THE -OREGON SUNDAY JOURHAi; PORTLAND. SUNDAY HORNING." NOVEMBER - 12.-18C5, QiliGSOUilD F BY GOMS Attempt to B Made at Coming !' Session of Congress to Ad--' mlt Coolie Labor. Will be laden with a heavy load cf good things this year. It must be substantia! and- you want it con venient. . CHINESE BOYCOTT PART . OF CAPITALISTS', PLANS Subtlt Conspiracy Being Worked Up to Let Down the Bart for Chineie ... --Hqpe to Modify and Then Nullify i Present National Policy. ' . : 77 -'-V" :;wm ,sees.Beaaasaa t . . . ir (8pcil Dispatch by Less Win to The JwimI) V New York. Nov. 11. President Barauel Oomper of tb American Federation of Labor today Issued an official etate . ment, giving- warning of an attempt to "be made at the coming session of eon ' greaa to allow millions of Chinese coolie laborers to flood the country. Mr. flom- pers requests the t.000,000 members of , the . American Federation bf Labor to take united action to bring' about the ' rigid exclusion of the coolies. Mr. Com pere' statement is In part: t : . . There, seems to b well-defined policy of interested parties to induce -congress, in Its forthcoming session, to let down the bars. to. the hordes of Chtneta coolie laborers so that they may come Into the United States and its 'possessions. - 4 "The Chinese are unasslmilable. Tbelr civilisation is entirely at variance with that of the American people. - The Chin- - cse and Caucaaslans cannot live, prosper and. progress side by side. The whole history of Chinese Immigration to any country on the , face of the globe in appreciable numbers . has demonstrated this time and time again. It has been demonstrated on the Paclflo coast, in the Bandwioh Islands and in tb Philip pines., . ',- "The economical, social, religious and political life of our entire peopla Is at suite, and they will not tamely submit o a .false sentiment to please the few ' sordid profit-mongers who for a mone tary gain would endanger the future of our republic - "The soicalledV Chinese boycott of American products, the activity of the sugar- planters -of -Hawatt who have - evinced -their love for the Chinese, th subtle acts pursued ln""certaln quarters by employers, all bear the stamp of a .'.carefully concerted plan to modify, with the hope of ultimately nullifying, the ' entire policy of the American' people to . keep the Chlnoeer from 'coming to any - place whertt our flag files. . . Th bars must not and will not b let down to the Chines.1 -, : CANNOT COMPEL PUPILS i I XTO BE ! VACCINATED -t l-r- (gprelil Dler-arch W The Journal.) 8alcm, Or., Nov. 11. Attorney-Gen- v eral Crawford today rendered an opln- 7 TOjrarrTBCTfquestrorth state "board-ot health holding that tb board has no authority to compel children to be vao ctnated before they can be admitted to (he pu,bl!o schools. Th attorney-gen- oral snys that th clause of th statute Treating the board, which gives th - board general supervision of th health . of the iat!los not authorise th board to make vaccination a qualification for ; admlnslon- to th public schools unless there is danger . of an cpldemlo of SmaUpox. ,-" . : RETURNS WITH WEALTH : Senator HeybunuFeels Bitter Over CormectioniofHiaNamWith 1 Land Fraud Investigations, a. Pub lished by Numerous Papers. TO WAITING SWEETHEART : . . y (Special Dispatch to The Joernal.) : " Helena, Mont., Nov. 11. With a draft on Chicago for $&4,000, Hugo Wilson has .reached Helena after an absenc of sev eral yeara,. en route to Milwaukee to marry the girl of his choice. Flv years ago Wilson became-betrothed, but her parents 'objected 'or! .account of hU'elr cftmfttances, and he started weet search ing a fortune, -the girl promising to wait, tie earn to Montana, but soon afterward went to Alaska.