The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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4 1
111 ItSSilGE
Let US Contnl)ute
President Roosevelt Will Prob-
7 ", abf Omit AH Reference to
Customs Duties
silence is price of : 1: i..
railroad Legislation
Executive Mar Alto, Cut Out Refer
1 ence to Reciprocity in Order to In
. lure Safety of Other . Measures
Stand-Pat people Insistent . '
'1!ti. ,
(Special Dlsnatck by lM4 WIN to TIM Jearnal)
Washington. Nov. 11. In hie. annual
nmg to congress President Roose
velt may isuore tha Urlff and reciproc
ity questions. If H shuts the door In
the face of tha troublesome and ever
I resent applicant for admission to tha
document, ha will ba following a notable
precedent aet by himself laat year.
There la no secret about the fact that
hlirh tariff advocates of the "touch-not-
mine-anclent-landmark" ' ' stamp hare
been urfftna the president dally ta say
nothing on tariff matters and It la
known aa certain that frlenda af recip
rocal -trade have been nrclnx him to
speak his mind, being; themselves firm
in the belief that the president's mind
1 their mind. . ', A
Sllenco la considered -the price of
safety for tome of the president's meas
ures which stand apart from the tariff,
arid If he considers their Interests para
mount h may keep Ills pen off the sub
ject of Dinglcy duties, even though the
victory over tha Inclination to rap the
rndpatters coma after a hard fight
with himself. . . i : ' . s :--r
Tha prealdent'a message la practically
complete, thousrh this etatement ignores
possible tariff reference. Party lead
ers who are Interested especially In leg
islation which will call for comment or
recommendation have been consulted and
the president has ignored ne.rfier friend
nor foa of projects which he '. thlnka
conarress should forward. '
., , There are thou who hare been In tha
hmbr of tha council who say tha
president will not' verge on radicalism,
but the prophets do not Include railroad
legislation, about wnich all are at sea
except ioe president and three members
of the house committee '.of Interstate
commerce.- .',''..." :"' --'..-.
: (Special Ptopateh by Leased Wire to Tha tarsal)
. Philadelphia,- Nov." 11. Samuel Vau
; claln paid l&Ot for the exclusive right
to swear and use vulgar" language in
end about the Are house of, tha pi-yp
Maa-r volunteer - lire company, pre
empting; the title of "official swearer."
The duties of tha official swearer are
to be set put In a. series of Tulsa, with
penalties which. It la expected, will
force all other meinbers . of the Are
company to call' on him when there Is
any swearing; to be done, if It shall
appear at the end of a year that no ens
except Vaurlaln has uttered an oath in
ne lira nonga-Tauaairt wnr pay isoo
Into the treasury of tha company. Bald
Mr. vauclalm . ,
My object la to prevent swearing
at. tha Are house.. The title. of official
swearer vested In me will serve merely
to remind tha firemen that swearing Is
my exclusive function and good faith
win compel them to abstain from it
Swearing la "a habit which. I believe
all men would be glad to' cure them
selves of. and I believe my contract
with tha firemen will cure thera -of It'
Mr. Vauclala la superintendent of the
Baldwin Locomotive works and has 18,
ooo men under him.-. Tha membership
or ins nra company is about evenly di
vided between millionaires and clerks.
(SpUI Ohvatcb by based Wire te Tba loeraal)
Bt. Louie. Nov.-11. Alleging that aba
had not been. notified that proceeding!
for divorce had been pending and that
her husband knew of her whereabouts,
Mrs.- Rosa Blass of - Sacramento. Cal
irui ula, Bletf a pellUuw lii1 tlis ulicuU
court Saturday to have a divorce decree
set aside that waa granted to Dr. - Bar-
ney Blass of the Fraternal building.
Mrs. Blass olalms that Dr. Blass re
mained In Sacramento, California, until
aa lata aa. December SO,. ISOt, and that
she does not .believe he had lived here
year before the filing" of bis petition
on Decemberj22.;l0!. j.
