The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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S atl
Immense Crowd Journeys Across
. Bay to Witness the First -Day's
Stanford , Downs University . of
California by the Score, of.
Twelve to Five.
SU-to-One Shot Had a Clear Field
. All the Way but Had to Be Driven
Hard to Beat Out Faat Closing
High Chancellor-rTha Results.
(SpeUl Dlapstch If Uih4 Wire to Toe Journal)
Baa Francisco, Nov. 11. Th winter
season of California racing opened to-
' day at the Oakland track under tuipl
oioua circumstances. A fin day brought
out an immense crowd and an unusually
large number of bookmakers for th
opening- day did a bl business.' The
-: feature was the opening- handicap, for
which Propes' was an ' dds-on oholoe.
The big Jennings horse hid hard luck
all the way, and the winner turned, up
' In Ban Nicolas. : which led from start
to fltnah and had to be driven out to
beat the fast closing High Chancellor.
Th results were:
Seven furlongs, selling, S-year-olds and
' upward Miller's Daughter (Loague).
20 to 1, won; Pod Anderson, second)
potrero Grande, third. Time. 1:2814.
One mile, selling, s-year-olds snd up
ward Witercure (W. Smith). to
- won; Del Coronado, second; Th Lady
Rohesia, third. Time.- l:ltt. - - -viva
and a half furlonss. 2-year-old
I'm Joe iMcBrlde). 10 to 1. won; Sir
Edward, aecond; Retropew, third. Time,
.. 1:08.. ' ,.,....
,i - .......i.,, v t r mire
unf i.iio, vipvuiug) ........ , r -
15.000 San Nlcolae. 110 (Davis), to
l won: Hlsh Chancellor. "second; Terns
XtnA thlrri Tim. 1:40.
' HIv furlonu Crusadoa (W. Kelly),
i IS to 20, won Tocolaw.- second; Bear
Catcher, third. Time, :n.,f
' On and on sixteenth mile Reser
' vatlon IB. Walsh). 4 to t. won) Ldy
' 'Goodrich, second: Hugh McOowan, third.
... Tim. .1:17.. ...... -
A. M. Planck of th Belllngham Tug
of War association, who has Just fin
ished successful tournamsnt against
the International association In Seattle,
has arrived in Portland and la proraot-
In claht international teams here.
One hundred able-Docuea trainea men
tkartlduate , nightly"-n m tuuinatni
lasting from eight to tea nights in suc
cession. Four or ftv pulls per night
- i-th- usnal-prograas-wlth grand
' final en-th last night between th
. four or five teams scoring the most
-points In th previous pulls, creating
n Intense interest as tne struggles iaa
nlace between powerful men of all na
Che roliowing countries win p
reDresented la the Portland tournament:
United States, Canada, Scotland. Swe
den. Norway. Denmark, Germany, Ire
land. Swttserland. Italy. Finland. Sla-
vnnla and Rnaland. !
r Tnerpumni"appi,ataa,,iir"tiila
readiness bv Tuesday, wovimtwr it,
when th different team will go in
practice at one at Merrill's hall, which
has been engaged for th tournament.
Teams ar now forming under th
leadership of 3. C. Bandstrom. Carl Ap-
- plegreanv-Dan McNIcoI, Dr. Elsom. John
Bomesch, John Watson, A. Lis wig. J.
Hill. J. M. Davis, A. M. Planck and aev-
. eral others. All th money mad at th
tournaments will be divided equally
among the member of th respective
teams and th winning teams will be
matched against th winners of the
' Washington tournament, or against any
new association team organising dur
ing th winter in th Paclfio northwest
Aberdeen Wins,
' (Special Dlatwtch to Th Jonraal.t
Aberdeen. Wash., Nov. 11. In th
third gam of th series today the Aber
deen High school team defeated Cen-
trails High school by th scor of If
to 0.
Also a lw Tacts on th Sam Subject.
We bear much nowadays about health
. s foods and byglenlo living, about veg
etarianism, and many other fads along
. the sam lln.
Restaurants may b found In th
. larger cities where no meat, pastry or
, coffee Is served and the food crank Is
- In his glory, and arguments and the-
. ones more advanced to Drove in
meat waa never Intended for human
stomachs, and almost make us believe
mat our siuray . ancestors, wno uvea
four-score years In robust health on
roast beef, pork and mutton must have
been grossly ' Ignorant of th laws of
health. , -
. Our forefathers had other things to
do than formulate theories about tha
fond thev ate. A warm welcome-was
- extended to any kind, from bacon tpj
acorns. - r
A heslthy appetite and common sens
- r-e excellent guides to follow In mat-
ters of diet, and a mixed diet of grains,
fruits and meats ta undoubtedly, the
As compared with grains and (
tables, meat furnishes th most nutr
" ment ln a' highly concentrated form
a:id is digested and assimilated more
aulckly than vegetables or grains.
