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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10. 1905. V .1 t " FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. II.BOO 10 ACRES, ml slile. miles from center or city; ill cultivated; yonng orchenl. 88.500 acres, east slile. aitjolnlug 8. I. , carshope, good for factory or In plai. - I L. E. LATOl'BETTB. 418 ratline bldg. (AST S1DB HOMES Three T-roora and m 8-rooa hunss -m It. Third d1 Multnosash , sts.; naw, beautifully flushed; fine localkwi . convenient lo 8 car 11 nee; eaey terms. Parish Oeurley, ewaere. IMS Multnomah at. iw wiiri T-roorn roel-lcsc on Monnt Scot! ' esrllna, 25 mlnntee' rid. tram Portland; lo 9 8alu0. In lawa and fruit trees, for 81.800, address M 48. cars Journal. . fo FABMS, small tracts and lota: bargain oa O. W. f, elegtrle Una. O. R. Addltoa, Lsata, ; Oregon. Take Mount Scott car. Be BARGAINS In bouses and lota from- 8300 to 8700. at Lents. Oreeon: 8-cent far to any part : of Portland. O. E. Addltoa, Lenta, racoo. Tsks Mount Scott ear. w. A 8-STORT brick building. 100100, an Batt - - atrial will -pa par aaal Bat ce (.V) 000: t nrto lUAtUVI; mm I twi. ui. a ' 84. cara Journal. ....... ' . FOE aala. cheap, 1 lota, Stones fames fnr- nlahsd, oa Mt. Scott car Una aaar Arlets. ; t0: must sell, sickness. Address P .40, Journal. FOB BALI at a bartala. BMdara T-rooai honss ,. aa Cast ?rr. dose la; tar ma to sail porcbaasr. Apply r 41. . sara JouraaL , FOB SALE Modern eolmrnen cottage, ataas to ear Una. Ana location, groond lOOxlusV 0. v. P. Tosrnslte Oa 184 first at. A T-BOOM hooss. lOOzloa lot, treas. shrubbery, . ate.: price 81.800; tsrsie te salt. Address P 41, cara Journal. . BLLWOOD lota. 88 down and 88 a BMathl . from 8TS to 8800. Ball wood Xewaalts Oa. . Phoae East 4704. : .. BOOM bouse, full lot. plant? of fruit. 8X: J -. 8 too down. 88 a swath. Inquire at 880 East I Washing ton st. . , , LOTH, scresge and resMsnreg oa Portland ; Heights, i. O. Bhofnar. 888 XaaulU. ear. Park 1 ACBKS 00 Bt. Johns line: cultivated, level, sightly. Owner, 227 Chamber ef Commerce. MOUNT TABOR T noma, bath, here. IOOiIOO. oa car Una; lots fruit. Owner, 128 Third. . 81. TOO MODRRN 8-room boose, foil Int. la Sun ayaidc; half cask. Call 10TK Third. TURKU saw boasea, ratft'eV Sam; snap. 1841s . Fourth st., room 18. Owner. BMAJ.b cottage sad hara. large let T00 for s few days. Call 107U 1 oiro. POR SALS-FARMS. ' FOR BARLY BBRRIBB AND FRUIT. 10 errea of the finest fruft aad berry land. . .practically Jerri: tbs Whits Ralmoa rlrer forms the west Una; well sheltered: the sell 1e rich sad deep; a acres la peach trees, all , fenced; a 8-room house, bans and fro It cellar: watered by a sprioa: only mils from school; " " mall delivered; will make an excellent fmtt - sod poultry reach! pries 81.800; terms, 8TO0 rasa, oaianee to aair. wmte Co White Balama. Wash. JOO-AC RB farm. 18 mllaa east of Portland oa Bandy r(a, 40 aeraa wader cnlrtra'ttoa. pood Imptwramants: "16 seres oa Powell's Valley road. H mile aooth of rtaerrutri abort dla tanca from B Bar tinea. IT aeraa good, tarel lead dollnlng Motor add I Ilea. W. B. Feda belmsr, S2T raUIng hldg. BTATB LANDS FOB BALB - The state of Oraana haa ear sale a limited amount of base for Uaa selections! Dries Bntll fnrtnej aotlea M Oil nee .m. WVw nae. tlcnlars address Oswald . West. Btata Land agent. Baiem. oregoa. " A UMAP la ea.tern Oregoa If takea st ones: 1.600 seres anlmprored farm lead. 101 Wor . Qatar bldg., Portland. Oregon. flO.000 FABhT ef 400 aeraa. HO cultivated. : ha la ace pastors; 80 acres ekrrer; Jtousa, tws . barns; would sail la lots ef 40 acres. Ad. . dress B. Bell. Routs t, Rlokreal Oragea, ar 400 Bast Twelfth at., Portland. a . r irVa 1- im.,.t'- - -- -m.ritna- au kinds ar rrnit. ana spring or water, a room cottage, fall baeemest. food wall oa porch: this place Is a bargain; earn auks ' yea terms. 404 Best Morrlaoa at. BOOI RITIR in acre ranch, boose, bare, trail. Owner, '1M Third at. .. 82.TSO 8 ACRRrl, blrhlr roiprrrred. near ear Una: fme orchard. 8-room hoaaa. aoed ham. all outoalldlnga: one .third ea.h, remainder long time as desired at peg cant. Call . wa Third, w - WANTED 1,000 acrea la aaa body suitable te rates bops, price pot eiceedlaB 840 par acre, r. Fneha.. 148H First St. V 88.TRO BTTT8 a 84.808 farm af 188 sens, a. room koaae, bars, food water, m miles from warehouse. 1H mllea te school: 81.008 caaa. balaaca years tlam. F. I. Mahoaag. ' Tekoa. Wash. FOR BALB Stock ranch of 1.400. scrag ass Coburg. 8 mllea aorthsaat ef Engena, Laae county. Oreaoa; pries low snd terms easy. ' F. D. ChsmbertolB. Labhe bldg. PortUnd. PRP.B gorerament farm marls. Just opened te settlement: level valley land, aa stoae or t tlaioer: 'water and soil ftrst-claas. Roma 08 - Labhe hldg.. ear. Becoad aad Washlngtoa. FREB LAND I!f ORRO0N under the Carey Inigatloa Act. Deed direct from state. . Writs today. Booklet and map free. B. B. Cooke Co.. Bf.1 Alder at. Portland. Or. A lO-ACBB farm, all to cultivation; 8 miles from enortnnase. 1 mils from O. W. P. A By. Co. ; 88.OOO; terms to suit. Job a : P. ck...r ti.i ri..-.i. -r rv.,M BY owner. 100 screa 4 mllea from Columbia river; yormg erchard: 4 mils from ralrroart; good spring, hones, barn, oa good road,' for 8830. Inquire 1021 Height are. , ACRE, la high stata ef cultivation, aear car Una aad aa good graveled read, 8 miles out. 8200 par sera; eaajr tsrma. Call 107 ft Third. . . , 4 ACRES. 40 fruit trees, berries. 8-roora houee. spring. 14 miles out. ea O. W. P. R. R. price 8800. 