The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1905, Image 8

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.OvJJiJ ....
t fr
a a. Aoxaov
PabHshsd every ovening ( except 8onday) - and every Sunday moraine at
' . t v: ' ' strssta, Portland. Oregon. "
Chairman Baker is already
tjaiira funds. He desires considerable amounts,
the larger the better, of course, from all who are or have
any notion, however remote, of being: candidate for of
fice next spring, and from any and all others who have at
heart the good of the Grand Old Party in Oregon; ; " :
Under Mr. Baker's magnificent nd herculean leader
ship Oregon gave . Roosevelt in 1904,
and a half ago and only -two years
state election, a majority ol about 4U,uiw, ana we mm
may safely be assumed that if the election were to be
held over again now, or next spring, he would have at
least- as large a majority. Isn't Oregon therefore safely
. Republican? 'And if surely so, why the need of this early
call for large campaign funds? . ' -
Moreover, the Jtepubjicans of the state, will next spring
select their own candidates. Men who are the choice of
a majority or at least a plurality of the Republican voters
. cf the state will be the candidates." "We may take it for
... .... . .
granted that they will be pretty good men. ,inen wnat
is the need of a big campaign fund fo help elect them?
The people will find out and know all about them and
their opponents through the press, witUout the aid of
any paid campaign orators. . '...-."'
Of course some money for "necessary- and! legitimate
expenses' will be necessary, and we are not really mak
ing any objection to Chairman Baker getting all he can,
but it really seems as if there was no need of a large
sum. The Republicans will carry the state, anyway, if
there were no money nor even a chairman' unless the ma
jority of the people choose to elect' one' Or more Demo
crats, and if Ahey do they will do so, regardless. :.
. '"A public employment bureau is. a matter. worthy of
careful consideration. . It would be of great a'dvantage
both to men -who need work and to nen who want help.
It has worked well in other1 cities ; why not here? .- t ;.
WHILE MR. HARRIMAN and the Rockefeller
people are getting busy in the Pacific north
:( . west, or with reference-thereto, Mr."HiIl and
ljfs' associates are not idle, arid axe not confining their
activities to the northwestern- and northern portions of
the country. It was recently reported that Mr. Hill was
about to get control of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas
railway, which if true is of a good deal of importance' in
the railway world at large, it not especially Here. Mr.
Hill now controls three great railway systems, the Great
-' .i . t it, .t n -:r." .1 .1 rt.; n
- .orineni, uie juiuicin i iiiit ami uic v,nicago, our-
lington & Quincy, known as the Burlington or "Q."
The Missouri, jtansas & Texas, called the "Katy." runs
from St. Louis to Catveston.anit-hasHnranches which'
cover a large "territory in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma,
Indian Territory, Louisiana and Texas, and if Mr. Hill
gets it his railway systems will total 23,000 miles. ' '
With the railway and steamship lines now in his con
trol 'Mr.' Hill hauls a' large' portion of the grain and
... -.1.. T. . .. it..m ' .wi i .t.Tt i ... . tz A
-the- Facifie northwest, tntuch--of which after next -year
w ill come to .Portland, .whence .very likely Mr. Hill will
dispatch steamships as well as from Seattle. The ac
quisition of the "Katy" will give him an outlet on the
gulf as well as on the Pacific ocean, and give him a tre
mendous grasp of both the land and ocean carrying busi-
em r? Iia ne, - TTa a n ,1. .. -.,'.. ,1. . ,nn
"ton manufactures and other products of the south irom
-Galvefeton to whatever port in the world it is most ad-
4nr4rivmf' (A 'fairs tr-ism ' ntja1w trtnef Vi as.
from his own cars to his own ships, as he does grain at
Seattle and will. at . Portland.. So he can bring the pro
ducts of the orient and of Europe and distribute them
throughout all the northern west, middle west and south
west. He has. branches running up into Canada, and can
bring wheat and lumber down from British Columbia and
Manitoba, and send them either west or south and around
the world. . . , ;, , ', ,.'.,
' But the Ilarriman system is also orettv well fixed.
Its Southern Pacific line also hat a terminus at Gal
veston, and another at New Orleans, and on the Pacific
coast at Los Angeles, San Francisco and' Portland, and
will very likely push on to Tacoma and Seattle.'
