THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 12, 1SC5. RECORD-BREAKING SALES ARE SHOWN H THE HOP MARKET, SHORTS BEING f.NXIOUS TO COVER' AT THE PRICE. IN- WORLD OF. TRADE SHEEP MARKET 13 EXCmc::: ' 7 AND PRICES RULE TWZNTY.Pt.J C HIGHER AT CLOSE OF VMEK HOC 0 L I0P SHORTS HUE ,7 Are Covering 'Their Sales With Least Possible ' Delay at : . Present Prices. , GROWERS PLAN TO ' KEEP FROM BREAKING Potatoes Are Advanced With Con tinuanco of Excellent ' ' Demand '; From the South Eggs Firmer and Higher Poultry in Better Shape. Front Street, Kov; II. d p. at Th prlnct pl features of the Portland wholes! mar ' ' kste th nut wotk sre: Rod charts anxious to con. : Potatoes advanced an Srmer,, . ' , Onions ara quoted stronger. , ' Kg gs ara higher, with scarcity. Chicken msrket looking bettor. Oranges ara now beginning to cos. . - Scarcity of bananas during the wb.j Cranberrle higher; stock are scarcer, . " -; Rica- market advanced a quarter. '. Flour higher; wkeat changes tone. Turkey demand la Improving agala. ' Meat lnspecttoa law la sustained. , Boa fhorta Anxleu to Caver. " Although the aalea of boo ti very beary .' daring tbe peat els dare, tba eloee of the week nada fully aa many aalea aa tba fore part. Tbe abort sellers are becoming wry anzloaa to , cover, and they ara losing do opportunity to bur their anppUea around cuireat figures. Among the grower, however, there la a dUpaalton to hold oft a trade, bat notwithstanding tola there ara great many growera wba cannot . aell fast enough. Tbe fact that hope are al ready at a point where they ara eel ling below the actual coat of production adda to tba tone af tba market. Growera are mora aeber than daring the previous week, and bow that the are lading the buyer ready to take ep all eappltea around eorreat quotation, there w -, nucb talk af oomblnlng tbelr forcaa and wait - lag for a mora favorable turn of tba market before mnloadlng the rut of tba crop. Thla Idea la galalag greawd among tba grower, bat it le moving very slowly. The principal par- ehaelng daring the week waa areaad 10a for choice- grades, although aame few aalea were made both fraction higher and lower. ' The , choice hope ara the eaea eougbt moat, and that demand ahowa ne .dlntlntsbtng. Some ealea are " llkewlae reported la the cheeper grade, bat arhat tbe aborts want la choice. Tbeaa the : need to SU tbetr ardor of a year-ago. .. astoms Advssl gar- W There la a Srmer ton to tba potato market, and prices at tba eloee of the week" are eon- eiiiaraMy blghar than a weak ago. - Thhv Is doe to tbe great lmprovemant In tbe) demand from Axlaona, Texas. New Mexico and from ' point aa far aaet ea New Orleans. The Cali fornia demand continued vary good all through tbe week, and tbe trade of that eectloa baa bought very heavily. There baa been aa af .. fort made by a- large San grandee- arm to . break tbe market ea account at rivalry with another arm, and a temporary lull la trading "" to eipaetod within the nest. week aa 10 day. Tbe lack of aufftdent eara to transport tha stock la all thai Jiaa -kept, the present move- - - ment of Oregon bureau from breaking all previous records. Aa mattara now atand tha ehlpmenta from tbie market ara wall -up near tbe klgh mark. Tha fact that a cold enap baa dona considerable damage to tbe crop of . .. Colorado aad other, large pototo-prodaeJag sec tion baa ceased an auuaoal demaad for choice Oregoa stocks. The future of the potato mar ket looks very good, bat there la a wide dif ference of opinion aa to what height - prtcee '; Will go later la tba aeasea. Oaleae Ara aginalag to Move. 1 The eolen market began to Show algae of etlvtty tba past week. There were ardera far email amounts from California, Colorado, Arlaoaa ad Trias. California eaieaa ara not showing good keeping qe a at lee tbe pr const ssssn. aad stocks there are being anoved off aa faet as possible. Tbe time will eooe arrive when Ore- . awn onions will kava the toreltory weet of .the Roeklee all to tbemeetvea, aad prices may tbed do boom better. Practically ne change were Xggs Ara Higher, With SoareHy. - Sappllea of kseal ranch agg were vary ImaD - tn tp rront-etreat market daring the past week. Becelpta were avea smaller thsa the previoa week, aad tba bred waa enabled to advance Ita prtcee a trill,. All tha Pacta roast marketa showed aa advsae during tbe week: aa fact, all Amertrea marketa were blgher. Baetera egga ara shewing quit II b- . oral anppUea hero, but oa aosooat of tbe scere Ity af Orsgoa fresh tbelr pries are Ilk rw toe ' higher. . euMr Xa S Better tana. ' b i bum tuns 18 IXToaltriTmarket. Receipts af chick ana the fore part of tba week 1101 ANXIOUS were fully aa liberal aa a week ago, but later t oat' tha arrlvabi became leas. . Demand In show. fMng signs of nwakenlng, and tba price of fancy bene closed Ho pound higher. There ware fair receipt of turkeys during tba week, aad good prtcee were paid with tbe more liberal demand. Dreseed stocks atlll Sad the prefer ence at good margin over tba live birds. Dock found a good call during the weak, aa did reee. Both at these eloaad about tba aaaa : aa the prevloua week. . . ' . Oraagea Are Begiaarag to Cmp' ' Tha Bret ear of new orangaa arrived la thle market during tha week and sold at materially lower prtcee than tha express shipments for merly oa she market.' . imports from southern Calirornla state that tbe orange erop la eonald era My increased over that of a year a go, -aad . uIm. .m enecA to rule eenlee end lovree. Apple Bemaad Xa Heavy. ' ' There la now a very heavy demand ruling for apple. - Practically all tha finer gradee of Mood River fruit war eold aonte time ago to aa eastern house, but there atlll remains vary good quality outside of tbe association pack. The demand from foreign conntrlea I lucrese Ing st a lively rata, China coming Into thla ; market for ordera aggregating fully 1.000 ' ' bone since tha war between Jape and Bees la Wtt-caUcd ff. " .. - Banana Sdaro During the Week. ' Tkw eras e eeneral acareitv af aoad bsnsnas - V' Baring the week, the latter part abowlug prac icallv no atocka ea nend at aU. There ware ' a few buncbea of bslf-frooea fruit -oa sale the drat af the week, oat avea thla eiiea of good waa aooa cleaned bp. A oar m doe to arrive . In time for tba opening of, tha market oa Monday..'' M " 1- Oraaberrla Higher Bnppliee Are Scare. - A sudden advance waa ahowa la tha price of eraaberrlae the latter pert of the week. ' Cranberries coat more to lay ' down I this x-lty at tba present BMment than dealer are charging, aad new a retrain will cost more money to the trade. It Is bow agured thnt there 1 a abortage of practically' 100.000 bar rel la the cranberry supply or tno unite Ptate thai era so. Local berries bat about disappeared from the markets. - . ' Heat Inspection Law Xa Sustained. ,.I-lhe meet Inspect Ion law passed by the last rtty council baa been sustained by the courts - of this city, and It la now eal4 that the """rnayor Win be" asketf lo appoint an Inspector at ... ence. It thla occurs It will atop all shipments , of dressed meats to this rtty on account of the atringeucy of the Inspection law. Tha Injune , Mon eeeured by Fronttreet dealer was die aolved. but It la quite likely tba law'wlll be ' further contested and tils ease appealed to .. higher -cotrrt. Daring , tba peat week arrlvsle ' . of dressed bog were very beevy, and tba price Buffered anmewhat oa thla ecore. Veal calve J likewise came In greeter supply, aad prices are not so high. Dressed beef esnnot be disposed of at nay fwure, and returns are unsatisfactory t-f both shipper and commission maa. City Millers Advane Flear. ' City .millers advanced their quotations aa all gradea of flonr lBc a barrel this week. Basking the quotatlng Una with those of outside; mill, who changed their Bgurea during the prertoaa Week. In the flonr market there la a lack of srlrntsl bustneee. but all mills ara stIU busily engsged la grinding for order prevtouoly ra- eelreil, ' k,- "... ajVaehi la tr aad Dew Age la. Thewrl msrket waa erratl 'lb paat Nl aad onotatlana ehansed several times. Ther were aererel advaneea of le and a Uka sum bar of declines, thus leaving tha valuea where they stood St the dose or ue prerioua wees. All nililatnffs are auoted very Arm. the de- Btand ooutloulng good from CaUfornla, aa well aa the local territory. Choice hay la quoted quit arm at ah eloee ef the week, but there m aw aieposiuoa io ao vaece otMiLations. Tba eau Biarkat retains the trong tone of the prevloa week, bat price mad so change giving the peel six oaa. variey m uaswiae arm aad aachanged. Bio Market I a, euartor Higher. Ther wa advance of SBc la tbe rice market tba letter part of tha week, owing t the Bufavorable crop la tbe southern states the peet season. . Stocks are bow practically out of Bret hand and speculators are not ejoey la tkin aAvantara of tha situation. Tba following prices were paid at tha dose ef the week along Front street by the trade for caolo quality la aonno sou. rroaucer prlcee are so specified : . . ', O-rein, Flour and Teal. - WHEAT New club, TSc; "red tusalaa, TOoi pliiestem. Tbcj valley, T8JTo. BARUCT Feed, fit .Bo22.00t rolled. I23.M O23-00; brewing, I22.ftue23.0u. COBS Whole, 127.00; erscksd. SHOO. Bat ton. . ., . BTB I1.S5 par ewt- - OATH Producers' price No.' S white, 138.00; gray. I24.oO12SM. irr nf'R New eastara Oregoa Detents. 14.18: straights,' 13 oSQu.TO; eaport, f.TeWtfa.ed; val ley, grenam, a, o.evi rye, oue, 13.00; bale, 12.70. MILLSTUFFS Braa, 1S00 per tons mid dlings. $25,001 eborta, country, S20.W( tty, 1 uo: crop. 118.00. ' HAT Produce re' price Timothy, Willamette volley, fancy, fll.00Olg.00; ordinary,, 7 ooa (.00; eestern Oregon. 814.O0aiB.OO; . mUsd. is.60as.00; clover, l 00J1U.00; grsla. 80.000 .00l cheat 88.00O8.S0. - Butter, Xgg and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. . kf Portlaad Sweet cream. 28e; sour, 3Vio. - BUTTER City creaaiery. SOcr eutald fancy, l?He: ordinary. 25c; store. 16017c. BOOS No. 1 fresh Oreeon. candled, S3ttt cold atoreae and eastern. 2UU28e. . CHEKSB New Full cream,' twin. IdUc Tonng America. 18 He; cbeddar, 14 Me. GAM B Jsekrsbbit. 