The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Everything In
Sport dora
hi ... - - -
ill CLOSE mi
Moore's Forty-Five-Yard ' Run
J,lz.. Wins Annual . Came From:
I : 11 ? the O. A. C' Farmers. '
i r ' fc. . . - '
I ? Corrallis Tore. Through Oregon Line
.- :S" v i fa Great Strides, hut With the God
; q Seven Yards Away, Eugene Players
, Held Like a Stone WalL
8peelal Dtepatck to Tb JomtL) '
. ii''.. Eugene, ' Or. Nor. 11. In on of the
' . most exciting football gamea ever mn
in the northwest the University of Ore-
gon eleven today defeated the Oregon
.Agricultural college, the soor being
to ft. The single touchdown was
, f made by Gordon Moores, Oregon' faat
left and. who planted the pigskin be-
lilnd tb Corvallls goel posts after a
. . run of 45 yards, as time was growing
: ; T fctaort In the first half, when Captain
Latourett called ' a quarterback kick,
and after the ball waa kicked, touched
y Kerron and then by a Corvallls men
and then gathered in by Moores, wbo
' raced down the field for a touchdown.
after which Frlssell kicked a goal. Or
. gon worked the ball to the Corvallls
r 5-yard line early in the flrat halt but
fumbled and lost a chance to score.
' j, Moullen tried two place ; kicks during
Wthe gem withtfut' success. The ,'Agrl
' culturlsts made repeated galna through
' - the Oregon Una. and one In the second
, half, after rushing the ball 45 yards,
'lost It on downs on Oregon's - t-yard
' line.. The defensive work of Oregon at
this stage of the game aroused the
. enthusiasm f the spectators., Moullen
, punted out of danger and the remainder
- of the game was featureless. Is addl
? -.Ttlon to his' sensational run. Moores
'A made another1" dash of-gf yards- and
- played a faultless gam on defensive.
Chandler, - Oregon's right - end, also
'"" ' played a.' -slashing defensive gam.' The
line, rushes of .McKinney. Kerron and
Tetaolaton .and the defensive work of
. Hurd. Karl and Hug were rtnrer-of
. Oregon's plsy. while Captain Root, Wll-
: llama, Abrahams and Dolan were sure
- ground-gainers for O. A. C. Th Cor
vsllis team outplsyed Oregon on
'Straight- lrne-piunge, but Oregon -
' celled In end running, punting, handling
' -'punte and generalship. Th defensive
work of both teamswas splendid. -.
Oregon's Costly rumbles. .
Oregon made numerous costly fumbles
but as Id from - this the men on th
rsltr showed great improvement over
last Saturday's gam-with Wlllamett.
Corvallls had a decided alvantag J( la
weight, but Oregon' men taken aa a
wtiwle were "uulcker.''Oood 1 feeliiig"pi"
vailed throughout th gam and tb
work of th rooters was of a high order.
. rnmrH fihorta comDllmented th Oregon
- rooters tonight, saying that n bad
never seen such loyal spirit In a email
college. , A. crowd of 2.000 people saw
tb gam and enthusiasm ran high. Th
grandstand waa decorated with Lhe-eot
ors of the rival teama and th whole
' scene wss on of beauty and ntbusl
asm.. Th rooters' clubs were attended
by brass bands and after th gam a
great demonstration waa inaa oy in
university students. Several thousand
dollars changed bands - tb game,
th most of it being at even money. On
the aid lines there waa plenty of Cor
vallls money at 10 to with but few
takers, as th Eugen sport bad placed
most of their coin In th forenoon. . Th
, day waa Ideal t ..
1 Story ef 0am.
. Oregon kicked off to O. A. C.'s 14-yard
Una and' Pllklngton' ran It In 11 yards.
Th teama lined up and on th first
down Root smashed left tackle for two
yards. Williams added two more and
itM null
t nes h left
side of Una for four more ' yard, la
two plays Abrahams carried th ball
five yards ahd Williams mad three
more over right tackle. Abrahams waa
llama mad four more. Oregon waa pe
nalised her for off-aid play. Root tried
straight buck but no gain. Pllklngton
triad tackle for a yard and a bait Root
tried tight tackle but Earl stopped th
play before it waa started and Oregon
i was given th ball on th 66-yard Una.