, The active competition and rivalry of these two vast
and mighty systems, designated ior convenience as "Hill"
nnd "Harriman rannot hnt e( trrrat aHvantitrk. tint
omv to uie raciuc coasc out to ail tne
to -the gulf. But has Hill got the Katy?. .And can he
get -it? . - : 'x
Senator Burton has beeu indicted again. He was con-
j i i l.. a , i : a i
the second indictment was held no
and out or in. '
THE EXPERT 'testimony (still accumulates that a
Portland-Alaska steamship line is perfectly feas
' ible. Mr. Poston, who was in the transportation
business here for years, and who has been in Alaska for
the past three years, is the latest witness. - He says that
the round trip from Seattle to Nome and way points
takes nine days, while from Portland it would only Jake
ten, giving one full day to the trips up and- down, the
Columbia river, and that this difference is immaterial,
or would be more than offset by the larger and better
stocks of Portland merchants. ; Isn't this matter worth
taking up earnestly and persistently? There is a very
large and a growing trade up in Alaska,?
Seattle gets it"all, or is credited with; it all ' Are we
" going to do nothing to get a share of it?
An early court blundered far worse than it knew when
ft decided that the ground between Front street and the
: riverwaa private and. not public property.
Points From Paragraphera. ,V
Washington 8tarilt would be eu-
rlous If tha south should turn to be
olid for Roosevelt '
' Philadelphia Record: Boston has dis
covered a 1300,00 graft That, would
make no more i.ian pin money for our
Phila'dulrhlk. graftera.
. 1 Philadolph: Ledgers Opening of the
rabbit eeaeon marked by the death of
tnree hunters will give B'rer Rabbit
something to talk about.
Philadelphia Inquirer: Hall0weenbe
Ing past, advanced pessimists are be
ginning to worry -about the prospecta
for a supply of Thanksgiving turkeys.
Mttsburg fHspatch: A stranger' In
O Uo had his pocket picked while at
ITser in church. In Chlcag evident
tr. It Is accessary to watch aa Well as
vt sshiejrton Post: "Tom" I a wson
- rH Mlchlsan man for 1100,900
r Usmii apparently looka upon
..r e"n.t at libeling as n Infringe-
iet n Me rishta.
u-t,.n Tranarrlptr there la probably
i M wide world another defender
a-X 0 aUsUjr solemn and, uX
USE? ,
I result of the
appealing tor cam
been elected
have been no contest. If there was no contest then no
body would ever'know authoritatively about the frauds
which Tammany had committed. Tammany expended
its great effort in bringing in "an apparent raajority.for
its candidate.' Feeling secure once. its man was aeciarea
elected, it doubtless gave little heed to methods by
which this result , was accomplished. . . X .
The Hearst oeoole know that great frauds were, per
less than a, year
prior to our next
petrated in the elections; every intelligent citiien Knows.
But what is needed is to make these facts 'officially
known by an investigation. Here is the chance to do a
genuine public service and at the same, time to place
the seal" of public condemnation upon the methods which
have so .largely -contributed to Tammany a success.;.,,
The announcement
sro to the very, bottom of these methods has been' re
ceived with, genuine enthusiasm throughout tne country.
The American people have been heedless too long of
the character of their municipal government: foreign
observers have almost unanimously concluded that the
had citv arovernments were in themselves almost a dem
onstration of the1
self government.
otherwise it was a difficult if not impossible matter to
combat the startling array of facts, and figures, well
known to ourselves, which they presented. But there
has beett an enormous- improvement m conditions in the
past few years and
direction. Indeed now that they are aroused the Amer
ican people will not . be. satisfied until thejr. municipal
governments are raised to the highest standards. It is
while public thought is thus directed that the. question
of Tammany frauds is to be investigated. While under
any circumstances there would be sympathy with$ach
a movement from all lovers of fair play and decency in
elections that sympathy is now a hundred fold greater
because sa much of public attention has beeitgrurned 'in
that direction and the public mind is so unalterably made
up to wipe out frauds in elections and crookedness in
their public officials' afterwards.- For this reason Mr.
Hearst is not only doing a duty to himself but rendering
a public service which people in all parts of the country
fully appreciate. ' -. '-'-ji - .'..'.,';.;;.'...
Portland Tews will
ing, toward raising a fund in aid of their suffering co
religionists in Russia, They are always ready and wil
ling in such a cause, and their charity and good will are
not confined to Jews.. People other than Jews now have
an opportunity to reciprocate, and doubtless will do so
liberally. ' ' ' ; " ' : "
and permanent . refprrnjn the methods and practices' of
the Chinese in .certain particulars.ViTbat scores . of fpwjs
should b huddUfd
ments, with little
outrage, in three distinct directions first, on the ' fowls,
which are entitled,
treatment; second,
eat them when killed,
and third, on the whole surrounding community and the
city, for such loathsome places are inimical to the public
health. ;., ,-. '
This may be the
hygenic and humane laws and itomt in this country,
but there are others. There is no occasion now, as there
was years ago; for Chinamen to huddle together in tiers
of bunks, for they are few in number compared .with
then, and buildings are more numerous; but if this can
not or should not be prevented, their, premises should
at feast be periodically fumigated, and they should be
required to keep them clean throughout. t ' v ; , ,
This may .also apply to some cheap tenements in
habited by white people,-but just now we are speaking
of Chinatown. Make them give their fowls room, light,
air, and a clean, place, and make them keep their prem
ises otherwise clean.'' . - "" '; ;v-t;, .
