PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12. 1905. OLDS, WORTMAN C& KING STORK OPEN AT I A.H. . - FANCY 1 DRESS BUTTON S A large assortment, can match almost any hade of dress goods ' 2 dozen on card Yalues to 50c. Spe cial at, the card. 10 FEDERS BRUSH r SKIRT BINDING an d lack or colors; our 5c value. ' Special at. the ' yard ...... .3 2.. Y ! Y WITCl!"" HAZEL IN S-OUNCE BOTTLES Special at, the bottle.... if , FEMININE FADS AND FANCIES in Dress Ac cessories at Remarkable Sale Price on Monday. (First Floor Shops.) Dainty Veiling! in a Bar gain riurxer. Mighty tempt-, ing values will beckon 1 store visitors to the Veiling Counters to morrow. We snail open a swagger con vention of chic Veil ingsin the morning at - sharp reductions, in 1 Assorted colors, also , black and whites, ' chiffons, fancy Tuxe- . .dos fancy meshes xn. ' dotted designs of vel vet and chenille dotted effects. Very T newest and smartest ideas just from New York reduced as printed. 25c values; special at JIT SSc valuesXspeeial. atJ24 50c values: SDectal at.38e 75c values; special at.48 $1.00 val.; special at. 6Te? WOMEN'S f US KID . GLOVES 98c Perfect fitting, ultra. stylish i - and dressy kid lovs--tha famous "Empress" mik 2-claap, atltcbad back, over- mm mmmrmA hlailia w,i4a ra. modes, browns mnA mi. uplanrtia - a 1.36 vmi ues. LADIES' AND .-, . - CHILDREN'S J. WINDSORS . 50c SCARFS 29c A big line and splendid varie ty of Hand some. All 'Silk .WXn d-a -o-r-Neck Scarfs in Persian de- signs, reds and navy sea the colorings; bur usual 50c val-i ues Special on Monday at. ..29 Hpeolal Monday at ...Me $2,500.00 : IN GOLD DISTRIBUTED . AMONG ; PORTLAND'S CHARITIES - :-'v v '; : By 'OLDS. WORTMAN & KINO. - ' . " It having: been the 'custom of this house for many years to lay aside annually, -.a certain percenturh of the business accorded it by a generous public for distribu , tion among the city's charities, artd whereas, the business of the past ten months has been the largest in its history for any corresponding period, so in proportion 'r shall the Benevolent Fund of the store be. increased this year. And as the pub-' , lie has been the potentj factor in the enormous increase of this business, thus al-. ' lowing us a fund for distribution among the charitable institutions of Portland , ..larger than ever before, we believe that same public should decide just what in- ' stitutions should share, arid in what proportion each should receive. Therefore, ' we have this day decided, with a profound feeling of thanksgiving to our great -' public who have accorded to us that generous .patronage which has made this '. privilege possible, that the public, shall choose the beneficiaries, naming the share , each shall receive, in a distribution to take place at the ending of the- store's busi-. i: ness year, Saturday, February 10, 1906, of $2,500.00 in gold, to be divided in 15 r parts, as follows : v v '', '.-'-7-' " i ' : ' "' ; 1 WZ. W": r : : First Choice ; v v Second; Choice". Third .Choice Fourth Choice Fifth Choice $750.00 500.00 . 300.00 200.00 . 125.00 r Five others to receive each $75.00 and grill another five to divide $250.00. Each to V . .' receive $50.00. , " - . ' ; Total, . . . $2,500.00 ( - f The'amount is to be divided as above among such charities of. the. city as are. supported by the city or its organizations otherwise Portland's .Charitable- -Institutions. - : -. ;-, ' ;.. ", - ' ..'.' ., ' . - ' -We have, decided to adopt as method.tnapf:. jopttlar'iote.