. , Biswsts stake rvotast,-. '
(Speelal Mpateh byLeaaed Wire to The Joarsan
Washington. D. C, Nov. 11. The
brewers of-the country have ainUed In
a protest against ths establishing of
. prohibition In Oklahoma and Indian ter
ritory. .- . .. ,.- .
. ;" '.. ,,: ' - , ., . i
Why Suffer Agony Any Longer When
You Can Get a Quick, Sure. Cure
For Your Piles by Simply Send
.' ing Your Name and Address? '-
Trial Package tm Vent Absolutely ras,
,.- 1 Hala Wrapper es Xvery .
To' let a surgeon operate on you for
plies la foolhardy. It la suicide.. The
. moment you cut into those tender ma
ies you throw away ten years of your
life In energy,, lire-blood and vigor, be
sides rendering - a, ' sure cure or your
plies almost Impossible.' ; -
The wonderful Pyramid ' Pile Cure
makes an operation unnecessary. ' You
cure yourself with perfect ease.. in
' your own home, and for little expense.
, Pyramid Pile Cure gives yott Instant
relief. It Immediately heals all sores
mid ulcers, reduces congestion and In
flammation, and takes away all pain,
itching and Irritation. Just a little of
' the treatment in- ssuelly sufficient' to
glv a permanent cure.
Pyramid Pile Cure Is prepared In the
form of- suppositories so lliey can be
. epplled directly to the parts without
Inconvenlenne, . or Interrupting your
worn la any way. .
We are sending trial treatment
free of charge o every one who sends
noma and eddreas. Wa do thla to
rne whMt we say about thla wonder
ful remedv la true, .
After you, have tried tha sample
treatment, and yu are saunnea. you
get a. full regutar-alsed treatment
r Fyramlrt Tile Cure nt your drug
glet's fnr ( rents. - If he hasn't It.
.ml ua the money and we will send
von the treatment st once, by mail, la
la In eeeled peckage..
eiend ottr tiame and address at once
for a Wlal of this-marvelpus jnli-k.
.i ciire. Address Pyramid lriig lo.,
iio 1 jrsiuU lildg.,. Marshal, Mich. . i
The Newest American baroness. Wife of Francis . Dudley Leigh.", She
Was Formerly Miss Frances Forbes of New York. "
(Continued from Page Ont.) ., j
twloe-told tale la being repeated and wa
are-again mourners.- -All of Israel Is
now aa Mother Rachel weeping for bar
children, ami tha blood of our brothers
and alsters is crying; out to ua from
the land of oppression. We. who are
their brothers and sisters In tha hope
of Zlon. must answer their cry. Thla
la no time for partlea and for functlona;
lt .la not a. lime for .BUttlna:. forward
our social or refigioua or political
views. It la a time to emphasise the
principles on . which our . Zionism la
based the ualty of laraeL
"It la our duty, therefore, aa Zionists
to unit -with our fellow Jews' of all
shades -of belief in order-that, by. thla
unity of action, Israel may ba relieved
of some of his distress. Thla la a time
Is" not a Umefor theories. T Xlas,"tTiar
our national feelings must be stirred to
the very depths by such calamities.
' Every Zionist society Is herewith called
Dpon to join tha Jewish Defense associa
tion, which waa formed In New Tork on
Monday, November . ' This association
Is composed of societies representing all
shades of opinion In Jewery, both radical
and conservative. Societies are' asked to
aend . to this office a word aignlfying
their union .with this . association. It - Is
expected that the Jewish Defense asso
ciation will embrace thousands of soci
eties throughout the land. '
"Tha treasurer of tha Jewish Defense
association la Mr. Jacob H.' Bchlff. and
all money sent to , this office for. the
Jewish Defense association will pa turned
ever to jar. Benin.
. "Socletlea are asked ta hold mass meet.
