THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND." SUNDAY- MORNING. ' NOVEMBER, 12. 18C3. QV2i:I00,00a PEOPLE READ IllElJOM . . " ' " ' ' ' - - r. u II. J 1 v r..-.. ij" ' tee .tL... 4 V 4 1 i i 1 " r,. evv if i FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOR RENT Centrally loceted ofncee with pbont ,.; inil bHt. iw month. K. 1 Cte, 111 Second et . OFFICES lad room. Lewie bid. Inquire nana, wis vttiia wag. FOR RENT Deakroom and everything f ulebed. B. S. Jackeoa CO.. 3d lurk M. OFFICE-ROOMS Oeodaoogk elevator. bldg. Apply A pert of furntebed Butte of office roome. or neea mora; 1m location and reaeonable rout. i an Monday. 313 Alleky bldg. "FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT A hoot Jeanar I. -etore brick ' i-bnlMInt lOOxloO. aortbeaat enr. Third and -Madlaon; will remodel and 1mm whole ,oe pari to aealrahle partlee. Apply U B. X. im. . 7 Flrat it., room lu. FOR RKNT l-etnry warebouM. 100x100. on . trackage, northwMt cor. Fourth and Floyt- Apply R. T. Cox, T Flrat, room 10. Plmu aiaia tin. BUSINESS CHANCES. WB HIT! A BATtAff - for aalt tbat la too baat bar la Portland, located on Wublngten at. If von aro think Iu of buying aalooa, dua't (all. (p far- voaugau una. . A SALOON on Morrlaoa at. Wa wlU aU cheep er trade w owe Miaie, A SALOON n North Third that wo wtt tall yoa for what tba flxtune aro worth and give yo the Stork. If von want to get Into tho aalsufl ooHooaa caoap. nere ll your opportunity. SMITH BRUM., 123 Sixth at.aror. Waablnfltom. FboM Mala 4080. , ling naar Wee nine toa at.: Al location roaaonabla rant) gilt-edge Inraotmeat; $750. noma una i., uott aval et. COMPLETB wagonmakar' atock and toobj la , lively town fur Mle. Inquire of F, Biliary, oiayum, uregoa. FOR RENT Roatanrant. ar will make food barbar ahop or meat market, with rooma In - WILL Mil ohaap a Biro bnataaaa elMrlng $2,000 n ee,uou per voar; part payment, or will trade olty or farm pro part. L 04, Journal. TOR ALB Barbar ahop, two ebalre. - Bo too. Tlllaatook, Or. roar, laqulro 7 SO Waablnftrai at. AddraM IN POUTHEBN ORBOON. lino trtot Bill, now 111,004 Ptlarkamltb and waaoBnukar'a aaop, .1 l.MX) Pkotoaraph al)rr.. i TOO Oonoral morchanritM atock .......... .115. 0X Canoral aMrrhandlM ator . . . . . a0UO (AU linM paylaf WOU-r . City and farm property. W. L IBFLANDV tba RmI Batata Ifan, t Oranta Paaa, Orofna. . FOR RiLl Roomtnc-bonao, W rooma, alaotrla .ft' " ",, o toeattoo ka dty, ehwa tn; ooltahto , rnr nrtMuai Doarainf BouM. AOdreM a al, - joaraai. BAKHCB SHOP at Lanta for aala. cheap; mod -reeeeoa for aelHna; nortpta, fll to X par wees, mt aioaaa doo car. . .FOR SAL. Taylnt heaM bakery, eoofeetkmary; Urlac rooma. U a i oca. j its M8T. and MANFFACTURINa baalnaaa, erlM ll.MOt tba . poooa asannraeturod are contracted for alx rnnntna In aavanoa anel will pay pares! - SIM) nMthlv over oU exoeneca: thla bi - mm la anltabta for worklacann. Call Z4k Start at. A ALOON apodal; $1,000 repaired. banrola nil at atSH Btarh i If ai.ono CAflU rrorerT. want partaar; 1M dally Haw. Call XeSW Stark at. -- ''- kuJTTER and err atom; boot place fa city: pay yon $150 to $200 Boatbly; price anly 600 mi aeaH Btarn at. , . OOD-PATINO oonntry atnroa. I bare a food Mlectloa of woll-paytaf atoraa from $ 1,800 np to $20,000, nay of which will atand the eioaoat tOTaaurauoa. r. rmeba, lekt fTrat. WAlfTBI CommoTclal hotel la fnort Hre towai would prefer to rant it fnrnbhed. with ma pnTiir-e or nnyinf romitnro later ana, AaaroM rjoiei, ooarnai arnco, rorxiana. ROOMtva-HOrSR M tn rooma. nicely for. nianeo; fooa KvanooT iraw; reaMoabit reat to axehanra for a farm. What have) yon T 4, Journal rimai aaa noooraoie cnaineM; fi.ono a year proam; aaiaii wpiiai requires, x ea, Mnrnal. 01TINUBD IllnoM coon nolo ae to Mil ar ax. cbanaa farnleblnn and bnatnoM of baa RK. ronet hotel la Portland! eeatral locatloa. (ood eaao. ai wumi aotoi. rirec ana Aiaer. FOR BALeV Bakery, dotnf (ood tiailaiaa, 1 , bomaa and I ocllvarr wafoaai Tlrkniaa tba . raoee. inqniro aoa rm ar. GOOD raetanraat for Mia. $300 caahl aond trada and loeatloa; Waaa. , AddraM P 61. iimii, . , NICK, CHNin 0-raoa banae. fnn of etMity room era; owner moat lea re townt price $000. Ja- qniro Hv mmuimm oi. . , .RBHTACRANT fnrnlrnra for W w n Lattln. Hotel Falraaonnt. Twaatvlxth mA tivm ermortanltr la Mtabltabed bnalnaaat help and capital. AddraM 0 M. earn JoarmaL INT18TI0AIB Por email amoont o capV tal. larto re tana, lot UcKay bld. WHO If. If. 0. mOROAR ai CO.! l-OR BAI.I rtret-claaa raotanrant and bakarv. dolnr food baalneM! want to eell on account or in neaiui. inqnira its commercial at 8a mm, Or. . A RRflTAURAlfT oa Wvth at. dolne a bnalneea, aleo one oa Baroalda at.; both are - narrama. us rina at. national Real Be -Uta Ca. ' IP yon want a farm, city ar en bar ban property, a pood boetnrM of any kind, or have aav kind of properly to Mil or exchaor. call on .or adlreM Nnrthweet Land Co.. SOB liorrl- .ao at, room 111. Phono Mala MIS. A OBWtKMAN contrmplattnaT a trip to Colo, rado or Texaa aboold write for . Information. P 60, Journal. - ' 1 : FOR RALB a-reoea boardlnf hoaM doln( food bnetnoM; learlaf towa mom of Ja. $8$ ' Plrat at. V - AIOON dolnf bnalneM of tSS par day, fine location, varr cboan rent ; -i meara $200 nr month; win Mil at $1,130. Addraaa B a, Joornai. FOR Mh, cheap, rood bnalneM fa thrfrtnt aiibnrni rina. location., mean rent; prefer to bell alrert. Addr t. AodreM A. I. r, aara ai joarnal, CAKDI BTORB, WBI.L IXKJATBD WITH H. INfJ ROOM, ran be bad at low rent by a dMtrablo party) locatloa aa eaat aide oppo ' alte tba Albtne ecbonlbnoM. Parties la ra. Mil 'office, SIT Commercial block. THB beet ronnlnv knoM bartata ra tba city 41 alefantlr fumUhcd rooma aear Mnrrlana ' at.. In brick bnlMInc, rent only $100 per month, lonr Vaee, floe loeatlm; a money. , : makers only $2,800. terma. Dabola A Sbor. fMH4 Morrlana at. . FOR IALB Oa accaemt of alekaaaap aleo, amen, Ey-makwr baelnoM oa aaat aloe) mo $1$ to l (we day: price $1,400, or will mi no aaea wealed. 