The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1905, Image 1

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f Journal Circulation -.
:jGrenerally fair; winds mostly south-2
easterly. , -,- 4 1
Gitizerist of New' York Appeal to -Executive 'and
i. .r.;....;
'Abandoned Ballot-Boxes Located
r In : Different ; Sections (1 of
. City Sworn Charges of
. Fraud Am Made. . "
Heant Promises to Personally See
That Violators of Laws Are Pur-
ished Defeated Candidate Ivlns
'Advises Patience and' Systematic
, Action to Remedy Conditions.
(Special Parnate by Vmmi Wire to Tbe Javraal)
New York. Nor. 11. At a largely at-
landed mm mwtlni held or the Clti-
sens'' Protective league tbe following
resolutions were adopted i j -
"Whereas, the people of this city are
convinced that corruption and fraud
were practiced in the casting and count.
lng or ballots on Tuesday last, and, -"Whereas,
It la the announced In ten
tion of the men reaponelble for Tues
day's corruption to oppose a recount of
the votes for the purpose of retaining
the tltr f overnment, rrardhiee f the
people s win; "; t
." Mayo Celled Upon. - ",-
v "Resolved, That this meeting- can upon
all cltlsena to furnish to a committee
hereafter ' to be appointed auch Infor
matlon as they may possess tending- to
further establish the actual commission
of ballot-box frauds, and urges that all
possible action be taken In the courts
to bring about the conviction of thOM
guilty; and, . ? . ; .-,
, "Resolved, That this meeting calls
upon George 3. McClellan,. Incumbent
In the mayor's office until the first of
January. 1S0. to use all bis energies
during the remainder of his term to
vtndloata tbe right of the people to have
their votes counted as cast: and.
"Resolved, That tbe chairman of this
meeting be instructed to appoint a com'
mittec of 70 cltlsena whose duty it shall
be to aid in securing a fair count of
tne paiiota cast on Tuesday last, and the
punisnment of all those crlmlnsllr im
plloated In debauching the ballot-box
ana ueieaiing me will or tne people."
The following letter from Mr.' Hearst
was read:
I am advised of your Intention to
meet and protest1 against tin rraHar
..-. ana counting
.. ox ine oaiiots on Tuesday. I thank you
. on behalf of many thousands of cltlsena
deprived of the right to rote, or whose
votes were nullified, and I thank von on
behalf of the entire city, which cannot
endure a perversion of Us will. My
own Interest in the matter is that of
every otner eitlsen, no greater. I did
not at any time desire the office that
was given me by the cltlsena on Tues
day. As I have said before. I should
v be glad, if it were possible for' me as
an honorable man, to evade the respon
sibility that the office of mayor wUl
put upon me. -
'"But I am determined as you are that
everything possible shall be done to pro-
' tect the people against the man and the
methods that would make a farce of our
system of government and remove the
power from the votes of the ''people to
the secret scheming of corporations and
their agents. . The campaign which has
Just closed and the extraordinary vote
polled without political organisation... or
.any other agency save public Indignation
against corrupt boss methods, prove that
the people are 'thoroughly tired of city
rule by publlo corporations through ma
chine bosses. . ',
"The election of Tuesday-was a power
ful protest against corrupt ' political
methods and dlahonest city administra
tion, rather than a . tribute to any man
"or men. --- ,
"The crimes' committed at this election
prove how great was the need of auch a
protest by the people. ,: t : ' . ' .,
-s WUl rash rroseoutlos, ' "
I am glad that your publlo-splrlted
action will tonight give concrete expres
sion1 to publlo Indignation. I have no
- doubt as to the outcome of the protest
that you are to make. It is not conceiv
able that the people should endure for
one moment a crime that, If tolerated,
must be utterly destructive of our srs-
tem of government. I have perfect con
fidence that the courts will deal with the
most serious offense against the whole
people speedily and effectively, a they
. deal with offenses against the Individual.