Ings for the aaka of collecting funds. If
possible. In conjunction with other jew.
tab societies, and If this ba not possible,
to bora them alone. . . ' . -
"The Jewish defense association asks
of every Jew that he contribute at least
tha per cent of one month's Tent to the
fund. Notice will ba given of the forms
Mely rtsmnnstr.tir.ns .11 nree the cnun.
trv will assume.
"Brothers snd slaters of Zlon. let us
Join bands with all our brethren, with
those who are oppressed and with those
who wish to rlieva the distress of our
people." ,
- . President.
. X.-T MAONES, .
: ,- ,,v. , ' .-. k Secretary.
Beaewed , Klotlng Tnreatena Xrvaa ef
Forelg-aeis Tiuope Are rnraished.
(Rpeelal Daipatrh by Imt4 Wire Is The Journal)
Washington, Nov. n. jabiegrams
were received this afternoon from 8 pen
cer Eddy, charge d'affaires at Bt Pe
tersburg, . indicating that renewed riot
ing with danger to the lives of Ameri
can cltikens waa expected at St Peters
burg tomorrow. Mr.. Eddy expressed
tha opinion that tha reports are much
exaggerated,, but at the same time he
evidently took the precaution to have
the Russian government handle '. the
matter no far as the protection - of
United States cltlxena was concerned.
Mr. Eddy's dispatch Is therefore reas
suring as he says that the Russian gov
ernment baa . undertaken . to safeguard
Americana and American Interests.
t. Louis Xabrews to Balsa Big Aaiout
for Bnselsa tntferera, . . s
(Special Dlapatcs or teased Wire te The Jearsal)
BU Louis, Nov. 11. The Instantan
eous response of the Hebrews of .- St
Louis to ths call for assistance for tha
relief of Jews who are sufferers In the
Russians massacres augurs well for
tha success of the relief, meeting to
be held at Shaarellneth Temple tomor
row. ' Several thousand dollars were
received today by Moses raley, chair
man of the committee on permanent organisation-for
the mass, meeting in be
half "of tha suffering Russian Jews, in
response to an appeal which waa pub
lished In the -papers this morning. - This
sum will be largely Increased, at, the
meeting; tomorrow. .. .
Baasiaa rremler Beported to Xav Be
' tire Aftot Siapate Witt Osar.
tgpeelal tHspatek y iMaet Wire teTss Jaornan
Chicago, Nov. 11. The Dallr J4ews
corrrapondent at St. Petersburg cables
quoting a prominent Russian, present at
tha peterhof conference with tbe esar,
as follows: - , i
"Wltte InaUttd tuat the minister of
ir;. : JMm
war and tha minister, of. marine ba sub
servient to the premier' and aleo de
manded the- resignation of 15 governors.
Tha caar refused his sarmtlon and Witts
resigned. Tba resignation bag not been
accepted.' f - " - ' ''
Rumors of Wltte's fan created a panic
on the stock exchange. Panlo stricken
Jews are fleeing from tha city. . Every
boat Is thronged. Reactionaries assert
this move of Wltte la to secure tba sup
port of tha Radicals. , Jewish bankers
called upon Wltte. Tha premier looked
ghastly. He denied the. rumors of tha
proposed massscre of tha Jaws and as
sured tha callers that every means, will
ba taken, to protect their -Uvea.
? By clever handling of the press Witts
has atopped practically - all - opposition
among tha people. - Tha papers all print
excerpts .from .American and. Europeaa
papers praising tha premier. , . - .- -r
At Ekaterinoaiav it la estimated that
during the three days'. anti-Semitic
riots by a. mob tha. Jews killed
number 160. with many wounded; 15
Russians were killed and St - wounded.
aiaerty4aehopswnavwi IBS fesidew
were destroyed. " , , " -
Pendleton, Or., . Nov. , 11 At 8:10
o'clock this evenlng the county 'court
snd Colonel Raley, representing the O.
B. ft N,. company ' In the assessment
contest, signed pspers fixing the rata
at which, the railroad it to be assessed In
Umatilla county at 810.000 a mile. Aa
sessor Strain In 1908 raised ' the rail
road assessment from 14,000 a mile .to
812.000. Ever alnse there has been
contest and the court has accepted the
compromise offered by ths company.
