The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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F0" 50 YEARS STRONG illll
Woman That Followed a Monkey Steamer, Nome City Chartered
and Hand-Organ Off When
v ' a Child Finds Family.
to Make Regular Tripe to
San Pedro.
Advertised in Eastern Papers Telling Steamer Originally Gained Fame as
of Early Impressions and Receives
Letters From Brother and Cousin
Who-Are Wealthy.
. Passenger Carrier, Running to
Nome,' but Has Been Altered and
Now Can Carry Much Lumber.
. v ,'i tJoarnal Special gervlee.)
Albuqueruue. N. U.. Nov, 11. After
, Ming lost to the ram 11 r half a century.
Mrs. jiesier Ann Alexander Smith, a
' resident of Silver City and Albuquerque
lor we last 10 years, has located her
surviving- relatives at Warwick. . New
lorn, and will so to them.
In a few days the steamer Nome City
will be placed In regular commission
Detween Portland and. Han Pecro, mak
Ins port of entry calls at Ban Fran
Cisco, -She was chartered for this pur
pose last night by the Portland Lumber
company. On the down . trip she will
carry a cargo of fir and any passengers
Mrs. Smith Is ts years old. Just 10 V-.r.Vrr.- alJr"","Z
i?T.!l'0,KW,,en-., 5Le",-0ldL.,'hK W" ' Lo Angeles. Coming back she will
"J I hrlnr hnth (nlihl anH nnuiinn
..Hn.p anil I, I " "
The steamer is owned by the Oregon
California Steamship company and
for the past season has been operated
between Puget sound and San Francisco
In the lumber trade. She la capable of
handling almost 1,000,000 feet, of lum
ber and Is provided with accommoda
tions for almost 100 passengers. The
ressel is expected to make her first trip
a week from today. The Portland Lum
ber company has chartered a number of
vessels . recently ; to make one trip to
Italian organ-grinder, and followed It.
The Italian took the child with him and
she was never found.
Finally she drifted west, grew Into
womanhood and married. Twenty years
ago, wun tier husband and four .chil
dren, she went to Silver City. New
, Mexico, where all except herself died.
Mrs. smith ' forgot the name of her
parents, but had a recollection of her
, childhood scenes. She advertised la
eastern papers, telling of .her early lnv
Dresaions. -- . .
The result was a letter from Thomas tauirornie, -porta, but we majority or
C. Paddock of Vernon, New Jersey, her are sailing craft.
cousin, and another from her brother, I On the Portland and San Pedro route
James Paddock, of Warwick. New Torlclthe Nome City wilt be in direct oppost-
who are living on the old homestead. I tlon to, the steamer Roanoke, so far as
one learnea inat ner parents nan been l tne passenger and general freight part
aeaa II years. -All her brothers and I of the arrangement is concerned. Until
sisters but one are alive. Her relatives I the Roanoke was placed In regular serv
ice between here end - southern Cali
fornia, less than year ago. boats were
sent down from this port only at Ir
regular Intervals. By stopping at Saa
Francisco It has been shown that a big
amount of traffic can be secured and
the run now; Is held to be one of the
most profitable on the coast,
The Nome City has been at Portland
a number of times and la well known at
all of the porta between California and
northern Alaska. During the early day
of the Nome excitement she became
famous by carrying more passengers
to the gold camp bearing her name than
any other vessel. Since then ahe has
been - altered materially, the - owners
having removed some of her passenger
space so that she would be able to
handle a greater quantity of lumber.
:ln New Tor are wealthy..
Pacific University Decides It Can
r.i: Only Participate in
. Two Debates.
. ,
"''' (Special DlaeateS to The Jonraal.t
- Pactflo University, Forest drove,. Or.,
Nov. It. The new debating council met
yesterday evening for the first time to
.consider the coming series of debates In
which the university : Is to take part.
