The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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' u
Want Ad" Rates
. J LJS-U- UJ I - -l-U-W-
- Eater St the postofftr at loHiee4. '
; fee uumwUUm Uinwck the Ball eecewo
' claw niw. - la
Postage ( etagle rcelea: For J
... i ,, lit ia 30 nana. I centa: 33
rt 4 pa, eenta. ." i s .
M i raiiAOTt
tSUSSV- ..4 ....
Editorial R.
baslaeae OHlc....
reelaad-Rrojamla Special Advertlalng
i .mi k.JTw. York: XrUMiua Bulld-
; tug, Chicago. ., ." -. -
' - ken flmlif .-
Th Dally Journal, with Sunday, V-X'"-! ?
Tb Illy Journal. 1 year..... .....
The Uaily Journal, wlta nunosy. e aseeuw. -
' Tba- lially Journal, 6 awatlia.. "!
Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, Breathe,
" Tba Dally Journal, toootha
Tha Dally Joaroal. wlta Sunday. 1 Borii..
- Tb Deliy, per week, delivered. Sunday n-
eluded ...... ......e
The Pally, par w, oeUvered. 8ua4ay sx
) vepted ...
W. W W.lL t
Tba Dally JoaraaL with seaday. 1 year... .7-
Tba Dally J earns I, J yoar
Tba Ially Juunesl, with Suaday.
aba. a.7l
.... I
tka. ..
.... .
J be Dally Journal.
Tba Dally Journal, wtte Sudsy, i
. The Ually Journal.
a tba.
. Tba Dally JoaraaL wHh Sunday. 1
th. A
Tha Dally Journal. 1 aeeatk
Tba buaday Journal, t yoar.. ...... ......
Tba Sunday Joetruai. montna
Tha Basae-Weekly Jeensad.
lba Seml-Weehty Joawaai, I to II peg
each laaaa. uiaetrat. lull asarkat re- ' -
port. 1 yaar ,-DO
Reaiittsarea BhosJd b axade by draft, poatal
Mice, express ardent aad avail amouata are
acceptable aa t aad S-caat peetage etaiuna.
, P. 9. Box 1JI, Portland. Oregon.
Tba Journal caa b loaad aw aala at tba
fnllowlB4 Placaa: 1
. VOIMK. IDAHO H. Bailor Co. W. X. Ma-
1 Intrro.
. 4 HK'AUO PoatoTOoa Maw eoaipaay; IT Daac
i . bora atrart.
' DENVER, COLORADO J. Black, Blitaontk and
v tortla atrrata.
.KANSAS ITY Taa Nay New coopaay. .
AIINNRAP0M9 M. J. KaTanaagb, Sooth
Third afroot. ' a a
KKW YORK CITT Brantano'a, faloa aqoara;
OMAHA Millard Hotel aawa ataad; Mcfaatk
Atatloaory eomnaay. ISO raraaa atroat.
. A1.T I.AKB d'V Kcnyoa Held nawa ataad;
' Barrow Hroa.. 48 Waat Hamad atroot. Sooth.
ST. LOUIS Philip Koadar, aid Loeoat airoot;
B. T. Jott. mm OHt atroat.
BAN rBANOISOO W. B. Ardln(, Palae Botal
aowa ataad and 1008 Market atroot: (iold
amrth Bma., 230 Potter atract and Saint
" Fraarla botol: Footer A Oraar, Farry fealld
tng; s. Wbeallay. BMirabla aowa ataad,. cor
nor Market and Boamry atroetn. - -
BEATTI.IC Ralnlor a rami now atnd;"W.X.
, Rhanka, Hotel Roattlo nowa otana. .
KFOK AJJ B, W A8U1 M OTON John W. ' Orabaja
Co. . . . . ,,
,TAOOMA. WAKITINGT01C Coarral Kaw eenv
.. pan; RotaJ Timai nawa atand. .
Book it Btotkaiory ooannany.
Tfco dlatnrbaaoa rantral ' off tba Waahlatioa
onaat baa nnulnad aoaaly atartonary during tba
laat S4 knara, Ita oaatward norrmont bartnr
hroa retarded b tha lmrarnaa blah proaaure
, area central oror' tha Interior of tha failed
fltatea. Tbla atorat kaa raueed rain aloa( tha
Inunodlato eoart and on tha a trait of Juan do
" rura. but ayet-ne--eelTlae fallen in tha
tnterlnr. The weafher baa cleared la tha lower
aflaaloalppt ralley and alone tna weat (nlf eoaet,
, end tha rala area la now confined to Alabama,
' (ieorrla. South Carolina' and Vlorlda. It la
elao cooler tbla moraine; la tboae atatee and la
Teaneaooe, North arvllna and Virlnla. Klae-
wbera la the I'nlted State fair weather, with
1 -y nearly normal temperature, preralla.
Tha ralne aa tha meet are expected to eitend
. t tha Interior of weatern Orefoa and western
Waahlnctoa aome time tontKht, and the Irnll.
cation ant that Sunday will he abowery la tola
dlalrlet waat of the Caarade nonatalna. In
' eaatera Orecna, eaatera Waahlnatoa and Idaho
, fair - weather will - continue wlta but II Ilia
- rnanffe fn temperature. . . .
Rraeat W. Plate. St. John, Ornfoa, M;
on"ie i,mniey, 41.
, W. II. Condon, 2 Blrdl T. Ranea, 16, . .
William raraoa. -S4; Jennie Laraon, SS.
Weddlnc Carda. W. O. Smith O., Waah-
inwioa dm, ear. nana aaa waaaina-toa ata.
kfle Bertha Martin, room tit Allaky bids.
Btamplnf aad- Sna needlework; . leaaona a; Wen.
. J'KNnsOBAS NoTemher ,- to Mr. -and Mre.
Jam Penoecraaa, 6M Walnut a tree t, a
tANKOW Koremhrr T, to Mr. -and Mr. Fred
u. ijtncow, eoo Bt Tweaty-eeeund treat,
JTEBUNi) NoBibr . to Mr. and Mr. Bob.
ert M. Bterllac, Trv Bodaey arenaa, dauan
KirHOIJBV-MsTrmbar 10. Horace Nlchella, SM
&aet ataraei atreet, typnoi leear.
BAirPBli Noeember S. Oota Hamaei, a red
H year, iH Walnut atreet; canae, heart
niaeaae. nurlal at Lone rir cemetery.
' TOMLI.VSON . Cbaeter Tomtl
canae. aplna Mfeba. BorlaJ at Lone air
' fBTKBSKM Noeembcr It Chrlatlna1 M. Peter
. . aen. aaed S4 reara. All. Vlnerleoa ateee
1 DAT Noremher 11. Jamea rraoda Day, axed
S year. 431 Haacork atreet.
JKNISON Noretulier 10. Roland Jeakwe, aged
r yeera, aunj aanoerniii atreet,...
!ncle tnra $10. , Family lota T0 t 11,000.