2M Becoad st. . FOR SALE TIMBER. DO you x want timber? I ewa 380, worth 88.000, Which I will sail for 84.800; sbse lotely safe tavesfussat. D 88. cara JJearaaL FOR BALB Twe homestead reltBaulehawBt , clalma; second Mowthi will ssU epssp. M. P. Nlaleoo, Hotel attbelapfala. CERTinED gcrla, say prices. W. O. HowaU, sIbs pieces 1 lowest 888 Chamber at Com FOR HOMERTEADS. timber etalsja aad scrip sppiy to aoe uommamai sis FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. J. 8IM0N A BROTHER, having parebssed from the - Iwls snd Clark fair aaaoctatlou over : 810.000 worth ef goods, which Include thoa- sands of feat of all slssa gslvanlted pipe, Iron Blue snd hydraulic steollVared Bila- Itig pips sad alao all stars of castlrna pipe, dlrtscrspers, eeatrlftigal pnmps of different sires, leather belting ef all aires sad alss other things too numerous to mention, which srs prsctloslly as good as aew, w will dlapoa- of all ths shove articles St saerl nos prices In large or small quantities st our stores, 144-848 Front at. , RVWMAOB BAI.rJ given by Indies' Aid society , ef Ilanslo-Btreet Congregations! church, will coetlnae neit week. H Seath -L'Bioa arer - FOR B ALP) horsepower hoisting engine and boiler. K. O. Londstrom, 801 Commercial ' bldg. - - FOR RALE Block ladles' raincoats. $10 aad ap ladies' tailoring ear enectaltyi all work gur '. aatsed. ltltchls A tireeoa, tSO Washlngtoa J- st. Pacific 4T8. - - FOR BALB One 80-80 Wtncheater rifle tas dowa), one 88-40 Celt's rsvolvar, one BiT ' camera aad complete equlpmeaU. Call After ' 8 p. m., 1025 Wllllsma sve. $20 FOR 810 An uncalled 8or lady's craveoetts . cost, cheap. The Ladles' Taller, 884 Waah- " tngtoa . MAFinnuN dirt , cheep, 4aa washiatToa wi. . CaU tomorrow. , 1 - 1 -. . . ; FOR BALB OR RBNT NRW AND PfirONtV HAND RBWIVfl MACIUNBS. STANDARD RKWINO MACUIKB ACIENCI. H. D. JON KB, . . . UW TAMHII.L $T. APRS B new re-proof safes (aot at ea manufacture) very cheap) $ aaooad hand SSfl also the garrulns Ball a. fee. ., , P0BILAND 8APB COMPART, , l " Blatb L. FOR BALB Uptight ptano. little- need, at a bargain. Acan-m. f Masls, Beooad aad Morrlsna, AMERICAN TOOL CO. PLANER Plaaes ll4 1 fsrt, for gal rsasoasbla. Jaaialro 188 QUaaa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD ABU POOL tables far rent, ar tot eeie en caev parmenis. SUB SBbNWWlt K-BALEB rOM.EBDBB CO. 1 48 Third St.. roniaao. POR BALK Pine Pecker 81 on ptano, coat t4.'. will acll rarr raaatwahlr to prlrata party; no brokers or If rata. Call t 4ot oalmou at. - June ouca. WB prist roar same oa Q ealllftf card., proper , alee and stria, sac: xso auaine earna. si. ' Browa A Bcksula. 82 Plrat. PorUand. Or. LA HOB stork secondhand RemlnftorT and Bmlth-Prcmler trpawrltera. rrom s an. .- . m. 1,. f ' qui a. Li nimrr stock sf tottlee m Bortbwaeti orders filled promptly. Portland Bottle oupoly Co bhi Rorti EUtnraeaia a(. amaua a. Hnwrumtll AN1 PIXTTRBfl made te order . aecond hand aood for aala. Carlaon Ball- airoat. 3m coocb St. rnoaa 1 iar on. . PORTABLB locemetlTa boiler and enflnai leej than V, prlcet 4tt bnraeoowvr. C U. Plf am i jaw airioa. a Haiaoy pioa. . - ros uli om a-tacti Bmltb stlcksr. oaa arm sandaeT one two-aptndls abapar, baits aad --pullee, 104 roarta at. , Ml'BT sell B piscber aprlsht plaao for 88S) areas 81. Salts f irst, cor. Main, upstairs. UNCAI.I.KD-rOB mooated snertmens sad fur ruse cheap. i. Brea, posts TBira st. TWO asanllna enrlnea rery cheap. Inqvlrs of I. P. Bartmaa A Boa, S8 Oliaaa at. FINB No. t Bmltb Premier typewriter; owaer learinc toa city, w o, rfouroai. NEABLT aew Mo. T Remington trpewrltar at a serf als. P 80, care journal. A 8M UNCALLED-TOR tailor-made aalV dark fraen. 38 os 40 huat, 48 inches hip measure. for sale cheap; also bandaoais craTenette coal. Dreaamaklns parlora, 40 Morrlaon at. 8T .80 ONB aplendld organ; most sell at 838 Morrlaoa at. TO EXCHANGE TO EXCHANOB Bafa 18(10 tnalde for largea4 else: will per difference. Mana eV Beacu, ' 81 Becoad sr.' lttoaa Mala 444. -, WILL exchange 10 acres near the O. W. P. ear line, 8 mllea ant. for residence oa east aide; value 83.000. fall 107 H Third. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. 1,000-POCND horse snd cart. Inquire T8S 1 vangba. II to 1. ruoaa Mala situ. . FOR BALE Top boggy snd buggy harness, . cheap. . Iaonlra- 814 First St.. forenoons, . BORBE8 ef all kinds for asm at vary res able prte. Inqulrs 180 Jeffeesoa. PERSONAL. BB JfFrtl .' - ; T. P. (Tltal-PWarl tableta will rest org te you fbe snap, vim snd vigor ef manhood: If Cara lacking la ths power ef vitality.' It resulting from Indlscretlona aad saessses. ; send- for of taass Ublets and be eoa elased of their merit.- Ry maU la plats phg.. lac Tsbist We ua. awe lama btk., Detroit Mica. IDA M Have talked it over and friend Is very agreeable. . It will be necessary to have a meeting, st which sll will ha -present. Intend arranging for Sunday evening at K.'s. 8. 8PIK-IAL KOTICB TO WOMEN Doa't risk Kur Uvea by aa "epsrailoa eihsa ua ua eared by harmless methods; electricity properly applied will ears lite where opera, tloaa kllL Ws possess the latest tnveatlna to control dlesae.e peculiar to woawa. Dr. W. J. Nace. M. B.. Medical Elsetrtrlaa. Of fice T18 Dakum bide.- Phoae Red 8281. Office hours 8-12, I B. ' MRaV-WRBBER Is now located room 800 Ooed Bough bldg.. where she will mast her friends snd sll thoaa Interested la anthrotjogranhy of the tribes. Stas Is going te form s class and tssrh this aew discovery or ids iixea lawt hew to tell the tribes. . Her place will he open Moadsy. 1 p. m. to 8. She Invites the public ta Investigate, this work. MR. ANNA LUCKKY and ETHEL WARD srs . aow located at 830 Taylor St. prtndeels of the American Beautv Parlors.- We core all scalp dlesaaes and positively grow hare or male ae enarge; ail a mas or nains given electric masses, manicuring and chiropody also Madame K arrow's rameriles; aaUsfacUoa guaranteed, raoos Mara smb.