The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1905, Image 1

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    f vA
'; Generally fair tonight; Sunday ,
probably ah o wen; winds mostly
southerly. I
Journal Circulation
' VOL. IV. NO. 215.
DDirn Twn PF.NTS. m
-a aw "- - --JBTaSJ. UVg CENTS.
J ewis h Relief FundWill
Be Largest Raised
i n Portland.
Russian Workmen Form a
f Frorn, Ma!sisadreS
v. When there is. a disaster like
4-ealamities like the johnstown flood
, all classes, creeds and conditions
.- manity that makes the whole, world kiiu There is then no distinc
tion between Jew or Gentile; whether they have met their fate in
" sudden and shocking death or money is needed for the homeless and
destitute that survive them- The calamity appeals to every man
with a heart in his bosom and he stops to consider hothtng.btrt that
there is crying need for the little money that he ie able to contribute
' to relieve distress or mitigate destitution. . , f
rV hen there-was' a famine in
ican people, without distinction rose to the emergency and did their
whole duty as humane men and women should do it. ' A calamity
has now befallen the persecuted Jews of Russia.' Fifty thousand,
perhaps more of them, have been slain and the end is not yet.
There is need of enormous sums of money to meet the barest wants
of the persecuted survivors. While the Jews'themselves' have cori
'tribuied to every emergency fund that has been raised in this coun
try" to meet the sudden- needs of
wmiejHgyr-JiaVfeexcIusivelyareyiorrthetr'Owii chantrgsTTnere
l, is now upon them ajcalamity so appalling as to makeita matter of
world-wide concern and magnitude,' a calamity almost beyond the
power of one class, however generous, to relieve. V
' In such an emergency the calls of a common humanity should
-appeal-quite as loudly .to.ihe Gentile as. the Jew.rThis isa plane
upon which all 'can meet and all -should meet. v . , ; ; . , ' , , : ,
The; Christian chufchgs of-Portland should take up the question
tomorrow. . ' ; " -- ',1'; : ;V ,.'"'." ",'7X -''2 ';'V
f Every preacher irr the city should make an appear to his con
gregationr , lie should set forth the dreadful conditions that pre
vail and the magnitude of the tisk before those who would succor
the stricken and starving. On that ground, he should appeal to his
congregation for contributions and these in bulk should be turned
' over to the chairman of-the Ideal relief committee to be forwarded
by him to the central committee in New York whence. they will be
shipped through safe agencies to Russia there to afford the relief
so much needed. X"; . ' J.: "
Here is "an opportunity, for, Portland that should not be missed
to put itself in line with progressive humanity everywhere, which
in the face of such a calamity thinks of no creed or class, but sees
alone the need of, aid that may be rendered to human beings like
themselves". ' , ' ' rv V';','' ' '
The Journal received this morning the following self-explanatory
note:-'.''- v ' '.. ', .
"Pastor's Study, First Presbyterian Church, 454 Alder Street
Please find inclosed my check for $10 toward the fund now being
raised to assist the persecuted Jews of Russia. , It is a good cause.
When people are suffering as are the Jews of Russia no difference of
creed should be allowed to limit one's sympathy. Very sincerely,
; . . . "JiDGAR P. HILL." '
rnntrihMtions received by The
The Journal
' iiiii !C" !v III
RevDr. Edgar P.
Hebrews of Warsaw Terrified by Appearance oil Doors of Strange
j Signs Forty Thousand Workmen Will Protect Jews .
