THE ORECdN; SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY - MORNING.. NOVEMBER 12. 1ZZZ. :j :i SALS MISCELLANEOUS. X SALS OMUtra, shelving, ebesp. iraelO st. - ,- . 388 (MMtl solles etaolsrsblp for Bale St Oaereanl.- Ad'il ess w. dwunth . kkhky. gentls, year, uarta. Aodrsss 1 u SI, iwrw. rMEsUKR. if re' firpie b bow rat. krocbmsa Hsrtrosa. low First st.. I calling tu MiMlniff uX tU stock Jwat HOTEL rang (Charter Oak). use 4 suaathe. mnisg cnair., mum, ""w"1 --, ttssisra Uslesg Oe,, S27-S Washington St. ,18 COLrMBIA blcyex la goo c-OBdltloe, I qulra 13 A aria Tweaty-erst at. - MILK gests for Ml for .eu motives, bahles, old sad waak stomachs. . o Umlt t., Alblaa. MAN w bo; going Esst a far aa Ksasss Cny lalUH thslr iataraat adore I 44 Journal. FOR 8 A UC Choice Buff rptiigtt' cock wis. ales on pair (an hautsma. f. WurBby, NukTlll ststiou, O, W. P. railway: 8 far. MAYOR'S Walnut Oil ratnra grsy s faded hair t natural color; bottle II. For etc-cnlsr- address K. Mayor. US stoma at. - . SFS C. B. Black for seoood-hasd tomher oa tb Trail; 4x4 -by Id-toot flagpoles, 1.80; frss wood. Pbon Mala S278. FOR KAI.B Fresh Jersey cow. 430 East Thirty -fourth st-eor. Grant. rREB trial of a new ell burns for eenk stsv; rail for oa: I will furnleh you wltk the oil. r. W . Mrawer, 804 etsrgasrlts av. Phou '; . -; PERSONAL. ' v.. P. (Vltel-rVwsrl taMeta win raster you tb ana p. vim and vigor ef " ! H roe ar lacking la tbspowsr of vitality IW loss resulting from tBdlscretJon end far a boa of tbaae tablet a ad be eea vinoed of tbelr merit By aaaU a plala akr. 1. Tb "Awtreug Tablet C, tn, 380 Tolsms blk.. Detroit, Wca. .. fcPKCIAL - NOTICB TO WOhlBN Doa't risk your llm by aa operation whoa foiiraa b ceraa by karmlea booa; t-cWclty ! proewly applied wlU Ufa wkar opera. tloBVkllir We poaeeaa tb Uttlaraatlaa ! to OMtrol alaeaae paenllar j JJ- W J Kara li. B-. Medlral Electric laa. Of iL TIB Inm bW. Pboa. Hod lata. Offlc. hours S-U. -. WR. ANNA LOCKET and ETHEL WARD are now located at S30 Taylor St. principal of the Amerleaa Beauty Parlors. W en re sll acalp dlaeeaa and Boa1tlly stow balr or make ae eharf; all ktnda of baths slreni rlectrhr maaaare. wiaaleorinc aad chiropody! alae Madam K arrow's remedies; aatlsfactloa aoaraaued. Pboa Mats 830. . I'ETKCTIVB . AGENCY OoBdentlal iBTeatj. catloaa; reports aaadc a any Indlrtdnal bua. ncaa or property; mlaalna; rala tire located; bad debts ooUected: charges -Teaaooabla: rcr mapondeBce - ollcltcd.- - Oresoa Itotectl te fiTTlce. offlces S14-S1S Colombia Blds MS WaahlDftoa at. Phone Mala Pate. EHISON pbonerrspbs and record at facry . pr'ce. dellmed aaywh!" a receipt of full a mono t of retail price: lareeat stock of Ed. sos reeerds west of the Rockleai send for cu - cetera-. - Peter BaHcalopl. wholeeal aad tall. T8S Mleatoa at.. Baa rraacleo. tilSEASRS of womea a apedaltrT maternity eaaes gieea speeial atteetloe, pel rat beapltal . aceommodatloal profeeatoaBl lady naree Is attend no: eoBanltatloB free. X -Radium Inatllut and Sanltariuaa, Third and Alder, eotraBO 363 Alder at. f RF.B IO fcAWEil WHO BMBROIDKa Oaf latest catalogue of faucy-work materiala. pil low tops, center pieces, stamped liaena, ahlrtwalats and noreltle. . Addrea the Keedlearaft Sbop, Allaky bldf., Portland. Ot. YES. Palm Tablets make yea sleep perfectly; -1 hey etire BerrousBea and mak yoa atraoa; ' price SUc a box. boxes $3 .80: guaranteed. ' All dnurrlata, or tddrea Brooka Drue Co., 191 North Third St.. Purtlaud. NO DRC09, a aperafloBai Prof. Duaa fire ereopatby sad magnstle treatment. redce your fleah, relkrres anppreaaid monthly frreg ularltma. CemsalUtloa fx. Off lea, SOI Ooodnourk Mds - -r-. MANLY vigor reatwed ny Br. Roberta4 Nsrr G lobule. One month 'a treataMioC 3: BMatha, SB; ent senrely ssaled by malt. Agents, Woodard, Clarke ve., varxiaaa, tar. BOOKSI Mere tber are; - Tlf aaaea." "Hep. - tameron." "A Hot Tanjale." "FaBay HI1U" Twoaty Years a raker." "rorMrtdea rrulf 00 each; Bets free. A. Scbmal. 33 Ftrat rt LOST fiower le.torad by tb treat .Dr. Uena'a Del. Tonte Tablets: 35c OCT bo. boxes far S1.3S. Writ or can si Eyaatirs . Pbaraaaey, 337 Motrwoa. bet. .1st aaa as. THE Celebrated Star Hair remedy restores ray snd faded balr to Its natural color, pro- motes the growth of bslr; not greasy. Paris Hair Bjtor, sua rt aaamgion. WHY -He alone whea jna raa eecnr a llf compaBloB ny Joining tn inreraiaT wm. rtiwlng Society, aad meet oT CoTreenond with reputable persons or - TBM secuon. many wealthy; tbe Norember rerlster. 10 rents. Rails 34 Reeeell bid Pbna Paetfl 2a. SrTTS awastd wblm roa watt. SO. Ladle eklrts prasaed S0r. Gilbert. 14 Sixth at, ' aext tb Quelle. Phone Clay ns. WANTED T eon for with those e-rteni plat ing s kualaiaa ceurea; te yonr personal aad T1naeUI Interest te UTsauaaaa, I 4S. car JearaaTk ' ' MOOREPIELD Tarktab aad eteam bath, sslt glow, mineral hatha : rneuBtattuea rlre special attention: free trUl trsstmeat. 10s SUth. rscifle 870. DIES Tea appear - tt rears yoa agar, re move all' wrinkles, hare skla Ilk eel ret Last MoT. DR. ATWOOD. IS mussel bids'.. 