- For ' many years he tolled diligently and suffered hardships, but nnaHy has become possessed of soma raylSar claims. ... - ' - "T" New Sanitarium SiiHarmonicVibrator u MJtCMETiSM tN HE JIT . k V FROM ELECT RICtTY 'under tbe maeaiesjent ef Dr.' end atr. !. "A. Klsbeth, tbe aew sanitarium at 41 Morrison street, has estaMlahed Itself t permanent Portland institution. W Ith therr treatment br Biafnetleai la beat from electricity tbelr success has been well adTertlaed by patients cored bf this Special treatment, without the nee ef drn or hnlfs, and tbelr practical sad nsrarsl nethodt hare appealed to tbe latelllgeat sertloa ef tbe comemnlty. NO DRUGS OR KNIFE USED ; Head "tbe following hHrtlmonlal from gilavveetlclngJrtiJNiM TepUtStlDIi: 1 J-'-,"J-.. : , - I highly reeomiaend Prof. Htsbetb to tbe EuMI m a adept In relieving people by la Swedish Method ef almost aU Chronl Diseases, t know whereof I am epeaaln-. ILt Ins employed bin la my own ohetluai esse ..r (.amtMiro of 90 years'-ataadlng and tenacious drooaioal eonrtltkin, end alao pre eerlWng his treatment for other with great results. I find Prof. Nlsbeth superior to sll wuom I hare tried. I as) about welt. Ji. B. WHITI'ORI), M. D Butte, Moat. PATIZVTS TtXATKS AT TSXIB HOMIS , Tt SXSIKXO. OOirSVLTATIOaT FBXS. tl and MRS. N. A. NlSDETH '. Teatk anl Xlarmta. Pheae Xaei lSt. Nathan Morris, Accused of Inspiring the Murder of Susan Geary, Whose Dismembered Body Was Packed : , in a Suitcase Sketched on His' Arrival In Boston," a Prisoner. - : r DUBOIS SEES TURN III THE tide; Idaho Senator Discusses. Polit v ical Outlook' as Result of.-. - ' Upheavals., 'o . OFFICIAL CORRUPTIONS HAS AROUSED PEOPLE v' fhMi.l fMm!. o fea XonraaLl Boise, Idaho, Nov. 11. la thai result nt T... V'a aiMtion Senator Fred . T. Dubois a-e turn In the tide which will return htm to the United states senate when th legislature of Idaho meets a year from next January. He said today: . "Official corruption In high places has aroused th people to th necessity of a general smaamng . 01 mniii wherever they eaist. In Bait Lake they had the sam contest that is coming In nw waa ThM it mi a flaht of American citizens against th Mor mon Church ana tn cuisens inunoa i victory. The Mormons always support .v. i.n farts until thev destroy I. W- - w it by making it an adjunct to th hler- archy. in laano tney navo vtboiom h ruling spirit of the .tcepuDiicanj orgm Hi. atVeot la seen In the DO Icy pf th present Stat admlnlstrattoBv Kormons Xlaetoa roooing. "Governor Gooding owes his nomlna- .. . .win ta tha Mormon vote. In return b has been generous In his appointments to office) from members MeMittaM ig Jhat oryanlgatlon. 9g boards havTntf f epWTtTOfC 1,110 vwiirj" - . . m although not a single ooy or gin o Mormon parentage can be found in tbe - ...kiu iii.fttlnnAl Inst itiit Ion a of uiU.r uwMw ' 7 7- - th) atat. And In every department of the Stat you WIU una aonmra via ployes. Th recent clandestine lease of XIO.VVV w- " " " cat of four Mormon elders, at a much . ... u. ...,1sra srnnM ti.Vi nald less pn u - " i. hta tney oeen given an uhiuhuiui w tnr thai land, is hut One of a number of instances of church con trol. . za4 rranda Xave Beaxlaff. . m.nih thins? that will hava a areat bearing on th lction neit year is th. land iraua investigation. several days in -north Idaho, and -1 m mn marh bttiarnasa as WSS tha " recoanlsed leaders of th Republican party. Thus far only LTj sHamhaM aria- nna . t bli II urn iiai wm Li car 11 au- dieted, but their friends have indus triously elrculatea reports wnicn wiu not only 1 indict but convict their oppo- i - 1 w. itf mihlln onlnlnn. if succeeding . grand juries fall to make good th propnesies 01 . wno doing th talking. Th time has gone 1 MnnU ft n nat hald ta vot- lng with the party of their faith, when they feel that they hav been betrayed." xeynnn wura