0 $ Tba f oeraal. TWO yrmnr men to take cbarffa af new eat dnnr bnalneea. which la both prnfltabla and arreeable: moot be well recammeadrd and have email capital; bo rlrht party In alx montba poaltloa will pay $154 to $200 per month. T 40, Janrnal. . . tXCBPTIONAL opportnnlty la offered In a nlco rlfar and con feci lonery atom; the owner filnf to California, will aU very reaennable; . nice atock. food Uttiirea; cheap rent; ond leeew. Don't mla thla. Owner, 1W Madleou. fUHBT awttck atock for Mia itHi, Apply US Commercial block. . , ItOR Half Intere . neae chance nfAce; t . . alcknau: $12$ taken T $2, Jowrnel, it ta real Mtata boal. mat leave acconnt of It; - feed .aaiportaalty. tATION and food hotel, with or without hotel, for aala; will Mil half Intereet to the right part. Addraaa $0, aara JeunaL BUSINESS CHANCES. DO YOU WANT A MONEYMAKER T If yon do call and aak aa about that rro- rery, confectionery ana near eiore we bate. wo will aell the atock at invoice and the Hi tone at 1m fban euet; lee Ting the eity mom for MUlna; d't delay, bvvauM we aro go- mg io mu tn la ntace jaouuar or laeeaay, TALK ABOtT M -NAPS. Wa can aell yoa kidKlns-hvaeM far What toe bedclothe are wortti. AND RKNTAL'RANTR ' ' , at any eld price. If yun don't believe It, call ana wa win convince yon tnai wa are riant. 8MITB KKOW . - 123 Hi llxtb at., ear. Wuhloctoa. , yiMOO' Ma: , BC8INBHS CHANCRS. Do yoa waut to go Into bualneMl ...Da yoa want a pood realdaaeel lo yoa went a food rootnlnr-botiMt Po yoa want a good wheat farm I . Ho yon want to buy or rent? Aro yoa looking for an lnveatmentf ' 1 Have von anv nrouertv toexchaneef 1 Let na know what yoawant and wbee yoa want it. NORTH WEST LAND CO.. ' ton Morrlaoa at.. Room til. BLACKSMITH SHOP doing good bnelneoa naat 11 yeara, fall aupply of too la. quantity of iron aad coal, flwniunf -oonae, neering- frnlt '. treee, cblcken-bouM. 2 pamenger-bMta, .Mr eervlca each day, S mlnutea' walk to Mcb place; all for $200 If taken aoon. Apply to Thompaon roator, Bidgeoeid, waaaingtoo. WANTBIV To pnrchaM a good-paylna; rea- taorant, centrally located i; ei.euu ar overi areata, w na, journal. RESTAURANT cheep for caab; Bnat be aold at oooa. oil vommarciaj oiag. HA Yl etkere tried to Mil your bnalaeM and failed! Then net with na; we aell every aing. oil commercial DJOg. ; . , . . ' WANTED A loan of $11,000 at lowrat ratea gilt-edge $ecarlty; no agaaU. T 01. Journal. WAN Tip A loan of $O0 to build a a-rnomed hoaM oa good lot. clear. Phone Mala ftffa. WILL Mil few abaree la mlolag oompany," or ganlalng, gronnd-Boor price, and pernonally gnarantea agalnat any mm; 1$ claltne. clean two aaeera averaged aoa; aoeolnte aare lnveet. ment, witn bnalneM men. I au, journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NBW modern a-room eouae, an complete, larga comer lot, run oaMnient, fi.euu, biu CM a. New 4 -room cotteree. aCO. New modem b room enttaga, picket fence), wood nnor piaeer. porcelain oaintan) aaa couet. all for $1,050. May terrae. New modern eVroom honaov full baaament. bath and toilet, ahade traaa, picket foaoa, for A-room noma, f.inoi 4-room dowm. $400: half. acre tract, feu; x-acra tract, faou, right at Mr line. . -roem plaetared eottagee, all aewy-T to pick troae, aioul aoo oown ana aiu per mootn. to tba owner, Joe Naab, Ire tba white booM at NaahvUla addition, oa Mt. Scott car Una. FOR BALE 5-room cottage, 6 lota, an klnda of frnlt, berriM, noe eoll, good water) so mm. Ittee walk to oar line, 10 to Rout hern Pacific, 11 mime from Portland. Bea owner, A. B. Draper, raa wubmgtoa at, city.. FOR BALE At a barrala, broom -cottaga at annnymne. May montniy peymenia. ina ABM Morcaatua Agency, ADingtoa Diag. TWO fine lota. 100x100. comer; good view of enow mountain!: cbeen. A km new modern 4 fnrnhwed 5-room "booM, barn. - Xaat 428. or main lain. - B-ROOM modern koaeo. good aantry. barb. etc. t nnca saMraent nnoer entire mine; gooa rrnlt oa place; win mii wnn or wimont rnrnirnre; a year'a aupply of coal and wood la Mller. inonire Tee uaioa ava, n. . F. ABRAHAM, IIS Second at., aiakM a ene- elalty of bnalneea property; Mtabltabed 1$ yeara. mvata cicnange tu. O-8T0RT brick bonding and lot 00100 feet oa Front at., central ana cueap. r. Abraham, lia aewau ei. FOB SALE TSrlOO-foot let oa Baat Beveateettth aad couca; wii mu lor if aoia ta next few daya; faeea Mat) well worth $1,400: will Mil part of M U OMiraa. AddraM K 4A, cere jeornak - INCOMB WOOld be at leaat 11 aer cent am nnnum, or iu per ceni net. nicer paring taxM and Inenrance aa two modern double booeea ana a nil onarrer oieca oa weet aide, la End rMldaaca dlatrtet; the hoaaea occupy t aosioo feet, leering 40x100 feet enoc euuled which mlrht be Mid off for a end r Mm to roduco to tba Inveetor tba coat of tho balance af tar quarter block as which tba houoM are located: Uom booaea are , In a good cocdltloa and la a dralrabla lora- uoa, aarroaaainga fooa. mot; naif aaao. CtTLYBR, C3S Chamber of Commerce. ' WILLAMETTE. . , Beantlfnlly altnated tbla aide af aulveratty aa carllne; lota $2no Mcbr$20 caab and $S per month. Amarlcaa Inveatment Caw. 121 Failing bidg., or Kygowaki, araaca araea, WUUmette aUtloau- ft.TOO, A BNAP Comfortabla modera houea. craaa la au tna oaai atoe, nving-roonai, bath, etc., faa and electricity, larga baecmcnt eon- MMiiaa lanaaay, everything about tbe bonae In flret-clna re pair: the lot la ISO feet deep, coatalna chicken- Vooee and yard and number of Una frnlt treee; aa Ideal home for comfort and con venience, call m aflflreM tbe ownv, room 00. tba Marquam. Pboaa Mala $$, S ta 4 p. m. IB ACRES, IMi mllea from Mllwaakle. all ekmr. no atoD ar gravei; aonee. oern; ror aala by owaor; price $2,100. B 6$, Journal. LOT 13x100 aad T-room aid bone a, B. Waab- lag. between unioa ere. ana B. ata, z,ouo. Fifteen eeree at Mt. Bcott Oa which 1 bout 400 eorda wood; price) $000. Large corner lot with 1 good bouaea, eeatral Baat Portland: rente $58; price $6,400; terma. Elegant B-roora new modera cottage and corner lot, Hawthorne's Flrat addition, $2,150; half caab. .