region triDutarv
the actions
meets and
Follette, of Wisconsin. As everybody knows, they are
antipathetic, a'nd at heart enemies. But Spooner, now
serving his third term, will probably, according to cus
tom, offer to escort his new colleague, to the front to be
sworn in. La Follette could find a precedent for refus
ing this formal courtesy in the case of Senator Clarke
of Arkansas, who declined such a proffer from Senator
Berry.fand marched up all by himself and thereby prop
erly fell in the esteem of the senate and lost influence'
therein, for everybody knew-that the veteran senator and
confederate soldier, who left , a leg at Corinth, was a far
better man than Clarke. La Follette is pugnacious, but
he is not a fool, and so probably will not refuse the cus
tomary formal courtesy. , . . ::
But after that how will he and Spooner get along?
Probably by having as little to do with each other as
possible, and without repeating the Tillman-McLaurin
incident ' Spooner is a man of much ability, and is highly
regarded in the senate, and La Follette, without com
promising any of his principles or abating any of his
purposes, will do. well to feel his ground rather slowly,
and not weaken his influence by jumping roughshod on
Spooner, if it can be avoided. The country will under
stand just the same that it is he, not Spooner, who really
represents the people of Wisconsin and,of the country.
good. Three times
: ,
fably Ridiculous aa Governor Peauur
pecker of Pennsyl vanlar
New York World: It tmiat be a rreat
comfort to John A. McCall to know that
Vharlle" Murphy and "Pat" afcCarren
have taken up the nobis work of sav
ing the national honor. .
. Basis of European Meat Supply. -y
. From the Wall Street Journal
In a report upon the need of meat is
Europe, Consul Winter . of Annaburg
says that the United States. Argentina,
Australia and Canada practically fur
nish thla necessity. The I'nlted State
haa 114. 00. 00 heed of cattle, aheep and
hogs to a population of about l&,00.000;
Australia and New Zealand, with 4.500,
000 population, have over 121,00.00
head, while ' Argentina, to a population
of (,(00,000. has about 117,000,000 head
Of cattle and sheep.
So Seinh of Germany.
, From the HI. Louis Poet-tMsps ten.
J low selfish In tha Oermana to adopt
4 maximum and a minimum tariff to get
va witacur generous tnited DMtesl
no. r. oaabou
To Journal, Bufldlaf, Fifth and Yamhill
". ' ' ' - '' "JT' ' ' "
The" Tournal is well pleased over, the
New York election. If Hearst-had
on the face of the returns there would
of Mr. Hearst that he proposed to
incapacity of the -American people for
And indeed while all Americans knew
the tendencies are still all in the right
do their full share1, without any urg
HE INVESTIGATIONS carried on this week in
Chinatown dearly show the necessity of a thbr-
tion of tharuartefTand av radical
logetlier in small, closf, tipstairajpart?
light or air, in the midst of filth, is an
even legally, to decent .and humane
on the people, even if Chinamen, who
for they are fit for nobody to cat;
worst feature of Chinese disregard of
HE COUNTRY will observe with curious interest
toward each other when congress
later of Senators . Spooiier and La
'i; (Doing the Beat She-Could,
T ' From tbs Atchison Globe.
Hotel story: A lady guest- appeared
at the hotel counter, and politely asked
for a glaas of water. In a little while
ha appeared at the counter again and
aid: "I dislike to bother you, but
would you oblige me 'with another glass
of water?" The was riven her
snd he went away, 'jut came back In a
few minutes snd asked for another
gisss.: - When she - appeared and- asked
for ,a" fourth glaas the clerk said: "I
beg pardon, but what are you doing
with all that waterr To which she re
plied: "I hate to bother you so much,
but there is a fir In my room and I am
putting it out,"
- Hard Lines Sura Enough.'
' From the Elmlra Gasette. ,
It waa a great state of affairs when
man coujd not hold a life Insurance
policy and be a candidate on the Demo
cratic ticket without runnina aealns!
mm fwa money.
St. jarome pulled a thorn from a
llon'a foot, but Billy Jaroma la Ukaly
to poke a thorn into the Tammany Tiger
Surface auccaaa
la aometlmea too
""Hearat ahould fa away back and alt
down, ramarka tha Salam Stateamao,
Now, raally, should ha? If ao. better
wire Dim so.
This year's experience should teach
hopsrowera a lesson. But will ItT - -
,. . , , , . ;;'. , . ,
' ..The saornlnc paper makes tha atart
Una announcement that tha Madlaon
treat bridge Is wearing out. Thia Im
tartllng new. Kvfrybody supposed It
warn y wi .(ui.. w w aiiu iwr. .