The ealy cemetery la Portland which pec--actually
maintain aad care for Iota, For full
' Information apply to W. k. Maekeaete. War.
center Mack, city.' W. M. tadd, prealdMt.
I. P. flnlay 4k Boa, fnneral direct or aad
amhalaaera, corner Third aad Madleoa atreeta.
Office of eonnty eoronrr. Telepbona Mala S.
Dannlnr. MeBnte. 4k Ollbaarh.. andertaker
, end emba latere; asodera la arary detalL araatb
aad Ptae. Mala 480. . Lady aaalauat.
. . Fnneral wreath and cut Sowar a epeelalty
1 at boa City Oreenhonae, Twenty aaeond and
Bait Macrlaaa, op poet t eemetary. - .
The Edward Holmaa rndertakln nompaay,
fnaeral director aad emhalmera. X3 Third
atj Pbone OT. ...
. Clarke Hroa. for flower. Sm Morrlaoa atreet.
Pr.TERHEX H tbla city, Korember 11, 1!.
at the reewlence of her ana., ail Mnrrla
. atreet. Chiiatlana M. Prtereen. alred M year.
aaoatka and XI naya. rrrto and acquaint.
.1 aaee' are reanectfnlly Inrlted to attend the
fnneral ernce,. which will be held at tha
;v , Seennd tier men M. B. ehnrrh. comer Hodney
areaue aad Mtaato atreet. at p. m.r Una.
day. Koreatuer IX lnteetuent Lena pit.
, cemetery.
fAV At the realdenc of blaiarenra. 431 Han
. cork atreet,- Jamea F. llay. heloeed eon of
i . Robert and Julia ly and brother of Thome
J.. John L. and Holiert B. Day, all of thla
- - ctly rnaeral will uke place from reeldenr
- f Tbomaa J. Day. S4S Beat SI ith atreet,
north,' Monday. N'oermher la, at a. m
the no to at. Mary rhnrch. Alblna, later-
ami e'mm t nieary ceaielery.
M M. Rh-e and baaNind te O. B. Allen, .
lot M, went 4 lot t. black IS. rJoibular
J'ark aodltlon ,', f
M. n. maacy ana win an w. ai. rfarvwa, .
lot 1. 14. block 4. Kallroad Mbona
. ddltln 1,000
ft. . veretcea ana wire ta m. at. Rob.
rle. W 13. bliN aus. Coarb addl.
' lion , : I
fNirtlaad Tnrat comimay to K. w. linn.
e and wife, lota I. It, blorfc A;
eiihitlTHtlnn luta X. a f. a trae It.
hmiih'a addlihw ' I2t
otin.rliam a e. to J. A. Gray, -went -4
. L.ta 1. bloi-k S Haoana'a Mocond
' i e.MHIo '. ' 1.500
at. I. llartmaa et ai. to n. l. Bnany. -b4
I A. block lo, eubdlclale) St. Johaa
W V I' Xiv f-ieieniM kith ID
ii,"kiva U, aiwclMA 0JiJeL.uu' 4.000
Saving's Bank
' ; : V- t'f' OP ' , ;'.
The Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
Pats 4. per cent on Certificates of
Deposit. JAyt S per cent Interest on
, suDject to cneck.
Banking hours...I...9a.m.to4p.m.
Saturday .9 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Saturday evening..,.... 5 to 8 o'clock
W. M. Ladd. J. Thorbum Ross.
T. T. Burknart.. : Frank M. Warren.
George H. Hiil,.
240 Washington Street
Corner Second.' .'
No Extravagance
I or JaXLWAurxx, ms.
. Wnca org-anlaatlon. 4S years ago,
. thla. company's Intareat income
alone haa exceeded it total ax-
peneea by $S,170,7!..5.
: It s A-cood torapany to Invest
eriiliu T " -
S. T. L0CKW00D & SON
- uniu aoxxtts,
Ooaoord MlOg "Portlaad, Otragwav
. M. Wrlfht te K. J. Mortoa, lot IfiV
block IT, Multnomah 400
Mryere and wife to B. War ran at al.i
bit t. block N. Tabor Helahta l.SM
Multnnmab Trunk company to Multnomah
Lamner and Box company;' parcel Una
X-lOlll.82ll.S0il0.XJ chalna, hexlnnln v
at aertbweet corner of Terwtlllger U.
U C. townablp 1 aooth, rang 1 mat,
aad other .property 1
Oneida and wlfa to J. A. Duff, parcel '
land beyi nnlng at north weat corner of
lot 3, block 6, Portland Houwatead
tract " 500
C H. Wemtne to Mercbante' lioan aad
Treat mmpaay, lot lt X, I, block S4, I .
Bunnyalde 1
M. W. Tower to A. Harmaa, loto 7, ,
Dioca T, St. joaa. . i
. K. Henri and wlfa to V. VI1U. lot
t block B. Hcnry'a addition......;..'. 1
M. 4. Smith at al. to f. Woudbonae.
Jr.. Lira 1. 1 bloek A P. T. Bmlth'a
addition .. .1,350
J. It. Andrew to W. n. toaeer. nndlrldcd
H of northweet of aortbweat 4
of aertloa So, townablp 1 Berth, range
I eaet .w
L. Welnhard et al.. to I.. Rearlek. block
4. McMUIen'a addition 1000
A. R. jaenba to I. A. Hlbbard, lota B, a.
block 837, city
t A. Hlbbard te A. I. Bate, aaat SO feet
of lot S. eeat SO feet of aouth 17 feat
of lot S block 227, Hty S.S00
W. Whltmer -to J. Monka. lota .1. 4.
block tan. Ceoch'i addition..' 7.(00
H. W. Bowlaad and wife to M. A. Bona,
lota g. T, s. , 10, block I. North Villa 1S00
r. w. aenroedar to i Antra cr, bouse
and lot on anatbweat corner Fremont,
block t-l'Orntrel Alblna
C L. Smith and wlfa to D. A. Holmaa.
parcel land 100100, block 168, Coarh'a
U Therkeleen and wife to T. Scott
Brooke, dux 100 feat, block SI. Couch a
addition 60.000
O Morten to Point View Real Batat
eomnaay. loto 10. 30. north 10 feet lot
IS. block 20. Point View .120
A. B. Manlcy and wife to W. L. Moraaa.
lot 4, block Sol, city , .00
B. C. Jorgenenei and wire to B. I
. Thomnaoa, 0ixSO feet of block 21.
King a Second addition , S00
L. H. Addl ton aad hue ha ml li.IT.
Andcraun. 14 acre la aectton In.', town
ablp 1 aouth, range treat. X2S
P. Hnaton ta S. Eaatmaa, lot T, -block
it Hnlllraa'a ddltton.
I. U Palmer t C. W. Myers.
"kit "is
I block 37. Brllwood.
, 'I OUR
::' -vr akb ' '
nnmfTSrTerTlew remetery aaaoctatloB to T. A.