j-oiws aina a . tI.Kii.ii ' la 4anr1lriatl to o-xiiv..v .... succeed Senator Foster of Washington on' th commerce commutes) ok tn in t. He argues that- Senator Piles Is . . I n tit,uie hAiiaai nt Aanerraas iw 11. n ... -' " - to be appointed 10 so impvriam at wvm- Fulton nave all of . tb committeeships a- kl.k .ntlt luff . Tito , rt i Interested almost .to as great an extent In th development or toe i;oiumoia ntn as Washington ' or Oregon, and he be lieves that the three state should com bine lr the effort to make blra a mem ber or tha commute wnicn 1 naa is charge the river and harbor appropiia- tlohs. '' , '. . b.amI A rente mt. The Tettrrn'nf JtjBertrand-4Ti TTnlterT States court officials ha revived th talk of" land fraud investigations in southern Idaho. - United States Attorney . . . i . ft k. . V. a V MJk- v. . .1 -l.e k. , lh... la HWhlnr tn l.mll gat In this part of th statev., At leaaf two agents or tns intsrior oenanmsni are busy In this section, and a taw days ago- Inspector Capla attached a large Quantity of logs and lumber at Council, closing s miii. - " Waats Kor Snips.' - (Hneelal Ptanatck tty teased Wire te Ttie fearaal) Washington. I). O., Nov. ll.-tiecretary Bonaparte will appeal to congress for mora ships for th navjr. , BANKS ASK TO HAVE DEEDS OF HUBBELL CANCELLED Wealthy Seattle Suicide's Trans- j fer ;, to . Wife -Subject " qf Litigation. - (Speeisl Dispatch te Tbe Joerasl.) ' Seattle. Wash. Kov. 11 Th Bank of California and th Seattle National bank this afternoon filed a suit In tha supe rior court to cancel the "deed To tZSO, 009 worth of Seattle real eaUte mad twadaya 1ef orsr hla death by the late Frank, B.HunbelLywho committed aul- cld at th Washington hotel October IS. In faror of hla bride of aig weeka, and which was this week -filed by her. The complaint sets forth that at in Urn ofjils deathHubbell was Indebted to th two Institutions about, ana he' la alleged to hav owed about as much more. to other c realtors. It Is alleged that UubbeU had no right to make a dead for lov and affection when be was lr debt. Mrs. Hubbell's attorney tonight stated she had offered to cancel enough of th deeds to aettle the banks' claima, which waa refused, on th grounds that they should retain th property of the estate and settle all amounta owing to all cred itors. These are deeda in which th word "widow" waa written and after ward acratched out and "wife" written over. FORMER PENDLETON SOCIETY JVVOMAN WANTS DIVORCE :cho of Switzler Scandal Heard ..Through Filing of Papers by Wife. (SneclaJ Disoatra to The Jearaal.). . Peetdlelam On Han Ilea. As a rftlllU of a beating given her by her nuaoana last July, Mr a. Edwin SwlUler now of Portland, rormeriy a prominent society woman of Pendleton, today Sled a second suit for divorce. Swltaler. It Is under stood, is residing in Seattle, ills wire filed divorce proceedings last July but thev were Quashed and it was reported that abe forgave him. Now ahe comes Into court again asking separation upon tha same rrounds ss before. She slleges cruelty. She asks that he be restrained from disposing of property valued at between $15,000 and ll,000. INDICTED FOR MURDER OF SUITCASE VICTIM (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joeraal.) Colfax, Wash, Nov. 1L If anything were needed to prova.tbat Portland's wholesale trad Is growing tn eastern Washington It was supplied by tha fran tie efforts of Seattl and Tacoma whole salera to break Into Portland'a territory by way of the state railroad commission, which is In session here. That the fight ta not on mad by Individual firms or shippers Is evidenced by the application of the Tacoma branch of th North Paclflo Manufacturers' Y Jobbers' asso ciation to be Included as on of th com plainants, and th efforts of' Seattl mer chant