-- - DETECTIVB A0ENCT Coafldetitlsl inrsstt- . gallons; reports made oa any Individual Dual neaa or property; missing relatives Incatsd; had debts collected: charges reasonable; ccr- ' respoadenco aollclted. Oregoa Detective Bervlce. offlcee 814-318 Cotambla bldg., 80S WsshlBgtoa st.' Pboae Mala 8818. BDIRON phonographs and records at factory . prices, delivered anywhere en receipt of full amount of retail price; largest stack of Rdl soa rsonrds wast of ths Rockies: send for cir culars. Peter Baelgalrtpl. wholesale and re ran, 100 Massiea stn Baa e-ranei Y. R.i Borty am In Ban Frsaclseo: ooen cor respondence. Bond address. APOLPHE, ears Censrsl Delivery, Ban - Francisco. TOUNfl woman going eaal may reduce fare soe half. Write Immediately. B 43. Journal. DISEASES ef women a epeeialtv: maternity cases given special attention, private hospital accommodatloBl profeealonsl lady Burses la attendance; eonsultstioa - free. . X-Kadlnm Inatltute snd Banltsrlum, Third and Alder, entrsoce 2o Alder at. FREB TO LADIES WHO EMBROIDER Out latest cstslogne of fancyork saetsrlsls, pit bias tasBi Sliitu i .1 a w ehlrtwalsts snd novelties. Address ths Needieereft Shop, Allaky bldg., Portland, Or. TEA, Palme Tsbleta maks yea sleep perfectly; they cure BsrvsasBses sal maks you strong; price 80c a box, 8 boxes $2.80; guaranteed. All drugglats, or address Brooke Drug Co., 181 North Third st, Portland. . tf . NO DRDOS, ae eperstlewai Prof. Dema gtees ssteopathy and msgnetle treatment, redoess pour flash, relieves suppressed amntbly hrreg- slsritles. Onsaultatloa free. Coodnough bldg. Of flea, SOS MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Puhaits Nerve - a .L 1 . . ae. s, vow imiaiah wm Bwntba, 881 aeot asrurely sealed by malt. Agetita.' Woodard. Clarke A Co., Portland. Or. feOOKSI Bare they srs: "Dscameroe," Hep. rameron." "A Hot Tama Is." "Fanny mil,"" 80s each; lie to free, A, Seagals. 128 first rt LOST ' restored hf the great Dr. Loreas's Nerva Tonic Tableta; 18c per hot, 8 hexes for f LB, Write or call at EreseU'g Pharmacy, tZl Morrteeu. bst 1st aad Id. BOB Bnnday sulfa me well. Had Intended te cell cm you to find out about another mat ter. Remind me when you see. LB A. . THE Celebrated Star Hair resaedy restores gray sad fsded bslr tn Its Bstnral color, pro motes the growth of bslr; ast greasy. Paris Hair Store, 80S Washlngtoa. WHY lire alone when you can secure a life com pan toa ny joining ins interstate intro ducing floetety, sad meet or correspond' with reputable persons of this section. . many weslthy: ths November register. 10 rents, Ralte 24 Russell bldg. Psoas Pacific 2, . BUTTS prassid wring you wait, doe. Ladles' skirts pressed BOc. Gilbert, logu sixth at aext to the Quelle. Phone Cloy ana. WANTED Te eon far with those emtemplet. Ing a business coarse J to yonr personal asd Tina vciai urereef. aa lavas ugsia. MOORBFIELD Turklah Snd steam hath, salt glow, mineral hatha: rheumatism given special attention: free trial treatnraot. loH felxth. Paelfle 870. DIES Tea srmeer .80 pears younger, re. move all wrinkles, have skla like relvst by aslng Oregoa wraps Skla Feed. . Psoas East 188T. DR. ATWOOD, 1 Rnsssl bldg.. I0RH Foarrh St. Fsmsls dlseaWe and eonnnementst spea Wed. and Sat evealnga. CoosalutloB free. MBNI i WOMEN I Ra raoWi d lack ef pills Bssittvelf vital t.i 81. 4 care a $8. Ptammer Drag Co.. ISO Tklrd. DR. ALBPLUND. dleeaees of womea and sue. gery. 80S Allaky bldg.. Third sad Morrison. FREB ssmnls earn, eaaloa and wart cure. 'B4V wla L. Dssa..dept B. Taantea, Maes. TI'RRtSH BATHS, 800 Orefontas bMg. ladles nay a, gentleman aignia. Main iiwa. CXPBRIRNniD drsaamakep will maks engage saenta In famtUea. Ualea 844 DIAMONDS, watches tad Jewelry at Wholesale prlcee . A18 Allaky bldg. ASSAYERS. 0ARTIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, aad Moataaa Assay vines, lea Msrrisea at. AUTOMOBILES. WB repair snd rebulld'futuuiobllre. gas snglnea, printing presses, time lorae, aafea, oien lock outs, do sll kinds of machine work, (.ulnuibla Oaa Envlne 4) Mm Worka, HI Second st raws 1 seine- siu. rrana 4. oiiiw. '"f" BOwlRD COVEY, Fifteenth snd : "Aides, agent for CadfHae and Pierce antomobllas; machines rested, repaired snd stored. ART CLASS. PORTLAND Art Olaaa Works Plain and srns mental glaaa. xHftH Tarlur. phone Red 8001. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney. 808 CommercUl blk.. Becoad snd Wsshlngtoa sts. Phone Mala 841. B. T TAOOABT, sttortiaf aad counasllor at Uw. 410" Chamber ef Commerce bldg. itmi isi H. F. RCRLEIOB. lawyer, 121 Oraod are.. aiaer roriuna. ART EMPORIUM. "THB LATEST FAD" 000 boye J pen and Ink sketch of yourself from photo r Ufa. Fay King. 828 Raleigh St.. nssr Kta. M. ear. PROFER80R R. MAX MBYER, 848 Alder. , Portrait and laadecape srtlat aad teacher. HEW wsll decoration, panels ta oil paintings; orders solicited. Phons t'nlon 2tT. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. I. B1RKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Bvsrstt st Lsrgsst butchers' supply bouse oa the coast. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWE. DAVIS KILHAM. 100-111 Seeoad st filsnk book manufacturers! agaats for Jones m proved Looae-Leef ledgers; see the asw Eureka leaf, the beet ea the market BATHS MASSAGE. MIBNtENUIJBH, healer: rheumatism cured, also medicated hatha, electric ana magnetic ireai aisnts. 145 H Sixth, cor. Aider, room 14. YOUNG selentlflo msaseuss gives slectrtcsl. thermal, alcoholic snd medicated treatment; chiropodist pedicuring and manicuring. Re ception room 10, . Brnaoa bide. poc. Fifth and Morrlaoa ata. Phone Paelfle rSB. YOl'NI arlenttftc msaseuss gives) msgnetle, al coholic and electric treatments, sapor. Roman aad medicated baths. 