Dr. Julius Remmson, on this subject
a vat "Nervnua Deraons. oeoDle run
down in health and of low vitality
should eat meat and plenty of It If
. th.. Alvfl4lnn la inn faehla at first ft
may be easily corrected by the regular
use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after
each meal. Two of thes excellent
tablets taken after dinner, will digest
several thousand grains of meat eggs
or other animal food In three hours,
and no matter how weak, the stomach
m h. nn trouble will be experienced
" If a regular practlc la made of using
rituart a Dyspepsia nuiaus
. thev supply the pepsin snd diastase
necessary to perfect digestion, snd
vary form of Indigestion will be over
com by their nee.
That large class of people who com
tinder tu bead of nervous dyspeptics
ahmiM aat nintv- meat and insure
Its proper digestion by the dally use of
a Safe, harmless digestive medlolne
like Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets, com
nna4 nf tha natural direst I V Drln
clrilea.- nensln. dlastsse. fruit acids snd
salts, which actually perform th work
of digestion. Cheap cathartio medi
cines, masquerading under the name of
dyspepsia cures, a re useless for Indi-
nation as thav have at .ollltelV n or
feet unon the actual digestion of food.
Dyspepsia In all Its many forms Is
slmnlv a failure of tha stnmaon to i
gesf food, and th sensible wsy to
solve th riddle and cur th dyspep-
- sla Is to make dally us at meal time
of a preparation like Htuart's DySpep-
- - sla Tablets, which I endorsed by the
medical profession and known t oon-
t tain active digestive principles.
Came Was Won by the Men and Not
by tha Difference In Style of Play
Star of the Day Waa Captain
Chalmers snd His Lin Bucking.
Brashear Holds His Own for the
Angels, Eagen for Tacoma
..-'and Householder.
The batting average of the . Cokst
league have changed very little during
the last week. - The leaders manage to
hold - their own very - consistently.
Brashear continues - his vteady work
for Los Angeles, Eagen for Tacoma,
and Householder and Nealon for the
Seals. Those batting :200 and over up
to and Including November g. follow,:
Willamette Eleven ; Downs Club
Team by the Small Score -
of Four to Nothing. ... !
' By 'Douglas Erakiho.
(Special Dlspateb byUsssd Wire to Toe Joorasll
Ban Francisco, Nov. li Biaaiora, u;
Berkeley, 6. -
Favorites don't always win. ana io-
dav's aame between California and
Stanford was another proot ' oi mis
sdage. I went to Palo Alto' expecting
that the honors would go to the Berke
ley tesm. - A number of friends bed told
me thst the Stanford team naa im
proved so much In the last two weeks
that they were sure to neat xsergeiey,
but It did not seem to me that the team
which had such a hard time beating ths
Sherman Indians, who were easy for
California, could Improve sufficiently
to snatch a victory from th team which
was to wear th blue and gold.- . .
Th glowing report of th Improve
ment of th cardinal team were more
than justified by th performance of th
men todav. Such an exhibition of speed
rand dash has seldom been given by any
team that has worn th colors of Stan-'
ford university, and th man who took
th powerful California team Into eamp
ar deserving- of- the highest praise.
Th gam waa a spectacular one. long
runs, long kicks, spectacular ducks
through the line and hard tackles fol
lowing thick and fast on on another.
Th crowd waa worked up to a pitch of
excitement rarely seen even at thes
games. : i ' v
. . Start with a Bnah. , ; , .
Th start of th gam was lust as th
wiseacres had predicted and every one
looked for an easy California victory.
Stanford kicked off to California and
ths blu and gold immediately .pro
ceeded to tear around the Stanford end
and plow through th line as"-! they
were going 10 jnaae a coucnaown every
10 minutes." The ball was carried from
th California 2-yard lln to th Stan
ford lln in a aerie of plays which
showed th Berkeley backa up, very
strong, and Stanford seemed to be over
powered.- On their own 20-yard lln
Stanford seamed 'to tak a brae. Th
exertion nf -carrying the bait 7 yards
had told on California and Stanford took
th ball on downs. . . .
Btnfordmsd-only thrr-yards on
two downs snd were forced to ' kick.
Crawford's effort sent the ball into Cal
ifornia territory and California, after
failing to make her gain, kicked to Stan
ford. -Then -commenced the exhibition
Stanford's -strength.' Crawfuid.' tin
tackle-back play, went through Cali
fornia's right tackl for SO yards,, and
a few more play carried th ball down
to th 20-yard Una. . Stanford lost th
ball ..her,, .aod. California agataWailed
to msk to distance.