The new-council Is composed of Pr?sl-1 Several Changes la UgM Vessels aad
cent remn. i-roressor Hates and Pro-I other- AnoUaaeee I
frnuir Alhrlrht .. Vf ........ a.b. 7 I - Vw aiuMq ainnTnw,
and Rasmusen. 'OS. . Principal H. I I L1 changes In aids to navigation In
. . Bates u ehoun rh.irm.. r,H w u I this district are announced as follows
Rasmusen secretary. A communication I Referring, to notice tomariners . of
wee read from the Oregon Agricultural 1 10C, Umatilla Reef light vessel, was
- ' college, at Corvallls, asking that ar-1 temporarily placid off the entrance to
- , rangementa be made for a debate- be-1 the Columbia river to mark the station
tween the two colleges. After some die-1 of the Columbia River light vessel No.
... suasion the consensus of opinion- wae I SO which recently went adrift. two debates, would be as many eel Umatilla Reef light vessel Is painted
A--eaiio-.niversiiy could -participate .to I red without name or number and shows
'with any degree of success, and the I the same characteristics as to lights and
offer was rejected. This year, at least. (fog signal as Columbia. River light
.. v. v-uuui uici va a. Dni consiaer I vessel.
. a oie eemiment is expressed favorable .Referring to notices to mariners of
to a meat in the future. .- ... lm. tn, following alterations were
.'A,Vajra a " made la buoyage at Grays Harbor en
ee '
Teke Adverftess cf a Pcrtlsnd
Citizen's C2
fore It's Too Lete. i
When the back begins to ache.
.: Don't Wftitunt4 ..backache becomes
enromo; . , -Till
serious kidney troubles develop
Till urinary troubles destroy night's
rest. -'.:,.
Profit by a Portland cltisen'a expert
- Mrs. J. V. Kennedy, 70 years old, who
resides at 70 Corbett street, says:
have been afTlloted. with kidney trouble
for thirty years, and for the past twen
ty years I have never been entirely f rx
from It in some form or other. I suf
fered terribly from backache and could
nnraiy stoop over ana gei up again.
Trouble from the kidney secretions ex
isted. At times I was greatly bloatedl
my feet swelled to twice their natural
sise and I was seldom without a plaster
on my back to ease the pain. 1 doctored
a great deal and used more medicine
than any one nerson could carry. I had
read so much about Doan's Kidney Fills
that 1 concluded to give them a trial
and got a box at the Lue-Javla Drug
Co.'s store, corner of Tamhill and
Third streets. I was a good subject,
with a case of such long standing, and
I thought If they helped me I could
aafelv recommend thera to others.
used them faithfully and the results
were satisfactory In every way. Doan's
Kidney Pill a are a wonder. They did
me more food than any other remedy I
For sale bv all dealers. Price B0 cents.
Fonter-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. T.. sole
eaents for the United States. '
Remember the name - DOAN S3 end
take no other.; .
again for the far east. It is said that
Mitsui Co. have the vessel chartered.
The next regular freighter- orjrMhe
oriental line to arrive will be the Nu
man t la. She Is due on November SI and
it is understood that all ef her space
has been reserved by iosal shippers. ,
Inner buoy, a perpendicularly striped
first-class nun, was discontinued.
Trustee spit buoy No. A, a red first-
class nun, was discontinued.
South Channel outer buoy, a parpen
the date of the debate. In accordance
with . the request of the . 'Walla Walla
The matter of holdlnar. the trvmm
was also, dlseussed. Two Plans - ware
Date witn-an opening and - rebuttal I a,cu,"r, - .
speech, then an Intersoclety debate with c- ,B hite, was discontinued, -three
speakers on a side. The three I Trustee spit, buoy No. O. a red first-
beat of the els speakers will be rhnn I class nun. was discontinued.
ae the university's representatives In all I Point Brown spit buoy No. O, a black
of the forenslo contests of the, year, , I flret-clasa can, wae established In 40
reet or water to mare- tne eoutnern eoge
of Point Brown spit; on the following
bee rings
Lone tree, point Brown, N. ZS degrees.