17 Taosata boose, Stark bet. Third and Fourth. THB SNOWDBN PATHS Two young ladles sirs mssaage and baths. ttfl Alder at. - Pboae Main flOtW.. ' ' BLACKING. WEBFOOT Blacking, sbsototalT waisrpraof. Bra. ssrvss ths leather, makes shoes wear 80 per cent longer. For aala everywhere. 10 aad -16 cents. CAFES. TUB OFFICE 15 Waahlagtos Bt Mats - T7l. Bamoai vigaeaax. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody ewe you any mossy We col leet bed dshts ef all kinds from $1 Bp. 12 - Grand sve., roam 12. Out this one. COLLECTION! bv the Northwest Collect toa tAgeury; your Puslhesr-Bsnatea -sa-av- bbsibsss l try bs. lu-jT unoe niag. THB Blue Book Mercantile Agency, collections, lsw snd reports. 818 Oregoolsa bldg. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crock err 8 g'aaawsre. Prael, B carle A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. ClSARSANDrT0BACC0.T ESRERO-OUNST Ca -l , Distributors of oiOARB. CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Clssstng Co.. Urgest. plant en the meat, luring ana-naraing sis.i iei. pboBe Bsst 180 Csrpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; both steam sad latest som Bvsesrd air proreea: renovitlog atsttrnsis aad fsatbere a specialty. SANITART carpet cleaning, suction snd com . press. d air combined: carpets cleaned on floor without removal. Main 8AS4. East 1B04. CARPETS clesaed ea tbs floor; wa rshts as dust Phons Clay SSI. fres demonstration. J. HUNTER Bteam carpet and mattress cleaner. 880 Jefferson. Pboae Main 114. COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO. Bo Is agents for tha famous Diamond coal; try It and you will alwaya boy ' It. Wyoming and Washington house costs. Virginia and Washington smithing coals: full weight gusrsateed. Tel. Mala 1420. A. U Stephens, manager. CHURCHLET BROS, have removed from font Dsns st. aa K earner St.. Bear lire: m now ths lsrgsst woody a rd In tbs city, carry. Ing sll kinds ef wand snd eosl. Msia 83L tjwwfie)wx- A'" MORRIB'gueraBaWrS 10 ' CSla A mcNuaa, dealers la wsoa sno seal si anweev prices; sstisfscttoa gnarsnteed. Car.. Tenth aad Irving. Pboae Mala 48T8. , WESTERN Feed A Foal Co., en Front, betweea Oliaaa and Bnyt, dealers la all kinds of . bouse coals and blacksmith seals. Phons Mala 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers ta eordwesd. eosl snd grssa and drv slsbwond. H. au snu " blna are.. 1 blscks east of ferry. Bsst 874. STEEL BRID0B FCEL CO. Dealers Is ensl cord wood sad dry alsbvrood. rhene Kaai an. BOXWOOD and planer trimmings, Stsndsrd Wood Co. Phone Esst 8818. Foot Bast rue. OREGON FUEL CO. Alt kinds ef real asd wood. 108 Alder at. Pboae Mala an. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water St.. wood aad eeal. Pboea Mala 4888. FOR BALB 8.000 cords fir wood. Phoae Bast COMMISSION MERCHANTS. UCNSCH BROS., commission merchants, flour, feed, hsr sad produce, S&3 to 3 Front et Phons htals JSftO, V BVERDIN0 A FARRELL. produce sad eomanls. stnn merchants, lao rreat gt roruaau, nr. Phons Mala 1TB. CHIROPODISTS. U your feet are out of order, ge to Dr. "W or ley nmimm, .win wasnugron sc., us I'wi spectsllst. Phons Black 818. CLEANING AND DYEING. UF-TO-NOW CI.EANINO A PRBSBINO COM. panr Butts presssd. SOc; psata, 18a. , Fhoae Psctfld 1N4. 848 Aahsny St. TAMniLL "CLBANTNrt A PRr.8fHNl CO. Work called for aad dsltvered. Pboae Clay - 883. Portland Bteam Cleaning A DVelng Workai prae tlcal batter la connection. Ill 4th. Clay TO. CLOTHES Fleaned and pressed 81 per BMBtaV Unions Tailoring Co., 847 Wsshlngtoa St. B. W. TTTRNRR, profeaalonsl dysr snd cleaner. . aaa) ssrrersoa St. r none main anis. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A W4M1D, carpenters, builders t re- t airing Snd VhW; store aad office Mi tares silt Shop Ka) Colnmbts. Mala 629T. WARHBHRNB sV-TTJTD. wagon bnllders snd general job wsrk. U 8tb St. Phsne Bead Sue. F. B. VANDERBOOF, carpenter and jobber. tar Stark at. Phone Main 74T. CHIROPRACTIC.: POSITIVELY curse alt forms of rhetimarrem. or, Eva Hogan, W8 Hall st. Phons Main no. DANCINO. W OOO WARD'S dancing actiool ef the Westers acs.iemy er einaro. monoay ana jonreoay. Bpectstors Invited. Leeeons 80c. Dsaclag 8 te 11. . Cor. Beooad aad Merrlsou, Mi IJW Illicit. a,,i; SMI I'f'V CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST OTPSIB EENORIA. the great Egtptlaa life- . reader sud eccollat. Is a natural bora clair voyant; tells you ths asms of ths one you . will merry; tells you how mssy ' members three srs In your family snd sll about them, how long thsy will Uvs, whst you srs beet adapted for sod how to become successful. If you desire te remove yonr domestic troubles or gsla your lost sffectlons. call snd she will guide you with a certainty higher thai, human power. Thousands bars gained success snd happiness through her wonderful power snd advics. Call gnd see ths msny teatlmonlsM of her work. Cures with satire routs, barbs snd barks; If yon are sick snd In trouble sea her. . Room 328 Allaky 4)ldg.,, 185 MoT- ' risoa st. MRS. Rnpbts R. Kelp, pynhometrtst, peeress snd prophetess; dsllv 10 to 8, T to ; circles Tuesday and Friday. 8 p. m. 843 '4 Tamhlll, cor. Bevsnth. Paelfle in. Ruudsy svenlng meetings Drew haU, 183 Becoad at. Corns Friday. - ' MRS, STEVENS. Portland's distinguished palm ist, astmloglst asd sptrltaai II fs -rcsder. Do poo want to know facta Important and reli able 1 If so, call upon this gifted and set sntlfle sear. 108 Bevsath st Phoea 1'aclfle 714. ....... c R. H. KNEK8HAW, healer sad trance medium, csa be eonsnltsd at 14Sn Sixth at Bourr 12 to 4 p. m. - CURTAIN CLEANING. , WKW prorf Uc enrtflia rlMnlnf. ftOQ to $1 nafai AAA miauaei Mm I an iUt - . ' DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.B. BROWN.D.V.S.. D.C.M. Dog. Horse bos. pltsl. tNT Barnslds. Pboaeat Msla4080:Eaat2a3S DETECTIVES. TELL us your troubles; we never sleep; evMeBee traced la civil snd erlmlnsl esses. B.