16T.1A Feorrh et. Femal dlsasais asd conSnementst open Wed. and Sat, eeealBara, CooaulUtloa xre. IBNf WOMEN I RaynaoneT allls poalrleely , car BBTTiiimaies aad lack f nul 'r; Jl. boxes IX. Pmmmar .Dras Ca. SSO Third. J JR. AC8PLUND. dlaeaee of women and snr aery. SOS Allaky bldtt., Tblrd aad MorrlasB. KXPERIKNCn-n dressmaker will auk agag meats la families, rjulea S44. DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JBWEI.RT. BOl'OUT, SOLD OR EXCHANtlED AT UNCI.B Ml KKc), PIONEER MONEY LtNDKB, 143 THIRD 8T, -NEAR ALDER, , , i .. - . ARDROB. tna Bronhetess, wbe was at tb Oaks all summer. rtbs to announce t her man petmne that alt at permanently located at 1N.1 Morrbna at., w eater approach of the bridge. Ardro doss not has te advert! for work; It aaow for ItaebT. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY Da Pont et Cle'i Kola Tablets. Nature's great tonic for either sex. Xle by uMll. - Albert Berot. Secead and wssninftoa. agent. rartiaao.A.ur. ORNTLEMAlf paat SO. lonely. 'healthy, wealthy, liberal aad Jolly, wlaliea lady correepondcnU: ohtert, matriBmny. Box 107, Oak Park. 111. tlFNTLEMAN past SO. lonely, healthy, wealthy liberal and Jolly, erlanea lady eorreapoBdenta: ' nhjert. matrimony. Bex 107, Oak Park, 111. THE fourth snansl dance of tb Junior Eton . lea roe Sunday evening. November 12, Artoa hall. Everest's archeetra. . ttWRIIINn trained aurss, DeMB(fors grsdnste. positively pares rheumatism, nervous aieor - riera and atom oh troubles br hund-rnhhlnf. ' ateam. sweat and tub hatha; both sexes. 7 Kaat Blerenta St.. ram donra from Baat - AS' keaf ear Use. Pbon Kaat 290. MIDDLE-AGED lady going cast cas reduce far; writ imnaeo Lately, x or, journal. JOHN R. Saw that Person and will tell yoa )iat what was asld. Am very (lad I spoke to yoa. sad sle pwaaed at tb result et mj Interview. Will see Wednesday. U not 41a appoint. ? S K. If yon think an well, the, writs to af earner, mm wim.-w. 1I.MKR Oftes. and tbars tb truth. My only reaaoa fnt not-writing or auklng any sffort t e waa by request. Was glad t letra of change, will sew. U. A. At tJ. That was rboughtfsl. snd I spprsclst very mura fee Biminees. xou snaii near irom an eery sooruy, ana m a way isai, wm aw urw. n. ti. tKAllE Will not say was ward. Must Srst be ceaae acquaintea. Ban intq, i www. . ' know, hew te set. , WllKntil forget tb tela. aaiiaa anvMeena I FT awry new delivered letter. What end beard then aad sine changed my at lad. tick te ber. She s your beat friend. B. W. klAt rs That era exactly wbst was f he v pe'4ed. knew yoa would karar what and Vew en do It., ft will be Impeaalbla fut an te get srwaad BatU Irlday. L. PERSONAL. rri mbpI eom. bb b wart wla L, Peaa, dpt- . Taaatea, Maaa. TIRbllSH BATHS. Orolaa bM.r Uolai - oaya, (enllemea alhtt. Mala BKRTHA-Waa rT J ,Ck!? !iJj: b-a(.M I bad Biwkea bliMlly. That pro' .all I atrr aald. aud I ku Juat ew tb etbar party mela. eno. ANUEbMON, expert piaBO tualBi. repauv . tna) pMBat for Ml and rrot. Order riaaef Maale JB. pkoa Mala 43B- ' "'; - - A deaerrlBf aobeoUIrl raa rood bom trlct. Bear bl(k achooL 0 L Juaraal. WASTSIX To know the-wBrbotB at William Ktrphea Bmiin. nwtmwr'r Addrea Mutber, bo liW. SaaU. Barbara. CallforaU. tADT aeuir t Cblcare eon Id la ma eipooae by anaweriBf t b. eooreai. - - ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIDB KXTBACTIOW CO. and Moataaa Aaaay io . "AUTOMOBILES. WB repair and rebuild automeblle. ra enfftnea. priBUna; preaaea. lime aoraa, atin, opvn m-a eata, do all kinds of machine work. Columbia Gas Enclae V Rat Works. 43 flecood at. Phoa Pacific 74. Prank J. Bnper, aupt. BOWARP COVET, rirtaeatb asd Aider., aaant for Cadillac aaa Pierce aatoaoBiies; auniaai rented, repaired aad atored. ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art Olaaa Works Plata and ona- m.ntal laea. ZHnH Tar lor. fhobo Kco zihiz. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, sttanwy. 60S Commercial blk.. Baeond sad Wahlotoa at, raoae aaaia oaa. BP WARD T. TAOOART. attorney and eeoneel- lor at law. 1 Cbambsr of Commerce oleic. B. P. BURLEIGH. Uwyar. . IS! Graad v are aet Portland. - - ART EMPORIUM. TH LATEST FAD" noo boys a pea a ad tab eketek or yeararir rrom photo or lire, ray bUbc. US Balealb St., Bear tStb. .- bL aa. PR0PE8R0B B. MAX -MKTKR. MS Alder. Portrait and landaeap artist ana teaeaer. MEW -wall decoration, panels la nil patntmfa; orders solicited. Pnene uoloa moi. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 1 , BIRKENWALD CO., .''SOS-SOS , a Largest butcbers' supply bouss oa tb eosat. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWE. DAVIS St KILHAM. 10S-11I Second Blank book mannfacrorera: agents lor 40s Improved Leoee-Lest ledgers; see tb an Eureka leaf, the beat oa the market. BATHS MASSAGE. MISS ENGLIHM. healer; rneumstiam cured, also nedleatsd hatha, eleetne asd magnetic cra menta. 145 4 Sixth, cor. Alder, roam S4. ZOCNO Bdeutlflc snsseua (Itm electrical. tbermaL alcoholic snd auedlcstea treatnaent; chiropodist, pedicuring and manicuring. Re- -I caption room 10., Bnaea bide, cor. ruts aad Morruoa a la. iDone rsciue rw.- TOIING acleatlflc maseeuas rieea magBetla, al coholic and electric treatfnenta. eanor. and medicated bath. 37 Tacnma boos, Stark bat. Third aad Pourta. THH -SNOWDEN BATHS Tw young ladles ate masaag Snd bath, zsiifc avioar lb Pbon- Main 6B8R. BLACKING. WEBFOOT Blacking, absolutely waterproof. aerves tna icatner. mean .nor. wra. w rant longer. For sale everywhere, 10 1 15 cents. CHIROPODISTS.