The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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'Miles and Mile tn Albina Dis
trict tn R Rrailtd and J
... -..' -Graveled. v. .i,r
Unusual Activity in Street and Sewer
i Improvements Keep '- City En
fineer's Office Busy and May Ne
il cessitatt Increase in Staff.- ,' 7
Resolutions providing ; for the- lm
provement of many miles of streets In
the Albtna district were ordered pre
sented to the city council by the street
committee yesterday afternoon Seven-
leen streets are Included in the improve
ments which are to consist of grading.
and graveling, and laying crosswajss
(snd cement sidewalks, as . follows:
Stanton street from Williams avenue
to Delay street: Cherry street from
Crosby to Wheeler -streets; Wheeler
from Cherry to Wasco streets; Ross
from Dixon to Dupont streets; Dixon
front Kosa to .La rabee streets: Commer.
rial from Stanton to Alberta streets;
"Knst Seventh from Broadway to San
Rafael ' street; Kant Seventh from
Clackamas to Weldler streets; Hancock
from Grand avenue to East Fifteenth
street; Siskiyou from Union avenue to
Alblna avenue: Broadway from Union
venae to Lo rabee street; Fargo front
' Union avenue to Borthwlck street; Rod.
ney -avenue from - Morris to Alberta
streets; Kerby from .Russell street, to
Cook avenue; Clackamas from .-Union
venue to Crosby street; Fremont from
Willamette boulevard to Albtna avenue;
Benton from . Dupont to., Clackaam
street. : . ....
''Councilman Menefee, 'In whose.- ward
the Improvements will be made, pre
sented the resolutions. The district Is
developing rapidly and hundreds of new
homes have been built there during' tht
past two years. Although ths grading
and gavellng of the atreeta will not be
costly it will be sufficient improve.
merit until the traffic becomes heavier.
- . More activity is shown In street 'and
ewer Improvement on ; the east side
thsa ever before. Scores of miles of
streets are now under Improvement and
dosens of additional proceedings have
-been started by the city council.
'City Engineer Taylor and Ms as
sistants already; haTe..lnore. than they
for another surveying crew. If the pro.
ceedlngs for" Improvements continue to
accumulate his force will have to be
considerably enlarged the first of next
year. - ?
Continued From Vage-One.-
only possible way we can get any bene
fit from thla commodity Is by the wster
'v.;.l n .a Km -mIIIam
IHHI. 1 1 .1 kllCU Will .11. U U 1. VUIIIVI
having great carrying capacity sorthat
It ran be sold at reasonable prices. This
one factor, alone Is sufficient to Induce
Portland' to aid in every way possible
anything that will bring about such a
result as cheap fuel, which means cheep
power. : wmon to . a ' commercial and
manufacturing center . meant every
thing. ; -'i, -',:.'. '
Coos bay will ' make a magnificent
harbor, certainly the best between the
mouth of the Columbia, and Ban Fran
cisco. , For: commercial purposes, for a
harbor of refuge, for every reason, this
bay : should receive attention. Its Im
provement Involves no great engineering
skill or excessive cost. The chlsf diffi
culty ajt present Is not the entrance to
Coos bay, but the shoal places within the
bay., ', : . - v t ? v , ;
' 7 , BMf It Deepen Bar.
j n areaains npnuiiani in i;oos oar
la' not a serious matter. - From what I
have learned it la my opinion that with
the construction of the smith lettw nf
perhaps a mile tn length there will soon
'be SO feet of water at low 'tide on the
bar. Everr effort should be made to
obtain . the necessary appropriations to
carry on these improvements, and It is
certain that so far as 'the citizens of
Portlsrid ' sre concerned, they will aid
One other matter In connection with
the development of our state for which
I wish t call your attention and I havt
done. That Is the lack of true pride Is
our state and ignorance as to its re
Royal .' Baking Powder is indispensable
finest cookerv-and tothe - comfort
..... ; v .. . . .v ' -.r.-'- ' -i -
convenience of modern housekcep
Rojal Baking Powder makes hot
reads,' cakes and
Perfectly leavens without fermentatioh.
tieslthat-are-DCculiar to it alone.
