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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, FRIDAY. EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1CQ5, Mr- Ml r 1 ODKI nous A DAD DIVE Poltca "Raid Notorious Place , ' Kept by James Randle and ? '' i VJ. Gibson. . . FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL - IS ONE OF THE INMATES -- - - :t Two Women and Two Men Are Ar- ;: rested, and Proprietor of Place ' . Taken in Custody Gritimacher ' Starts Crusade of Extermination. Police attention having txrn directed to tlu "lodglng-hou" - conducted by June! Randle and J. Gibson, at Second '' and Taylor streets, 'through a replevin ' suit filed for possession of a trunk In .Justice Reld's court. It wa kept under surveillance for several night by Acting- Detective Hellyer and evidence was ' secured warranting- a raid, which was . mad last night by Acting--Detectives Hellyer, Kay and Jones, with surprising . results. . v.. r ,. j ; - In the house when the raid took place at. s o'clock this morning- was found ' Jennie Leghars, a 16-year-old girl. In the company of lT. C Wilson. The girl waa partly Intoxicated. " . Lulu Wilson. Sally Tom Lin, W. D. ' ' Porter and J. Barton' were placed under l" arrest and charged, with statutory of- .' S enses. . . ...' , Randle and .'Wilson war a, formally - charired-wlth-eonductliif- a -disorderly Jiousel by the authorities and were ar- - rested on warrant a - Their bonds were placed at 1 100 each. ' - . A aerloua charge has been placed against Wilson. - The court has refused . to fix a bond In his case. - - i - "It Is a good thing we got an lntlma 1 tlon as to the nature of this place," r said Chief of Police X3ritsmacheH--JThe result of the raid shows It to be one of the worst dives of the kind In the city. We ..intend , cleaning out such places ; wherever we can obtain evidence."' ; GETS' FIVE THOUSANP FOR WIFE'frAFFECTIONS (Special DWpatcV to Tbs Jom-nal.) Eugene, Or., .Nov. 10. In the case Of W. H. Ireland against A. J. Ward to re cover $ Is, 000 - damages for alienating of his wife's affections the Jury returned a verdict in favor of Ireland for 15. 000 after being ' out over two hours. The trial has attracted considerable at tention. Jesting three day. . Ireland Is a prominent farmer In the upper Me Xehslsi country and Ward la a wall known timber cruiser. DECISION MADE AGAllISTL IDAHO WATER COMPANY f Journal Special Strata.) ''"''. --"Boise, Ida., Nov. 10. The supreme " court today reversed the decision of the " district court of Kootenai county In the " case Of the Band Point water c Light company against the Panhandle Devel opment company, giving the latter Judg ement In the case involving water rights usea in the clt- water supply st Band Point and Involving the construction of an act or iss. .-.. KAISER AND ALFONSO HUNTING WILD BOARS v -' ' " '(Journal -AeectaT SerrUeTt Hanover, Nov. 10. King Alfonso and , Kaiser Wllhelm left In a motor oar this Morning for the Forest of Springs to tt. hunt , boars, They ; return to Berlin . tonight, "... 