- IF r yonr feet are out of order, ge to Dr. Worle Benjamin, 8A04 Wsstilnxtoa St.. tb foot anedallst. Phono Blsck 813. t CAFES. THS OFFICE 33 Waehlsgtoa St- Pass kfala 771. Btmuel vigneaux. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody aw yoa any money 1 We collect wages, notes, rents, posrunins sno nan oeoie of all klode; garnlabeea aerved: old Judgments collected; no charge Bales successful. Offlc boar 8 a. m. to 8 p. m I Sundays. 8 a. m. U 13 nt. Northwester Lsw A Colledlsa Co., 133 Grkn-avs., room 13. evac Citterns bask. DOES anybody ewe yoa any aooneyT W eoj- epct pad aPta or an sino Trov . ep, ... Grand are., room IS. Cat thU eat. COLLECTIONS by tb Northwest Oollecttoa Agency; your ousiBess nsnnieo m a nsanness maimer: try as. l-17 Lsbb bldg. THE Bin Bonk Mercantlla Agency, collectiens, law nd reports. 818 Oregoalaa bldg. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. TTHOLFSALB crock cry and tHm Prnel laaels A -Osii in so tim-wvrvnr CIGARS AND TOBACCCO BSBBRG-GUNST CO. - UlstriMwrB s FINB CIGARS. Pertlsad. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Clesnlng Co., largest plast en tb eosat, Inrtng and Harding sm, tels nKb. s-. 9ttit ('.met cleaned, refitted. sewed and laid: both steam aad latest reae presaed air processi renovating mattresses aad feathers a specialty. . . . - . SANITARY csrpet c leasing, suction sad mm- presaan an? comoinen; carjua nranei Without removal. Main 6634. Bast 3584. CARPETS cleaned en tb floor t w rsls a dust. Phone cisy Bxi. tree tKeanrauaa, nttsvvs ateam asrnet snd Cleaner, iim jrrrersoa. t-none nam iv, COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO.-w-Hol gents for tb fsmon Diamond snsl: fry It and yoa will aiwaya any It. Wyoming sod WsshlBgtoa boas eosls. Virginia and Washington smithing costal full welsttt guarantees, lei. aaaia isxa. - u. Shsahena. aianager. ' CHCRCHLEY BROS, bar removed from foot Dsvls st. to 428 Kearnev St.. nesr iitn: n .bow tb largest woodysrd la tb city, carry, lag all kind of wood and coal. Mala 831. 0RE00R Y A MORRIS. SBcrcesor t Csla m McKaa. dealer la wood and ami st mweet prices: sstlafactloa guaranteed. Cor. Tenth ad Irving. Pboa Msln 4S78. WESTERN Feed A fnel Co.. on Front, lie) wees Ollaaa snd Hort, dealers la sll kind of bouee eosis sad blsck ami 1 1 eosls. raB Mala 1013. . - ALBTNA FUEL CO. Dealers la cotdwaod. seal snd greas snd dry slabwood. R. B. snd At blss sve, 3 blacks ssst ef ferry. East 874. ST EFT- BSIOOB FT'eTT CO Dealers In eoal. cerdwnod and dry alabwood. Pboas Bast 424. BOXWOOD and planer trimmings. Stsndsrd Wood O. Inions Esst 3313. Foot Bast Pin. OREGON FUEL CO. AH kind of mat aad wood. SOS Alder st. Pboa Msla 08. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Wats at weed aad ssal Pbon Mala dsaa.. FOR BALE 8.000 cord fir wood. - 3378. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST FLBCTRICAL ENGINEERING. I'iniBi tna Slarb at.. Portland. O. ht. for verth(n Is toe electrical Us. Pbon Mil IfWS. - PACIFIC E7.ECTRI0 CO Fnsi to-s, repairers. 1 FVet. cor. Starb to-s. repairers, slectrl wiring, sappne. 84 aa. IB em., n. ta. iiia, nasr. THE Kleetrirsl Appliance 0, ...889 Wash lag to at. i los MSB Be.v '.'.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS- - LENRCII BROS, rem Bias Ion merchants, flow, feed, buy and nroSeee, SftS t So Froat at, ' I'liou Mala 330S. BVRRD1N0 A FARRELU -produe sad oml. sloa aterchants. 10 Froat SU. PurtUad. Or. Phoae Mala ITS. CLEANING AND DYEINO. UP-TO-NOW CLEANING A PRBSS1NO COM 1 paay Suits Breaaad. AOe; pants. Id. Phoa - Pacine She.- S4sv Aakeay el. , . . YAMHILL CLB.ilNtt A PRESSING CO Work called for and delivered. 1'Uoo Clay rnrtlsBd Steam Cleaning A Peeing Works; prac tical hatter la connect ton. 2;i 4th. Clay 704. CLOTHES cleaned 'and preeerd SI per asoata. Unique Tailoring Co., 847- Waehlagtoa at. H. W. TTRNRR, BtofeastoBSl drr snd SMsasr. SOB Jefferson st. Phone Mala 3M. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpsaters, bnllderat re pairing snd Jobbing: store snd office fixtures built. Shop Sta) Columbia. Mala 62S7. WASHRURNB A FI-OYD. wagos Builders snd general bib work. S3 Stb St. Psoas Hood Sett. F. R. VANDERHOOF, carpenter sod Jobber, 387 Stark at. Phone Mala 747.. LATWST ibnlgna. plana of -flats and boo; estimate made and contracts taken. , . Ad drea T 87. Journal. ...,- CHIROPRACTIC.- POSITIVEI.T enre all form ef rhenmstlsm. Dr. Eva Hogaa. 3n Hall at. Pbons Mala 604. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. Sophia B. Selp, tfyehemetrlst, seerses snd prophetess; dally 10 to ft. 7 to : circle Tuesday and Friday. S P. m. 84.1H Ysmblll, cor. Keventh. Pact Be 'ins. Sunday vnlng meeting Draw hall, 103 Second at. Com Fridss. .... . MRS. STEVENS, Portland's distinguished palm - let, estraloglst snd eplrltnal lire reader, l . yoa want to know facta Important and rslt BblAT if eo, call upon this gifted and scl- enUfls tw. 16 Seventh St. Pbon Paclfl .714. K. H. KNEE8HAW, healer aod trance saedlpm, rsa be Co united at 148H Sixth St. Hour 18 to- 4 p. m. - - - - CURTAIN CLEANIN0. KBW process lace eurtata cleaning, 80 t 1 pair. 4 04 Ollasny Mala 840. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR-C.B.BROWN.D.V.S..D.C.M. Dog. Horssbo. pltal, 887 Baraslds. Pboaes: Maln408:Esst8o8 DETECTIVES. TELL as yew troubles; ws never sleep) avlownr traced la civil snd criminal casts. B, L. Hsnlngcr. ls-17 Ubb bldg. DBTFCTIVB ar secret service work! strict ry coBfldrBtlali difficult eaaes oUetta,.. Bwosl 14. VWsshlngton bldg. ' " -DAN CINQ. . . II. .1 M M . 1 , T W OOO WARD'S dancing echool of tb Wester Academy of Music, Monday aad Tbursday. Spectators invited. Lessons SOc . Dsndng to 1L Cor. Second snd Morrison. DRESSMAKING. ANGELES DRESSMAKING - PARLORS, 243 Fifth t.S ap-to-dat style, perfect fit. ski 11 . ful workmanship, new methods hi sll branches - of dreesmsklng and repairing; lowest prices; call or writ. FIRST-CLASS asrlors. SIT Allskr bMg. salts. gowns, casts. Jackets, latest sty kt; skirts . bound sad Jacket re lined- -. . .. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waaa silk, msd for 31.23; stllrtwnlst anira. Ba.BU. B aaaiaaaa. ket- Phon East 823L 'T. SJ. '- KEISTER'S LADIES' TAIIXRINO COLLEGE, auz ana sw aiissy nius. vm. DRESSMAKER will msks a tew mor aa. gsgemeBt IB ramuies, t-none imon eve. DRFSSMASrtNG Strictly BP te data) latest de- si gee, 4o cisy at. LADIES'' and children' work at ynnr borne. Pbon Msln 441. rhno etonosy or wveninge. DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN. dsBtkft. 834 Marousm bld Sixth and Morrison. Pbon Main itbo, EDUCATIONAL. MR. D. G. CROW, private Instructor ra tb Bag. Ilsb brsBches. will call st heaj or arrant class; limited Bomber of pupils solicited; rsr crenc famished: term reasonable. Call or sddrees at lvl Slxta St. LESSONS la deeorstre Brt. pslntlng. barBmc, shelf aad furnltsrs making. Boom 08, Lewu Vlllg. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Forernoet fraternal aetcaerv ex BnrtnweaT: nroxecT ina u.uw. Msrqnam bldg., Portland, Oresoa. FLORISTS. ABieili su' Tlrrlir-sttrdea "TT.yg; TsaU st. Msla 3410. Flowers sad pot plants, FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furnltar Mannfactaiing tJny . Msaursctarera ec xarBiiar ew taa Portlaad. Or. - rURNITURB mannfactnrlng snd sral oMers. L. Ruvensky' furnltur factory. 370 Froat St. FRENCH BAKERIES. mi m). niara. n Portland to ret French bread. Barrsrs m Msyu. " suis au aoaug- wut- ory. Pboa Green BOS. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-sir fm-aseea ssvsfnaL J. C Bayer B-nraaes ce.. roa geeono. mam ei. ; GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wbolessM groesrs, mass). . fscturers and swAarissloa march as ts. Fourth aad Oak sts. ALLEN A LEWIS.' cnmmlawtoa sad produe axe. chants. Front and Davis sta.. Port la sd. Or. HARDWARE. Portland Rardwars Co. anliclt epportnnlty ta - auote prices. 138 1st st-. car. Alder. Msla 1884. HOTELS. HOTEL FendletoB, Peadletoa. W.A. Brswa, mgr. HOTEL Portland. Amerlcss piss; 83, 83 per day. HOTEL St. Oeorg. Pesdletoo; pleading botsL BELVEDERR: Feropean plan: 4th sad Alder sts. HAY AND GRAIN. L ' e. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed aad flour. 123 L'Bloa svs. Pbss Bast 1317. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITS. On tasoraaea. bldg, ., 808 Dekaal LAMBERT, WHITMER'A CO. Fir iBenrsaea snd reel estate; (flees loT-10 jRberlock Jildg. Msla ions; dept. 4U4 Esst Aider. EaetT eul. JAS. Mrl. WOOD, employers' liability aad la. dividual serf-lent surety bends of. all kinds, Pbons 47. 80S McRsy bldg. B. F. RARTE7.S COMPANY Fw Insnrsaaa. 448 Sherlock bide. Orewoa Phoae Clay MS. LADDERS. LADDERS FSInterr , rrtanaloo-Udders, pi haagerv trestles; Sr and roof ladder; , plasterers snd farm ladders 4 ses atslogne, 'hone Esst 780. Psrtlsnd Ladder Co., 847 Bkln sU,ssst aids, 1. W. Ha ward, arop. ilitUlc, emit 1, LOCKSMITH. I, H. RICH AROfrON, sipert lock sad ksysmttht general repairing; eastlroa brsslng: sll work guaranteed. 808 Fourth at. Pbons Hood 1188. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith sad Plcyeis repairing, am ntars. umj Clay 823 Bight pbon. Main 3388. UUSICAL. VIOLIN, guitar and maadolla. oil aad water color lessons. Studio, 621 HI board street. Monta villa.- Pbone Colon S6S7. BANJO, guitar and mandolin lessons; special rates to clubs. Mrs. C. B. Hollopstsr, So7 Wllllsnis svs. ' PIANO, violin, string snd wind tnstraaMata. Professor EdwtS A. -Smith. 334 Twplftb, Mla 4708. WEBBER'S Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar atudlo, 878 Alder; agent for Gibson mandolin. PIANO tuning, $2L Berfret work gusrsatsd, a W. Jobnson. Pboa Mala 181L VIOLIN, mandolin, guitar, 10 laaaona $4, Phea Union 8657. Montsvllls. WEBBER'S Mandolin. BsbJo, Gultsr studio. 375 - Alder; agent for Gibson mandolins, guitars. A competent young lady wishes plsno pupils. For further Information call at IK I North Eleventh, cor. Job neon, or phoas Pacific 888. . MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS, 217 OregonUa bldg. Ladle or Gentlemen. No Publicity. " Tf yoa borrow 820 you pay back 81.8A a week. If yoa borrow I2A yoa pay bark 81. 88 a week. If you borrow $10 yoa pay back 82.00 a week. If yon borrow you pay back 82.35 a week. If yoa borrow 830 yoa pay back $3.00 a week. . Payments suspended In csss of sickness. '. Strictly Salary ' Loans. . THE CRESCENT LOAN OO, ' ' 217 Oregonlan Brag. - - MONEY TO LOAN 0a Improved city property or far bull dins purposss. Any amount oa from S to 10 years" time, with privilege to repay all or part at loan after ' en year. Loans sp- e roved from plane snd mooey advanced as illdlag progresses; mortgagee taken ap and replaced. . FRED H. STRONG. MnaocUl Ageat. 