- Starting "tc- morrow, Alonday, November 13, we. shall issue a votejwith every "25c purchase made at the store, as in the educational awards heretofore . made by this 'great -public - -utility"-of - the- NorthwestVotes-may be deposited in the ballot boxes placed conveniently about the store for that purpose." Reports will be made daily' through -our ads. in the public press, the vote being in charge of. reliable and' competent folk, and awards will be made at the close of the store's business year, at 6 p. m. of -Saturday. February10-yh,'Ti voting '"atf ' The institution receiving the largest vote to receive the highest awards. and , to on until the full amount of $2,500.00 has. been divided as above. Again thank-; 4n g-'eriermw and -responsi ve 'piiblie-for-fratronagehat-hasadehis-thanks-" giving privilege possible and trusting the plan of division 'we have adopted will,' . meet with the same general approval, we beg to remain, as ever,' the public's , most obedient servants. ; . OLDS, WORTMAN CSl KINO f . , v-. a -v : r-! . . Monday's Stationery ; 'Bargains Worth-while savings for. the letter-writers and those who've use for paper napkins. "WRtTINOHPAPER," in large, si xe cabinet box, 50 aheets of paper and 50 envelopes, . linen cloth finish; our 65c value.. Spe- ' iftl at: thm Ktv ' SKs SMOOTH FINISH WRITINO PAPER. . ruled, in 1 -pound packages 120 sheets of paper to package oar 25c value. Spe- -cial at, the package....... 1S) RULED ' LINEN WRITING TABLETS, large note size; our lie value, spe cial at, each.... '.......Te FANCV DECORATED CREPE PAPER NAPKINS, for luncheons, -teas, etc; our 35c value. Special at, the hundred.. 25f HERE'S A BULLETIN OF BARGAINS THRIFTY . HOUSEWIVES WILL . APPRECIATED Warm Bed Covers C& Handsome Portieres 'S , Fourth Floor.' f .'.'.", , ', On Special Sale Monday This. nes. of excentional values on merchandise of Qual ity so much needed now, as extra beds will have ' tc be "made' ud" ' for Thanksgiving " homecomings; will rejoice the heart of many a housewife today. :' v ...- - $8.50 WOOL BLANKETS $6J5 All wool mottled gray blankets, large size, extra heavy;- regular value $8.50.. Special, the pair . I v. .".r. .5. '.. . .6.85 $6.00 WOOL BLANKETS $4.65 All wool fawn colored blankets, with fancv. borders; ... regular value $6.00. Special, pair. . 94.65 I2.7S PORTIERES " $2.10Tapestry Por tieres, 42 inches wide, full length, standard quality,' in green, red and blue oriental stripes; regular value $2.75. Special, the pair f 2.10 WOMEN'S . 35e AND 50c LACE STOCKS Pretty. Dainty . New Stocks -of- BatUnberg , lace, with and without front' tabst-nsual -3Se i and 50c values. Special Mon day at.l9f PRETTY ACCESSO RIES to Smart Gowning at Special . Price First Floor Shops Handsome Dress Trimmings and Dainty Lacea la the Monday Sale. . Reinforcements have' arrived 1 01 strenirthen the values' of the past, week of fered by us in above 1 lines. Immense pur chases came in late Friday bought, it prices , which allow liberal concession in selling. When beauti ful ' Laces and Trim- 1 mings, so much in de- 4 - mand at present may be purchased at a ' quarter reduction, it r-behooves women to ; ' select liberally. In the lot are pretty braid Trim- rmingi.inJPersiau. effects. Lace Bands and Galoons in cream and white. f SpangUd Trimmings, in j I i5ands ana oaioons, net top Orientals in white and cream and black Silk Venfcc- Bands. , Special asj printed.--- T- ... ... 1 11. js vaiuaa at, y.....rre 1.00 vmlusa at, yd C7' .75 values at. yi...;.4(M -0 vstnwr-t, yd S8q " ' ' FANCY GOLD s: '.' MOUNTED V SHELL . ... ' ; BACK, COMBS Large size, our 39c value. Special at, each........ 25ft : -;:'' x; :-"; -SAFETY ' PIN BOOKS Contains two dozen assorted sizes of Black and Nickel Safety Pint; our 10c value. Special at, each.......6f TOILET x ', PINS Large size cubes with 100 Pins, 7 assorted heads; our- 8c ' value. Special at. the cube.. .....5 .35 vaJusa at, yd.....S4e -.28 valusa at, yn,nt.T .11 values at. yd..... 10 . WITHOUT QUESTION Ike Greatest Garment i ;. ; s ....... v , 1 ' . OFFERED BY ANY PORTLAND HOUSE THREE REMARKABLE SALES TOMORROW IN THE SUIT AND WRAP ; SALONS. ,,' ';-.., ':.- ' ' . Wl BUT AND SELL MOXK WOMEN'S GARMENTS THAN ANT OTHER TWO '. LOCAL HOUSES COMBINED Entire Second Floor Largest Gar-' ment Store and Stocks on the Pacific Coast. - Ladies' 75c Turnovers 25c , . Just a Jhird usual price tomorrow.' Pure Linen Twrnover Collars- in-buttonhole-. eyelet effects; usual 75c values. Special ' Monday, at .................25 SPECIAL MONDAY PRICES t' - Toilef Sundries First Floor, i TOILET SOAPS Hand milled, fancy per fumed, 3 cakes in box; our 25c value. Special at, the box.. ...2a LIFE BUOY SOAP In large size 'cakes, a sanitary cleanser and disinfectant soap. "Special at, the cake..