14 TODAY'S MARKETS SEVERAL flllOU FOR SHORTS Sellers of Hops Before They Are ; Grown Can; Now ; Retire .1.: From Active Work. '-rzl. THEY WOULD PRESS v GROWERS STILL DOWN -Li- First Walnuts of Season Are Due on 1 MontJay Fancy Hena Art Slightly Up but - Mixed Coops Are Un- changed Potato Market Bright . 'pron! Street, Nov. 11 The prlndpsl festers 1 the- Partus whole.. msrkets lousy r. Hop bssrs stow wealthy. Pot.t is.rs.et W '- onions gstnlng N firmness. ''; . , 1 V.rnn are firm, but unchanged. ' , r.iM-y bnw ellglitly advaaccd. -.' ....... 'J.,:, Car walnuts due Monday. ... " , ,' 4'allfnrats etessaer etuff unloaded. " Freeh ton stoee sre higher. . -Car oranges unloaded; euotue;t.d09.. ....... I'ranhcrrlea firm Bt sdvsnc. '.,Cs fca Sanaa due toujorrow.-- Fancy m selling at price. Whl end flour am quiet. - Better and 't'Mi are firm... - . - ' Bop Ian Grew Wealthy. - ' Aa th Ntm of tb hops ara dragged mwer and cloesr t dostruetlos. th bear operators an heramlns am wsaithy-- Aeowdtiig t firing teat secured ajr Tb Journal, number ef tncM operators will secure profit sufficient this sea ana te enable tnem to rettr from business all time. Tb ncam .bow that between (B.OOO .ad ivuno aaira were w by . '- pointed executioners of rh uopgrowera before the bop Hum bad even mad their Initial Pe shove Mother Earth. Tela la estimstsd a about two thirds of tb entire crop of th atata of twego Iba erosest - season. '.. When these boo mlA ,hm. no Indtcstloo tbat tin prices sronM touch tlx low figure they hav- rlresdy reached. Hat nr nrsr operate brewers and dealara la the anal wera made at varioue prlcee. some aa low es 15 rente aad others aa blab aa 23 cents. .The latter sales were, bowevar, exeevtUmsL .' -'Prafit la Tea Cast. :The average price sold at waa 50 rents a pound. These bona were purehsaed by the 'Wn" anuind 10 eenta. tli as Insuring tbent a . hi -of la hh a eonad aa-toalr atorka. It mm adlnatai that Iaa Pbmta A tM Of Tararaa bare already perhaae4 4.000 bales cf theso hooa. which wera anM a year aen. These bona sra ssM to eost oa sn STersee of 10 eeata. Tho nmflt to llewa. Plnraa A Hons far ta teesettt sea-Will aaibunt.'Taseefeio. t ahewl I72.0i oulte a coaitortabla nest ess. Plncwa waa not the enhr firm to make wasonloada of ' nanner while the aTowara Were comtwlled . to sM a few atortragea to the homes. There M Tlorat, the aaaoriate of" Armour, the prerlslon king. How many bales this firm lias auM . short eaa arty be gneaaed at. bat It Is eery " Mhely awro than twlee the amnnnt aoM by Plnens. Think of the profit 1142 000 In a ' arnsle rear while oomr simply nothing eellmg aomerhktg that had not yet been produced or ' did rot belong to 4 heat. Then there are minor UaUra- who hay anM short a thousand bale or aa. .The acttrerato profit of thee wHIrwa fin ii 1 1 1 111 r ailllliow,"iahllP the grtraerl kr laaientlng ' not alone the hiaa of tnrtr year work, but tba adding of mortgage plasters Is their, bo moa. Ron BaUa Ara Haary ' There Is ne dlapntlng the fart that sale of . bops m this stsle are mneh beaer than daring any rerept seaeon. There . Is practically Utile dotne In WaaMnetna. amwers tliere being tired : of selling at a lose, . Sales here are being made at .yartous flanrea. aa klah as II cents being nairi foe aomethln stlicthr fancy. This ta s reminder: T'ie JnurnnI does not ' wwn s smclr bale of bona: It neeer owned a bale of bopa: It neither purchaaee or sella bona, and neyer Aid. It doee not sdrbie growers to bohl then- prontirt or sell. Its duty Is to glee tin . news anpreiced. - .Tetete Xarket Tsty Strang. Althncgh there bare been signs ef weakpeas . 1n the not a to market In the enutb. netnmg n dlratlna any break b present prices baa yet been ahmrn n the California- market from Arlaiois. Tesaa. and ether slalea of thai section sre still ' nourbta ta snd on this s rannt the buying price for strictly fancies bs ecco more. I np a tririe. an nraicntHsis now point to a hlglier market, i Onions Are aiainr la rirmnssa. . rho oalnn ' surkM Is Mining In firmness. There Is s bettor demand front the south snd l.i Mil ( likewtaM mod. As hss been arM 'nreTtoaalr. fallfornla onions sre not, keeping ss well ss e necten snd tnm ract imw aa beneficial to the demand for Oregoea, rriaef thus fsr are ancbanged. . I rancy bens sre edrsnced t cent a poaud - tods on account ef the raiprered demand. In- dlnary rhh-kena ere feeling a trifle better on croant ef the- smaller rereipta, nut pnro hare net yet meeed enwsrd. : Kens raitmne ta firm nn and tb trade et 'pecta en edrsnce en servant of tb higher vemes ruling eiarwuer. Turkeys are waated at lb price. ' , ' Votes ef OUar Markets. A ear sf walnuts, tba first of tb seasoa, 1 Unrdaf. .. A car of bananas Is due tomorrow. A car of . orange Is on at the same lime. A car of eweet potatora earns this am-ntac. A car of cranberrten Is du Monday. ' . The following nrlcea are paid along Front afreet by the trade for choice qnallty la round " kits. Prodncers" prices aa ao specified: . Oraia, flaw aad teed. WHBAT New elub. TSct red Ruaslsa, 70e; ' '., blueetem. TSc; ralley. TSttTB. I BARLEY feed.