343 Stark Street. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employs. w ge-eamsr, SB get aa but note, without mortgage Month, u. Monta. Week. 830.00 Repsy ta us 818.88 ar 80.M sr 88.38 823.00 Repay Oa. as 8 8.33 or 83.33 sr 81.68 $ia.0O-rRspay to us 3 4 00 or $3.00 sr $1.00 ' , " saw atexvay oiag. I "MONEY an loan, salaried people, tee meters, etc.. without security; essy payments; largesr bnslnees In 43 principal cltlee. Totean, 338 Ablngtost bldg. Pboa Mala 8437. MONEY to loss en real, personal sad collateral secorltv; speclsl- stteauoa to ens rest snorv. figes; note hooch t. & W. Pallet, S04-8 antoa bldg., 34 Slxtb St. - HIGHLY reanectnhls plscs where ladles and ients aaa borrew moaey oa atamouo mom ewelry. Collateral Loaa Bsak. 868 Waab, ngtoa at. Phooe Blsck TL , CHATTEL km ns to amounts ranting trots. $28 to 83.000; rooming-house s sperisity. new Bra Loaa A Trust Co.. SOS Abi ngtoa bldg. - WB msks sll ktnda of loan oa good security Iat lowest I rstsa; speclsl attenuoa gives so easttei Mens. IDS Morris MONEY to loaa la asm of fro $3,000 to 83.000; terms to suit tb 308-10, Commercial but. MONEY to lean In Urge er email amonats ss pood security: 1 lowest rates. William tV Beck, 807 Falling bldg. - MONEY loaa on Clackamas eeenty lssds. a. . naw e, jb. .1, ewe -- " - LOWEST ratsa aa furnttnr aad piano. EsuAV ra Loaa Ca, 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay 838, TO LOAN Snms to suit oa chattel seem-tty. B. A. Frame, 814 Tow Btarqasm. MONEY to loss on sTI kind of security. Wax. HoTl. room 8. Washington bldg. - OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX A NORTH RUP. 418-18-17 Dekam bldg. Third and Wasbtngtea sts.. Psoas Msln 849. : Examlastloos frss. DBS. OTTS A MABEL AKIN, 408 Madesy bldg. Clay 778. Res. M. 3131. Consultation free. THE very best Isdy osteopath ta town. Dr. L. O. John eon. 824 Salmon, near Sixth. OVERALLS. m sas mim0JitG BOM OF TBI ROAD OVER ALU mm m rtanscc elothlnir: aiitot. wt6m. NstMtr Bros.. wtmnnturtvrTm, Portia d. Or. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH A CO. Tb Pioneer Paint Cast window rlaes aad g Using. , 188 First at. Phone 1334. BRNE8T MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor Wall paper, paint, oU at market prices free ' delivery. RASMUSSEN A CO Jobbers, paints, all, glass, sash snd doors. BeeoBd snd Taloc - PLANING MILLS. 1 ENTERPRISE PUslns Mill Co. Sash. snd woodtnrnlng. snd Esst Ysmblll St. PLUMBERS. DONNRRBBRO.A RADEMACHER. Ssnltry plsmbers. 84 Fourth St. Both pboaes. FOX A CO., sanitary plumber. 331 Stroud, bet. Main sad Salmon. Oregon Phoae Msla 3001. PRINTING. WKtAIH A DAVIS. Printers Doers ef clever things with Ink snd typ oa pspsr. Steam bldg., Slxtb aad Morrison. Msla 4147. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blsak books. Pboa Msla 17. 303 Alder St.. . . - METRGtHFLITAN PRINTING CO. Everything In printing, wtfsla 1336. 147 Front st. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS, S48 Alder St. pboa Msla 710; rubber stamps, seals, stencils, haggsg, trad checks; send for cat a lorn No. 25. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing asd Jobbing. J. Lo.ll. 812 Jefferson St. 1 RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDINQ CLUB Ssddl boras snd eamsgea for rent. w. u. nrown, bub Aioer. SCALP TREATMENT-,,; ": GRAY, falling bslr, dandruff tres'tsd: shamsoe- Ing, msntcuring, cniropoay, tsce wars, sire, B. F. Kyns. 1354 Fourth. or.. Morrtson. Benm S3. PboBe PsHAc 23S. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ' ' HIGHEST CASH PRICE - Paid for second band cutbtnf , house hold goods and rurnitnrs. - A ll RAMS' AUCTION noussi. Rood 1824. 408 Morrlsoa rt. GOODB'S Fsmltnrs rtnass Highest pvtee Bald . for second hsnd furultnrs. 318 Seeesd t Pbeaa Fads 488, . , : SPIRITUALISTS. MIZPAB. medlnm. glvea sdvlra ta troubl tail v: leini nvui mh - r - tall about lovsd one. wh hava paea4 beroaj nd brings Joy to tbeee who f fl.ra. 4'4 First at., room 18. Mssdlugs 880 aad ftoc. STREET-PA VIN G. i . WARREN CoBitroctloa Co. street pSvlag, alda . wsiks aad crosswalks. TIP Orsgoalaa bldg. THB TrlBldsd Aspbslt Paving Ca. at PertlsBd. Offlc 859 Worcester blk. SAFES. DIEBOLD Msagaaas ssfssl firs aad burg la r precf wwrk; JsU aad prlssa work I .locu' epeeedl repairs. J. S. Paris. 88 Third St. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES f very daecriptlon; bank, bar ad stor Sxturs mads to order.. Tb Latk ; Msaafsctarlng Co.. Portland. ' SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth bsnners. conomicai iectn rana ana sign ss m kinds msds quickly. Foster A Klelsar, Flfta aad Everatt. Phoa Biebang 88. TELEPHONES. THE only exclnslv telephone boose. B.-R. Kisetrlc at Teispooa . xtsourscrarina; osuv psny, 83 Fifth st. TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES. W hsvs them by tb thou sands; strong, bsaltby stock, our 1U0P limatrsted sna pnceo ests hsru tails) tlL PORTLAND SEED CO, Froat snd Ysmblll sts. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, in makes, rented, sold and repaired., coast Agency, ittu stars. 11. tsvi, BLICKE.N8DORFER typewriters, supplies, re pairing. Sloes Koea. xoa atsrs. stain ioiu. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brusa. Boss, 81 par month, lswcbc Bros." Tewsi BupaiF Co., Fourth sud Coach. Pboa 428. TRANSFER AND. HAULING. SAFES, pianos snd farnttar ssoved. packed ready for Shipping asa saippea; su wars ' gusrsBteed; Urge, 8-story, brick, B re-proof wsrehouss for storsgs. OfBce US First at, C, M. Class, pboa Mala 847.. Til S BAGGAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Slxtb aad Oak sta.: beggars encd from botsl or reslUeac direct to deetlnatiou; passengers thsnfor avoid rush aad annoy sac at depots. . a a PICK, efflc SS First t, between Stark Bad Osk sts.. phons 386; pianos aad furultnrs Bioved and pscksd for shipping; commodious brick wsraboass. Front aad Clay sta. THE EDWARDS STORAGE A SHIPPING CO. will pay full Tarn tor boossbow roruitur! It yon want to sslL, call ap Msla 804. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Slxtb. Pboa Msla SB. Heavy hauling aad etorags. IBB Ross M. Ptnmmer shout storage; Srenrsof; cat rats. 863 Third tv Faaaa Mala aaa. BAST SIDB Transfer Co.. A. B. Holcomb, prop. 138 Bast Water st, rhoas cast aaa. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY N. 300H Ingtoa St. Pbon Mala serx. WALLPAPER. WALLPAPER aad ps rating, special pries; or paper nsngmg a tna nest aaa ones pest: i ws doa't do ss ws agree don't oat a cent. A. A. Chore A Co, 36S Taylor at. Pboa Blsck 3008. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCB A WIRE WORKS BBS Bast Morrlsoa at. Phoas East 831. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, r Tb Oldest Trust Company fa i Prigs. RESOURCES OVER $,3o0,00oy. ... ... Oeneral hanking. Bxcbang aa all parte of th world. Saving ccount. Tim cehtlfl rstsa, 8 to 4 per cent; snort can special cer- aricste, ow or - sver, n tn per cent. OSII Tor Book Of ILLUSTRATIONS. Southeast Corner Third and Osk Sts. ' Phone Private Kvcnenee 79. BlWJr t. COHEN. President H. L. PITTOCK Vke-Prestdent B. LBB PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA.. ......... Amlstsst Secrets ry u 1TTIO STATES NATIONAL RAW OF PORTLAND, OREGON. NORTBTw-XST 00R. THIRD AND OAK NTS. Transacts OeaereJ. Banking Ausluass, DRAFTS ISSUED AvslUbls In All Cltls ef the United Btets ad Europe, Hoagkong aad Manila. MT.T.X0T70VS BfATrX ON FAVORABXZ TXXVI Prealdeat J. C ANSW0RTH V1cvf"tMls4sjMJlt, aaea) B. A T KR Tlce-Prssldent ...,.R- t RA BARNES Cashier R W. SCHMEER Assistant Cssblsr A. M. . WRIGHT Asslstsat Ca abler ........W. A. BOLT PRST NAnOWAI, BAWnT Of PAlTLAaD. OREGON. - Deslgnsted Dsnosltory snd Financial Agent of President ..iA. L. jmjA Caahler J. W.BWKIRK kmmimtmmt reahlev .....W. C. ALVORD Second Asslatsnt Cssbler B. F, STEVENS LsttsrS f Credit levaed Avsllahl la Europ snd tb Kaat em aiaies. Sights tnTcbangs snd Tsleeraphl Transfer sold on Nsw York, Boston. Chi case, St. Loom, St. Paul. Omaha. San Francesco and the nefnelnal fmlnta In the Nortbsrsst,' leh snd rime bills drawn In sum tw sntt on London. Psrls. Berlin. Frank fort-Is-the- Mala. Hoarkonr. Yokobsms. Copeabssea. Cnrisrtsnls. Stock holm. St. Petersburg, Mo. cow,- Enrich. Honolulu, Collections Msd' a Favorabis Tacm. LADS TILT0N. BANXTS. (Fstabllsbed ta 1353.) Tinnssees a flssaesl Yxsnblna Buslnaaa. Collections msde st H points oa faeorsbw rerms. Letters r credit leaned svalieme ta Enron snd sll mint In tn United Ststes. Sight Pvehsnce pd. Tslegraphle TrsBSfee sold oa New Tor, wasningtea. micsgo, et. Iula. Denver. Omaha. Saa , FtsbcIsc tad Monta A and British Cnlumbl. Rvchsnc snld on 7mdon. Farfs. Berll. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Msatlaj and nonoiuia. - XCHANTr WATT0NA7, ANW. PORTLAND. ORXOOir. 7, FRANW WATSON .....President R. L. DURHAM. ...... i, 7. Vtos-Prestdent R. W. HOYT Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Caahlsr Transsots a 0 Basis' Bsnklng Bnslnsss, Drafts and Letters of Credit tesned Avsllabl . t All Parts of tbe World. . ' Collectlotia. svSpedalty. SIUUR1TT SSVvwfig a TtTTST TOerPANT, SOS Morrison St., Psrtlsnd, Or. Trasaaets a Oeasrsl Bankln Buslasss. SAVINGS PEf AgTBKaT. tobtrsat Allowed on Time end Savings Deposlta. Acts ss Trastee for Estates. Drafts Bad Letters of Oedtt Avsllabl ta All Psrt f tb World.. a 8, ADAMS .- ..President f A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. Im. MrT.T.S Second Vic-President R. O. JUBITE Secretary GEO. F. RUSSELL. ..... Aaatstaut Secretary M ORRIS BROS. 1 lint Sk, PsTtlaaa, 0,. Of fsr Ollt-Fdg Tnveatmerftt la Mnntrlpat sad RsllroadBonds. Write sr Csfl. j-RE CONTINENTAL COMPANT. ; Unsorisl Agests. " - ' Stocks.. Bosd aad Mortgages. 243 Stark at. Phsns Mais 1070. mortoaoe loans Oa Portland Real Estats at Leweet Rsm. . Titles lasured. Ahstraeta Fornlahsd. , . ' TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST 00. 848 Washington SW Oar. Sesead. mdrtgjgt Loans 596, Upward?. Real EstateCity and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRREL.U 303-S atcKar Bldf, TTtlrd sad BtArk Sta. VICLINS. i. A. Wrnco,-vlollB-maker and repslreri work Brat class. IB Huaael Bldg., StB aa aaomeoa. i . trAnsportatioV. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Arriv 80. i 'saw, Ral 11:33 a, I Dsily, Dsll. Clatskaul. ' Weal port. Cllftoa, Astorts. Wsc rsaton, a lavei, usar saosd. Fort Stavesa. Oearhart Park, Sea aids, Asterls and Oaaahsrs, Salle. , 8:30 a, l TiSOa, Dally. lllMlljW. - J ; ' I. C MAYO, aV 9. ssd p. A.. Asterls. Or. C A. BTBWART, ComamreUI Agent. 88 Aidsr . - sxrssu .- rnoas .Tats OommodlooA tsavmahlp ; OLYMPIA 4VXMTOJ. .-' . , " Balls for BAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES direct, carrylriB pasancr sna rroisBt. ------ - , - 1 - TTTIBIJAT, WOT. 14, AT I. Bt, ' : - From Columbia Dock NoC 1. Tlckt of flcs 251 Washington strseC -, J -' K. TOUNO, Atrarit ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS V, ' 'J Leav BeattlS 3 a. m. "JXTTESiON," XovemVar 88, via Wrsngsl. "DOLPHIN." Xevemhsr 8, 17, via Wraagsl. "FAAALL0W," slsrembsr 10. 84, ia Wrsngsl. Mstlskshtls ' '' . . CALLING AT ; , Xstobtkaa, Innsau, Douglas, Bslsss, Bkag way. Csasto with W. P. A Y. rout lot AtUa, Dswsoa, Taaaas, Noam, sts. -Fsr All BVmtasasUra Alaska Psrt. Can or Bend for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska.' . "Indian Baskstry." "Totem Pole." 7 THE ALASKA B. S. 0O. ' Frank WolF Co., Agents. 333 Osk St. fortland. Or. FOB AJTOKZA AJTS WAT NIRI Steamer Telegraph ' ' SAIXT TZaOl OAJU3. - . -'' Lav - I Arrlva Portland...? a. m. I Astoria. p. m. Astorls. .1:80 p. m. Portland. ... p. m. boob: rpor or Aisii rmaaT. Boo)Tlt's ICota BlzthplAow. AtlSJiMk. 4Qorsl) BpsclAl in Mw York Tribune, ' .- To President Hoosavelt th pleaaantaat Incident of his soathern trip was his visit to KoaweiL is xnlles north of At- lanta, this morn In. It waa the first time Mr. Roosevelt tied ever visited the plaoe where his mother, Martha Bulloch, was born snd spent her girlhood. Roe. well was settled by the president's srandfsther snd four or five other men, who established wolen -mlllekv Their typical southern homes still remain ss they were In 1840, sad the settlement hss grown to a smart manufacturing tows or snout x.ooe innaoitanta. . - - . . - - Today waa th sreatest dar In the his tory of RoswaLl. The president's special train was the only one allowed Tp-pass over the branch Una leading to the town witnin a space or 11 hours, and th clU sens had built- A new wagon road be tween th railroad station and th vil lage, two miles away, .egpreealy In an ticipation of- th president's visit. The villagers were In a-sort of ecstAoy. Th county sheriff and. a doses leading cltlsens on horseback met tbe president and Mrs. Roosevelt at the station, and escorted his carriage over the new road to RoawelL Among th horsemen was Warren Crockett of Marietta,-a -trooper In Colonel Roosevelt's regiment of Rough Riders, and he and Captain John Green. way, who la traveling with th presi dent. Had a little Impromptu reunion with their colonel st th Roswell sta tion. . - -i .. f As th president's carriage was driven across th bridge th old woolen factory, on of th landmarks of th town, where Confederate uniforms were manu factured, was pointed out to tb presl dent, and On the bluff across the road from th mill th village band was bravely playing "UomaUitaTSat Therei only one street tn the little town. Almost at the eztrem and, mor than a mile and "a half from Roswsll station, stands Bulloch hall, where Mar tha Bulloch - was i born and where ah was married to th president's father. The president and Mrs. Roosevelt went directly to tbe hall. .'The. old manalon Is A stately house, guarded by tall white pillars and surrounded by trees. It Is now owned and lived In by J. B. Wing snd his wife, snd they greeted Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt on th broad front por tico. - , - . - . ' Several of the old servants of the Bui. loch family with their descendants sr still a part of the household, among them being old "Aunt Grnca," who was Martha Bulloch's nurse In her girlhood; "Aunt Charlotte- and "Dsddy Luke." "Aunt Charlotte's" son, himself an aged negro now. were there also, and the president and his wife shook hands with them before they entered tb nous. ' "Bo you sr 'Mom Grace,' my mother's burse,' said th president ss he shook hands. '1 have known of. you all my life." ..'.' "Tes, salt," said the old negress with a curtsey. "T, am Uttlo Graoe.'-' Yb'uf mother always called me "Idttl Grace.' Tes., sah. The president wss Informed that Ted dy Luk decorated the hall lor Miss Bulloch's wedding. - "Where was that hug bed of violet t" saked th . president. -.turning to Miss Wood, the postmistress of Roswell, who Is a relative of th present occupants of th halL The place waa pointed out to him snd he asked a great number of other ques tions. "Where Is the place where they dug th well but couldn't get water, and so used It as a place of cold storage T he Inquired. "That Is right over there," said Mrs. Wing, "but' there Is water In th well "I remember my mother told me when t was a child that a pig fall Into th well and they never did get that pig out," ssld the president, snd there wai A general laugh. " Then th president snd his wife en tered th house snd visited every apart ment. They were, told that the house Is almost sxsctly th same In appearance s It wss mor than half a century ago. Upon coming out of the house th presi dent asked that a photograph be takan of Mrs. Roosevelt And himself sur rounded by th old family servants. .. Oae Ja BruragA. Nttle-A girl doesn't often marry th man who lath beat husband for her. Ned Of eours not. If h Is a good husband there Is no occasion to marry him . mor than one. . - , . . TRANSPORTATION. 