88 pea do. POULTRf Mixed cblrkena, 10c; fancy hens, lie per lb; roosters, old, e per lb; fryers, 10ai0tfe per lb; broiler, lOQlOUe per lb; duck,. 1418c per lb; geese, Be per lb: turkeys, I8W lc per lb; dressed, SO Bar Ibi aqua be, 8a.OO0S.OO per doaea. . Hops. Wool aad Hide. - HOPS 1009 Oregon, ' choice, lOHOlle; prime. T2c: poor grade, eee; , Washing ton, iw; iirrm crop, lor cooice. WOOI 1000 Clin, valley, aoaree to asedlana. I4UI20M dn XQZIm eastern Oregoa, 14122. KOHAtn Nominal, MQ81. eUKKPHKINU fibearlnc, 18080 eacht abort wool, ssa0e each; medium wool, 80070 eeoe: Ian woof. 7Bc1.00 each. TALLOW Prima, per lb, 8H4ei No. a and gresse, tlHc CHITTIM BARK tH3 per ft). HIDES Dry No. I, IS lbs and op. ISUtt 1TH peg lb; dry kip. No. 1. 8 to 18 tba, 14c; dry eelf. No. 1, under S lbs, Ue; eaited bldea, ateevo, snand. SO lbs end over, lot) 1 let eowe, 8HiHc: run ad bolls, aound. OTe kip. W to 80 Tba. 0c; calf, aouad. under 15 the, I let green, anealtrd. la. lose; culls, le per lb lees; boreebldea, salted, each, tl.2fttl.7B; dry, each, $1 OOsil.BO; .colt bldea, JaSM goat akin, eommaa, each, lOQlosi Angara, each. t&cO tLOO. ' - Trait sad TagotaUee. -- POTATO KO Bst Oregew, HAetPOe aackt ear lota. 65Q75C sack; ordinary, aot76c ear Iota, 80 1 55c: aweeta, 81.80 sack; i.l.ifll.2S crate. ONIONS New Oregoa yellow Denver. 81.83 01.83; car lots, - 81.00C1.10; garlic, SeJIO per lb. FBE8R FRHITB Apples, Orecee, fl.O0fJl.BOt faacy, 81.78CJ; crabeppleo. 81.&0; arengea. aew . . w , wi , an) nut amu'i choice. SS.BOt'8.TS per bos; fancy, S00 per ooa; nmee, - Mexican, per iuu; olneapplea, 84.00 do; grapee,'TSca$l.on; peere, il.80tjl.80 per bos; Winter N el lis, J1.2S per bcx pomcgraaatee, 11.28 per best tangerine, VROCTABLBS TarB!pr nw, 81 00 per ssck: "!. ll.00 par eeok beeto, i 81H8 1.X5 ber Backl Oreeon radlahee. CfW nee ooa: Cabbage, Oregoa, 81 00 per ewt; gree Beppere, To per lb: California tomatoes. 81.00 Jir-- pareaips. 81 one! Liio; atrtng beamv 8tl0c; ran It (lower, S0r1.00 ooa: rhubarb, per lb; noTsersaian. ioe per in; arttewnaee. euv 80 per doe. I botbeua lettuce, 81 -2001.78 per bos; celery, local, 007Se per doa; erg plant, per oral; pumpkins. lUct squash. 1 V: crenberrlea. Jereey. $12. 004)1. 00 per bbl; Con bay and Tillamook, SS.M. DBIED FRDIl-S Applea. vaporard. SffS rib; apricots, lie per lb; eacka. H per less; Boaeha. 10He par Bt prunes, SO to 40, 8Wc He drop oa each slxteeath emaner slae: flea, California black, 8H6 per Hit California white. 6c per lb; date, golden, ' 8 per lb farda, 81 JS par 18-lb box. . rsaarlas, Hot, Zto. ''"-' irOAB Back basis Cube. 88.80; powdered. SS.dS; fruit granulated, 83.60; dry -graaulated, S M Coaf. A, 6S 30: beet grannlated, 8 88: extra C. SS.OB) goldea C 8400; D yellow. 84.801 bbls. 10c: 4 bbl. toe I beaea. SO advene oa eaek basis. Ire tsc per ewt for aaaa,. IS oars; mspte, leajin par la. - . H0NKT 88 per crate.' 1 rOFFBB Pscksg arcade, $15. TO. . SALT Coarse Heir groood. 100a. par tna, teble. dairy. 00a. Stl.00; 100. 810.78: ' Is. ported Urerpoel. 80s. (1T.OO lOOe. 618. 1 nu, 8100: extra Sn. bbls. xa. Be, 10s, s4.eOTB nO balk. S3 us, 8. OOao.00; sacka, sOe. iHSMe, . ... ' . liv-mh iw". I " 8T.0O; 80s, per tnv 87.00; Liveepool ramp rack, 818 BO per ton) SO-Ib rock. 87 00; lose, S8.TS. laaovo prices eppiy ea eaieo of leea tnaa ear lota. Car lots at postal prlosa abjt to 6uctoar1ene. ,! 8lr)S)siCtlsjlia, IU.8. RICKJmoerUI Jsnan. Urn.. 1. Set PJav a. Srisv,; New Orleans aoad. tc; AJax, 8e; Creole. He- BRANS Smart wbtto, " SS.TII; largo Wntte, J 8.00: pink. 82 TR bayo. 440 Umaa, 88-00; lexlesw red. 8H. . w u m reeaare, jurnrew, , per- mt Th-artnl. TU per Tb: roasted. Set Cocoa Beta, sjlfrgoe per do; eralnuta, lfitl8tie per lb: pine nuta, loeitai Be lb hickory beta. 10 per lb! ebeetnut. eestern. IB line ner the Breall ante, lee per Tb? filbert. HOISe per Tbf taacy pecans, jshwibho; aimoMn. IBeti7 per 1U ntats, veal Oil, zte. ROPFJ Pnr Manila. 14c: standard. llUai Slsst. 104c; lisle braad alnal. Otte. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral cases, sou Be gal; water white. Iron hbla, 18c par sal) woodea. 18 per gall headlight, V-ef-. a see, asm per gal, , ' OASOLINB SS-Oof. oases, M peg gall iron l.hla. 18 per gal. BENEINB S-deg. eeaea, SB per gal; tna bfets. 18He per gaL TURPHNTTNB3 IB CSOSe. CO POT gu: WOOOe WHITB S3aBT totB. par tb- SCO-lb tote, 8e per lb; leea lot. 814 Ber In. WIRBJ NAIUI Present base at ax. 70. MNBRgn OIL Pure raw. la S-bbl lota. 84c: , 1-bbl lot. OSes res, OOe per gal; genuine kettle boiled, esses. 2c per gal; 8 bbl lots. 60c: 1-hbl lot. ST per gall ground cake, ear tote. 820.00 per taai Vea tbaa ear lot. 880.00 par too. Meats, Flak aad Frsvulea. FRBRH MEATS Front street Beef steer. Btiuc per lt bogs, block, TH per lb; peck ers, TTH per Ibi balls, deoe per lb: sows, per lb; veal, extra. JH per ret oral nsry, 0 per lb I poor. 0 per lb; mutton, Taacy. TtJTUe per To. flAMR. BACON. ETC Fortland pack (local) bams, 10 to 14 lb, 13M per lb; 14 to 10 Ibe, 18 per B; breekfast be con, 1BO10H pas lb; picnic. So per lb; regular abort clears, a smoked, 11 per Ibi smoked. He per lb; Clesr back, ansmoked. 