- Quarter block with Improvetneate; lural rant Jl.BTB; weet aide; price $15,500. - CULVER, 21 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE ACREAGE do acrea oa aaat aloe, aonni a aair mna from good car line; wa can Mil tor caab, $1,000: it la within tbe city llmlta. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT. I I. I. Cor. Third aad Oah Sta. 7,10 -ROOM eottaaa and 4 lota. II WOO 5-room enonera anttaca, Baat Ankeny. $3.0iio d-room modern booM, May walking dlatance. rina nelabborhood. fd.bOO 75x100 corner with atrietly modera $v room boom; waiaug autanca, una aeignnor. hood. $10,000 FTata, cloaa in. WMt aide; brtng $110 monthly. j $00,000 Ona of tba beat eornera oa Marrtaog. For a home or mveetment. amen or larga, aea r. ruutis, ib rirat. ANOEt.EB weekly epeclal Snrely a anan. 8.V) bnya pretty B-room cottage, fnrulahed complete: luuxiuv tine mvei grewna, city water, eairkene, CM to car: 9'Mo below coat: elrk owner rMvee town; get partleulara. , ANOELES, 143 Fifth, at., cor. Maln- $1.7110 NEW d-roem bonee, atrietly corner: etreete lmprovea: nuo - Eaat riiio down, , $90 . per month.. Phone Eul nzj. BARGAIN Tina anarter Mock aa Beat 18th at., aoo. r. Aoranam, lis aecona at. $2A0 BACH 4 lot on Eaet SOlh and Ivaa at., near Dlvlaioa. Call at TOS on tba place. HOUSE for Ml by owner : S. rooma, alp hard flnabed; larga ground: enrner kit) frnlt treee and berrlea: terma. AddreM F. L. P., 420 brave at., Montevllla, Or. NEW HOME Jnet ' completed, pretty deelgn, well built, leteet linprovemenla corner lot, - Holleday addition. - Oordoej, builder; foe) 4tfl. A SNAP If. taken at once; 0-roam modera bonae. good barn; lot 63140; all klnda of large an4 email frnlt; ?.; an halt Mh. . Owner. Fhoa But IV86. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $3,750 Very nice 8-room heuee, with attla, full baeement, fireplace, new, np-te-dato aud muy ror occupany; enrner lot. uire location, eaet alile; can -t tmm.M- tM-mB If $3,,'in Very nice 4 room modern bouae, every thing coinplela end rlht ap to date; reedy ir occuuaury; Eaat balwou ana xweaualtt; turma can be arranged. 12.WOO Nice 7-r.wm beiae, fflll lot, aa Eaet Taylor, near Twenty-fifth; terma caa be ar ranged. . $2,moo Mce new S-room honea, full lot, nice ' r1 nrT wey, full atreet Improvement; Beat balmon, near 17th at. W "0 Nice 6-acre tract, Improved, houea. aad nam) on Fremont et.( loat eaat of Irvlngtou. 13t.3oo-.ine e n u a --South Portland; may take vacant lot aa pari vmf i niuct Hey lerme. $l,e00 aroou new nil l evervtblnat com. Jleta. reedy for occupancy; $HO0 caab, balance 20 month; Eaet Tweuty-nlntb. near Oregon. $774 S-room bouae, new, nice lot, near Kera etatlon; Mt. Bcott carl; $17B. caab, balance $7oo Full lot and S -room bonae on AlMna ave. $2,BOO Fine lot oa Nortbrup. aear Tweuty-tlret. $1.4oo S-acra tract oa the paulnaula, nice loca tlon: 11,000 Good corner lot oa RooMvelt and Black- atone ata.l fine buy. $1.8o0 Nice B-ecra tract, favorably located, I nioraa to are, overlooking the city. $100 lote In Woodlawa. .X Mnny other good bargalna throagboat tba aity, van ana mo my Hat, - F. W. 10RULEB. lOd Sherlock bldg. $100.000 Rnrknaari klort. Eaat Rnnnrlda at. $13.000 Block, Wheeler'a addition. 8. W. corner of Union and Bolladay area. $4,600 Fractional lot and bulldlnga, S. B. cor. urana ave. ana B. waaniugton at. $18.000 Quarter block and 4 Urge dweU inre.' N. Jl corneC lhth and Irvine eta. ' $10,000 Quarter block and bulldlnga. If. W. corner B. 7th and H. Morrtaon. $S, 000 ISO-acre farm near Beaverton, SB acrea in cultivation, 18 acrea Deaveraam. . 12.000 Fine bouae and lot oa Kerby at. : SI, 800 T-roora bouae and kt oa Kerby at-'- $2.800 S-room bouae and lot, WllUami 8ve near Cook ave. . . $1.600 New houae and lot. S18 Kerb at. $2.600 Large bouae and lot, S. E. corner Vancouver ana uook even. $8.000 Large houae and lot, N. 1 Vancouver nve. ana Fargo ec $:i7B Corner lot. Rodney and Maegly ra. $400 Lot on Going at., amer Rodney. . $000 Large lot. Union are., near Ivy. $ 1.000 Houae and lot. Sfil Cleveland ave. $2.000 Horn and lot. 8nS Ivy at. lhla la only a partial Hat of property I have for Mle oa eaav terma. A rent for oer. man Alliance aad Ohma Falla luauraaea aom- paniee, , Can or write. JOHN M. PITTENOEIt; 1 Pboaa Clay 628. Room 6S2 Bberlock Bldg. Branch Alblaa Office, ' TU Wllllama ave., eorner af try at. ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRKH ACRES ACRES ACUKM ACKKS AC U 108 ACUKH ACRES ACRES -ACRES ACHES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACHES ACRES . ACRES ACRKft ACRKS ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ; Terma! ACRES J. - At KKrl ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES TTaTrTESs: MEN'S OLIAaV ACRES ' , INO BOU8B, , . ACHES i . ACHES Jar Beeaa Bf. ' ' ' ACRES .'.! ACRES ACRES. ACRES ACBB TB AOTBI " - , ' OOBi SPECIALTY IB ACBaf TBACTS! Fan-aiaed atreeta, water to aaeh aara, TEBMB-iAio PER ACRE f3AH T , jlO FEB ACBB PEB MONTH. Toa Ire to fbrM aeree oa tba Mma ear, pay the Maw 6c fare the bet man peya. Tba lot maa la your aolabboe. bet bo.. a-ra-atrlcted In majority at Ceatwwe thai atabe a tree aaborbaa hoam. . 4 . A. a OBTmcniLL CO- IJ, . 1M Beoond gfc - , ! ONB of the beet and prettmet houaM la Holla. way rwi aaainoa, juac mmpietea, moaern, clx rooma, for aale, with one or two lota, full be ee ment, cement aidewalki: Dear three car Usee, Corner Mth aad Multnomah. SO A0BES frnlt land oppoatte Hood River, near f-yie, who., ana tna great av. av. now bulla Ing i all level, running water, en eouary road, sear achool; 10 acne cleared; $1,600. B. t. Hurrord. St. Johna, Or. y ACRES II ACRES!! AC RES 1 1 , . 'r ... ' Taat watch a aaO V t Arr lot : I On ear Una. be far. 9 . ' Water on every acta ' . TERMS. ' ft down Mch moafh. $14 A -f) It ' El ' S I A 1 0 Men 'a Clearing HoaM ' ' S 110 rv. ACRES! I ACRES II ACRES f i COAL AND TIMBER SNAPS. Oooa county. 440 aeree oal. ........88.00 a 1 WrMlnovllle, 110 aeree 8.00 acre Doaglaa county. SO acre timber...... T.00 acre lane eoantr. 140 aeree timber....... 7.00 acta 40 (gaa near cireaiiam at Mcnnca. TfOOni hoUM.jeW, modern. 