-2l."tWot)i rolled, UM , dtn.fa); krewlng. gJ2.5oeai.Ot.. ! ' CORM Whole. 2I.0x cracked. 121.00 per ! tea. J . RYE SI. M per wt. . ' :' OATS Prodnrers pries Ke. t white, f 35.00; Bray. I34.frnu23.00. ' KLOI R Xcw eaatera Oregoa patenta. $1.35; ' etrsighta. $xan25.IO'. eipnrt, 14a45; ral ley, 3.7uajsi: grsbsaa. U. XS0; rye. AOs. ar,.on: hales. J 7r , MILtaTltrTB Brsn. tm.00 ner font mloV . dllsgs. t.0; shorts, ' eoustry, (10.00; sjtj is .not crop, ta wit - HAT Producer prlee Tlajothy. Willamette vsllog, fancy. fll.0nQlS.A0; ordinary. IT.onfl - OO; eastern Oregon. tM.no 15.00; mlied. ea aodjo.oo; cVw. sn oOfl 10.00; grata. WMiQ ' a.Oftt cheat, M-ooaaso.. ' Batter. Egga aad Fesltr. ' , Pinrmt PAT T. o. e. Portland r- Sweet v--.' ram. S4e: sour. BUTTEH C'lty creamery, 30c: 'on t aide fa ner. ' " SISr: ordinary. ' 2V; store. lttM7c. ' F.iXfB Ne. 1 froali Oracno. caudled, S3 He; , cold atis-sge sad enatern, 2nt2Mr. v . CHKESK Mew Pall cream, twla. 14Uc; a Toung America. IBS; eheddar, UVts. v OA MK Jack rabbits. 1 per doe. POULTRY Mlaed chlckeaa. loe: fancy bent, 11c per b; roosters, old. Or pr rh; fryers. "", li lui4e per Hi; broilers, loi lOHc per - Ibt dorks. il6c per lb; geese, a ner In: turkeys. iliie per lb; dressed. SO per lb; suuab. I.&03.M per onsen. - 7 ' , Bee, Weal aad Bids, ' " HOPS 1M Oregon., ebnte, . lOUfrllc f pel me. 7c poor grsde, tSc w asking' tun. inc; iat emp, c for choice. 3 WOOI-ingi clip, tail's, eusrse ta aiediaak . n30)ci' See. Se27ei . esacara Orscee. i2. , ' .. . ----- tM ll A fit Nominal. anCSIe. ' Hill I PKKINS Hbasrlus. ISOs each! abort -eeeoet madium waea. an a Tar aaehT ' lone srotil. TVtll 00 each. .... T A IXO r Prune, par lb, SUOeat Me. f and arcnae. Terafae. - rillTTIM BAHKi m!3 per ft HIDri Dry. No. I, I Iba aad urv 14HC1 ' IT He 1-4 lb; dry k!v. Ne. 1. to 15 Iba. 14ei dry calf, No. I. ander S Iba. lac: aalted kldes, atecra, aonad. AO list aad eeer. 104 lie: sows. Pi.;.Se; slags and bulla, soasd. eTcj kip, ti to PO Ire. ac ralf. sound, seder 15 the. lie. green, nnealt'd. I leas; culls. e per lb least h-weehlde, salted, each. l Inftl.TS: dry, each. I new 1 AO: colt bl.l-e. titjioc; guat ahlns. eenim. each, 10J lac; , angora, sock. Sure) Si oa .. Pratta as aglsMee. rx)TT'r--K reoa. f.:nunr seek; rat Iota. .jTf, asrk: erdlnsr. r'i7Vi car Wis pcw- esreeta, II. M each f ll4ft2S crate. OXIOK Aew Oregoa gaUew Xaarr, 11. Z) 'THE JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS-TO SHIPPERS 4 ; Demand for ' : well-packad ap d aplea waa never ao sTood aa now. a Thoxe arowera - who ahlp Ihe atocka that appeal to tba eye d and Ihe appetite at first sight. d secure a rlce that la at .least a third more than do those that Just allow the fruit to tumble' e Into Ihe boxes. Packing all largo applea at the top and a. smiOl onea at the Jottom doea e .ft pay- - . ' " (H.3A: oar lots, fl.00ftl.10; garlic. seiOr eer tb r KKfttf whvjth A ftp Ice, Oregon, i.oosai.on; fancy. l.782: craba utile. tl.SO; orsuge. new nsyel. M.noir4.on: banana.. 5e lb: lemonH. choice. 3, Visits per box: fsnry. " hat: Ihnes. Ueilran. 11.23 per luu: pineapples. tl.OO do; grsnce, Trw-afl.oo; peara, :.25tl.a0 per box: Winter Kellls, 11.3 per ht'S somegrauatea, $1.25 per box; taogcrtuea. KGETABLES TaratDa. new. 11.00 per sscn; carrots. $1.00 per sack; bseta. $1.01)0 1.2ft par sack: Oreaou radishes, l&e Der do: eshbags.r Oregon.. $1.00' per cwt;- -gra peppcra. Tc per lb: California tomatoes, Il.m'lt l.M' patanlna. tl.Ous.l.ltfl: atrhia brans. 8lr; rsnllflower, uuvai$i.u0 dos: rhunarll, per lh: horsersdleb, lor per In; artlrbokos, 404) AOs per dos.) hothouse lettuce. $1.21411 TS per box; celery. Iocs). 60t7.V par dos; egg plant, $1.30 per crate: pumpkins. IHc: sauaah. I "c; eranberrlea. Jerseya, $12.00 12.50 par tbl: Cons bsy snd Tlllaisook. $8.90. DRIED PRUITS A do lea. rraoorared. Stjaa rlhs apricots, lie per lb: sacks. ie per less: peschea. 10 lie pec lb; prunes, SO to oc; fsif nrop oa escii stTteenta smaller ! flea, rallfornla Mack. KUaiAe ner lb: California white. Be per In; dates, aoldea, us per ut tarda. 11.35 per is-ib box. v Oraeerlsa. - Rata. Eta. ; ' nOAR Sack haara Tnhev M M, nowdsead. e.AS; fruit graautufed. $3.55: dry graanlatea. 55; Coaf. A. $.10; beet- granulated. $n.3S: extra C. $5 OS; golden C, $4.05; b fallow. $4.0; bbta. 10c; t, bbla. He: boxes, BOe adraaca on sack ha ate, leas 2Se per rat for csah, U aars; maple. )415c per IB. ... . . . mohet $g per crate. COFFEE Packs a brsnda. $15 T". , HALT Coarse Half around. 100. nsr ton table, dairy. 60a. ill. OP; 100. 510.TK: Im ported I.Wecpool. tos, $17.00; . 100. $IS.50; T!4s. $1A 00: extra Ine. hhls. ' ta. Ha. 10. I 5075 nx balk, $20 Iba. S4.00tt5.00: eacka. ituL asttsa.. . I . f- SALT Coarse n.Tf gronnd, ICO, per ton. J 7. on; enr. per ton. $7.Q: -Myeruonl.. Inmp rot. 19.50 per too: 50-lb rock. $T.on; 100. Sd.TS. lAhore prtcea apply to sales of lea thsa ft lots. Osr- tots at s seels 1 prices aabieet ts BiirtustHtna.) tJKAIN BAOBC.lcutts. ' RICE Imperial J.naa. Ko. t. Set Na. 1 5i5Ue: New Orleans bead. Tct Ataa. Re! Creel: Mje. BEANS msil wbtts. SS.Tfi; large whfte. W OO; pink. $2 Tfli bayasj. $4X0 Umaa. $6.00; Mexican reds, 8ie. , wirrni roanorav- nntwa.