ' regulated dry heat, softens the tough little leathery envelope around each , starch . granule ao that the second cook ing prepares it for perfect and easy digestion. ' V Kw Purina Mills efyi'ii, V- mtMt avarrv is mmssst Jr ST LOUIS, MO f I Just Try a Xckage the Checkerboard Package and See How Ifuch Better You FeeL ACME MILLS COMPANY v PORTLAND, OREGON f Si ' Srrfer' HHH esffeftes i T T ru-x j i Ms t S ( ! a. k. t H a a J ' a '- , ' 'l