There is ho substitute for Royal
Baking Powder where the best and
most healthful food is required.
sources. Thla Is one of ths great states,
both In area and In natural resources.
la this union, and we have not known
It or appreciated It"""' ?.TT
- Address of rrestdaat Safer.
President 7 Hofer of the Willamette
Valley 'Development league stated that
thla was the first of a series ol county
mass conventions that were planned to
further the development of western
Oregon and promote the Improvement of
transportstlon facilities and opening of
harbors on the west coast. The organi
sation had also during the past ' year
taken up ths taxation problem as under
lying the whole altuatlon of promoting
the rational development of the state.
A report from the committee on draft
ing a tax bill had been submitted st tht
Eugene convention and its recommenda
tions had met with general favor, while
-jione of the propoaltlona there laid down
had been questioned or controverted.
What Thla Xrfag-a Steads Toe
In calling together -this mass conven
tion of the farmers and producers and
shippers of Tarn hill county It may be
of interest to tell Just -what this league
standa for.. The motto adopted at tht
Eugene convention indicates the prin
ciple Involved "A Square Deal for Ore
gon. The first address Issned to the
people setting forth the transportation
condiyons prevailing In this state reated
on four declarations of fact that have
never been questioned, and ware vouched
for by the transportation committee of
the Portland Chamber of Commerce, as
followat i '.
1. -That Oregon had enacted no hos
tile or drastic railroad legislation and
had repealed the commission law.
Z.. That Oregon had 'taxed railroad
property lightly compared to other states
all around us, on an average about HOI
per mile leas taxes annually.- '
I. That compared with the states all
around us Oregon had received almost
no railroad construction, while the other
three ooast-states showed from J00 to
BOO miles of new lines each.
4. . That there was a large net surplus
of earnings to the credit of the lines In
Oregon, and .that large sums of money
earned on the. lines In Oregon wareoex
pfcnded In constructing new! Jln.e . Is
other states. ---
i?- More Xlnesal relief.
Based on- these undeniable proposi
tions offset.' this . organisation de
manded of the Harrlman system a trior
liberal policy for the development of
Oregon and we are happy to say that
this has been met In a substantial man
ner. A new line la to be conatructed to
Coos bay that will open a large deep-
sea harbor to the producers of western
Oregon. There hss been 'further an
nouncement of 14.100,000 set aside for
construction of additional mileage. Tht
auggestion that the Harrlman system
annually expend at leastrone- half-its
surplus earnings' In construction of new
lines In Oregon, made In good faith, hat
been well received and If carried out In
good faith will bridge a chaam that was
widening Into an almost Inseparable
gulf tn this state between the people
an3" ah corporations, . ,.,...,.
- Thla league stands for absolute Jus
tice In the relations between capital In
vested In the-railroads-and the people,
asking no favors for either but fair
play and Justice for both. . The people
should not be deceived by much of tht
stuff that Is printed asserting that
140.000.000 Or $50,000,010 are tp be spent
on new railroads In Oregon. Such It
not the case. If . we have tS. 000,000
spent the coming year we will bo well
satisfied. ' It means the employment of
. . . - i Ka II... I
",.y.r m"" ""
TJX TITO jt-sx w i. i voibibiiiiiv en.
good to the community.
. (Special tvtapatcb to The Journal.)
Grants Pass, Or.. Nov. II. Jaspef
Jennlnga, the young man who has been
confined In Josephine county Jail for
the paat month to await trial for the
murder of his -father, has been buay
during the past two days assisting the
workmen tn moving the heavy steel
cells from the old Jail to the new struc
ture being built. Jennings la a husky
fellow and goes at his work a - vigor
ously as If sure of his" portion of tht
wage that the county must pay for tht
moving of the heavy structure,
Another prisoner who has been eon
fined in the Jail la also assisting In the
work -of- moving 'the- cells. A special
guard, however, has been employed to
keep watch on the twoprlsoners, day
and night. As the cells will be exposed
to the cold weather outside for some
time, the prisoners are kept In the city
Jail at night .
The heavy, cells, which are all bolted
firmly together, are moved bodily as ont
piece.) Their combined wAght Is -five
tons. The entire end of the old Jail was
torn out to give' ample room for their
removal, and they are bejng net up on
the oonaroto foundation of tlm " nsw
atructure before the walls are raised.