'v" Football. ". WIUamete University vs. Multnomah. On of tha season's best. : Saturday. November 11, at S o'clock. Multnomah Field. Admission SOo, ' '. ray ana greet tu Ouurt. Two local tragedies were recalled this morning when Kinta Kaaaoka,. a Japanese, was arraigned before Pre aidingsJndga Fraser on the -charge of having killed 8. Matsushita on the early morning of October 2a, and George Pap. pajanlkea, a Or, charged with hav ing shot and Vmnded -Zacb Pangares on October IS. The Greek was allowed tin til Monday to plead. The Japanese Will, plead next Wednesday.. .' , ' Vast Oo . St Alone. Tn a four-handed gam of euchre. If is partner orders his partner the dealer -up, the man who does the ordering rnost- play It alone. Oftentimes the player who orders his partner up asks . for his best - card and then plays it . alone. Widow Oats Most. ' ', The Will of the late Joseph N. Carl- on was filed In the county court this morning. Tha will bequeaths IS each ' to his daughters. Rose. and Llllle. and the remainder of the property to the fivldowt The estate Is valued at $9,200. Tears of suffering relieved In a night Itching piles yield at once to the cura tive properties of Doan's Ointment. Never fails. At any drug store, 60 centa .1 - - 1- - l A TurkeyAVorthy of the ' Finest Steel - Ought not to be 'spoiled' In carving with a bad knife, as a poor carver will spoil the bst turkey, if you need . carving sets, from the plainest to the most elaborate you ran take your pick from our large-nd varied assortment; also very desirable ta ble rutlrv of every, description for Thankaarlvlna?. , t Avery Co. i rxnts ITKIT, BST. . AsTD 1U STBSBTS. The Market Basket Vegetables of all kinds are higher, eggs are higher, flour is higher, butter town-, fruit higher and scarce, chlck ens lower and turkeys higher. The price of flour la showing an ad ditional advance this week, quotations at wholesale being IS cents a-barrel higher. Retail, values are correspond ingly advanced. Higher prices In the wheat -market and a falling off in the oriental demand for cheaper grades sre responsible for the rise here. Taking it all In all, hrtwever, the housewife living on the Paotflo coast has but little cause for complaint. Those that do not bake their own bread readily can buy It at, bakeries, at & cents a loaf. Over In England or In other -parts of Europe bread until recently cost twice as much. According te the Ivondon Dally Mall of October 5. bread at cents per loaf. Instead of about 10 'cents, It is claimed will be the probable result bf an Inven tion In the form of a break-making ma chine now on trial In London. London alone consumes (.000,000 pounds of bread a day, so. that the invention may effect a dally saving of $80,811.25, or over til.899,260 per annum, to the peo ple of London alone. Simply stated, the Invention is a series of Ingenious ma chines which convert wheat Into loaves ready for delivery without human aid, and at a rate that puts other means of production out of the field. . It-is not only a labor and time saving Invention it might also be called a machine-saving machine, so greatly does it simplify- the process or bread making. For Instance, at present the miller grinds, his wheat perhaps as many as If times to obtain the best flour. By the new method the wheat . Is ground only once. This grinding gives three products flour, . middlings . and bran. The foremost is conducted to the. bin, the brsn 1 1 mechanically carried land automatically weighed Into sacks, while Ifteienlddlings pass Into tepid water, by which all the floury part la washed out This water. Impregnated with nutritive material, flowe Into the kneading pan. In which the dough is automatically pro duced, The dough la left to rise for on hour and a half or two hours, Is then