Oarbade, ht lift, block 7. cemetery... 790
Hewtnorae Eatate to M. L. fierce, lot
7. block 5. Hawthorne Flrat adilltlna..
I. M. 4-barck to F. Motierr, lot . block '
A. Cherry dale , . 400
Same to B. F. Greene, lot 10. block A.
fhen-nlxte 400
. W. Stryker and wife te U. Coyle, block
S, Santa Bona Park addition
: Get oar 1 nan ranee aad abetracte to real
eatate from the Title Guarantee A Traet en.
peny. S0 Washington atreet. eoraer Seceed.
Depot Block. General Depot of the Quarter
master 'a Department. M Near Montgomery
at., San Fraoclacn, California,' Noremher a,
1IM16. Scaled propoaala In triplicate will b
. receired at thla offtce until 10 o'clock a. m.,
'a rifle standard time, Iiecember S, 1900. for
fiirnlablng aud delivering at tb Ban Fran.
. dam depot alcohol, stationery, plumber'!
eupptlre,- cabbarrala, eoalbasketa, hardware,
. atorebolte, borax, wbtakbruoma, palnta and
brnabra, plpeflttluga, haroeaa and aaddlery,
tmrlap, of Oce-cbalra. wagita-parta, atoTepl
elnowa, excelsior, graphite, boa, branding-
Iron.. Incaadeacent lamna, lye, oila, wrap-ilng-paper.
library paste, nancepana, type
writer rilibnna, eawduat, platform acalea,
ehellar. chamola-ekina, soap, . thumbtacka,
abovthread.. turpentine, twine, wblpa and
rapper wire, etc. The Cnlted State reserve
"the right to accept or reject eny or all
bids, or any part thereof. Information aad
blank propoaala furnished ea application.
F.ncelonee containing propoaala to be marked
"ITopoaala for Replenishment of Slock, No.
B.K7I, to Be Opened December 8,' llKsV," and
aiidreaaed te Major f. A. Demi. Quarter
master, II. 8. A., Depot Quartermaater. .
IN TUB circuit court of tb atate of Oregon
for Multnomah eooaty. - - -
f- In the mette. r-f tha receivership -of the
estate of Auguat Krata, aa Inaolrrnt debtor.
Not Ice,
Tb anderalgned will recelT scaled bid for
. the aeaeta pertaining to thla eetate. Including
Interest ta leeeea te The Taeern and The
Cafe, respectively, on Sixth atreet. between
Washington and Alder. Portland. Ore arm, up
' to 12 n rkx-k nooawif Wtdnemlay, NoTeniber
18. lflOS. ' -
Scparat bid for the Tavern property and
' the Cafe property moat he mad and a eartl
jfcfled check for 10 per cent at the aatonnt tild
iniiat aeeonipany eacTl "offer. , N conditional
ibWIa will be eooaiilered. - ....
r Inventory and Inspection at property stay be
chad ea application.
, Dated Keverober 10, 1011.
R. L. SARIN. Receiver.
.Front and Ankeay ara., Portland. Oregon.
TO Whom It May Concern The painting Ira
ox t'sraer at ivanier, locarea at una Third at..
- aa inia oar eisanivsu, Mr. i-araer conrinal
,the beatneae t the aanar etanil, naaumlng
debt and receiving all atooeya- new
the ha.
If" yonr feat are oat of order, g to Dr. Worley
iBeelamM. . "Mia Waahlegton -
tb Awl
tspedailau 1'kvas BUU tl.
MKRTINiI NOTH'K The annual meeting of I he
etorllbulilcra or the Koaelanil Veer t'ark
Mining company will be held at the offlc of
in comuany. room ana eo wanninxt'ie
bklg;, aoutlieaat cor. of Fourth and v.aauliir
ton ata., Pia-tland. Oregon, oa t'rlday, No-
rmber 17, 100. at 10 o'clock a. m.
. D. SUMS COHKN, Frealdent.
At teat i W. KING. Secretary.
Portland, Ocegoa, Noremher 7, ll.
'' ' i '
LOa In city ball, gray leather puree; libera
rewara l reiureeu av iminu muvw.
LOST October 20. Black cocker apaalel, art
three month. Betura to 434 Saat urant at.
LOST Poet special receipt ' book, eoatatntng
regiatered letter; rewara. foal special tie.
Urery, IWOH -Waaaingtoa t.
LOST Diamond ring 'ta South Portland, near
uibne at. tlnoe pieaaa return u j Olun
t.; rewara.
STRAY KD to my place, on Jereey belfer: owner
can kare him by paying eipeneee and Kteutl-
rymg tae animal. rnone weat o.
LOST Blari pure, Thuraday eeenlng. on Rna-
aeii at. or Borlbwica. Hetura nn Betiwooa at.
FOUND Near Sanity road, corker enanlel doc.
t . o. tiuilauder, car of umpey m Boa, tauora.
Third at. . , -
STRAYED, rroai Tremont place, eery Uyht red
neirer rair; rewara ror mrormatioa. w. At.
Maana. LMla, Or R. F. 1. No, I.
LOST Ocnllrmaa'a watcb and fntt ctnlai D.
r.ntier on cnain; rewara u retarnea. io
Kaet Taylor.
BARTENDER wanted tor laboring -c la aa trade.
Aaureea a w, care onrnaL
WANTED A strong boy at tVieeaanon' market.
iwenfy-nrst and Johnaoa ata.
W aaalst competent office anen, bookkeepara.
aoraoaTapnera, eaeniera, collector. Dill ciersa.
general clerical, tecnnicai oommerciai men,
Bnelneaa Men'a Clearing Hooee. 110 Second.
MEN. aad boy wanted to eara S day, after
m moatae natructioa. noaiuon . gnarantaej;
epeclaL tulttoa Imlf price, few daya only.
Coyne Bma. Oo. Plumbing Hcnoola, New York,
Cincinnati, O.. St. Laern, Mo. Fre catakegu.
t TO A per week easily mane' netting atrk
ana accident omenta rnr uaioa Mutual Aid
Aaa'a. 703 Marquaa bklg.
SALESMEN waated; cash adranced weekly;
good territory open; enrflt free; mm ara mak
ing tWO to flSO pa month. Why not you
Aaureea waaoingtoa riuraery u., xnppaoiaa,
Waablngton. . . .'
WANTED Clerka and window -dreearra to atndy
aboward wrttlnc at T. M. C. A. alght
eebooi: peraoaal Inatroctlon. Apply for par
WANTED Shoemaker to rent repair a hop, toola
ana Bueenine; gooa mcaiion, plenty worn,
cheep rent. Call 285 Burnald at.
WANTED Ftret-rlaas aa learn en la . Portland
aad country 1 big wage. SOS McKay bldg.
EXPBBIBN(-ED flnkaher for kitchen fnrnttar;
alan machmeman. 10 Eleeentn at.t porta.
CO ATM A KERB wanted.
A. J. Brault, room
IS Hamilton bldg.
WANTED 4 reliable agent, aalary or- mat-
f per day. Koom s Labia Diag.