-.. FINE FRENCH ' IMPORTED NAIL BRUSHES White bone back with han dle" on top; our oOc value. Special at, each ;.. ..5 COMPLEXION BRUSHES With " fine white bristles; our 35c value. Special at. . . each i ; . . , . . , t . ; , , , , '. . 25 galn We "Miff HTlupf etna'cy- in value-giving and prove the assertion. Tomorrow we otter in tne Uarment section three of the greatest values ot the year one each from the surpassing stocks of SUITS, PETTICOATS AND FURS. Women's $38.50 Tailored Suits $29.65 The above remarkable value ahould be 'seen to be appreciated.' No description how ; ever able coulddo justice to these offerings of handsome, High-Class -Suits; . the product of one of New York's most famous masters in clothes-craft for , women. ' Materials of very dressy fancy mixed worsteds, rich broadcloths and . : handsome cheviots and serges in plain navy, black, brown, green, red, gray and smart mixtures. Coats in fly-front and double-breasted effects, full and half . lined with taffetas and satins to' match materials. Cut in 27 and 48 inch lengths, i Coats self-trimmed or with rich braid trimmings and velvet collars.- Skirts in , plaiten styles. All expertly tailored and best $38.50 values in America. ;- On special sale for three days only, starting tomorrow, at .........f 29.65 $10 Values Handsome Fur Neckpieces $6.98 ' ' . A GREAT THREE-DAY SALE OF FUR BOAS. - Tomorrow ami continuln Tuesday and Wednesday we shall offer full size, rich, plump Sable Opossum Neck Boas, 54 inches long, each with cluster of six tails and chain fasteners; best regular $10.00 values in the city. Special at.,i..f 6.08 .50 Silk Petticoats $5.78 ' : Rich, rustling taffetas and chiffon taffeta in blacks and all wanted colorings, em bracing blues, browns, reds, greens and grays, also changeable effects in red, . green and bluev Accordion plaited styles and shirred ruffles with wide or narrow flounces. An extraordinary value best regular $8.50 Skirt in town. ' 1 ' . " Special MONDAY ONLY at.....:....:?..... ..f 5.T8 Surpassing Silk Values 'V''"-" ' IN THE SALE MONDAY::, '' And continuing three days, until closing time of Wednesday, if quantities last' Better provide Silks now for a future season fot1, Silks are "looking up," and prices must soon go higher. t , ."'' . . v . . . . New Moire Velours in plain and novelty weaves,' very1 durable " for waists ' and - suits, also a large assortment of the New French Poplins, all good wanted colors to select from; regular $1.25 values. Special for three daye-fif they-last only, yard i.i; ......50 19-Inch "All-Silk Taffeta and 24-Inch All-Silk Crepe 'de'Chiner the best 85t value ever offered in town. Special for three days only, yard 4.... .68f ' ' . - W All Street and Evening Shades in This Lot- ' .'V'; ' .": v See -Monday -papers for additional - Specials for day and '.week" "X "f A DETERMINED SWEEPING SLAUGHTER OF The Superb Millinery Stocks , t In "Bijou" Salons Annex Second Floor. The edict has beett , issued "All of this season's Millinery must be sold at once"l In.lss than 60 daya5ur Millinery Chief goea again to the New York market for simiig'-headwear. Do you realize how fast the aeasons roll 'round? And no goods are .S"C?ever carried across the bridge that apans mUs tha seasons. Ir pursuance Of an iron-clad policy of making each season ' stand Its own earnings or josses, we start tomorrow on tne most. I drastic slaughter of exauisite Millinerv ever ! known to Portland. Yes Tomorrow we shall begin the sacrifice of our auperb stock of beautiful Hats by cutting one fourth to one half off of their original prices. We know that hundreds of ladies have not is yet bought their winter hats mainly be cause of the pleasant balmy summer-like days we-are