McKinney waa given th ball for. two
' yards, Kerron mad three more over
center and ' Templeton got away for
, seven. 'Kerron was' used for four and
a Moorea was-given the ball for an end
: run but fumbled,1 McKinney recovering
it. Oregon tried : a few unsuccessful
bucks and finally fumbled th ball, th
ball going out of bounds. Oregon's at
tack of th Farmers' line elearly showed
that the local team waa the stronger
bat wss apt to fumble. . " - .
It waa O. A. C.'a ball and by quick,
snappy work Rlnehart used Root, Dolan,
Cooper,1 Williams and Abrahams, and
the Oregon team was pushed back to
the 3fi-yard line, where splendid defen
sive work by Morre - and Arhsplger
. stopped their progress. - Oregon took
the ball and Templeton got away for 10
. yards. Th ball wss fumbled and
' Moullen punted 15 yards, Rlnehart re
turning it 1 yards. - Williams advanced
6 yards Into Oregon territory.
- Orlffltb, muled Oat. -
Griffith was ruled out of th game
for striking Karl, his plane being taken
by Kmlly. Abrahams and Root made
short gains. O. A. C was penalised 16
yard for holding. Pllklngton punted
' Myardsv It was Oregon's ball on her
own 60-yard Una. Templeton mad 26
yards! McKinney four,, Kerron four,
Hurd on on a fake burk and then
Oregon fumbled. O. A. C. took th ball
and Pllklngton, punted to Hurd, who
was downed In . .his .. tracks Moorea
clroled O. A. C's left end for 20 yards.
Ho gala could be mad and Captain
Iatourtt tried J.o place a kick which
fell several ysrds short. The ball wss
brought ut to th . 26-yard lln and
punted to Oregon' 66-yard line. Temple
ton mad no gain and Moullen punted
' yard a Pllklngton punted' and
Titoiirett was downed where he eaught
It. . Moores waa ., tried for four yard,
At this-' - point - the ' generalship of
Jjito'jrelte showed itself and b called
the signal 'for a quarterback kick.
Kerron got under tb ball, but It
houm-ed from his hands and Moores
running hesld him caught th ball on
the bound end ran for tounhdown.
. Krtaael kicked lyp easy goal -A few
punt ere exchanged, and th 'half
- A'... -. , ;
. ... ... ... v. .. . ..... .: ... .
Willamette Downs Old Multnomah ' Ore
gon Wins From O.' A. C. Pennsylvania.
Beats Harvard - Football Scores Sports.
Reading iipm left to right: Rear
back, Williams left halfback.
;.ence left tackle, Emily left end.
"Weary" Chandler, of Oregon Uni
vereity Eleven. .
ended with th ball in O, A. C'l posses
sion on their own 45-yard Una. .
O. A. C kicked off to Latourette to
the 61-yard line and th ball was re
turned 16 yards. Arnsplger fumbled
and O, A. C punted to Latourette, who
and Kerron advanced th ball 20 yards
and Oregon was forced to punt. At
this point of th gam O. A. C. took
a brae and literally . tor through th
Oregon Una. Oregon waa forced down
to th 7-yard line, where O. A. C. was
held for downs and Moullen punted out
from behind his own goal line. " It
looked Ilk th Farmer war going to
score, but th defensive work of th
team saved th score. Tb rest of the
game waa fought out , In both team's
territory. Punts were exchanged, with
Oregon gaining at each kick. The gams
ended with the ball In Oregon's posses
sion in th middle of th field. Score:
Oregon . O. A. C 0. Th line-up:
V. of O. O, A. C
Chandler. ... . . ..R. E. U..Orlfflth, Emily
EarL McKlnney..R. T. L. .....Lawrence,
McKinney...... R. O. I.... ...... Dunlap
Spencer. .. . t
Hug C. Walker
Moullen... U O. R.. . . .Pllklngton,
,1 Bundy
Arnsplger. T. Rl Dolan
Moores.,?! 1 E. R.. ....... ..Cooper
Latourette. ...... y , . .Rinehart
Templeton L. H. R....... Root
Hurd, Frlssell...R. H. U WUllams.