-' nuke- ea m? Tlrrtnla, Ti par mt rossted. Se; eecaaanta. KiSoOc per Ana; walare. 1K$15H per lb: plna nnta. mtlSje.a Rr hickory nuts. 10c per Ibt chestnuts, eastern. IB Mdc ne Hi' Rrssll nnts, 14c per Th: ftlherrs, l4Ct1e per PA: fancy pecan. 18Htf lBcatjiesdw 15lTc jeJav Pahrta. Oaal On. Eta. ROPE Turn Manila. 14r; ataodard. KUoi sisal. 10ac; Hale brand steal. IVg. COAL OIL Peart or Astral Cases. MU. ne gsl; wster whits. Iroa bbla. 13e par eal; wooden. 18c nsr gsl: headlight, I70-oc esses, JOHe per gaL . oaioi.inb aa)o. cases; Me pet gsl: Iron I.M. 1c per gal. BENEINE 3-deat. essaa. Ka ner rail fan b'jls. IMue per gsl . TURPENTINE la caesa. fde ner gal: wanden bbm. pe per ral.' tYMITS LEAD Tea lot. Te per tb: BOO tb !0t Ufpes-U(. I.ss lots, nu) WIRsj NAM. Present base at $2.70. ' f.lNRFKn nil, Pore raw. In B-bM Vita. Aset 1-bM let. tuirt esses, ane per est: genuine battle boiled, esse. 2c per gst; 5-Mil Iota bee: l-nbl lot. 57e per gal; gronnd rake, ear lota. $20.00 per toa: ! thsa car Vita. $.10.00 per Ion. r Vests. Fish and Prer tales. PRE8M MEAT8 Front street Beef steer. Rfluc per lb: hogs, blocki 7Sc ner lb: nsck. era. 707Vr per Ibt bulla. 4H V per lb; rows, 5H4tc per lb: real, eitra. 7V per lb; erdl- nsry. or per 101 poor, ea per in; matioa. laacj, 7eVe per lb. PIAMS. BACON. ETT-Pertlsnd pscft floes I) hams. 10 te 14 lbs, l$Hc per lb: 14 to 10 lbs. lie per lb; breskfsst bacon. 157 ItUe per lb; plcnle. be per lb: regnnir short clears, au- rooked, lie per tb: moked. 12c. per lb; dear berks, anamnked. lo4c per lb: smoked. 11 nsr lb; Union butt. 10 as IS lbs. an amnked. Ac per lb; smoked. s per : clear bclllea, enamukod. tie per lb; amoked. 12a par lb: shoulders. 8 He per lb. LtKAl, I.ARI Kettle leef. IOs. UUe par lb; fie, ll.c ner lb; Mt lb tins. 1040 per lb; stesm remlered. 10". In He per lb; As. 10 per tb: compound. lOa, 6c. CANNED BAUMON-Colnmhla rlesr. -n tall. tl.to; 2-lb tslls. $175; fancy .n (ata. $t.Bo , lb aacy lata. $1.15: fancy l ib orals. $2.75; Alaski tslls. plea, sseauc; red. $1.50; aoaUaal 2s. tell. $2.00. riBrl Uock cod. Je per tt aounders. Se peg lb: halibut. r per lh; craba.. l 60 per do; striped bass. USe per lh; cstflsh, e p., b; eaimou. sllrersldes. Be per lb; Slue backs, Ac per lb: kerrtng. Be per lb; sole, a per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb perch. Be per lb; black cod. fe per lb; silver smelt. 7c Per lb; hibstsrs. 15c; fresh mackerel. Be par lb; erawnsb, 26 pc OYSIEHS "boalwster bar. aar aaL tlni per aark. $8.75. , CLAI15 Hard -shell, per Dog, $2.00; rsasr slams. $2.00 par box. . . HOG MARKET REMAINS IN A WEAK CONDITION Packers Not Inclined to Buy -- Sheep Are Firm at Re- : cent Rise. i Phrtland I'nkm Sturkrsrds . " No. 11. I t... atock recclpU; II ova Cattle Bhea IS , ... OH week ago ....- as . . .... ... Prevlooa week lap, ... Month ago , 273 81 0 Ilocs remain very weak, hut nrlcea sra un. ehsnaed. Cattle are ateady, but unchanged, an-l sheep snd Ismhs strong at yesterday's rise. . eni "sitvb nominal. Official prices for livestock: ' V lloas Bet eastern Oregon. IS. Via 5 ra? hUwk. era snd china fate. $5.00; atorkera and fredere. $4.OO04.2A. s . . . Cattle Beat eastern Oregon ateera. $3.nf) $.2.1; light and tncllnm ateecr. $2.0013 25; light cows, $2.25; gtorkera and. feeders, $i-2&; bull. $150. . 7 Hheep Wetbefb, nc; mixed sheen, 4ie: straight awes. Or: lambs. Sc. Ca res tlonri vesl. lMfto 2U0 Bounds. EastCe- rough heavy. 34i3c XASTXRB BOOS STR0RO. " Chicago, Not. 11. Uveatwk receipra: Hva Cattle Bheen Chicago U.tirtl aiJ , iliiom nnana 4.IKaj . 1.000 Kauess City 7.0UO .0 - Itogs openeil strong, with S.Ono left ever. Recelots s yesr ago were lA.otaa Price Mixed. 4i.j. mi good and heavy. $4ou,5.10; roiign. .i...i..wi ai". $4.70J5.02H,W tattle r-Kov. Wieep Week. B0ST0B. COPPER STOCES. Boa loo, ot; It Official eioes: ?' Bid. I " Rid. VLJPId JVmlataa r2.rVPltM.ol ... I 50 ll'srrot X2 75 l'boentg..... S75.O0 Itolncy , 70.75 , I X ha noon ...... 27.1 iTamersck .... ' 14 nt Trinity 2.7.1 llnlted ....... 25 I Victoria Jl. W luona ...... loa 7.1 23.50 I.IM 107.(sA 7.&K , 122 00 i g.tai -S3 t . $.73 t.tai : 1X00 4M.ftO - 3:4.50 -aft no 7 12'. Bingham Calumet . .... Copper Range, Centennial ... Daly West ... Kim . ...... ;ranhy -. Ureeue Copper Oreen Held... MnhSWb ..... Mirhlgsa .... Mass Roral s.niinoivsrine .... M50 rtah 1.1.25 B0U 22 5o be. 00 Tenn. ryppee. I'. P. Mining. Nevada Con.. Ijgrlk Butt.. STESLIRS SATES. New York. . Nor. 11 dtetUag rates; $; 00 aa, 442 AO. . Ihv OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. SATURDAY Executioners 7 by Selling a. Also Dispose OFFERINGS TAKEN Stocks of Wheat Sold Are Be lieved to Have Passed Into Control of Bull. SHORT COVERING WAS INDUCED BY QUOTATIONS Better Trade In Cora Market Owing to Poaition in Wheat Traders Are Cautious on Account of Yesterday's Break. . SATTRDAT'S WTtKAT MARKET. Close V. Gain Cine hat. Tear Ago Net. - .