v. . v j, . ' An Important and Opportune Calo of Foreign and Domestic linens X At much less than regular price. A sale of considerable interest ' at this time, for Thanksgiving is near at hand and Christmas is but little further off, and these fine table linens carving cloths, centerpieces, tray cloths, square lunch cloths, etc, will be ap preciated, either on your own table or that of some one else. Neither the prices nor the values can be matched: Some of Mon day's and Tuesday's specials are: . ' v" h1 ; ; - ;: V" ; '. -:'.t'T -Bleached Damasks Extensive showing of new table " linen. . Beautiful new designs, ranging in prices from. $1.75 CA ; ?. per yard down to. ,......... J................. uUL - Napkins to matchTill sizes, pure linen, most elaborate display i in Jthe city Prices "from $5.00. per clozen down-- QQ" 'Damask Table Sets, consisting of one cloth and one dozen nap kins, either plain or hemstitched, handsome patterns. &y QA -; Prices from $18.00 down to:.. J..;... .......... ...W.zU Damask. Tea and. Lunch Cloths-New line of lunch cloths in.. . all sizes and designs. ; Prices from $2.05 down . " Ij Table Linen Worth 65c at 58 CWnch unbleached strictly all linen Table Damask, handsome patterns ; well worth " CQA - 65c. Special at. . . . . .V. OOU Z Table Linen Worth 60c at 50 ; 60-inch t unbleached ,T a b 1 e Damask, - good heavy quality, warranted to wear; best 60c aualitv. t f A Special aC . ; . , ..O VI Table Linen Wqrth 40c t 34 58-inch unbleached Tab 1 e Damask, in a large assortment of patterns ; always sold OAf, at 4pc. .Special at.V...Oxlv Table Linen Worth $1 at 85 72-inchi all linen f ulr bleached Table Damask, handsome new patterns to select from ; best $1 quality. . fiCt Special at. . : . . , .... . . . ,OU U : r Variety in Our! rail ;:.;;Dreso Goods and Sillrs - i- ' , Anticipates Every . Need ;:.'.; f Here is a wealth of variety and a richness of materials that fford ahance that you could not expect to meet with outside Sof metropolitan fashion centers.- You must see them to appre- cute tne exquisite. quajuiy ana wwneas oi pnw.r i $1.35 Mohair Crispine7r42-inch 'fast black Mohair Crispinecomes in' medium. weighti very brilliant finish, -neat .repe effect one - of the most popular weaves made. ,y,r -' u'u fc c A A ' Special price; . f ............ ..'1 .. V A W. ; i $1.25 FrenchlPnmilla -Ilighly. finishecLfastlblack Pcunilla 48 ? k inches -wide; called a 'bargain elsewhere at $1.25. .On QC-, . sale Monday, and , 1 uesday at, per yard w v "Egyptian Crepe'srS inches' wide, made of selected wool, comes ' in all colors, black and evening shades one of the best Ca : known fabrics for a dressy gown. . Special price. ........ JUL ' Taffeta Silk 19-inch Messa ; line finished Taffeta Silk.. We guarantee this silk to be the best quality ever shown iri the city , for this price over a hun dred shades to select 7 F from. Special. .. . . . ... 1 UW Sterling Taffeta 36-inch Ster ling Taffeta,, the best silk, in America,, warranted to give sat isfaction every yard guaran teedwill not crack or break, when in need of a first class silk ask for Sterling's Guaran- Prices $1.25 and..'. $1:50" READ'S LANSDOWNES We . carry the famous William F. Read's Lansdownes. These goods come in all the popular staple and evening shades also in shepherd checks, black and white, blue and white, brown and white,. They are, the finest goods made in America: are half silk and guaranteed to d 5 J? wash like linen. Price per yard. . . . ....... . .'. . ..... $1 Od Lining Satiri-36-inch heavy double warped' Lining ''' ... 