104 Per Ibi smoked, 11 per id; umaa oune. iv ea is ins, ao moksa, S per ,1b: smoked, to per k: deer bellies, unsrooked, lie per lb; eanoaed, IS peg lb; shoulder. 8 per kb. L043AL LARD Ksttl leaf. 10a, i nee lb; 6a, US per lb; 60-lb tine, 0,e per lb eteam rendered. 10s, 10 4 per lb; 8,. 10 per In; eomponnfl. 10a, . URfltu sausivi. wiuBima nw. 1HO rail. tl.OOj t-lb telle, 6ZT8; feacy 1-rb Sate, S1.P0 i-lb faacy Sate, I.I6; faacy l ib orals, 82.78: Alasu tan, pins, seejwai rem,; aomiaal 2; tail, 82.00. ' FISH Rock cod, T per lb; Sounder. Se per lb: halibut. Oe ner lb: crabs. 81.60 ner. dnai striped bees. 1 1 We per pt earnah, c per tb; aaimon, ellvarstde, Oc per lb; bmebaek, c per id; Bemeg. e per tot sow, ee per lb; sbrlmoa. 10 per lb: perch. Be ee lb: black rod, fe per Ibi silver smslt, Te per lb lobsters, ioe; fresh mackerel, a par lb; crsarSah, 88 per do. . OtBTEKS vlboalwat bay. per gat, fS.SS; per eark, 68.78. CLAMri klard-abell, per Wt, t2.00f raas alaate, 82.00 per boa. JTEW T01K BAHH tTATEsTEBT. '.V !' Nw York, Hot. llr-Bsak atstaent:' .Jf , ' Deerease, Reaerv , w. . ...n.'.... 9 d.lHe.uTa Reseiv. less D. S, 4.78.478 loans k 18.pa4.Om) fpede ,...u. ...... ............... 8. ICH.Kel Igals .H7.7'l Iiepoelt , ....... 84,4s7.0O0 Clrcumttoa 4d,800 I STEBUV BATES. We Tork. Nov. llRlerlms tat: mead, S0i 00 days, 883.60. Da- ill OUALITY BE5T FAVORITES UP AHD OOWir AGAIN Rumor of Consolidation of Ten- nessee Coal A Iron and 1 Othera. Intere$ti.'.l BANK STATEMENT 13 -r - VERY BAD FEATURE Surplus .Itasrrti . Now BeHered to Bo 3elow Legal Requirement--American Stocks In London Market Af Dull and Price Are Lower. . loesES. Asaoonda U Amslgsmatoil 1 Atchisoa ......... do preferred....- H Car Foundry.... H dS prefsrred.,.. U Susrer Del. Ha DvDTbjT e e'eesaas))) oo Uffsyrftfla -Erie 1 do Sd pfd Do 1st ptd...... Louisville -. MetrouoUtoa ' Manhattan ........ Smelter, ptd...... - ftrooklrn V Canadian IV,' Oraat Western K St. Paul ......... Mexican Oatral.... kllssoari I'aclXle... Katy .............. do Deferred..... t-heeapeaae ....... . b Oolorad Fael ... Colorado Southera. A Ont. Weetara... S Peaaaytvanin : People's Oa ,. ... Pressed Steel Car. . Beading - S do 2d Bfd Hep. Steel, pfd.... S TJ. S. SteeL..... prwfaWsfs,.aa 7 N. T. Central Looomotlvo '. Norfolk .....a Bock Island ...... Mouthers Hallway.. Hon th era Pacific... Texaa A Pacific.. Tenn. Coal ....... I Unloa Paetfl .... C. S. Leather ; ADVANCES. Smelter ,U I Norfolk pfd.. 4I (Special Dispatch kg teased Wtr to Tb Jouml) - WaU Stneet, New Xork. Hoe. 11. Stock mar. ket awalfnga today reSeeted la targa meesnr the reductloa la tb short Interest which fol- lowed , opoa yestarday'a traaaaettoas and alao gulte general spoealatlv BaoldaUoa la adV ranc ef tb pubaoatloa of tb Sguras ef tb weekly , sank statoBkaat Commlaalaa bouse boslnssa was apoa aa extremely limited scale, sad HUM waa doa here for foreign acoouat. bar of tb Industrial and mlecellaaeousi stocks rose gulte amartly, aoteworthy fee tares being Tana am a Coal 4k Iras, Bless SbefOeld. Bsllway Steel Springs and Consolidated Sea, but leter tbeaa laeuee partlrlpsted la tba general down ward awing. Tha early animation In .Ten nana is Coal Iroa was checked by reports that that property was la process of changing hand, bat nothing deSnlto in that regard could be ascer tained. Tha traneaetioae tar the retrway Hat developed few features of Interest. ' . Bask tetemeat X Bad. . ToaayB decrease of 84.T88.OO0 la ths sur- ptns rsssrvs f tb aseoctated banks would ladle ta that at thla tins the baak koldlriga of actual caab are 82.820.000 below tb lawful regalrementa. It ta probably th ess, how- it, that tb decrease ahowa hv tbe leea a. sant which amounted to $18,084,000. waa aaly a 'faint re Sect ion ef th reel ondltloa of that Item, aad, ta fact. It Is eemavmly believed that ths peak bar traaaforred aaore tbaa twie that amount Into hou -clearing boos lend- l The decrees in acta! caab reaei a a moan tad to 610.807.000. an amount consider. ably ta or cess of H of the preliminary esti mate. Th change la loan sad caab were qnite eloeely reflected la ths deposit eecoent. which geciineg n,o.uw. whiw It nald hardly be said that tba bank statement Bgurv were la tha nature of a surprise to the financial community, their optima we not followed by a ea soiling moras, ant la tbe stock msrket which carried price to th lowest agar of th day.. amenoans is uana jtbu. American stocks, ta Loo doa today war dull nd without fester of In tercet. Prices came fractionally lower for th moat oa rt.