Kerron ............ FX ....... . . Abraham
Umpire, C. H. Jthercrombl of Astoria;
referee. W. I Thompson of Albany:
linesman, James Smock of Illinois; time
of halves. (0 minutes and 26 minutes;
touchdown, -Moor.--s; goal, Frtasell; aver
age weight- .Oregon. ICS, Corvallls 174.
Attendance. MOO., ' ' -s.sT
Uvertoa Zlgk Schools Wlns.j "
(ftprltl tMspsteh te The JoerasL)'
Sllverton, Or, Nov. ll.Bliverton high
school won a well-contested game of foot
ball from"Woodburn""hlKh school 1 this
afternoon. Score 6 to 0. T"! n gam waa
played In Woodburn, Th Sllverton team
showed splendid team w6rk, and although
tne coacn er wood bum played with his
team at,'left half, they war outplayed at
very point. Th ltn-tipi 1
Hllverterur Wood burn.
Stein f....C... ....... Zlmmerle
Taw Wolrard....j.L. o ...,,..narton
Moam..jjj, R. O Bonney
Bentamrrrrr. U T .....McKlnn.T
John Roes R. T..... Leasure
Richee .....,U. R. ............ Leech
Miller........ ...R. E.... Royc
Wtn .... Helmken
Dick Rose. I H. ...... ...Morrison
... ...., n. n.n.iwDf rris
t F. B...... rilnB
. . .
i -.
1 Ur
v , V
" - I
'. J'l
row Steckle coach, Griffith left
Front rowCooper right end, Dolan
Nobody Knows Where the Fltz-"Immbhe-O'Brlen
Contest Wilt"
v . Be PUlled Off.
S porting Expert Give His View on
the- Doings and Chances of Dif
7 ierent Men . FollowfaglhaLjFistic
Game for s Pittance, .
By W. W. Naughton.
(Special Mspstek by Iss4 Wire UTba Journal)
San Francisco, Nov. 11. Where will
the ring in which BobFllsslmmohs
and Jack O'Brien are to fight be staked
outT At flrat It was said that San
Franclnco waa to be the battleground
and that the men would contest th
heavyweight championship her on De
cember 10,
A later report from New Tore: told
that the rival heavyweights demanded
pictures and that Coffrotb had promised
to bring them together some fine after
soon in December at Colma, Now,
any on who la acquainted with th Ban
Francisco climate knows that w are lia
ble to have more sunshine in December
than in July but for all that It would be
unwise to set a December data for an
al fresco entertainment out thla way.
The weather I too coquettish and in
stead of blue skies and balmy air on a
given afternoon In th last month of th
yesr we might find ourselves in th
middle span of a three weeks' rainfall.
Coffroth Is a natlv son and knows
all about these things and It Isn't likely
that he would begin work on an outdoor
attraction before February at least
It, is vary avldsnt I list a'
and O'Brien expect to box In December,
th Inference is that Coffroth sees his
wsy clear to put the men In the ring
at Mechanics' pavilion In this elty but
ihaf esoglilClaBTng tils plaw-lw
their entirety for fear aome of the pol
iticians who have furthered his pur
poses might chid him for making dis
closures before the proper moment ar
rite comae Thla Week.
If Fitsslmmons adheres to his plans
he will arrive In San Francisco during
ths coming week. He la to lay over In
Chloago where a friend well versed In
th mysteries of unguents and pickle Is
to give him a preparation, which will
keep his feet from blistering when be
tackles road work.
In view of th fact that Fltz's pedal
extremities were in a bad way when
he trained for George Gardner, this Is
Interesting news. Maybe the foot
pickle Is something that the freckled
warrior might spply to his hands with
advantage. The feet play an Important
part In Queenaberry pastime, of course,
but Fits must not devote all his atten
tion te his tootsies, or the impression
may gain aground that he and Jack are
going to take a whirl at la savate. Just
try and get those bulbous maulers of
net t &&nitiim
; Captain Fores ol California. "
mBww ".-!-lf" 'W tfW4..-K0,
, -'TV
i .- - : '. r, -..
I ' . V ..,-V'v .