8 room bouae, nearly new........ 1.8v0 D-room aoon. new. modern. 8-room bouee. lot 100x110. ... 1.700 ... l.oo ... a.600 e-room, new, m 108 Fourth. m umy 17. SPECIAL BARGAIN 81 FOB SL Traeta $1 front foot, tlB feet deep) au have aa maay front feet aa yoa want from 80 feet ap; all ta cultivation, all level and algbtly, mlnutea to good 10-room aeboaL 0 gradea, aear etorea, poatofflee. cbareh aad car etetloa at Lenta; 6-cent far to any part af Portland. Tbla ta 1-1 price: terma If wantea. u. u. Aoaiton, inra. Waka Mt. Bcott ear. S aaata, B. KRONER, architect aad aonrractor. Hoaaea bunt la all parte ar tba nty and aold aa monthly paymenta; plana and aneciScatlnna; bulldlnga auperlntended. Room B, Caa bridge oiag., -intra near atorneoa. HERE la a bargain S aeree aultahle for chicken ?ark or gardening: o-roora piutered cottage) Ine eprlng of water, all klnda of frnlt; lo cated In Mllwaukle. rkwa to Mr llna) Ma maaa yoa terma. au a.aaf Morrtaon. B-ROOM modera cottar oa ear line near Twen. ty-eixntn at.; eeey rerme; $i,aoo. 40 Baat Horriaoa at. IE YOU want a ee nor ben homo af 4 Iota, good oern anq picniy oa iruiij Man OT terma. no ivroag at.. Montavuia. . $2,000 BUYS ebole lot, 60x100, aa North. rnp at.;,ngnc oa ear nne; a.7oo la naked for other lota la nelchborbood no better. t $1,600 buye new, modern B-room boom, oa eorner mt,.ituair4 en Eaat Taylor at. ; vary aaar terma. . - $1. TOO New, atrietly modern S-room bouM at Suanyalda; full concrete beeement; con nect rd with Mwer; convenient to ear; term to euiT. $2,430 Onod t-room hone and fnll lot oa the river bank, below eteel bridge. Tbla tow price la made to rloee up -aa Mtate; the lot alone m worrn neii The price. $1,100100x180 aa Portland belgbta. ' con. venlrnt to tbe aaw car tine. ' Tbla la 8 So building all. Jnet tba place for a Bociat or Mma on needing lota of room. -i-- tfiMl'TON A GIBSON. Pben Red 2"06. loo Ablngtoa bldg. FOR SALE $25 CASH And balanea eonal to your rant: a 8-roma cottage with full corner 1C4 feet eqnere) It le bow and ready to eceoey ; convenient to car Una; a nut Bttl home for email family. - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT. 8. B. Cor. Third aad Oak Bt. . $800 WILL bny maU bouae and tot 60x100, No; TM Alhln eve., bet. Fremnnt aa Beech eta. .W. petterooa. 148 TamblU at... owner. HARD-FINISHED T-room booaa, fan cement fruit treee. . aerrteot baement. nOalOO let: fruit $l.6o0; $800 down. Hoate Land Co., J46Vi , Flrat at. . EAST -SIDB-HOMES ThrM t-mm and one 8 room bouM on B. Third and Multnomah at. new, bMntlfully flaehed) fine karat 104 . convenient to 8 ear 11 nee; eeey tar em. Pariah A Oeerley, ewaere, $40 Maltaaanth V " 8B0 ! ; Aara Lota Oi' Car Una ,. .' Fare. "' jFlter to Ivory' AarZl Terma Termalll 10 Dowa.vT-T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BUY ona of tbaM new modera kooeaa aad atop , paying rrat: 4-room bona; batbC eloeete. pantry, etc.) nice yard; good lucatloa; $l,aod. $200 oown, aai. anca $1B par "K'Ol'i. B-room bonae. Hawthorne ere. : lot SOxlrtO; clone ta, bathroom, la rite porcbM, ate. I $1,300, . eAj oown, balance gio per mouio. Modern S-room bouae. large lot; a beautiful homo, In alee location; $2,200, $400 down, balance BMnthly peymente. Strletlv modern Lmma kMM. left Twelfth, linear Murrlaoat-wolkilMai-ellotaaoa af bmlnma center ; amy ax.ouo; terma. . ,. W. J. DAY A CO.. ' . 188H Fourth at., room U. BIGHT acrea, ready to plat, cloaa In, high and . algbtly; 60x100; iota all amnnd Mil for $0 vo aooo; will mU for $8,230 u laaea anon. a no, journal. SELLWOOD HOMES. a-room bonae, near ear line. ............ .$ 600 a-room hmdera entuee. half block from Mr Uno $1,180 t-room cot tare: niodera $1.2T0 8-room houae ...$1.0u0 a-raum amdera boom; floe fruit treee; ce ment u ,.,.? t.TnO ....., $1,400 with una fruit traaa $1,500 -room houae -room houae. with 6-room modera bouae ,.....$1,630 we Ma make May terma on moat all tba attorn. rina iota at pricee and terma that win auit. SELLWOOD TOWN SITS CO. , Phone Beat 4704.. i ' Tkka Benweod Mr and get off at Tentno at. BUCHTEL'S BARGAINS. . $70 Kaat Burnalda. S-atory brick building, 108x100, aoveriag half. owca, aiiu.uwu. , t , . l-atory brick building. 60x100, 110,000. - $1 acrea, garden, orchard and amadow, ' aa Macadam boutovurd, 4 mllM out, $4,600. ; Faraa from $8,000 to $10,000. ' 4 bneineM houaea an corner lot, we at aide, para $ 175 per month, $21,000. 4- atory brick building, lot 28x1TB, river front, weet aide, $27,000. ' 5- room bonae, barn, ehlcken-booee. fruit, rmer- ter block, oa Eaat Morrlaoa car una. (Z.xoo. Several aaodern bouaee from 12.800 to 112.000. Lota and quarter-blocka la all porta af the city arena aovv m ., JOS. BPCHTEL. v ' . $78 Baat Burnalda at. TWO acTM Jnet aaat of city llmlta, and aear Montnvum ear Una; na gravel; all eiearea; OKI houae; many nice fruit treca : $1,250. Aleo m acrea almllarly al toa ted; aa buUd ing: 40 fruit treee: $030. , Several hoaaea and lota. Eaat Portland, af good value aad atlet aaatrally located; May terma. . r Aleo S-room modera beaaa, aaw, BBuayalda, $2.2n0; lot la 60x100 feet. AIM S-room bonae. atrietly modera, and- fee, aer lot 66x70; terma.. My $1,230 to $1,600 ceeb and balanea to auit; centrally located, Baat Portland. v CULVER, 42 Chamber af Commerce. BEay aaodera T -roore rMldaaca en 'Mount Binl f carllne. Bl Bilnatee ride from Portland; lot 88x100, Ine la we aad frnlt treeo, for $1.8oo. at your owa teraw, or may trada for land Addreee M 48, care Jearaal. -r BARGAINS rn -VioeM and hta from (.100 8 'Oh, mt tamto, Orecoa ; 6-cent fa ra to any part of Portland. O. R. Addltoa, Leata. Oregon. Take Moaat Bcott car. A 1-STORT brick building. 100x100. aa Bart aide; win pay per cent not oa $.10,000; price $24.0001 Ml give- terma, -AddreM B 64. cere Jourbal, FOR eala, efceep,' t lota. B-room hmma fur i Mt. Bcott Mr Una near Arleta. nlahed, 18O0: Addraaa- P MK JonmaL FOB BALE at a aargara. medara T-i aa Eaat Taylor. ctoM la: parehaaar. Apply F 48. aare Jo FOR BALE Modera aiibmban cottaae. M car una. nno aneaooa. grouna auuaium 0. W. p. Townatta Co.. 184 rirat at. A T-ROOM bonM. 100x100 lot. treee. abrabbere, etc.: price ii.nooi terma ta auit. AddraM P 41. car JoaraaL - - ' SBTXWOOD mta, 88 avwa aad (4 from f TS to $ioa Sell wood Towaalta Ca. Phone Baat 4704. B-ROOM booM.' fall -tot. plenty of frnlt. $000) eiw oown. iu a-moata. inquire ai aav ataai waaningtoa at. LOTS, acrea re aad reaiilencee oa Portland Height. J. a 8bofMr. 865 Yamhill, ear. Park I ACRES an St lohna tinei cultivated, leva alghtly. Owner, 227 Chamber of Coaamoree. FOR BAL- 000 Choice 4 room, aqnara boa at Mt. Tabor with bMatlful lot 60x100: only a half block from Mr line: It hi modem aad complete aaa we ren een on eeev terma. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT., S. B. Cor. Third and Oak St. MOUNT TABOR T room, bath, bern. looxlOO, aa carllne; lot fruit. Owner. 120 Third. THREE aaw bourne, reat ar Mle; Map, Fourth at., room 18. Owner. 169 HERB I a bargain Owner leaving city, will Mil my aunuroaa Dome or a large mta. plenty -ww terme: no acenta wanted. AddreM M Journal. WAONBR PETTY, SOS Commercial blk., have eome of tbe beet buye to the city. Sea them before buy bag aad be nominee A. . NEW 6-room corner doom or Fremont et. r bath. porch) an exceptional bargain: only $1.00. Trena Kmaell. 401 Commercial blk. Mala SM28. . . ... GOOD INVESTMENTS. A Great Snap 80 acne la fin alttrattoa, aear Vernon Mr Una. S ecrea. all hi meadow, near Richmond Mt tin, with modera 8-room bonae. 111x121 feet, with 4 new 4-room modern bouaee; rental 880 per month: $8,000. Some neat and dealrable bomaa Neat 6-room cottage, new end eteeo. cement beeement. Mat front. H block ta ear aa Belmont ave.) bargala li.800. A air 8 acrea, well Improved, cloaa to ear line, oood bulldtnge; price only $1,200. 8-a ere home, well Improved, Bear railroad ad wheel. T mllea nnt: $TW . ORT'NDY-MELRATH 0OV-- -146 Morrlaoa St. ' $160 DOWN. $11 a month, here new 4-eoore rotter Jnet flaehed; price $1,000; fine lot aoxion, reneeo, between two earn nee. s aad Baat Mala am. Pboaa Unioa 104. GOOD T-room honaa, new. : t lot. feared. rbickaa-bouaf knd yard. 14 heorted fruit treee; barrala, $1,100. For. Bteren,. aare 811 Finn at. A OOOD earner, anarter block, neer Norther ' Parifte terminal; good Income property. Call Mrly. Ill Pine at. National Baal Batato Co. tOO FARMS, email tract aad lota; bargalna oa O. W. r. electric line. n. n, Addlton. Lara la, Oregoa. . Take Moaat Brett ear. Be. NEW T-roorn boaee, 2 Iota; floe lawn, cement walk; modera plumbing: aealrtnle location. Mat aide; owner bee to leev.rity bargain, caab ee terme. T 46, JournaL A BEAUTIFUL Comer lot aa Kelly et South fort una, ana Block from . car, Miy . oo; Term. - - 1 60x100 feet oa Elrbteeatb .. near UarahaU price $8,000. terma. -r . .. 23x75 feet eorner on Grand ave . neer "road way, with 6-room modern hotmtj $2,600, terme. Room 401 Commercial aid..' - BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. Home neaery ar mnenroom, mo m ap: si veara tn Portlaad: can Incata yoa right. Lll llaa DeKMter. 428 Taylor at $2.230 S-ROOM bonM, cement baeement, anar ter mr. nern. an klnda choice trait tree, weet of Mt." Tabor. $3,000 Large new modern -mom boam nd rem acre, eeulbereet of Mt. Tabor, near ear. $1,S00..-Lare T-room hoaM, anarter block .and an am ennio irnit, at wooniawn,. $S RaO T-room hoaM. cement beeement. ' tot u 1-3IBO feet, ea urana av. oppoatte Dual bom renter of city. , F. ABRAHAM. . . Ill Second "at." ' Private Btchange.TO. MODERN T mem hone, eaat aide, block froia ear. $1.2001 ' 9 down, beUac $2$ per mentk. Pboa Bait 471, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE FOB S A LB NOV. 11, laoa. no- let. IhumI., LnM $1,000 4-rooui bunee In MoatavOla, nearly aaw, tnl lot, eeey terma. . ' $1.100 a-room houae. aear ly' new, lot 40x100, In Woodlawn. monthly Daymen ta. ' $1.200 7eum houae In St. Joluu. clow tn, lot 73x100. $2.100 4-room home aa Baat Thirteen tk at., near Ankeny; a anap. I $1,300 A new 8-room bonM. modera. full Wick baeement, Eaat Heventeenth at. $230 8-room modem houae on Eaet Seven teenth at.; will pay 14 par cant net m tbe In- tS.OoO I-ruou modern bouae oa Baat Twelfth el., eorner lot. flue locatloa. $3,000 4-room bonae an Eaat Yamhill at,, aaw and modera, lot OOxlOO. $,.0 7 room mgdera booM aa MIU at., weet aluuw .... - $4.M A larga modera S-room heoao, fall lot, beat location on Beet Madleon at. $4,200 A large modern bouM of 8 noma and attic, lot 30x100, . floe locatloa on WMt eMe; It will pay over 10 per cant net oa the tnveetment. $5,000 A new T-room modara booaa aa Twaaty- flrat at., weet aide. $8.300 4-mnm booaa, Willamette Halghta, aplen dld location. Tvainienu xaan. $4.600 A very nice ona qnartar block In a fine location on tba WMt aloe, a ui taoie ror reei 4aaa or flat. TUB COLLINS LAND CO. Steerne Bldg. Pbona Mat 1334. TURKS of tha blnreet bargalna ta homM fat aaie roaay la roruana: NIc . modern 4-room bonM, beeement, fuTi lot. fruit treee, etc.; Brooklyn; only $1,600, terma. . Elerint 8-room modern cottaga, fall lot fenced. lawn, fruit treee, 1 block to cer'on Kant Portland Helghra; worth at leeat $2,800, price for tbla WMk $1,000, tonne. I Extra fine T-mom l-atory atrietly modern honaa. aiegant pantry and batnmom. mil oaeement, gaa, fine lot, lawn, nnd all furnlebad. 1 hlocka from East Ankeny Mr line and Twenty-eighth; beet of location and enrroundlngu and flit adga property; only $2,000, aaay terma. Be aura ta ace tbeae before buying. We have na rew rina lota ra Ainina ana noma aear Eaat Twenty-eighth worth $000 mcb, for which we will take $600 each If aold tbM WMk; terma on-all. DUBOIS A SHERWOOD. 1 ' . , " 05Vi Morrlaoa at., room S. NICE 4-room bonM, near Twenty-third at., weet aide, May terma, only $1,300. Modern 8-room bouae. fine lawn, lot 100x100, xruu treee ana amau rmir. on neeoun ax., near Union nve.t nrlco 84.000. terma. S fractional block e on Pert lend Helrhte. rbntca rMldence nroDerty. oa Terrace rnad. en. COO. Choice 60x100 lot near Twenty-fourth at V nice aurroundlnre. 