shsped Into loaves, and 40 minutes later an electrlo carrier. Jell vera tha hot bread to the Throbbing motor cars that wait Impatiently to carry it through London. We are now securing practically all of our supplies of fresh vegetables from California points. ' The cold weather has put the Oregon growers out of business for the time; being the hothouse Insti tutions being the only exception.' To matoee from California are now coming quite lively and are quoted high. String beans of .various klnda and colore' are coming from the same eeetlon and cost considerably more than did the local product a short time ago. Local hot house lettuce and California head let tuce are shown in profusion, both be- LANrWAMESCOMMnjEE TO WRESTLE WITH FILLS Mayor Lane his " appointed members of different organiBatlone lnterested in : the improvement of East j Portland a commute to meet Monday afternoon at t o'clock for the purpose of considering the proposition of dredging the harbor and dumping the sand and gravel In th sloughs on the east side. - The commit te follow;- , . - ." .; John Driscoll, P. L. Willis and C F. Adams of the Port of Portland; George C. Flanders, 8. E. Joseph!, S. L. Wood ward and Joseph Pacquet of the East Bide Improvement association ; W. M. Ladd, R. Koehler. Portland Seed com. Tany. Bouthern Pacific Railway com pany and W. L. Boise, east side property-owners; R. L. Sabln, M. Flelschner and Richard Wilson of the sUweercomi mittee othe city executive board. J. B. C Lockwood and D. W. Taylor, civil engineers, and the member of the' city council. ... "If the -city ever Intends to' Improve th harbor and fill th sloughs of th etat side, now Is the time to do It," said the mayor this morning. The people have become Interested ' In the proposition snd with concerted action Mo plan 'seems feasible.'- . BIG FOOTBALL RALLY ,T BY CORVALLIS 0. A: C. Corvallis, Or., Nov. 10. A big football rally will b held In the dhapel tonight to arouse , enthusiasm - In sth gam at Eugene tomorrow. Bpeeche . by Dean Berchtold. ut O. A. C, District Attorney Bryson, Postmaster Johnson and others will be made, college yell will be sung and a bonflr made on th campus. ' Society la Bnslnsee. "An Observer" In M. A. P. Royalty often observes the role of a hop assistant. Princess Louis. Duche of Argyll, take endless paina in aultlng her basaar customers; th Duchess of Connaught also does brisk business and Princess Christian Is a tireless worker. .It IS now nearly 20 years ago since the late Lady Granville Oordon started a hat shop. Mrs. Maxwell Heron, wife of a well-known Scotch laird. Joined the famous dressmaking business of Ellse in Regent street. Mrs. Jack Cummlng tried the same experiment - In Dover street, under the name of "Machinka." - Countess Fabbrlcotti, a pretty English woman. 1 among th latest recruits to our society milliners; snd among others ar Mrs. "Bertie" Dormer, . cousin to Lord Dormer, and Lady Rachel Byng, daughter of Lord Stafford. The Hon. Algernon Bourke, brother of th Earl of Mayo, has- started a brlo-a-brae business In Venice; th. Hon. .Mrs. Oranvllle Knox who begsn her business caifeer as a msnlcHirlst was until quit lately in a smart shop that sold' Italian furniture In London. - - ' . It Is sn open, secret that Lady Wlm borne Is th .chief pre-pnetor of a book shop tnJDoxer street. Then Mrs. Patrick Heron-Maxwell runs, a florist business with success, and Miss Ksrr. 