$ .(sn i- . .HH,,B Irl. $ .M4 . .fwitB tr ago 1.14 1.141 nee , I .00 $1.14 MF . .04 ui -1 July .00 Chicago, Nor. II. Logan A Bryaa say: ' Oa the break wheet was absorbed, presual- abljr. by tb leadings bull katereet. This occa sioned aome sliort corertng and a little Increase In outside raying. Hentlment seems getting toe bearish aad today's recorerr pula tb market ta better shape with trade less perrons. - Bsttsr Tan ta Oora, The turn la the wheat market gave a better tone to corn. - Trader, were very cautious la forcing the abort aide after yesterday's break, aenttment Is mixed, many of the former bulls being Inc lined to tba beer aide, their Meee Be ing bssed sltogether on the government flgurea. Oats wer dull sad without any apodal ten dency . 'Ine endertone, all things considered, saema strong. At the etomsnt, bowerer. It seems sa though oats will be lajwelr Influenced - by the corn msrket. , - Prorlslon trade at the moment la 1 discourag ing, seeming to Ignore a favorable statlattcel stlnstlna. Official a notations by Orsrbeck.- atarr - A Cooke company : j - WIIBAT.- Open. - Hlsh. - - Itw. Tec'....t Mar .... J I S .83 S -US .si Jul .... CORN. OM Dec. May .... Jul .... -4S .4A .45 &. 4fS OATa. .VK .31 20 32 MENS PORK. . 120 1252 12.77 12.70 LARD. . " 7 05 . SHORT RIBS. .M .5$ ... A 77 , .. 6.75 a.iui i.77 - SAB ITUJf CISCO ORAIX KABKXT. Saa Fraaclaco, Kov. 11. Official close: -WHEAt . . - High. Tjow. Close. Decembe- ....$1.3i4 II.M14 $1.38 $13H BARLEY. -.17 r rW trw4 . PRIMARY ORAnt MOTEMEsTT. Chicago, Ner. 11. Primary receipts: Today Tesr Age Bnah. ; snu.nnn .1.1 00,000 Huali anoonn 3P.0U0 Wheat Mhlntnenta: Wheat P7S.0n0 Corn 202.000 $3,000 Clearances Wheet. zni.nno bnaheis: floor. 22.000 barrels; corn, 1W.00O bnshela; oats, pes,, 000 bushels. , CHICAGO CASK WBIAT. . Bid. ... .74 S5t ... .3 . ... AtH ... .s . 3 , ... .83 Ask .BAl .37 .Hi.i No. 8 red ..... Na. 3 red No. 8 herd .... No. S hard ... No, I northern No, 2 northern , No. S spring .. .37 V, .let .3' -. .88 UYEEPO0L SRaIB BARRET, f.lveennl. Nov.' 11 Cloee:' Whes t TVcem her. Ta. ltd lower: March,' nslUd. Ad lower. flies adlstcB. ss ako, Hr-lowsT, aanusry. 4a 311, ajl sower.- . COTTON FUTURES SIX . -7:. TO TEN POINTS UP i. U,m Taebn 11 Celled' fall S to '10 oplnts higher, Offldsl q notations ky Overbeck, Start A Cooke eumpsuy; . Open.. High. Low. Close. January February March .. April ... May 1117 ll:l II to 1I230 ,...1130 1142 1124 U4KU42 ...,1140 1152 1130 11 31 lft2 .... ... 11IW57 ..1151- 1134 1142 1 1a U4 Jnns .... .1131 1152 .1100 ' 1178 lint linniooT Inly ... 1152 llri7J 1140 1I3730 Attgasr .. November December .APat e ASTV A-V .4ae . ' e.eu ...........1104. 1114 1 4 a. t AAk ... . looninitl 10M. 11141$ T0B0EAH xnmre stocks. an Francisco, Nov. 11 -Toaopah stock!, offl' elsl close: r Rid. I ' ..$2 42H'Colnmbls Mt. Bid. :S r - .IA , .15 .33 .03 Montana Mldwsr ........ McNamsra , .... Belmont North Star .... Rescue . , , Onld Monntaln.. Jim Butler .... Nrvada ........ l.sxijumno ......... .32 Jumbo Eitea.. 1.50 .4 ' .OA .st , .7 .13A Black Butte (toldea Anchor,, Silver Pick ..... Hay A O'Brtea., Ohio Tonopah... O. Bull Krog... Dtamondfteld ... Ime Stsr Home .03 ,23 .21 .24 .11 '.OB Red Top .A3 Ton. Extension. B.50 Holdfteld .53 .55 Psndatorm . .. Bsndetorm Ex. Adams ....... Mohswk ...a, Dixie ' krudall ...... Csah Boy .14 llienver. ......... .22 .iA . .13 . .OA .31 Krtipae . .m iold Bsr ....... .23 Bins Bell ........ ,08 : SAB rSABCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Ssa rrsnctse. Nov. 11. Offlcsl close: . oin.i Ask Contra Costa Wafer.,, Bprlng Valley Water ..... Mutnal FJectrlc. a. r. Oss A Electric Olsnt Powder ' Hawaiian cnmmercisi Ilonokes a.tgsri. Mskswsll Hugsr.. r...... Onomes Bnasr ............. , . .. pssuligu Pngsf .,..,, e.,..,, Alssks .Tscfcers' s, Oceania Btesmshlp pahflc Sistes Telephone Cslifornls Wins Peel fie Const Borsx ....,V- CaUfumla rrott Caanera'....., 1TCW YORK BABK STATTaTEsTT. ' New erk. B. ", Utm-tLm ' aTs-rgs-tv.efra- 1. ?PSH. 47 A SpecW 8. If" ' 2.m.7lst S4.4A7.noo ' A.aO0 locals .. ItennetrS Clrculsthn coRTtTocB snBe STOCKS. - - Baa fYaacases, Rr. 1 1. Official closet ; Bid, I . Bid. Bullion ....V...SH5 l,v (..$ .13 Belcber '..A..'.c .27 It nVn Con .At Cm. CaLVa...'. I A IV.IUw Jacket... ' .81 Opklr ........7. 8 I2S Kicneouer 43 (alednnla .37 I Hale A Nor cross 1.13 Meatcaa . , l.en iseorptoa 1 II v . P0STLARD BABK STATIMtlfT. n.arirfgs' :.,:.f. ,!...: , . ; . . .. yja. it Balaaese L,0i.et Close. I -MM. . .WiR . .asisB .444 , , .4.1V.R .4Hj , .4514 A .45 ;' . - .46iB , ' .XI .:i2V.B J0T4 El I Dec May .... July ...... I IJsa .... 12.55 Ms; .... 12.73 liot) A Z 12.77 IT01 '' a -., q Int. Jan AST- .A7 ; . . T.02 A .AT A ,A!V-J flSS A 7.02 1.02 A I May ..y. T.05 IJsa Msy .... ;. a. 55 a.7T . 40 .,-40'A . 13 1314 . H:iU Kii . 7$iJ 77 , 80 0t . 1H4 12 . . 30 SO, .31 W . 21 U 22 . 514 .' 