The old Jail building will be cleaned up
and remodeled- and converted Into
woodhouae and aa a storeroom' : for
county property. -
pastry wholesomce
pjB) Mi
u " - v. -, v'l
.Mrav-Harold FrMcCornaickv Formerly. Miss-EditnRockefeller
(Continued from Pago One ) '
York. We are buying rights of way.
That la all I can say
The purpose of the Wallula. Faclflo,
declared In Its articles of Incorporation,
Is to construct a railroad from Wallula
w ,AiitwTr, a k una niauv m uviaruiiiivv
inght fos rights f way that at various
points conflict with rights sought by
the- Northern Faclflo for Its north bank
Una.- '
, rrobable Xort Sank XJae."
It is believed the Wallula Pacific la
the north bank line of the Wllwankee,
snd that It will-bridge the Columbia
at. Lady's Island and Come Into Port
land over the tracks ef the Oregon
Water Power ' A Railway company,
which has surveyed and purchased
rights of way for an extension from
Oresham to Falrvlsw, opposite Lady's
Island. x
In no other way can those who have
studied the altuatlon explain .the Mil
waukee's- failure to purchase terminals
In Portland, while It has been for
months active In securing extensive ter
minal properties at Tscoma arid Seattle,.
The O. W. P. road, should it pass Into
the hands of the Milwaukee, would give
that company the moat extensive river
frontage and terminal grounds In ths
city, with trackage already extending to
a point within two blocka of the ateel
bridge, over which trains would run to
the Union station. Engineers say the
best place on the lower Columbia river
for a bridge Is at Lady's Island. Some
years ago a franchise wss granted by
congress for construction of a bridge
at- that pointy jjie charter has expired
by limitation, but could be renewed at
anjsession of congress. .
rrmaoMss for Standard Oaogw.
Tin Ttucumer gfgubnrban
ias' tieert'
granted a franchise . for . a standard
gauge, double track railroad from tht
waterfront on Main street through tbt
Lheart of the city and has completed a
survey for a railroad to Proebatel and
north to Hooklnson. Proebstel Is a few
miles from the Columbia and on a line
with. Lady's island and Falrvlew. The
survey northward is projected to the
St. Helens region and ends Indefinitely.
The promoters of the company, Forbes
It Ooudy, do not give any definite In.
formation as to Its northern destina
tion. They are eastern men 'who came
to Portland some months ago and
opened an office In the Fenton building.
They have 80 days in which to' accept
the franchise and meantime have appointed-Captain
W. W. -Goodrich -chief
engineer of the company and sent a
party of surveyors Into the field under
direction of Engineer Scoggins. .......
- The firm is noncommittal as to Its
plans. According to the terms of its
franchise they must begin work, within
to days and may construct a railroad to
be operated "by electricity, or other
power which may be approved by the
council." ' - - - " .
"We do not know when we will e-l
gin work of construction," said a mem
ber of the Arm. - 'We will build the line
to Proebateand Hockinson first. From
Hocklnson 4t will be extended north.
We have net yet decided where." ..
From best information the Milwaukee,
after reaching Rapid City, will skirt the
southern edges of the Black hills, veer
northwesterly, cross the big Cheyenne
river at Pedro, follow ths plains north
of fhe Cheyenne and across the North
Fork west of Bellefourche, and again at I
a point to miles west- It will cross the i
Little Missouri well up toward Its head
waters and span the Powder river South
of Ox us. pass north of Sheridan and
across the Burlington's Billings line.. .
The proposed rout crosses the fHa
Horn north of Ksne, and the Turling
ton's Cody branch north of Garland. The
route passes along' ths north border of
Yellowstone park, ' crosses Yellowstone
river at Onrdlner. sirta when the Bitter
Root mountains Is approached the engi
neers offer a choice of two routes to
Portland one oy turning northward to.
Lolo pass, and another through a pass
leading to ths Salmon river, thence to
Walla Walla, and to the Columbia.
- Froof of Oeora-e's Karrlac.
- f Joflrnal SnecU! ftorvWM.)
. London. Nov., i 1. Proof that . Klhg
Oeorge'IV of. England married Mrs.
FJUherbert hss been' made positive by
the opening of a package of letter that
was left 70 yesrs sgo In Ahe Coutts bsnk
to be opened after a long perjod. ,. . .