It was agreed last night to accept the
compromise but today's aeaaton wss oc
eupled ' In a dispute aa to whether the
county should refund the penalty tax
paid by tha road on $.00 already paid
Lon the assessment. -., The company loat
its contention. ,
t Tha agreement Is that tha aasessment
shall be $10,000 a ,mtle with Interest
The company will make payment Mon
day or Tuesday.. The total amount due
tha county Is approximately $77,000.,
(Special Dtnratck to The JosraaLt ' i
' Aberdeen,' Nov. 11. Not the slightest
clew has been found of. tha fata of R.
F. -Smart who disappeared' a week ago
Wednesday leaving a latter saying that
ha was going to commit suicide. He waa
about 12 years old. an empJoye of Grays
Harbor Commercial company, and m
very popular. . Ill health is supposed to
have been the cauae of his act as It
prevented him from holding a permanent
position. -.,.,. . . ..
A thorough search of the woods near
CosmopollB baa : been fruitless. A
ward of $25 has been offered for the
discovery or - tne oooy. e - wss un
married.'. : .. ,. ' ,..
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Jssrsal)
New xork. Nov. li. tieneving nia
talenta underrated .and heartbroken be
cause he waa given a second place In
the Metropolitan Opera company when
ha confidently expected to be assigned
to a leading role, Kmil H. C. Oreder,
who up to recently waa the leading
baritone of the Court theatre at Dres
den and who was. one pf the new troupe
-of - famous ' singers brought here by
Director -Conreld this season, tried to
commit suicide by taking ass In hi
bachelor apartments at the Antoinette,
No,. 4 East Fifty-ninth street, today. X
. At the Flower hospital, where Mr.,
Greder waa taken after' being found, it
was stated tonight that, .while hlsvcon
dltlon Is serious, he will, in all proba
bility, recover. ', . ,.
; J.
''(Special filspatrk to The Jonraat.) 4 '
Baker City. Or... Nov. 11. An unknown
foersnn has been opening Individual mall
boxes In the postofflcs here for the past
week, and In spite of efforts at detec
tion, has not been discovered.. This
morning a youth nsmed. Anderson found
a quantity of letters in an alley that had
evidently been taken from the postof flee.
One letter to tha Oregon and Wisconsin
Lumber company contained a check fnr
izoo which had been overlooked by tbe
UtleC . .. . -.... ,
Do Not Put Off Coming Until It Is
. Too Late to Take Advantage of the
: Closing - Out Sal of Exposition
Instruments Now ' Going on . at
Eilers Piano House Make Your
Own Terms.
Are you contemplating the purchase
Of a piano, a Plaiiola, an Orcheatrelle.
or. a ins Parlor Organ for ChrtstmaaT
Wouldn't a beautiful Baby urand prove
a most enjoyable gin tor inai talented
daughter? Wouldn't a Pianola Piano
irove a source oi joy una education to
he entire latniiyi ir so. mis great
Closing Uin Buie or t-xpoauion instru
ments at Ktlers Piano House, offers you
an unequal ed opportunity to purchase a
silshtlv used Instrument (cannot be told
from new at reductions of SO to SO per
rent. If desired, we will store the same
for you until cnristmaa rrea or cbarse.
Soma of the Instruments were used
In the many state buildings at the Lewis
and Clark Exposition, carefully guarded
and protected. Only tha most careful
muslcisns used them. - Other Instru
ments were used by tha various commis
sioners and World's Fair officials In
their BDartments. All are in everv wav
aa nne aa new, ana tu are included, in
this flnalna' Out Kale. Anions- them in
... .
auch famous mskes as the Iluddorff, Ho
bart M. Cable, Schumann. Steck. Crown
Orchestral, Clarendon, Lester, also nu
merous Chlckeringa, Klmballs and web-
era as well aa Orchestrelles. Pianola Pi
anos ana pianolas. it means a sacrifice
to ua and to the manufacturers to.dis-
ose of these choice Instruments at the
I sure we have-plainly marked them.
but our new stock is arriving dally.