30i ' 5 , 103 . 2V M .1044 .... ' of Hop Grower .Wax Wealthy Product Not Yet Produced of Other Peopled Goods. EARLY MiriCE III SPECIULTIES i Rumors of Amalgamation Tennessee Coal and Schloss Sheffield Causes. Concern. of REPUBLIC IRON ' AND '-. : - r. STEEL IS INCLUDED Railway Springs Also a Gainer Met ropolitan Railway ;' Sella ' Down Bank Sutement One . of the Bad Features. " LOftSFN Aaaeonda L Amalgamated ..... 1 Atchison Dels. 'A Rudsos... B . Denver' de preferred..... Erie 1 orsferred.... U Car A foundry.... i de 2d pfd Ml or afar red. . . . Do let pfd...... Louisville M 4 Metropolitan. ...... 2 Msnhsltsn i 1 Meaicaa Central.,.. .)$ Mlssoarl Pacific... 1 It.ty ...11L;...... H N. Y. Central " Rngart.... 4 Bmelter. pfd S Brouklya Canadian 1. ....... 1V Great Westers .... Bt. psui m Chesapeake ....... Colorado Fuel .... Colorado Houtbera. Ont. A Westera... Psansylvsnta . .... Psoole's Gsa ..... Locomotive ....... luj Norfolk U HI Reck Islnnd Houtbera Railway., S Southern Pacific... Pressed Steel Car. . , iteadlng yft dp 2d pfd , Rep, Steel, pfd.... S V. 8. Steel A. do preferred.... V, Texas A PacUte.. k Ten. Coal ....... 2 Union Pact fie V. S. Leather.... ,H ADYANCEN. Bmelter at.oriois. piu...... Bsltlmora . I Republic etoel.. frail Street. New York. Nor. 11. From II to 11:30 o'clock this morning the tone of th market railed merely between firm aad strong. No ana waa deceived b the nominal money, ratee which are not Infrequently put forth oa a Bataroay. with money offered et d per eeut when no on wanted It. bat th money situation waa rather ignored nntU th publication ef the bank atatsaient. The early gains were tot the most part la speclsttles en rumors spread by profenatonala et an amalgansstton ef Tennes see Cost A Iron. Bchloss-b'kefflcld. am tkr Republic Iroa A Steel Interests. ; . - Another specialty to show great strength was Railway Steel Bprtaga. . The gsnersl list strengthened fractionally, but to no great ex tent. The bank statement, which left a deficit aa great aa the total surplus eae week age, bad a marked and Instant effect. The react loa tn Reeding amounted te Sa. - Mstropolttso street Hallway aold down 2. x Tennoa.ra Coal A Iron fell S from the top. These were the principal declines In tba active list, altboogk many standard atocka tost stlaht fraction. The Bmelter waa lower only mementerity and closed at a net gain. During the last 1$ minntea the market became Intensely revert. s, but wee on the whole Inclined te rslly. Read ing's rslly. for example, was 814 from the low figure presumably ' there waa short covering In not nntmportsot surname which Influenced the ftnnl desllnsn. but there exists nevertheless hooeful disposition to minimise the effect. but not ef the present money msrket, but tb average rata between Bow and tba begtanlng of tba new year. The sentiment In the street la not sen tel. s.sriaa. ent tt ts. Bowerer, proe- ahly reactionary ea the balance. ,Tbe bond list weekenea sngntiy ia the isst oeaungs, out not To a material extant. . Official enotettone by Overbeck- atarr A toose company: i DESCRIPTION. Anaconda. Mining Co.. Amal. Copper Co..,.. Atchison, cons do preferred Amer. Csr A Fdy, can do preferred ........ Amerlcen Hugsr, com. American Smelt., com. do. preferred Bait. A Ohio. com..... Brook. Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com. flit. A Ot. W., mm.. Chi.. Mil. A St. P..e. Chicago A N. W, com Ones. A Ohio Com, Fuel A Iran, com Colo. BVmtbem. com... Delawsrn A Hudson .. Den. A R. (., com... do preferred Erie, com dn Sd preferred .... do 1st preferred ... Illinois Central Louts. A NsahvtHe... Met. Street Ry Manhsttsn Railway .. iiAUjiinuiiiAti ei"4 MS 103. 3 100 140 140Vi 1244 110U T5Si 173 74 1 74( 170ll70 20; 20'. 21 173 'A 217 5.1 44 27 C 223 04 . .1. Tlj Ha 176 m, 143 1? 11S-4 104 i 23 I Mex. Central Ry ... Mlasourirac lLpwHl M .-Pi M. K. A T., com do preferred 4...... New York Central..... Northern Pacific ..... Am. Locomotive ...M. do preferred ........ Norfolk A West., com.. do preferred 3c. as !4U r14H4 107 1UT 114U 1MH HSU 7 52 I40a ar N. T.. Ont. A West.... 52t4 Pennsylvania Ry People s O.. L. A C. Co Presaed Steel Car, com. do preferred...,...,.. Railway Hprlngs. ....... Reading, com w.... do 2d preferred do 1st preferred , Rep. Iron A HteeL com, do preferred Rock Island, com..... Bontbern Ry., com do preferred. ....J.,.. Southern Pacific , St. U A S. W., com.., Trxaa A Pacific Tena. Coal A Iron..,.., Colon Pacific, com...., L'. 8. Rubber, com.,... do preferred ........... V. B. .Steel Co com,.. do preferred.. . ....... Wis. Central, com de preferred . , . . Western . I'nloa -Tel, ., , , Wsbssh. com. .. ........ 4041 43 571 14214 B2tfc 20141 894 t' a 38 do preferred Tutsi a lea for dsy, 4A7.AOO share. Call money closed at 8 per cant. NEW YORK BONDS. New York, Nor. ll-Bond: - . Rid. '., 1 Ask". Jan 1st 4Hs... l4 !' do 2d 414 l4 l '4 Jap 1st As Hf)4 : PN, dn 2d As V7 3 United By. S, F.. ...... .......... 