. Thompsox'a Touchdown.
There - was an Interchange of VI cits
ant Whitman Xumbled one of Crawford's
high ones. .
Like a flash Mold no wss on th ball.
and th ehtir Stanford contingent In the
grandstand rose and shouted.- Chalmers
Dole, Thompson and Crawford were sent
Into ths California tackles, till final
ly Thompson was shoved over between
th goal posts-for th first touchdown.
Th critics looked tip and began to re
mark that this was a very lively team
for a I ta 1 abort end. Crawford kicked
th goal, and th scors wss to a.
On th first down after the kick-off
California showed th best ground-gain
ing play that was tried during the after
noon.' On algnal for a kick Snedlgar
took th ball and) was around Stanford's
right and before th onlookers could
realise what . was doing. Fifty yards
was tha distance which the speedy half
mad before he waa- downed. Again the
blue and gold could not make their yards.
Stanford lost the ball In the middle of
t"gJLeiL-fiu-Aa-lntMgnalai1 aunrtsrsarh
run, an California kicked. Chalmers
dropped ths catch, and California got the
ball close to the Berkeley ln. With only
five yards to go for a touchdown, and
a very short tlm to msk It. th Berke
ley team struggled Ilk demons, but th
defense of the cardinals waa splendid
Sperry was glvsn th ball on th third
down, but could not make an Inch, and
Stanford took th ball en down Just
as th first half ended. -
Snedlgar Soores. , ;
Th second half had not been long In
progress when California got within
striking dlstanc and Fore took a
chance at a place kick for goal from th
40-yard Una. It waa a splendid kick,
but It paased at least two' yards out-
sld th posts. After the - kickers on
the . two teams bad booted th ball
hack and forth Fore had another try.
but the second effort want wide. Craw
ford kicked out to th center of the
field and then California tried Snedlgar
on th fake kick play again. ;
' This tlm it worked to perfectloa
Snedlgar went down th field Ilk an
express train, and bowling Stott over.
made a touchdown. The ball waa near
th sld lln, but th kick out was suc
cessfully handled and Fore had a rea
sonably easy chance to kick a goal. The
ball Just . missed th goal by a few
inchea. , -
The excitement attending . this sen
sational run Jad hardly subsided when
Vandervoort of Stanford started on a
run around tha Berkeley left end. Kit-
roll went out to Intercept the runner,
but Vandervoort observed the move and
quickly changing bis -course , went In
side th end and carried the ball over
th Berkeley goal lln after a run of
10 yards. Crawford again made the
extra point by kicking a goal. Stan
fofd had Berkeley's most . dangerous
play, the Snedlgar run. slsed up by this
tlm and th gam went along evenly
till th end, no further scoring result
ing.. .
- Oame Won by Men. . ' ,
Th gam was certainly won by th
men and not by th difference In the
plays or ths method. . California started
off. like aur winners, but as. soon aa
thy found that Stanford could, gain
on them they fell down and th further
th gam went th mora certain It ap
peared that Stanford . waa getting
stronger and tbelr opponents weaker.
' Vandervoort and Stott - showed up
prominently In a team which worked to
gether a well as sny tesm I hsvs aver
seen, but the star preeminently was
Captain Chalmers. The speed which he
showed In hitting ths lln caused many
of th old tlmera to racsill "iocomotlv"
Smith and It looked to ms as If Chalmers
wss even speedier than Smith, who wss
the hsrdeat Una bucker this coast has
oroduced. '
V Chalmers Inspired his man with eo
Pl,i.n , A.m.
Belts, Oakland 1
HfiUlh, Jim. Oakland
Blinkrnahip. Seattle...
Shield!. Seattle H-1
Bmnett, Brattle
HraMhear, L AJigela,....t A
Mi-Leaa, Portland..... 63
Kigali, Tacoma... . a1!
Nealon, Baa Jranciaoo r5
HuuarliokJrr, Pert, and 8. F.. tt3
Kordyka. Tacoma...;...,..... T44
Dillon, Los Anel. ......... '
Irwin, Han Irrauclaee ........
Craratn, Ixm Angeles, ...... Al'l
Waldran, San Franctaro (KIT
lilldebrand, Baa rrsnelsco.... TM3
Kane, Seattle....,,....;.....
DuulrSTjr. Oakland...... TUB
Croaa, Oakland sod Seattle... M
Bernard. Ixis Angelas , Wl
Krugee, Oakland '
Mcliale. Seattle and Portland" 5.M-
M.iskiuiaa, - Oakland... S"
Hackntt. Oakland...
Lautrrbora, Brattle.. )M
Mltc-beU. PortUnd. ..........