'Out with the old. In with the new."
Everything must . go, and therefore
pricea have been cut down so that we
shall surely dispose of every one of these
remaining instruments witnin tha next
few days. '
Pay for them, as best suits vour con
venience. .
A Can't Be Told From New. -
Frosneritv has never heeri'more force-!
fully demonstrated than In the enormous
sales we have had on new and costly
Chlckeringa, Baby and Parlor Grande.
and uprights, Weber . Pianola Pianos,
Kimball and other instruments repre
senting the highest attainments of piano
ounsi ruction, un many oi tnese instru
ments we have taken as part payment
pianos that are In almost sverv instance
as good as new. These are to be closed
out at simply merciless reductions. We
offer a good upright piano worth $150,
now ; anoiner upright piano worth
1165 for $74. (severe others 19S, till
and 1127. Standard makes of used pi
anos at prices) ranging from II 2 J to a
little less than $300 for a beautiful mot
tled walnut upright Lester that can
hardier Te told from new. Bring IS or
f 10 for first payment and pay balance at'
$4, 14 or $8 a month. Any of these pt-
nos ror rent at S3. 13.60. Sl.50 and 84 a
month. .... ...
Tha only wav to really annreclata
these enormoua reductions la to call at
our store and Investigate thla carefully.
J na pianos are nere, we need the space.
ou neea tne instrument. This plano-
uylng opoprtunlty, like time and tide.
awaits no man. Coma In or write be
fore ail are gone.
ttetaii Department Kllers Piano Honea,
51 Washington Street.' Corner Park
(Eighth). .'....'
Statuary and Fumitur to Be Put
Under the Hammer Will
Go Abroad to Live. ,
(Special Dlssatca by Leased Wire ta Tss Jearsal)
Now York. Nov. 11. It waa learned
today . that James Hasen Hyde, former
vice-president -of .the Equitable Assur
ance society, has given orders for the
aale of the eoetly furnishings in his
country place at Bay Shore, Long Island.
and they will ba put tinder tha-hammer
within a few days. . ,
- It la expected that shortly after the
aale nr. Hyde will go abroad to live.
Mr. Hyde haa arranged to sail his
foods at auction. They Include costly
paintings, many by the - old masters,
bric-a-brac . statuary, bronae and an
tlqultlea. Several car;oads are to Da
disposed of and articles will be knocked
down to the highest bidder. . Nothing
will be reserved, no matter what tha
sacrifice , the owner must submit to.
The goods will be on exhibition for sev.
era! days next week, the exact date for
the sale not .yet having been deter-
mlned. '
After disposing of the control' of the
Equitable a few months ago to Thomas
F. Ryan. Mr. Hyde sold his magnificent
estate on Long Island. A little later
he sold te Edwin Hawley, the railway
magnate and financier, his private car
"Bay Shore," which he had built a few
years ago at a cost of f 50.000.
Mr.-, Hyde has also recently severed
hla connection aa an officer with va
rious financial institutions in thla city
ana rittsourg. ... .- , . ,
....',,.,. r. .. .
X (Continued from Page One,)
arty waa conveyed by forged deeds to
J. Ralph Norton, who resold to various
parties: Acknowledged' before Mary
B. Belt, SL Louis Percy U Lindholm,
upon county, ill.: William Thompson,
Bt, Liouia county, Missouri; E. LArouche,
Douglas county, Missouri; James H.
Merrltt, cook county, Illinois. Acknowl
edged before Lulu R. Colvln, St. Louie
May Jiall, Liana county, Wisconsin;
Caroline tu- Farrell, Hennepin county,
Acknowledged, before Mathew Brady
or Ban rranciaco vrary oinse of San
Francisco and Charles Ball man of San
Francisco. .
Acknowledged before M. D. Brown of
San Francisco Alonso Crawford of Los
Si. Xmla "Womea Votaries Deny Amy
Oonaaotloa With SaattU rsaada.