From Slaughter at
(JooeaaL-SnecUl Snrvlea.t
St. Petersburg, Nov. 11. The Jews, pf
Warsaw were thrown Into a (anlc todaVr"'01'" sections of tha city In the event of
by. tha appearance during the night on
Infira of strans marks. It Is believed
tha marks are proof that resH antl
semltlc riots are being planned and that
the marks Indicate the houses selected
for an attack. A deputation of It
aristocrats left Warsaw todsy to pre
sent tha demands of tha Polea for au
tonomy. ' '"-'''' '.t:'. ' '"
FoHy- ' thousand worklngmen 1 held
meetings here 'today and decided to
press demands for an ' S-hour working
day. notwithstanding threats of employ
era to close their factories If tt was
done. - Worklngmen also 'took alepa to
prevent the threatened massaera In thla
city today of Jews and "Intellectuals.':
Tha workmen resolved to protect tha
: Portland'a Christian ministers.' appre
ciating the appalling conditions which
exist In Russia among the Jewish people
and tha necessity of Immediate relief,
will tomorrow state the oase to their
congregations and Invite all sympa
thisers to contribute to tha relief fund.
Among . those who have announced
that they would, do hls are Dr. Hlll of
tle First Presbyterian. Dr. House of the
First Cnngresationsl, Dr. Ilrouaher of
(the White Temple, Dr. Gilbert of Csl
Wary. Presbyterian, Pastor Monlgomer
, fcif the Third Presbyteries Pastor Ptsiih
. Vfitbe Siinnjalde Congrcgallonal, Drtl
that at Heppnef or overwhelming
or the destruction of Galveston
meet on a common plane of hu-
Ireland. India'or. Russia the-Amer
calamity - stricken districts or, cities
Journal to date:
17, 11 I . !
St. Petersburg.
Jewa and atudenta themselves. They
organised Into detachments to guard va-
outbreaka similar to those In the south.
.. Fears are entertained that tha threat
ened attack on the Jews will occur In
Moscow as In Warsaw and tha cardial.
Tha prefect of police . haa taken ex
traordinary measures to crush uny dis
order. ' . ' .. '.. j-
'"AH la qilet at Kronstadt. the mu
tinous sailors have all aurrendered and
tha leadera deported. , Every loth sailor
Implicated fn tha riots is to be shot.
Prisoners In tha Jail at Kiel) Inert re
volted last night and demanded their
freedom. Tha request was refused and
tha prisoners ignited tha Jail. Troops
were hurried to tha arena and fired upon
the prisoners, killing tt and wounding
ffltsen-of tha First I'nlt'ed Presbyterian
The T. M. C. A. snd Y. W. C. A. wllfals
solicit contributions, j . ......
Portlands Jewish population will
raise more money for tha relief of the
Victims of the Russian outrsgea than
Was ever before contributed for a like
purpose by residents of this city. Not
less than will be roller ted here,
which Is probably a larger sum thsn
sny other city with the same number
of Jewish residents? will give. :
Ken Belting, .who lei at tha head of tha
Continued on PsgeTwo.)
Bert Selling, Chairman of the
!n,th Event That th Contest Is
Year, Hearst and McClellan
Governor Higgins Declines to interfere"
IJoarail Bnaclul rlo.)
".New Tork. Nov. 11. In tha event of
th courts not havlna adjudicated th
niayowlty , content by th flrKt of thi
rar. It ia said that W.- R. Hnarat haa
deoldod to . taka the oath of, of flea and
preaent hlmaelf at the olty hall, and de
mand . poaseanlon of the .office, In that
event New. York will have two mayors, and McClellan-,- and each will
end a mrssnae to the' aldermen and
each will appoint offlclala. The courta
wilt be Oiled for ' mon t In with tangled
litlfratlon. - -
Ilearat . today petltloni-d Governor
Hlsirlna to order all ballot-boxea placed
In the armory and mirdd by mllltlar
men. The governor considered tha mat
ter and refuaed to Interfere In any way.
It la understood that the pi a re now
selected for tha boxes la not fireproof
nor burglar-proof.
All day clerka under tha direction or
Hnarat'a lawyera continued tha com-1
" . (Journal Special Serrlee.) '
1 Denver, Nov. 11. By running a large
needle Into hia toe Bert Clark of thla
city Is suffering. Intensely and Is Jn a
dangerous condition by the. working of
tha needlo upward In his leg. where It
has now reached the large part of the
calf. Repeated' efforts to. remove thf
needle have proved futile and the' aid
of surgeons wus called, s J
, The toe Was operated upon, but tha
, ' (Jmirnil Special Service.)
Chicago, Nov. 11. Imprlaoned 40 mlnf
utes- In a pi; of ,the Bascule bridge,
where at -any-moment ; a 'passing boat
would have opened the bridge,. bringing
down tipoti.Jilm a 1 It-ton weight, Daniel
Delaney s hair turned inow white.
. ti..,.t-- n wnrk earlv thlitf morn
ing he stumbled Into the pit, fulling at
feet into waierup 10 ni -n;. .. xm
V" . , , - -
' ' (Joursal IpertaT Servlee.t
New Tork, Nov. 11. Edna Wallaca
Hopper, tha actress. Is prltkally 111 of
appendicitis In her, apartment IfT this
city but the doctora nava not yet, de
cided to operate. For some time tha
Actress ha been playing In a road com
pany..' Two weeka ago. shS. began, to
oomplaln of not feeling' well, and when
the company made a, jump. Trom Detroit
to Buffalo 8ttrdy night she came to
this city and consuliSd a physician.,. He
advised her to take a long rest but she
said It was necessary for hei"- to Join her
company at Buffalo ln time for tha per
formance : Monday night Bhe played
Monday ; and Tuesday nights, then be-
rama very. Ill and hastened to this city.
Standard Cats rioe ef Oil. -, '
' " f Jnersal Special SWle .
Pittsburg. . Nov. II. Tha Standard OH
Mimnany reduced, the price, of crude, oil
three cents In the east and two cents ID
the west today.. . . , .
"Jewish Sufferersr Relief Committee. '
Not Decided by the First of the
VVill Both Be Sworn In ' ,
rt rf-j -.i."--
parlaon of tally sheeta In various pre
cincts and tha count turned In by tha
police and election Judges.
The grand. Jury yesterday returned It
Indictments, 10 for violations of tha
election law and two for assaulta com
mitted at tha polls Tuesday. . Tha in
vestigations are to be continued by At
torney-Oeneral Uayer and State Bupeiv
Intendent of Elections Morgan Into tha
alleged frauds ' until the legislature
meets, according to information given
out today;. '
. Mr. Hearst states' that he haa discovr
ared some very amaslng things and the
deeper tha investigation Into the election
frauds goea the uglier It looks. "We
have evidence against 11 district leaders
and will sentf several of .them to Jail,"
aald Mr. Hearst- "l am Just aa much
interested 1n tha criminal prosecution aa
I am In tha recount. It In for this rea
son that I have offered $10,009 reward
or. evidence .agajnat the district leaders.
needle could not be located and X-rays
waa -used.. Several .-times -the -doctors
thought the .needle had been located and
rut the foot .and - leg. . but tha needle
had moved. again and .further X-ray
pcturea were necessary.
t It seems that by tha time -tha sure-eons
take, a picture of tha . needle
through. the X-ray and have a negative
developed ' the needle, moves on In an
upward course - and no tract can be
found by the use of the knife.
managed to find the edga.ppon which hi
stood, 'and 'shouted for help, every. sec
ond straining . hi Clearing - for . the
whistle or a tug, - which would have
sounded his death knell. . k .,
By a - miraculous piece of Inck no
vesselv passed, ntn calls were Anally
heard. Iielaney waa 40 years old when
ha fell Into the pit. but 70 when he was
pulled out,-40 minutes .later. '
(Journal Special totTtm.) '
8tv Iuls. Nov 14 . On a third .charge
of accepting fees wtvlle a United "States
senator, foe Using His Influence with tha
postal department. . Senator Joseph R.
Burton was again ' indicted "by ttie
federal grand Jury last night He is
not charged withy receiving any money
In Wssh"nrt'n -In, the new Indictment
hut Ist'charavd -with- Kavlng-a-greed In
8t . I-ouls to socept 'a fee of f&OO a
month. Owing to tha statute of limita
tions should i"Uemurrer to this third
Indictment be sustained It will be Im
possible to reindict Burton for any rrf
his alleged offenses In connection with
tha Hlalto Oraln A Hecuritles .company.
. Wasted Baok Wedding Blag.
' ' Hpe,-lal DlapatcS tn The Jmirnal.) '
Taronm, Wash., Nov. 11. Because his
wife left him, alleging that he treated
her cruelly, Fred ' Ouclette swore to' u
complaint charging her With stealing
Jewelry whlrh was found to consist of
her wedding ring and chain. Tha of fi
lacer refused to serve the warrant.
Farmers' and Shippers' Congress
Meets at McMinnville Under
-. , Auspices' : of Willam-: :
ette League. ;
J. N. Teal Assures Delegates That
TPortlsnd Will Aid inr Development
-of All' Parts of the State Presi
dent Hofer Talks of Tax' Reforms
' and Levies. ;'"
. (8pecll DUpeteh to The Joaroal.) ; -McMinnville,.
Or., Nov. 11. The
Farmers' and Shippers' eongreaa. held
under the- auspices of the Willamette
Valley Development . leaguev convened
at l:t0 o'clock thla morning at Bums'
hall. President O. O. Hodson of the
McMinnville - Development ' league de
livered an addresa of welcome and a
response was made by Colonel K. Hofer,
president of the Willamette league.
Who 1 -presented the -laJnia nt a deop
watet harbor arid direct outlet to the
aea by the central Willamette valley,
Joseph N. Teal of Portland and Judge
W. H. Hollls of Forest Grove followed,
speaking upon Coos bay and the neces-
rlty for : lis ' Improvement in relation to
the rest of the state.
- At the afternoon- session Coos - bay
people had-tha floor. -After music had
been rendered by tha Glee club repre
sentatives of Coos bay delivered ad
dressee and were followed by Walter I
Toose of Wood burn, Jamea Wlthycomba
of Corvaltle - and Governor. Chamber
lain. ' Resolutions to congress will be
passed requesting harbor improvements
at Coos bay.
Music by the orchestra and Glee olub
livened up both meetings. Tola even'
tng there will be a number of speeches,
followed by an Informal social recep
tion. , Among those that took a promi
nent part in tha proceedings were Major
F. W. Roessler of tha United Btatea
army corps of engineers and J. D. Lee
of Portland. .
jr. V. Teal'a Addraas.
' J. K. 'Teal of Portland spoke In part
aa follows: .
"Of late geographical tinea have been
almost obliterated -and' we view our
atate and tha entire northwest aa a
whole. Our deatiny Is so Interwoven
with each other that to meet with per
manent auccess wa must adopt aa our
motto "One for all, 'and all for one.'
'"I presume if I can show you that
tha development of this section will
help Portland you will then prob
ably place more credence In my state
ment that Ita cltlsens will aid, in any
way they can. everything that will
further any movement that will tend to
the advancement of the atate generally,
"Coos bay forests, except where close
to' streams, are practically untouched.
At present it Is the only county in the
'' rr'wl"-'"g tutmi .In rnmmelTlal
quantities. Its dairy lands, would make
the mouth oft even a Yamhill farmer
water. They raise fine livestock of all
kinds, cereals and fruits ' grow and
thrive, and In time to come this will be
a great agricultural country. They
pack large Quantities of salmon, have
shipbuilding and other . manufacturing
plants, ami Industries and creameries
without number.
' Xrfwka Only a Ballway.
"What It has lacked, what It still lacks,
Is transportation facilities. Fortunately
Coos county haa one outlet which nature
provided Coos bay-Mind through this,
notwithstanding other disadvantages,
this country ha prospered amaslngly.
"A road to Coos bay Is now assured,
and I believe that before long there will
he more than ona road constructed
through southeastern Oregon seeking a
share In tha traffic of this rich seetlon.
Wl(h the road to Coos bay In operation,
provided the bay la properly. Improved,
so as to accomodate deep vessels," nsw
market will be opened up to tha rest of
the state, and aa Its population grows
fco-, a like degree . we will all be
benefited. "Portland wants thla trade.
',' Portland Wants OoaL .
lt us now take up Coos bay proper.
Coal la the one article above all others
needed, not only by Portland, but by
many other tactions of tha state. The
(Continued on Page Two.)
If you want
a real news
paper get The
S unday
Jo urn
Miss Eleanor Chesnut," Presbyterian
nUssionary,, who was thrown -into
a river and speared with tridents by
a Chinese Mob at Lien Chow. . '
Streetcars Lighted and Head-
- Flash Beams
Into Mist. .'
Air Is Chilly and People Who Come
; Early to Work Suffer From Sharp,
Damp Cold No Accidents Re
ported to Police.
Over the elty of Portland thla morn
lng there ..fell a fog o. thick, and. pene
tratlng. so deep and obscuring that tha
city , was In partial, darkness for. a
greater part "of the forenoon. It waa
ona of the heaviest fogs of the year, but
acoldenta because of it were f e w. .
Street cars were lighted! during tha
early morning hours and each carried
a headlight flaring dimly through tha
gloom. They ran cautiously and alowly
through the atreeta, feeling their way,
aa It were, through tha fog cloud that
circled about them. -
On the river tha fog hung closely until
lata In tha dav. Horna called, ahrtllv to
each other' and hoarae whlstles-of
answered (he piercing onea of the big
steamera which poked their way through
i he pall of ; dampneas. . email craft
hugged tha shore, rarely venturing out
In the stream. '
Tha air waa chilly. Many persons
who'hurrted down town esrly In tha day
were heavily wrapped and those whb
forgot their overcoats' had good reason
to regret It ' With the cold there was a
dampness caused by tha fog that was
annoying to those who ware forced to
endure It. Street car motorraen rubbed
their hands whenever they could and
stamped their feet to keep warm.
At the regular day-break hour it was
totally dark throughout tha valley thla
morning. At 7:39 o'clock objecta oould
and until S practically all the cars were
equipped with headlights.
' It. waa noon before tha fog lifted suf
ficiently to permit the aun to appear. Sr
accldenta were reported at police head
quarters Ss the result of the unusual
weather condition. '
' ("peela! Dispatch to The Journal.)'
Aahland Or., Nov. . 11. Fred Parson,
the only son of: Dr. J. 8. Parson, of
Ashland, agod about 10 yeare, committed
auiclde here last night by taking lauda
num at a restaurant Hla companions
for some tlma tlloVnot realise whatt he
had. dona' when his father was quickly
notified and - th - youth - was carried
home..' Efforts to save-his life were
made .until to 4 o'clock this morning.
Ha' left letters as to his funeral .and to
aeveral friends. . XJ. "
(Journal SnecUl "ftvtTlre.)
Carlsbad. Austria, Novj II. Jrfhn R
Towellaof Pennsylvania, American con
sul here, died this morning. ., .
"The Great Interrogation." by Jack London, one of the best ahort
tones by the author of. "The Sea Wot f," is the banner atory. of this
issue.- . '';'''.'",.'"" . ' " ' ' u - '
:. "How a Dub Won a Job' tells the story of a real experience.
-Race suicide in the United States is a real peril and figures are given
td prove it. ' ' ' ' . ' . ; . ". '.".. '
' " Empcto "VVilliam of Germany has more uniform than Berry Wall
has neckties. A color. page gives-yrm a glimpse of them. ' V
Women in the hall of fame, who they are and what they did.