Council Decides to Follow
-Mayor's Advice-artd-Orai
Necessary Aid.,.,
Additional-funda for the work in the
city health office will be provided by
the ways and means committee of the
city council next Monday. The salary
of Dr. Matsonr the city health commis
sioner, will be Increased from $90 a
month to $140 and ne will be made ex
officio assistant city phyaiclan.
For several weeks past the members
pf the city council showed considerable
antagonism toward the proposition on
the ground that It emanated from Mayor
Lane. It was shown the council that
the health office was In need of as
sistance and that the sanitary- condi
tions of the city might be seriously Im
paired through lack of attention Mayor
Lane also theatened to close the doors
of the health office and lay the blame
on the council If additional funds were
not provided. The councllmen have,
therefore, dec Wed to make provision for
me aepanmenu -
Another deputy Is badly needed. It
takes all the time of one deputy attend
ing to the contagious, diseases and the
fumigation of ' bouses. Hundreds of
complaints of unsanitary - conditions
come to the office daily and this causes
more work than one man can look after.
In addition to thla there are, the records
of the office to be kept.
. (Journal gpectal Service.
Boston. Nov. 11. The grand Jury will
be asked to And true bills against at
least four persons 'connected with the
death of Susanne Oesry, ths chorus
girl of tht "Shepherd King" company.
who met death in a Tremont street.
house In, this oity as the result of an
operation performed by . a physician,
and whose body was later found in two
suitcases In Winthrop bay. ' Two score
witnesses have been summoned. Among
those to be Indicted are: ' William
Howard and-' Louis Crawford. who dis
posed of the body: Morris Nathan, the
girl's lover, -and Dr. Percy D. McLeod,
the Back Bay phyaiclan who ,1s charged
with dismembering the body. Dr. Mo
Leod la at llehrty under $20,000 bond.
but Nathan's ball of $5,000 hmf not been
arranged. '
For curing an' attack of
Heartburn, Bloating or
Vomiting, after : each meal
there is nothing so effective
as the Bitters. That's why
so many homes arc never
without it.. For Over 50
Year s it has given complete
satisfaction in"cases of Poor
Appetite, Sleeplessness, Dys
pepsia, Indigestion and Cos-
a tiveness. : m
(Continued from rage One)
movement, yesterday telegraphed $5,000
to the national committee, with a prom
ise that tnore would follow. - The follow
ing reply was received from Treasurel
jscob Uohlff:
"Ws much appreciate prompt ' action
of you and Mr. Wolfe and noble response-of
your community. The need
for help spuears, however, very urgent
and great." ' -
Among the ' notable contributions to
the fund was a check for $),000 from
Meier & Frank. - Ben Selling, I. N. and
Max Flelechner, Isam White and Adolphe
Wolfe gave $2(0 each. I. Lowengart
gave -$600. V. Lowengart and Joseph
Simon $200 and Edward Lang $100. It
was -especially gratifying to the com
mittee to note the subscriptions of non
Jewish residents. 'Early this morning
Edward Holmao sent a check for $260,
J. D. Coleman volunteered $10. ' W. J.
Honeyman gave another $10 and Ur. is.
P. Hill a like sum.
, "In fact." said . Mr. Selling, proudly,
"the money Is coming In so rapidly toA
day by caah, check, mall and phone
that I haven't, had time to count It I
havent the slightest doubt thst we will
send at least $10,000, Portland leading,
pro rata, Juat as K did tn the Kishlneff
national fund."
The Russian Jews hold a mass meet
ing tomorrow afternoon at $ o'clock at
the 'synagogue. Sixth- and Hall street.
at which time a contribution will' be
taken.- that will add materially to 'the
fund.' The.Tembera of the committee
are very well pleaaed with the show
ing made thus far. . ,i ... f"? .; 1
Appeals to All the Jaws ef This Contt.
aen to Sain the Af fUoHM.