Bm mm
end, Root (captain) right halfback, (Abraham fullback, Rhinehart quarter-
right tackle, Bundy right guard. Walker center, Dunlap left guard, Laur-
yours In shape, Robert. Thla may or
may not be your last fight but it will be
something to talk about and remember
if It goes through without your having
to, utter the time honored lament, "Me
'and went back on m." "
oardaar-Sniilvam Contest.
About a week from now tongues will
begin to loosen over th Jimmy Gardner
Mike Sullivan contest.- The two men are
training In a way which promises a bit
ter fight when they get together on th
evening of November 1 4.
Gardner Is in 'camp at Croll's, Ala
meda, and Sullivan Is housed at Shan
non's, near San Rafael. Jimmy has his
brother, George,, directing th work of
preparation and Mike la rounding to un
der th watchful car of brother Jack.
Morris Levy, the promoter of th
affair, was puzzled for a. time aa to the
beat way to bill th attraction. He
finally struck a streak of homespun
logio and th difficulty . was solved.
"It's this way." said Levy. "These fel
lers -ar welterweights, that's adnata.
I mean they'll be welterweight th
night- they fight Later on they may
become a lightweight again;' that la,
If there is anything like a, show to- get
on with Battling Nelson. Now while
they remain welterweight I think this
should b called a - fight- for welter
weight championship. Bom on tried
I to argue that I couldn't call It a welter-
j weight championship because they have
agreed to box at catch weights. That's
-fldleulous. , These men ars ch
and thla la going to be a championship
fight I ein't call It the catch-weight
championship, for that wouldn't mean
anything, so I'm going to announce It
as the welterweight chsmplonshlp, the
class to which they belong et present
A story came from far Australia re
cently te the effect that a Melbourne
promoter had offered ex-champion Jim
Jeffries a handsome guarantee to make
th trip to kangaroo land and box th
winner of th Dick Kenrlck-Btll Squire
fight It may be pf slight Interest to
American sporting men to know that
th Kenrlck-Squlrea contest took place
at Melbourne on September 7. Kenrlck,
who seems to be a counterpart of John
L. Sullivan's sparring partner, MoCor-
mlck, from Texas, was knocked out in
th fourth round. There la little fear
of Jeffries journeying to Australia to
meet Squires. As far aa he has gone.
Jeff seems to be thoroughly sincere
about his retirement What might hap
pen. If Squires came to this country
and ' eonauered all before him is an
other question. Jeffries told the writer
once that th only thing that would
bring him bank Into - tb gamewouli
bheomclerrsome"brulser from
abroad walking away with the cham
There -Isn't much likelihood of Squires
coming this wsy, however, and frorn
wouldn't mske much headway If he
did come.' He Is a rugged fellow with
plenty of grit and punching power, but
would probably meet hla Waterloo in
a go with Marvin Hart
Altona Defeat Waverty.
' The Altone defeated the Waverty
team yesterday by the score of 16 to 6.
The superior team work of the Alton
brought them to victory. The line-up
was as follow: . . .
Wavrly. i Alton.
E. Bassll.',, .C. ....... .B. Small
R. Grossmlller. . .R.-G. L.......G. Small
W. Zlpsly L. O. R. V, Wrenn
F. 8elgfrled.,.,;R. T. L. . . Farwell,
. -. Ia Freeman
T. Luke ;.L. T. R......K. Pearcy
L. Blttner (c).R. B. L.. ..H. Woodward
R Heacock..... .L. E, Jb,...M. Magulre
O. Zlpsly .O. . -.D. Berber (c.)
8. Brelherton...R. H, L,i .... .WBrnltb
A. J")iri,. I.,. ., . , ,f r, H. RJ q,'. . J, -Close
E. finlder .......... F B. Bradley
Substitute Sharkey and Frederick.
Length of halves 20 mfnutes. - -
sW.--4alie.l Wl ttiMMtmtif4to .lsl
Captain . Chalmers of Stanford.
i ,. ... , ; . .
... . - - .
y -: ' ! '
5 -rl v.-"".
Chauncey Bishop, Coach
lamette Eleven.
of wa
The South Portland football team
will meet the sturdy Bunker Hill eleven
A faat. snsppy game Is looked for.