-w Arht. trap booses did vary Stile rs tba markst, bay. Ing a few thousand oa belaac to even up bo. a - th settlement. Tear wis. altogether considered, A surprisingly little gossip ebout stock this week. Ther were. Indeed, rumor -plenty, but they lacked ta usual ''corrobora tive details" Nobody paw any papers signed, and tbe deals, with th exception ef that "in volving" Tennessee Coal A Iron, war rathe nehuloue, ir though, ta view of th lis la call money aad tbe absence of public Interest in th mrkt, only the most perfunctory rumors war aeceessry. Ths tipsters probably felt that M wa throwing away good emtnunltioa to tin vent- bwU-rumor, sad as for tar srgamentn. It waa all tight money, en whet was said larked the character of novelty. - The number of share of Steep old today waa ,408.818, agelnet 620.070 the same day last year. Tbe total par vain' of boo da sold today waa 11,630.000, agataat ST.tM.OOO the seats day last year." - , Peel Futa Vp Steel. A Boot, with hsadoeartere la tba of Ac ef prominent Broadway bnoee, waa credited with pfittTJk p Bepuhlle Hteei. Tenaeaee Coal A Iro. gloss gbefOeld aad Ballway Steel Spring, II f which. It waa agata said, would be BMrgrd tato tba new company. It looked mere if th deelre wa to bid ap pries tbaa to accumulate stock. , , The rederel Wining A Smelting company ha applied to th Hew Tork Stock F.xchsnge to list 82 000,0)1 sddltooel preferred (took and additional common etock. The 8iO.8Pg.ono lose In cash reported by tb bank excited great surprise. 1 The extreme eett mat of yesterday wee for a 8P.onn.noo outgo, nd the Bveves aretem enuld hardly account fof this, becsee last week ale the bank K-J I I stall B I ' I . . eta MfV TTi ' & M WHO GETS THE DIFFERENCE? a 1 1 Ifliltia QUALITY -POOR. statement law ta seek waa larger thsa Friday aBtlmate.' Ofneaat Quotations: rriTTn DESCHIPTlOrt. Aaaconda Mining Co. ... Amal. Copper Co...... Atchlaon, com",,,...... do preferred Amer. Car A Fdy, coca. do pre ferred Amerka Ha gar, com... American Smelt., com. .. do preferred Bait. A Ohio, com Brook. Bapld Transit.,. Canadian Pacific, com... Chi. A Ot. W., com,.,. Chi.. MIL A St. V7J.... Chicago A N. W com. . Che. A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. . Com. Southern, com..... Delaware A Hudson .... Den. A R. earn..... do at afar red ....... Erie, com do 3d preferred do let preferred ... .. Illinois Central Leal. A NaehvlUo. . . . Met. Street Rr Manhattan Railway .... Mex. Central Ry ....... Missouri Pacific ....... M. K. A T.. com....... do preferred Kew Tork Central ; Northern Pedflo ...... Am. IjQCOWlOtlV T do preferred ...,.... Norfolk A Weet., com... do preferred NVY., Ont. A West.... Pennsylvania By People'a O.. L. A 0. Oo, Pressed Steel Cav near, do pref erred... ....... 831 ic '4 80 100 84 Tin 0?l lTnvi. lT5t41T8M, 148HI147 110K 110 147 4 KHVillWiH nasi. 86B4 140H 1404 nauway . opriuge. ...... Bssamg, com.......... do 2d preferred da let preferred Sep. Iroa A Steel, com do preferred......... Rock. Island, com..... Southera By., cum do preferred. ......... Southern Pacific , St. U A 8. W., com.., Texaa A Pacific Tens. Coal A Irea...., faina Pscifle, com 07 5 V. S. Rubber. do Breferred.. 111 U. a Steel Co.. do preferred . . . WU. Central, Oo 5 1!55 iSilt oo proisrreu W eater Uatoa Tel Wabash, com. , 4f) pi?lVTt4 , e n 02 'Total ealea for day, 487.000 share. . Call meeey eloesd at S per coat. tovopak Mrimrs rrooxs. Saa Frsaelaea, Kev, 11-Tonopah stocks, etal eloee: erfl- Bid. I Bid. t .18 MonUna t2.42t Corambia Mt. JassbshH McNamara ..... 83 Jumbo Extea.... e.10 .18 .88 ' .00 .08 .2d .21 .24 .or .00 :J3 .80 .28 .08 Belmont ....... North Star .... Beecue ........ Gold Mountain.. Jim Betle .... Nevada Bed Top Too. Fx tens too. Ooldfleld Ssndstorm ..... Sandstorm g.n Adame ........ Mohawk Dixie ......... Kendall ....... 1.00 .40 .00 .OS .or .184 .08 t.60 .08 .80 ,.00 .00 .10 .00 .81 Black Butte Ooldea A neb.. Sllvsr Pick Rsr A O'Brien.. Ohio Tonopau... . Bail Frog... Dlamondfleld ... Lou Star Home .......... Cash Boy ...... oenver Eclipse Gold Bar , Bin Bell BOtTOB COPPXB STOCKS. Boatoo, Woe, II. Offlelal close 1 aio. 1 . nio. Adrenrmr 0.6O Atlsntlo ioo Almae 89.80 Blnghsm ..... 82.76 Calumet 076.00 rinnner Bans. T0.78 IO Id Domloloa..t 28.00 rOeceola 108.7.1 Parrot ...... Phoenlg ..... SO 60 1.80 107. OOA T 50 lfaoo 0.00 Oiilnry Mbannoa Tamarack Centennial ... 27.00 Daly Weet ... Elm .,.... Granny ...... Greens Copper Orson Gold. I. 14.r)2V Trinity nltv . 8 76 irnlted . S3 00 0.28 I Victoria ...... j 6.78 14 Winona ' p.oo 4.gTH woivsrln 18. 00 ; Mohawk 86.80 t'tah 40 80 88.80 80.00 T1SM Michigan .... Mas ........ 000 Royal J2.8J North Butt.. 80.00 fTsen. Copper., u. a. Mining.. Nevsda Coo... SAB FBAJICIS00 L00AX STOCTS, Baa Frascisce, Nov. 11. Offlesl close: Ask. 11 son n ins 'i 83 toii Centra Costa Water. 4TU. String Taller Water.............. 40 . ...,., riMH, 18 S. F. Oea A 8 lectrl. ............ . Mli Giant P.wder...... TOii Hawaiian i uiumnM. Hoaokee Sugar. ....... 11!4 U.,.mI1 Buaar ............ ..w. .. 80 Ooomee Sugar. ...... ...... ........ 81 Pssnbea nuger jijs Wscfeare' 684. Oceanl Steemehlp....... .......... .... v OallA Btatee Telenhoae. California "Win 821 Parine Coast Bor" ' Callforals Fruit CnBT.... .... ILcOMtTOOX haras UtOC Saa ftaactoev..n. 11. Official close . Bid. I Bid. .81 1 .44 1.13 .IS Bullion ., t !5 lfTat I Belcher " V ",nB vm Con. CaL-To.... 1 OS iTellow Jacket... Oohlr ...j. t-lHilKirheiraer ...... Cslednala ...... .87 HsleA Norcrosa Mksicaa ....... LaO larorploa ........ lit TOBK BOBDB. T New Tork, Kov, Ask. BHlb PS 88 . Jas 1st 4H-,.. flS ; onj ee td 4a. Js Jlst OS Sd " k ttstitii tra a s o a Wi 4 S7ri Unite By. B. F inrw tore ova. Hew. Tork. I, Cs Green topper .... Ureen Gold ..... It. Cart eVstet Bid I , , Rid. KS'lnt. Marin 1st 3K North, Pecurltles..1Mi 41,Ttaa. tvppet J m OFFERINGS TAKEN Oil BREAK Stocks of Wheat Sold Are Be iieved to Have Passed Into Y. :i Control of Bull, r SHORT COVERING WAS INDUCED BY QUOTATIONS Better Trade in Corn Market Owing to Position in Wheat Traders Are Cautions on Account of Yesterday's Break. ' . ' ' SATORDArS WHEAT MABKBT. T Cloee Close -tleyn fToe sat. , Frl. Rat. Tsar Ari nee ......t Mi, t .88, t on 81 1H May 8"kB .HB .044 8.14V July ,.... ' 8B .83.A .00iI"r J0 Chicago, Not. 11. Logaa A Bryan aayt Oa tbe break wheat was ahaorbad. a, ably by tbe leading null interest. - Thle eioned come short covering end n Uttl hi crease la outside baying. Sentiment srnm getting to bearish and today's recovery pate the market ta Better .ebap with trade lose ascruua. - Better Tea ta Cora. Th tura la the wheat stark gee better ton to corn. Tradera were very cautious la forcing the abort aide after yesterdaye break. Sentiment la mixed, many of the former bulla being tncllned to the bear aide, tbelr ideas be ing baaed altoretbe oa the overnnient tlaure. Oat were dull end without any apeeial ten dency. Th undertone, all things considered, seems strong. At the moment, however. It sea in f ee though oata win be largely tafluoaoad . by inn corn marxer. Provision trade at th moment In discourag ing, eeemlng to Ignore a favorable statistical aitnatlon. Official quota tkma by Orerbeek, Starr cook tompaayl v WlfEAT. - i : Onoa. Illeh. ' Low. Owe. Do ....t .8.14 I.JK1K4 S J.14 S .814 Mar , .m .ami .aru .iw8 .88 .SS. ' M1- .S8MB .mi July .... Old Saa. OfMW. .-.46 - .4H At I 3 !e2 - An May ... July .... OATS, Dm ..... Msy .... July .... . ... Mil a i 80 MESS PORK. Jaa May IS 88 18.78 12 00 1981 13.00 A 1J.7T T OT A ' 0.8T A 0.80 A . 1M A LABD. 1S.T0 . Wo Do Jaa" Msy Jaa May oe OUT TOO .T 7 OS ' T .02 SHORT RIBS. 0 88 S.TT S 88 S.M S.TT S.T8 0.8S S.TT as Fraactsco, Nov. it Official (loss: 1 WHEAT. ' Open- High. T.OW. Clon Decern bsr ..,.tl.88 81H tl.tsH tl-SOli BABLET. December .... LIT LIT 1.1814 LI rarxAM- sratb motxmxvt. , (Atesta, Rev. 11, Primary receipt: Today Teer Ago Rush. . Trnsh. Cora 40.000 too.ono Wheat 1,100.000 , 8U0.0U0 ShlpsMats: Wheat OTS.Ono 4ex).0n0 Corn SP2.0A0 838 ono Cleareneeo Wheat, 281.000 beabsls: flour, R 000 he ire la 1 eara, 100,000 bushels; oat. 088, 000 basbele. CKICASO CASK WKXAT. Rid. Ask. I .SO . .BT .87 tj .00 .8 .88 Ro. 1 red Ne. B red No. S hard ..... No. S hard No. 1 northern i No. S northern . , Ne. t spring ... .1 .87 87 84 e o .88 M M LTVTEPOOL eXAIV MAJIXXT. - MverponV Woe. 11. Close: Wheat Teorra ber, Ta. 4d lowert March, OalUd. Hi lower. Corn March. 4a 8d. Hd lower; January, to 614a. 4d lower. - WHEAT GROWERS SAY - COMBINE IS WORKING (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) . Wall Walla, Weak, Nov. 11. Tb alleged combine among wheat buyer baa practically brought the Walla Walla' market to a etandetlll. The ealea the peet week will hardly total 80,000 Bushels. Although local buyer vehemently de clare there io no combine, prominent farmer who are still holding their 1RO0 crop point out the discrepancy' between tba Portland and Bound quotation compared to those of Wall Will, la some tnetencsa ther baa been a difference of Be to 8c between the Walla Walla prtc nd tba auotatlon Hi Portland, eliminating, of -enures, tba coat ef transportation between he two" points, Conaervatlv buyers estimate that bet wee 48 and On per cent of ths valley crop ta atlll tn the kinds of lb grower, with Httt prospect ef th wheat be in held (banging bands mtUtWatlna sre blgher. COTTON FUTURES SIX 10 TEN POINTS UP ww Tork. Kov. 1l.-"-CettoB Ntoros closed S to 10 eptiite blgher. Official quotation bp Orerbeek, Starr A .Cook empy- - - One. Utah. -Low. Cloee. Janusrv . 1117 11.10 1110 1I2I:W Pehrusry 1IH0 IMt 1134 lll((43 March 1140 HAS 11 JO lISIotM Anrll .... llV.vr.'vr May 1181 1104 1143 1Wa(S4 Jus ....lint-- 11M IIM JIOAuHt July lion 117:1 1168 llMuta a4 U( Mt a a 0 e 1140 1140 1140 III?',!,) November a. . ......... lOPD'dot December .,..1104 1114 1001 GIIAHGES in Extreme 'Weakness Shown In Hog Market With Lack of In J.J qulry Frorq Packers. , TONE IN SHEEP IS ' , SHOWING IMPROVEMENT Price Is Twenty-Five Cents Higher Cattle Lose . Same Amount but Close of Week Finds Slight Im provement tn Demand. Portland Cnka Stocky arda., Mo. llS a. m. Li restock receipts: , Rom Cattle Rtteen This week 1.1 10 Xl 8,178 Utt week ,. 