to Influence tb commission. . That these organisations and shippers are making a tight againat natural con ditions, which give Portland a great ad vantage la reaching this country, waa also clearly ahowq by tbe railroad of ficials, traffic managers and shipping agents who gave testimony, confirming th claim of th Oregon metropolis that It la ao situated geographically as to be th natural outlet or gateway for all of th Inland empire, which la that section of country lying within the basins of th Columbia and Snake rivers, and includes one of the richest sections in the United d maT?aT"'TTnCTr.'gr'Tiiis leciiun ars nut (Speelal Pkipateh by Leased Wire te Tbe Journal) .Boston. Nov. 11. Th grand Jury .to day refused to indict Morris Nathan, the sweetheart or susann ueary, tns victim of th suit-case mystery. In- dlctmentW were found against Crawford and Howard, who are held In New Tork: Dr. MoLeod, the Back Bay surgeon, and Mrs. Dean, keeper of th v Wlnthrop street house where th dancing girl died and Waa out to piece. Mra. Dean Is declared to be th prin cipal in the cess and Crawford and Howard accessories before th fact. Dr. McLeod. Howard and Crawford are In dicted a accessories after th ract. Thla makes a .double finding against th two man held by the New York police and who w1U.J ,tradlted im mediately. CARNEGIE LIBRARY FUND ' IS API PLY GROWING . ' -s am ..-.!-1 niaul )ak TVa Maas.saatl 1 1 rvjser ! iSBasa is-ea w w e r .y Forest Grove. Or., Nov. 11. The Car negie college library fund has now reached mora than tlt.OOO, In a few weeks It Is expected the required 120,000 will hav been raised. This building Is to .bo erected In the. south west, corner of ttm Aammia- It naa Win auaaeatsd that th residents of the town be given aocesf to tbe library unaer in same mnaiuo as tha university students, nameiy, mat k. .HtwiilM vnta a twrmanint l- K" ' ' fund with which to defray tb water and light expenses or the library- ' 1 - a, Johns Shop Moves. (Sneclal PI spates to Tb JearnaL) , ' r -1 . -Kit. tlUll4 1 IVSISnWi . rnmf. . " ' - Trimble, who formerly at St. Johns, Ore gon, conducted a maohln shop, hav re moved to thla plao. Thlr patronag coming mostly from towns and Jogging ramps on in ronims rmi, ' elded to locate la th mldst.of th work, ADMIT PORTLAND IS GATEWAY Railroad Men Before Commis sion State Inland Empire Be " longs to Rose City. ; SOUND CITIES TRYINQ TO STEAL HER TRADE Complalnta on Rate Unier Inveatiga- tion Not Mada by Palouae Peopla butby Seattle and Tacoma Whole- aalera Who Want Mora Buainesa. Is the Acme of Convenience and safety. - You can extend it without disturbing the dishes : , " no extra leaves."'. : ' A fine line of handsome Dining Room Furniture just placed on our floor and will be sold at attractive prices. . , c . .'.:.'j'...,: V,.: Will do that turkey to a handsome."br6wn turn.- -They are the joy , of every user. It costs no more to get a good one and think of the convenience and saving in fuel. ef, We are complete house furnishers. And it takes, but a little money to start a big account. Y72-Y7A First Street A NEW CANDIDATE i FDR ERLIIIIE Appointment of Federal Judge in egorr Expected InVery Near FutUTw. - ' PRESIDENT AND FULJON - TO CONFER AT ONCE McBride, Wolverton or : Bean Are Moat Likely Candidates With First . as the Favorite of Senator Heney May Be Consulted. making any fight or protest against being shot out of the sound markets, bnt it is th wholesalers of those sections who art making .th complaints. This was brought about, aa showa by th videno of several witnesses, by the fact that they had lost many customers recently, and that these customers had notified them that they could secure goods to bettef advantage and get quick er shipments from Portland than from points on Puget sound. . Th