"At the same time dotermlnedjacUonll
"JCnd trmratlve are required. The growth T
and arrogance of trusts and the poli
ticians in the past teach tie that the
business of protecting all the people !
too oftert nobody's business at all.
"I propane to make it 'my personal
business to see that the men en
gaged in the-out rages of Tuesday lsst
are punlehed If that can be brought
about legally and to see to It that the
cltlsena who voted for honest govern
ment nn that day shall not be diafran
rhlsed by the criminal methods of des
perate and defiant bosses. .
-. 8laned) - , . '
- (Continued on Page J'our.i ,
Dreaded ' Intervention by Ger
many In Russian Affairs Has
: , Come -Warships Placed t ',
i ' at Czar's Disposal.
Americans in St Petersburg in Dan-
ger by Renewed Rioting American
" Zionists Issue . I Call to Je
Throughout the. Land to Come to
". the Aid of Their Russian Bretfiren.
(papyricbt, flearrt Mews Virvlee. by
. Wire te Tbet leafeaLt
wt-Petersburgr Novi- lr The dreaded
intervention of Germany In the Russian
crisis' has come. : The kaiser, when he
learned of the Kronstadt riots, sent a
wireless message- to1 the csar offering
to place the German northern squadron
at his disposal. The csar sent bach a
message of thanks. ' It has not trans
ptred whether the offer goes beyond
safeguarding the sovereign s person, but
Inasmuch as a German warship had
been stationed-of f-Peterhof , f or several
days for this purposej It is inferred that
Emperor WUhelm a proposal has a wider
signmcanoe. -
To Swade Fotaa.
. Armed Intervention in Poland by Ger
many seems to bo imminent. Emperor
WUhelm has within striking distance
lO.eoe troops of all anna. Including ar
tillery and transport, and arrangements
are being made to-have a reserve force
of .eoual strength' available , to .be
launched by rail on different points of
th frontier if necessary.
This was the chief matter discussed
and agreed upon between the csar and
the kaiser, it la asserted in dipiomatio
quartets here, at. their recent meeting
in the Baltio sea. . '
Russian troops are guaramg ine rail
way lines running from 'Germany, so
that the -German roroe. ir canea upon.
can be carried In military trains, proba
bly to Warsaw. .
Communication between tne' Russian
and the German Poles across the frontier
was very active two weeks ago, but it
has now been slmost out off. the German
frontier guards having" been quadrupled
In, - number. There are signs f great
unrest among toe aisvreciea uermaa
Utiles. ha sMlflentlr aaales
pectation of revolution In Russian Po
land. , - V '
Will luppresa Beron.
War maps -of Poland are said to have
been furnished tbe German staff from
the Russian war department, showing
the dlr position of Russian troops who
are to be assisted.
Prompt suppression of the real Polish
Insurrection Is felt by the German gov
ernment to be absolutely essential la
order ' to prevent German and: Aus
trian Poland being set aflame.
The kaiser has been exceedingly wor
ried over the state of affairs In Russia,
which are more than apt to cause a
dangerous uprising In the German Polish
There Is, of course, not the slightest
reason to suppose that a revolution In
Poland could succeed.' Germany has
troops enough there to suppress any at
tempt, but there la a secret agitation
going on In the provinces, where thous
ands of revolutionary pamphlets are
spread broadcast, and somewhere there
must be a secret printing establishment
which the government baa been unable
to detect, but whose activity Is very
much apparent. ,
Worrlee Orer ,the Csar.'' .'.."-''
The danger "which threatens the csar
and the whole Imperial! family la also
a source of great anxiety to Emperor
William, who. has always had a warm
feeling of friendship for Csar Nicholas,
whose good qualities and warm devotion
to bis people he knowa probably better
than an .lu
The kaiser bss done great deal to I
give his subjects a Just Idea of the .per
sonality of the unhappy monarch, who
In so msny ways resembles Louis XVI
of France, and who may still share his
fate and suffer: for -the sins of bis an
cestors. ' '
As far AS It baa been within his power.'
the kaiser has made preparations to as
sist' the csar Itf'-eaeaplng from Russia
should bis life- be In imminent -danger.