7C-'' Satin, colors black, gray and castor. Special.' .. I . Black Taffeu 24 to 27-inch guaranteed black Taffeta,' for eign and domestic silks, both chiffon and ' messaliafr finishes. .Special Monday and HtZr Tuesday. ...... v . jV. . . l Eolienne 42-irich Eolienne, ' guaranteed one half silk; comes -in all the - staple' as, well, as evening;, shades;- is without, doubt one of the prettiest fab rics '. shown ', for ; reception, gowns; sold elsewhere for $1.50 and $2.50 per yard. Our priff, per yard..,., : A Unowledge in itting tnoes is as ;:; ; ; Essential as Good Chocs It seldom follows because a salesman consumes a great deal of time in fitting your feet that he is really taking an unusual 'amount of care. It is by far more reasonable to believe he is. lacking in foot knowledge. Did he possess that thorough under-" standing that is most requisite to success he would at once diag ; nose yodf requirements for shoes as your doctor would if you . ' were ilL That thorough knowledge saves you time and constant experimenting to find out what you should wear. '-:;,"'.:',, V We rive you a combination with our $3.50 and $3.00 Shoes I- of unsurpassed stvle and quality and the knowledge we possess iafittingthe teet in every.Known leatner. - . , We've a lot of Women's Hand Made Shoes worth $3.00 and $3.50 in all widths. . Monday.,.....; a.......... i. ,$1.09 Misses Kid arid Box Calf Shoes, sizes up to 2. Monday .$..00 "Boys Box Calf Shoes, sizes up to tv Monday.fc.'....rf.$1.60 r. :':: .:.;v;'" Only, a Few of the' Ilany' Specials in ------j-.V-'---- the Art Scotion ' Hand Painted Pin Cushions, each .'...50, 75, $1.00 Battenberg Thread, all numbers,. perKspool ............. 1, . ,3t V Battenberg BraidSj whjt Fancy Jewels, in all colors, per dozen. W-..,M-M;,.4 Silk Ponpons in all colors, per dozen . .".'i .". tot Cushion Cords', plain an,d mixed colors, per yard.... w. 10 , Embroidery J Ioops,ail sizes, each;..; . 10c "Corticelli Embroidery Silk, pef 8kein;V.;;V....wr;..4t Corticelli Knitting Silk, per. spool. .'... Mmr.J ..35c Stamped Cushion Tops! with backs. . ..Y.Vi. 125, 50 IIJ HEW AUTUIIH IJEBCHANDISE T7T70U0EIIEEPEIIS nd all others who .know the value of money will do J W I s well to visit this store Monday and Tuesday. They JUL will make profitable investment of time and a most economical exchange of "',T: cash -for seasonable goods. Every section presents a wonderful list of real ; bargains in seasonable tnerchandise. Temptingly small prices are the rule in every de partment The inducements which we offer are beyond all competition and will cer tainly prove irresistible to any woman who 'is interested in positive money saving. Monday's and Tuesday's bargain list presents this unbroken' front of brilliant values :v - ..y : i for the - thrifty buyers.'... l . 'i.:...' :':.. Impbptant Lace Cuptain Sale That Enables Yon to Save One -Half to One -Third , TA GRAND OFFERING OF THE CHOIC EST IMPORTATIONS AT , REMARKABLY LITTLE PRICES. Our buyers, keeping in touch with importers and manufacturers ready to . snap up all worthy curtains that could be bought cheap enough to permit us to distribute them quickly, purchased ' 'J '' ' mm -m 500 Pairs of Exquisite Imported Iiac Curtains Nottingham, Macira'sXaceCable Net Curtains At an Areragro Saying: of Fifty Per Cent It's one of the best lots of lace curtains ever offered under price; tnese are au new, attractive goods, 'just the desired sorts suitable for parlors, libraries, bedrooms and dining .rooms, that housekeepers will want for fall decorations, all offerings are new Importations styles are the latest it: is ; wonderful opportunity. ADelightfnIDisplay of Snperlative Valnes Arranged Ik p in Five Big Lots to Insnre Qnick Choosing L5i 1 85. PAIRS 3 yards long and 54 inches wide. $1.50 ' and $1.75 "values. ;.;;;rLotr2-:;-':-7 78 PAIRS V yards long and 54 inches wide. $2.00 to $255 values. $i;30Pr ;:'--Lbt;3'";;""'; 185 PAIRS 35 yards long and 54 inches wide. $2.50 and $2.75 values. $i;55Pr This Sale Is Possible because We Handle Immense Quantities Ve cannot guar- None dn approvaL' Nos telephone or mail" orders filled at .' these . prices. , None sold to deal- ers-7-shop in the ' . morning-" if you ' can."; - T It 4' 110 PAIRS 50 inches wide and yards long.r $3 and $3.50 values. :. Sl.QOPr : Lot 5 90 PAIRS 50 inches wide and Y yards Ion g. $3.75 and $125 values. . S2.35Pr . antee . .the. - low -price numbers to. hold out. long against the rush these bargains .will bring shop early. : ' Extra - Salespeople to Serve Ybu-I-Extra Floor Space Devoted to This Curtain Display. 