E. true N. 1-4 K. mag.)
Jetty wharf. Inside bay, S. 05 degrees
Sseelal Plai
its gee Js
. corvallls. Or., Nov. 11. It la
eerted that at next Monday nleht'a
meeting .of the . Corvallla city council
a petition for a franchise will be laid
before that body by the electric corr.
pany, backed by Philadelphia parties of
almost unlimited wealth, that baa re
cently bought the electrto light plants
or Aineny ana naiem. They- will seek
to provide Corvallls with electrto power
for commercial use, and the franchise.
It Is stated, will ask the privilege of
placing poles on Corvallls streets for
a period of SO Tears. If the power Is
supplied. It le said, factories would be
established In this city and other ee
tabllshmente locate here.' It is ' as
serted that lr the franchise le granted
by Corvallls, the town 'will be con
nected and power be available for use In
four months.
Captala aad Third Offteee oa4 sTegtl-
gen en Wreok of sjt, rata
Captain Clem Randall, master of the
steamer Bt. Paul, which wss wrecked at
Point Oorda October J. and Third Of
ficer William Holmes, have had their
licenses suspended for II months by
Supervising Inspector - ' Bermlnghara,
Captain Bermlnghara held that they
were negligent et the time the St. Paul
waa wrecked. He also declared that
the skipper wae unskillful, or he would
not have allowed the vessel to get so
far In, toward . the shore, aim oat II
miles out of the course taken by the
mariners, who have been hoping tftBT
he Would be exonerated. ' ,
SO mlnutee K. true (SB. by B. 1-1 mag.)
keywood Will nstaiaed..
Brlags Varied . Carge
; Sureks, aad Ooos Bay. . ,
One ef the lergeat assortments-off
era I freight ever brought from- Kureka
and Coos Bay by steamer errlved last
night on the Alliance..' Every product of
the farm and forest peculiar to that
section was in the shipment, including
600 sacks of milk. ' The milk had been
dried Into a sort of whey so that it
could be handled In bags. - then labeled
glue etook. It will be sent from here to
the big factories In the east
The glue came from Coos Bay, as did
also 77 balee of hops, two carloads of
matchwood and big quantities of butter
snd chsese. The hops probably -will be
' ' . . , , , .. 1 m - ,
San Frencisco, Nov. . U.--The will of ?"po!,d of. ' Portland; they are the
the late Franklin Hey wood haa been
i sustained by the eupreme court. The
estate of 1210.000 was left to Mrs. Hey
wood while she -lived end an adopted
daughter waa left a legacy of 1160 a
month apd to receive half of the re
maining property on the -deftth of Mrs.
Heyweo The daughter, Maude M. Hey
wood, sought to break, the terms of the
,wlll, but the. court upheld the trust
clause. -
first to arrive from Coos this year, but
It la aald that they wilt be followed y
other shipments until lata In the winter,
Ten care of shingles and one of doors
cams from Eureka for .eastern shipment.
Twenty tierces of sslmon from the same
point war discharged at Astoria yes
terday. Captain Kelly reports that with
the exception of occasional fog the
weather conditions during the , voysge
were ideal. The steamer will leave on
the return tripMonday night.
Twe rrelfhters Carry Veerly Half a
' KUllon Dollars' Worth to Orient.
Nearly-half a -million dollars .'worth
of freight left Portland this morning
for Ihe orient on the steamships Nlco
medlg and AbergeldH& With the tfcep-
tlon of a lot ef machinery,- cotton end
bn - it I. it. At a non m a ia or macninery,-cotton aaa
'COUUeintf. It U IM timt Of curios the entire shipments . were of
vrrs;un iruauvin,
year when people are most sus-
Jon will not only cure the cold.
