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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
i - ' . ... .. . . j . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 10. 1005. ; is ' Entered at tha Bnstsrfic at rartlsnd, Oregon, for Ira importation lluuujk IUa mail ascoad vita dialler. . l'.artsgs fur single mitf: For a a 8. 10 or 13 page paper. 1 cant; lo tu 30 Bags. I cents! J2 . Flltorlst Iwm. :i,r!!! 2 Uualacaa Office...'......., Mala ftuu rosEiow teTnTtiua bebbesebtatitb. rsrlsnd Bcrjanitti Special Advertlalns l. Naaeaa etreet, New York; Tribun Build- , Hft micegQ, I ftTBscxirnoK litii 1 I v. . k fiilUf. , Tha 7e fly Journal, Willi Suadsy, 1 year...$t-'" 1 lie Dallr Journal. 1 TMI .......... . 600 'I be Dally Journal, wllh Sunday. months .CTa Tha Dally Journal, 6 months f Tun Kallr Journal, with Sunday. 8 eaontha. l.M The Dally Journal. 3 sioatha. . 1"? Tho bally Journal. Wllh Huwlay. 1 month.. A Tu 111, par week. delivered, Sunday, m-. chide, I I.TT... Jo Tbs Dslly, par week, delivered, Sunday ex cepted ......v.;. Tim. BV . Tha Pan Journal, with Sunday, 1 year. .,".$7 00 Mho Dally JournaL 1 mar ft-? The Delly Joamal, with Sunday, niontbs. 3 JJ .Tha Dally Journal. 6 aaoaUia. f '- Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, ( ssontbs. ltd Tha Dallr Journal. 1 Bum tha 1.40 Tha Dally Journal, with Honda. 1 month.. . Tha Dally Journal. 1 month. Tba Sunday Journal, 1-yeec,,. ... f'z Tba Bandar Joarnal. months..., u0 . Tha Send-Weekly JonrnsL Tha Kami Weekly Journal, ft to 12 page iuk uu u I, .,,.. Call market rs- port. Komi rt. 1 yaur. ma should ha mada By a ran, posm reea orders and small, amounts ara enptabla to X snd 2-cent poatsgev ..sumps. f . . THE.JOUESAL. F-. . Ho 131. Portland. Oregtax. f whxxx tkx nvuu mi u rovxo. Tha Journal ai n found oa aala at tha , following places: BOIME. IDAHO H. Seller Co.: W. B. Ma Intyra. i ' CHICAGO roatofflca Jfawa eompany; 1T Dear horn atraat. DENVER, COttlUDO-J. Black, Slstaantfe had tort la atrmta. - - . K ANNAS riTT-Tt Koy Kawa (onpaay. MINNEAPOLIS M. J. -kUranaiiih,' 8 Sontk " Third atraat, ' VKW IOBK CITI ftrmtano'a. rptna aqnara. VMAHA MUUrd Hota! Mat atand: Mffaath RtatlonarT innnut. latut Farnnnk atraet. ' ' . IAI.T I.AKB CITY Krayon Hotel aawa ataad'P Barrow una., 4.1 waat Earand atraat, oouia. ST. LOCH Philip Baedar. l Locuat atraat; B. T. Jatt. WW Ollva atraat. - ' BAN FBAKCISCO V. B. Artllnc. Palaoa Hotrt nawa atand and lOfm Market atraat; tJold amlth Bna, SM Batfrr atraet and Hatnt r FranHa hotel: hViatcr 4t Oraar, IVrry batld tnc; K. Vbaatley. marahh) newa atand. cor ner Market and Kearney atraeta. " ' BRATTLE Rainier Uraad newa atand; W. i.. Hhanke. Hotel Seattle newa atAodi , ePOKANB. WASHINGTON John W. Qrahaa 1 . . TAOOMA. TASTTIWOTOH Central Kawa eont- nan: Rotal Taeoma newa atand. THTOBIA, BRITISH JOIXMB1A Victoria Bonk at Rtatlonery anmpaay. WEATHER REPORT. T.ljrht to Kkdrat(lr hmrjr rain hare ocoirt4--rtnr ttw tnt 34 fconn In fh iut atatM, tb hnr-r MlMlwIppl Taller amt In Mrthrn Nw Maxtro. do to fh tuf1mcf of a iiturNino antral ftwr tbo Gnlf of Mitoo. Llffbt prrct(il tntlno kt also reporter! at twattwed pi urea tn tba airdtlla Atlantic at tea. Io the ortlra atataa wK of tba MlaalMippi rlrer ant a tit ParKfc maat fair eatbr ooatJnoea aa a raault of a 1mren alaii pwaaura area which extends from ttte Laka retni wewtarard to the Caacado noan' talB-a. This lilirb area la adrartctnc oaatward, loweer, and tho Indlcatk-na point to a aTeWn ment of a diatttrtMtMe off tho Waahlnartoa coast. This storm will prubaulr advance Iniaml, follow Ins: tba eastward movamerat of the "hljrb' and eaoso ahowsrr woather tnolabt or rtatordajr tn werterw Oreami and weaiei u Waobtntrtoit, """arid locraatnaT ckndlna ftatnrdaf In aaatern, Oro svmi. eastern Waahlnffton and Idaho. It will ha warmer tnolirnt west of tba Cascade aumn tarns and In aootboastern Idaho. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Alan R. Stewart, WrandelL Abtaka, ST; Mary K. ;ioer, J4. , William J. Hatrh. Ban rraaelaea, Carlfornia. : fionhla B Wolff. 24. A. WV Anendaoa, 2d; Madce Oiryiih, SO. Weddlnr Card a. W. O. Kmlth A C., Waah fnKton hide, eor. fourth and Waahlnftoa eta. Mlae Bertha Martin, room 1 Allaky hide Btamnlnt and flaa neadlewark; laaaona (leea. BIRTHS. SI NX-NoTeanher T. to Mr. and Mra, Klchard Nnna. 777 rTandera afreet, a aoa. STROM November .- to Mr. and Mra. T. B. Strom. Beat Thirty-fourth . and Tillamook ' atreeta, a daeahter, DKRNBACrl Noremner S. ta 'Mr. and Mra. John U Darabara, SI Narth Eleventh atraat, a eon. TEAIlt JtorembeT B, to Mr. and Mra. I. Clarence J. Vaaata, at Maternity hoepttali BHIPPBT .WoTember 4. to Mr. and Mra. 0. B. Khlpney, at Maternity hospital, a ana. WAKDNER Novemhrr S. to Mr. and Mra. , tirarce) H. Wardoer, at Maternity hoapltal. a eon. BKNDEB Noveaiber . to Mr. and Mra. Everett O. Bender, MM Flake street, a eon. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. M IIKAN November . lYacila, Jane and Master McHean. 8iii si a I lory atraet, typhoid fever. XKHLI.VE November T. J. C. Verllna, 12C8 Mnntaaa avenue, typhoid fever.- TAR KH November 8, T. C. Psrks. 43 East Cench street, aortk, typhoid fever. DEATHS. DAY8Y November T. Thomas A. Ilnvey, nged . - "1 yeara. 