The number Of killed and wounded In
tooay a rooioau game la .
.', e e ' ,; -
Chicago's deficit for tha' year la 100.
009. But thla Isn't enough to buy tha
a treat raliroada witn. k
Perhaps Wltte had , better sand for
Oyaroav .. . . ..i
e e
'Hearst was not elected mayor of
New Torkvaod very few people sup.
posed he would be," aaya tha Pendleton
Trioune. .Here speaks your true-blue.
hide-bound organ. Art there, old true
penny T .
Wonder how much Ant. Comatock got
for advertising "Mrs, Warren's Profes
sion." ,
.. e e ... :, ., , . .
There eeema to be no way of forcing
Mr. Harriroaa to tell. . i. . ;
VtitversU auffrage throughout Russia'
Well, that is "going some." -
There have bean some very good raa-
Imationa tn Russia if none In Oregon
T re poll and tnika Vladimir. . , . .
Trouble la Bruin for the new police
Inspector. ;. . v!--- ,
Thanksgiving' turkeys ripening. -
From gaslng southward toward Odessa
Wltte had suddenly to face about te
take a look at Kronatadt. northward. He
needs eyes In the back of his head. ;
Any publication, even in Boston, will
publish, anything; Grover Cleveland
writes, though he splits an Infinitive
every time be has a chance.
Can Bhonts earn that
big salary
spouting in New York?
Tammany hasn't all the authorities
bribed this time.
The powers are going to give the sul
tan another free show of battleships
That old fellow ought to enjoy Jlfeday
and night. : -,: ,
No. it was not Germ K. Germ who was
elected district attorney of ' New York.
The- Democrat a of the -ctrantry-wou'd
oerlalnly ask for no better luck than
for - the nomination of (P)ahaw for
president.'' -, ? .t - -'"'-,'''';,
1 Premier Balfour says the world wTIt
soon be at peace. What about those
marching and threatening women T
. , .., .'' e . .
"Electric line up the valley," will be
printed a good many times yet before
we can ride on It, but It's got to come.
More woolen mills In Oregon would do
well..., ? . ,. .. " ' . '.- :
... - " ' - V' . '' '' ''
Th '-Congregational church at The
Dalles i to have's, pipe organ. ,
'. - e (' '''"
, AtlSugene man killed a golden eagle
weat of that city '..that measured sis
feet across, snd that., fought bravely
for Its lire after being shot.
- ,-- : ,;''- e : e . . j.lus.:'. i
: Next year If you go to Corvallls you'll
get good water but no boose.
' - ;'---" ' e -e
The Florence mill has lei a contract
for 1,000,000 feet of logs, , ,.
. e , ;,: ..'7'- . -'
A Oreenleaf man caught two bears
In traps In one day. . . ,
. . ;..,, e .. . .,
One of the biggest projects which
has - yet been undertaken In ' eastern
Oregon Is that of the Baker Irrigation
company to Irrigate ever 1.000 acres
of arid land situate to the northeaat of
Baker City. ' To irrigate this large tract
and fit It for cultivation It will be
necessary to dig m ditch at leaet It
miles in length, tunnel through. hill
and crests two Immense reservoirs. .
... . e e .
'The , Dalle will probably have ' a
wool en. mill, in addition to Its scouring
mill. , t,
, . .. ,'. , : :
Many landseekers around Moaler.
i : . e e ' . ,
A Mount.Hood. man dug on hill of
14 potatoes weighing IS pounds, snd an
other of 5 weighing 17 pounds, and
had only begun digging. -
' '-' .... " e e ; - . i " -"'
Hood River reasonably expects to b
more prosperous thsn ever next year.
. .' 'm .e ,; ,
A party of eastern men are looking
over the country around Burns.
':-..'..-! v-'
Gilliam county will have the largest
grain acreage ever next year, ; - ',
' ""' J !. " " : '
A Woodburn man will hold a monthly
stock sale. ,' -.
"XlHlfhg " shags r from- th focksr" Rear
Charleston, Coos county, i becoming t
popular sport. The shags are fleheaters
an destroy large numbers of -young
salmon annually.
. e e
A- Curry cauhty' man killed two pan
thers one day,- one a 10-footer. -
'' ' e ' e "
From five elevenths of an acr of
pears a man living five miles west of
Hood River cleared 10. - From . five
acresTis-wtlt clear fl.OOO. -; -
, v . e e
Scarcity of help for clearing land Id
the Hood river valley.
1 '
A farmer near Woodburn, armed with
a hoe and fir in his eyes, compelled
two hunters, presumably with guns, to
pay him $11.60 each for trespass. Now
they have sued him for the 115 and -(200
damages. - -
; ' ',
The CoqulUo-canneriea and fishermen
have enjoyed a prosperous season. About
17.000 esses hay been put up by tb
4J.wo cannria . .