The Nlcomedla cleared for Hongkong
arid way porta with 1.000 tone .valued at
rfrttihl in r-fJdt Sfort'i Emul I-0' T" ur, cent out orl her
CCpUOIC lO COKIJ, OCOU S UT1UI Bwmint0 to m trlfl mor toan 0 0,0
barrels., worth' J22M6. She orl -.1
also 8(H) esses of .condensed milk pre-1,
wniCll OtlHlVbC mitfht hantf On S1.S0. The spple shipment comprised
21 boxes, valued at S44K. a.nd consigned
iH winter, but wUI trfve Arm th """V1" ' .Jhe bulk ot th
r.rT Of. - J . flour taken throuah to '.Honv.
kong. bet small portions of It will be
discharged at Yokohama, Kobe and
iMoll. . .4
Wheat made up the entire cargo taken
out by the Abergeldle, amounting to
110,11 bushsls. valued at Slls.lSOi The
5xact value . or the two cargoes la
41J.10. The tramp will gorto Yoko
hama and another port to discharge the
grain and "Captain Keith eaye fhitt- the
vessel will return to Portland. Ha de-
rlerea that he will be bark here ina'do
of two monthe and load flour end wheat
Land flesh to the body to resist
...'-. . - ., .
: more colds, pneumonia, etc
ICOTT rWKg, etefwal (Mat, Mew-Vaefe,
yt. .
:-:T -- -
Declare - Against SJcheme for rutUng
Bredglngs Under Their TrupeiUee.
Dockownere who were asked to grant
permission to have .material dredged
from the tlver deposited under their
dorks and to bulkhead them so that the
sand ' and gravel could not get back
Into the stream have eent word to the
Port of Portland commission that the
plan Is impracticable. Had they taken
up with the idea It was the' intention
of the Port of Portland to dredge the
river . In lhe harbor for its full width
and make the channel at least SO feet
deep at the low water stage. '-8
Notwithstanding the attitude of the
dockownere there Is a movement on foot
to put the channel in excellent shape.
If an understanding la reached with the
East Portland Improvement association
and the Northern Pacific Railway com
pany, which want certain fills made,
both' of the dredges belonging . to : the
port will be kept at work, in the harbor
the greater part of the winter. But It
ts declared that great eere will- be ex
ercised not to do any dredging In front
of the docks. If the river Is deepened at
those points It Is asserted that-the own.
ere will have to pay for it. Leading to
soma of the structures the wster Is so
shoal-that- It Is almost-Impossible- for a
vessel to get alongside of them and un
less the men to whom .they belong ehow
dirierent disposition It-is held that
their, property soon will be la a. far
Worse situation. - ' -
The dredge Portland le wow Idle and In
a day or two the work of giving her en
overhauling will be started. This will
not require long to complete and ahe
will be reedy for use. The Columbia le
being operated by the government and
win oe turned over to the port in the
course or a week ar two.
1 1-1
L. J
J-l .' L
i - i i - f t
I L4 Ll
brain and brawn for the battles of life. ,
Everything is possi
ble for the mental
and nervous system
which is not " Phos-;
phate starved." All
of the original phos
phates are rctaincdih -Ralston
Health Oats.
The ne w process pre
serves them alL
New Process
Ralston Health Dsts (hew pro
cess) are different from any other
cereal . food. Our new Cereal .
Roaster, the only one of its kind
on the Pacific Coast, beats the
oat gradually and regulates the
temperature to the fraction of
degree. That brings out all
of the natural oat flavor.
; ;.'..:'.' '-vj:. Vv:; 'v.::
. The Cereal. Rosster. by the.
perfectly - regulated dry best,
softens the tough little leathery
envelope- around -' each : starch
granule so that the second cook
' ing prepares it for perfect and
easy digestion. . ..
U'-- f. MILL'
is Mi IIS I
I7 Purina Mills
Just Try a Package the Checkerboard
Package and See How Much
Better You Feel,
L ! I iV. K j
British ship. Euphrosyne moved from
tne etreem yesterday 'to the Qreenwlcn
dock, where her ballast will be dl
charged. It Is probable that ehe will
go on the drydock for cleaning end
painting before she is fitted out with
a cargo of grain for Europe.