A' German cruiser Is even at this mo
ment In wireless communication with
Paterhof, and German officers number
ing over a score are said to be 'In the
tar palers rrrwrtnnr-tnprleir f ead
to defend his life at the coat of their
own. . .. i.- - . ,,' .. . ,'.'
Appeal Za SUde to Jews la Ajaerloa So
AsslH Hebrews ef mnssla. i
(SpeeUI Dlaratefc hy Leaaed Wire teThe Jaarnall
New Tork. Nov. U. The Federation
of America Zionists luaued today the
following' call to all Zlonlet. sooietles
In the country In regard to the antl
Jewlah outrage"" in Russia:
'Brothers, and Slstera of Zlont ' The
;.tConUnutd oa Page iilht)
mm : si
wsi f I' i : ,
i-a ' V ' -
Fourt Prominent'.
i, rigurca
"in tMystcry ej:
1 Surrounding tne
urder. y :
At the top are Miss
'Mrs. Todd's confidante, and Inger
. soil Lockwood, trustee of her ea
; ute.' Below at the left is Miss
' Knight, last to see Mrs. Todd alive,
and Milton Berelsneim's grandson,
a new heir. -; ;.'-,-' ,
Magistrate Refuses Warrant for
; Filed by Daughter 'of Wealthy Aged Woman Who Was
, Found Dead by Railroad Track. .: :
(SpelUl DUpateh by teaaed Wire te Tbe loamal)
New. Tork, Nov. 11. Magistrate Crane
In the Center street police court 'today
refused to Issue a warrant for the ar
rest, of Ingersoll . Lockwood,' formerly
attorney for Mrs. Margaretta Todd, the
aged and wealthy New Tork woman
who (was found dead on the railroad
tracks at Fair-mount park, Philadelphia.
Oeorge G. Hastings, counsel for Mrs.
Rosalie R. Touaey, only -daughter of
Mrs.- Todd, applied for the warrant
charging Lockwood with having with
held the la at will Of the deceased and
of having filed "an earlier wiM which
made him a legatee and trustee ef her
valuable estate. , v - . i
Magletrate iVane dtd-not iwy nn what
grounds he refused to Issued the war
V ("iwcial Dlepatcb te Tbe aal.)
Spokane, Wash., No." 11. The grad
ing contract was awarded today for the
first St miles of the flpokane-Columbla
River. -Railroad A Navigation line; from
the river to Fletcher, Waahlngton.'Mosl
of the right of wsy.has been secured..
The company will probably enter the
city on. the northwest boulevard linn of
the Washington Power eompaoj. uelnf
It. c; I
'.Payne, formerly
Attorney's Arrest on Charges
rant ' 'The application was accompanied
by affidavits by Daniel O'Reilly, counsel
for Milton . ; Berolshelm, grandson of
Ht4. Todd; - . ' '
- Three- days after Mrs. Todd's death
Lawyer Lockwood offered to the sur
rogate for probate as her last will and
testament an Instrument bearing date
of 103 and naming Lockwood as sole
executor. . ' '
: Before Manager,. Amory of Mrs. Todd's
hotel, the Von Hoffman, went to Phil
adelphia, be called at District Attorney
Jerome's oflli-e by request ,. today and
made' a statement to Assistant District
Attorney Smith covering, ee alleged, all
he knew about -Mrs. Todd's dlaappear-nrrceBmJHeT-rrelatieni
T Jth . Lawyer'
Lockwood. ' . i '' -
Mia terminals of that company until an
independent line ' ! ' secured. Negotia
tions for such arrangement are pend
ing. '.' " ". ;
Tide Land, nit Settled.