'sn un married daughter of the late Lord Fred erick Kerr keeps a servants' -registry In Lower Belgrade street.- The Coun tess of Warwick no longer - mslntain a lingerie shop In Bond street, but the hostel at Resdlng now affords ample proof of her plucky; enterprising char acter.. The Duchess of Abercnrn has e creamery nesr Baronscourt; Lsdy Es sex Is said to have started a lsundry nosr London, and th - Hon. France Wolseley ha a-school for women gar' denera at Olynde, Jn Sussex. . - The ' Earl .-of - Pem broker Is- ex-earpet manufacturer at Wilton. Lord ftaylelsh has been for. some year In the milk trade.' and so is a Mr. Dormer, son of th Hon.-Hubert Dormer, The Earl-of Harrington owns s small shop In Craig's Court, Chsrinsj Cross, for the sale of fruit snd vegetables, which arrive dally from Elvaston castle, his plsre In Derby shire;' and th name of th Marquis of Londonderry If often to be. seen on cost certs In the' metropolis. Sir Ed mund Elton manufactures art pottery, '':'' : ' - . Oood WTsottoe. ; Knlcker Who won the guessing con rtstt '-'' lux-ker I nndersland it. was an In- uj-ance actuariv lng quoted la the retail markets et eente a head. Cauliflower . is raUifr scarce ana is nign. Orangee are Been again In most of tha markets, th- first car of th season having arrived. They are of good qual ity for early arrivals. Colors ar fair, New lemons for that cold Is the pre scription that fruit men give. Prices ar reasonable. Black and white figs from California are shown In tli markets and are good; not so Wgh either. - - Grapes are high, there being but email supplies In the market these days. Fairly good apples are shown, th price ranging from 7i cents a box fot cooking varieties to $1 for fancy Spits enbergs. Strawberries - from , Wataonvllle, . as good ss evtr received from California, are . selling well on account, of their better quality. Chickens sre cheaper on account of the much heavier' supplies, but turkeys are high onaccount of the general scarcity and the hegvy demand from outside cities. - Strictly fresh ranch eggs are scare these day and they ar quoted In th market as high as 40 cents a dosert There are good supplies - of .eastern eggs, however, which can be purchased at considerably less snd -they seem to, suit as fsr as quality is concerned. . Market mn are complaining bitterly of the law which stops them from sell ing wild birds. They make the claim that hunters kill fully as many as be fore the Jaw went Into effect and that aa a protective measure lor ins oirai th law Is a dead letter. Fish of all klnda are plentiful In the retail establishmentsand, generally peaking, the price are not high. Puget eound Is sending large supplies of smelt and California lobsters and Oregon crabs ar seen everywhere. . Th following are a few sample price: Frtrtts -Ground cherries, II cents e pound: grapes, California, SO cents a basket; local concords, SO cents a bas ket; oranges, (0 cents a dosen; bananas, 10 cents a pound; washed figs, 25 cents a -package; apples, cooking. 7S cants; fancy, 11.80 1.80 a box; strawberries, to cents a box; lemons, 20 cents a dosen; pears, I1.7S a box. Poultry Chickens, ' ISO If cents a pound; turkeys, dressed, SS cant' a pound;- geese, SI. 0001. 00 each; ducka JSctftl.ZS eachreggsreasternr SO cents a dosen; local ranch. It Q 40 cents-a dosen.' ' i i Vegetables Sprouts, 1IH cents - a pound; wax and lima beans. 