Lynoa. Tscoma. ...... .... SriS
McOadle. Portland.....
Van llaltren. Oakland.. 775
Anas, Lis i Angeli-s. . .......... Wl
Whrelrr, Ban rYanelse. . . .
Brhlafly. Portland. MS
nmita, jno. xa asgeias..... i"
Vlrkers, Seattle ST
Walters, S- ana Seattle....
Hall. it.. Seattle.-... '-
Dorle, Tacoma............... Tl'S
Kerrr, -Portland
tkjoa, Angews....
Ats. Portland shi
Bheehaa, Tacoma.... m
Kagle. Los AnlM. ......... w
Mnbler. Baa franclsce STS
rrary. Boat tit. .......... .... SIS
Caaejr, Tacoma. ...... ........ 6'JB
van surea, roriuiDi......,n
unes. B.. rortiana
Mclaughlin, Tacoma vXT
Hogan. V., Oakland 13
Swrener,- Porttand. .-. .. ......
Haum. mm Auaiw...... ',r
(RneHal Dlanatefc hv Leased Wire to Tke JoornaH
-r iioa Angelee, Nov.-11. Today's game
waa on of th. sort you read aoout. nut
seldom see. ' Tacoma played big league
ball at every stage. They got- seven
hits off Nagi. but th-support saved
nti. local th game;. LiOS Angeiea won
put In-the-ttrlrtH tnnlrtgv -Trie-Angeis
hlaved srreat ball and nipped th wan
derers out by an Inch in each cas. Th
(irar. Los Angeles..
Kagr, Los Angeles
Htrelb, Oakland and Seattle..
Kelly, . Oakland
.IS Jl.
4 '
. 1HT
. INS -
IT n
.--a --1(
mj .
,i4 ;.
io .
. 114
. 1H8
le -
M .
- 119
r 2T"
- J4S
; 29
4 .
' T
110 -132
B A.
. 4
' .2
- .m
' .24S
' .244
- .212
' .215
. .212
, .2i4
Clever .Youngster '.Manages to
Hold thftJTacomas Down to
'Ortr Solitary Run..
score l
nernara, ct .........
Flood. 2b.....,......
Smith, 8b ..-
Brashear. ss. ...... .
Dillon, lb. ..........
rrivath. rf-
Ross, If. ..........."!
I e
Nagle. p,
Totaie .
0 8
s e
o 10
0 i
. ' - ab. n. h. po. a; B.
TVnvlA. rf ' ..... 4
Sheehan, lb. ........
Nordyke, lb. .
Kngan, 88. .......... J
McLaughlin, ' It '..iV
Lynch, cf. .. .
Casey, Sb.
Graham, e. .......... J
FltsTerald. p. ....... J
Keefe, p.. ........... 0
'. Totals . . ......... .1 T 4 11
Losingeles SJ!?2J?i
Hits . . i :::;:
r.n..n. . a a a e o o l a
Hiis" ....... .. MtHII 1
' K7 - tA tuna
Tl 1 1 a b rfFt tTii e r aTa
Its Brashear. 1. V
Poor Handling of Kicka snd Short
Punts Place Club T" t Several
Serious Disadvantage! . Multno
man's Defense) Was a Revelation. '
- ' - ' - -
Wlllamett 4. Multnomah 0..
Tha .strong and aturdy eleven Tpr-
aentlna- tha WUlamett univeraiii rr
umpbgd ystrday afternoon over Mulb
Bomah by , th small acore of 4 to , 0,
mad possible by a place kick that went
over one of the. upright goal posts in
the middle of the second hair.
. When Refer Lonergan, nodded ' his
head, signifying that th goal waa mad,
there- was a seen of th wildest n
thuslasm on th Multnomah field. . It
really seemed as If every person present
shouted for the visitors 'SO terrino was
th accompanying din. . It waa th -first
tims thai a college eleven sn tne norin-
west had beaten tha club- men and th
causa for th tov waa apparent;
It -waa a close came and tn cjuo
men accepted uieir oeieat wun . iw
arace. .
The Immediate cause of Multnomah's
downfall may be directly attributed to
the Inability of the club backa to catch
Willamette's punts, and the poor kick
ing of Multnomah after "Bud" Jamea
was compelled to retire from tne game
on account of Injuries. Not attempting
to raise the cry of hard luck,-Borin
any way detract from the brilliant work
of Coach Bishop's men, it may o saia
In all honestv that Multnoman s . oia
luck was missing yesterday.. The club
men on offense ripped through ths Sa
lem line for splendid gains.' but ths
gaining was not consistent, while on de
fense th Multnomans presented a ror-
mldabl stone wall. Another : reason
why the punts of th club men were
not -so effective waa caused by the poor
passes mad to Saunders, after Kellar
had retired .with a wrenched knee. . Kel
lar bad been playing faultless ball and
his retirement waa a great loss to the
Multnomah has a good football team
and those who. saw the game felt as
sured that th club's defense waa of a
high order of excellence, whil tha' of
fense, though not concentrated nor fla
vored with a helping hand, waa auperlor
to that of the visitors. Four times the
elub wen -war In dangerous rlttcej jpn
ALL 111
Winnipeg Man Spends ,Four
" Months In Quest for Wifs
and Children.