South Portland ha the reputation of
having ne. of the fastest teams In the
city arid are especially atrong on end
Dick Stiver of the east side aggrega
tion Is known among his opponents aa
the "bull." Stiver cares little for In
juries and playa hla hard, consistent
game all the time. -
Jackson and. L. Brown, formerly of
Columbia ahd Pacific universities re
spectively, will be seen In the Bunker
Hill line-up. Much Is expected of Wag
ner and Harwag or the uptown boys.
Captain Coovert announces the lln
op of hi team as follows: Daly,
eenter; Lewellen, right guard ; Klumpp,
left guard; Hill, right tackle; Brown,
left tackle: Green, right end; Menslng,
left end; Coovert, quarterback; John
son, right half; Bryna, left half; Stiver,
(Speetal PIsMtek by Leased Wire to The Joornall
New York, Nov. 11. Today'a results
at Aqueduct track were:
Six furlongs Quadrille (Jones), T to
10, won; Sheen, second; Hannibal Bey,
third. Time, l:ltl-. -
One mile DArkle (Miller), t te l.
won; platoon, aecond; Thistle Heather,
third. Time. 1:41.
Six furlongs Fllo Flap (RomanelHV.
to '1, won; Hooray, second ; Klnley
iaie, inira. Time,- 1:14.
One and on eighth miles Bedouin
(Shaw), S to 0, won; Buganla Burch.
secona; Aiwin, tnira. Time, l:BS.
Seven furlongs Isadalny(MfiDanlel).
a -to- lr werHety-Bud, second: Olen-
uoairn, third, Time, 1:1.
One mlls Sailor Boy (Notter). IS to
1, won: Ivan, the Terrible, second; De
bar, third. TJme, 1:401-1. , -
1 1 . t .
Uvertoa Xlgk Vtoa.
1 (Ftpecial Diapateii to Tbe joarsal.)
Wood burn. Or.. Nov. 11. An aid tine
football game wae played, hare today.
tha, Sllverton High school team defeat
ing the - Woodburn High: school eleven
by a score of to ,0. - ..- -
1 . ,-
:. ,
... ? - ! ,
iiiwssW'.i's- X'ats i fSMMi i .
Spokes Bowao Tewlarkoa. '
'' Spokane, Nov. 11. Spokane defeated
the Lewlston eleven here today by the
eoore of 2t to 4. In a former game at
Lewlston three weeks ago the score-wae
to Orv j - --- " '
Racing Opens in California -Portland Loses
to Oakland Everything in Baseball
Naughton on theTighters Boxing, Baseball
Pitcher Smith Holds Heavy Hit
- ting Giants Down to Three li
- . Dinky Safe Hits.
McCredie's Error, McLean's' Miscue
ajfa Ferry's ' Ability In Pitching
Suitable Ball for Oakland Cost
' Portlanders the dame, ,
(Speetal IHspateh by Leased Wire to Th Jnomal)
. Ban Francisco, Nov. 11. Mr. Smith,'
Who tolls In a laundry when he isn't
shooting th shoots for vthe Oakland
team, waa all to the effective at Idora
today and let th Portlanders make only
three hits. The Giants bunched two
safe one in th first inning, but after
that their effort were very much in
valn t The team behind the young
twlrler gave him errorless support.
Ferry, on the elab for the Webfeet, was
slammed for a total of nine, netting
th Commuters three aces. -The, score:
" AB. R, H. PO. A. B.
Van Haltren. ct .... 4 0 0 0-0 0
Kruger, rf. .......... 4 0 1 1 0
Dunleavy, If. ,,,,.. I 1 1110
Moskiman. lb. 4 0 112 0
Kelly, tb. 4 0 11 7 0
Francka, ss. 8 10 1 4 0
Deveraux, lb. 1 1 1 1 1 0
Byrne,- c 1 - 0 1 I ' 0 - 0
Smith, p. 0 10 X 0
Totala.. ....... ...Jl s IT 14 0
' '- ' x AB. R. H". PO. A, 15.