statement of Henry Blakeley, gen eral western traffic manager of the Northern Paclflo, with headquarters at Tacoma, made before the commission under oath today, was significant. Mr. Blakeley said: "I dislike to admit It, but th aervlo over th O. R. N. com pany's lines Is superior to our own, and I will stake my reputation aa a trafflo man that routings from sound points via Portland to points In eastern Washing ton on ths O. R. A K. are superior and quicker" than via Spokane." Mr. Blakeley then explained that geo graphical conditions made Portland th natural gateway for all of this section. 1 i ,.rmmmmmm 1 1 FAT FOLKS ' 2T lbs, 180 lbs. . MBS. a WILLIAM. S84 milcott B Buffakt, New York. Xoe laj weight.. ,rf poonds lVeea fcafr swe.-rr; rtrrrftsrr - tnckes Zst la w4aa. 10 tnoke tosl ta hips . ...SO laches This picture flees ye an'de ef my appear. a nr. bafors and after air rediictlo br Ir. Rigrder. Mr health Is perfect. I Barer eujore setter keslta la my life, not a wrinkle to be seen. Why earrr ywir burden kiafef whs relief f at kaadf lr. Sjnr(tr suaranteee his treatment to be Berfeetly harwleea Is eeere- fartlnlai. Ke. eierrlae, ae starrlnf ce alaeomrnrtav IT. Snrder has hMa s epertallst la tbe snreeaerul treat: mat of efcMlty ue the neat 23 raars, and hae the aauaalloed enrtoraement of the ejedloal rra Hmttr. A hoohlet telling ell about It (res. Write tosay. O. W. P. .SNYDER, M. D. 7 S1S ICarejuam Bldg. Sixth aad Morrisoa Streeta, roraiaad, Oreeroa. ' . ItTaltighly probabla that a, TJnltd Rtatea district luda for Oregon Will be appointed within th next 10 or IS daya. .. ' : When ftenatnr FnltOB Waa last In Washington ta waa told jr President Roosevelt that no appointment would bo mada without further oonferenoe with him. Fulton will leave thla week for the capital and expects to arrive there about November 20. In accordance with h tmnMm.nt mantlonad ha will Seek an Immediate conference with th pres ident ana there is gooa reason to oa- llev that th appointment wui do maae rnrTner mum or lime. Strona recresentations hav been made to tho president aa to the groat publlo inconvenience which has already re sulted becaue of th delay In filling thia vaoancy on the district bench, lie has been anxious to make an appoint mentr but the choice of an appointee has not been. easy. It la th general be lief that th office will go either to Judge McBride, Justice Bean or Justice Wolverton, though some aara nors may yet capture tha prise. While McBride Is Fulton's first choice, h would make no objection to either Bean or Wolverton, both of whom ho has Indorsed aa fully qualified for the office. Francis J. -Heney left San Francisco for Washington last week and It ta pos sible that ho may be consulted before tb appointment la . made, though the merits of th candidate hav already been pretty thoroughly discussed. Honey's Immediate buslnesfJn Washing ton la to arrange for the further pros ecution of th Benson-Hyde' cases and for the trial of Congressman Hermann. Senator Fulton will also Jake up with the sresldent , the matter Of ths va cancies - In ' the Roseburg land of floe. There la no doubt that tho aenator will demand that Secretary Hitchcock com ply with Roosevelt's instructions ami preeent In writing his objections to th appointment of O. B. Hegardt ar re ceiver of tho offic. Considerable per sonal feeling . has developed between Fulton and Hitchcock, and thla appoint ment may 'provoke a clash. MONTANA MAN ACCUSED -OF MURDER IS FREED j '1 - - (Snedal Disoeteh e The Jearsal.t Helena, Mont., Nov.' 11. Representing himself to bo the personal agent of the Rothschilds snd through his marriage to th widow of a former president of Ar gentine, with money In any amount for Investment In mines, J. P. Walker In- grettated--himself -tnto-tho good grace of