WANTBD Energetic, trnatworthy man or em
an to 'work m Oreaoa renreaenthi large reanti
factor lag company; aalary 0 to $00 per
month, paid weekly; ex pen sea advanced. Ad
dreaa with atamn, J. H. Monra, Portland, Or.
BOT wanted to learn a trade. - Apply A North
Second et., Oregon Braae Works. Frier Bma.
EXPERIENCED lady cenvaeeer will hear of
. aoanetblng to their advantage by addreaalog
. K 4N, ear J '-a mat.
WOMAN conk wanted; Germaa prafarrcd. , Ad
. dree. B 61, care Journal..
BALESLADIEB wanted to aollrlt trad for tea
and eof fee-bouse; aalary and com ml as Ion;
must be of good address. Standard Coffee
Spice Mills. 20B Second at.
dreeemaklnc. 271 Morrlaoa St., cor fourth,
room t;. sytm taught.
GIRL to work for board and go to ecbeel.
Beat Twenty-etxth at, near Morrison. .
. ton at., aor. Beeenth. apataln. Phone Mala
see. Female help wanted.
LADY eollettor for-th- tea and coffee tra-le.
Hawthorn Tea Co., 370 Hawthorne are, .
cook for country. Addrea P 42.
YOUNG girl to help la general bouse work. Room
IS Hamilton bldg. '
WOMAN to sea tat tn bona work, plat eooklag:
good home. 4 Pearl atM MontavlUa. .
GOOD girl for general housework ; two la fam
ily; no children; apply forenoon. 004 North-
W ANTED Woman or girl wbe understands rite
. cere of baby; caa Bleep at bom. Call (11
Second at.
WOMAN,, over 2.1. energetic, reliable, to take
cnarge or a viavt onice. can or addreaa
room X. l.cwla pidg..r1
THB demand fear competent bookkeepera aad
etenngrapuera la greater than the aupply. Fmm
August 1. 104. to August 1. 1908. we placed
27 In good positions: had calla for mora thaa
800; our gradustee are ALL employed: wa
win assist yon to a poeirto amen competent;
enroll now; day or alght. Rehnke-Walker
Business College, Sixth and Morrison ata.
WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, pre
,. eentable an or woman, a good talker, to
take up an attractive proposition. Inquire
733 Chamber of Commerce, 8 a. m.
WANTED Imtnedlately, I men or women to do
raavaaalng. Call ap Eaat 837; good proposition.
UKI.P -Wanted and supplied, mala or female.' R.
Q. Drake. ttoi Washington St. Blsckl93g.
TOt' NO man 24 year of age, with good educa
tion, the beet of recommendation aad .ex
perience In the grocery bualnesa, tescblng snd
soliciting, wishes a sltustloa aa grocery clerk.
. but will accept any honorable work; Is well
acquainted wjth the city. Addreaa B 60,
car Journal. ' I -
WANTED Position by an experienced bonk
' keertrrt can coin any time after November
10;. logging firm preferred. Address W. J.,
In cars of Cornelloa Wareboue, Cornelia,
Oregon. - -
YOI NG maa dealree piece to work for hat
boird and room while attending college. In.
- autre P. B. Akin, 023 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Sltns t ion for all kind of la borer .
' S. S. Sllngerlend. etinerlntcndeDt HeacoB
' Light mission, 30 Davis st. . .
BAKEB wlsbea position I or out of Portland:
f rat-class work man; can give beet of ref
er, aces : nonunion. Addreaa Elbert Klcbola,
' 242 West Second at.. Albany, Oregon,
WANTED Any kind of Ins Id work, by man of
i family: Don eat, Bdnalrloaa, Intelligent. S 44,
jMntil .1
i. -i .
BEL1ABLR Germaa maa wanta work aa dlea
waaber. ateady. Addrea B 00. JoaraaL
WORK wanted during odd honre by young mas
attending acnooi. Aiioreea a oil, Journal.
AN Intelligent married man, aged 20, wanta
position la factory, grocery etore, Janitor
wurk or foe doing general work. Ad'lroae
S 40. Journal.
Disappointing shopping tour yoa hare made
In a kwig time waa tba one at the end of
th week.- wbe yen -harrne time to read
The Journal store advertlsemeata.
POSITION wanted by a trained nurse. Call
. .ote rfviiervou. at., vr poone alalu Oaag.
WOMAN wanta email family washing to do at
nome. jiuiireea n c-are journal.
. IS N. Second ex. Phone Mala 152,
immmi u, "..nil ... raoaa ra-
cine oav. ...
.iieuTO Bufnsiua et. ruon juata
PACIFIC Coaat lap, Co. Reliable employment
agents n. xa at. rhooa Mala noTO.
ACMB EMPLOYMENT CO. til Morrlaoa at I
ewppiivo aivn iur an aieua ox wore.
BIO FOl'B BMP. AGENCY Help enppUed free.
i a. aecona ax. rnone nam 1HM.
NATIONAL Employment aad Labor Agency,
oiariue et, , rnone aaam Jjue.
WINNEB for agent Health and accident
Inaurance ea popular monthly pay men ta. par
jioerai tenner auoreea u. A. lman, man,
gee. Continental Casualty Co., N. W.; Dept.,
oev .juooawa eng.. t or nana, uregon). -
AGENTS wanted to oaU nursery a rock f new
ana complete outrtt rurnianea tree; cnea
weekly Capital City Nursery, company,
Salem. Oregon. "..'.
LIST yonr property with a for quirk raturna;
farm tinea a a pec laity, tiregg Hroa., real
eatate. 317-318 Fentun bldg.
HAVB buyers waiting to hear of amall borne
I or near Portland, any direction; if yoa are
ready to eeU address F S, car JoaraaL
WANTED Lot clone In. also small farms; bar
etiatemere. aoa Fourth at.
WANTED To bay or leaee a bonding lot close
is. atrraeraoa. unman hotel, rirat ana Asaer.
LOT wanted, in Kenllworth or Warmly, cheap
ror cash; In answering gire block and numher
of Int.. Q 40. Jon ma I. '
ANTED Farma for esle. Improved and party
Improved. Berkner 4V lilatt. llto First st.
WB want desirable houaea and flata, all parts
or tba city; bare, blgh-elaea client waiting;
reals collected, pmperty cared for.
S48 Stark at Phone Mala 17.
WANTED To rent fares,. 18 or 20 acre, aear
cur; noose and Darn. at. u. xaorgaa, wiu
Mllwaukle at.
8KB the Lewta and Clark fair at home; aend
eOe la atampa for handsome photo book,
nearly 200 photo of fair, 7!jx6H Inches.
Western, View Booh Cou Portland. j Box 2S4.
PAINTING, aprayrng and whitewashing treca.
neeements. bnrtia, docka, etc. largeet gasoline
apraylng out At on tba coaat. M. G. Morgaa
A Co., 70 MJlwankla at. Phone Eaat JtJlf.