Left while he was
J. Bigley Finally Arrives In Portland
io Find That Loved Ones Havs
Gone. Purauea ' Search to Sound,
Then Yields to Fate. i.
k. t. . I rt on Dases ioa
Anaeles. fi: Tacoma. I. Bases on balla
rtir Pltaa-eralLL Off Keefe. X. Struck
... -p. N..iaLT 6' bv Fltxcerald. Z
rwiiKia rvlnva ' Nagle to Eager to
oi.k nmhMP to Flood to Dillon.
Wild pitch Nngle. Time of gameOne
hour and Si minutes. Lrflptr uavis.
"Hail! Hail! Th Gang's All Her!"
is th refrain thst wss shouted by 140
.t.M.nta of th North Paclfio Dental
college at th annual banquet last night
In honor of the f reahmen who were ad
mitted to th students' association th
night before.' Th festivities were held
In labour's .restaurs. ,Th SI fresh
men wera given Bests' of honor and were
made to beaith brunt of many Jokes.
H. C. Flxot; president of th students'
association, waa master of ceremonies
snd he announced tha numbers on th
program ss follows: Address. Dr. E.
m. Hurd of Salem: piano solo, Mrs.
Ketchum; senior toast, Oeorg H. Mar
tin: banjo solo. W. A. 8hort; Junior
toast. H. P. Borders; Vocal solo, O. E.
Barton; freshman toast, -1 A. Wells;
overture, orchestra; alumni toast. Dr.
Tates; association toast. C. K. Wllllsms;
vocal solo, W. A. O. Handford; vocal
solo. W. U MUlgard; toast to th ladles,
T.,C Prlc.: a -
Several members of th faculty wr
present jmd Dr. Ynny, Dr. Binswsn
ger. Dr. Meyer, Dr. Bell and Dr. Pettlt
mad remarks. . - ,
x ' " "
(Special Mapatcb t Tke Joeraal.) - V
Chehalls, Wash., Nov. 11. Sheriff t'r
qnhart retnme. today- from . Vlotorta,
B. C, having In eustodjf F. E. Baldwin,
charged with kidnaping. Baldwin Is In
Ja.ll her. November I. Baldwin and his
wife, Emma.- of Chehalls, ar alleged
to ; ha v abducted her -year-old girl
from Mr. Van Carnap, grandmother of
the . child, Ita legal guardian,, from her
horn at Chehalla. Th woman la under
arrest her also. Baldwin and th child
wr found at a Victoria hotal. H re
turned without tradlMon papers.
r i 1 1 r
fldence, h played his position perfectly
and handled kicks in good style, making
only one fumble. Stanford w - a
great deal to th work of Chalmers, -snd
the eppreclstlon of the cardinal fol
lowers was shown when the plucky cap
tain wa led from th field near th end
of th Tram, a knock on th head hav
ing mad him too dlssy to continue, the
enthusiasm of the Stanfordltes being
expressed In f rantlo cheers.
account of tha fumbling of punt and
poor Kieas. yei wneit ao v mamen
tried to scor it wss quit impossible to
budge th local line. Blancbard, who
wa playing a Star gam at right end.
had to quit on account of -a dislocated
shoulder. After James retired, Dr.
Woodruff went In at guard and Saunders
went to lull.
Woodruff showed great club spirit
by entering the gam and his defensive
work was a revelation. Saunders backed
up un iiiiain'tr-sBng,ara
tower of strength on offensive. George
McMillan and Peter Overt leld at tacklea
were teams In themselves both In stop
ping plsys and In advancing tha ball.
They played in old tlm form and war
aa fresh after the gam as th youngest
players on th field. Butler at guard
snd Jordan at end also eriowed their
mettle on very play., Butler prevented
a place kick In th second half, and had
the bis-. fellow regained hla feet It
would have been a touchdown. Owena,
for a light man. did vary well. One of
the features of tha game waa th apletr
dld line bucking of James. , It was pret
ty and very effective. .
For Willamette Pollard and Rader
were th stars, while the entire team
played a steady colleg gam of foot
ball. Coach Bishop was called Into play
during th last 10 minutes and spurted
things along rather lively. - .