1 mm GsinGorr A?:ioiiiifaa' 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 .Through Paltmna standard sad tourlit steep. rea-Hcare dally to Omaha. Chicago, Spokans) toarlat sleenlng-e dally to fisnssa Cityt tbrongk Puilmsa tourist sleeping-cars (person, slly eeBdueted) weekly ta Chicago. RecUalag .-.rem .aeaoi rreei ta the bet asiiy. UNION DBPOT. Leaves. Arrive. " r-i - . CaiOAOO-PORTLAND T ; . . . ,. .' ;: 31-8CIAU 318 a. hv 8:38 8.8. Far tb Kaat v(a Bust- Dally. Dally. ... v tngtaa. ' S. -'''.;. ' SPOKANB FI.YBR. , - - .- . '' For Baatera .Washing- ' ' . ''" too. Walls Wslls, Lsw- 3:18 a. ax. 048.83.. I totoa. Ceeog rAlsue Dally. . Dally. . ' , sad Orsat Nortbsra ., . V" - Solata, ' ; , v t SeBsmsw... M -SSSISSSSSSBBgsXaSmBBBS nBBXBXSBlBXaBBaBhBxSXBlB ATLANTIC BXPRRS8. 8:18 s. at, T:1S s. as. Far the Bsst vU Uaat- Dally. Dally. , tngtoa. ' ". ' Oslnmbla River Dlvlslea. ' ' i ' PR ASTORIA aad wavl 8:00 a. St, I I'-'' Points, cosnectlng with Dslly. . . Aboat ' stmr. for llwsc aad ex. Susdsy. 8:00 a. av ' Nortk Beach, stmr. Baa- Saturday, ex. BuBdnsv. sax Asbt dock. 10:00 p. at. . Tsmbfll RJrsr Rent. , , FOR DAYTON. Oresoa 1 ;? ..' ".'. City and Yamhill river t-m a. m. T:88Swaa -i CHnta, stmra. Rath ssd Dally. Dally, odoe, Asb-st. decs, a tWnday. es SuBdey. (Ws tec permitting.) J , t . j, . ' ' Snaks Rlvsr Rsuta. ' FOR LBVnSTON, Ids. :40 . pa.. - , ' snd way points froei f Bpen sr- 4-O0 a, av, , Blparls. Waah., ttmrs. 21 Train Dally Spokaa aad Lewis to. No.4.dsUy ax. Friday . i ' . ex. Bat. . ' . w vve.w. laini nua vrssBUgBUB, sas. , (-,..' - 4. Phons Msla T1A " . . C. VF. bTINOFR. City Ticket Ages. -A. Za, CRAIO. Oeasral Passeagar Ageat, EAST" SOUTH Lssvea. I . UNION PS POT. I Arrive. 0VRRLAND BXPRE8A Trains, for Bslssx, Ross- 0:41 p.'' ss. BMBta, Ogdes. saa FTsa n as s. st. eta co. stock toa. Lo Aa- geles. El Pss. New. Or- lee ns ana s asst. lioralna train sect a st Woodhura dally except Sunday S:S0S.. wits train lor ait. Angel. S 1 1 s r t a Brownsville, Spring field. Wssdtisg aad Matron. WISSS.-BS- .! :': -10:88 B.BX, ' ' . ' ' I M p. as. 8:38 a. as. 80 8- I sects st Woodburn srltb Mi. Angti asd Sll' toa torar. 1 7:88 a. av Corvalin ps 4:30 a. sv 1110:43p.m. snenasa Fnrest Orove passenger. 111:33. m. -IIDally exespt SuBdiy. ; ' Z lrtisad-Oewsa-s Buburaaa Berviss ss saavniai . ... . sfmsiew, .-- Depot foot ef Jef ferae street, ' lain i "i u. ii .aiir - - w. - 13:60, 3-08. 4:00. 8:80. :3S.T.43; 10:Ut 11:30 p. m. Dslly (except Sunday). 6:30, 8:80, 8:36, , 10:38 a. m, Sunday only, 8:00 a. at. :- Rerarnlng trem Oswego, arrive Portland dally . .... . . ...a a-aa b:sv m. ew " - . 11:10 p. m., 13:35 a. St., Dally (except Sunday ). 8:33. 7:38, OiSOv 11:4 a. ax.. Suadsy only, 1tsslfrnai nam depot fsr' ThilUs sod Inter. - ateensre netnts nsiiy. e.w w - .,.... . Derate dally to MoBmouth sod Alrllfcj en ' aectlnr wits nonrnem r-scine vji t Dslla snd Indepeudeace. - fare from Port! end re Saeiaiiwste snd Ban Frsndsc 8n. bert?. 3t ssssmsVcms t fare 113. neeond-elsss bertb 83 SO. . - Tickers ta Festeen points and F"eepe as8 . Japan. Chin. Penolul snd f"trs"B. City Ticket Offlc corner Tnlrd d Wsa , mm FhaasB Mala VIA 0, W. STTNOn. t. . . City Z least Agsax. , re. --- wMaKS.'-1 IIY1L: VfAnU sa-J l DAILY. . 7JN10N DBPOT. v.nMMM.e FsrS-KsB sas aty-Bt. Louis Spe cial tor Cbehslle. Csa trsHa.. OlymplB. Orays Bsrbsr, SVnth Bend. Ta- - Seattle. Snokans. Levrlston. Butts. Bill- i.m taeevee. Omshs. Ksnsss City. St. Lsals snd Bostbessi. North Cosst Limited, electric lighted, for Ts. poms, Seattle. Sp.ksn. Butte, MlnnesBolls, St Paul aad ths Esst. Paget Snood Limited, for Chehslle. Csntrslls. Teeoms ssd , Seattle only. Twla City Bxores, fori Taooms. Seattle, Spe. an. Helena, Bstts, Yellowstons TXrk. kiln. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant Oeneral Passenger Ageat, "t- go alorrlsoe St., or. Taira. , -rortiaoa, vregou, , . .. .' TNt COMrORTASLC WAV. . City Tickst Oftes, 133 3d st. Pkess 080. 7 Overland Trains Dally 7 'ra 1-lyar ax.d th Test smaUf BTXXxTDED SBmTTCm - f Vr-TO-DATS BQULPSIBNT . OOTmTaOTT BICFX.OYRB LEAVE ""3 Vortland ' Via Baattrs arrTve 7:0 a. m." 3:80 p. m. 1:30 s. m 11:41 p. m 4:1 S p. m. Via Spokaa (:00 a m. (O, at, ll 37. Oo.) araat Jfortharn steamship Co.. Balling from Benttle -; --. S. S. DAKOTA. DEO, IS. . AUHstllSOTA, ns. 1. For Japan and China Forts and Manlla. - B-IPP01T TTTSNST XAZSXA (Japan Mail fiteo.mhln Company) ' B, a XYO 3CABT7, . tstls from Henttle for Japan, China and all Asiatic Porta-- About Ieceml)r 11. . For tickets, rate, berth reser vatlons, etc., mil on or addrea m. SXOXSOX, C P. A T. A.-'-. Portland. OK O. YIIIIs, A. ti. P. A.t' rieattia. Wain. I Q lOGPIM. SnAttsJ I Isil soirrte , nv n:esJ v. UcW TRAINS 'ia'Po'-ttonclt 1 Depart. - Arrive. . - . ".--.ft .., 'i I r - - i 1 4:80 a ai. 3:00 . a T-OOa sv 'k 4 JO p. m. toss , ex." - 11:48 p. a. j 3:38 p. sx. 1' I