'ZJ: New Autumn Styles fii ; Women's Suits, Wraps and Beady- v tO"ar-rarmenta They say that good goods is the best advertisement and the 1 statement cannot be" -denied but iiv coats suits.and-women'-OUter- garments generally- goodness-without-style would stay with us forever. , Here is a store full of quality and styfe, the novelty things that are as individual and exclusive as though planned by your own dressmaker or fashionable tailor and more are being unpacked every day. Note the money saving offerings for Monday and Tuesday. . , V Children's Coats, $10 Values "Women's and Hisses' Suits Two Exceptional Values at $14 and $12.50 Exceptionally, high grade .Tailor Made Suits of finest cheviots, pure English worsteds and broadcloths, swell long coat styles, in plaited effects, handsome circu lar cut skirts; two exceptional values. On special sale Monday, at M 9 C A $14.00 and....:....;..... l.OU , . Women's Handsome Coats ; ' Three Exceptional Values at at $8.50, $8.50 and $10.50. Nearly 100 brand , new styles of Winter. Coats in this special-' lot, all lengths, tight, semi -fitted and empire' effects, all ...uv.. r tionally high class Tj 'garmen t sre- markable values.; On I special sale Monday at $10.50, , , $8.50 'and $6.50 Women's Skirts, $8 Values f V for S0.50 ; New fall models, handsomely tailored; Jjull circular; gored and plaited styfes, '.. made of finest American Panamas, chev , fots, broadcloths - and mixtures;' well ' worth, regular price, $8. . On dJiT : P A special sale Alonday at..ii...vutUy for 87.50 'A splendid selection of Children's and -Misses' Coats, of all ages, made from cheviot, kerseyr all neatly tailored, trim- ' med with tailor strappings, velvet, braids, . buttons, twenty styles, to choose from; - regular $10 values. Special C A iprice for Monday's sale.Ci .'. . . .4) D) Silk Petticoats, $9 Values for 80.50 . , Rustling Taffeta Silk Petticoats, in all the desirable colors, also bffdc, .having um brella flounce finished with "accordion plaited ruffle, tucks above,' ncarsirk unr derlay and dust ruffle; worth JT PA ' $9. For Monday's sale....... )UOU Women's Winter Waists -Exceptional Values at $1.50, $1.75, $1.95. Ve have theprettiest collection of . new ' Fall Waists , ever, shown here, materials1 - are thin batiste, or nun's vcilingfalbatrosT brilliantine, madras cloth, and poplin . in . white and color9, the styles are beautiful,, over 50 designs in the collection. Splen did values at $1.50, $1.75 J J - New Cravenettes, 812.50 .$15 Values for $10 ' A Sale of Importance Tomorrow About , 45 firtely tailored " Rain Coats, six 4vaad- , some :; styles, ' in Oxford, tan," olive and castor, made of plain and fancy water proof materials, double box pleated back, v with belt, fitted back,' tucked cuffs, etc.; -. $12.50 and $15 , values. Will be sold at.. ....... .............. ;..4)1U. ' A Complete Showing of Latest Ilodels R. & G. Corsets The R. & G. Corset is so perfect In design that it brings out all the lines of beauty and gives grace, elegance and style to all figures. It is form fitting and perfectly Comfortable under, all circumstances. : We are now showing the latest models long back, raised bust and tapering waist, which produces the rounded waist line effect so popular with those who follow the latest Parisian styles. R. & G. Style 671 White, black and drab, bterling Jean, sizes 18-30, Special i imiTi t h i i . ...... .l.OO R. & G. Style 379 White and drab, fine coutille, sizes 18-30. - ' . . Special .... . . ; ....... lSO R. & G. Style 384 Drab only, imported coutille, sizes 18-30. - y -5 -7 - - v Special S2.00 R. & G. Style 384 Same, sizes 30-36. : Special... I....,,. 