87V4-:- 88 1 ' BTW YOU ont - T "' '' New York, Nor. It Curb cms: ' . nid 1 - Rid. Csa Grnen Copper , ... Oreene Uold 4llnt. Matin law 84 North, Recniittee..lN dniiTsaa. Copper..... 33 LEWISTON LINE IS :i, BEING BUILT RAPIDLY . J. B. Eddy of the, right-of-way de partment of the Harrlmen Unas, has returned from Lwiston, where ha say rauMiUa - aatlafaotorlly - the Lsiwlaton-Rlparla line to be built, Jointly by the O. R. A N.. and Northern Pacific. The construction . haa bee divided between the two companies, th O. R. A N. to build the portion, from Rlparla to Lewlston. and the Northers Pacific from Lewlaton to OrangevUle. Reveral hundred men and a number of steam shovel era employed on the O R. AV N. portion of the work. Contracts will be let soon for xhf OrangevUle and of the line. Some da lay has been caused by the low wster In . the Hnake river, which Is ssld te have been at a lower $tg$s this summer thsn-ever before. ' The gradlsata oa the RlpafU-Idiwla EVENING. NOVEMBER 11, IN A We treat atiooeaafullT all prlrnte per roua a .id ehronie dlaeasea of men; ale , blood, gtomaeh, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble We Aura BYPUILJ8 ' (without mercury) to etay cured for arer. Wo remor STRICTURE, wlth- lout oparaUoa -or . paUnv-tn- IS 4aya. - ' W stop drains, . night loaaaa and spermatorrhea by a new method In a weak. We cab restore the sexual vigor Of any man under $0 br means of local , treatment paouuaxo ouraeivea. W Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week -' sn,. ABctora ef this Institute sra regular graduates, have bad many rears' experience, have bean snows In Portland for 1 yeara, haY a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no case Uiiles certain cure can be effected. Wa gus rati tee a cure In every eaae we MM..t.k. ai chaewa no fa a Con a 11 1 1 a. - tloa free. Letters conndentlBj.yjnatnie- tlve BOOK rvs PAAin mai.aa area kl.ln vMnn. '. we mire tno worn cases vt piisaj is x wo or three ireauneuia. wiweat wpwrwe tlon. Cure auaranteed, . , , If 70a cannet call at offloa, writ for ejoaaUoa blank. - Some trwatmenl atsa aeasrul. ' 1 '"', - , Offloa hours, f to.S and' T to 8. flundaya and holidays. IS to 18. , DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. OIIIom tn Van Nop' Hotel. 82 H Third Rtraet. Corner Plna, Portland. Oev - t r aaees, canuer. paralysis,- tumora, rhaumatlam and ttil disorders -of the atomach, liver and kldneya, H has had arraat suoceaa in curlns con umptloa whaa the Ylotlm Is not too r.uch run down by tba dlaeaae, and will stop hemorrhages In an Incredibly short time. . Ha brews his own medicines from Cblneaa roots, herbs, buds, barks and segetabl Imi all of whloh ere anttrnlv harmless- and whom medicinal protiertles ara unknown to American doctors. remit vnuiai remeaiea, xiunarsue vt xeaiimonisua irosa giaistut tianta, , . . ; .. .. , -.-.-..' .. ;-: : - -.- ' DR. WIINO LEE ; 11 ITOBTX rOTJBTX BTJsBBT. ' i , jOBTTAJTD, OUOOBT. d 4 FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TKT8T COarPART 0T 0BZ00B. I , The Oldest Trust Company fa Or.goav RESOURCES OVER $1,300,000. Genera banking tneaa eoeducted. Bavins depoalta raeelrsd. Time cert I flea tos Issued. 8 to d per cent; special cert! flee tea ( 8500), $14 to 4 Pr cent en short call. uau ror pong or -llibikiiiuhb Pnons Mala 4S8. 108 Third St. . B8TNJ. I. COHEN. Pr est dent H. L. PITTOCg;. .wiee-Prssldsnt B. LBB PAOPJT.,...; .....i.leeretsry I. O, QOLTRA Asststaat aeeretery UNITED STATES NATIONAL BART. -n wcibtt vn naraon. R0RTBWE8T COR. THIRD AND 0AX STS. Tissesuts a Oeaaral Banning jus is ssa. , . . ntim tnncKD Available In All-Otl---4h-TTnl SUtes aad Europe. Hongkong ana Manila, C0LLEOTI0BS MADS 0B FAT0BABLE TERMS President J. C. imv"l" Vtee-Prest dent ........... ,W. I. les-Presldsnt .ri. 1 L1..., Cssblw R- - SCHMERR Assistant fashlsr.... ......... .A. M. WBJOHT Asststsat Cashlar.. .........W. a. HOLT PRST BATI0BAL lAEE' OF PORTLAND. 0REO0B. DsslgBStsd Deposltorv snd Financial Agent ef Ike United States. . ...... President ....A. h. "''-! Csshler ITJ'.S Aaalstsnt Csshler. ............ . W. J5. A,TORr' Second Asststsat CsShlsr R. f . RTEYENS Letters ef Credit Issued Avetlahls la Europe and the Eastern States. ' Rtakt sjxeharwe . and Taleersohte Transfer aold on New York. Boston. Chics so. St. Lonls. Bt. Psnl, Omaha. Ban rrsndseo and- the prlnelnal nnlnta tn the Northwest. - Sight snd rim bills drawn In some t enlt on London. Parts, Berlin. Frank fort-tu-rbe. Main. Hongkong. ' Yeknbama. Copenbsgea. Chrlattanta. Pfockholra. St. Peterrbnrg. Mos- mffuV- aCnFl$ls . BefWs1 tl Fsl - OoDectlnne Msde on Favorable LADD A TTXTOW. WsmtTEB. . -(ZstaUtsbsd la 1358.) ' Transacts a Oeaeral Banking Busts lea. Cnl lections msde et an points en faeces his terms. Letteea ef eredtt lasned arallsble la Europ and all points la the United State. Bight Exchsnce and Telegraphic Transfee aold ea New York. Washington, Chicago, St. fouls. Denver. Omaha. Saa Frandaee and Montana snd British Ootntnhta. .'' -graeeisngs add us t.iiimsrrsTfsrdbirTrnr Frsskfnrt, Hougkeng. Xokobama. Msstts aad