81.600. - Modera cwttare. Mat aid, rlaaa to Hawthorne ave.. $1,460; pay $160 down, balance monthlv. Nice 6-room bonM near car, birre lot. $1,400: email Da r ment down, balanea Ilka rent. S-room booM, eaat aide, on ear line, jmrt flnlabed. modern, a barrala at 81.800. 4-room honea near Mt. Scott ear Una, $026; P17B aowa. naianea am per atonta. 10 acrea with modem S-room houae, bern, fine well, everything n ret -c I aaa, near car Mne; le beet bargain we have , for a auburbaa home: a few daya at $6,600. WE8TERN OREGON TRUST 00. - . . SIO- Fen toa Bldg. - FOR SALEfJWA , Tare very alghtly mta on weat aide of tba river, with atreet Improved and aldawalk tn; a beautiful locatloa and wa can advance money for bulUllng; they ar cheap at $o0 each. - -r- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT.. . B. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. 4-ROOM boom, new; bath and atorerooun aaw rnatic wnonnouM. lot 001100, eome apple traaa and berriea, ooe block from car line; price $000. Mew 41 00m bouae-. everything modera, reedy for ca. not nno: cold water, atreet work dona, 0-foot eowcrete beeement. $ hlocka from car line; ahade treee and ahrubberyj piioa ee. iw. - - - , 10-room bonM, ftrvt-claae and aaodern ta every reepeet; one of tbe finMt rlrer. viewa to tbe . cityt good nelghborbond: all good hemme and en en of the beet atreeta to city) weat aide, oa Mr imet price ae.iaai. - FSPET-CHASB REALTY CO. ' Boom 1 HamUtoa bldg.. Third bet. Waablagron aaa Aiaer. BIGGEST map to towa, few day Mty, Seventh at., buMe pmperty: full lot Improved. $H month rant; price $5.TGO: eeally urorth $T,000. noe urnnay Meirata. seavb Morrlaoa et. FOR Ml or rent H acre of land and 8-room bonM eioee to nt. johee: pnea I2.000; reat iu. r. i verrj, a auta at. uood ins. $100 BACH S tote. bnalneM loratiea. ear llna ana improved atreet; nair value. Inquire tot rjnioeaer bc uiureiwooa otaiioa. CHOICB lota $5 month: don't wart; pricee ad vance, noma gnon noueea, large groande. E'lla OoaMtt, Ockley Grew atatloa, SC eouna car. TOTUT" B.tTtniT?C.- B arree, e lea red and fenced, en Ban roe!, $1,100, acre aa onjuma crcex ana u. w, r. line) 80x121 Ml William ., $47B. r 100x120 an Wllllama av., enrner, $1.80. ' 80x100 comer on Hood at., $000. Fin poalnoM lot on Corbet t et., 11,40. TYSON KINSEM 403 Commercial Block. Maht MtSs, NEW 4-room bone with barb. 1 ment, bar and Cblcken-bouM en plaM; 1 lota re with place. Apply to B. T. Taggart, 414 Chamber of Commerce. BIGGEST SNAP IN CITT. centrally mcated: ranlencM; tnnat be aold; $100. OWNER will build modern t or S-room boo on Kaec Kverett at,, cinee m, down, balance aaay terme. Weetera Oregoa Treat Co.. 110 Fentoa bldg. t ACRES of good, clear land, S-room konee, fruit tree, mil rrom w, w, r. R. K.; price $400. tonne. B. J. Orleer, 231 H Morrleou. $1,160 WILL buy 8-room cotter, lot 60x100. X niocaa rrom una av. Mr one; azrm caeh, belenc Ilk rent. B. t. Geleec. 221 u Mor rlana at. . BARGAIN a-room modera houae, lot BOxinn, oa Eaat asorrieon ei-, cinee in; only es.aou. J. lie leer, Ul s merrama at.' - FOR SAI.B $1,000 Choice 7 room konee aa eaat aide, with full lot 60x100, aad all convaniencM; can be Mid tor' W0 caab and balance- oa tens tlme omfnrtbl bom for family.' - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT. B. B. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. HOUSE and tot. No. Ill Twelfth at. Apply to J. P. Bnnangh, 144 reurta at. . BARGAIN 1f Mid bow; $1,100 will buy 4-room Ihium. mt 60x100; arreeu improved; a Eaat 17th at.: half cask If aeceeaary. Pbooe Mala 10. ' $1.678 NEW awdera 8-room hooee, ML Tabor, eeey term. Aoarem inomeoa a a tore, ire goa City. - .. A ROOM 14x20, 800. C. R. Halltday, . Stewart' atatloa. Mt.- Scott Maxwell are., ear line. TERT dealrable 7-rocm modern bom. IH block from V carllne; will racheng for amaller bouM or will- aell very ebeen; ac count of poor bealtk. AddreM Boa 647. rare Journal. f WELL fnrniahed roomlng-houM. IS ronmev, cen tral, good money maker. For luformattoe ntf er write 116 Couch at. NEW modern 4-room colonial hooee. corner lot, $2 860; alao 4-room modern cottage. Snnny- aidav f l.buo,- laautre ewaerr 800 B. Salmon at. FOR SALE Fine aunny lota, whole er (operate. TyW, $730; TamblU, $.VXj high ground, heelthy eurroundlnra; Beat 23d and 14th. . 311 Satead at, Owaer. FOR SALS REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRES, 18 mllea from Portlaad on S. P. relh-oed; authm on place: 88 to cultivation, food boom and barn, running water, good -eprlng at boom; 6 cowa, 15 heed young catila, eome boge, ebeen aud ckk'kena. 1 good oorara. all farming I tuple men ta, 80 ar U tuna of bey, I e I arree of potatoM and many other thrnga: all goea $oS per acta, ar ' Will trada for city property. 40 aeree Bear Lenta), very alghtly, aa gravel, H mile to car line; only $100 per acre. Good 4-roea hooee with all modern ta prove, nienta and well located at RonnyeM, $2.8oo; $600 eaeb, balance $20 per month. Good 4 room boaue. ell modern, electric llgbta, bit 60xl(a). MennvelfW XI AM half -mmh 4owett -valle. inert, -eeetrr rnrareO, 4 mllea from Portland: $1,130; $300 eaeb, halABc aM n . h. . ' e,e , ,. . ' CHARLBSON A NEILL. ' $1 Aliaky bldg. Pbona WMt 141. WANTED Pereoae having reel aetata foe Mia ' would da well by peeing oa. Wa alee have e-Kia oargarae, in oily and farm property. Campbell A McMillan, STB Fifth at. Pbooa Pacific 634. 4-ROOOM modera bonee, Mat aide, $1.0n0 $200 down, balance lg per moalh. Pbona Eaat 475. FOR SALE FARMS. THB CONTINENTAL OOMPANY. en Stark St. Pboaa Mala IOTA. Wa have a beautiful email farm at Beaverton; caa be cat Into aire and 6-aere traeta aad doable your niooey la 4 tuomua. Wa have Mvaral af tba flneat apple orcbarda m eouthern Oregon, ranging troaa $ to 60 acrea Mch. " j ... . Wa have one of tbe finMt bodlM of timber tar tbe town of Drain ta DoogUa county; tha railroad to Coo bay paaaee Bear; timber baa a ready market; we are authorlaed to Mil below tba market price." Wa hart a farm ta Columbia county at a bar gain: houae. bam aiul orchard; 40 aeree under cultivation. I We hare eome property la the Hawthorne dia- iriri ma i la advancing every day; 'our novice kt to buy now; coma la and talk with -aa aboub tbla. ... We have a fine Uttle 6-arre tract cIom la, fair . houae, and can be bought bow at a low Afar. . . . - THB 00NTIN BNTAL COMPANT. 