The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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U . .and
Iron Advancing in Price
; - V; , ; - v " r r New York, November 9, 1905. .
' ,'T Pig iron ; markets are.: exceedingly firm, notwithstanding' the V
- enormous output and the conviction in the iron trade is that still
1 further -advances in the price of ironUndfteeLis4neviUblerSteeT:::
rails fcave advanced-$r this week.. Iron is higher in England, the
London market being firm with "indications of early ; advance. ..
Associated Press Dispatch. t-U ;--Z7J'r"7Z
All our Eclipse Steel Ranges are built especially for as, according to off
specifications. We are therefore, MOR& than ageMts. V , ... 'r.T-:-
Ranges at Wholesale Prices
i ;,Our own private advices indicate a great advance la the price "
- of BteeL This means AN ADDED COST TO US on our, V
JJ3ECLIPSE,t-STEEL-RANGE',-and atzannearly-date we-ahall bej
compelled to increase the retail price. - Our next order for.Rangea'';'
will cost us much more, but while the present stock lasts we shall , ,
li; not increase the price -This ia your opportunity.- Call inland in7
1. vestigate.. Your atove taken in part paymenL rWe are wholesalera
In this Une, and when you buy an ECLIPSE RANGE here YOU .; .'
PAY THE WHOLESALE PRICE. ,; '.:,?: "- . ; ...
During: This Sale
Hot Biscuits
20 minutes
t c h-1-
Warranted for
. - ' 111 . ; ' ' ' '' ' " -
15 years
French Ship . Europe 1 Narrowly
Escapes Going to Bottom
! ;V in South Pacific.
Crew W Forced to Cling: to Rig
.:f (ing and One Fell Into Sea In
:s Spite of Mishap, Vessel Beat Asie
;i to Tasmania.
v WhIU bound from Portland tor th
t'nlUd Kingdom, th French ahjp Eu-
'. rop. wjilu Ywiched tbe harbor ytiv
4ar on lh return trip, came almost eap
Ir1n and addinj another horror to
tha loh lilt of aea raaualtlea. For 14
)ioura alM atood on her beam enda and
Captain .Rolller Mays that , he thought
ererr minute the Teasesl would go to
the bottom. ...One of the sailors u
swept overbnard and drowned. -
Tha accident occurred In the south
ParlAc In latitude 35 'degrees.. A small
blow- came up and later turned Into a
hurrlcWn. But the ship would hare
been "hie to weather the storm without
difficulty. decWrea tbe skipper, had he
been weighted down with a gTeater
amount of cargo. Bhe carried wheat
and barley, bnt not a sufficient quantity
la make her set well down In the water.
Ro when ahe .was struck by the storm
he began to roll and the cargo shifted.
When the wind was at Its height the
veaftcl. heaved over and lay flat on the
surface of the water on tier port side.
I hiring this time the officer and crew
were forced to hang on to tbe rigging.
one of the men loat his hold and fell
into the sea. Others became exhausted
and fell from their positions, but for
tunately did not o overboard. Whan
the storm had spent Its foroe It re
quired several days to get the cargo
properly stowed so that the ship would
et nn an even keeL
The Kurope left here on April II and
the French bark Asle the following day.
Imih bound for Queenstowa . ror orders
with aralu -cargoes. Notwithstanding
her mishap the Kurope arrived . two
eeka In lB"lesd. Afler their cargoes
l.d heen u I "charged the vessels left
y..r "ilclwrt, Tasmania, he Ale having
! d)s I in UxU Hut when 1L Kurope
had left there for Portland the Asle
had not put In an appearance. Captain
Rolller says he heard that she reached
there a couple Of weeks later and while
entering the harbor ran Into a rock and
was ' damaged. He did not learn the
extent of her Injuries. The Asle sailed
on October 15 for Portland. It Is sup
posed that' aba was put. In good repair
soon. i. .
cers of tbe Kurope say that nothing out
of the ordinary occurred. The ship Is
under charter to carry grain to the
United Kingdom and this time It Is the
Intention to supply her with a full load,
so that she will be able to ride the
waves without flopping over. She was
engaged early In the aeason at 26 shill
ings by Balfour, Guthrie 4c Co, , ,
Oroydoa, Sea of Oromble and' Lalraaa
'.'..; Am Xoaf Overdue.
Three of the tramp steamers under
charter to load grain and flour at Port
land for the far east this month will
nt arrive In time to get away before
December If they do not sail soon from
the ports at which they are now lying.