Honehiln. M'RCHARTT wsiwowar. uww. PORTLAND, 0REO0B. J. FRANX WATSON. President R. L. DrRHAM.... Tle.Prel1en S. yr. HOYT Csshtsr EOR0R W, HOYT Asslstsnt Csshlsr Tvaaeaeta s Oeaeral Banking Buslassa. Draft and Letter of Credit leened Available to All Prts tb World. Collections s Specialty. S'L'USJ'IT SAwrwoB a, TRTrar OOWPABT, SM Morrlaea St., Portland, Or. ' Traaaacts a Oeneral Rankrne Buslsm. ' V ... SAYINGS DEFARTMEBT. Interest Allowed on Time snd Saving Drneatta. . Act a Trustee for Estate. Drafts aad Letters of Credit Available is AO Part ef the World. . ADAMB..... .....President L. A..I.FW1S First Vies-President A. L. MILLS .....Second Ylca-Preet.leat R. O. JUR1TS ... .....Becretsry GEO. F. RITBHE7X. ,..Aaalatant Secretary 8 1 ORRIS BROS, M US Fbst 8t., FeHIAnd. Or. Offer Otlt-Edg Investawnts fa Municipal aad Railroad Roads. Write or CsIL XZ CONTINENTAL 00MFABT. Ftnsnrtsl Agent. , Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages. 848 Stark et. Pbens Mala 1878. MORTQAOB LOANS On Portland Baal Batata at Lowest Bates, Titles Iasursd. Abstraats rnrniansa. TITLE OUARABTEE A TRUST CO. 844 Waahtngtoa St.. Osr. Soesnd. ' ' 1 , J ton section will be light; the msxlmum Is two tenths of 1 per cent and the maximum curvature S desreee. 1 MATCH, MATTRESS, FIRE, v CHEMICAL AND ALL OVER A email fire in the Marquam theatre at 11 o'clock this mornlns was quickly subdued by . the kid of a hand chemical. Jameg F. William, a flyman In the theatre's employ, sleeps In a room above HtI:"1-' 9lit"' - ttnrd bibrntnS an'presumably dropped a lighted match onto a mattress. Two hours Istar smoke was seen coming, from the window of the room, the fire de partment wss called and the smoulder Ins fire In the mattress ' extinguished. The loss Is nontlnal,--.' OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO ..y Members Chicago Board of Trade, ' TB0TX8I0BTS, 0 OTTO If. BTOCBS ABTO B0STO8J. 10 Third Street, McKay BO A . BTBVXCTXiT Coatiuuone Markets by Private YVIre. ' Qnck "ervlc. REFERKNCKS Ladd a Til ton. bankers, snd-UnlUd States National' Bask of PortUnd, 1005, W rr rr TT tlJElJcK '"'"""""I fey DR. VING LEEi The Great Chinese Doctor LOCATED IN PORTLAND :' . JiVC isao ; He la eallad rreat because he cures all dlaeeasea without reaortlnc to th knife. Call and hay a f rue examine Hon. Ha will . tell you tba exact nature of your trouble. Ha treat a succeesfully erary form of fe male oomDlalnt. All private and blood die. He oaes In his practice oYr 80S. ditV-Z 4 TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia ; ; : River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. Be a. av Dally. . Par Margsrs, Ratnlsr, riatskanis. - Westport. 11:80 a. am, oauy. Cilftoa, Astoria. W se re Btoa. FUvsl. Ilsar ajond. Port Steveaa, Ossrhsrt Park. Seasids. Astasia aad A aa ah are. .Ezpraea dallyv f-teprx; ' eTtmpj-, Dally. , HsMiiy. . Astorta Exprsm, t. 0. MAYO, v . ta. B. sag B A a ....(. A. C A., STEWART. Commercial Agent, 848 I list rsons aula eva. . ' The -djosamedloas Btesunahip OLYIWPIA , ::" ' r000 TOinS ' 1 Sails for SAN FRANCT8CO snd IcDR A.NGfH.Efl direct, carrying passengers and freight, .. ,' TtrrBDAT, BfOT. 14, AT S 9. 1C, From Columbia Dock No. 1. Ticket of- nce Z61 Washington street, ' ; - - H. TOUNO, Agent. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS T-rrtTS. Saittlt 't si mi "JEFFERSON, " Bsramber 88, via WrangeL "DOLPHIN," Bevemaar a. 17, via Wraagal. "FABALL0V." Bsrsmbsr 10, 34. via , - Wraagal, Metlakabtla. f . .. '.. CALLING AT - . Ketehuma. Juneau. Douglas, Eslasa. Bkag way. Connects with W. P. A Y, route far Atlia. Dawaea, Taaaaa, Berne, sto, , 'For All SeatkBastera Alaska Berts, Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alsska,'' "Iadisa Baskstry," "Totem Poise," . THE ALASKA S. S. CO. . ' Frank Wools. y Ce., Agents. 232 Oak St. 1'ortlsnd, Or. TOS AST0B.IA ABTD WAT 0IaTT Steamer Telegraph " DAILY Tlata1 CAKD. Iyeave . - I Arrlva ' Portland. ,',T a. m.l Astoria..",.! p, m. Astoria.. 2:38 p. m. Portland $ p. m. BOOK TOOT OT AX.OBB BTBBBT. , BOWirnro, Hoinuxre at (Established l$9t.) . CO, wxsat Asm stock: itonu Soon i Oround Bloor, CSLAICBZBi OT COlCBrXBCB, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NOTICE OF DIHHOI.l TION OF PARTNERSHIP I hereby give notice that the partnerahlp heretofore existing between N. A. Schsnea and Philip Neo, under the name of Reliance A Neu,haa been dlesnlved by mntnsl ssree- . ment. The bnslness will be continued at the locution of the former firm st-2HS First atreet by the new flnu. Ken A Klnr.lcy. AH i,iim DwiiiK trj -in nn mev rtrm will be by me aud all accounts collected. paid Portland, Oregon, November 1 1111.11- nsiu, r il, 1005. . . Banttla fietg ltaetlar. A telegram was received this aftef nrton by B. I. Rader from the OenersJ Mission board of. the Mothodlst Kplaco pal church atatlng that It had ! da. elded to hold the nextsjtrinvjal..nieeUna;Af trmrfrw TteHHrer The aeJaTon wlU be held next fall and will be mie of the great Methodist meetings of the cosat'g history, eg next to the general , con fer enoe of the church the gonernLrnlBsUn' board's sessions are the most Important They are attended by, workers from every country-In the world. . '. J 1 J Butldtns, Portland. Of. OOaEBLTSSIOaT atrarBXSB, TRANSPORTATION. mm. . I : , . ' X -w , ... r I K uraorrRiriFic 3 Trains to the East Daily -3 Through Pullman atandard and tearlst stsse . Ina-csrs- dally to Omabat Chicago, SpoSl oswlst slee:,lng-srs dally to Kansas Cttri throagh Pullman tourist aleeplas-cara (psrsoee slly eu ad acted I weekly to Cblc.ro, RecualaS uaireara (...ts rrsal ta the Esse asus. UMO DEPOT. ' Leavaa. Arrive. CH1CAOO-PORTLAND Epeciau 8-rs a. m. 8:p.sb, or the F-aat vU Hunt- Dally. . Dally. . Ingtoa. y BPOEANB FLYRR. .... 