434 Cast Seventh atreet ; raiiae. card Is a dropsy. Burial at Urwenweod cesis- tery. . - . CHENOWETH November T. Robert Bay Cleno ... weth, aged SI yeara, at Oood Ka merit an hos- prtsl; rsuae. scats nephritis. Creniatorlnm. JJI NTINtiTON November 8. Ellzalieih Fl. . Huntingtoa. aged 62 years, at ehjan) Edmarltan . ' hospital: cauae. ahnck from ope rattan. Burial at Im Oraade. Oregon.. AVER! EX November 7. Msrtss' A. Averill. aged ; T years, 2K8 Twelfth street; causa, senility. Bnrlsl st Blvervtew cemetery. JOHNHOrt November 'T. Annie Johnson. : a red days, , Mas North Sltteentb street: cauae, imenmoola. Bnrlsl at Lane Fir cemetery. . BOWLANU Keeemiwe a. Jshes B. How land. seed 78 years. 484 North Fourth street: cans, - i' heart disease.- Burial at Slier r lew ceaie- .1 tecyi , .1 , Cl ADE November 8, T. Quads.' aged 41 years. J 8 Vhicmfa bost.lts): mass, fractnra of akntl. hartal at Ixme ftr renietery. fJARONER November 8, Ellxabetli Uardner, aged M- years, st Home for A red: cause. senility. 'Burial at ML Calvary cemetery. . TOWNftENft-Nevsmlw 8. William w. Town Send, aged 42 years, at Good Hamsrltaa hian -esuse. fracture of ahull Is accident. Bnrlsl st rComelhia. Oregon. W n.LIAMINovembee 4. Jack Wllllama. aged I1 Mt- Vloeenta hospitali cauae. hesssfTtnr4iw to ganahot wound? Burial t I off r arm. ;' WElBF-IWreiNovemhsr T. John B. Well-irs. agd 4 TU veers, at Terminal eoninai.r " . J rrnahed dknll. Burial st ll viJ "IT ill J sknll. - . . nie 'rP;-. BITIBTiriF CIBITI1Y. Btngla graven 818. Family tnta 878 to II One The only -cemetery In Portland which 'oe inlly amtntnlna snd cares for Inta. For fall Information apply ta W. B. Markenale. War. reefer block, city, if, Ml Lead, president. i. P. Flnler A 8n,' funeral directors snd ewihalseers. corner Third sad Msdtaea straets. Of Acs of ssostf asrener. . Talephoao Mala 8 Osaalcg. McEatas-di teilhaugh.-wndeetakers aad emhalmera; ssodera In every detail. Swveath and Ptoe. Mala 40. . Lady aaaletast. Fnnsral wreathe snd rat Sowers a epeclalty at R.v City Oreonhoaae, Twenty aaaind snd Is at Morrison, op p wits rematerj. 1, , The Edward Flolmsa TTndertsklnf eomnany, funsrel directors and ssj bs Inwrw. ,- StVs Third al, Phowe ftoT : i'ijj. 'in 1 11 KsaaagnEBSKSuancga:'' cam ah REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. F. Maw and wife to O F. Fattnn. 4o avea ae) tk,M in, 28. 8. 80, 82. XK t. lownahlp 2 north, range 1 seat; sec iwi ft, tfwsVlp t north, rsnge 1 esat;' -s ae, llm gi, tosnahlp I north, fsnge " '" I 1 ld,0n0 I" KanOVrly and wife to II r. Farksm. anath w h'l I1', tract F. o reef on Parh. S,2M M M Etna. to W. II. M ii. r rove, lots i aad 11, bstU S, rerUlOMiLll.... Ms 13 HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ure(oa Water fewer A Tuwnalta com bauT to at. '. Ukoa. lot 1M. bltk-k 2U. CUy View Park ....... . ..,,. ...v., ' 800 '. t:. Daba and wire to M. K. Thnmu . ana. lot 4. Murk S. aubdlrlaoa Hirer- , Tlee adilllloB , 800 A. Henastaka and haanead to W. TV. . HaWil.lre. k.t- 1, hlN-k ft. JTHi.V) ' tt aouth of and adMnlna; .lot .1. : kkxk ft. fluikmaua addition ........ 4.100 4, i tToaier and nnauend to A. Traevy. lot H. north 1 feet lot ' ft, tika'k JW(i, renin) Ka.t I "net land Vli tor Lead rumnany to A.' M. bradk-y. l.ooe lot i. mora wt 1 ' P- J. Klrnn and wlf ts M. DrTauvy, '. II it M 2. M.k 2. riiy E. mr- t P. -riynti, north -4 lot S, .' bkyk 2. rlty ' W. blerker lo W. Oelaner, 2tliN feet iM-ainnltia ititrtheaat mrner lt lu. bax-h li. Williams Avrnne aridlilun... B7S r. Hehu.ll and wife to W. Klwlier, Xg. no xeet ntt xn. viora li. m mania Ave nue addition ' 673 t. Ueflala and 'hnahatut In C R blK. v anla, .. 7. bturk 7ft. I'nlverally Park. 'iftoO1 B. W. Uaatlnaa and wife to A. (irvru... Inta ft and u, block 31. . Tlletta' addl tlva . M. U Holhrook and nlfe to C. Wtwl. hvuee. Jr.. Iota ft-to IX block 8. 81. Johna Park addition . - 1.0U0 B.. Johuaoa to O. t'. Wondhonae," Jr., lot a, Mora 4. j. Mr addition 1.S00 r. A. Lay and hueband In C. C. ,Wim. house. Jr.. aoiitliweat M 1. block 3N. J. Juhnk' ao.llth.ii ' dou U. B . Ranft -to A. eVhm-ldtY. lot 1. block 2K, Alnlna 1 1 IV ll.rl ami m-lfe tn V l)'ltrb.M hlnch ' in. Waverlr . ... .i. . 1.80 r. t-Brlen and wire to r. Kll, andl- Tided I hkirk AS. Waverly ; It. I. l li,Bh.t mmA mlfe to A. J. Price. lot 7. Ihck Xt. Ceulral Alblna X.0U6 Title iluaraittee at Troet ramuany. to w. . jinn, j.i. mors it. rirat auaition to llnllader Park addition ......... .'..'T BOf Btiard of church eitrmilon of I'nltcd ITvabytvrlan church to T. W. bbaiik land, lot S, block 11, Plcaaant Home. addition , St . U rrledner and hnehend to 0. F. Mmlaren, lot . block 08. Carter's ' addition ....... .!'. .............. J.00 , Merera and hnaband to P. Slevera, lot- 111. block Id. North Irtlnston 180 . M. Mrlianlel et al. to H. C. rrtts. Jut 3. bkK US. Bunni aldk -ja ....... 1 1,801 M. L. Hduraok and, wife to J. I.-e. lot 22. bkick 4, 8C Tubus Psrk addl- ' t t r,, n.