The current issue of the Jewish Trib
une contains thla editorlsl under the
caption, rwhat Shall We Dof:
. "The ' voice of the Innocent blood of
our brethren In Russia cries out to us
from that country! The barbarity com
mitted by the Russians upon thousands
of our defenseless coreligionists, the
Russian ferocity vented by hacking Into
pieces i outraged women. - driving nails
Into living men. disemboweling, tearing
out eyes and tongues from the terrified
Jews, applying the torch to the sick
Jews, shooting others st sight, slaying
children and babies. Is a plotur the pre
sentation of which terrifies humanity
and appals clvillsatiqn. And all this in
this age .of progreaa, of enlightenment,
of highest civilisation, of greatest
achievements; and planned by the high
est officials of the Russian government,
executed by the governors, military and
police with the aid of professional mur
derers, thieves, and robbers; and after
the same Jews fought in the ranks of
the Russisn army In the far east, and
offered themselves and their families'
Uvea' for the weal of that same oouatry
whose main life-tank pnarenlly Is to
exterminate them root and branch.
"We, the Jews of the- United States.
should not stsnd aalde and see our
brethren despoiled. - robbed, and then
murdered, their children hacked and
knlved, their wives and daughters rav
aged and mutilated and destroyed. W
should appeal to the American people
and we should employ their sympathy
with suffering humanity. Let us with
the aid of the American people appeal
to the civilised nations of Europe and ao-
agalnat the barbarous and ferocious
deallnga of the Russian people with tht
jews in that country. Meanwhile, let us
eollect means to alleviate the critical
situation of the sufferers. Let every
Jew and Jewees- give, his or her share
towards the many widowed and or
phaned, crippled, alck and Impoverished
Victims of the Russian crueltlea. Let
os not spare any work In behalf of our
brothers and alsters.who from across tht
ocean look to us for help in their pres-
- A- V -)
. - . 1 UV. il I I I I 1 I W 1 m ' ' " : - I
Have Fcith
In Year
Old Friends
, The people, fetv faith in an old bank or business house, ,
' just as they have faith in old friends. . , . ' ....... ...,
It takes time sometimes quite a long time to separ
ate the just from the unjust, both in business and social
' We. '- ' ' .7 i . - ., ." .. ' .
v The Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. has been in business 7
in Portland for 30 yeaytJong enough for people to dis
cover that ' their 'word is good, without witnesses or .
notarial scai ,7. . 7,
" We are proud of the fact that we are selling pianos
to the second generation. v .7. 1-.7-
. 7 It makes us feel good to sell a piano to a young man
or woman whose parents bought of us 25 years ago. 7 ' '
We make Just such a sale every few days. - K 7 -"
7 We sold a piano the other day to a school in Southern
" Oregon upon the recommendation of ont of the teachers
'who took her first music lesson on an instrument bought '
from us nearly a quarter of a century ago. We got more
satisfaction out of that transaction than merely the pleas
ure of selling a piano., ' ' ,-: 'Z ' ; i. 1 ;
A few Gold Medal pianos left at "Revelation" prices. '
'The oldest, largest and strongest ' Piano and . Organ
House in the Pacific Northwest. , '
tr-- t ' Hi:
Allen & Gilbert
WtrehoDse snd OHIce: 226
ent distress: the amslioratlon of whose
sufferings ta jut duty. .
"'wt appeal to our brothers and eistsrs
In our city to call a mass meeting in one
of our public halls - or theatres pre
ferably, -of all ethe people of Portland
for the purpose of protesting sgainst
the Russian atrocities and' to -collect
from our coreligionists sums which shall
be -used towsrd building up a fund for
the 'relief of our unhappy brethren In
Ruaala. . .. .
"W anneal to the rabbis In every tem
ple synagogue in our country and Can-1
StudebaRer Bros. Co., Northwest
330-336 East Morrison St
. ... S ... -
r 4' ' - v .;
- RarjiaKer Co.
- 228 Front SL, Portland, Or.
ada. to promote this plan, from their
puhUs, We appeal to our JewlaE
to spread this plan and advocate Its ac
- jrortray sTames alavoys. -
- tarsl Spertal Servlee.) '
Christian), Nov. 11. Norway In nam
ing her diplomatic representatives to
foreign countries has - appointed -II." O. '
Hauge. the present charge d'affaires
at Waahlngton. as minister at that post
and Frldtjof Nansen. the ' Arctic ex
plorer, aa minister to Great Britain.
Awarded Gold c7VIedal
at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition
On Their Complete
ft -I v .
- --
" ' '.'.' " . ' '' '' '-, ' " . ' ' m ' ' ' ' ' " " "" ' v