... From the Iondon Mail.
. " . ;Jl i .- and that you be taken
to the place whence you came and thence
t a place of execution 4nd there be
hanged by the neck until , you are
dead .
, It is the most dread sentence known
to the Rngllah law. No one ran be in s
court of justice without being thrilled to
his Innermost fiber when the hush of
low-voiced conversation la stilled by the
return of the Jury to their box, the que
tlon aaked -by the clerk of arraigns I
answered by the. foreman, and his an
awer breaks the suspense by the word
"guilty" guilty t)f murder.
.. Then ' the email, square-folded ' black
handkerchief placed silently at his aide
br' bis clerk Is taken by the Judge and
placed on the crown of his wlg the
chaplain movea. to hla lordship's side.
and st the concluding words of the death
eentenoe, "May the Lord have mercy en
your soul," utters a fervent "Amen.",
' This awful scene, which loses none of
Its lrapresslveneaa by repetition, even to
Judge, chaplain, counael or warder, waa
enacted aolemnly p the Old Bailey yes
terday, tha central figure at which the
whole majesty of the law was directed
being a amalU frail, trembling, yet dig
nified, old woman. of 5 years.
Nothing mors pitiful than the story of
Marlon 8ddon has been told at thla
grim old court for years. She was In
dicted for the wilful murder of her hus
band. John Miles Seddon, aged TS, and
for attempted suicide. Only her ows
confession and her marvelous recovery
from the effects of poison brought hei
to the dock. There was litis other svi
dence against the poor woman. .
Husband end wife had been: married
13; years. They were fairly successful
in a confectionery buelneaa at Stalnea.
Then trade fell off and they moved to e
shop In the High street. Mortlaka
Things went from bad to worse and they
were faced .with the. tragedy er pov
erty. ' They were too old for a modern
business. - Trade passed them by. On
September It they had only SOa. with
which to pay their quarter'a rent, and
thev were both tired of the struggle. -
We decided. . said the condemned
women at the Inqueat on her husband,
"that , we had better both leave thla
world together." .After lying awake
worrying all night she got out of bed,
saying, "I don't think I can stand thl
wear and tear any longer." She found
bottle of liniment, composed of bella
donna and aconite, drank half the con
tents, and asked her husband "Are you
going to "take your share? There is
nothing but this ' or the workhouse.
Yes, give It to me, aald the husband.
and she poured it out and he drank it j
Both then went back, to bed again. '
The rest of this pitiful story show
the removal of the aged couple to the
workhouse, where the man died and the
womaif waa brought round. A coroner's
Jury found that Mr. Seddon committed
sntcldsrwtittr tempoisrlly Insane, bot th :
polios arrested Mrs. Seddon, charged net
with murder, and she stood yesterday
before Mr. Justice Jelf at the Old Bai
ley. Mr. Arthur Hutton, who ably de
fended the woman, got from one witness
that, the husband had aatd he snatched
the poison from his wife's hands and
drank It. . . ,
But It la true that tha law aava that
If two persons conspire together to com
mlt suicide and one survive, that one tl
guilty of murder. So, In spite of the
strong recommendation to mercy of th(
Jury, and-tha sympathy expressed by
Mr. Justice Jelf, who said that It wa
about the saddest case he had tried, the
formality had to be gone through of sen
tencing her to death. , ; 'f t .
It can only be a formality."4 But it 1
to be hoped that the king's pardon will
come swiftly, so that this poor soul may
find some ease for her few remaining
years. , ., 11 ;,,''
Mist Alice Hag Father.
Washington Cor. New York American.
After a four-month separation. Miss
Alice Roosevelt, home from a tour half
way around th world, welcomed hei
father back to the Whits House re
cently with1: a resounding kiss and a
bear's hug. ' It was a greeting . worth
the president's while In braving th
.perils of the heavy sesame encountered
In his - record-breaking - warship trip
from the Gulf of Mexico. At least Mr.
Roosevelt thought so.
A yell that would have -done credit to
the president and his wife as they en
tered the Whits House. The children
dashed Into their father's arms with
cries of greeting that could be heard
far out on the lawn. Little Quentln and
Archie beat Miss Alice and Ethel by
severe! yards In the- race for the first
hug and kisses, and it wss not until
they had their nil that Mlas Alio wa
permitted to share In the embraces, it
wss all thoroughly American and home
like. .,' - ,' .' . -,
After a few minutes, during which
the youngsters pestered their fethet
with questions. Miss . Alice slipped het
arm into that of the preside'hf and led
him captive to the library, where she
told him about the Philippine trip.
Th Four-Million City.