- v. t . t ;vtt;t . .Ti-r:vi loe . Johnaua rt al. tn D. flcbmltkr, an- ' dlviled lot St. block 114. cltr 8.00 . U Holbronk to J. Johuson. k.U 23 and 24. block 4, .lit'. J okas Park addl- - tkm .00 G. Ktenaer and wire to H. Mrlater. enulk W lot 1. block :. rlty 10,004 Arleta Land eompany to W. W. Prlbble, lot 12. block aV. Arleta Tark No. 4.,. lift TIITe Oaarantee dt Truat couiiany to D, , Z", Mnrr.mta 1(1 and 11, block 00, Bun- njiiiuc jBiru uuuidon iu E. B. Mrtscer and hnaband to II. L. - rtbeHey, lota it and 12, nuxt s, mdi -Ilond addition .... 234 Sunnyalde Land d: Improvement company . - tn M. B. Norman, lota 2 and 8, block 27. Hunnyetde 730 Bunnyalde Lend A Improvement company to at. e. church, lot a, Block XT, nuunj- aide .j."...'. ...... SB Sannyalde Iaad A I in prove ment com pany to W . H. norman, - lota a. ; 1 1, . . in". 4 1 , cult n j -"rv ii wi OT lrT'Clark to W. H. Norman. Inta Id . ' to 18. and eaat 9ft feet Iota 13, 14 and . 19. black 11. Runnyaide 1 . U. Bobbins to A. L. Bnsarth, lot 8, - 1 bkick II. Hlshland Park .- , U. H Inkle and wife, to B. Fortler sod wife, lot 8, block 8, Wllllama Ave- - nue addition 1,301 . M. Blnirham et al. to M. Thompson, ea.t H lots II. 13 and 14. Work TS. Brllwood .- Al B. Ml to L I. Hawktne. lot ft. '. block ,154. Kaat PortUud - - 82 L. P. Beno et a I. to tl. Moore and wife, 1 north H lot I. buck ". rlty lo.oou Haln and wife to L. B. Thnmaon. lot lkV-hioca. ft--Wllllama Avaaaa addition ' No. 8 ' 400 . C. Kdnmnda and wife to B. B. Bar. liniton. 10ox4Q feet.' bsalnnlnc north. -east corner a. Murray donation laud claim ........... . w : Bodmrer et si. to B.-Lovetren, lot 11. bkick 28. Central Alblna 10 Kloaterman tn W. M. Ladd et al., Iota ft. H, block 8. Couob adlltloo. . . . 1 , MrKlllntt to C Kane, lot 10, block I. Mrnint Hood addition 17S W. Bartel and wife to VIMor Land con- Piny, lata I and 8. buck 21, Tremont lace .j. --,8ft C. McOrrw ami wWe to D. Mlaner, kit , 1, block 18, Kern Park , 400 Get roar Insnrsnea and abstracts to real aetata from the Title Guarantee Treat eees pany, B40 Waablngton atraet. aomee aecono. - r j-- i LOANS We fiftre smple funds to losn in any amount on improved business ' and residence property in Portland and ' r" ricinitr at lowest rates.. TTTXJIB XBTSIVBST. ' -waM8esfaV43T W88raBBUrTT The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. v' 8 40 WsVBBTIJrOTOjr T. ' . (Cornap Second at) . ' PORTLAND, OREQON No Extravagm iTEDfl nUTUALLIff or taj.-wAvm.vnm. ' Blnoe rJrganlrAtlon,' 48 years ago. this com puny a Interest lncoma alonn h axceerled ita total ex penses by 836,170,7.6S. . It a a good company . to invest with., ... . OUR POLICTHOLDERS - ARB r . SATISFIED. - S. T. LOCK YYOOD & SON . OBBTZKAZ. AUXTS,, Coneord BJdr fortlaad. Or sfoa. SPOT CASH FURNITURE . In Any Quantlty We also gall on commission. , Onaran tea beat results. PORTLAND AUC TION! ; ROOM H. Ill First trf A. aVhulench, (iroprlator.". Phono Main (CIS. r NOTICE. WW It Slay Concern -The painting Arm ot Parker d Kahler.'kirated at flS Third at., fa rhla nay dlaaolved. Mr. Perker continuing the hoelneas al the name stand, sasumlug sll ' debts and recalling all asuneya now due Met SxBH I'hcjn It ! NOTICE. PBOplHAIJt : PUR HUPLKMSIIMKNT OK lNlHif titock. Aleneral lie pot of the Quarter- ; master's Hapsriment, -Kl New Montvouery at., nan tram-laco. ( alirnrnla. NtivantlM-r . 1WA. Healed proposals R trlidlcste Ul be received at this ofni-c nntll 111 o'clock s. m., I'aclllc alandard lime. ' December H lUUft. f"f furnlahlns and drllverlni at Ilia fan rrau- ' rlaco drnot alcohol, atatloncry, plumber atinollea. aahnarrula. ciallu)Kkeia. hanlware, '. atoveholts, hnras, whlakliravaua. it Inta and bruahva. Dlnrlltllnka, harm-aa and aaudlerr, burlap, oMra-chalre. wairon -parte, atovrnle ellMiwa, escelnkv, (rauhlle, hoae, brandlne Irons. Incandeacent lamiM, lyc. olla, wrap plui-naper. Illirarr pat, aantnifiana, type. writer rlbrwua, aawdusU pJatfuriu ai-ah-a. "ahellae. ehamnla-aklna. . Soau. thtlmbtacka, ahoethrBd. Inruvnllnr. Iwlue. tahlpa and mpiier wire. etc. The I nlted mates reserves the rleht to accept or reject any or all hide, or any part thcrnuf. Information and blank urirtjoaale ' tnrittahed 'on application. t Knvelnpea rntalnlu pmpiwals, to be marked "fropoaala lor KCiieniaumeni ot eio,.a,---rak. 8 7 1, to Be Opened leermber H. liaift." and addrssaed to Major t A. iievoi. wuaricr master, I:. 8. A., Uepot ttnartermaatrr. l'KOI'08AIJI FOR CLOTHINtJ AND KgCII Ai.K lieuot ausrtemisater s otnee, ;w iet Montroiaery St., Kan FTanelaco, California, October 14. IMOftKesletl prnnoesls In trlnll. 1-ate. subject to the usual rondltlous. will ha received here nntll IO o'rlork a. n.. November I4. 1IKI.V and then opened, for furnlahlns and deHrerrnr at either tne t nicairo, nr. Louis, A. BVenelaco or fteattle denota or Ilia unir. "termaater's denartuieut. tTnlted Ktates srmr. lli.Miu.em bnwms and l.ono ecruhhmk brnaliea. Tha riant m reserveii to reject or accept any or all pmpnaala or any part there of. Preference will he sJren td articles f douiearlc mannracturs. conilltlona. or inalrty and price lnclndln tn price of forelsn pnv dnetluna or manufactures lue duty thsreiHi) belnz eqnal. ntannartt aampiea ran iu seer st. snd blanks for nmpnsala and fnll Infor. mstlon will- he furnished wpon- application ta this - off Icev Knvebaies enntstnlns propoaala to he Imloraed. "frnnoaais Tor Clot nine and Kqolpsfe. NA77 241, to he niened at 10 o'clock a. m., noremner ja, ww. C. A..DEVOI, IVpot Quartermaater. I'. 