148 Stark Bt. pboaa Mala 10T8, $ ACRES to htgheet etate at cultivation, handy to 6c ear; good bulldlnga; cleared $300 iaet year from berriM; $3,000, $2,000 eaah, baUnc May. 13 ac-rea, T m cultivation. 10 bOn out: 4-room hard-flBiahed bouee, fine plaee; $1,T00. 18 acre fin bind, all la ' mKtvatloa, at - Newborn, $1,800, ar axebaasa for aunayalde property. F. FUCHS. let Fine. - FOR RENT Highly Improved S6-are place, all fenced and In eultivatwu, rich Mil. ml 4-room boaoa, good barna and other bulldlnira, : choice fruit) nt railway ate t km, 10 mile out; a very convenient aubnrhan borne. THB DUNN-LAWRENC1 OO.T 140 Flrat at, . 10 ACRES aear Leata, 4 acrea pader cultivation, 4-roem bonee, good well: price $1,600, part -vommerclol aaftg, ' 1 - - ; - 260 ACRES, all level and In eulrlvatloa; all building aeeeaMry; one mile from ralkread etatlon; between Portland and Be lorn; a Bar gain at 45 per acre. Tl acne near a good railroad towa. with botld Inra, frulta, berrlea, ware water; t month echooL church -privllegM etc.; price $2,100. w ,,COMPTON A GIBSON, 100 Ablngtoa bldg.- ' ' FOR SALE acrea, good B-room bona and - bern, 4 mile from - ecbeo! nnd railroad eta tton, 0 mllM from Portland; price $1,800. Aildrew T 60, aare of Journal. 40 ACRES 10 mllee Mat-en Sectlna Line roe 1. 1 mile to ear: 80 acre ln"ultlvatlow aood bouae, barn, and a beautiful location oa two -el tu beat roade In tha Mat; $6,000, r, Abraham, 118 oecond nt. 81 ACRES. 824 oer acre: S acre la cultivation. balance timber: 18 mllee from PortlanS: (mail booee, good well, fine Mil. T 63, Journal. ' FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. Any county In Oregon and tbe loweat price. Call and InvMtlgate then for youreelf. Wa ' have Mveral good buye within driving dla ' taace of Portland; alee oeverat ' well-Ire. : proved placea from 40 to 140 acrea oa tbe electric raiiroeu, aaa caa B hougbt vary ' CttMU. Select your locatloa and the kind of a farm. ana wa nave it at tn loweat price. Wanted All kind good property. H. W, GARLAND A CO., 188tt Fourth at. 160-ACRB farm. 10 mltoa eaat of Portland a Sandy river, 40 aeree under eultlvatioa, good improvemonre. 1 acre oa rowcu e vaney - road, hi mile eooth et rMerviilr: abort die. taace from 1 car line. IT acre fond, level wna euoijninr moiot aaaiuoa. v. a. reea belmer, 227 FaHlng bldg. - STATB LANDS FOR SALE The atata of Oregoa bea far Ml Bmlted amount of bom for Ilea MlertJoae; price earn runner notice eu uu per acre, ror par. Meniere addreee Oawald WMt, SUto Land agent, oeiem. urraoa. A SNAP la Matora Ore roe If takea at enr 1.600 acre unimproved farm bind. : 201 War eeeter bldg.. Portlaad. Oregoa. $10.000 FARM of 400 acrea. 120 cultivated. eaia nee peat tare; go acrea e lover; boaee, two oerna; wnuia nan in mm or eo acrea. an .oreae . B. Ball, . Boole - k, Bl.kraaa, ee 408 Eaat Twelfth it., Portland. ' ANOTHER 40.ACRB SNAP. 100 frnlt treee. alceat apptee nkaed a a bail. m nun nortn 1 a maul ; anc amm. at. a. Cook. 261 Alder at. t ACRES la Mllwaakle. 4 block to carllne; an kiaaa or rmtt. Bee ecwlng er water. -room cottage, full beeement, goad wall ea porch: tble place I barrala; MB auk yoa terma. 404 Baat Morrlaoa at- HOOD RIVES lo-aere nark. fruit. Owner, 124 Third at. $2,7804 ACRES, highly toiproved, near nt lme; ime orenara. B-room bobm. goon nra, all entbnlldtnga: one third Meh, remainder long time aa 4lrd at 4 per Mat. Call 10714 Third. .w--r! WANTED 1,000 acrea tn ea body Mltable to raiee bone, once not exceeding aea per acre. F. Pnehe, 140 rirat et. FOR SALE Stock ranch of 1.40ft acre am Oeburg, s mllea bortbeaet of Eugene, Lane county, Oregon; price low and terme May. F. D. Chamberlain. Lab be bldg., ertlaad. FREE LAND IN OREGON aader tbe Carey Irngatlon Act. Peed direct freea etate. Write today. Booklet aad map free, B. B. Cooke A Co., Ill Alder at- PorUaad, Or. A tO-ACRB farm, all la cultivation; 8 mile from courtbott. 1 mue mm o. w. r. a tty. Co.; $3,000; term to rnlt. Joka P. Sharkey, Tol Chamber of Commerce. BY owner.' 160 aeree 4 mltoa from Columbia river: ynnng orchard: H mil from rallroail: rood aiirlng. bouae, bam. ee goad road, bat SoO. inqnlre 1021 Haignt av. 4 ACRES, 40 fruit treee, berrlea, 4 room bonax. epring. i mile out, on o. w. r. B. R i price $300. 284 Second et. . 1 Bra rholrr la ml. well located: laya fin; abundance ' of living water: only mllee from Vancouver: price. If aold anon, only $20 per acre: might . take om city property aa part euaslderalkMt. I1ENKI.B A BAKER. . : , ' - ' . 11T Ablngtoo Bldg. RICH fruit end garden farm. 10 acrea. Bear electric and K. K. line. 4 ml lea eeutbeaet af city llmlta; berrlea, vineyard, 4 acrea bearing orchard, good 8-rnom bouee, bam. creek, oe : bounty road; Immediate pnen aaloa; Mly $2.iaa. Home laind Co.,. 146H Flrat at. - IMPROVED Wl-acre farm; elabtly: new how, orchard, living water. AddreM Box OS, B, F. V. No. 1., Vancouver, Waablngtua. BARGAIN 100 arree of land, all under fence; 40 acre In pre nee. too acre In peatare, int) . timber: 10-room bouee, good bern. aioet Ha- frovementa: 80O yonng fruit treee, 17 cowe, 1-year-olda, 1 yearllnga, apaa borate 4 end year, wagon, muwer, dlec, all to good . order) 60 toaa hay: price IV.noo; tarme $3.t down, be la nee reeeonabl' time: will mU naked ranch $8,000. D. W, Price, 8cae aooae. Oregoa. FOR $AI.E Farm near .Latoiwell Falla. H mil - from atarton or river 14n aeree, all feaeed.l bottom-land, Mltable fnf dairy er produce: T-room new home. 16 eewa, H , pair horeee aad all ai aaaaary farm impio- aientti 86.000; terma to auit. J. T8H. LatoaraU Falto, Or. 1 , for SALrzFAr.:::. CHOICB ORKdON FARM. 214 een. nearly all cieervd, creek rm t in place, aeeldee g.nm weila. f--- barna. T eeree km kme. - -I , T ae bouae, good orchard; thla kt e good a l farm and alcknera fore owner le e. price only $2 M per ecre. atork. a. -nd feed will be aold with lb r,. wanted. WESTERN LAND CO. 148 S Stark at. 100 ACRES af land, email hooea. gned err' 40 eeree re rulilvetlon. belaace e,od tlu.i-. t-t ater wean ralliuail; prloe $1,000. P. T. BERBY. Na. 4 Sixth t. Pben Hood 1- 6 ACBES. all Improved, B' bIIm freea tu. Phono Eaat lAAai. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED errln, ear 1m ptecee) low price, W. O. Howell. 638 Chamber al u. Burce. FOR HOMESITE ADS, timber clala apply to 8o4 Commercial blk. nd aort HORSES AND CARRIAGES. HORSES of all klnda for aale at very reaaor able prk-ea. Inquire 230 Jeffereoe, GOOD hone and rubber-tired burgy, nearly if rneap u Mia WMk. J, w. w r. u. li 328. FOR 8 A LB CbMp, heevy bnrry and haraee angntiy eaeu. Aaaeraoa fma.. Third an Madlaon, SIXTEEN bead draft, drlvln and aad StablM, 1 . bona) meet be old. U. Front at. SPAM horeee, and t yeara eld. barneea an wagon, 8100: weight 2.300 pounda; muat 1. aold. owner leaving city. U. S. Stablea. 2, Front et, - Aek for Garrtonn. HORSB wanted. l,8oO pounda. S to 10 yean ". nry nroae. rnon Main abwi. TO EXCHANGE. TWO-HORMH eipreaa outfit to trad for any iu in a 01 equal Tame, ana suraeida. . $2,600 H OMB a Alhln for ematl tract bind nee city. AddreM Box Bus, City. -. BXCHANGB your property In Oregon. Waablnr tna w Idaho for beaatlfnl homee ra aoutiien Cellfornle, bMriag orcbarda yielding prnri able cropa.- Land Exchange. 3ol UcKa; ' blug. . - TO EXCHANGB BOO aeree of toad, bouae. bar and bulldlnga, fruit treee, for houae and !' la Portland. F. 1. Walklry, 60S Grand arc FOR 8ALB OR EXCHANGB La teat Improve Kelly auarMwias machine, cheep. AddreM . 43, Journal. . FOR 8 A LB or aaehaage for acreage, eorner lot 1 weuiy-eeeoaa ana lerrart. I block lO-niln at ear; eaey teraaa. Apply Til Mlcailgan arc FOB TRADE SO aeree of antmprnved bind: mllea from poetofaoei 60 aeree tillable; eom. rd timber; weat city tot valued at $' T. Berry. Phone Hood 1486. ey eowl freak alx weeke. Inoolr- nt a tare. Mt, Bcott oer. N. D. l(Ht BXCHANGB-r64 acre unimproved and abotr : $600 caeh for cottage and lot, oa cor. Wt! llama or Union even, preferred; mnet be bar gala at; give full deecrlptloa, by let - tor. T 48, JournaL SEVEN diaavmda, varae tBOO. -will exchanr for real Mtate or other property. T JournaL DESERVING ecboolxirl can bav good bom and board for help after achool; Idd Hi. ' trlcf, alx btock from high achool. B I Journal. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 248 Stark t. Phone Mala 11174, We hare eome dealrable S per cent a re urea lattve 20-year gold honde to exchange ' farm of 160 acrea or more within 3o mil" - or Portland. In Oregon. Information will I- . furnlahed on anpllcetlnn. ' THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 830 ACRES to Sherman county. Oregon. '" bonae and lot to good locatloa: will pa caab difference. 401 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. t. SIMON A BROTHER, baring porch need froo tna urn aaa Liar a lair eeeocietioo orct $10,600 worth of good, which Include th,i Made of feel af all alaM galvanlaed ph" b-ea pip and hydraulic eteel-rlveted niu. log pipe and aaw all ehma of eaet 1 roe pit dirtacrapere. ' centrifugal pumpa of dlffi'm. alaea. leather belting af all alaee aud al other tallica too an at 1 roue to mention, win. aro practically aa good ee new. we dkpoM et all th above ertlelee at mct See pricea In larve or email aaaatltlee at 01 etorea. 844-144 Front at. BUM V AGE SALS given by Ladtee Aid aorl er riamaM-enreet UMgregatWMi eonrrn. coatlau aext week. 11 Sooth Unioa ave. FOR SALE 4 hataepooac bomtlog enr Ine ar boiler. K U. Loadatrem, atrj tomoierr hug : FOR SALE Stock laetee' ralmnata. $1 and n buIIm' tallorhia aur aparialiy: ell work gun enteed. Ritchie Greene, (av Waablngt et. Pacific 474. FOR--SAIB OR BENT NEW AND SEt'ovn. HAND SEWING MACHINES. STAN OA H ' SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. . D. JO.SK, 180 YAMHILL ST. SAFE; S Bow r-proef MfM fnot of enr mennrnernrei very eneapt aecoaa-aae aarrea; a km the genuine Hall MfM. PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY. . . 1 T4 Slith at. WB print year mm ea Sr) calling cerda. procr im aaa myaa. aaet xoo enaineM eeroe. a. Browa A Bcbmale. 210 Flrat, Portland. Or. AMERICAN TOOt, CO. PLANER Plane 13', feet, for Mle reeeenabta. lequlre SMS Gllean. WANTED Small cart ar buggy for Slietlend my. AddreM 4. w. w., r. O. Boa 12:1. $10 LADY'S bicycle 'far Mle. Call at Xt TnirteeaiB ex. lo. BILLIARD AND POOL taklee to reat ar for Mle ea awr navmenta. TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKE roiJ.ENDEB CO. 4 Third et.. Portlaad. . LARGR atock second-band Remington and Smith-Premier typewriter, , from HO np. Underwood Typewriter Co., 21 Stark It. LARGEST atneb of not t lee la north weat t er-We filled promptly. Portland Bottle Snooty to.. 881 North Eighteenth et. Mala 2288. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made ta erd-r; aimed bend gonna far ea le. Carlenq m Keil a troaa. DO Couch at. Pboa Clay 871. PORTA.HI.B locomotive boller-aad engine) men H price- w noree power, u. a. rm gott'e tow office, I Malkey bldg. FOR SALE One Atneb Smith aitcker. ewe r Mnder. on Iwe-anHvlle eaaper. Mite am pulley a. 24 -Fourib et. MUST Mil 4 Plkeber upright plane 1 erxaa 830. 141V Flrat. oe. Mala, apetalra UNCALLED FOR jnoanted aeeelweea ea4 ruga cheap. F. J. BreaM. 30.114 lull et. TWO eaenllee engtnee very cbeen. In-telre J. P. ilartmaa A Son. 2M liileea at. A $.10 UNCALLED-FOB tullor.nie.le mI. d. green, 38 or 40 beet. 4n incnM ' r for Mle cheap; aleo kaedeaie cravencii . Dremmabmg parlora. 42o4 Morrlaoa ai. $27 30-ONM aplemlld ergaa) meat Mil al 330 Morrteoa al. LAWTERO Ce-ep. Dlr-et. 14 f"l"" in I order, fttr eale $1 l per roienie. S Wright. 404 llekum bM( FOR SALE One .mm v meheeler t 6T camera, eaanflrte eM'Hent. I Wllllaeia ave. Hoi eriioi 0 gooHa to f4 eoedo'.ei erxa Corner I Ilia i'. I Aim," kl Miiavtlla. Pbooe I ni..a 4-il IjIDT go'" " " y," " ' " II to br a'lee niar" 10 c " bef"4 be, mo, J, u-e.l-re, 11 lit a , i