1 Ameer's queen's tmfrderous fury discourages polygamy with dirk,. . .
Ouf consular system in China, its , injustice snd nieauref f.r hi
.reform. s , .-'-,
' The refiriment 'of Charles Dana Gfbon I ijluslrafejl with In own ;
drawing of his neweat Gibson girl ' -,.-r " ' , '
The onjy color supplement ptiblishrd in Portland on Sun.ljy, tlirrc
pages of funny pictures for the children, the only special Icj-cI wire
to-caffy all the-'newa that gives yon a fleeting g!irupe ( ionnrr.-w 'a
edition of rortla,nd's live, independent newpaprr . , , . J
President . Earling Admits Roacf
Is Building Through Black
Hills Region, Then Re
.fuses to Say More.
Vancouver and Suburban Is Thought
to Be North" Bank Route of Mil
waukee Down Columbia and O. W,
P. Final Terminal Section Wallula
Pacific an Auxiliary Line. :
-iWe-JiaveLa.uUior!ed construction .:..
tha Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul rail
road west from Chamberlain to Rapid
City, at tha foot of tha Black bills,
distance of about 233 miles. I have
nothing to say -further than that." said '
A. J Earling, president of the company.
Ha arrived In Portland this morning,
over the Oregon Railroad iavlgatlonj-,
-I m pony's Tines, In the private car, "St.
raui, airect from Omaha. .t -
Notwithstanding the magnate's retU
cence. enough haa been learned from his
expressions on his visit here and from
sources that are anqueatlonably reliable,
to warrant tha statement that the Mil
waukee hi preparing to build Its main)
line across tha continent to Portland.
Xenry Dart la rarty. -Mr.
Earllng'a companion on -the trip
are eastern men connected with flnan-
clal Interests. Ona of them Henry
Davis well known on this coast, for- '
aaerly 'was assistant general passengrf .
agent of the Northern Paclfio at 8t.'
Paul. He la now In business on Wall
street Mr. Earling refused to give tha
name ; of his other companion. Their
car waa sidetracked and cleaned her
and tha three men spent tha morning
at tha office of H. S. Rove, general
s gent of tha company, and at the Port- '
lamf hotel. No private conferences were
held excepting with Mr. Rowa. Mr,
Earling met a number of friends and
much tlma waa spent In friendly con
versatldn with them in the hotel lobby.
tugs-i3"111" afternoon they looked about tha
city and -tonight they will leave for
Seattle and Tacoma and return aaat
over the Northern Pacitla. At Seattle
Mr. Earling will confer with 11. R. Wil
liams, president of the Beattla aV Pa
cific, which is tha sound branch of tha
transcontinental line the Milwaukee haa
started to build to tha Pacific coast
- JPortlaad to Be Terminal. ,
That Portland Is to be the terminal of
tha Milwaukee not tha slightest doubt
la felt by anyone who la close, to tha
company's plans, i
"Portland people have been expecting
you. on this trip, to tell them something
concerning the Milwaukee's reported
plans to extend the main line to thla
city.", Mr. Earling waa told.
I have nothing to say at this time."
w ash I a reply.
. "Are you willing to state what con
nection exists between tha Milwaukee
and the company that - has been -or-ganlaed
by Mr. Williams at Seattle, and.,
between your road and tha Vancouver A
Suburban project T" , ,
"I would rather not be Interviewed on
that aubject." '., -
He said he was In Portland' n' his)
usual visit, which occurs every year or
two. Ha Is here at this time to make a
general examination of the country and ;
note Improvement and growth.' lie waa
eager to learn everything possible about
the . development and productivity of
every aectlon of the country, front :
southern Oregon to the British Columbia
Una. . .
oaad Terminals aeurad.
The Milwaukee management la In
position of, half preparedness for pub
licity of Its plana. It haa secured ter
minals Int, Tacoma and Seattle, and la .
said to' be' buying rights of way down
the north bank of tha Columbia river
through the Wallula Pacific, a company '"
organised by l Oerllnger. who was sup-
posed to have been acting aa tha agenf
of tha O. R. N. company In tha latter
fight against, the Northern Pacific. Mr.
Oerllnger, pressed this morning to say
what Interests ha la acting for, said:
"I don't know. I am proceeding aa
cordlng to my directiona from New
(Continued on Page Two.)