Taking everything Into consideration,
credit for the victory must go to Wil
lamette. Rader made th kick that won
th -gam. Th club acknowledged the
defeat and tha honor go to Salem, The
lineup was.
Multnomah. : , . Willamette.
Jordan, (c) LEH Henkle
McMillan ,LTK, .. Pollard (o)
Breed-Woodruff .L OK......... Marker
Kellar-Baya C... Nelson
Butler BQL..;... Phllbrook
Overfleld ........ .R T L. ... 4 .H. Kellar
Blanchard-McCall .REL Coleman
Rupert I.... Q Patton
Horan .......... R H Nace-Blshop
Owens ..LiHR. ......... Long
James-Saunders. . F B a Rader
Length of halves 30 and IS minutes.
Scor 4 to 0. Referee Mr. Lonergan.
Umpire Dr. Olinger. ' Linesman Mr.
Bishop. Timekeeper Mr. .BIJly Fee
cheimer. "
(Brjeeial Dlanatch tar Lessed Wire te The Journal)
San Francisco, Nov. 11. Th Seals
made a runaway match of It at Recrea
tion park today, shutting out tha ; Bl-
L washes. Neither pitcher waa hit to
any extant. Th northerner ware minus
th asslBtanc of Captain Ruse Hall,
h Seoii sMdrleTly-lr'-tn--tri-rncrrnlngr
After a search which lasted four
months and carried hira thousands of
miles, bringing him eventually to Port
land, J. Bigley of -Winnipeg-. Manitoba,
has given up hop of finding his wife,
who deserted him with thre children.
He left last nlsrht for his bom.
- -The local police received Information
showing positively that Mrs. Bigley was
here a ehort time ago, but the attempt
to discover her present whereabouts has
been futile. . . . ;
Mrs.-Blgly deserted -her huaband
July '4. taking advantage of hi par-
tlclnatlna in Indenendeno day celebra
tion bv the Americans of Winnipeg.
Whan ha. returned he found that his
wife waa son, and that with her had
gone-their thre children. Harold, aged
8 years: Gladys, aged 6, and Ross, ths
baby, not quit I years old., At first he
thought they, too, hsd been attracted
by the excitement on th streets. That
night h applied to th police for aid
In finding -itbem,,. No trao was dis
covered for days, and then Bigley left
Winnipeg and began a Journey that haa
taken him from ocean to ocean, xrom
th great lake to th gulf.
Reaching Portland, hla hopes war
high. He believed he would find his
wife and indue her to return home
with th little one. Ha was willing to
forgive and forget. When th search In
Portland failed h want to Tacoma and
Seattle and had tha police of those
cities assist him In his quest. He re
turned yesterday and told Chief Grlts
macher that hla trip had been In vain-
no thing remained but to go back horn.
haggard, worn and discouraged.
Williams Was Invincible and Had
Na Oiffic4tylii BowninguL
the Satellites. -
1 -at" -
"the BffVET
Th stri arfaa ta fjsa sn
as tha as whaw heis 8a tt si'
rlaat Sh cast aeevlSa the) hmm at
asiialasjianta wtth aa Cdlseei PltsaisaiBsai
' Woeuee M ealks. tUvs. stoda an anahaat r
rtla ml bag friends' wlew aw taaruta4 aa.
fermas. There's always fua atvd nuai wlvtw
, tlkaeVa aat j '
It la aewr r4r ffutwtafct whaSeve yet Sfei 9wala
lasaleal smasta, kaaS v olMara, taUiasaral r raaads-vtUew sa
.tmmentai eg irooal eoleai. T aamswoia Ww o8, ' s-iisrlilsi
sneert vt eaai t from an Edlsee Phewegvaa mm Oadst Meaal44
ReooreU. hear al reur deaWe. ftwe af ehaa-ge. rkeaaeajglkS
SM-OO km Keoseda. SSo. Meat.
1$ Lka44e Aveassae, Oraatg. H. J. ;
"V Dsakea, wkk ttoiss, wsasss is svy tswa ask vet
To St th emergency th infield bad to
be patched up. Lauterborn worked well
J at abort, but tha team aa a whole lacked
consistency and unity of effort. Shield
threw th ball Into center field In the
third Inning and Shea and Waldron
moved aa far aa third and aecond, re
spectively. la this predicament Moh
ler hit for two sacks, scoring both run
ners. Speediness on th paths, partic
ularly daring trials and good . sliding
to th plat added further tallies to- the
Seala' totaie, Th score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Bennett, 2b. 8 0,0
Kane. 8b. ........... 0 0
Walters, rf. 0 0
Blankenahln. If. ....4 0 1
Strelb. lb 4 0.1
Frti ry c. . 2 v
Th second Junior of Columbia de
feated th Sunnysld Junior yesterday
47 -to O.-v The team wr evenly
matched ao far aa weight waa con
cerned. Campbell gained 110 yards by
and runs and kicked seven goals. ' The
star player for Sunnyslds Juniors waa
Havadahl, right half. The line-up:
Crookshtnk ..C Camp.