The British steamship Croydon taken
by the Portland eV Asiatic company, la
still at Ban Francisco, although she ar
rived there more than two weeks ago
from Ocean Island. When she wss char
tered it was with th understanding
that ahe would arrive In October. Nc
one appears to know the reason for bef
long detention. -1 . ' . ' .
At the last accounts the steamship
Den of Cromble, which was chartered
for Portland loading a month ago, had
not left the orient, and the Labuan was
at Mojl. It was supposed that both of
them would be here in time to be fitted
out with cargoes-and sail this month. , ,
Business with the orient has fallen
oft during the past month and ' It Is
thought that no additional charters will
be effected to transport foodstuffs to
the esst for some time to come, with the
exception of an occasional tramp which
will be dispatched by Mitsui Co. The
Cape Antlbes. recently taken by the
Portland Asiatic company. Is the laat
vessel engaged It Is believed that sev
eral other tramps soon will be char
tered, however, to carry wheat and flour
to ports on -the Mediterranean sea, i "
Will Be Oa of Four Tine Steamers oa
Saa Fraadsoe Btoute. - - -v.
The steamer Senator, a handsome ves
sel chartered a few days ago by the
San Francisco eV Portland . Steamship
company to place In regular service be
tween here and the Bay. City, will leave
the California metropolis tomorrow for
Portland on her first trip. ' She belongs
to the "Pertflc-Coast" Utenmshtp com
pany, but If h gives esttsfsctlon Jt
is believed that the Iiarrlman Jhtereats
will buy her. ' ,. , "
,.VUn the Senator.. aUdod. to. tU fleet,
- .. . v ' ' Jt
the company will have four vessels on
the route the others being tbe Colum
bia, Costa Rica and Homer. It is said
that one of them will be Bailing from
here for the south svery three days,
and perhaps more frequently. .ii.l
declared they will afford a better serv
ice than ever before.
The Senator was built at San Fran
cisco In 18 and la one of the crack
steamers which have been plying be-
W'eil Seattle and the Dai-Oltr. Bhe
Is of t,40 tons gross register, 280 feet
long, 18.1 feet across the beam and 19.6
feet depth of hold. The vessel has
space for the accommodation ' of too
passengers and can show a apeed of
about 11 knota an hour. .
' .
Tare Uppers Arrested oa Charge of
SzoeedlBj; Speed Limit.
On complaint of Harbormaster Ben
Blglln warrants were' Issued yesterday
afternoon for the arrest of Captains
Joseph Allyn, Arthur Rlggs and Sid
Scammon, respective masters of the
steamers Charles R. Spencer, Telegraph
and Dalles City, on the charge that they
exceeded the speed limit of six miles
an hour wfjle passing through the har
bor Friday morning. v -
In his complaint, which was filed in
the polios court, the harbormaster al
leges that the boats backed out from
their docks Into the stream at exactly
7 o'clock In the morning, and that 11
minutes later they had reached the
Portland 'flouring mills, a distance of
five miles. At this rate the boats were
covering; at least ll' miles an hour,
nearly three times as fast as the law
permits a vessel to .run while la the
harbor limits.
Tlie heavy swells they created simosT
broke, the British ship Abergeldle from
her moorlngsy and it Is declared that
slight damage was done to the big
tramp. - It -Is asserted also that the
Nlcomedia came almost being set adrift.
Sea captains are much worked up about
the matter and say that If racing la not
prohibited here It will Injure the port
Should any serious damage occur to
their vessels they aver that the city
will be held responsible and will be
obliged to foot the bill for repairs. .
The river skippers on whom warrants
were served' gave bonds to appear at
the police court tomorrow morning at
10 o'clock, when they will be given a
hearing. This Is the second time, that
the captains . of the Spencer and Tele
graph have been charged with a similar
offense. Recently Captain Baughman
of the Telephone was arrested on a
charge of racing In the harbor and was
fined $60. i Ben Blglln says he IS deter
mined to put a stop to the racing prac
tice If he has to make an arrest every
In the heavy fog yesterday morning,
the steamer Star, belonging to the Star
Sand company, got out of her course
and went aground near St, Johns. It
was expected that she would be floated
at high, tide last night. Tha Itearner
had a barge and derrick scow In tow
at the time.' ' -' - ; .
Officers of the steamer lone, which
arrived from the upper Columbia yes
terday, report that a team which waa
hitched at the Waahougal dock broke
loose and ran away, one of the .horses
getting killed by striking his head
against a lamp post '"'
Captain L. C Hellner, lighthouse In
spector of this district, is expected to
reach, home tomorrow from San Diego,
where he was a member of the board
which inquired into the Bennington dis
aster. The German ship Tarpenbek shifted
from the Banfleld dock to the Weldler
mill yeaterday afternoon and the berth
'she vacated was tsken by the French
bark Europe, which had just arrived
f rom ' Hobart Tasmanls.