- L. RsnlBger, 18-17 Labba bldg. DETFTTIVB er t Btrtetly coafldeBttsli difficult solicited. Room 14. Waahtngtoa bM. - DRESSMAKING. ANORLES DREBBMAKIN'O PARLORS, 141 Fifth st.; up-to-date styles, perfect fit. aklll f nl workmsnshlp. new methods In sll branches ' of drsesmskinc aad rspslrlng; lowest prices; -can ar- writs.- - . FIRST-CLASS parlors. HI Alisky bldg.j wslts. . gowns, coats. Jackets. wtaatfttleiBklrt bound and jseksts re lined. SHIRTWAISTS, went or wssh silk; 'Oisde for $1.28; shirtwaist snlts. $3.80. 488 East Mar ket. Phsas Esst 8331. KRISTER'S LADIES TAILORING COM. EOF!. 801 and 400 Allskjf bldg.! write for booklet. DRESSMAKER will make a - fear mors ea gsgeaisats la families. - Phone Colon 844. DRESSMAKING Strictly BP to date; latest As signs. 488 Clay at. S- i iii i i,aaesaaaaarsBsaeaasBmneaSamB . DENTISTS. " ' MBT' CHURCHMAN, dentist. 814 Msrrmsm bldg. Sixth and Morrlaoa. Phono Meln 1TO0, ELECTRICAL SUPPUES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 80S Btsrk St. Portland. O. K. for everything la the elegtrkal Una. Phoae Mala 1888. . . . . . PACIFIC ELBCTBIO CO. Ensl users, coatrae tora. repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 First, cor. Btsrk. Main BBS. B. B. Tata. mgr. THB Electrics! Appliance OS., 400 Waahtngtoa ar. rnons Mem 4rs. , EDUCATIONAL. MR. D. a. CROW, nrivst instructor tn the Eng. lleh branches, will call at borne or srrsncs clsss; limited nnmner st pupils sniiciteo: rer erence furalehed: terms reasonable. Call r address st 101 Sixth st. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. 1 ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society or northwest: protects the living, sir Mnrqusra bldg., Portland. Oregon. I in l i II, BeaanmaBBaaaasmaaBaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaBBBBsaanaca'. FURNITURE FACT0RIE3. asasi OREGON Furniture Msaafaetarlng Ceaipany Manufsctarsrs si furniture for the trade. Portland. Or. FTRNtTTTRB msBBfseturlng snd special orders. L. Bavenshya furniture fecterr. 870 Freat st FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only place tn Portland to get French breed. narrere aj Mariie. etrr Blxia ex. Amuy oauv ery. Phoae Green 80S. FLORISTS. American Florist A Osrden Co., 3S Tenth st stain Q4IU. rmwere and pot plants. . FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-sir furnace ears fuel J. C Bayer grimace Co.. 188 Becoad. Mala 401. J if ' ": GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO..""wbolessle grocers, mans facturara aad eangunlssloB srehsnta. Fearth aad Oak sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, commlsaloa Sndprodnes aaer- CBsnrs. rront sna Davta srs., rortiana. rr. HARDWARE. FortlaBd Hardware O solicits opportBBlty ts anots priuee. las 1st st., cor. A Mac. Btaia lgaa. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton, Pendleton. W.A, Brown, mgr. HOTEL Port U ad. Amariesa pMa; $8. $8 par dap. BOTEL Bt George, Pendletos; leading hotel BELVEDEBB; Eumpealt plan: 4th Snd Alder sts. HAY AND GRAIN. B. O. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, fsed sad 138 Lnlon sts. phoae Bsst 1817. INSURANCE. ISAAO L. WHITE, fire InsersaeaV $00 Dekam LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO Fire tnsurancs snd resl estate; offices lor-ios Bharioca Bids. Mala 1008; dept 404 Eaet Alder. Bast 401. JAS. Mel, WOOD, employers' liability aad ts- oiviouai accident Bursty beads el au bibbs. Phone 47. 8ul McKay bldg. - B. F. BARTRT.S COMPANY Firs Inenraai 44 s Sherlock hide. Oeewoa Phone CIsy Biw. JEWELRY, - it- JEWELRY and wstohee af sll kinds - sold en essy payments. .. L Qevarta A Boss, the Homefurnlahers. SHOWCASES AND - FIXTURES. sei'hwaaasaasasSBisa SHOWCASES ef very deeorlptlnnj haakJ bar sna store axturea mane so orosff. The Latae Maaufacturlng Co., Portlsad.- . . LOCKSMITH. y-- J. B. RICHAROHON, an-ert kirk snd kersmltli; general repalrlni; raatima britalug: all work goeraateed. 2nd Fourth at. Phone Hood 1181. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lockamlth and oicycis repairing, vei stark. far -Clay 8M: nlsht phase. Main 8IWS. . LADDERS. LADDERS Painters sxteasloa-ladders, pspa. . hsngers trestlss; Are snd root ladders; Plaaterers' snd fsrm ladders; see cstslogne. hose Eaat TIM. Portland Ladder Co.. 847 Rhine St.. esst aide. B. W. Havward. prop. .MUSICAL. VIOLIN, guitar and mandolis, ell aad water color lessons. Studio. 821 Hlbhard strssU Mootsvllls. Phons Lnlon lr7. . - BANJO, gultsr aad mandolin lessons; special rates to clubs. Mrs. C.e K. tlulle peter. 887 Wllllsus svs. . PIANO, violin, string snd wind anatrumenta. Profsssor SdwlB A. Smith. 164 Twelfth. Main 4703. - ., WEBRER'S Mandolin. Banjo. Onltar studio, 87$ Alder; agent for dlbson msndullu. PIANO tuning. $2; perfect work gaaraatsed, C W. Johaaoa. , Phons Mala fill. VIOLIN, mandolin, gultsr, 10 lessens $t Phone I'nlon 20.17. Montsvllls. MONEY TO LOAN. BEADQTJA RTE BH FOR SALARY LOANS. 217 Oregonlaa btdav - Indira or Uentlcmen. No Publicity. ir you Borrow I'-i yoa pay If you borrow yoa psy If you borrow $.i0 you psy If ysu borrow $:t,1 you psy - If you borrow t.V too oar I'aymcDta aiiabended In caee of slckuess, . Strictly Salary Loans. , THE CRKSCBNT LOAN CO, . 317 Oregonlaa Ill-lg. ' ' MONEY TO LOAN Ob Improved city property or for building purpnesa. Any amount oa- from 8 to 10 years' time, with .privilege to repay all or port- of loaa after one yssr. Loans sa broved from plans and mossy ad ran red aa building progresses; Biortgagss takes sp aad rsplsced. FRED H. STRONO. Financial Agent 142 Stark Street. - THB STAR LOAN-CO. Any salsrlsd employs, wage-earner, en B get " ea hla Bote, without mortgage Month.