Becker . . . , R. O. L. Lambert
Shannon.' ..R. T. L Shipley
Row....,..,...R. E. TU.......F. Lewi
Nelson......... L.' O. R. Wlnelow
Doyle..... L. T. R- ..Entler
J. Kreba........L. E. B-. . .HendHcksen
Cnrmody... Q. B.. .... ..Minor c)
Henriot........R- H. U... ...Havadahl
McDonnell c , . . F. ....... .Richmond
Campbell .
,U It R-.
.H. Lewis
At ' Pittsburg Washington ' and Jef
ferson. 0; Western Unnlverslty of Penn
sylvania, 11. ;.
At Philadelphia Pennsylvania. II;
Harvard, . . .
- At Annapolis Navy. 14; Bucknell, a.
At Princeton Princeton, .10; Cor
nell, 0. tfe- . ' -
At3V'st Point Carlisle, I; West
Point, 6. ii i v-
At Ann Arbor-Mlchlgan. 40; (Ohlo
Stat University. 0. -
At Carllale Dickinson. II; Iehlgh, I.
At Minneapolis Minnesota. II; South
Dakota. 0. 1 )
At Chicago -Chi ea go, 18; Perdue, 0.
Cleared hot Aetiea.
.When th bodv 1s cleared far action
by Dr. King's New Life- Pills you ran
tell it b th bloom of health on th
cheeks, th brightness of the eyes, t
firmness of the fleei and muscles, th
buoyancy of th mind. Try them. At
Pkldraor a drug Store, l&l Third atreat.
..I 0 1
. a a
wuipi vjv ,m mmt ..... y
C. Hall, cf. 4 0 -
Shields, p. .......... iV.0-0
Laoterborn, as.
4 I
Totala ,
. ..........80 t li 11 1
- - AB. R. IT. PO. A. E.
Woldron.-cf. ........ 4 2 2 I Oil
lUnhler. 5h 8 1 1. 1
1 1 nfebfaHJnf. 1 0 0 b
Wheeler, lb 4 1 1 10 o
Householder,' rf.
Irwlnr 8b. TTtrrnm 2 -0 - 0,1 1
Oochnauer, aa . . . . . . 8 0 0 0 4
bhea, c. ........i... 2 1 0 41
Williams,, p. ........ t 0 0 0 4
, SALMON. .'
This it ths Purs New Era Products, msds In Detroit, famous all ths
. world over, s written Marantes of purity gov s m
" 1" ch can-was $1.73 GALLON, . )
; It is t'anteed'ss'tood ss when . V left the factory, snd ie sold
at. this price because water and amoks half destroyed tha labels and
-aoiled the can. ... .: ; , -,. .j , . ... -
Painters White Lead 6c Pound
-The " Otd Original; former
The kind that stays on your
V That smooth finish, so easy
1 to ker clean: former price
rNow. IVeJ
' Transforma the old fine tub
to porcelain;': former price,
, qnsrt, $1.40. Tf
; Now.
For steam pipes, radiators, g8
' ranges,' etc.; former price,-
floor ; former price CI DA
x $175 gallon. Now....ePIUU
Wears well, won't fade; form
er price $1.25 per 70
, gallon. Now iUC
Makes your floor look Hke
mahogany; former price $275
No one will ever again buy Paints st thS prices ws are selling
these splendid goods for now. Don't neglect ths opportunity.
208 Front Street, Between Taylor and Salmon. 4 Portland, Oregon.
Fook Sang & Co.
Total . '. .2S t 4 27 18 2
score: bt innings.
ftenttl . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hit . . 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 II
Ban -rancisco ...0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 I
Hits 0 0 2 00 2 SO 04
Two-baa hit Mohlr. Blnnknehlp.
Sacrifice hits Kane, Frary, Mohler,
Hildebrand. Stolen bases Bennett,
Mohler, Wheeler I. First baa on er
rorsSeattle, 2. Base on ball Off
Shields, ; oft Williams, 2. Left on
bases Seattle, ft: Han Francisco, 2.
Struck out By Shields, 4; by Williams,
2. Double play Williams to Shea - to
Mohler. Wild pitch Bhlelda. Time of
game One hour and 20 minute. Um
pire McCarthy. ,
' High Sckool-Colombla Qasa Off.
The game acheduled for Saturday be
tween Columbia university and Portland
high school was not played. - The high
school explained that It was preparing!
for th gam With Portland academy
neit Baturday. ..