British ship Blythswood, which ar
rived at Astoria yesterday from New
castle, New South Wales, has a cargo of
coal consigned to the Holmes Coal A
ffny-M-:vf m.Drp' eHw1 !&
- 'e-- :
' V,
Ice company. Arrangements have been
made for placing the vessel on tbe dry
dock for cleaning and painting as soon
as the coal has been discharged. -
Laden with 1.000.000 feet of lumber,
which was supplied by 1 the Portland
mill the schooner Louis will, leave
down this mornlnr. bound for San Fran
The schooners Mabet Oale and Vir
ginia will leave np from Astoria this
eaoew4fgse oetlaeiepwheeeihoy "rtW
be fitted out-wltbJumber- cargoes for
California ports. '
Oerman ship Adolf' cleared for Ips
wich, England, yeaterday afternoon with
11S.783 bushels of brewing barley, valued
at $64,180. The vessel probably will
leave for the sea tomorrow.
Steamer Northland cleared for Ban
Francisco yesterday with 160,000 feet of
lumber. .
On Thursday the steamer Nome City,
which haa been chartered by the Port
land Lumber company to run regularly
between this, cltyt and San Pedro, will
leave San Francisco for Portland on her
first trio, --
French bark L'Hermlte moved from
the Mersey to the Greenwich dock yes
terday afternoon to take grain stiffen
ing. The French bark louralne will
complete her grain cargo at the Oceania
dock about the middle of the week.
Steamer Columbia will sail tonight for
Ssn Francisco. Among her passengers
will be P. F. Megargel and D. F. Fob-
sett, who made the trip across the con
tinent In automobiles. They Intend to
make the return trip to the cast in. the
same manner from California.
Steamer Senator, the New Coaster Added to the San Francisco & Portland Steamf!p, Companv'
Aatorla. Nov. II. -Arrived down at
and sailed at I a. m. Steamer. Daley
Mitchell. . for San Francisco. Ariivod
down at and sailed at 10:lffva. m.
Steamer Redondo, - for Ban Francisco,
Sailed at 11 a. m. Steamer F? A. Kll
burn, for San Francisco. , Arrived at It
noon -Barkentlne Crjjrlna, from San
Pedro. Arrived at 12:4 p. m. British
ship Blythswood, from Newcastle, Aus
tralia, and schooner Crescent, from Ben
Pedro. .
San Francisco, Nov. tl. -Arrived last
night Steamer Costa Rica, from Port
land; arrived at 10 a. m. Steamer Cxar
Ins, from Portland. ; . - .
Astoria, Nov; 11. Bar moderate; wind
south and weather rather cloudy.
School Orererowded,
- ' (flpeclal Dtapatck to The Jrarnal.)
- Bllverton, Or Nov 11. The eohool
directors' hav rented the. O. A. R. hall
and fitted it In aha pa for a schoolroom.
The enrollment of pupils In the city
school st the present time la greater
than ever ' before and the schoolroom
Is' crowded beyond Its seating capacity,
A movement la on fost to secure a
county high school ' and . erect a "high
school building in this city. "
Great numbers of ducks and feesi
around Irrlou, , ,.
Twenty dollars' reward has been of
fered by Sheriff Word for the arrest
of George Lof fel, alias George fepoon,
who walked out of the courthouse yard'
last Wednesday without bidding Jailor
Hnrev flr.ftn food-hy. Offcl as
y;i'miM)iunusgstaiy .Tsee'itM syf mf lfW .isjsji psawsej.
( ; -. v ;
i fV i f ;
1 ) -
George Lof fel.
sentenced to the county Jail last June
to serve nine months for laroeny. He
waa a trusty and ran away last Wed-t
nesday afternoon while raking the court
house, yard. He is St years old, I feet'
10 Inches tall, and has dart hair and
light eyes. .
Sfataral Question.
A lady while visiting a convict prison
said to on of the prisoners, 4 fat, food
looking person:
."My good man, what- are you In tiers
.: "For robbery at a seaside hotel."
"Were you the proprietor or the head.
walterr asked the lady.
Little ' Girl Please,' have tou
Sheep'a eadt :- . .
Facetious.. Butcher-Nop my .dear
onlv my own. ,, '
TMtle Girl It won't Ho, Mother
inu.ts pbs with, brains In It,