2.25 R. & G. Style 2P0 White only, silk batiste. . Special ..... $3.00 R. & G. Style 382 Black only, imported coutille. Special. f 3.00 :Flannel: Skirts' Women's knee length Flannel ette Skirts, in colors blue and white and pink and white ; , warm7 comfortable garments for cold weather, daintily trim med in fancy stitching and flounces; regular value 'IE 35c. Special ......... LJt --Flannel : Gownsf -75 Cents Women's Gowns, made of heavy . fleeced flannelette, ex tra fullness in skirts and large sleeves, double yoke, trimmed with finishing braid . and ruf fles; excellent $1 value. 7Cr Special ....... . ... I OL BLnit Underwear . for Women and Children -. We have prepared for an unusual busy day tomorrow with complete. jtockVtpchoose from with prices lower than ever be- w. " SL. TV"' ' i" t L'" 1 - -" 1 ."I't-b lore quotea. it is an advantageous time 10 ouy. . ' Reduced 'prices 'in effect tomorrow on the following: 100 Dozen Women's heavy sanitary . fleece lined Vests ' and Pants; never before offered for less than 65c a garment. J? All sizes on sale tomorrow at, each. ................. V.XOC Women's All Wool Camelshair Vests and Pants, best $155 Quality-at GOr 80 Dozen Women's strictly all wool camelshair Vests and TA Pants; best $1.25 quality. Tomorrow at....;,,......, UyC ; ; ' ' Boys' Wool Ribbed Underwear. 7 . 80 Dozen Boys' fine Australian wool ribbed Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, in a strictly high grade woolen garment; best P 60c crstuC 4 ' t fswU W . ,i ; Winter Hosiery - for Women and Children Exceptional values in our Hosiery Section Tomorrow. A November sale of winter hosiery that will attract an immense throng of discerning buyers be sure you are one of them. ' v Women's Lisle Ribbed . Stockings. . ' - Ribbed-Stockings of extra fine French lisle, elastic, perfect fit ting and unexcelled for wear; excellent doc quality. Special tomorrow. 1 C Women's Fleece ' Lined " - Stockings. - 200 Dozen extra heavy fleece lined Hosiery for women, ex tra heavy fleece, full seamless and marfc with rlastic rfohftf tops ; 25c value. . ; . , Cr Tomorrow ID w ft Women's Silk Fleeced Hosiery, v - '; 80 Dozen Sea" Island Cotton Stockings for Women, heavy silky' fleece lined, full fashioned, all black or black with un- )Cf . bleached soles ; best 40c quality. Tomorrow. . .......... . Women's Woolen Stockings. Do you wear Woolen Hos iery ? If so, be sure and partake of the following: A marvelous collection of high grade Woolen Stockings for Women, in heavy ribbed or plain cashmere. In the lot are plain black with gray. heels and toes, heavy ribbed Oxford grays" or light natural gray wool, 200 dozen, all sizes and . O , weights. .... On sale at, the pair. . . ; ........ .', ...kUt Specials in the Men's Section ; Men's Night Robes Best $1.00 Values at 75. . Men's Night Shirts, made from teasledown outing flannel ; ' ' regular $1 grade. Special . . . . . . ......... . .. . .... .... .75 Men'sUnion Suits $3.50 Qua! ity at S2.50. Men's fine worsted ; Union ,Suits, in blue and gray; -$3.50 grade. Special.. .$2.59 Men's Wool Hosi-Retrular 35c Kindat25. Merirs fine worsted Cashmere . Sodts, in . gray, merino, Ox ford and black; 35c. . f values. Special .......... 25 Boys' Sweaters $155 Values at 75. Boys' fine wool Jersey Sweat ers, in blue arid purple, with white and red stripes; ,., $1.25 grade. Special 75 75d Fleeced .Underwear 50 , Men's fine heavy fleece lined Underwear, in ribbed br" flat, all sizes, shirts and draw ers. Special price, 50 JSillFloss CuoliionD - Size 14x14 inches. Special .......,.... 14 Size 16x16 inches. f Special at. .......... '....18 Size 18x18 inches.; Special at.;...,.,irr:..,.;.........23 Size 20x20 inches. Special at...,.,,............,....--"0 Size 22x22 inches.--Special at. ....:.... ........... . 40 ; Size 24x24 inches. Special at .................... Size 26x26 inches. Special at. ,.i.C?