Bea captains are agitating ai ranging
for an international boat rase to be
held In the harbor during the holiday
Officers of the steamers say that the
Nlcomedla and Abergeldle. which left for
the ' far east today, will lndulga In
racs across the Pacific. It la said that
considerable money will change hands
on. the- outcome of the contest. The
Nlcomedla flies the German flag and
the ' Abergeldle the union jack, which
will make the rece an international af
fair. . . v
A big shipment of giant powder 'eon-
signed to the Northern Pacific Railway
company waa taken1 to Cape Horn this
morning .by the steamer Joaeph Kellogg.
Before leaving on the voyage a number
of the officers and crew had their lives
Insured. . . V
He.gvf"-fog overhung the river this
morning and ateamboat men were afraid
that a number of, collisions would oc
cur. Tlu Lurllns arrived from- Astoria
at an early hour and left on the return
trip after 1, o'clock.. Passengers on he
say that the fog was so thick It could
be cut.
Tender Mansanlta "haa ' been partly
beached and the work of patching up
her bow will be completed today. -Jler
stern will then be swung around Into
shoal water, where mechanics can make
the other neceaaary repairs. '
fltesmer T. A. Kllburn sailed for San
Franc t soo and way ports last night
with a' full list of - paasaneera and a
cargo of grain and general merchandise.
With 710 tone of grain and 100.001
feet' of . lumber-, the eteamer - Roanoke
sailed last , night for Ban Pedro end
way ports,- -i ....
After a passage- ef tl 'days .the Brit
ish ship Biythswood showed up off the
mouth of the Columbia this morning
' Tsfrifle Baee With Death. :.
"Death wss fsst anDrnnchlne." writes
Ralph F. Femandea 'Of Tampa, Fla.,
describing his fearful rsoe with death,
"as a result of liver trouble and heart
disease, which' had robbed me of sleep
and of all Interest In life. I had tried
many different doctors snd several med
icines, but sot no benefit, until I beean
to use Rlscttie Bitters.- Bo -wonderful
was their effect that In three daya I
felt like a new man. and today I am
cured of all my troubles." - Guaranteed
et fikldmnre'a drug store ill Third
street; price to .. -
. , j i
" v'7 V O
On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEYS HONEY AND TAR
orCoutis Colds, , and Lung Troubleseveral '"manufacturers I are" advertising
imitations with similar sounding names with tht; view of profiting by-thc favorably
known reputation ot FOLEY S HONEY AND TAR. ; - '
We originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy arid unless you get
; Remempcr the name and insist upon -having Foley's Honey and Tar.; Do not risk
your life' or "health" by taking; imitations," which" cost y6u:the sanie as the genuine.
Foley's Honey and Tar js put up in three sizes' 25c, 50c and $ 1 .00. ' : v.
Prepared enly by FOLEY & CO., 02-04-OG Ohio Street, Chicago IHinsis.
jSKft . IlriiirAtfnol Don no
I; U -
.This means that we have a first class range suitable for a small fam
"ilv. WfitclTWe Bell at $2r-The reason other-ranges cost, mora ,is not.
that they are better but because they are larger. The smaller the watch .
the greater the cost. Exactly the opposite with stoves and ranges, our
$70. range being -more than twice as large as the one at $25. A man
and wife and one or two children will find the $25 range precisely what
they ought to have. :' v '-t ' ;
They are the great makers of heat and-savers of fuel. Nothing like them in this
market v . ;" : '4 'V '. .
I Telephone Main 1382. i t Odd Fellows Temple, First; and "Alder
from Newcastle, N. S. W. he came in
ballast In search of a charter and will
probablr not come up to. Portland until
she has been engaged.- 'The vessel is
In .command of Captain Prltchard, who
has been a, frequent visitor et inn
port - .