- Month.; Week. $50.00 Repay te as 318.U or 84.08 er 83.88 $28.00 Repay to ne 8 4 oft or 1 HA er 31.85 $14.00 Uepay to os $ 4.00 or $2.00 er $1.00 . 110 McKay bldg. MONET to loaa. salaried people, tesmetera. etc., without aecurlty; eeay pay men ta; largeet business tn 40 principal cities. Tohaaa. 133 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Msia 8487. MONET te loss oa real, personal aad "collateral security; apedal attention to chattel Saoet- fages; uotss bought. C. W. Pallet 8U4-8 sntoa bldg., 84 Sixth st HIGHLY reapeetebls place where ladies and E'nts can borrow money sa diamonds sad wetry. Collateral Lose ' Bank. MO Wash gtoa st Phons Black T1. CHATTEL loans in amonnta ranging from 825 to $8,000; roomlng-houaes a spsclslty. Nsw Era Loaa A Trust Co., )8 Ablngtoa bldg. WB maks sll kinds af loans cm aood security at lowest rstes: special sttentlon. given te caattel aosBa. 103 Morrison ST, MONET te losa la sums of from $3,000 te $8,000;, terms to suit the borrswsr, Rooms Buv.ju. aDmmercisi bib. MONEY to loan In large or aman hmountSTra freed snuiity: mvreet rales. TUlllum u. Back. 807 FslUog bldg. - MONET to loan en Clackamas county lands. i E. F. and F. B. Riley. 80S Chamber ef Com merce. LOWEST rates ea furniture snd pianos. Plsst- era Loan Co., 448 Sherlock bldg. Clay Bis. TO LOAN Sums to suit on chattel sscurtty. -R. A.-' Frame- 814 The Marqoam. - MONET to losa oa all kinds of security. Wm noil, room 8. Wsshlngtoa bldg. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A N0RTHKCP. 418-18-17 Dekat bldg.. Third and Wsshlngtoa sts. Paea "Msia 848. -Examinations tree. . - DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 403 Maclesy bldg. Clay TTS. Res. M. llfil. Conaultatlea fres. THB very beat lady osteopath In town. P?, L. O. Johnaon, 824 Salmon, near Sixth. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and t rhsnlrs' clothing; anion made. Neustsdtsf Bros., msnurscturers. rortisna. nr. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window-glass aad g Using. 13 First St. Pboae 1884, ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor- wall paper, paint oil at market prices; ires delivery. RASMUSSEN A CD." Jobbers, paints, ell. sues. ': sash snd doors. Secondhand Toykar. PLANING MILLS. B IN 'I B B r B I , , ! Iktttbr nroTr doors and woodtnrnlng. 80S Esst Ysmhill at. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBERO A RADEMACHER. saaltary plumbers. 84 Fourth st Both phones. FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers. t Second, bet mem sno nsimon. uregon none mais awi. PRINTING. WELCH A DAVIS. Printers Doers ef clever things with Ink snd typs on paper, stsarus bldg.. Sixth sad Morrlaoa. Mala 4147. ANDEBS0N A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing, blank books. Pboae Mala 17. 80S Alder at. METROPOLITAN PRINTING CO. Everything in printing. Main MlH. 147 Front st. RUBBER STAMPS. P. a STAMP WOltltft, M AMr pbnn Main trifW rttwki; mnA for catkMri Ho. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing asd gaaeral oobing. J. Lostll, 118 Jeffereoa at. RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDING CLUB Saddle horses snd csrrisges for rent. -w. u. Bruwa, auo Auwr, SPIRITUALISTS. MIEPAII, medium, gives sdvlce in trouble sut hive; telle shout mines, unites ins sepsrsieii: tella about hired ones who lisvs pseeed beyond -and bfinga Joy to those who grieve." 134 First St., room It. - Headtugs 2.1c and 80c. SECOND-HAND GOODS. HIGHEST CASH PRICB Pstd for second hssd clothing, h esse bold goods aaa inrniturs. AttRAMS AUCTION H0i8B." ' Rood 1024. 40S Morrlaoa rt rjOODE'S Furniture Hones Highest prices said ror sseonfl-neaa ruraiturs. xio Phone Pact Ac 408. SCALP TREATMENT. OR AT, falling hair, dandruff treated: shampoo ing, manieurrng.' cnirepony. tare wori. mra. B. F. Kyoe. 5i Vonrtb. cor. Morrlsoa, Room M. Phons Facias 108. STREET-PAVINO. WABREN Construction Co., street paving, elds- walka. aad eroaswalks. 710 Orsgoaua Bldg. THS Trinidad Aspkslt Paving Cs. ef Psrtlaad. .iinre ooo vrorceaier OIE. SAFES.- I. DIE SOLD M antra rates safest fire aad bvralar. , prncl work Jeu sad prwoa arorkl lockouts epensd; repairs. J. A. Davis, .08 Third et back 81. IU a week, beck 31 .63 a week, bsck 83.00 s week, bark 82 88 a week, hark 83.00 a Wsek. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SHINS, window lettering, cloth basasra. eeoooarteal sl.rtrls fane hod elans sf sll Hurts made quickly. Foster at B I leer, luia and Everett Pbooe Exchsngs 88. v TELEPHONES. THS eery exrlnalve telephone bonee. B.-K. nieciric a Telephone manufacturing com pany. 81 Fifth St. TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES. Ws hsvg them by ths thousands: strong, healthy store, tlur 1U05 Illustrated and prloeo. eats lngue tella all. PORTLAND SEED CO., Front and Yamhill sts. - TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold snd BLICKENSDOHFF.R typewriters, supplies, re pairing. Hues noes, gaa ntarx, hsib into. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Comb, brash, soap. t per month.' Lawrenca Bros.' Towel supply ronrtn ssd couch. Phoae 4 an. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plsaos snd furniture aaoveC packed rvauy ror snipping sua SBippsu; au wore gusrssteed; large. 8-story, brick, flrapceof warekouae for atorage. OfSce 118 First st C M. Olsaa. Phous Main 847. THE BAOOAUB A OMNIBL'B TRANSFER CO.. ror. sixth and Oak sts.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to destination: psesengers therefore avoid rush and annoy ance at depots. l 0. O. PICK. efBee 88 First St. betweea Stark ana oak ata.. phone nun; pianos aad furniture Bwved and parked for shipping; sommodtoBS brick we rehouse. Front sad Clay Sts. TUN EDWARDS STORAGE A SniPPINfl CO. win psy fun rams for houee bold rumlturs; If yoa want to sell, call up Mela 804. OREGON TRANSFER CCv. 184 North Sixth. Phoae Mala 88. Heavy bsallng sad atorage. 