Van Buren, If. ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0
McHale, cf. , 1 0 I S O
Mitchell, 8b. ..101 1 I 0
Schlsfly, lb, .........4 0 1 0 7 1
McLean, lb. ......... 4 0 11 S O
McCredle rf. ,,.....1-0 1-1-1 1
Sweeney, ss. ........ S ' 0 0 I 4 0
Sues, c I 0 01 1 0
Ferry, p. 0
Total... .'..! 1 1 14 lll
Portland - .1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hits ,7 . ........1 o o o"o ntw
Oakland . .....!o 0 0.0 0 0 I l S
111 la . . -.t; i e ii a i m i s
Baerlflce"lkn-SmlthT - Btden" baaes--
Dunleavy t. First base on error Oak
land. 1. Bases on balls-Off Smith, J;
off Ferry, 1. Left on bases Oakland, ;
Portland. 4t- ritruca out By ferry.--M
Siieaa Double-plays Dunleavy id
McHale to Mitchell; Schlafly to UcLau
to Schlafly to Buess. Tim of game-
One hour and 10 minute. Umpire
Parrtn. ' "."
I 1111 'p a rimr'nrAiz r i rirt it." 1
rnvinw vvnwi kwwww. .
Lo Aagetee..,
Saa rraaelses,
Oaklaad ,
IA 1.HI10
Seattle ,
nt it
01 u
Tt .
M. r
V ) f-LOTTtE-
1)1 T
It's the newest, nattiest, nicest thing made in
Children's Nightwear
Little Tudor Play Suits, affording perfect protec
tion from head to foot for restless little sleeper.
Made in ages 1 to 6 of
OS-G7 TttihS St.&etmen Stain Oak
J. A. hvAAN'
Washington University Ele
- Runs Away With the Red M
From Southern CaliforniaJ
Touchdowns Came ' With RemJ
able Frequency in First Half, u
tain McDonald's Men Playing
Great Snap and Accuracy.
(gpeelal Dtapatok to Th Jooraal.)
Beattl. Nov. -11. Lo, th poor
dlan earn . from th Sherman Ini
school and was scalped by the TJnl
slty of Waahlngton 1 to 0 today. Fl
the surt to the flnUh it waa the n
spectacular and sensational game
seen in Beattl. - Th Washington t
took . their plaoea In th Held
fear and" trembling against the Ind:
who had held Stanford down ( t4
but after the flrat down th red
never ono had a-look -hi
Waahlngton kicked off to th Ind)
and immediately bald them for do
and then rushed the big braves to t
40-yard line where a quarterback I
waa made. Hunky Shaw raced with
redskins and being onabl to pick up
ball gave It a kick whtch sent It over
goal lln when Jarvle fell on It.
received the Indians' kick off on
two-yard line and amid the wild yelli
3.600 raced straight down th field
yarda for a touchdown. Be ore 11 to
- Washington takea the - ball and 1
fierce line plungea and trick playa g
over for the third touohdown. With!
big husky southerners fighting r,
the Waahlngton backe tear, off tU
five and ten yarda at a clip and McB
aid. amaahee . through for the to
touchdown. First half, Waahlngton
Indiana 0.
During the first half the . Xndf
made first down but one and reo
to punting at every opportunity.
which Meafus excelled. . They W
erafty with trtck plays but the-'varl
end were never drawn m.
In the second half thre of th i
went In to eave the players for
Oregon gam. Tb sensation of the
came wheo-th Indiana attempteOl
punt and Crlm, th center, brrl
through and neatly caught the ball
it left th Indian' toe and made
only touchdown of the second half:
Indian. - . Waahtog
Coleman, C. ...., .O...... ...... q
Blackttoth ...... R O..... Ja
Mavolea ....4.....LO.',... Roaex-A
It,utjs u:1: r.iirrMoPonaioVit
nolMnan. tl. . . .LT. Hul
Beholder .R B ........ . Br
Kennedy ........ .LB. OiiJ
Neafua ........... .Q B.
Lugo ,;......RH.,, BhawCbrl
Mag ...,.......LH., Wl
Gait .F Pal
Ref r Charles - Beat. Lafaye
Umpire Dr. Counoll, Virginia. LI
men Charles Inglla, 8. A. . C To J
downs Jams 1, Cole 1. Palmar 1.
Donald 1, Crlm 1. . . ,
Five and a bait mil of new sides'
built In Salem thla year, over two m
of them being cement walks. -
-sensible and strong' ar
handsome fancy dometa.
" -
J- ." ... ' ;.: