The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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connuTERS are
Despised Giants Get Busy 'and
-Extract a Match From Van
Haltren's Busy Gang. v '
patting of McCredle'a Pets Wat Too
. i Much for Mr. Blexrud, aa Hia Of
' feringa 'Were Treated to Terrific
- Whacks and Bangs. . ; . ;
. r- ("-pedal Dispatch te Taa Joorsal.)
"San Francisco, Nov. 11. Blexrud waa
rather easy tor the Olant yesterday.
being unable to keep hia eurvea out of
' harm's war., Tha f ieldlng of tha Com
mutera waa not of-a high order of. ex
cellenre, loosa playing being responsible
for aaverat of Portland's runs. Jonee
waa . In tha box for the visitors 'and
managed to keep Van Haitian's gang
buay guesalng. The game on the. whole
waa not a very exciting contest, - few
.' "' playa being jjylled of? , that furnlahed
any difficulty. The acore follows:
AB. R.H. Pa A. R.
, Van Buren. If 4 -1-1
McHale. cf ......... , 4 11 1 - t
Mitchell, lb ... .'. 4 I
Hchdfly, tb. 4 nnnr - 4 1 4 a
Sties, e ......41 1 I
. MoOreedle. rf .10.1 a I 1
Sweeney, tb 4 4 1 1
Ats. as ( 11 i . 2 a
Jones, p..... ,. 1 4 1 I
tSfotala '. .'.r. . . . . . . I .14 T It 17 li "7
) . OAKLAND. -. ., ,.
Van Haltren, cf...... 4 11 Ji a
Kruger,. rf. .......... 4 1 I J 0 a
IHinleavy, If 4 1 . 9 4
Moekiman. lb........ I 4 18 14
Kelly. !b I J 11
Richards, a........ 4 0t 11 1
Devereaux. lb........ 4 4 1114
Bvrne. c .4 4 4 4 1 it
Blexrud, p. ........... 4 . 0 1 I 14
,-Total ....S - I IT ,1
Portland V J 11 I 1 I t 4- J
, Hits l a t o t t a a la
Onkland 0 I 4 1 t
- iHit a i s a I i 4 a i
Three-base hits Mitchell end MeCre
die. Two-base hit MeCredle. Stolen
bases Mitchell-arid Van Haltren. Left
on bases Portland 4, Oakland 4. Struck
out By Jones 4, by Blexrud 4. Double
. play Richards to Kelly.. Umpire Per
rine. . .
Lbs ntlea
Kan Frasrtscs
I'lmmxH sol
o a
T ll
. ajeala Win Is aTlath.
fjaarasl BdmIsI tervtos.1
.'San Francisco, No. 11. The Seals
managed to aqueese the winning run
, home In the ninth Inning yesterday.
Both teama erred frequently. The score:
: 1 R. H B.
Seattle .....9 4 9 114 10 44 ' 4
San Fran... 4 4 4 9 14 0a 1 S t 4
Bat terleaC. Hall and Frary; Whalen,
Henley and Wilson. Umpire MoCar-
,'. Tairteea Xanlar Tie, ' "
f " (Joarnsl Special' aerrlre.l
:Xm Angeles, Nov. 11. Th " Angels
' and Tlgera played a thtrteen-lnnlng 1 to
1 game yesterday, darkness-calling a
hatlt. Tha, features were both teams
1 ' making an enjial number Of hits and
each scoring their run In tha aama In
. rung. The score: ' , -
f ' R. H K.
.'. K A.9 9 9 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 41 4 4
Tan 044144444444 41 J
Batteries Hall and Eager; Brown, and
" Hogan. Umpire Davla. , . ,
XadooT wtaasalaar CoatesV
(Jnarnal Special IUrTtea.1 '
. New York. Nov. ll.Today Is the flrat
' day of the first Indoor swimming contest
held by the New York Athletic club In
the large swimming pool of Its club
house on Central park south. Many of
:" the beat swimmers In the east are en
, tered for the vartoua eventa and a highly
r .' Interesting and spirited contest la ex
I pected. The events Include a 194 yards
swim, . handicap; a fifty yards novice
swim; plunge for distance, handicap
limit 44 feet,-and water polo. The polo
In particular will bring out some of the
best material of the vartoua - attfleUo
and anuatlo clubs of the east.
' . a . 1
A Oeod Brig-bra meat.
The gmateat ton I en earth Is a snea nlsht's
Teat. ' neallMM nlf hta and tbe terrible eiliana
tlea af a hack In rtagh are Aread itngm ef
the ennr nniiDpllTe. But arnr.thla fear ef
the nlaht when a few Awes nf lir. Bearhee's
Herman Srrap will Inenre refreahlns ale,
entlrele free from enaas or stfht sweat f Free
etpertnrailo In the mnrnlna la anade eertaln
..'-he taklna Mermen a.rrnn. It haa rami ew
anmntlnt fer eO years. . Trial hnttle. 2.V-. Sl
wtl. T5c At aU drufgUta. Utt .Orwu't
- Alniaaa,
From Left to Right They Af -Two-Doga-in-the-Show,
Many Important Garnet Being
Played This Afternoon" Be
tween Crack Elevens, i
Berkeley . Playa Stanford, Sherman
Engagea Washington and Oregon
Will Scrimmage With Corvallis
Multnomah Looks Like Winner.
Today la a real football day on the
Pacific coast. From California's orange
scented fields. Washington's froot-bltten
lands, Nevada's sagebrush ' commons
and Oregon's sawdust gridirons the
shouts of thousands of throats will rise
this afternoon In response and encour
agement to the plucky elevens that are
battling for supremacy. - In California
the' Berkeley and Stanford teama are
engaged In' their annual match on the
Cardinal gridiron, - The ehaneee so far
seem to be In favor of the Blue and
Goldmen 61 the University of Cali
fornia. In Seattle the Sherman Indiana are
playing Coach, Cults' team of tb Uni
versity of Washington... .- - ;
" Oregonlans are equally Interested In
the X)regon-CorvaUls . gameatEugena
and the' Multnomah-WIUamett contest
In . Portland. In the former game the
keenest Interest- Is -being manifested and
the struggle wilt be one worth witness'
ing. - It appears today, providing that
Corvallis plays Its game, that the O. A.
C. men will emerge triumphantly In the
match. The farmers hsve a splendid at
tack and It la thought that Oregon will
not be able to. withstand It Eugene
la crowded with spectators and Jollity
will reign. .
, Her In Portland interest eenters In
Multnomah's gam with Willamette on
the club'a grldlroru While the Impres
sion haa gone forth that the Salem men
will have a walk-over with the club
men, the honest feeling In Portland is
that Multnomah will win by at leaat
two touchdowns. While th elub .men
have not been In training so long aa
th colleglana yet the experience of the
winged M men should prevail. . The
game will be called at t o'clock ' sharp
and th lineup will be aa follows: .
Multnomah. - Position. Willamette.
Jordan 147(c). .L.R.R.. ..Henckle 141
McMillan 177....UT.R... ..Pollard 144
Butler 141......L.O.R Marker 144
O. Kellar S00......C Nelson 154
Saunders 171....R. (J. L. .Phllbrook 184
Overfleld 191.... .R. T. L Kellar 1ST
Blaachard 144.. .R. E. Lr- Colaman 141
Reupert 145... ... .Q. ...... .Pat ton 144
Horan tit R. H. L. Nace 144
Owens 154 L. H. R. Long 144
James 111 F. Rader 144
Referee Mr. ajonergan. Umpi
Dr. dinger. -
- . -. . .
. (Journal Bpeetal Berries.)
New York, Nov. 11. Aqueduct race
results: - " .
81x furlongs Hermitage won. Water
Wing second, Caprice, third;, time.
1:141-5. , .
One mile and an eighth Pretension
won. Roycroft second. Lord Badge third;
time, Uta.
On mil, handicap Santa Catallna
won. St Bellane second, Cederstrome
third: time. 1:14 4-5. .
Five furlonga Masaiva won, Mlaa
Ogden aecond.- Lena J. third; timet
1:00. ' ',.-' v .'.'- . .fj
One mile Scotch Plume won, Florr
alia aecond, Llndal third; time, 1:441-5.
Six furlongs Pioneer won. Maid of
Tlmbuetoo second, Nathan Hal third:
time. 1.14 1-5. . '. V ;
A4 VaakvlU. ''' ' . '
.. fjosrnal Sseeial Hervlee.) .
. Nashville, Nov.' 11. Results of races:
. Seven furlongs Nat B, won. Ferry
man second, 8a voir Fair third; time,
1:14 1-5.
Five ' furlongs Miss Cosett ' won.
Pirates' Dane- second. Calmed third;
time, 1:41 1-5. . - .
Seven and on half furlongs Matlory
won.. Labor aecond,. Fallen Leaf third;
time. 1:11 1-5. .
One mile and on quarter Nine won,
Little Boy second) Dr. Hart third: time,
Five furlongs Adesso won, : Deux
Temps aecond, Skeptical ' third; time.
1:01 4-5. .
One mile and one ' quarter Drexel
won. Berry Waddell aecond, Rankin
third; time, 1:01 4-6.
. llseHal Dlapateb te Tke Joe real.)
Salem. Ore.. Nov. 11. M. Hurd. full
back on the Eugen High 'School foot.
ball team, yesterday sustained a frac
ture of th-skull In a gam with th
Salem high school. Tha accident hap
pened ' shortly before tb' rinse of the
game and he continued to play until It
was finished without knowing bow badly
be was injured, it is not thought that
any serious results will follow, Hurd
was easily tha atar of tha visiting team
';'- ," rr.".-ir'."r.'"f' '
Archiqucttc, Strongarm, Little Horn,
and but for him, they Would aurely have
lost. As It was the score at the close or
the game was a tie, being six to six.
Hurd not only played a great game on
offense, but-on defense he would break
through the line and down the 'man wjth
the ball for a loss, r
". Th local team' though outweighed
fully seven pounds to the man excelled
In team work and put up the better
game.. They advanced the pig akin 21
yards during the game while the vlal
tora only carried It 116. .
The vlaltora scored In the second half
while the Salem team made their score
In the first half. Two other times dur
ing the first period of play did the local
boys have th ball within 5 yards of the
visitors' goal, but each .time they were
held for downs. . - , -.
" The features of the game Ware the two
remarkable braces taken by the Eugene
team at these times and the two 10
yard runs of Howard Catlln, who played
right half for the Salem team.
It was the prettiest and best' game
of 'academic football ever seen in this
city .
.The two teama lined up as follows:
Bulom Cary, center; . Miller. ;t left
guard; Slater, right guard; Jones, left
tackle: Mauer, right tackles Reames. left
end Williams, 'right - end; Rhodes,
quarter; Cross, left half; Matthews, full
back; Catlln, right half,
Eugen Mitchell, center: Ellis, right
guard; Applegate, left guard; . Fransic,
right tackle; Leper, left -tackle; Frank
ton, right tackle; Hawkins, left end; W.
Hurd, quarter; Perat, light half;' Kay
kendall, left half; M. Hurd. fullback,'
(Special Dlspatek to Tke Joaraal.)
University of Washington, Seattle,
Nov. II. Coach Ileihpel and his foxy
bunchy of redskins from tha CTier.-nan
Indian school arrived In town yesterday
and wttr battte-wtthrth Untreisl' of
Washington today- The Indians are
confident of victory, and. Judging from
their record last year and the California
games of this year, they know some
thing about th game. Th college Viy
are prepared to put up a game fight aa
It la the flrat big game In Seattle thia
year and it will afford th flrat oppor
tunity to compare strength with sonio
of the teama that they do' not meet
this year.
Coach Hempel of the Indiana has
every conriaenc m nis team and said:
"With a disorganised team, three men
out on account of -injuries, and but
poorly familiar with the signals snd
play because of but little previous
practice, we lost to California 11 to 0,
and after this we outplayed Stanford,
although they won from ua 4 to 4.
With our team aa It now llnea tip I
think we could defeat Stanford II to 4
and California 4 to a or la to a."
The braves sre a husky bunch. Led
by big 200-pound Lubo. who will be
pitted against big Pullen. the whole
team down to their lightest anan. Tortus,
161 pounds, st left half. Is a determined.
tourh.v hard -muscled, experlenoed crowd
whose brawn and muscle will call forlh
th greatest efforts of the Wsshington
players. Three of th. player are
former Carlisle players. ' '
(Special Dwpatck te Tte Journal.)
Corvallis. Nov. .11. The apodal train
to Kugen Uft'thia morning at 5 o'clock,
and 400 people accompanied the team.
Steckle'a men are In the best pf con
dition, and it will be an accident if they
are not winners of tomorrow's game.
Laurence, who accidentally shot him
self through the fleshy part of the leg.
Just before th Berkeley game, I able to
piay. again, and ir he does not suffer
from the Injury when tha limb la put
Into use , tomorrow, there will be no
break nor flaw In the O. A. C. lineup.
Some, well-posted parties in Corvallis
today voice it aa their firm belief that
O. A. C. will wn by a score of 17 to 0;
others say 10 to 4, and atlll othera that
It will not be more than 5 or 4 In favor
of whichever team wlna out Corvallis
stands solid for the orange.
(Jenrsal Special S-rrlee.) '
Berlin. Nov. 11. The International
chesa match between a team of Qermnn
chess players. and a team of American
chess player 'opened today. V lie Ger
man team consists of six crack chesa
players 'belontfhig to different Oerman
chesa clubs. The match Is to be ptuyed
by,, cable, that la. each move will be
-cabled aero th oceaav and the counter
move cabled back. Th Qermnn players
sre' stationed In the receptlot uarlora
of the Landed 1 rt prletora' club The
Berlin Chess cl'ili Is managlnt the
nament for the German players. The
contest will last two days.
. , Football at randlatoa. .
. (Special Dlspatcti to Tb Jen real.)
-FemUeton, Nov. 11. Athena seems to
be eBreosfwIth tha times and la boast
ing a full fledged football 'team. Th
team waa organised this week and ex
pect to play seversl game before the
season closes. The following Is the
way tha members of the team will line
up: r.
George Merrick, center; Arnold Wood,
right guard; Henry LaRrache, right
tackle; W. R. Myer, "right end; Dale
Preston, left guard; Clarence Lane, left
tackle; A. B. Stone, quarterback; Lee
Htteman. fullback; Royal Sawtell. right
hfclf; Lawrence Lleuallen, left half.
Preferred Stock OaaaaWI eoo4s.
Allen 4k Lewis' Best Brand,
. ;- . . .. - :. - -
Little Old ManPeconga, Fremont,
Captain Austin's Youngsters Too
; Foxy for the Military Pig- j
' skin Devotees. ;'
Fumble fat Firat Half Preventa
Newrille From Scoring a Touch
down Hill Men Outweighed Op
ponenta, but Showed No Training.
Tha fourth game for the interaction,
lastlc championship of the city between
the teama of Hill Military and Newlll
Rlverview academies was . played on
Multnomah Held yesterday afternoon
and resulted In a tie, the acore being
0 to . . ,- v" - - -
The Newlllitea entered into th bat.
tie with that Indomitable - "do- or die'
spirit that has turned th ttda in roanV
a gridiron contest In . favor of tha
lighter team. The Hill men did not;
a m to bL willing lt her to do or to
dla. They played a slow, listless and
half-hearted game, as If th whole team
had suddenly gone stale. There was
not a semblance of ' th fierc ' attack
that drov the -High achoolera tn tha
gam of November 4 tiro and again al
most against their very goal line. The
II. M. A. team waa almpiy aead. Tacx-i
Ing In aplrtt and woefully lacking In
knowledge of the gam. It aeema a
aha me that auob excellent football ma
terial ss H. M- A, haa la almply going
to waata. ,
Newlll. on the other hand, played a
strong gam -against a much heavier
team. -Captain , Austin, ever on the
alert and ready to meet any emergency,
played the most brilliant game he ha
ever played In hia life, and never waa
In finer fettle.
Hill waa severely handicapped by th
loaa of their punter, their punta acarce
ly averaging 19 yards. Therefor th
cadets had a hard tlm to. get h ball
out of their territory.' arid only . the
watchfulness and gritty . tackling of
Hugsins, H. M. A. aafety fullback, pre
vented Austin several times from scor
ing. ' ' ';
-N. R. A. kicked off to H. M. A.' 6
yard line. Dlmmlck ran the ball to the
zv-yara line, mil now caneo lor tan
dem 'right, ahootlng Taylor straight
through, but th whole left strw hrld
and IL M. A. waa penalised 16 yards
on the first down. Dlmmlck tried td
buck center, but failed. Taylor then
punted la yards, on aeven playa N,
R. A., orsrather Austin, carried the ball
to H. M. A.'a 1-yard line. Hera Downs
waa - hit hard -and fumbled, the ball
bounding over ' ' th goal for a
touch back. H. M. A. kicked out from
the 16-yard line. After that HUl'a goal
I In waa threatened no mora, but tha
cadets could, make no consistent .gain,
on Newlll. The half ended with the
ball In tha middle of th field. Score,
4 to 4. On th second half H. M. A.
did a we bit better, repeatedly tackling
N. r. A. behind the line, and one
Knettle, HTM. A.'a big center, blocked
Austin's punt. But again they could
make no consistent gains. Twlc they
were penalised for holding and for hav
ing ilv men behind th line of scrim
mage and their only salvation was that
Newlll could make no consistent galna
either. The gam ended In N. R. A.'e 44
yard line and H. M. A. won tha ball on
tha toss up. Soors, 0 to 4. '-
The game waa remarkable for Its ab
sence of. wrangling of any kind and of
slugging. It waa undoubtedly tha
clesnest game of the season so far.
Th line-up: , '
N. R. A. v H. M. A.
Brewer ...4.....L. PI R. ...... , French
Jamleeon .,..1 T. R.. . f .- Volgt
Pink ...... , ... I. iO R . m . . . Dowason
Campbell .C. ........ . Knettle
Settlemeler .....R, O. L..... Will Isms,
Rett R., T. L. Loom is
Bailey ...... ....R. E. Ix.Runey, Lllley.
Austin (c)...,,.L. H. R..,. Taylor (.
Downs ....... ..R. H. L....... Gleason
Penton F. ...... . Dlmmlck
Forest Grove. Or.. Nov. 11. The cur
tain haa fallen over the football season
at Pacific university. Moleskins and
shlnguarda sre no longer In the lime
light. The failure of the manager to
secure a gam for. tha period Inter
vening between the contest at Newbera
and that of Thanksgiving day haa
brought discouragement . to tha hearta
Of the football warriors, who. have de
cided to give tip training entirely. Th
atudent body la sorry outcome,
for tt will- have a tendency to kilt the
football spirit at th university. The
showing made this season by tha team
waa not encouraging. Not a alngle
game waa won by tha bom eleven. Yet
m spite ef thla fact, and handicapped
by not having a .competent coach from
the start to direct ' the training each
day, tha men have turned out to prac
tice remaraaniy wen. .
With the outgoing of the football man.
the center of the Blase is tsken up by
the basketball player. In this branch
nf athletics the unlversltr'a oroaoects
are of a brighter hue. '
Kennedy and Lube.
Eugene Scene of Bonfires, Danc
ing and Yelling on Eve of
. Corvallis- Came, i '
Enthusiasm Reached Ita Height Laat
Night When Staid Old CoUege Pro
feaaora Joined . With ' the Student
Body in Making Big Celebration.
T Hplat Dispatch to Tke JearasD
Eugene. Or.,. Nov. 11. The cltlsena
of Eugene turned th town over-to the
'varsity students last evening and aa a
result college spirit over th gam to
day waa carried far Into tha night
Early In the evening a monstrous bon
fire was built on Klncaid field, the
wood being furnlahed by the freahman
class in accordance with cuatom.
Nearly 109 students assembled around
th big fir and the cltlsena of the city
assembled in th grandstand to witness
tha rally. With songs, yells, dancing,
mualo and fireworks the fun began, and
later ther was sneaking by Eugene's
mayor. Regent Friendly, Coach Shorts
and othera. .In th Urge crowd which
waa present there were many strangers
and the Impression that they got Is
said to be of the best college spirit ever
shown in the northwest. .
On tha evening local th officials for
th fclg game arrived and a large num
ber or students were, on band to wet
coma them. " Already the - hotels sre
crowded to their utmost and a aafe
eatimate places the number of strangers
in the cltr at 1.990.
Early thla morning th young ladlea
of th university met the Rooters' dub
and distributed regulation arm bands,
which are to be worn In the big street
parade. The business houses all intend
to clos during th afternoon and a
great majority have decorated their
places In regular holiday attire.'
Up to laat evening 1417 or Corvallis
money .had been covered by Eugene
sports and ready monev waa In hani
for any kinds of odds. More coin of the
realm will change hands today than, at
any other athletic event played In Ore
gon for years. ' r
Nordyk waa th flrat player to make
tot hlta, reaching that mark on tha
fifth' at San Francisco. ,
Nagle of the Los Angeles club haa
not lost a gam yet, having won eight.
Gray of tha Lo Angeles club hss won
11 and lost 1 games this second halt
of thla season, having a pitching per
centage of .111, and the last game he
loat waa on Heptember t at Oakland.
Wiralerr lull leada with the greatest
number of shut outs, having pitched 14
of them and 5 of them against Portland.
Bernard of Los Angeles missed but
one In the laat II games to make one
or mora bits, batting for an-average-of
Dillon of Los Angeles missed but
one In th last 11 games, batting for
an average of .415.
Cravath of Loa Angeles missed but
one In th laat 11 games, batting for
an average of .125.
Sacrifice hlta Bheehan 47, Van Buren
44, Francks 41, Oochnauer It, Flood 15,
Kane 14, Ross 12, McLaughlin 21.
Wheeler 20, Nordyke 21. McHale. Wal
ters, C Graham. Householder and Kel
ly 21 ach. Casey 25. .
Stolen bases HUdebrand 15, Nealon
41, Bchlafly and' Flood 17 each. Kruger
53, Kane. 51, Dillon 4t. Dunleavy 47,
. We mean tbe Rightly PU1 Habit. May relieve yonr constipation, bnt really
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yonr. natural f unctions, "" x '.,'",: "''
Chase's Constipation Tablets
.Thia ia the Pure New Era Products, made in Detroit, famous all tha
4 world over, a written guarantee
ing with each can waa 11.73
It ia guaranteed aa good aa when it left th factory, and la gold
at-thig price. because water and amok half destroyed the labcla and
. aoiled the cana. .. .. '''",
Painters White Lead 6jc Pound
' That amootU finish, ao easy
, to keep clean i farmer price
$2.50 per gallon. 1 ?C
- Now, .'. J lea)
ENAMEL -i',:
" Transforma the old line tub .
- to porcelain; L former price,'
quart, $1.40. - ; . .75
Now.. .
a a eeaoeeas
'.' For steam pipes, radiators, gaa
ranges, etc.; former pnee,
. . .
No one will ever again buy
these splendid good a tor now.
208 Front Street, Between Taylor and Salmon. ,. Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main aooo
McLaughlin and Bernard 44 each. Wal-
dron and Irwin 45 each. Nordyke. Jud
Smith, Blankenshlp. Doyle, Bheehan aad
Cravath 40 each, Bpencer, Householder,
Van Haltren and Rosa 11 each. McHale
17, Strelb 15, Casey and Mohtor 11 each,
Ata and Lynch 19 each, Devereaux and
Francks 14 each, Braahear 25.
Two-base ' hlta Nordyke 51. thin
leavy 44, Nealon 41, Etgan .and House
holder 41 each, McLaughlin 17. McLean
and - Jod Urn 1 1 h 15 each Bchla f ly 1 1.
Bheehan, Dillon. Braahear and Cravath
11 each, Devereaux 10, McHale, Flood.
HUdebrand and Kruger It each.-Lynch
Three-base hits Householder snd
Dunleavy It each. Kane,"Cravath. HI1de
brand and Van Haltren t each, Nealon
. Van Buren. Bchlafly, Nordyke, Dillon,
Brashear-and Kruger- 4-each, Flood,
Waldron and Byrnea 4 each.
' Home runs Earnn 10,- CraVath ' T,
Nordyke and Dunleavy - each. Flood
and Nealon lesch. -. ; ,.
Cheater Murphy of thla city will be
head linesman In today's game between
Berkeley and Stanford. - "Chef knowa
the game and besides being abl to keep
the lln straight will have hta eagle eye
on the end If they get offside on punts,
and on tha fellowa who may rough the
fullback. .., ,
a ' . v .
: After carefully looking over both
elevens. It appears that the chances are
In favor of Multnomah defeating Wil
lamette today, by at. leaat two touch.
At Palo Alto this afternoon th Berk
eley eleven should defeat Btanford on
form. Captain Force'e men wearing the
blue and gold are In great form,
v .
At Eugene, wher Oregon and Corval
lis are playing. It looks as If Oregon
will go down before tb Farmers by a
couple of scores, ,
... . e t
" At Seattle the Sherman Indiana will
engage tha University of Washington
squsd and a rattling good game la on the
boards. The Indian should triumph.
Coach Chauncey Bishop and hia hop
growers from Salem arrived thia morn
ing from the Capital City full of con
fidence and determination to win. There
1 nothing like confidence.-,' -.
, . e e
Manager Watklns dreamt laat night
that he and Wllklns aqd Kellar apent
seven hours walking around Portland
looking for soma one who had Willam
ette money. Not being able to find any
hopgrowera with money, Frank woke up
and all beta are off.
Idaho Beata Waaaiag-toa. .
(Jnnrnal Special gervke.)
Moscow, Idaho, Nov. 11. In a closely
played game .yesterday the I'nlverslty of
Idaho triumphed over Washington state
college team by the score of 5 to 4. Ida
ho outplayed the Pullmaa team. '
Shake the Habit!
25 Cents
The Old Original; former
; K'T:?:.'!!:..;...40c
The kind that staya on your
- floor; former price tfl flA
-CRESOLENE shingle -
STAIN ;. . " - ' '
Wears well; won't fade; form
er price $1.25 per J. 7Ar
., ' gallon. Now., ..... fvl
" Makes your . floor look like
' mahogany; former price $27S
Painta at tha ericea w ara aalling
of purity go-
Don't neglect the opportunity. ,
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, '
Poultry Netting. Ete. '
atfj FLANDERS ST.. Near Third
Marvelous Is whst all th dentists sar .
bout th wonderful system of Alveolar
Dentistry, originated and practiced ex
clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists,
zaiM Morrison street, jrm save teeth If "
only a goodroot remains. W restore
old decayed teeth to usefulness and
beauty. .
We replace Joat or absent teeth with-
out plates. .. . r. ; . ..- .....
' .We extract teeth without pain tree
of charge.
We treat and tighten loose teeth, and
soft or bleeding gum are mad aound
and healthy. . . , .
Wa guarantee our platea to fit.
r'We give you tha beat dental work for
tha lowest cost consistent . with first
class work. Come and have free examU
nation and consultation and learn for
yourself what wa cn do for you.
Boston Painless Dentists
atlH acarriaon UK Op p. ted ft Freak
XOTrm Stan a.aLtla. ia. Shut.
lay, uao a. aa. a ltiao p. aa.
s Portland
Everything to eat and drink, and
It eoata no more in th
FortUni Hotel 5atbkaDr
than elsewhere In the city. Every
weekday night from 4: JO to 12.
X. O. BOWXmg. acaaage.
fat Folks.
I hav reduced my weight 15 pounds.
bust ntn Inches, walat eight inches and
hips nine Inches In. a short tlm by a
aruarantsed. - harmless remedy without
exercise or starving, t want to tell you
all about It. Enclose stamp and ad
dress. Mrs, Charlotte Woodward, Ore
gon City. Or.
HEWBUK crr, jr. r.
L. 1
.. ... .4 " - i -..