8. Army. MEETING NOTICES. ALL Woodmen In , the elty are cordially Invited e meet in Multnomah eamo ' hall. East BUth and Beat Alder, tonight. Head l onaul noak will oa mere. Prosram bea-lna promptly at :.Ki. . Befreabmenla will he aerved. By order committee. LOST AND FOUND.' L08T A red Bitjila-cnvered memorandum-bonk. t A red IliiaJla. ntalnlnn; several eontainlns several Henneman A Johanaon let- ter-hcede;of no value escept to owner. Re turn to ail Anteny st. and reeelva reward. LOST la city hall, (ray leather puree) liberal ard If returned to Jonrual'oMes. - LOST Foiterrler doc. white with two black apots on back and aide, one black a v. abort tall, female, l'lraae return to 2V7H Front at and receive reward. .-''.-. WIRT October . Black cocker spsnlel, - aire three muntj Reward. LOST Post specie! receipt book, containing rerlatereo tetter: reward.-' foal Special De livery. 3tK Waahlnftoa at. . . ... L08T Diamond rm In South Portland, near ulbBs at. s'Bider please return to 1b3 UIUps at.; reward... . -.- -i":.- ' i' STRAYED to my place, one Jerary heifer; owner jean have name by paying expenses snd wentl- rying tne sninuu. i'Done w est auo. L08T Black puree. Tbnraday 'evening, on Bna- aeii at. or Bortbwlek. Ketum ins Hellwood at. FOUND Near Bandy road, eochsa ana a let dos c. O. nnllander, cars of Ceopey Boa. tailors. inira et. HELP WANTED MALE. ' LAST rail for . men, under 88 years to prepare ror railway mail rierss; enroll meat must ue In this Bstiirdsy; good paying positions; gradual promotion. Call Immediately. K. O. Ileyuen, 12 Brerdra bl.lg., 23.1H Washington st., v a. m. to a a. m. WANTED 1 lumber srsdars. 22.88: 10 mill snd yardmen, near city. 82: 4 boys, 8l.2r; 1U pursers, vz.7, up: in nxmen.f A.nv; 0 swanip- era, gz.-Mi: others. LnmMrmen s La our uv reau, klorrisoa st. BARTENDER wanted for la boring -clans trade. Address B 411, care JournaL WANTED 8 Mrst-clsss salesmen: only eipe rlenced men need apply: at T, P. Kelly a hankrnpt sale. 228 Morrison St., Bstordsy morning at 8 a. m. , WANTED St flrat-claaa shoe aa leames : only n . perlenced men need apply: at T. P. Kelly'e bankrupt aale, 228 Mgrrlaon at., Saturday morning at tl a. m. t WANTED A etmng hny at Concanona's market. Twenty-first snd Johnson sts. RECUR 8, A OOOD POSITION. Wa assist competent office men. boo It keepers, stenographer, cashiers, collectors, bill clerks, penersl cl:-r1esl, technical commercial men. boa Loess Men's Clearing Boose, 110 Second. WANTED Private Inatractton tn engineering:! MEN and bora wanted to earn 8ft day. after 8 montha Inatmetraa,- poaltlon gnaranteel; special tuition half pries, few days only. Coyne Bros. Co. Plamblng Hchonw, New York, Cincinnati, O., St. Loots. Mo. , Froa catalogue. f 20- TO ftnn per week- essily msdo selling alrk and accident neneflta fw In Ion Mutusl AM Ass'n. 706 Msrqusm hldg. .L - SALESMEN wanted; cash advanced weekly; . good territory ones; outfit free; soma ara mak ing 8100 to 81M per month.. Why not yoat Address Washington Nurser Co., Toppenlsb, Wsablnfton. WANTED Clerks and window -dressers to study ahow-card writing at Y. M. C. A. night , achool; personal instructloa. Apply tot par tleulars. . WANTED Shoemaker tn rent repair shop, tools and machine; good location, plenty worn .cheep rent. Call 285 Burnalde at. WANTED First-clean salesmen in Port I a ad and country; big wages. 2ud McKay hldg. BXPEBIENCED flntaher for kitchen fnmitnre; also msehlnemsn. 10S Eleventh at., north. COATMAKEKS wanted. 1 Hamilton bldg. A. J.: Brault. rooat WANTErt-Prelldlde agents, salary of com mlaalen. 84 per day. Boom 8 I.ahbe hldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Immediately, ennerlenced bnasCrtnrt . glri. drat -cUaa private family wagee-..K)! amdher town, lajt, YsmbllL Phone Main S418. EXPERIENCED lady canvsaaers will hear of 1 something to their advantage by addressing B 48. esre ' Journal. WOMAN cook wenred; fiermaa preferrrd. dreaa R ftW- tesrs . Janrnsl. Ad- SALESLADIES wsntsd to solicit trade for tea and corfee-bonae; asiary sna . commiaamo; moat ba of good address. Standard Coffee A Spies Mills. BW Mecoad st. TBI'STWOBTH Y. energetla women to travel and organlae for Vlavi company. Call ar addresa room St, Lrwts bldg. ,! yOBTI.ANT ' SEWINII SCHOOL Faahlonabm - dreaemahtrs 271 H siorrntoB sr., cor f ourth, room C. rtretem taught. . -, . Ul HI, to work for board and go te school. 1 East Twenty-elath at., near Morrison. MaNSEM'S LADIES' AOENCT. SUM Washtns ton at, cor. Seventh, apatatrn. Phone Mala SA82. Female kelp wanted. . LADY eoltcltnr for the tea and coffee train. Hawthorne Tea Coy 8T0 Hawthorne ava. WOMAN Sir general hoaaawork. . al Bodney are., near Engene, st. - VtdlA" net far country. JemmsL Addresa P 43, YOOMI girl to help la general booeewart. Boom in Hamilton niog. 4 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BELP Wanted and ennplled. male at Hmele. " K. Ii, PtAk, m n WssalBlWs W Black IMS, 0 'n25D na'pW " irNOTTk 'jy-J nL- s . 3 . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. TITK demand for'" competent bnokkeepers and stenwraiioere ta grssier man tne supply. From . August 1, 19H. ta Augnat 1, lle-lo. we placed - Vf in goon poaitamai nau rails ror mors tha ' fton: our 'graduates are ALL emnkivad: w will aaaiat yon to a position when ennmelent enroll now; dsy or night. - tiehnke-Walker Business College, dixta snd Morrleoa sts. BAKER wlabea position la or out of Portland flrat-claaa workman; can give heat of ref. erencea; nonunion. ' Adilreas Elbert NU-hols, vtj west section at., Ainany, urpgon. . WAXTKIV Man and wife oa farm.. Address B ft, ears JimrnsL - WANTED At ones, a bright, snergstle, pre- senrsois man or woman, a gooa tsiaer, to take np-sn attractive proposition. lniutr tnsmpcr ot commerce, v a. -at. WAKTEI--lnimedlately. 8 men or women tn de rsnvaaslng. Call np Kaat run; good propoaltton. SITUATIONS" WANTEDMALE; yoi'XQ man 24 years of sge. with good educa line, the beat or recommendations snd ex. .perlence In tbs grocery business, teschlnff snd aolicltlng. wishes n sltustlon aa grocery clerk, hut will accept any honorable work! la well pcQusintew hub tne city. Address HfOd. cere Journal. 1 1 EXPERIENCED rod mas desires poaltlon. B 47, care Jvuroak , , VOCNtl man, 18, with anme .e perlence in grocery huelhees snd well scgualatid with city, strictly honest, wishes any kind n( honorable poaltlon. Addrena 60, Journal RELIABLE tiermaa man wants work ss dish- washer, steady. Address n no, JmtrnsL . WANTED Pnallkm by an aiperleneed ho keeper; ran coma any lima after November in; logging rirtn prererred. Address w. J., in cars of Cornelius x Warehouse, Cornellai, Oregon. yOt'NU man dealrea place to work for hut tweird aad room while attending college, tu quire T. H. Akin. 63 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Ultnallona for all klnda of laborers, 8. 8. 8ltnrerland. miiMtrimendaat Beacon Light miaaion. mm iisvis at. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED By a deserving woman, work hv the naywaahlng or acTubblng. T7S Ruoarelt at. UmdTVM. ... - . POSITION wanted by a trained nurse. . Call 814 .Jerrersoa st., or psnoo. Msla 04.12. WOMAN wsnta small family waahmg to da at home. Auiiress n an, care journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT" OFFICB. ' i FOB MEN. 88 N. Second at. - Pbona Mala 1S2B. JAPANEflBCHINEkB EMPLOYMENT OFFICB," Henry Tauara. mi K reran st. rnoaa ra- Ulc 840. . ... , .. .,- 8TANDARD' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Help fnnilshed free. - 2S6 Bomslda at. ITioaa Mala 84.T7. - , - , PACIF10 Obaat Emn. Co. Reliable employment agenta i jvi in. 2d at. rnona Ham bstu. bMB EMPLOYMENT CO. Ill Morrison St.) supplies men for an kinds of work. BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help supplied tree. in . Becona et. none Mala 1810. NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency, six fine st. fnone Mam is. WANTED AGENTS. WINNEB tor agents Health sad accident Insurance on popular monthly tpaymenta For liberal terms, sddresa O. A. Lymsn, mana ger. Continental Caanalty Co., N. W. Dept., ktocawk bklg., fort land, Oregon. - AGENTS wsnted to sail norsery atock new and complete outfit furnlabed (reel essh weekly. Capital City. Nursery Sslsm. Oregon. WANTED REAL ESTATE.: LIST your phnperty with as for quick returns; farm tines s specialty. l regg Bros., rest - safate. 817-318 Fentoa bldg. , I HAVE buyers watting to bear of email homes In or near Portland, any direction; if you are ready to aril address F S, cars JournaL WANTED Lot close In, akm small farms; bar customers. . 208 Fourth at. - - WANTED To buy or lea as a building lot cloaa la. McPhsrson, Oilman hotel. First and Alder. WANTED For one year, by reliable, tenant, a I to room modern well furnished hones, weat aide. Address B 42, Journal. WANTED TO RENT. WE want desirable booses and data, all parts of the city; have hlgh-clasa cllenta wsltlsg) rents collected, r r Trjrtllfjr ' TrrP. lU.III.H.UU COMPANY, 1 uarAn 1 , , Phone Mala 1878. S43 Btsrk St. WANTED To rent farm. 18 ar SO scree, sear eltri bonee and barn. M. O. Morgan, 870 Mllwaukle at. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewis and Clark fair at hornet eend nc la stsmps for handsome photo book, nearly 2rt0 photos of fair. THifttt Inches. Western View Book Co.. Portland. Bog 804. WANTEIe Small Kaat 4.116. horej Jot, Its feed. PhoM PAINTING, spraying and whltewaehlng trees, baaementa, bsraa. docks, etc.; Isrgeet gsaoilne , sprsylng ontflt on the conet. M. O. Morgss A Co., 870 Mllwaukle at. Pbona Eaat 261T. , STAPLES. THE JEWEIJSB, BUYS OLD GOLD AND BlLV Ka. 0RCTIE8TBA, 8 pieces, wants, mgngeaaents evenings. Sundays ; oiuale for all occsslons very reaaonabls. .46 Lssretla st. - TeL Mela SSOS. HIOIIE8T rash price" paid for bottles and junk of every description. Portland Bottle Snoply Co., 881 North Eighteenth. Pbena Msla 2288. BOOKS-bought, sold and exchanged at tba Old Booh Store, 228 Yamhill at. . , F. J. BYDEK, printer. Second and Waablngton ' ata. Phone Main BoSft IF yoa want msntira for rosea or laws, phone Front 204.1. Call WHO IS M. O. MOBOAN A CO.t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL HOOD. cor. Sixth and Everett, la undet new management and can rent new and nicely fnrnlahed