Anu mur.ti.
ORCHESTRA. S pleeea. wanta engage menta
venlnge. 8undaya; mnate for all eccaslona eery
b!a. s Lacretu at. Tel. aula sou.
HIOHEST cash price paid for bottle and junk
oi every aeerription. roniana nottie nuopiy
Co., 301 North Eighteenth. Phone Mala 2288.
BOOKS hougtit. nnld and exchanged at the
uia smok store, za lasuniu at. ,..
. J. BTDEB. printer. Second aad Waabingtoa
at. Phone Main 6S3S. . .
IF yon want manure for rose or lawn, call
phone rront aiMn.
WANTKD Copy of Pacific Cos at Cbrwtlsa Ad
vocate tor Auguat x, iiain: win pay m ror
first ta arrive; other retarnea it rexraestea.
Pollock's Clipping Bureau. Mlnneapolla. Minn.
WANTED T bay or rent, lannt-h-bouee.
dree anft Eaet Twenty-elxtb at.
HOTEL HOOD, cor. Sixth and Everett, la ondet
new management and caa rent new and alcely
furnished rooma, with at earn heat, free bath
and phone, at very low rate for taa winter,
THB Hl'lt. 5 Eleventh at., cor. Stark New
rooalng-boo, newly furnished, steam Seat,
aaa light and hatha: eloea -to- bnalaeee eee-
tloB, 1 block fmm carllna; all tba comforts
of a borne; everything ap to eace. Mra. r.
, A. Claacy, prop. v
THB KINO 30 Jeff arena at., new build tna,
handsomely turn ie bed. with every modem
convenience: all outside rooma. with beef.
gas or electric lights, porcelala hatha rates
eue, toc ana aii apeau tame ay taa weex
- aa- mama.
THB . BELLEVCB. 21 St Fourth St. Neatly
fnrirlebed rooms for gentlemen; all ear elds
SOe, 75c l: very low rata by weak or
aioath. Boos 701. . .
TWO large, light, finely furnlahed roome; gas,
furnace heat, porcelala bath, telepbona;
- everything neat aad clean; rate vary reason
able; walking distance. S4BVk Sixth SL Phoa
Mala 6040.
827 THIRD ST. Nicely furnlahed aunny rooma,
fl.2S yer week; would board a lady.
WELL furnished room, board; good location;
car service. 401 Tenth St. Phoa Pacific
- oes. . -'
CHEAPEST and beat located rooms la Pnrtli
tl week aad ap. Ollmaa. First aad Alder
Centrally located at the corner of Alder ami
Park sts. stesm heat, not and cold water,
free porcelala hatha: room 60c, 78a aad tl;
special weekly rate.
THB HAMANN. 138 N. 18th.. cor. Hort Newly
fnrntehed rooma, II. B0 ap; convenient toeatloa,
' 18 minutes' wslk to fslr groande; Morrlaoa
ear at anion depot direct to house. Phone S470.
BFAI'TIFCL front suits and 2 other desirable
furnished room In modern bom of private
family phone, bath,- foresee heat,' walking
' distance. 680 Fourth at. Phone pa cine 814.
KING'S HEIGHTS 'Deerrahle neighborhood,
- Bear St. Helen's Hsll; nicely furnlahed room
ror one or two, witn private raauiyt
aent preferred.. 73S Mala at.-.
BBATTTIFI'LLT rnmlebed reewi la brick hom
ing: bath, electric light and phone;. f2 pet
week and ap. . Tb New Belmont, AMU
First at. .
UNDBLL HOTEL, 4th and Market: aew man
agement: furnlehed aew throughout;- no dark
room; comfortable heme. Mra. BJdeLeaa.
MARQUAK HODSB. 14BH 0th Rooma a antra
or alngle; housekeeping rooena; gaa atovee.
bath, electric lights; tranalenta solicited.
TUB WILRt'R; 345 East Oak Femlehed
- houaekeeplng rooms, $1.78 per week and up;
lodging. l and a p. Phone Bast 4.100.
rCBNISflED rooms, stngl or en ault. IS per
month and np. Hotel Fair mount. Twenty
elxth and I'pahur snd Vaagha ata.
MICELY furnlehed roome at moderate prices for
rent la large private bouse, does la. Call
at 147 Tenth at., near Aider.
108 17TH aad Morfleoa ' su. Most desirable
, rooms: hot sad cold , water, bath, steam heat,
gas and phone. -
ELEGANTLY ferntahed rooma; eteam Jieate.ll
hot and cold water; rate reaaonabla. 34 1 4
North Sixth at. .
NEATLY . furnlahed alngle sleeping-rooms, ea
double parlor: .alee single housekeeping -rooms.
101 Tenth St. .
KLK'IANTLY furnlahed room for oas or twa
gentlrmea;, private family;, heat, gaa, bath.
afro I Taylor. . " f .
HOTEL MONARCH, 80". Stark at. tranalenta eo
.llclted; prh-e reaaonabla. I'bone Padflc 303.
NICELY furnlahed rooms, all moder i
FB0NT parlor for gentlamaa ef refinement erne
wiaaee room near uie wbiw . i . eei
Everett at. - -
NEWLY furnished room, with a tor.
telephone, , sullsuie tur a auuua, uieap,
Mill at.
THB CRAND Newly furnished room by tha
week eg aaoata. anavk urana era.
0NB room with or without board; bath, phone.
Inae In. 4 ast Ke renin, rt.
FRONT room for rent, newly furnlsued room
for I: nest. Data ana pnone tree; rent iw,
1 North Park at., near Flandera.
NEWI.T furnlahed rooms In private family!
strictly UMxIera; easy walking distance to
bnelneaa center: must le eeea to Da appro
elated. 2h seventh at.
4S0 YAMHILL ST., aor Eleventn-Nlcely fur
nlahed front enllea; aiao aingia gouma, wna
light aousekeeplng. .
FOR RUNT Housekeeping room a, Eaat Port
land. 1'hon Bcott xieu.
FOB RENT famished housekeeping roome 1
beat brick block ea waat aide; gaa range,
bath. ate. t ao transleuta; price moderate.
Logaa Ilk., lOfttt Union are., eoraer Eaat
Alder. Phone Beat 4tU4.
Sl'ITB S raoma, ground floor, newly furnlahed.
all modern coaveniencaa; aiao other rooms.
The New Grant, Second and Urant ata.
NICK rum Is had housekeeping rooms, fin large
place, kw rent - far winrer. . reeoa Bast
4128. B. C. Barter. ML Tabor.
tl.75 PER WEEK Large Clean furatabed
Bineve-piiii-fwa., i.uihii g ,vi waw. . aw
Bbarman, South Portland.
THB MITCHELL. Flanders and Seventll Room.
hounekeeplag and trnnateati ooarealeats price
reaaonabl. ,, .
THB GLADSTONE OltH Baetor at., furnlahed
aad aew aaaaageaaeatl
eons bin.