(SpecUl Diapateb by Leased Wire to Tha Jearsal)
St., Louis.' Nov. ' 11. That the names
of Mrs. Mary Belt aad Mrs. E. Qulsen
berry, stenographers and notarise public
of St. Louis, are forged to papere for
a million dollar land fraud at Seattle,
Washington, was, charged by these two
business women1 today. They assert this
wss accomplished through the familiar
trick of dealing in. property owned by
men living In other parts of tha country.
Descriptions of the property were se
cured and bogus quit claim deeds made
out to one apparently mythical A. J.
Ralph Norton, whom all problnr thus
far bas failed to reveal. Mrs. '"Belt.
whose name appears on tne deeds In
the' capacity of -notary public and on
which It appears that Il.OnO.dOQ worth
of realty has changed hands at Seattle
slnoa the first of ths year, dec Is res that
the signatures are forgeries. Mrs. Belt
wss formerly a member of the firm of
Belt. de Whltcomb. stenographers and
notaries public.
"I am positive that these papers are
Come in and
. Give us one
tribute to your
'.for $20,.;.-; ,
Finish and: .l
Fabric - fuarsnteed.
The uric will stilt t
," and' -
. The suit will fit. ,"
' We handle no Ready..'' "
Made Clothing;, but make 7
your wouin to your oraec . . .. . rss e
at from $20.00 to $45.00 tbe suit.1 . LlYt$ U1XS
forgeries. I bad absolutely' nothing to
do with tne preparation of them and I
am sure that the use of my name Is a
forgery gpure and simple," declared Mrs.
Belt today. Miss Lulu P. Colvln, whose
name also 'appears In the 'matter, is
equally certain that ber name le forged.
She saya her eeal-may have been re
moved f rom her desk and returned with
out ber knowledge. , '
(Special Dispatch by saaea Wire to Tbe Joarsal)
New - York. Nov. 11. Tha -schooner
Holllawood arrived this morning afref
a kong'voyaca from San Francisco. The
Holllawood waa formerly a, bark In rig.
Tha yeasel waa bought by Pendleton
Bros, of this klty and chartered to carry
a cargo-. of asphaltum - In - barrels for
New Tork and Captain Warren went
overland from thla city to take charge.
After leaving San Franc! aco the,vea
eel was dismantled and put Into Ban
JTtiejcelti a. rlX.vs n
tasted schooner. The
chanaed to a four-maated
HolUawood leftKfian Pedro May JS-and
put Into Janeiro for stores, mak
ing the voyage from Ban Francisco in
124 days. ' , ..- .., -.
. es,asBaeBSBSBaSkessaaBswBsBSBasaBsa ; ; (
' Schools Pay TKaU Way.
'fSpeelal Olspetca te'Tss JasraaU '
Dayton.-Or. Nor. 11. The' Dayton
school gave aa entertainment thla even
ing including a farce In which the beet
local talent took part The proceeds ere
te ba used In getting- maps and appa
ratus for ths school.
. Tbe High school glrle by an entertain,
ment recently cleared enough to pur
chase a basketball outfit
Spectacles a Thiag of the Past
y... ,i .','.,;- -'. '.:; r ';.'' "'
"Aotlna," a afarralona Dlsoovery That
Cares AiTUetloBS ef the Bye with-, i-
' , eat Onttlas; et Brugruts'- -
"There Is no need, for cutting, drug-
Wing or probing the eye for the cure of
disease, for, a new system 6f treating
affllctlona of -the
eye haa been dis
covered Whereby all
torturous and bar
barous methods are
eliminated. There la
no risk or expert
mentlng, . as hundreds of people have
been cured of falling eyesight, catafacta.
rranulated lids and other atrjlctlona of
tlie eye through this grand discovery,
when eminent oculists, they state, term-
ed the. cases Incurable.