operatives near Boulder end it 1 charged . under pretense of making thoroguh tests by taking carload ship ments to th smelter secured th pro oeeds from the sale of the or then dis appeared, csrrylng th watch of a min owner, v . Walker has been arrested at Mllford. Utah, and Governor Toole hae Issued a requisition for his return. ' Big Demaad few BaUa. - - (Steels! ttstat -h b Leased Wire te The tan-salt . Chicago, Nov. II. Unprecedented de mand for rails has orowded every plant in th country with orders enough to keep, them going for two years. FEED YOUR CHILDREN WISELY uvly r: BaUaa; HE growing boy or girl, romps. : away. : ; more vitality than the averaare man uses - 5--UD in a day's application , to business. 'School teachers know that many children who play- the - hardest on thtj, school - grounds ap pear listless and inattentive ' in the school room-' Ninety-nine times out Of a hundred it : will be found that such children are fed too . : much meat, a food which' stimulates muscular : action but which is of little value in building : gray and white brain cells. , - Meat does stimulate. It produces muscular vigor just for the time, but its effect is not -abiding. The growing child, whose instinct ' is to run and play, will use up a lot of energy. People will say, "What a lively youngster." But how is he getting along in school? ""Do . his monthly report cards show that his work " is up to the standard. If his school work is acceptable, is he paying the price of headaches, nervousness and irritability for his study F If any of those things are noticeable, the little human engine is being fed with the wrong t fuel. The growing child needs little or no " meat. , There is nothing in a meat and potato and coffee diet which feeds brain and nervous . tissue. The growing brain needs phosphates in available form. There are practically no phosphates in mrat or wliitradrojatocs The",.;; strata Demaads The oat is tremendously rich in phosphates but unfortunately those phosphates are hard to get at. First of all the tough outer covering f the oat must be removed every single husk, because they are as indigestible as a baseball cover. The little starch granules of the oat -kernel, wherein all the food elements of the grain are kept, has a tough, fibrous envelope similar to that of the whole oat. If this little envelope is suddenly heated it becomes hard, just ara piece of leather becomes hard when placed too near the fire. The new Ralston cereal roaster heats the oat by degrees and as a result the tough little starch covering be comes soft. A second cooking bursts the en velopes and all the rich food elements of oat -starch are ready for eating and eas digestion. The tiny baby's digestion is equal to the task of digesting Ralston Health Oats. The school boy or girl wh& plays' too much and studies too little needs Rajstoiv Health Oats. The boy or girl who is growing rapidly and whose develop ing bone and. muscle consumes nourishment at the expense of the brain, needs Ralston Health Oats. ;'. 'v - .- .: The growing brain and the working brain and the -worrying brain need Phosphates. Phosphates is the (rod of the . mental and nervous system. Ralston Health Oats are rich in, easily digested Phosphates. The starch part of Ralston Health Oats has a definite high food value. Starch for bone and muscle and phosphates for the brain. Both found abun dantly in Ralston Health Oats. - " Three things to remember about Ralston nieanhOateDeTicidusly" different Uste, "Easy digestibility" and "High Brain and Brawn food value." Try Ralston on yourself ee how much better you feel Try Ralston qn your children see. how much better they do in schooj. . '; - 1 ACME MILLS CO. PORTLAND. ORE. esst Try a Pa keg a O-' , hoard raehago aad See X . Stueh eter Te 1 I 1 V