From ths Wall Street Journal. -'
As was expected, ths state census
shows that the population of New York
City Is over, 4,000,000, or, to be vajxsct,
4,014,104. This Is an Increase of nearly
17 per cent In live years, ths popula
tion having tn that time grown .on an
average 1 IS, 000 every year.
The same rate of Increase would In
10 years give this city a population of
oyer - 6,000,000, and with Its Outlying
suburbs, which- are really a part of th
metropolitan district, about 0,000,000.'
These figures ' are very Impressive;
they speak loudly of the, growing power
of the United States. There can be no
doflbt that the city of New York
eventually to contain ths greatest ag
gregation of people gathsred within ths
limits of one municipality in the world's
history. Nevertheless, it Is to b
doubted whether thla rapid growth Is a
development that la altogether whole
some. It Is not a good thing for our
country to havs too large a proportion
of Its population living in cltld. . .
Points From Paragrahpera.-
Dallas News: And to think that w
uaed to' scrape our feet and touch our
nets whenever we went Into a big In
surance office! .
Philadelphia Ledger: Terhap the Iowa
man who drowned himself. In a vat of
milk pined for a watery grave and did th
best he could. . '
Cleveland Plain Dealer: The average
Pennsylvanian will hereafter Insist on
doing business with national, bank that
are bonded not to do buelneaa with poll
tlclanB. ...
Puck: It may not be possible wholly to
ellmlnats biting snd chewing ' from the
noble game of football, but at leaat the
practice of filing the teeth before each
game' should , be stopped.
Washington ..PoswV Colonel Watteraos
wants It understood that there I nothing
la nis rcnt ssrrnar to th president
' .' ' "
thr.t will prevent him carrying a spear
tlo ranks In the next
rBRinat.n t
ijetniit Jnurnal: It develops that Gen
eral Linievitch had an army of
men. No wonder he couldn't el away
frr m Dt'ima.
Seattle, Times: When the United tSate
enat conveuea In December Its members
will neew a few day to examme one
another's vindications. . , .
St. IajuU Post-Dispatch: How selfish
In the Germans to adopt a maximum and
a minimum tariff to get even with our
generous United States! . . '
Washington . Poet: Minister Barrett
aaya we are in danger of loalng our grip
In South America. It la difficult to low
something we have not got.
Philadelphia Press: The Russian peo
pie are getting their liberty and the peo
pie of Philadelphia have made up their
minds to enjoy something of that kind,
also. ; , f - -..''
Philadelphia Ledger: Senator Clark of
Montana solemnly declares sgalnat the
uee of money In politics. He ought to
know whether It s worth while. . -
Philadelphia Inquirer: Just how much
the railroads will have to do with regu
lating th legislation for regulating rail
road rates Is one of the secrets that th
senate will probably succeed In keeping.
. - 'From. Th London Mall. -There
are only about ten well-to-do
families ... in. the Zemlndary village,
though over 00 per cent-of the .inhabi
tants hare small holdings of one, two
or three acres, snd tne trutn in regard
to their situation is sq terrible that,
when set forth In full . If Is likely to
smack of exaggeration In the eyes of
those who have not seen It revealed to
them, in all Its nakedness e I have
done. Ninety per cent of ths population
of -this - Zemlndary village have not
known for certainty the last two month
what It Is to havs a good meal a day.
aa far as a good meal counts In village
of -this description.. vThey began to feel
ths pinch. of want and destitution softie
six months ago, when what little they
hod put by for a "rainy day had abso
lutely run out. Then, they began to sell
their poor stock of silver and gold orna
ments and their cattle, and eked out a
livelihood. ' v'.-- .i',"-".
During the las two months their have
suffered ths utmost privation, having
absolutely nothing to fall "back upon.
Children and old people have naturally
been ths first to feel the ef foots of ths
distress. - Msny of the children I assert
without any fear of appearing to exaggerate,-
have -become thoroughly ema
ciated, ao thoroughly that .they are now
practically nothing but bag of bones.
Their appearance Is absolutely woe-be-gone
and la calculated to move, ths most
hard-hearted. Several of these emaciated
children . present bloated v stomachs,
prominently , visible ribs snd bones on
the back, swollen cheeks and shriveled
posteriors, whlls all that is left of their
ones fleshy arms and Jess are tha elbow,
knee and shoulder joints connected oy
apologies - of muscles covered by skin.
A Urge number of the remainder ar
fast becoming emaciated." Ths tale of
the aged and infirm la ' equally sad,
whlls the, middle-aged men and women
are generally, run down in condition.
Many of ths men are not now physically
fit for any hard labor, and the women
are no better. . A most praiseworthy andil
encouraging feature of the -situation I
th ungrudging self-sacrifice of the few
well-to-do In the village community for
the help .of the destitute among them,
but even this feature Is threatening to
disappear soon should ths season con
tinue to be unpropitious as at present.