having. To them this sale should appeal most forcibly an opportunity to , save just half on the price of a hat or, better still, own two hats for the price of one: besides beinar able to choose from the largest and most select stock of Millinery in Portland. Many Hats have ar rived within the past week (included among these are some of the famous GAGE make) and all of these are in the sacrifice. ' Note These Prices; $4.00 HATS FOR Wc Tour choice of about 500 styles in Ready-to-Wear Hats, in the latest blocked shapes and hand-made turbans; , embracing every wanted color; actual values in tne lot up to $4.uu. Special aale price. each. .....v...... 08f ONE "FOURTH OFF . on every Hat ki the store, including the famous new GAGE HATS. FEATHER HATS, DRESS HATS and FINE TAILORED HATS; values up to $20.00. Special at. ...ONE FOURTH OFF" ONE HALF OFF on all of our choicest FRENCH PATTERN HATS abso lutely, none reserved Priced at from $20.00 to $50.00. ; ... Specials at... ............ fi ?tm rrrr.Ti.". ONE HALF 'OFF SPECIAL VALUES IN Boys' -School Shoes at $1.75 ' v and $2.00 fUsrt . :"The Boote Shoppe Sixth Street Annex. ' ; . " See the wonderful exhibit of the world's finest, solidest leathers, and Grand Harvest Exposition of Oregon Wheat In the Shoe Store and along the "Fair way." ; A, sight, worth coming miles to view 1 " Splendid values in men's and ,wonien's stylish footwear. ( , .. , - . Boys Shoes, made ex- wa Itnl A ska I' m a-K a a. a s ' a suis anuxvs 91.1a aim 17 ai.uu a spirnaio , line ot Boys : ,presly for us, will not rip and-positively guaranteed. They have one heavy, aolid Oak sole, sewed with standard screw,' making it impossible for soles to rip. : Soles ar also steel shodyfouf rows stitching on amp to prevent ripping Sizes 2J4 to SJS; value at, the pairl.'.. ...,f 2.00 Sizes 1 1, to 2; value at, the pair. . . ... .... . . ........ v ; .... '. ,' . :.).". . f 1.T5 Women Who've Underwear to Buy 'Will be tempted by these prices, placed so irresistibly low for Monday patrons. KNITWEAR SHOPS ,'--'" .. First Floor .:.v'-; ;- , j.,.. $U0 VESTS OR PANTS 98c Extra size, white silk and cotton, long sleeve Vests; medium weight, "Merode French band " Pants to match; regular value $1.50. Spe cial, the pair ....................... WOMEN'S $2.00 UNION SUITS $1.49 White Swiss ribbed "Vega' Silk. Union Suits., verv elastic. form fittinar: -retrular value $2.00. Special, the suit i.-s9 ' SAVING OPPORtUNITIES MAKE .MONDAY'S OFFERINGS IN, THE Domestic Section ; '''-' ' Firat Floor.. ' . . ..,",'' Of utmost importance to thrifty house keepers and those home-sewers who've flannelettes, ginghams, percales, etc., .to buy for winter making up. BEDSPREADS $1.57 Full Size Extra ' heavy Bedspreads, splendid workmanship. Special, each............... fl.ST LINEN TOWELING 10c and 12c All ; linen bleached Toweling. Special at,- iur yard ... i.... tlO and 12ja BATH TOWELS 12J4e Heavy unbleached , Bath Towels, size 17x42. ,- Special at, each '. 12 NEW FLANNELS 10c New Flannels for . shirt waists, bath robes, kimonas, etc.. all colors. Special at each 10e NEW FLANNELETTES Special at. the yard ........10a) NEW GINGHAMS AND PERCALES 10c About 1,000 yards new Ginghams and Percales in light and dark effects, stripes and plaids. Special at, tha-yard..... lOf Play r Pit" Special Monday 39c 'PrrV-The popular game; regular price Snvrial at. Knv 30a T joe,. Special at box Women's Hosiery -Specials ' :.. First Floor. - - WOMEN'S $4 50 SILK HOSIERY $3.29 ""Black imported Silk Hose, daintily -hk broidered in white, full fashioned, double sole, spliced heel; regular value $4. .in. Special,, the pair...... ..83.20 WOMEN'S $4.50 SILK HOSIERY 13.29 Black silk imported Hose, lace embroid ered boot; regular value $4.50. Sprcint, the pair....... 3.2 WOMEN'S $4.00 SILK HOSIERY $2.96 Imported black Silk Hose, with white m.'Ic clocking; regular value $4.00. -. - ,l. - the pair i i f WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 25c mark iio.r 35c. Special, the psir, II