Walll Nash, counsel for tha Co
operative Christian Federation, will ar
rive today from New Tork. ..where he
haa been for thre week In consulta
tion with trust companies that sr pre
paring to float the federation's. 150,000,
000 bond Issue, for carrying out plans
of agricultural development. Irrigation,
railroad building and the building ef
model cities In western and central Ore
gon. The federation will start with
nearly 1.000,000 acres of tend,- Including
the French-Glenn ranch In Harney coun
ty and the land grant of the Willamette
Valley Cascade Mountain Unitary
Road companyv-extendlng aoroa ... the
state from east to west. It Is aatd th
visit of Mr. Nash and H. 8. Wallac to
Nw Tork haa been crowned with suc
cess. Mt. Wallac will remain in New
Tork for-a few daya longer, to attend
to detalla concerning th financing of
At a meeting of tha atata commission
of the Lewis and Clark fair, yesterday
afternoon, a resolution waa adopted pro
viding that with the exception of the
Forestry building all buildings erected
by th commission that ar not dls-
4U I
ssa nwius
231 Alder SL, Portland
Pure. Beautiful Jade
Jewelry. Ooid Bracelete
and Signet Ulnars of all
descriptions made to or
der. American name
engraved In Chinese
characters on pure gold
rings, or good-luck rlnya engraved wun
h. thre."cardlnaf Chinese charaetere.
Prosperity ana jongevny.
rh.r, reasonable and orders oi any
via: Glory.
design promptly "ecu ten ana senc pr
paia to any par v -
FRENCH Tansy Wafera Origi
nal and only gnnln Putup in
yellow vrapper and "Crown
trademark. - For sal by 'th -
The Great Chinese Doctc
S.i.. lilt a ii ,
ma a.
Those sntrerlng from weak
eases which sas the pleasure
of life should take Juven Puis,
One Kot will tell a StOTT Ct
marvelou Wsulw This medicine has saor
reJuvenatlBg. vilallilng fore than has ever
been offered. Bent post-paid m plain package
Only en receipt of this adv. and L
Made by Its originators C. I. Hood Co pro
erietor Hood's Ssrsaparilla. Lowell. Mas.
Te the terse bI-
SfllUllilf III. I. em-.-.
ef first aad Morrlao
' Entrance
163 rirst Street
- Zr. a- See Ws. tke Srset Oklses Soete
Is wall kswwa aad faaaoa thrMfboet lit l
a becaaa Sis woadertat aad asarvalnns -
bsve heee bwakto broadcaat Ihrwif hoot I
tesgtb aad breadth ef Ula eoentry. Us trs
asy ss sll Slaeasee with eoverral Chin
raets, hertia. hnda, heefes snd ! lla I,
ar entlrelr snaooira to aiadlcal annea is ti
eosatry. sad thronsh th aee at the harml...
raSle h gaaraatM t ear eatarrh. ssih.
raa( treaMaa. rhaaUm. aersaea, stow,.
Urn. kloae. fast ale wsablse aad sU arlm.
mi rssMS avwtfi enre witihi
ef the knife, wltheat aatn eolaoas of amaa.
Rnndpea ef teeaWntasi e St BIS since.
Call sad e him. euaat. . .
OOHSUXTAXloa rasa.
Satteets eat ol the city writ far hla"
sad etrenlar. Isetasa stsaia, S1lr 1 -0.
S W Ohlaas Madlata e, 1 Ul Is
ar. afaailsaa. rertlaad, O.
nosed "of by November 20 be sold at
mi Kiln auction In tha hlshest bidder.
The Mining ouuuing was recently ama
to la. C. Martin of thl city for a ware
house for 00. He appeared before th
commission yesterday, threatening liti
gation if a porllbtf of hw money tm net
refunded. He will b sail ansa, now
ever, if the Mining building Is ex
changed and ha ta permitted to own tha
Machinery, Electricity and Transporta
tion building. He Bays that the Tatlnlng
bulldlnt ' is ... not In tha condition he
thought It wss at tha tlm of purchase.
The commissioners refused to mak th
zchang. --: - - . .
- Aad s Waa aight. .
The hostess had been trying In valn
ta coax a young may to sing.
. "What do you think of a girl wha can
sing and won't T" aha asked a bachelor
guest. , ' " 1 .
think." ha replied, "that ahe s worth
a 4osn g.lrls who can"t sing, but wlli
Fr SBedarw dttat-we. World -rs
sew specialist.
Lew prlaa asutnt wlta 8rt-sls
.. work.
; 2 O te the . .
retntTS a its mobbiso stj.
. Opa day and thv from I t
BltU ft SB.
a tmc""i inn
ai' f " I
V ....... i- - -,.