Fl'HNISHED housekeeping roome, slagt or ea
uue. reason a Die. ill sna 11 norm nxsia.
LABGB new elegantly, furnished housekeeping
rooma, and a p. ou3 Aider at. .
UOCHKKEKP1NG room, tn prrvato family;
phone, bath; 30 minute car ride; one buck
frost ear Hue. Phone Eaat 4&40. .
LABGB firm lab ed nnd anfnrnlehed
In rooms, very central, 3 per weak and up.
S43 Ash. . Mala 2371. -
I'NFl'BNISHED aeparale honeekeeplaf rooms
to let. 484 Third et, cor. College.
IIOT'SEKEEPING moms: plesesnt,-; front: reaa-
eauinie raiee; ngni ana pnone. dui water.
LOWER floor ef roar furnished room, or will
rent In tw suites. 448 Xamblll at.; also
NICX, pleasant room with board for two young
men witn private iamiiy;-aw gaa, nata ana
plione: within walking dlatance; reedy for
occupation the Iftth; $20 per month each. Ad-
Inaaa P AA. Journal. -
, ii i 1 ii i. I
THE COMMERCIAI;' Sebicf faarily-- botelt !
nicely furalabed; single or, ea aulte; table
flrat class; free baths- Walking, distance;
rate reaaonabla. 488 Waehlngtoa at.
FIRST -CT.AS reeoa and boar for parawaent
people, azx.Mi aaa ta per moms; ta Die woera
U per week. As tor feeaaa. 7 th aad Madtasa
ata. TaL Mala (xxi.
THB MAWTHORNB. 221 Thirteenth Rooms
with good board i walking dlataaoa, reaaonabl
rateaiebr the month.
BOOMS with board for permaaent taaaata.
reasonable; tlrat-alaaa hoax eooklag. Sal
Sixth ea.
WANTED Children to board: ale
Hood loot. - v - -
Twenty elxth at.,' free
Vaagha. ... (
Cpsbar ; te
BooOM furnished and aafnrnlshed, single
, ana en suite, gi per week ana ap.
' A permanent aiodrra building, plaatered
aad with bathrooms ana modern plumbing,
v ALL OUTBIDS X00MS. 'i, - -,
BOOMS and office tn Lewi bldg. Inquire
White, boh DekBia bldg.
KJUU A r LI Km la I
FOB beat reselt ea
Wnetber to bay or eell, ring wp Vsla Mat,
SU First a. -
$128 BI TS furniture of 8-reom modern house,
la walking dlatsnce: rent reasonable. . Ad
dreaa R 67, care Journal.
THREB 0-room honaee for rent, furnlrura for
aale; S e-room flata for rent and rurnita.-
for aale; then ara ana pa. Sea U. H. lilgley.
No. 273 Taylor at. .
THE entire furniture of Outside Inn at entrance
to rair ground for aale cheap; a, room, xt.
B. Nobkt, 813 Commercial bfk.
FIVE ROOM cottage for rent, fomltnr for Ml.
84 North Ninth at, . tj . - .
NINE-ROOM house for rent and fnrnttnre for
ssle. 3300 rseh; selltng oa account of death ta
- family. . 200 Fourth St.
FTBNITt'RE of rooma; beet offer take It;
home -for rent. Call after p. ta., 190
Park at.--
TO rent or eell 4-roore cottage at Tremont
porcelain bath, hot snd mid water, orchard
garden and cement aldewalk: price 600; .V
down, balance f 10 per month ana Biterest
at 8 per cent; rent for f 13 r1 per awath.
A. Ogden,' room 003 Fenton bldg.
FOR RENT Hows ea and Sat. aU Bart at
the city. Rental department '
l - S48 Stark at,, -
TTTABT ata tine.'' Meant Bcott ear 4 larv
.rooms, eatoulldlng. modern) ' partlee wit Hoot
W children; furniture for aale. ' Call the Bella.
, eae, Fearth and Sal:
elegant 13-room modern dwelling. 403
' Ibdladay ai
tladay are., only ISO per month. Inqnlre
..'f 220 -WHtahlngtoa at
or pnone Pacific 877.
FOR BENT mom furnished houee.
Beat 1403. . --
SBOOXT boa for rent; suet desirable lac.
tloh' 'for momlng-honse. Inqnlre Mat G.
CMien, 400 Columbia bldg., 80 Waabingtoa at.
. Phone Main 784.
NEW room bona and quarter block, Hancock
and Eaat Twentymlxth at. 37.80. B. M.
Lombard. 814 Chamber of Commerce.
r0B BENT Neef S-ronva hoase,- psatry and
. bath, two blocks, trots twa earuse, rant lis.
, Phone Bcott 1042. . , ,
FOR BENT Jtew, modern cottage.
. Kaat xoia.
10 ROOM and barn, cor. Eighth and Tialesy, test
Id: 9 per monta.
s-ROOM bona with basement, large yard.
blocks from rortlsno.telghls rsr Hue. PS
el ric Co. ' ' . .
rrsxiKIIED Bieata BJodira cottaf, 3W Ca
sta It, j --!.-.. r-y v.
ft-ROOM plain furnished cottage, suitable for
. two nuuarkeepiug;. water, .'. vain , sou vuouv,
Muntgumery at. - -
FOR. RENT Nice S-ronm cottage. 310; all con
venlencea. Apply Atuuuar, to 4 p. m., oVil
ruurta at.
NEW 4 room plaatered house. 1H blocks of car
line, only IT per nnwth. Cell on W. J, Day
Co.. iASMb Fourth St., ruoia 38, Or phop
Kaat awlk
MODERN and S-room flata. furnished
pleta; baths, gss range and all ouovenleacee.
tall wv Fourteenth. -
FLAT FOR RENT 328 Second at.. rooma.
all modern eonvenlencee: furolshed or unfur
' niahed. ' R. A. Proudfout, 271 Washlngtva U
' At t reamer le reataiirant.
FOB BENT Centrally, located ofttcea with phone
ana neat, 10 per monta. Bv t-ate, in
neoona at.
OFFICES and rooma, Lewi bldg. Inquire
walla, aoa lknm bldg.
RENT Deakrooai and everything fur.
alahod. . K. .S. Jackaoa A Co,
34a sura at.
0FFICR- ROOMS Goodooagh
FOB BR NT Dairy farm, 130 acre; 30 ton hay
oa aisca tor sal. J. o. Linn, currlnevute,
i Or.j 0. W. P. carlln. . . , -
10 AC BEN with houee and bera for rent near
lToiildale; good land. Inqnlre 333 Burnalue.
rOB RfTNT About January - 1. ' -ory brick
building 100x100. sort beast cor. Third and
Msdleon; will remodel aad lease whole or
fan to desirable partlee. Apply to at, T,
ox. No. 7 First at., room 10,
FOR ttENT 8 erory warebouae. 100x100.
racaage, nonnwaet cor. Fourth ana Moyt.
Apply R, T. Cox, T Flrat, room 10. pbon
Main T01. -- - - v .- - m
Do you want to go into bnaineea ''
Io yoa want a goml residence?