8KB Roes M. Plammsr about storage; ore proof ; cut rstes. Ml Third St. . Fbsna Msia fJeaV EAST SIDE Transfer Co., A. I. Holcomh, proa. iza net water at. raoas essi oaw. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 100 H Wash. RigToa et. Phone Main atrg. viclins. r J. A. WESCO. vlollB-maker gad repairer; work arst eisss. an Kussei bldg.. sts sad Morrlaoa. WALLPAPER. WALLPAPKR and painting, special prices; our paper-Banging - at -tns nssx. - ana cueapesii-n ws don't do as ws sgres doa't coat g cent. A. A. Chnrch A Co., ItJO Taylor at. Phoae Wsrk -901. WIRE GOODS. " EAST PORTLAND FENCB A WIRB WORKS-r-SM Eaat Morrison st. Phnfte, Bait Bit. AT THE THEATRES. Roselle Knott Tonight st Msrqusm. Rtsielle Knott, leading lady for three ysn with Richard Mansfield, will preoent the orig inal Julls Marlowe pred action of the beautiful romantic drams,- 'When Knighthood Wss ha Flower," at the Msrqusm Grsnd theatre to night sad tomorrow night, with a special price matinee tomorrow. The production will prove of rare interest from a scenic stsadpolnt a loos, as tha settings sad properties are exact reproductions ef sntlqiie originals la the ma- Ssums af Knglsnd and Francs, whsss the sol km et the plsy is told. Advsnc SsU for "Ghosts.' . Tomorrow (Ssturdsyl morning at 10 o'clock the advance as le of seats will open for the clever young stsr. Harry at ea layer, and his ca psny 'of players, whs come te the Marqusra Grand theatre aext Tuesday. Wednesdsy ami Thursday- nights, November 14,- 13. snd 18, m Henrik lbsen s greatest drams, "Ghosts." The Georgia Minstrels Next Mondsy. Rlrhsrds snd Prtngle's famous colored Georgia mlnstrele will be tha attraction at the Msrqusm Grsnd theatre aext Mpmlay-.rtght, November 1-1. Popular prices will peevaU. Watch for ths big street psrsde Moadsy at high Boun. Seats are aow selling. ' At (he Belasco Ths Lady ef Lyons" Is earn! of the moat popular plays ever performed far patrons of stork, snd tha production mads this week try Hie Belaeco company, headed by nhlts Whit tlesey. Is without question the aenst beautiful Portland erer has wltnsssed. The plsy will fun only antll Sunday Bight and will bs aneeedqd linnet he Th rtra Vinllai .' t. The Utopians Will Open Sunday. Sunder afternoon the t'toplsns Burlesque com pany will open tha regular six Blghtsf engage ment st the diaker theatre. The extraraganss .1 ?"t.AW.M'iieiiiiTe i eeiMHislly far this company and is replete with real fustnsklng eamodiaaa, pretty and shapely girls aad lively musical aambers. n 1 1 .1 .1 ...I 1.1 Tiger Lilies at the Baker. Ths closing twe performances af the popular Tiger Lilies Burlssqns company at the Baker will he given tonight snd toutut rowimsthico. No rrrrformsace tomorrow eight. Ths two skits srs ksudaomely staged aad costumed and re plete with the . most tuneful musical aaav "A Human Slave." t"D at the Empire there hss been gives a plsy sll this wsrk that has attracted a gnat deal of attention from theatre-goers. The actios ef the piece la rapid snd intense, the scenes thril ling snd full of melodramatlo fervor, aad the plot an annsuslly strong one. The last three perrormaneos or "A I in an an pisvs - will ne tonight, toroorrow afteraooa aad tomorrow Bight. : ;.'...'.: I --- Happy Hooligan. The Empire theatre will preeeet next Bunder sfternoon its first fares comedy of the sessou. "Iloollgsa's Tronblee." It U a est Irs on tmt, comic supplement comedian from the bob of Msrk B. Hwsn snd with special musical numbers written by Professor M. E. Strom burg, snd the company apnea nag here la direct front New York, where the piece hsd 8 long run st the Fourteenth Street theatre. . ..frtaeai aa ... - . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Liberty Today, If yea. want to ere the greatest vaadsvllls show over offered the people of Portland visit ths Liberty. Kestlng A Flood s handsome new thestrs st Fourth snd Stsrk streets. Princess Chloqullls of ths theyennes. In hsr origins! songs and dsnecst the great boxing kangaroo, the Vlrtorine sisters, the Imperial coapedy trie aad arm, ether great feature acta, The Star's Bill. At the Stsr this wesit the leading enter- tsluers srs Henderson sad Ross In a Yankee aklt esNed "At Gregg s Corners." Stephen Htsnstrlr A Co. are giving aa Bet that wouM bs a credit te a l.gltlmate theatre. The Olsd stone chltdres. Delashs. Hutchinson and) Lushy. the- Bvsving pictures snd the Illustrated - song complete the big bill. At the Grand. The-three Juggling Barretta at the Grand thts week hsve many novelties In their art. Ths Gregory Italian Bands Ruasa gives a com plete Changs ef program at every performance. Rrutnsgs asd Clark hsve a Bowery skit and rlanvro. tha lone Hottentot, gives a novelty act. The Qulnn trio, the Illustrated ballad and the moving pictures eomplste the estertalnlBg vssdq- vllle bill. i If YouMust Hsve msnsy la A harry a Journal waat ad can Boat a loss for yoa probably la a day. "FINANCIAL. PORTLAND T1TJ8T COMPANY OF Olh,. Ihe Ol.wt Trs.t 4' ts Ur.u. . atoOLHt'ES OVER 8l.Aw.0ou. Oeaeral banking buatneas eondicted. Savlnga deposits received. Time er-etlflcetra l-io-.l. 8 to 4 par rest; specie! eevttfii-atcs f not Buder $000). 8 n. to 4 per east on atari cell. Call foe book ef "1LI ruTRATKiNS.' Phone Mala 48$. 100 Third st. BENJ, 1. COHKN , President H. L. PITTOCK VWs-Preldnt B. - LEB Pai:rT,..,, t-I a,.,... J. 0. OOLTBA ..AasUtaat "Secreary u BITES STATES RATIONAL BANK - - OF PORTLAND. 