rooms, wllh steam host, free bath . and phonal -ad very low retns for tba winter. SI'NNY large front room, snltslile for two op more; furnace heat, moderate pries; dcalrshlr location. Phono Msln 2174. THB HCB. SS Eleventh at., eor. Btsrk New rowmlng house, nrdly fnrnlahed. steam heat, gaa light and bathe; close to rrtielneee Sec tion, I block from car line; all the comforts . of a home; everything np to date, Mrs, P. A. Clancy, prop. t - THB KINO 808 Jefferson St., sew building. handsomely fnrnuHied. with every nodera convenience': ai: outside rooms, with beat, gas or electric lights, porcelain hattia; ra tea ftOc, 7V and 1; special rates by tbs week or naonlb, . TPS BEIXKVL'K. S15H Foartb St. Neatly fnrnlahed room a for gentlemen; sll outside rooms: electria, Jlrhta, porcelain baths; rates, ftoe. 78c, fl: very lo rates by week at naonlb. Hood T01. TWO large, light, finely furnlabed rooms: gas, f ntrasee. heat, porcelain petit. ' telephone; . everything nest snd elssnr rates very reason : strle; walking distance. 148 Slxtb at. Pbona . Mala 0M8, - - , 177 THIRD ST Nlcetv mmlahrd sunny fooun, t)J!h r week; would board a lady. WELL furtilahed moms, board; good rboot loestlonl csr 1 'ftM. ClfF.AFF , ft wssl FMT and boat leer ted rworae la Poet la ad. a aaa sp, vuaua, girw sa A'ost sis, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMES.' Centrally located at I lie mrner of Alder and lark eta.; eteanr-neat, not aau coia vster, free porcelain baths: moojs Sue, 7 So and 111 special weeaiy rsies. . THB HAMANN, 13ft N. 18th.. cor. Hoyt Newly furnlahrd noma, 11.80 np; convenient location, IS mlnetea' walk to fair groanda; Morrleoa ear at union depot direct 10 heuss. Fhons S4T8. BEAVTIFI'L front snlte and 8 other desirable furnlabed rooms in moo em noma of private famllyi phone, hath, furnace beat, walking . . . f -u,, v -.. . . , ui,.u l, -t e. m uiaiancv. lew iwo, . iuu. . ,, i.v . - KlviYg nEIOHTS Daelrahls neighborhood. near at. Helen g nan, niceiy ruruiwieo roout for one or two, witn private latolly, perma- seat prererred. Ta Main at. BEilTirriAY fummhed ronma In brkk bolll Ing; hath, electric ngnt ana pnons: aa pet week and up, JTbe Nsw . Belmont. 183 Fires at. . . .' - 1 L1NDELL HOTEL. 4th and Market; saw men- egementl rnrnianed new tnrongnout; ,00 dark corororiaDie uouio. airs. e.--sioLasa MABQHAM HOrSE. 148H 8th Booms as snlte or Singis; Houaeuecuiog ruuui naa aiovos, hath, alec trie lights; trsnslsata aollcltsd. .. THE WII.BIR. 84S East Oak Fnrnlahed bonsekeeplng moms, si. in par week end np; lodging II and op. Phono, Eaet 4.1o. FURNISHED CD rooins, slngla or en suite, 88 per nd op. Hotel Fair mount. Twenty d I'pebnr snd Vsughn sts. month alzth and NICELY famished moms nt moderate prices for rent m largr private nooee. close in. call at 14T Tenth at., near Aider. . 168 17TH and Morrison sts. Most rieslrahls rooms: hot snd cold water, ba Ch..ateam hast, gee and phone. ELEGANTLY fnrnlahed roomer steam bested; hot snd cold wstsr; rates reaaonabls, 83 18 North Sixth at. . .. . , . - NEATLY furnished slngla sleeping-rooms, one double parlor; alao single housekeeping -rooms. 101 Tenth St. ELEOANTLY fnrnlahed room for one or two gentlemen; private family; best, gaa, hath. ftM Taylor.. . ,. i - FRONT parlor for gentleman of refine ment wae wishes room Bear taa center 01 city,, hi Everett at.' . NEWLY furnlabed rooms, with stove, bath. telephone. sultsbM for 2 adults, .cheap. Xa Mill at. . ' Tbs Henderson. 88.1 i Alder Elegantly furnished rooms far permsnent and trsnslsnt roomcra. HOTEL MONARCH, ftft.1 Stark at J trsnalenta so licited; prices reasonable. Phone Pacific 80S, NICELY - fnrnlehed nooms. - all mod era veoleaces, reasonable. o44 Sixtk at. THE GBANDNswly furnished room by the wsrg or mostn. -jak ursod are. ' ONE room with or without board) bath, phono, close in. 46 East Seventh. N. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING 430 YAMHILL ST., near Eleventh Nicely fur nished front suites; also single rooins,, Willi light housekeeping. - NFUBNISHED hnnsekseplng-rooms, groniiST' aoor. turn B-eonfl st; a rurnlahea houaekeepiug rooms, ground Boor, 2HA Clay st. FOB BENT Ilnnsekeeplng rooms. Bast Cort land, rtxjne Mcolt 214U. . FOB BENT Furnlabed 'hoasekeeptnc rooms la nest nnra niock on eaat aide: aaa rsnana. bath. etc. I bo transients; prices moderate. 1 sxaraa cm., lupins tnioa ava.. - AWev Pboars East SC24. Sl'ITB 8 rooms, ground floor, newly furnished. an monsrn conveniences; stao otner rooms. Tbs Nsw tlrsnt.. Second snd Ursht sts. ' N ICS fnintaued nonsekeeptng luiima. ftna mrss pisco, low rent tor winter. rnona East 4128. B. C. Barter. Mt. Tabor.- 81.78 PER WERK Large cleaa fnrnlahed housekeeping-rooms; laundry and balk. Is4 Sherman, South Portland. THE MITCHELL. Flanders and Seventh Booms. howsekerplns and transleat; coavanleat; prices reasoBsuie. THB GLADSTONE 81814 Savler at., fnrahjhed rooms; ander sew mansgrmast; pricsa rss eooable. FURNISHED bouaekeeplng rooms, slngla or en sane, reaaonsbla, 111 and lis North Pikitu. LABflB new elegantly furnished housekeeping moms, s:t.Bo sua sp. fruavt Alder et. ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE, pleaeant room with board for tws young men wllh private family; haa gaa, bath and . phone; within walking dlatance: needy for rcupstlon the 1Mb; J0 per mouth sack. Ad drsss P 4a, Journal. Fl'RNIHHED rooms and boarding, rates res- sons Die. its iweirtn St. . THB COMMERCIAL Select family - hotel; nicely furnished: single or en ajJte:MslL4-"i ""Pi,' " ""! itii(iTW in iliu iMi mil hi.' lYTttrrfiuT--- ' " and coal, dwalllng-houee. bearing fruit Pies" Valliar BKTklug dlstsncei rates reaaonsbla. 488 Wssblngton at. LABOB room, S gentlemen. 818 per month; nice location. Inquire 207 Orant el. FIRST-CLASS raomB and board for permaaent people, I22 M and $28 per month; table board 84 psr wsek. Astor bos as. Tth sod Madlsoa ata. TeL Mala 6281. THE HAWTnORNE. '221 Thirteenth Rooma with good board: walking distance, reasoasbM) rslss by tbs month. BOOMS with board for permanent tenants, re aeon able; first-class home sooktsg. 231 Sixth at. . WANTED Children to board; nice bom. Pbona Hood lotti. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL FAIBM0UNT. ' North Twanty-slith at., from I'pabur to j ; r- Vangha. . Booms fnratahed and onfurnlahed, alngle and ea aulte, 1 per week and np. A' permanent modern building . plaatered and with , bsthrooma snd modern plumblug. P1TED FOR 0aTF0R' CO0KIN0. ALL 0LT8IDB BOOMS. ' ROOMS snd offices In Lewis bldg. Whltsi 308 Ilekam bldg. Inquire FOB BENT 4 unfurnished, rooma, with shik. hot nnd cold water, bath, pbima. . BPS Wil liams are. . . . . - UNFL'BNIHHED bouaekeeplng room, either down or upstairs, am r immtn to right part. '' Inqtilre on Bremlaea. dsl Second at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. FOB beat reeulte on . "rUHNlTUBH,-" Wbatber ro buy or sell, ring Bp Mala 8688. PORTLAND AI CTION BOOMS, Sll First at. )I28 BCYM furniture of S-roum modern house . in waising aiatance; rem resaoaaoee, au. drees B 07. rare Jon Journal. THREE ft-room houses' foe rent., furniture ft sale; s e-mom fists r rent ami iirnitnn fw sale; theae srs snaps. Sea H. 11. Ulgley. Na. 873 Taylor at. . ; , THB entire furniture of On raids Inn at entrance to fair ground for aale cheap; B4 rooms, u. B. Noble, 112 Commercial blk. ' HOI 8EHOLO furollura lot gala. ta Jailer- ava al, . .- FOR RENT HOUSES. ' ; - TO rent or sell t room cottage, at Tre motif. porcelain bath, hot and cold water . ov-haril. garden snd cement slilewslk: price 8: down. Balance I0 per nnsitli .snd htlerrat . at ft per cent; rent for I12.B0 per 11100U1. A. Ogden. room 6t3 Fralon bldg. FOB BENT Houses and ata, nU, psrbj of the cltr. Rental department TUB' CONTINENTAL COMPANY; 843 gt.rk at. STUART etatlon. Moant Scot car 4 larga ronma. outbulldlnga, modern; part lea witheat children; furniture for aala. Call the BeUs- . vua. Fourth and Salmsa. FOR R1C NT Portland Helrhls. room bouas. moder-i conveniences. Bull u wster, urge laws. MslB fts-'d. ftn Fl'BNlNII.Jt -ft-room fist with bath and gee. innuirs ttiraca. 110 rvi sj'. . THAT elegant 12 room modern dwelling. 4M lioiiaday are., tatty gau per mootn. inqinra at 228 Waablngton at., or pbona Pacific 877. FOB RUNT ft-room furnished house. , Pbona East 1483, : i, 8-ROOM souse for rent: most desirable loci. IM for rooming-house. inquire tat tl. Cohan. 410 Columbia bldg.. 883 Waablngton at. Phous Msln 784. . NEW t room honss and anarter block. Hancock and Eaat Twenty-alxth ata. .n no. at. M. Lombard. S14 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BENT New 6-rnora bona, pshtry snd bath, two blocka from two carllnes. rent lift. I'bone Bcott 104JL ...... FOB KENT e New, modern cottage. PhOM Feat 2S7H. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 3 and 8 room fists, furnished com nlete; hatha, gas rsnges and all convcnlencea. Call t" 14 Fourteenth. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOB B EXT Centrally located ofScea with phone ana neat, sio per month. K. u, tats, iij Second st, - ... , . . ... OFFICES snd rooms, Iwls bldg. . Inquire wsite, own iieium niag. FOR BENT Deakronm and everything far niaoeo. E. B. Jackson Co., 21s stark st. OFFICE-BOOMS Ooodaotujb bids. Apply elevator FOR, RENT FARMS. FOB BENT Dairy farm, 180 seres; 90 tons bay on piace tor aale. J. u. Llna. currinavtuc. r. s vir r, csrllne. 10 ACRES with boose and nam for rent near Troutdale: good land. Inquire 333 Burnable. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. RirKtore. deelrablo for restsorsnt. eresmery and bntter store or tea snd corree business; cheap rent, lenao for 8 vara. 228 Croaby at- Inqulr Steel Bridge Market,' 13 rioiiaitsy sva- - FOR BENT About January J. . 8-etory brick ouiiiiing 1001100. sort Seat t ror. 'Third and Madlaon; will remodel and leeee whole or psrt to dean-able parties. Apply Id B. I, Cos, No. T First St., room 10. - 1, FOB RENT 3-story wsrebouss. 100x100. trartage. northwest ror. Fourth snd Hoyt. Apply B...T..Coay- rirsl, room 10. fbous at am wi. : , -1 BUSINESS CHANCES. Phone Mam 400. -' HAVE TOC Listed Tonr Property or ' Business Cbances with -SMITH BROS.t .' , ' 1 If not, why not I - For we can sell It for yon." Cell and let sa tell yoa nnr new plan. 1 122 ft Sfxth at., cor. Wash bag ton. 8AIAMIN and good hotel, with or without hotel, for aale; will eell half Interest to tha right party. Address. B 60, rsrs Journal. . WILL sell ebean, a Blew business clearing 12.000 to 33.0)10 per yrer: would exchange for fsrm or other propertr; psrt nsymenC Address B ftft, rsrs Journal. PARTNER wsnted hi cms of tlaa finest boslnewa enterprises on coast; best opportunity of your life: email capital required. Addresa R 33, care of Journal. BLACKSMITH-SHOP doing good business pest trees, chleken-honse. 