(petal Dlpatek to The JoeraaL) , - '
Olympla, Wash., , Nov. : 1LThe suit
that baa been pending against the state
land commissioner i by.. K. C. Million,
caused by a dlnputa over certain laads
In Bkaglt county, has been settled and
dismissed. Mr. Million Jiae agreed to
drop.. the proceedings int. tonaUlaratkin.
t M
' - k -t '.W' Morrow,'-tax: aerent
x time ago with which to buy
T '"l which would block the plans,
lor. a belt line along mat street tor. tne accommodation oi au transportation lines aesinng. to ;
- enter the city. ; - - r- " - -'---.-j--..,,.,...,....-., . -J
- With a oart of this money Mr. Morrow boueht for-$75,000 from John C. Ains worth the .'t
" McCraken "dock comprising about 20,000 square feet, -at the corner of Front and Davis
X streets; the dock of the Willamette Boiler, works across the Street, .20,000 square feet, for $50,-' X
-nnn anrl trio 9. "5 hv 80 frt next to the Esmond hotel on Front street near Morrison for $80.000. 7 T
VVVy sait ""J ' """-1
All of these tracts run from
1 be impossible-to. acquire any other property between them and
X tion by the federal government. t.
ine Statement wa.s maae
$1,000,000 ready to expend
X,.now pending..' ' t ".
; Jiver. sinct;ine journal announcea tne saie.oxtne two, pieces qi cock property rnaay, , j
made to the O.-'Rr&tN.Co.; there has been intense anxiety to learn the details of . the deal.-. X
It was thought by some persons that the termin il company' was the purchaser ' . : ; ; V X
. There appears to be no possible doubt that the unexpected purchases of waterfront prop-
erty'at .high prices was intended as a means to prevent the building of the belt line. : . . .",..'..
Mr. Ainsworth in disposing of the McCraken dock did not know fo whom he was selling, X
as the money was paid over; by C.-K. Henry and the identity of the ' actual . purchaser not re- t 'The amount paid for the dock is said to-be in excess of'the sum at which X
X real estate men had appraised it.r - , '-: . , - J V 1 ' . -
Entire Population of; Cuy, , In
eluding Children, Jofn In Fight'
-, ', to Stay; Flamea. V,
" fSpeelat Dlaosteh te Tbe Joarmal.)
Colfax, Wash., Nov. 11. Flro de
stroyed .the' .big flour mill of the Guy
Milling company at Guy. this. county,
lsst night and only by the efforts of the
entire population of the townc Includ
ing women and children was, .the en
tire warehouse district with 100,000
bushels of wheat stored saved from the
flames. Ifen, women and children turned
out and carried water In buckets from
the creek and poured It over the roofs
of warehouses which had been covered
with blankets and -grain sacks. The
mill together with 10.000 bushels of
inm was a tnri..iPjJi
The property was owned by a. c.
Spongier, manager, and August Slier,
a wealthy farmer. The loss is S3&.000.
Insurance I24.00O. The fire originated
In the office about 11 o'clock last night
and It Is supposed that an air tight
stove In the office exploded-" , -
- Xieft Bnssla Tost la Time.
(Special Plepatca by Leasee Wire te The Jnoraal)
New Tork, Nov. 11. Director Camp
bell Is back from his astronomical ex
pedition to Spain. Good reeults were
obtained by the party, who report that
the departure from Russia was . made
just. In the nick of time.
Bam Patoh Breaks Beoord.
(Special DUpatrh by. Leaeed Wire to The JenraeO
.-.Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 11. The world's
pacing record was broken by Dan patch
today, who made a mile In 1:68 flat with
a runner by his side.
Remittances received to date Indicate
that the Portland committee will send
at least 111,000 to the national commit
tee for the relief of the persecuted Jews
In Russia, There la 16,000 on band and
fS.000 is expected tomorrow from the
Russian Jews of the city. . The sum of
IS, 000 already has been telegraphed to
New "Tork, but at the time the com
mittee sent that money it had only about
13.000 pledged. . Not more than - one
fourth of those who-detrrre to contribute
have been reached by the solicitors.