1,028 S8T 087 Prvlou week...... ,-,.,,,,.1,772 621 I.Sod Month ago ,. Bug ' 474 1.VJO All marksts show a chaos to values dorms tbe week Just auded. Livestock waa mora er ratl during tb past si days ths fa some time previously. Th eicellest ten ot tt beep demand continued and. as arrivals wars quite fair. It took some tint tor tba dealers to advane price. Tbl week's quotation a abaep are SS hlgheV tbaa those of the previous weak. Th call for sheep le good la all dtreo tlona and avea larger supplies would readily bring th preecet values. .Hags Inareasiag la Wsskasm, Tba bog market ahows cuosldarabl weakneea at tb close of th week owing to the unusuejly heavy supplies and tbe general lark of demand Rom tna packing tnstitutloaa. Tha total arri ves) of bogs th present week s mounted to .lis head a against 1,02.1 tb last week and 063 bead moata ago. Prices are S3 lower. . Oatt! Are Dews a ttaarter. Th cattle market 29 lower this wssk on account of tbe very alow call. Becelpta were very light,- but the trad seemed to bar all It wanted. . The close or tbe week shows light improvement la th eartl demand and yard officials expect th sasrket to do bettor the coming week. . Store Quit Stockyard .Company. The Port la nd t?nlm atockyarda waa reorganised this week. W. H. B. Korean, tb forma presi dent of tba company... retiring. ; HI tn tercet were purchased by O. M. Plummor, secretary of tbe company, aad William H. paughtrar, vlce-nreeident and manager. Mr. Daughtrey will aucceed Mr. Morgan as president ad tb Official price for llvottoek: Hog Beet eastern Oregoa. 88.80aS.TB: block' or and China fata. t&XXti stockere aad feeders, 84.00045. .. Csttl Best eastara Oregoa steera, 63.004 8.28; llsht sad medium stem. 82.00eT2.t5; light cow a, flt5: stochM and feeders. 2S; balks 81.80. ' - - Sheep Wether. Be; mlica sheep, aci stralcht ewes. 6c: lambs. 64e. Calve Good veal. 100 to 200 pounds, SfiBUe; rough heavy, - 8123V4. Arrival f th Weak. ' Tb follow ing receipts wer shew Saturday O. W. biulllgaa bad 1 1 , Bnadav O. D, Jsnee eeme la from Behordty with two ear rattle: o. E. Farnsworth baa m on ear of sheep from forest Grove, ea route te Heppaer; r. W. rolaom passed througu witn two ear ef cows, going to Kent. Washington; Kiddle Bros, of Island City chipped tn thre car f cattle; I. . Xelgler of Oervala cam hi with two oars of sheep end bog mixed. Konday Prank Din re of Junction bad la two eara of abeen. hoc and eattl. Tuesdays Beck ley Bros, bad In two ears ef bega: Mr. Hens ley shipped to two cor ef hog W. J. Hugh brought to three cere of eattl and hog BUM from Winona. Washington Keel passed Ui rough with horses from Lewis ton, Idaho, going to Los -Angeles. California; H. Weet brought In cow from Scappoose; I. Bogcrs bad la twe double-deck, of sheep from Ashland. coin te Careteu Pack In comnunr of Taconia Washington; A. B. Pord of hlcMlnnvllle kad In one ear of eattl: P. B. Pcrguooa of Amity came hi wtth on car of sheen aad bog mixed Wednesday W. 3. Hngbea of Wlnooa, Wash tngton. brougbt la fear ear of cattle; J. W. Bedd of Carlton cam In wtth on ear r Bog nd obeep; J. C Johnson neat la bog; VI. M. Hector of Goldeadale. Waablngtoa. brought down soma beam ea tb steamer Bagutator; George T. B roars had la IS cars of eheep: D. Taylor brought to two eara ef sheep end bogs mixed; r. a. Llhhr of Jefrenoa Bad tn one oounw- deek of sbeep sad hogs; J. N. Dennis of Jmte- tiaa baa to oo car or onsen ana nag: l. n. Edwards snipped la thre ears of bogs from Junction. Thnredsv S. A. Moors bsd la som borers. Friday Dan Savaga came to from Carinas wtth two doubbvdecka ot sheep. Saturday J. D. Den amor shipped hi foul fsrs. PC6hepfTors Salem i. p.J. Hecker csm p from Aioeny sua iwo car oi sucep; v. rs. Vehrs of Lebanon ship pea In oa car of bug. XASTzmv hops sTaoiie. CbJrago, No, llv Ltvwrtock receipt: Hoc Cattle Sheen Chicago ..ll.tXH too g,fJ Omobs .................. i,uvr Kansas City 7,000 8.000 Hog llpooo Blisos, wit e.ieiu asrr vrer, Becelpta a year age were 18.000. Prlres Mlied. 64.W610; good and heavy. S4.B0Q3.10; rough. 84 4544; ugnt. .7o.t(. Cattle n low. Sheep Week. ' - MAST HOP SIXES. (Special Dlspstck to Ths Journal! ' ' SUverton. Or.. Nov. 11. NotwithstsndUig th low price paid for bops st- ths preeeat time, many aalea ar being bmO and the product Is tt la all dlratlono every dev. The local barer are saving 10 thai week. ii r ... Wsat aastsra Orroa Zauta. , (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) tale. Or, Nor. XI. An effort Is bo- Inc-msda by ths rsprsssatatlve ot a largo colony of poopl la sastern Wash Ington to obtain 4.480 aerca of land from ths Kaatora Oregoa Lnd com pany for th purposs of dry-land wheat farming-. Oorg T. Psrr of Moro, Ore won. ssent for the company, In th elty and It la understood that th deal Is about closed for ths transfer ot th land. (Special Dbipetcb to The -Joaro!.) - Tal. Or.. Nov 11. At tha Gasett office In this city ara iom fin speci mens of pesnnts, which averng JH Inches In length and about one Inch lit diamtr. They wera grown by M. Psg at Watson. Malheur county. -Lsst juns Pass planted, an an experiment, a pint of pet nuts, which yielded him 10 pounds, ana provea noyona a dourji th adapUblllty of this soil and cllmal for producing peanuts. - eM.m ' ' i.' l''T"T' '. Two Daytoa Woddlaga. 