1IH cents a pound; cauliflower, t for IS cent; hothouse and bead lettuce.. 8 cents a head; eggplant, . . 10 cents a pound; huckleberries, S pound for IS cents; cranberries, iWents a quart; grape fruit, S and S for ti cents. - CHICAGO TEAMSTERS AGREE .- TO STRIKE NO MORE . Drivers Appoint Joint Arbitration Committee Whose Rulings Are Compulsory. ; 4 ' . 'tJeenal Special rTCa. - Chicago, Nov. 10. Th teamster, heretofore th backbon of every Chi cago strike, sine their recent dis astrous defeat, hav decided not to en gage in any more strikes. They ar favorably considering a proposition ad vaneed by their officers to appoint a Joint arbitration committee with their employers, to which all questions will be submitted and arbitration be mad compulsory. It Is realised that strikes and riots are doing Chicago vast damage. Many enterprises are moving away and extra ordinary efforts are being put forth to dismiss as many teamsters from the service as possible. The eubway will deprive thousands of employment and large employers ar moving to railroad spurs where they will need no team sters. . In view of this attitude the team sters ars welcoming arbitration and will refits to- Join any mora sympa- tnetic" strike,1 1 wsietufuig tiiey havf n gaged In almost every strike, strain ing a point If necessary to get Into the fray. WUl-sVddreee W. 0. T. W. At W. C. T. V. headquarter In th Oood no ugh building this vnlng W. 8. U'Ren will give an informal talk on th lnltlatlv and referendum -amendment to th stat constitution. Th an nual election of officer of the Multno mah Prohibition Alliance alio wlU be held at that time. .- GET YOUR Geese, Turkeys and Ducks, also Fresh Shell Fish of all kinds at G. Covach & Co. 275 First St. Phone Main S3S. 5teel Bridge Meat Market The place where all shrewd buyers ao for their meats and groceries. NWe carry a full stock of everything in the provision line. V fompt delivery made on au orders. . . . .... N. P. NIELSEN, MGR. 183 Holladay Ave. 'Phone East 754. BUTTER LOWER Ket eraesMry Grod ereanaery Dairy Imtiar . l-TMh ranch ess ... Oood ecse Otlata Kama Ptrntc same 6 lb, pur lard .... 0 .BO.Wp euui.v ......... j)Ae ......... . . 1 l A Ilia, anmpousd lard - .. t e tr"r te f -7- Tomatoae, a eans .,. Beat Btisarn-nrad nate t Ira. fullraani ebaase ....... SwUa rtoaaae, (xan4 ,,.,. rtaaai brl.k rkaaa ... Wlar-ntwls Usitiurcar. esi , . . . . .. lac sot Chlrkaa camper tha ever this week. LA GRANDE CREAMERY mt, xutaiLi, . Don't Cross the Bridge McKINNONS SMITH CASH GROCERS Phone East 283 , 128 GRAND AVENUE Special for Saturday Cream of Wheat,.,.- 15e 3-lb. Carton Sodas ..20e Miller's Naptha. 6 for.'..... 25 1-10 Cream Oats ....'40 1-10 Steel Cut Oats.'....,; .45? 1-10 Farina . . .. ....... , . . .35? 1-10 iraham . , . . . . . . . .23 MO1 Yellow Cornmeal. . . .25 Regular V Fresh Ranch Eggs, do.,.. 30 Fancy Creamery Butter... ,55e It pounds bent Sugar $100 S-potind pall Beat I-aro, toe; 10 poaads.,,. 1 KMisa Hoysi tusios rowniT eot 1 pound Brhllllnc's B.klDf Powder, sack good sard wheat rfcmr .... ....11.00 .... IOa t-auor, boltla Vanilla Ei tract 2-ouiM-e bottle Lanma Eitrset 10 Unod Java (ff. 10e per pouad. S poonds. SR Ooud Kofllak Brvakfaat Taa .., 1M 1 poand Ziiwpowaer Ta Haaa Kroa.' ( alaup. 1 bottles K 1 narkas Curs Btarck 6 Rrott-k Oats -. 10t Hrat Java and Mora Coffea, par poaae .. sne Poatvm X"- flnod Baena Vtt Prune Canal t.t ilanis, prr poand White and Yellow Cora Heal. 10-n sacs., me Beat Baso sad Tapioca, 40 pooads S5 1 pound bast Cocoanut Ins Bottle Bluwlns ... r. .i...J... ............ St t eans Primmae Cream 1m rtarr jauia nyrup yar inv.,,,i ' targe box Macaroni toe I WONDER What it will be for SUNDAY again? Why, leave that to ua if you are in doubt Wa carry evcrythinc In the meat fish and vegetable line, and all you need to do is to give us the limit; we will do the rest Kindorf Bros. - -. 130 Grand Ave. Phone East 412, Cowan's Market Has the name and reputation for cleanliness and It is a matter of per sonal pride with us' to have every order leaving -our place first class in every particular. Try ua and be convinced that what we tell you in our ad ia so. Everything in the meat, poultry and fish line. - ' 273E.Morrison,NearUnIon PHONE EAST 147. L CROWDS ARE COMING TO Red Star MarKfet For their supply of meats, poultry, and in fact everything good to eat in the meat line. If you want a juicy roast for Sunday phone your order and let ua select you a nice piece. A guarantee goea with every order, bend us your order eariy. L. A. RIEMANN, JR. 243 INorth 17th St. Phone Hood 576. WHY NOT BUY' AT - The American Market - Perhaps it's because you have npt tried it . We can't expect everybody to trade with ua. Thoae we do eup dIv always come azaln. We make a sen i tne cneapesi, aut there are no better meats, fish or vegetables anywhere to be bad than at our place. 89 Grand Ave. - Phone East 69 GOOD THI1NQS AT " Jacob Rassi s Market n l r I 1.. V... ...l.. Orcaaiast uawun, uauiinua iku lamb choDS. tenderloin steak, round steak, rib-roast beef, boiling beef, corn beef, pork sausage, poultry, etc. Everything in the Cne we supply first cuss. . 295 N. Sixteenth St Cor. Pettygrove St Phone Main 1211 Ve WiH Be Equally Pleased To CAlifc for your order OX receive It over the TXlBFatOaTB. ' W are in position to give rest dents of the north and west parts of the city rood service end prompt de livery. Our price will stand com parison with any. Olv u a trial, DAVIS BROS., Grocers . 634 XTorthrap St., Corner Sixteenth. . . . JW Mall iHT. r ' " SFEOIAX SiXI AT WASHINGTON MARKET 111 "rat St., M. ' SUrk an4 Wsaaiaftea, . . raoata juu aiiv. Slrlnla steak frndarli4n ataak .V... ortrrboaa eteak .... Rmind al.ak, lbs.. I'laln stMk, 4 lbs ... Prima rib rosat ..... Rolled roast Holl b-f lumlnrfw, S lbs, ... Ham. I lb. pork ........... For It t hoie. i .t . Veal meat I... .......... .......ioe 1" tne Xoe ..,...) ,......n He -..UV- .... . .2V .lo-Qisvte . pwrlif'e Vaal rkopa 10(3 UC ansar-eiu-ea nreakfaat keeo.. ::::;::ie Snsar-mra hama ... .-..tux 11 Bint ton ............I.,.. ...l"c alntto rhopa, S lbs i-oin or no rnopa.. ShonMr mutton ... ." te tta atew I., . chiis. TArria, m. OrUa Dearer gnmftlj, Ut c Wast Alia, ERCCLUELL Successor to A. J. Farmer wxousxaxa Airs xbtauv osooxm. 881, S83 aad SSS Third STi, Cos. 'ffersoa The BigSiore Prices quoted below will save jrou at least iv per cam; Western Dry Qranulated Can Suaar " leo-lb. cack IS.40 IS lha. Western Vry Granulated . Can Sufar , SI. SO Beet lry Granulated Suaar, aack..t& Zt 1-lb. can Royal Eaktns; Powder 4Uo 1-lb. can Qclilllinsa' Haktnf Powder.. !5o 1-lb. pka. Arm and Hammer Soda.., (o Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkc. ,,.10o T lbs. French Prune 25e S lbs. clean whit Hire .Sao I lbs." L. tf. S -Crown Jtalalna?, . . .. , ,25c II bar Royal Savon Soap ..,..,,..26o Hard Wheat Flour, per