- That the total collected in the nation
will reach IJ)00.0tT0 seems a foregone
conclusion. Jaclb Schlff. tha treasurer,
so said In a. telegram to Ben Selling,
chairman of the local committee, at the
name time urging all to. .contribute to
the cause of the sufferers. lie said
that the needs of the people were almost
beyond belief. '-IL ' . ' ' --
Late yesterday afternoon more dona
tions poured into the treasury. -The Sla
ters of Charity at St. Vincent's hospital
sent 110, Aaron Fox of Olda. Wortman
A King handed Mr. Selling ISO. Dr. An
drew C. Smith gave 828. Dr. 8. A. Brown
:&, Henry E. McGinn 828, Sheriff Tom
Word 820. A. Xo Maxwell 820. Mann A
Reach 810 and Captain Bladen 88.' Dr.
F; Burgette Short sent 15. - All of these
were unsolicited. There never was a
more fitting expression of sympathy for
an Imperiled people than Portland gave
Dr. Short, who Is paator of the Tay
lor Street Methodlat church. In sending
hta contribution to The -Journal, wrote:
-"The heart of humanity, gxowa faint
of the Harriman lines, was handed a check for $250,0(0 a short X
property on" Front street running to the meander line of the river X
of persons aspiring to secure franchises on Front' street and plans T
Front street to the meander line
last nignt Dy a weu lniormea man
to defeat any "project for the belt
- - vrjr " . - " :
Establishing of Marriage of Mrs.
Fitzherbert to British King
Proves His Claim.
people Laughed, at his
Prince Worked Up to Five Tears-
Ago as Lineman and, Now Oc
cupies High Position With Western
Union Company In Chicago. ,
James L. Ord, who lived In Portland
until five years ago, was a great-grand
son of King George IV of England and
Mrs. Maria Anno Bmythe Fitsherbert.
The prince was employed while In this
city as lineman by the Western Union
Telegraph company.
Proof of the king's marriage to Mrs.
Fitsherbert was found in London Fri
day. Documents pertaining to the af
fair had remained in Coutt'a bank In
London since 1831. When the papers
Ord family in America were established.
James I Ord lived in Portland for
several years. . He had many friends
here who laughed at bis pretentious
claims to royal lineage. Before leaving
Portland the lineman-prince married a
young woman who was employed as
waitress In the . Overland hotel. Ord
was. promoted by his employers and re
moved to San Francisco. A short time
later he was sent to Chicago, where he
now resides. He is at present assistant
to tne superintendent of construction
of the Western Union company.
How It Came About, '.
George IV, as prince of Wales, mar
ried the beautiful and twice-widowed
Mrs. Maria Anne Bmythe Fitsherbert
The issue of the union could not ascend
England's throne because the marriage
was performed according to the rites
(Continued on Page Four.) '
one instant, then rages with Indignation
when reminded -of those awful indigni
ties and demonlike atrocities now be
ing perpetrated Upon the Jews by those
whose acts would seemingly ostracise
them from the proud title of human be
ings. ' The cell of suffering humanity
has again crossed every ocean and pene
trated the remotest regions of every
continent, and men are forgetting the
limitations of their race, and overstep
ping the doctrines of their denomina
tions in vying with each other to alle
viate tbe untold, horrors 'of those from
whose race canr& -the Christ, the Prince
ot Peace. "
''O Ruasla! Canst thou behold the hor
ror of thy deeds and. withhold not thy
hand? Stay thy hand, leat the God of
rations smite thee, since' the, crime for
which thou muat now atone is already
sufficiently great and crimson! ,
"Ineroied nhd "my " mite ' toward the
good cause, with the fond hope the dav
of persecution shall this day end. and. if
not, that England and America, shall aak
and demand that this high-handed butch
ery of Innocent hnmanltv ahull cease at
Another note In Which tbe sentiment of
the public Is reflected came to The-Journal
-wlth-a subserlptlonofronl Mann &
Beach, printers. It snldf,, .
a wish to commend the prompt ac
tion of. The Journal in starting a fund In
Portland for the relief of the persecuted
Russian Jews. And we wlah. to be oiwof
ine nrst to subscribe our mite to niat
fund. Hoping It may grow to large pro
portions, we are yours truly.