In this connection I beg to appeal to the
charatibls Indian, public, aa a most
Worthy field la her tn theee villages for
the exercise of their munificence. Even
a small contribution will go a great way
towards relieving the dlstrsss of these
people, for with a single rupee one can
give conjee of broken rtcs to IS Individ
uals, thus snsbllng them to keep body
and soul together. And at the worst they
require to be helped only for two months
longer, ' when it is hoped that . th
heavens wilt com to their aid. .-, .
r Camp Distress. C T :
i. Nov. . 1 ir-The wind was still '
from th seuthwesli and ase
waves against ths shore with, great
fury; the rain too fell In torrents, snd
not only -drenched us to the skin, but
loosened 'the stones on the hillsides,
which then came rolling down upon us.
In this comfortless situation we re
mained ell day, wet, cold, with nothing
but dried fish to satisfy our hunger; the
canoes In one place at ths mercy of the
waves, the baggage in another, and all
of the men scattered on floating log,
or sheltering themselves In ths crevices
of the rocks and hillsides. A hunter
was dlspstched In hopes of finding soms
fresh meat; but th hills war too steep,
and so covered with undergrowth and
fallen timber that he could not pene
trate them and was forced to return,
About o'clock w were visited by some
India us in a canoe; ' they cams from
above thl place, on t..e opposite side of
the river; their lsngusge much resem
bles thst of ths Wshkiacums, and they
call themselves Cathamahs. In person
they are email, Ill-made, .and badly
clothed; though one of them had on a
sailor round Jacket and pantaloons,
which, a ho explained by signs, hs had
received from the white below the
point We purchased from them It red
char, a fish 'Which we fpdnd very ex
cellent. After some time they went
aboard th boat and crossed the river,
which Is her fWe miles wide, through
a very, heavy sea. - .
V Th Cunning Girl. j .
From the Ban Francisco Call. !
' 'Ones upon a time there wag a Cun
ning Little Girl who had three strings
to her bow, or three beaux to her but
you may state It as you plas end she
treated them ao shrewdly that each on
thought ha was the Own and Only.
She wa a very cunning little girl, we
she not? 1 Yes, but after a time each
one of the three began to nurture a
Dark Suspicion that he was being
Played With, and so they went awuy
and began to go with Susan Boggs and
Mary Jones snd other, girls, and now' the
Cunning Llttl,0(r Is sir Old, Old Mall,
who feele very sorrytwat sh-wa eo
cunning; and this Is all there Is to thf
tory except ,tbe- , .-."
Moral Cunning' Little Girls who play
with the fire too long may find In th
end that they have lee "flumes than
they had when tb fire Wa brlghUst.
New Method ef Churning.
- From th Kansas City Journal.
Ths team belonging to Tobe ' Mo.
Whorter, a Temple dairyman, ran away
last week. They rhose'.a rough road ior
their; trip and when they wer csnght
there wer 10 pounds, ot butter in thl
miikcans, , , ,
. ' '.'.: '-
By Wex Jones. Assisted In Kvery De
. -part men t by Kmloent SnectHlists.
On her way to America to raarry a
billionaire, iAidy Angela, daughter of
the Duke of Tottenham-Court. Road,
falls In love with a stranger, who haa
the letters II. O. II. on his Jersey.," Ar
riving st (loner Island. Lady Angela
finds the unknown, "waiting table" and
get a Job as dishwasher in the same
beanery, ; "
.;:ix.; - .. .'
Having broken her morning's supply
of dishes, Lady Angela approached the
table where the light of her life wa
eating welnerwursta from hi hand (!.
"Oh, ths feasting and the folly and
the fun'" (1), she exolalmed. "You're
a Hsrvard-Oxford-Heltjelberg man, ain't
your (1), she asked. . t
."Nit." said he, munching bia welner
wurst steadily. "Nvr was to no col
lege." . ......
Lady Angela felt crushed. Poor men
need an education CO- That la why the
poor long to be rich (. Then they
needn't be educated (4). . To be educated
la te be miserable; to be rich Is to be
miserable 4. To be educated and rich
Is to be McCurdy-on-the-etend (4).
"Then whst do those letter stand
for?" Lady . Angela asked In
tones (8).
"Hashed Oats for Health,'
aponded the unknown (6).
quickly r-
"Can It bar' cried Lady Angela. "Can
It be? . Are you one of th Snuggler of.
Battle Creek?" (I). .
"Yep," said ths wslter. " ''I am old ,
man Snuggler's heir, and they're learn-
US IMW . i ,v " j ..alii,,.