ack. 1.00 Rest Be stern Hams, per pound. ... .14o Ptcnlo Hams, par pound to Shredded Cocoanut, per pound lSo 6-lb. pall beet Lerd too 10-lb pall beat Lrd ...11.00 20-lb. pall beat Lard tl.SO Rt Soft Wheat Flour. Mr sack.rlLOO Java and Mocha Coffae ( regular S5o), per pound IS S lba broken Java and Mocha (aqual - to 20c)... .i,.t6o t eans Primros Cream. ............IBe Tlg-er Cream (re tiler lOo), per can., ka Fnnllsh Breakfast Tea (ree. 6c). lb..lao Fine Gunpowder Tea (special), I0...I&0 Hootch Oats, per pkf. . ...t... lOo Tar Soap, I bars So Fel a Naphtha Soap, par bar.. So Pnatum Cereal, per pkt". tOe Htn box soda Crackers (about 10 lba) rr box . .' SOe Ret Cap Cod Cranberries, per qt...0c I'needa Biscuit, per pkg. ........ , , So Fancy Rurbank Potatoes, per ack ..75c xioaa airana rarios asatanas, (1.600 to cks.). per dosen 7 So Lenox Brand Parlor Matches (500 to box), per dosen ..100. Eaat -ld deliverleaTOeadayi- and Fridays. Woodlawn, North Alblna and Piedmont, Wednesdays. - - raosn Don't et Fellows Tomorrow when selecting your SUNDAY DINNER, for it's here. ': You find everything you can wish for Meats, Vegetables, Groceries, etc Read our list of good things: ". ...v 1:' -. v ,. Pound Citron, Lemon or Orang PL , tot ,- , Pound Bet Cleaned Currante. ' - ' 25'. ' "Ts? nsTessRs;talr . Pound Best Shredded Cocoanut 525 ,, . S pka Condensed Mince' Meat ifl.OO Gallon ean Pur Maple Syrup. 10 Pounds . . Dry Granulated Sugar for $1.00. - 25 '- ' S pounds Good Broken Rice. 5 -: , Can Star Condensed Cream. West Park and Washintgon Sts. Phone Main 2586. Townsend & Van ""Schoonhove Wholaeal aad AetaU Ooears, .17 ram mmrnr. W retail butter and ggs at whole sale prices. Oregon Creamery Butter. .. .SO and SOe Kest creamery wutter .....ese New Crop Stat Prunes, 4 lbs SB One ack good Hard Wheat Flour.. 9 1.00 s pounas eeeaiess naisins. ...... Best cleaned Currants, lb 10o Tomatoes, standards, I cana.......l5 1 can Raked Bean............ 6 Two S-lb. can Hominy. SBe 1 can Com, Pa or String Bean...SSo 1 pkg. Postum or Fig Prune, Cereal. .800 Good Salmon. S ran i ..IS Tomatoes, Solid Pack..' .......10 Two S-lb pkg. Gold Dust S On 1-lb. nka. Armour's Waahlhsr - Powder .'. IS Fl-Naptb Soap ........,........ B 12 bar Royal Savon Soap. ........ .SB I bars Baby Elephant .Soap SB 1 lb. Whit Honey. ...... 4.. IS I eans Prlmroa Cream. ........... .18 1 lb. F.ngllah Breakfast Tea.. IB 1 lh. Ounnowder Tea. . .......... .SB Miller's Naptba Soap Se Full lin -Flaccus Bros. Mustard. Cat- sup, Cafll Sauce, Mangoes, etc. x Tion scaxst usa. - STATE MARKET . Dont Overlook; Our " 6-Ceht Bargain Counter Tomorrow Porterhouse Steaks. IOc 22 1 First St., Cor. Salmon j- Ffeh; Oregon Creamery Butter 60c Per Roll v Fresh Etjgt, per dosen.'. ...... ,.30i Headquarters for . . Skamokawa and Corvallis Creamer Butter. t, ., ' n, i i - '.!', Enterprise Creamery Co. 127 FIRST ST. : fictwsen .Washington and Al&tt, Forg Fellows Lots of Big: Values! Our businessTis to erveypu.Wehave cut the prices of Meats so low that it will pay you to visit our store Saturday (with your baskets) and compare our prices with the prices you have been paying elsewhere. TRY US - Hams, guaranteed . . . , 10f Bacon ............. . .14 Sirloin Steak . .. .. , . ,'. . 0e Porterhouse Steak . .10.k Boiling Beef 4 Pot Roast . ............ 5V Rib Roast . . . .... ... .: ,"iOe Telephone Order Promptly Attended To. Free Delivery to . r, ; . Any Part of the City. . Phone Main 111. Cor. First and Columbia Sts. MEAT WAR IS ON! Let the Public .Prof it By It ! bzckust TAXtnia ana ommxn nr Tans ozrr at tot . v aVAstDnS MOST VOrVsVAJI TsVADrsTO MOVBM. VEAL Lonor Rib Veal Chops. S lbs.. 25) Legs and Loins of VeaJ. ' for roaata. lb. ..... .1 ........ .8 -Shouldar of veal, for roast, lb. ,a Veal Stew ......541 Veal tioaf, mad while you wait ...-.............. ,94 PORIC Pork Roaata. lh. ..104 Pork Chop, lb..... ,....10 .1 lb. Home Mede Sauaag. , . . ,15e Page'a Special Creamery Butter, good as th beet, roll.....'.... ...B5e Strictly Fresh Eggs, I. dosen for......... ..56 HAMS Hams. lb..,...,.M..,.....Oe Plcnlo Ham, lb. ........ 8 Cottag Hams, lb. lO GROCERIES Oranulated Sugar (today only, with order), 10 lb. ............ .Sl.OO Potatoes, aack. at choice ..t..80V 1 Back Odtod Flour , -$1.00 -4 -Packages Peacock. Belf-Rle1ng Buckwheat Flour 25 I Packases Aunt Jemima alf-Rlslng 'PsncakeFlaur . : . . ......... ,15- S Cans Premium Brand f omtoe...i...'. 16' 1 dosen Cans Premium Brand Tom atoe 86 People's Market & Grocery Co. , V " ' -.r-3 -.' ' mil ASTO TATLOB STS. Sroeds aiellvevad te an Parte ef b City. ' Fhoa Tew Order aarly. 0 t , . StaJa 141SV. . . - : . Coty 173 Third Street, Near YamhilL J . SUCCESSORS TO M'KINNON GROCERY CO. We are not price-cutters, only telling our goods cheap for cash. A ew specials: ,, 19 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar,. ... ..... .$1.00 . '" . 1 pound Cleaned Currants. 10s . . ; Can Baker's or Ghirardelli's Cocoa. . . . ,", ...... .20e - 1 box No. 1 Macaroni ;.r, 2 packages Gold Dust. vaii Luiiueiisea Lieam lu-pound Zack corn Meal.... ...Z57 1 gallon Dill Pickles.. 1.......... 25 1 pound Shredded Cocoanut. '. ................ 15 173 Third Street slgXIaOTHMMlClIXI2IggTiriggaiKXaTX2X22gTTIglsTXJ BARNES' MARKET . The House ThaTQiiality Built. SATURDAY Will be a big day of most liberal offerings. There are so many great bargains to offer that in order to confine our selves to our allotted space we must use small type. No matter how difficult you find this small type, reading it will pay you. See our STORE TOMORROW. ;- - TURKEY,' CHICKENS, GEESE, VEGETABLES, -i-y ' ETC, FOR YOUR SUNDAY'S DINNER. Exchange 63 t t 107 ThlrjJ St. Full Line Crockery Souvenir plecee ean be had while call and explain our plan for getting bland of COFFEE I lb, for 11. 0. Nothing like It anywhr. uaed It. Phone Main S2I2 r i TViWV VITI'irMOST DELICIOUS PIES.T ! mJllij Olilir FRUIT CAKES. PUD DINGS ! !In2-Pie 10cPackaces AND COOKIES.- i Jmerrell-soule co.aiIK(,T MP AT 1 Round Steak, 3 lbs. . .V.25f Rfb Steak, 4 lbs ....... 25e -Pork Sausage, 2 lbs. -.15 Hamburger, 2 lbs. ... ..15) Corned Beef, 6 lbs 25 ; Lamb Chops 3 lbs. . . . .25) Pork Chops ... ....... 10s) Ietn and Porter House Roasts, lb,.... Prime Rib Roasts, lb.. pot Roaata r.rrrvrc; 94 1.74 ',T.-Tei : ,...:&4 Boiling Beef S lb. Hamburg 8tak.,.. JVIUTTON lba.- Mutton Chops . .......28 Liege of Mutton. lb.....,.......4a Mutton for Stew, lb., ........10 10-lb. Pall Mt. Hood Lard.', . .Sl.OO - 1-lb. Pall Ml Hood Lard. . . . . .60) A 10-lb. PaU Bwlft's Compound R Lar Dt-lb. Pall Bwlft's Compound Lard 80e 40e T i w: ........ '. ..... . . .35 ........ ............. .35 uiiiiiiniiiinmn&y- Phone MAIN 1654 Full Line of China and Granlteware they last. Phone us to have -on r man them, at the sam tlm try our new So everybody- says who has f V Grocery Bl . B M