- Qert. Alexander Hafnilton, Tarrytown-on-the-Hudson,
N. T., highly, recom
mends "Aotlna." f
' -Louis Meyer, $ Herman at.. Roches
ter. N. T. writes: " 'Actlna' has ef-
fected a wonderful cure In my wife'e
case, curing ner or a severe eye trouble.
and 1, would not pa wunout It.
Mr, A. I j. Howe. Tully. N. T.. writes:
"Actlna" has removed cataracts from
both my eyes. I can read well without
my glasses; am S years old. . .
, ' , , , .n k . , - ' , , , I 111.,
writes: I should have been blind had I
Hundreda of other testimonials will
ba . sent on . application. . "Actlna". Is
purely a home treatment and self-administered
by the patient, and la sent
on trial, post pn Id. If you will aend your
name nA addrees to the New York and
Ixindnn rUectrto Aaeo.. DrC. SIH, S2t
Walnut St.. Kansas City. Mo., you will
receive absolutely free a valuable hook
ProC .Wilson's Treatise on Uisease, "
False teeth are made to your measure if they fit.. . V :V'
' It is the same with, a suit of clotAesT " You can no more ex
' pect to find a perfect fitting suit in a job lot of clothes than to run '.
onto a satisfactory set of teeth in a barrel of odds and ends in the
dentist's laboratory. i'. s.v. ;'..
-..'v - . ' " .' :; ' ' v; - , ;':'-.
Fit is everything in a suit of clothes. ' V 1 ; ..
'' - : There is as much difference, in the shape and size of men's
bodies as there is in the roofs of their, mouths. . . . J ;.!. ,
'The dentist takes your measure with plaster of par is ure
!' take your measure with the tape and the yard stick... Both art
..necessary to get a perfect fit.' y j ':';;.' ' ;I:: tV. ;
We will fit you for ?20t ' V7
' i' We will make a suit which subscribes exactly to the peculiar
stature and proportion of your body for j20..-- ; -' -
V- All wool'worsted cheviot plain grays checks and plaids.
' Imported Venetian cloth lining hand sewed with silk.
look at the cloth in the bolt
trial let us show you how much we can con- ,
appearance and . comfort and business success
....:.. "..v.-... v.;-
l ;
PHONE, MAIN. 6063. ,
v v
We invite your inspection 'of our Millinery Department. PATTERN
u to suit every class of tradeVelvets, Silks, Ribbons, Ostrich and
, t Fancy Feathers, Braids, Ornaments, etc ., , , ,:
" . ."; . v. ; - ' , ' ' - --', -
. " We have a Iars;e assortment to select from. k All the latest styles
and colors, at "Live and Let Lire" prices. , , ...
FURS! f URS! '
' We have one of the largest lines of Fur Scarfs in the city at
very moderate prices FOX, MARTEN, MINK, OPOSSUM, ETC.
56-Inch Fox Scarf, dark brown, large bushy tails Special price,
-,;'..: .'. . ' .. r : .; " r ,:! . " v .-
-. " Ladies' All-Wool Tailor-Made Suit, 54-inch coat,' satin lined, vel-.
Tet collar,' fitted back; worth $2S.0O-Special price," -
- ' i, '- . . -.. -
1 "r ' ', k : i : '
Ladies' Silk Waists, made of chiffon taffeta silk, pleated front
"and back, good quality 6f silk;4aav'9tyles; black, white, green and
red; $5.00 valnes---Special price,' , (,,'-., -. . . . ;
i:; i$3.9s : ::
.. - y '. u... ., - - . ;. -.' ,i .
1 - -' .-: A ". .' -. . ,
. . . . Outing Flannel Gowns, worth $175. As w: do not care to esrry
- these goods, we have decided to close them out quick. Our closing
i price Your choice, ' . '.-;
- Ladies' Waists, made of slbatross, mohair, etc.; assorted colors,
,iate styles; wortnip to special price,
' - Ladies Dress Skirts, made of good wool' Material, assortideolors v
-aad lire stylet; values up to $6.50 Special price, ,
r --
CORSEVs. ETCj W'v . ;
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