Schooner Crescent errlved at Astoria
this morfllng from San-Pedro. : She le
under charter to the TOM land Lumber
eompaStr to transport a cargo of lum
ber to California. The schooner le e
live-matter and wae, only built last year.
Astoria.'or. ll.--Arrtved down et I
aad soiled - at - - a. -m.; eteamer- Oalsr
Mitchell, for San ' Francisco; arrived
down at ( and sailed at 10:10 a. m.,
steamer Redondo, for San Francisco;
outside at a.mVMJrltlh ship Biyths
wood, from' Newcastle, schooner Crea
oent. from San Pedro end a four masted
barbwntlne; sailed at lt a. m. steamer
F. A. Kllburn, for San Francisco.
Snn Francisco, Nov. 11. Sailed last
night steamer Eureka for Portland; ar
rived last night, steamer Costa Rice,:
from Portland.
Astoria. Nov. 10. Arrived, schooners
P. 8. Redfleld, from San Pedro, Church
Ill, frora, Hongkong, and Virginia, from
San 'Francisco; arrived ' last , night,
schooner Mabel Gale, from San Fran
cisco; arrived down at 4 p. m. and sailed i
gasa CMICMcBTCBJ'S) gNQLieif
la UK 4 OeM HUM mm
mwillM. Tk etker. re
Smji hi BaWWMtiMe ill IaUar
SWa. Bv r DraetlM, Ml . Is
mhm ar r T iiuie
am c B.IU IW uimt. k. r
mrm Mali. I .eS T-H..l.u lt k)
seaere. rni r
i.t 'midnight, steamer Roanoke, for Port
Lee Angeles snd way porta. '
Astoria, Nov. 11. Condition of the
bar at t a. m., smooth; wind eest;
weether cloudy. ,..-
-Astoria. Nor. 11. British ship Biyths
wood crossed in at IS and the schooner
Crescent at 11:10.
IHepWe reemaSV''.
At the People's fomm Sunday even
ing at T:I0 o'clock H. D. Wagnon will
deliver an address on the "Imperative
Mandate or the Recall' after which
dlacuaslon will be free an- open te all.
Elks' hall, Marquam building.
, -
Dallas President U Olty. . . .
Dr. C. C. Poling of Dallse college le
In Portland In the Interest of the Insti
tution. . He will preach St the First
United evangelical church. East Tenth
and Sherman streets, tomorrow. ' Pres
I Ident Poling recently haa returned from
Every Vonan
klassnsled and heold taow
soon We wendarral
MARVEL WWriiaej Sprey
- M ot I onrwilant.
V ' eJL . -
.SeMsi VV V aT
ek. 'i BT ' - as
If nennoisntnly ttS)
eUirr. But Mnd Mant fo
II nenitd -- 1 - n
fall MnionUra end ir-i... ...
niiuMam lxii ntKiri, rex.
see rr.. saw tunau
rom sau ax wooSasj. clabjui a Co.
I yFo Kidney J
I isc7 -BladdeH
9 MWlrlr.LV troublea. 1
: rNi5 KirA Cures In
1 UOHours
i ' ltch Capsnle T 1
; ! . bears the BameS-C
' .Jl.ll. . Bumf tfaomHrftkUt'
Scott's Szntal-Pepsn te;si2:s
Tnt TnflftvnenaHott of(1terrt' of
th blH.!r IHsbhI KlH.
tev. MOOOftlBOrAr. Crp
luithly fttid wrinnlir ih
worai eiwsfsj f Meeerr4itsssj
nd ttlleep4t Bivtur ot how
loner Isinilinsr A ka aI tl r
hftrn4MM. bald Ivy drufjriat,
Prtc tMh r W mil, fwt
BBiB Vena, wssg, ee.
Vsr Sale to Weesarg. Olatse 0 '
Johnstown, , Pennsylvania. ' where he
spent a year. ' He h taken chars acaln
of the presidency of Dallas college pnd
Is also college paator. w-
-.- i . - : ' -. v ' '
i ';..-' -V