. Do yoq went a gxiod roomlng-honaet ; ''
- Do yoa want a good wheet farm?
Do yoa want to buy or rent T :ir.
Are yoa looking for aa Investment f
Hera Ton auv nronertv to eschaneef
. Let as know what Joa,. want, and, whew
yoa want it.
. ' SOS Morrison at.. Boom 211.
SALOON and good hotel, with or wltboat hotel.
for earn; will eell half Interest te th right
party. duress ax oo, care sonrnaL
BLACKSMITH -SHOP doing good bnaineea past
X yesra, run aupply er toola, queatlty or
Iron and eoaU dwetllng-honae, bearing fruit
trees, ehtrkea-bouea. 8 peaeenger-boata, car
aervlc each day, mlnutea' walk to each
place; all for 1200 If taken anon. Apply ta
Thompana I' aster, BldgeDeld, Waabingtoa.
A GENTLEMAN contemplating a trip to Con
raoo or iciaa aaoaia write tor unarms lion.
r W. Journal.
FOB SALE A-rooot boarding bona doing ad
puainees; araving town canae ox Bate., i
First St. . ,. -
SALOON doing busmen ef 335 per day, fin
mention, eery cnesa rent; it . cier axon
per month: will ecu at fl.zoo.' , Addrea U
0. journal.
FOR aale. cheap, good
bnaineea ta- thriving
cheep rent;, prefer to
Y. t., cere of JoaraaL
on burn : fin locatloa.
aril direct. Addreaa X.
ING room, caa se naa at low rent by a
deetrabl party; locatloa ea eaat aide eppo
alta the AlMna acbool houee. Particular, sail
etric, oit voounareiaa pmcs. . ...
THB beat rooming houee bargata In the cliv
al elegantly furnished roome near Morrison
at., xa brick building, rent only 100 per
month, long lease, fine location; a money-
maker; only terms. Dubois A Sher
wood, xooi Morrtaoa at.
' A SNAP. . . .
Fine reetaaraat aeattng 00 people, doing gong
bnslneea in best of locations, only 40o. . Ua
. hols Sherwood, 9064 Morrleoa at., room 3. .
FOB SALE Oa eeeoent et s Irk nee, alee, claee.
uaoney-maktag bualnesa ea eaet atdei aale
' from 1 to 3B per day: price 1.400. er will
xn voice, bo agenxa waateo. u ae, tb Jeareal.
CONTINL'ED nine com pel me to eeU or ex.
change furnishing and buslneea ef beet S3.
room hotel la Portland: central toeatloa. good
lease, si., uumaa notai, rtrat aad Aider,
FOB SALE Bakery, doing good bustneas;
horse and S delivery wagons; slckaeae th
canae. inquire aw rtrat at.
GOOD restaurant for sale, S00 cash; good
trade and location;, lease. Addreaa P 01,
.uunMi, . .
NICB. Ciena xO-room hone, full of ateade renea,
era; owner mtmt leave towa; price 0U0. In-
qnire 3suwa mauison ex.
BRSTAUBANT furniture for eat. W. H.
. Ittln Hotel Valrsaoonv- TsMl,t,lk 1 .
I psnnx sis
ri.v B epporrunlty in aerabnabed buatnesei need
help and capital. - Addreaa a 64. ear JenraaL
INVESTIGATE For a email amount at ea pe
tal, large returns. SO McKay bldg.
21 -ROOM lodging bona. 700. lease; good
reasoB for selling. 22RH First St.
WHO IS M. a. MORGAN t O0.1
FOR SALB First -claee reeUnrant and bakery,
doing good business: wsnt ' to sell on account
of 111 health. , Inqnlre 17 Commercial at.,
Salem. Or. , . , . ,
PERSONS having good Inside property for rent
or aale call at ISO First at.,-
A RESTAURANT ea Sixth at. doing good
business, also one oa Barnalile st.i both ere
bargains. 81$ Pine. St. .National Real E-
tat Co. '. . ....
IF yoa want a farm, etty or enharbaa property,
a good bnaineea of any kind, or have any
' kind tif property te eell or exchange, call oa
or ddreee Northwest Land Co.. 209 Morrt
enn et., room 211. : Phone Mala 418.
WANTED Buyer for corner roomlng-houae. 17
rooms, -near Washington at.; Al location;
reaaonabl rent; gilt-edge Inreatment; 1700,
Horn Land Co., 14BH First at.
1 1 I. 1 L T L -t.-U- I -1. - -.
acres In highest atate of cultivation, clear
eouo yearly rrom oemea: good bnlkrlnga.
blocks from Be ear; a good bom for any one;
' 13.000. 82.000 cash, balance on time
52 acre near Portland, wsll ImnmeeA .
stocked, all the implement., tc, far M.SOOr-
120 seres, 88 la hop, about all la cultivation.
ime niiiininsa ana eon; sola tns isst years
.T.7g . worth of bona and wheat alone: a
arannV nlaea for 880 nee- sees, wlih M
7,024 acre Block ganeb. well Improved and
watered, unlimited nntrane. emit bera Oreoon.
311.000: 113.800 cash, balance to aalt.
per cent. . ,
. P. Fl'CTIH. lt Fh-BL -
13.700,- A SNAP Comfortable modern honae.
rloae In na the eaat aide, living rooms, bath
etc.. gaa and 'electricity, large baaement con-
talnln laundry, two store and fnelrooma;
everything shout the house In flrat -rises re
pair; the lot le 16 feet deep, contains chicken
houee and yard and number, of flne frnlt
tree; aa Ideal home for ennlfort and con-
venlenee. Call er addreaa the owner, room
ftflo. the Maruuam. Phone Mala 803, to 4
.. . -
10 ACRES, 114 mllea from Mllwankle. all clear.
no stone er gravel: honae. barn; for aale by
owner; price 2 300. R 83, Journal. -
if you can
Afford to pay. few dollar ' more fog I
thing anw and tbea yoa ran afford to -overlook
r few ad now and then.
Five Cents per Line
" No td tskeu for Las "then" "lBcbef"' dsy.
Seven words, as a rule, eonstltuts a Use,
but each line hi charged regardless pf tha
numlH.r of
Wlhlfl.Y BATE T tnaertlona (Including
one nunaay issue) IP 0JITS P lia par
MONTHLY BATE (Including all Sua4ay
issues 1 II 00 par lis per meath. .
ADVEBT18ttEliT must Ve la Journal
kualneaa alios by II e'elock weak day
nd by 10 e'elook Saturday evening fee
the (unsay issue, to eeeur alassiloatiea.
Display rata glvea upea appUoatiaa at
- in et aoa. ...
Will be received at regular math-office
talea. Following la a Hat of authorised
ageuta, - who will forward youe advertise
ment la time fur publication ta th next
v.; M0XTK BTDX. ;
-A. Preston, drugglat, Twenty-third
and Tburmaa atreeta.