7 f- , f" Esstera Wsshlag- ' ton. Walls Walls. Lsw- 3:13 p.m. 3 no a. as, Istoa, Cesar d'Aieno Dally. . Dally. ' and Oraat Morthara points. . ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Iil'laa 7:13 a.m. For the Esst via Usst- Dally. Dally. , Ington. ' .' Oelmnbiai tin. iim.i FOR ATORIA aad way SKU) S. sa. P'ota, connect! sg with Inaily, i About '' -; '"r- ror iwaee aad ex. Sunday. , ' .1cch. stmr. Bas- R.rnrd.y. ssV. Aah-et. dock. ilpoo p. m.1 8:00 p. TsmhlU R fear Rents. FOR DAYTON lk.a City gad Yaaihlll rim points, atmrs. Rath audi T:fHl,a Dally, ax. Sunday. 7 -SO p. aw Dallv. saoooe, ASB-et, Sock (Wster permitting.) ss. Saadaja Snake Blvar Bantu. FOB LEWISTON, Ida.. snd Way points fro at Rlparla. .Wash., atmrs. Bpokaa and Lew li ton. 3:40 a. m.. or upon ar rival Trstn No. 4. dally ex. Sat. 4-00 n. nu Dally ex. maay TICKET OFFICE. Third aad Washing tee. Tabs. : Phone Mala Tit a'. - w.-!.'N0E't City Tlelte Ageat, : A. ta CRAIO. Oeaaral Pa as. agar Agent, . - . EAST v. SOUTH Lear OPflOlt DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS. Trelne. for Sslem. Ross I burg. .Asnuad. Beers 8tB p. I meato, Ogdea. Saa Fraa-j ciseo. Stock tea. Los Aa gslea. El Psae, New Or- 1HM a. at, ' Ktsns and 4a aaagr- -Morning train con Bee ta at Woodburn dally ' except Sunday SJSatl 8:88 a, at. with train tar Mt. Angel. S 1 1 e r t e a. Brownsville. S a t S 8 field, Wesduag sad BtroB. Eugene Pai e.OOp. m. Y:30 a. m. 4 :50 a. m. tJ10:48 p.m." Beets st wot oodburn wit a 10:88 a. as. Mt. aUlvar-l toa local OorvallM psseengsr. Shertdsa paeaeiigag. Forest Orav pssssngsg. 8:8 p. m. - a:ZB a. 111:50 t 5" n.n. 1 1 Dally esernt Bundsy. i '" IWUaad-Oswaga Buhnrhaa Swllss and TnsnkOI v. - Divlslen, - . i , " Dens tost ef Jefferson street. Leave Portland dally for Ossreg 7:30 a t 12.60, 8:03. 4:00. 8:80. 8:88! T.45; 10:10; ItMje ?. m. Dally (except Sandsy). 8:20, 8:80, 8; 35, . 0:23 n. m. Bundsy only, 8:00 n. m. Betararng from Oswego, strive Portland dsllf a:nu n. aa. i o ', i.o. ..w. - - - - 11:10 p. m., 12:38 a. m. Dslly (except Bnaday). i s. I .so. v.eu, .w m. w, ' - LlLeevoi'frem as me depot for Dsn snd tntsf. .dl.te point dslly 8:08 p. m, ArrteB Frb bind 10:13 a. m. - . . . The Indenndenee-Montnwtk - M nrej Line anerstes datl.r to Monmouth and Atrtle, een. neettne with Son them Pad Be sum; say's tracks at Dsns snd Independence. , First -claea fare from Portland to Sseranwnt snd Rn Franclsca 320, berttis I V jeoood-cUs fsr StB. esccnd-elsss berths . Tickets tn Eastern points snd1Naam eae Janes. Chins. Ronomlu snd Anetralla. Clt Yiek.t Office enruee Third aad Wasa. tng-n e. Phone Mala Tlf. 0. w! STTN0ZB. A' JL. CAI0, City Tloket Ageat. flea. Fees. Agent. TIME-CARD vjy wr.' or-'- RA1NS" Rortlandi DAILY. CBI0M DEPOT. ;i 'Depart. Arrive, v.ii-w,M. Parh-Kaa mm. (Mtv-St. LOUIS SnS- elal for Cheh.lls.C.a-l trslla. otympis. wr" 8:80 a. av 4 :80 p. av, Harbor, nvntn sei, eoma. Seattle. Bpok.oa Lewlston. Bott. Rill hn. Denver. Oman, Ranss City. St Loslt snd southMst. North Cosst Limited, electric lighted, for Ts eoma. Seattle, 8p.kan. Rntte. Minneapolis, St Paul aad the Esst. Paget Sound Limited, for Chshalls, Cantralla. Tseoma and Realil only. . Twin City Erorsse, far Tacoma, Seattle, Spo ken. Helens. Butte, Yellowstone chrk. Mis nespolia. St. Psul aad the Esst, i 8:00 p. BV t a. aw 4:80 a. at. 11:48 p. a. 8:80 p at. A. D. CHARLTON, . .Assistant Oassral passenger - AgSSCj ' 838 Mortlsoa St.. eor. Third, ra- Portlaad, Oregoa. . . ; ' . THE COMFOrtTABLL WAY. -City Ticket Oftok, 188 8d sty Fkoss 880, 2 Overland Trains Daily 7 The Flyer atd the Taet aVaU4" nBBTDXB BBBTTOB 7JF-TO-DATB BQUIFMliATT - ' uudbtsuvs axtriMiiaa' f2rf SUHSIT 1S &DaO 1 Arrlvne. . I - u " LkaVbT" Trom ARRIVS1 8:10a.m Tertlaad .. 7:00a.m. 11:4$ p. m Tla Seattle $:B8 p. m. $.16 p. m. "Tla Spokane 8:00 a, m. - f- (Q. R.8E. co.y a rest Bforthera Steamship Oo. rtniiing imm nenme , '. B. 0. DAKOTA. BXO. IS. -S. 8L BaBSTBSOTA. FEB. 1. For Japan and China Porta end . Manila. .. " ' VIFPORT " TTJ8BRT " BAISKA (Japan Mall Ptenmshlp Company) SV, . XTO MAITf, talis from Henttle for Japan. China and nil Aslatto Ports - About 7ecemher 11. For tickets,' rates, berth reaer vatlons, etc , ohll on or sddrass , ST. pICBSORI. C. P. A T. A. " . . Portland, Or. I O. TBBKBB, A. a. P. A Seattle, Waah. t