8peelal Dispatch te Th Jonmal.) Dayton, Or., Nov. 11. Arthur Road man of Rosobure and Mlsa Eloiso An drua of Dayton were married tire this week.' Thslr future home will be Ros burs. whrs Mr. Roadman ta engaged In the barbviins business. James Murray aad Mlaa Minn I o Ollphant of Day ton wore married hr. Mr. Murray 1 a lumberman of Carlton. MANY LIVESTOCK OVERBECK, STARS, C: COOllU, C Mamoeri tnicag gioara mavor, VmOTtstOsTS, cottost. stocks ao oxrs. ' , 'It Third Stlwt. McKay Building. Jr-vtland. Vr. : Si BO A STIUCTI. COkOgJSHIOSI "'T"" Coatlnuoue Msrkta by Privet. Wire. nww " " ' V' ' ' 1 . TUton, bankers, and United Stet.g NstlonslUank of 1 oiLanO. . A STAHDSTILL ; Gin iy Speculative Market In San Frt cisco Is Vtry Quiet With Prices Nominal. . OTATO DEMAND IS : : HEAVY FOR SHIPPIf.: Arixona and Texas Inauiries Ar Very Heavy and Stockton Firrr: Are Doing Record-Breaking Busi n88 Good Call for Grapes. (SpecUl Dispatch by Leased Wire to Tk Jouraal) Saa Praadaeo. Nov. 11. Bualnes waa al most at a atandatill la th local aeacnlatlv wheat markst today. For December 81-'i waa aaked, aad 81.43 Was paid fur Mar. lha spot market waa In the aame oondltloa n, priceo were Bomlnally nnrkangrd. The receipts wen cantais. speculative barley was b,wer and dntl. and th market waa weaker f,,r spot buslnesa. .Data, corn and rye were nn- r hanged. A good gnaatlty of earn sitIt.-' from the east. Ther wer medium receipt, ef other article. Lima beeaa advanced. There were fair receipts of Sour, braa and middlings. u troaucis were anchanged I price. Berry Supplies tight, Ther wa light sunnlv of etrawbarrUs an4 raspberries, and for beat quality good prices wr ouuuueo. nurai.oemee are aearly gone for the season. Oillnca ere ne loeeer In quotable quaatlty. Ther wa a shipping 0-- aor cratco grapes, but the local, bongbt very sparingly, and anything to brine above SI s crate had to be pretty floe. Orange, were alow sale and weak. Pine apples sre re ceiving s good share of attention. - A Seed shipping DesnaaJ. Potatoes and enloos wer nnchaneed. Ths former have been very nctlve on ohlnotn le ant, with unprecedented quantities being for- wsruen rrom niocaion to Tcxse. etc. Ixc.l Srme bav bees bandUag as exteoslv part nf th businee. Miscellaneous article varied but little from previous quota t ions. Thar were aa. Quoted changes whs barer in batter, cheese sad eggs, an tb Biarkat wss "'et SU round. . Ho aalea were mode on 'chang except 23 California cold storage ehaea fsncy st 13c ner sound. Pnr faacv nsw in Vss ssked sad 14 bid. Finer ranch ess continued scare, and arm. For CaUfornla fre,a extra butter 28 He per ponad was aaked. . TO RUSH 170RK Oil Till - ST. HELENS LIE Efforts ' Under .Way to SeCUrs . Franchise Along Fruit Val ley County Road..: : (Special Dispatch to Tha JoemaL, - VanoouyoT Wseh NoVji. it la stated by e person closely identified with the 8t Helens Publio Bervico com pany that the company will . carry to completion as soon as practicable tha construction, of tb. much-talkod-af 8t. Helena loop line. Tba company has al ready secured a franchise from th city of Vancouver and now sacks a fran chise from the county slops; the Fruit valley county roed. whence ; th road will proceed over private right of way to the Sr. Helens district ' J. P. Staple ton ef thla city made application to the county commissioners for the deslrcl grant, and it la possible that a decision will be reached December (. , Slell SrOlA Biatrial. (Special Dispatch to Ths JoroaJ.) Vancouver, Waah., Nov. 11.. A. D. McQueen, a mining; expert of Portland, has Just returned from th St. Helens gold mining district with excellent re ports. McQueen spent nearly a week In th district examining; numerous properties, and expressed himself at highly i pleased with the general pros pects of all the mines In the district. J&ool Ass. been orned I St. Lukes hall. Vancouver, ror etc, Wednesday evening;. Tbe waits, two step and thrse-step are taught. Th class la In charge of Professor Wood ward of the Woodward Dancing acsd erny, Portland. Gentleman desires room and boar', near Union avenue ear line between Russell street and Woodlawn.. Afldresi A 40, care of Journal. n..,ln. eobnnl Bit T.llbe'a ball Var.a. nesdaw- evening. Lesson 80 cents. Spectators invited. i MONEY SLOT MACHINES BARRED AT WALLA WALLA (Special Dlepatca to Tbe Journal.) Walla Walla. Wash.. Nov. 11. Play- Ing slot machines for money la a thin of tha past in Walla Walla, Chief Brown visiting all saloons .and cigar , tor where machines were In operation an 1 notifying tbe proprietors to take them out, , , . ' SCusle at David's. Frederick W. Goodrich's organ pro gram at St. David's church today wl l be; Morning prelude, "Chanson d Ft." I-emaro: anthem, solo by Mr. Scott Kent, LAve Marin, ruasl; oftartory. VNoc- turne In F minor," Chopin; postlude. 'Coronation March. Ellenberg. . r.ven- Uig prelude. "Andgnte In O major," Smart; offertory, "Largo," new. wonl symphony, Dvorak; poetlude, ."Cornelius March," Mendelssohn. - ' maaalng; Wrk,a Brantsh.' (Special Dispatch to Tb Joeraal.) Eugene, Or.,' Nov. 11. Five carload of material for th big Southern raetr bridge across the Willamette at Spring field have Just arrived. Work on the grade Is progressing rapidly and wi l oon be completed. It le thought ther th cutoff branch will b eompUte-1 during the rly part of 1804. . sowmo, wopirtrs oo, (tsutblisbed ll.) wniT AP 6TOCt BBOarra. "atoens 4, winor, C1AH8I8 Of CO. 7 A -V