Nob Hill Pharmacy, ' 80 Gllssa atreet.
corner Twenty-first. . j -
A. W. Allen, pharmacist, Sliteenrh and
Marshall atreeta. - -
Mcl'ommon'a Pharmacy, Nineteenth an
n asulngtoa streeta. ,
'-.' mvtx urn.: 'C i
- ,B. F. Joaea A Co., drugglata, rront aad
Glhbe etreele.
- CotteJ . Drug 1 company, Flret and Gnat
- Fablaa Byerley. druggist, 400 Jaffersoo
atreet, corner Tenth. -,.-.
Bettmaa'a Pharmacy, corner Sixth aad
HaiTiana streets.
Plnmmer Drug company, 300 Tblr atreet,
ornar Madlaoa. ,
XAIT HDX.- '.-V. 'I' .''.L.
W. S. Love, drugglat. cernsf OraatJ avenue
and Eaat Bnraalile atreet.
. Nichols 4V Tkompeoa, 128 Russell atreet,
corner Albms avenue.
Janets Drug company, earner Hawthorne
and Grand avenue. e .
W C. Cable, druggist. : corner Holladay
svenoe and - Larrabee atreet. Bear ateal
B. A. Wilson, 133 Grand aveno near
Beat llorrlaon,
E. W. Ball, S3 Eaat Seventh atreet,
corner Stephen.
-i - .- RrOKXAXB,'- - - - '
" Fl J. Clark, drugglat, 1003 North Takm
arena. '
- ' VVXTSrDX. i
J C. Worth, pharmacist, 0t - Behnont
street. -
' .-'".'' ; XXOOXtTV.' . ' .
Breoklya Pharmacy oompaay, Powell aad
Mllwaakla streets. ' .. . . , . -
. Arista Pharmacy, Aloro and Foster street.
' - ; '-' '-' " aXIXWOOIX ; ' ' .
Hematock'a Pharmacy. 84 rmatllla ara
Boe, corner Beat Thirteenth street. .
- OTTO CROCK ETT, ' '" ' '
KU. -Wtshlneton at . Pbone Black 3ST1. !
Large modern house on weat aide, BMathly real
05; price IS.issX '
T-room modern houaea, beet locality, nice aur
- roundlnga. I3,0ts' each.
Teoaa-auodara houae oa carlla. 2.1u0; .300 .
caab. balence essv.
room bouse, lot 100x100, 11.800; toOO cash.,
palaace eeay. . v- , , . r
S-reom boose oa earllnc, lot of fruit, 11.800.
Ineludlna furniture. -
T-room houae on carlla,, lot 100x100; , price -
1. iw raay aeyukenta.
S-room houae na earllnc, (1.000; terme.
nail bouse, cement basement, aloe ssrreUBd
Inge. IftOO: nayment.
4-rnom houae, full lot, 300; 1280 caab, balance
Sroom hooee. foil Int. fenced. 3373: terms.
n-reem xaonern nouae, eieganx noma, .2uv caan.
. nioc a m aunnyaiaei. wit a aire 1-ro.H -
monera nouae, cenieat waiaa, gaea xuruiiurv,
I4.000. . -..'.. rash, balance two years' time, a nice
little hotel la lambiii county, good nut to.
lugs, goad trade; would exchanga fur Port
lsnd property. Tela about 32.000.
Several good buaiaesa chances to sell or trade.
' '. i. . ACBB TBACTBI ;
' . FaD-elav treat, water . to each aor. .
-.-At e tmm J ' "
Tea ge to the acre 0 fh aam'eae,
pay the Hat Be fern the lot maa pay. Tba
lot maa la year Belghber. bat he ta re
atrieto la majority et features that aaake
a true aabarbaa hams,
A. C CBtTBCHlLL C0 I z. . ,
.. u soe4 gt,t. ... ... : -
':. ' 3 "
- , ,.
'- Acre Lot
On Car Line-
' Water to Every Aer. '
TerauS , Tcraia:! Tara):!t ,'
,' $1 Dowa. '. "-. J '
' 110 a Month. '.'
' ' : 110 Second Street. ', ,
FOB SALE Choicest halt block In Portland.
doe to bnaineea center, one ef the few her
ftalna left. Inquire Max G. Cohen, 400 Ce
umbla bldg., 308 Waehlngtoa at.
FOB SALE o-rooan cottage. hwa, all kinds of
fruity perries, tine son. gooa wsreri zii mm
ntee' wslk to esr line, 10 tn Southern Pacific,
J 2 ml lee from Portland. See owner, A. S.
Ireper, 238 Washington at., city. -
FOB SALB At a bargain, 8 -room cottage nt
Sttnnyald. easy monthly payment. Tn Amos
Mercantile Agency. Abingtoa bllg. ..
TWO fin lota. lOOx 100, corner: good view of
a now mountnina rhesp. A tee new avmiern
fnrnlabed 6-romn bouse, barn.,
,MlB, 1418. . 1
r-ast im, at
S-RoOlkt modern honse, good pentey,- bslb, et.' 1
brick basement under entire nonce; gooa rrwx
oa place; will aell with or without furniture;
a year's eupnly of coal and wood la cellar. '
Inquire 704 rnlon are, K. '
, ABRAHAM. 118 Second at., makee a spe
cialty of hostile sa property; eetabllebed IS
years. Private Exchange 70.
STORY brick hflllillng and lot 80x100 feet on
Front at., central and cheap. F. Abraham.
113 Beyond at. ' - . j ,. ...
FOR SALR- TBxIrlO-toet lot oa Raet Seventeenth
and Conch: will eeu ror i am, it enia in next
few days: fares east: well worth 11,400: will
aen part ef let if desired. Addreaa K.4.
ear JearnL
INCOMB would b at leaat It per rest per
aaanm, or 10 per rent net, eirer paying taxea
and Inaurance oft two modern doable Bouses
and a full quarter block ea vest aide, lef'
good residence district; ths boose occupy -but
Oxino feet, leaving eoxioo feet none
rusted which night b anld off fer I good
enm te reduce to the Ineeator tha east of
the balance of th quarter block on which
the houaea are located; thee bone are
in a good condition and In a desirable Iocs- '
tlon. surroundings good. Price 118,800; half
CL'LYEB. 82 Chamber at Commits. .
Beentlfnliy att listed thla aide of antversHv
ea carllne; lotd 10 each; 30 caah and II
per month. American Investment Co., 222
Falling bldg.. or EygowskL,. bra ach offlca,
Willamette ata Hon. .
trBI'RRAN ACREAOB, near carlln, between
Portland ana Oregon cilyj eery rich Im
proved lend; .1i)0 per sere. . "i
B2S Fslllng Bldg. .
NEW morn hoes fl Beet Taylor at., bit
Aoximi a gono noy at a.1,000 7. mem hone
on JohneoB al., weet aide, n0. Tveuo Kin
atll, oa CetaaMrclal blk. Mala 383
f '
' ' J
. J ...