0SE00N. ' B0STTTB7X8T 00 R. THIRD AMD OAK ITS. Traaseots B Oeaeral Baaking Buslasse. DRAfTS IS8I ED Arallsbls in All Cities of the rnlted Ststes aad hTurope, uongkoug ssd Menus. COLLECTX0VS af ADZ 0B FATORABlt TYBMS PresldeBt..., J. C. AINBWORMt Vlcs-Prssldeit.. W. B. AYFtl Vlre-Prssldsat .R. ISA RARtr8 Csehler R. W. SCHMFrrt Aaalataet ftaahlee A. M. WRlOtlT Assistant Cashier ,. W. A. HOLT PEAT XATTONAl RA1TK . OF PORTLAND. 0RE00W. Designated Depository and Financial Ageat ef lae usiteo ersiss. Prealdeat... , A. L. VTT I ,S Caahler ........J. W. FWeritK Aaalatant Caahler W. a ALVOnO Second Assistant Caahler R. F. STEVENS Letters of Credit leened Available la Europe ana ins KsaTern msreu. . Slrht Excbansa snd TelesTanhla Transfer sold on Nsw Tork. Rostoa. Cblcsgo. St. Loots. St. Psnl, Omshe. San Frasctaco asd the prlneipsl points In the Northwest. ' Sight and time) Mile draws in snms to anH ' em Leadon. Parts. Perils. Frankfort-ia-the. Mala. Hoaghnn. Tokohama. enpeahacea. Chrlsttsnls. Stockholm. St Petersburg, Mos cow. Enrich. Honolulu, , toolieetloae Mads ea FsvuraDar xirms , - . i- in LADD A TILT0N. RAVkEBS, s (Estshllsbsd la 1188.) Trsnesots Oeaeral Beahlag Bhmluesa. rnlleetlone made st ell points en favorable tevaaa. Lettere of credit Issued available la Enmae gnd sll points tn the United Ststes. Staht Evehenee and Tetearsnhle Transfer sold ea New Tork. Washington. Chlcsaa, St. Tiuls. Denver. Omaha. Saa Francisco and Montana and Britlah Columbia. Evchenew amid mi Too don. Parts. RsrrlB. Frankfort. Bongkoag, Tokohssaa. MsaUs ssd rtoaoiuiaj, - -. EROHARTS WATTONAL BANK. PORTLAND. 0RXOOR. J. FRANK WATSON ..President R. I DURHAM Vlee-preetiteen R. " W. HO YT .v.;. . .Caahler 0B0ROR W. H0TT....l....Aaaiatant Caahler Treses eta a Osasral Bsukrna Buslnsss. Dtsfts and Letters of Credit leaned Available ta Alt Parts sf the World. -, . Collections a Specialty. -- - M ORRIS BROS. . US First St.. Peruana, or. Offsr Gilt-Edge Investasents la Bfunlclpal aad n ii . to . Tl SttURlTY SATTlffMI TST OOMPANT. . 888 Moirlssa St., FsrtUad. Or. Transacts a eenerel Bsnktmr wusiaass. SAV7VSS DEPARTMEWT. Interest Allowed en Time snd Savings Deposits. Acts ss Trustee for Estates. Drafts gad Letters of Credit Avallstile la An Parts of the World, a F.- ADAMS. .m....Feesldent L. A. LEWIS.. First Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Tlce-Prestdent R. a. Jl'RtTB e..... Secretary ' GEO. F. RT SrT.L AeeleUnt Becretary TBI COKTMEirTAL OOMPANT. . r . . Financial AgsntA. . 84$ Stark st. Phoae Msia 1878. MORTQAQB LOANS 0a Pertlaad - Real-Jtstate at Lewest Rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts Furnished. TITLE wVARAVTEI TRUST 00. ; 848 Waahlagtos St.. Osr. Seeond. -' 110 RED FIRE WILL Portland Business Men to Be Re ceived at Albany in Business like Manner. ' INFORMAL RECEPTION WILL BE TENDERED Salem Names Big Committee to Meet Touring Portlanders and All Towns .Will Join in Effort to Foster Closer Relations. (Special Dtspsteh ta The JsaraaL, - - Albany, Or.. Nov. IS. Tho Albanr Commercial club met In tho Alco club pwiluiB lail Bienliig Riifj RuuuliilraJ committee to arrange for the reception to bo tendered tho Portland business men on their excursion throtigh tha TBlley next week. Tho excursionists will be-tisre st 7:19 o'clock Friday even ing, and tho Albany people will be ready to do tha honors st that time In a buslncse-llke meiWer. . There will bo no attempt made to burn red fire and make a sreat noise, but the visitors will be received snd escorted to a nan. where) they will meet tho business men. who are members of tho three commer cial organisations of this city the Alco' club, tho Commercial club and the Merchants' lensue. Tho business men of tha city will bo ready to meet the visitors snd bring about closer buat neas relations and ths best of feeling. snd later an Informal reception will bo tendered tho Portland party. - As tho trip Is not looked upon by the Albany people ss a junket, but a burli ness men's visit to foster closer busi ness relations, no attempt will be mads st a fourth of July demonstration. ' Tha following have been appointed on committees to entertain the Portland men at Balem Tuesday: . Committee on General Arrangements) Mavor J". W. Waters, B. Hofer. prenl- darnt Commercial club; George. Fv Rod- iter, president Business Men e league; F. T. Wrlshtmatv M. w. Meyers, J. A. Stockton. L. R. Stlnaon. . . " Reception rmmltteo -A welch, Thomas Kay, R. B. Houston. W. II. Downtns, George W. Johnaon, J. CI. Gr ham, M. Bredtmler, John tt. Albert. I K. Pate, J. Jnt trftwrence, J. P. Hughes, K. F. Itouslaa, C. H. Hlns. W. P. Huh cock, C. 11. Brewer. II. ,C. Kppley, H. F. Meredith, William Brown, J. 1 RorT" C. C. Cary, D. J.. Fry, Fred llaun, Hal; D. Patton, R. J. Hendricks, K. T, Burncn, Qua Huckestein, O. G. Deckabuch, II. R Olle, C. W. Tlllaon. Roy Bishop, John H. McNary. "R- B. Fleming. O. A. lrk. K. W. Steusloff. F. N. Ierby, J. A. Carson.' George E. Waters. A. F. Hofer, W. 1. Stanley, a I Irwin, lUy Farmer, Bqulro Farrtar, H. J. Ottenhelmer. W. T. Rig flon, C. M. Eppley, H. A. Johnaon. H. H ThlelsOn. Clurenco -Itsmtlton. W. It . Daney. D. H. James, Claud Ontch, K. 1'. McCornack, James McEvoy, J. A. Jeffrey, , John Payne. W. F. Katner, WBC. B-lMee, C. K. Ppauldlng', J. A. Richardson, tt. tV1 Croaa, C. A. Grey. U l Pea roe. A- sic. Gill. C. O. Lanslns. W. 8. Jdott, M. I'. Baldwin. ' ' . - " , Wow Typo of treeteaer. From the Toronto Mall and Kmplre. Montreal has new type of rsilw.r ear. Tho passenser enters at ths ret end and paaaoa through a il'ti. where the oorutuctor. In a sped s .( ticket office, collects the farm. It 1 stated that the company gathers Id ?l per cent mors fares In fhis tar ttt.n i did In the oj.l type This Is one l those .reform that ntreer railway fmi 4anles find out fur thsmsslvsa. URIIED 1 (""':.',; f