"MANN BSACli, - '
. - r ; as
of the river, so that it would t
thejvater reserved for naviga- X
t ; 'i
mat uic iiarnraan bjsicth naa (
line or . any other franchise plan X
'-""'7..' ; - .' " '. .j
Swindlers Secure Hundreds of
Thousands of Dollars in Seat-
tie . Real Estate Deals.
' (Special Dlipateh te Tbe JoaraaLl '
. Seattle, Wash.. Nor. 1L With almost
every hour discoveries of fraudulent
Seattle real estate deeds, on which
sales have been made, .are increasing
and at tha present time foot up- several
hundred thousand dollars. Thus fay '
forgeries uncovered have been acknowl
edged before four notaries public
Mary B. Belt and Lulu R, Colvln of St.
Louis, and M. ! Brown and Mathew
Brady of San Francisco. - .
It Is known i that the St Louis ac
knowledgements were forged. A dis
patch received from there today states)
that Mrs. Belt'a records show that dur-
a real eatate man -of St Louis, broue-ht
Aoher-ra P." Swan of Seattle, who !
brought to him a letter of Introduction
from Attorney 8. 8. Carlyle of Seattle.
Mr. Swan wanted deeds acknowledged
and she, Msy 28, acknowledged four tor
him. t Two days later she acknowledged
five more, which she declare Is the ex
tent nf her acknowledgements of prop
erty in the- state of Washington.
About the same time Miss Colvln ac
knowledged a deed for Swan, which la
the only acknowledgement of Washing
ton property she ever made. Ira P. v .
Swan is prominent in real estate selling,
and his deede are correct These are
the only ones be had anything to do
with in St Louis. As yet no word baa
been had from San Francisco notaries.
The roiiowing nonresident propertv-
owners are among those whose prop.
(Continued on Page Eight)
BE $13,000
In practlcaly all ' of tha Christian
churches today the pastors will plead
for subscriptions to the fund which, is to
relieve the persecuted people. A doien or
more of the city's moot prominent minis
ters have notified Tbe Journal that such
would be the case, and it Is expected
that at least 8500 will be ralauJy this
means. Among others, the following pas
tors will lay the matter before their con
gregatlons: Dr. Hill. First Presbyterian;
Dr. Jloune. First Congregational; Dr.
Short. Taylor-Street Methodist; - Dr.
Hrougher, White Temple; Dr. Gilbert,
Calvary Presbyterian: Dr. Montgomery,
Third Presbyterian; Dr. Htaub. SuuqyeMe
or gregatlnnal, and Dr. Wllaon, Flrat
United Presbyterian.
In the rooms of the Toung Men's Chris
tian, aasoclatlnn 4 large placard wllj. be
posted announcing that the secretary mil
receive donation to the fund, while IK
Young - Women's . Christian- ao tt.lii,a
also will take a band lit raising mony
for the victim.
"Wherever we go." remarked tTialrmaa
Selling laat hight, "we meet with em our.
agement Ttu-re Is a check walling t tie
at nearly every one of b I'urilari.l hue..
Den houaes. .1 believe, till avlll lurn r,nt
to be, the largeet fund evnr uItiii f.,f
a charitable purpo.e in llil 'Hi."
The Ruaelan Jkw are yl to l lirt
from. They have ifrr,l ih-ir "'
errlptlona until Hue ' rmi 'ti at 1
o'clock, whn a m" m-ni, l lo ti
place at their vnK"ie, i"j '..
I ha recent onlraic, In H'i.U hi I . . - ...
Uvmocd and douaUwn -ja t . 1 ,
t ;