From Mold to the Molar' from . the
ground up." (i). - -
"My -t. billionaire. screeched . Lady
Aniy'i golden head lay on Si's beery
shoulder ()., Outside the moon warbled
softly Over-gleeful fireflies burned
out their fuses ((. The sea wa moist
with emotion to. . stars snea their per
fumed petals upon ths gorgeous grass,"
now. bright with, ths autumnal hues of
early spring ().'
. ."Ms blank cheque" (), murmured
, i i i m T .1.1.. r mA
Anl. beheld -Tnttenhsm Court Rond
Castle rcDaired "with areenbacka (01.
Full of thoughts too deep for utterance.
ho gently took possession of Sl
Angela's wooing 0).
1 jirj ciNU til. itiArtivo
(I.I , tsdis manners, oy J. oergeani
Cram.- ' J ;
-Copyright, lios. by sudyard Kipling. .
S.) .Quotation by Rudyard Kipling.
(I I. Smart grammar by Mrs. Cralgle
John Oliver Hobbes.) .
(4 -Pin-nrlcks.-bv Bernard Shaw.
' (t.)' Conversation by a Rustic Author
from Twenty-third street. -(.)
,Dope by Any Old Novelise
4 - t. - - By- -ths - Reader-
Much of ths best In modern lltcrstur
baa com out of , Indiana, but no work ,
more wholesome than 'Charles Major's
electrtfytnf rornnce.-;'YVberKm
hood- Was in Flowsr.". Major. -ma jf "or
msy not be forgiven for the Inference
In ths title that chivalry Is dead In ths
ifrju century, but we will, go on .prais
ing him for, having made possible one
Cf tha prettiest of stags pictures.
It was , not mo- long - ago- .that . tha
Belasco stock company gave a' splen
did production of the play, which prob
ably account for the tv titer light at
tendance, last, evening ut the Marquam.
These who wer thera, h"ever, shows I
their keen appreciatln by Knowing
Innumerable curUin calls Jin Roscll
Knott. ... - -
And Miss Knott deserved recognition.
tier interpretation oi tne crarwiw gi
thing about It that was quits Irresisti ble.
She Is a handsome young woman.
full of life, a splendid1 elocutionist.
rMAafiit una and flnallv a conscien
tious worker ror tne nna streets wmcn
she realises srs wrapped up In the role.
If X am -not -mistaken. Miss Knott waa
ths orlgttst Lygla In "Quo Vadls." ,
has mad-a-rvt progress In ths pant;
few years. The management . would
l. 4- WAn-A Dunn. niah mnr :
capable of filling the Lady Tudor shoes
of Julia Marlows.
Of the other players there Is less to
say. Mr. Nowelia cnariea urn noon in
utterly lacking in rorce. ne aoes not
plcturs ths knight ef old ss we hare
tradltlongllsed mm. Mr. elevens is ouiy
a passable King Henry VIII. Fat
roisterer though be wss, .the actor
credits the muchly married monarch,
with a ' trifle too much buffoonery.
Somehow- top, w had "h idea that
Anne Boleyn was slightly taller than
the ambitious young woman who - Im-
t 4 . 1 n at t. m The nthpr
players were rar rrom iaeai, out n
Miii Knott la on the stage the greater
portion of the time It is almost pos-
slble to forget th nenctency.
. ftcenlcallv. the oroductlon I atSauate,
ths first 'act being - ef?8riafiy - pretty.
The final performance of "Knighthood'
will, be given tonight. '
BACH WillTWfcl.
To Get Record Fee. ,
, ' From the New York World. "
Irs Leo Bamberger,- the lawyer who
Is prosecuting the "teachers' back-pay
lltlgatlon, will, upon the successful com
pletion of the litigation, receive under
contract fees amounting to $400,008, the
largest compensation ever received by a
lawyer in thla city. The suits recently
decided by Jtwtles Oaynor will bring
him In I7S.00O. . .
The following larg fee wer paia to
.New -York- lawyers,
William W. fromweii, rwr(nnii
conner svndtcata .W,w
John B. Parsons, plsns for sugar
trust '
John CTomllnson, Cuban tobacco
mercer wv.uu
John C Tomllnson. Denver gas and
wster deals .,,.., uu.ww
Robert Sewell, -elevated railroad
fe IZ3.0TO
Joseph Choste, elevated railroad
litigation .
James C Carter, seal controversy.
Francis L. Wellman, defending
Hvams twins
De Lanrey Nlcoll, defending park
te.ore '
: TrITormation Wanted. - '
From the Washington Star. -' "J
"Have you ever dons snythtng for the'
benefit of society V : m ' ,
"Not yet" answered Renator Sorshum.
"I'm still trying ,to find out whnt so
ciety Is. You see tho people who give
phi It- teeg In pslsree snd the people who
organise dynamite- plots a cellar are
aU clalmlngjo b it" .,. .
j . the play r r