2 paasenger-hosts.. csr service esch day, S minutes' wslk to sjach place; all for $200 if taken anon. Apply ta Thompson Foster, BldgenSId, Wsshtngton. - FINK opportunity for good man with 81.10 to get half Interest m well established resl eatats of rice. Call at 221 4 Morrison at., room U. 8880 CASH burs poultry, 8sh. batter, egg snd fruit msrkft. central, location, beat one In city., will stand closest Investigation: caeb trade SOU to $120 per days parties selling have other bneineaa; fine meat market run - In connection; thta la a bargain. Address If 53, cam Jonrnsl. A GENTLEMAN contemplating n trip to Colo rado or Texas ahonld writs for Information, P 60, Journal. . WOI'LD trade flrat-claaa carpenter work earns ta tailor work. P 60, Joarnal. tor FOB-iBAteE 8-room boarding hooso doing good rmainese; tearing lows cauae or sale, tpv First st. . . - - SAfOON doing bnslness of $30 per dsy, fine location, very euean . rent: u clears faoo per month; will sell at $1,230. Address B 46, Jonrasl. ' :' . , -,' FOR sale, cheap, good business in - thriving suborn: rtne locstion. cheap rent; prefer to aril direct. Addresa X. Y. I., car of Journal. CANDY STORB. WELL LOCATED WITH LIT. in RutiN. caa ns naa at low rent ay a desirable farty; location on eaat olds oppo site the Alblna action! house. Particulars, call office. 817 Commercial block, THE beat rooming bouse bargain m the cliv al elegantly rnmincd rooms near. ..Morrison St., hi brkk building, rent only $100 per month, kmg lease, fine location; a money maker: only $2.81x1, terms. Dubois A ft bar wood, 9ri5i4 Morrtaaaa-at. - ' . ' ' A SNAP. ' Flue reslsnrsnt aaa tin 00 peopbvnolng gmal tHiaineaa tn .peat or locations, only 941. Du bois A Sherwood, 8064k Morrteon jfc.. room 8. FOR BALB On account sf alehnoss, ntcs, fleas, money-mskmg bnslnem on osst sldsf aalee from $16 to $.18 per dsy; price 8I.4O0, ar will Invoice: no agenta waatsd. ,Q 80, Tha Journal. CONTINUED Illness compels me to ssll or ev- rhangs (iimlahtnga snd bnainess or beat 8.V room hotel In Portland: central locstion1. good lease, M., Oilman hotel, First and Alder. FOB SALE-a-Bakern, doing good business; 3 horses snn g-oeiivrry wagons;; elekneae the rsuae. Inqnlra 303 First si. OOOD reel sura ut for sale. $.V) raah; good trade and lorattoa; leaer. Address r 61, JswrosL ' . a . ' . . " - , ., . NICK, clean 20 room honse, furl of stesdv room. era; owner niuar tears town; pries gout;, in quire 'JtalKj Madison at. RESTATTBANT rrmltore for aale, W. H. 1st tin. Hotel Falrmount, Twenty-sixth and t'pahur ata. ... FINE sppnrtnnllr la aetebllabed business; seed help snd espttsl. Address O 84. sera Journal. INVESTIOATE-For a small amount at capi tal, larga rstnrns. 808 McKay bldg. 81 -BOOM lodging hrmee, - $700,.. lea ss; rir selling. 22H First at. , LA R I E rooming house for aala. 11 noma. '482 mark at. . WHO IS M. . MOBOAN 00.1 JOURNAL ; "Want Ad" Rates uVjder any classification Five Cents per Line ... -. No ad taken for leas than 1.V per day. Seven worda. as a rule, ennatltule a line, but esch Uns Is charged regardless of the number of words. , . WEEKLY BATE T inaertlons (including osalunday iaaue) 80 CEBIS par Una per MONTHLY BATE 'including all Sunday laaueat tl 00 nee II.. . l. . ADVERTISEMENTS must ka in" Journal business oiftos by 13 s'slsok week dsys . "J . r ,10 e'elsok Ssturdsy availing for tke Sunday Iaaue, ta ssews alssstlcatiou. Display rstaa given upon, application at VOW SIUOS THE JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES ABTZBTISEbTZBTS. " Wl" b rr-'rw t regular main -office tstes. FuUowIng Is -a Hat of anthorlae.1 agents, wlm . will . forward your advert lee ment la time fur publlcatloa la tha next Issue; 'v.' jrOBTaT, BIBB. . '. , B. A. Presto, . rfr,i,.i., rwe.,v.i,eA and Thurman atreeta. - Nqb Mill Pharmacy.- 880 Glleaa atraet, comer Twenty-first. , A. W. Allen, phsrmaclat, Sixteenth 8ml Marshall streets. , McCommon's Pharmacy, : Nineteenth and Waahlngloo atresia. ; v S0TJTH SIDE. ' B. F. Josea A Co., drugglata. Front and Clbbs streets. . Cottel Drug oompany, First aad ' Grant slreete. - - Fshlsn Brerlev. dragglst. 400 Jefferson street, corner Tenth. Beitman'a Pharmacy, corner Sixth and Harrison atreeta. Plumraer lvrug company, 360 Third street, comer Madison. ; ., , , . i ,. CAST BIDE, t -' . W. S. Ixve. druggist, corasg Grand s venue and Eaat Burnalde atreet. Nkbola A Thompson, 12S Bassell atreet, corner A Iblna avenue. Janeks Ih-ng company, corner Hawthorne snd Orand svsunes. W C, Cable, dragglat, corner Hollsdar venue and Larralws, street, pear . ataal bridge. - B. A. . Wilson,. 133 Orasd avenue,' near Eaat Morrison. B. W. Ball. 363 Eaat Seventh atraet, corner Stephens. . , .' .'.. .... BIOHLAXB. ': F. J. Clark, druggist, 1008 North L'nian avenue. -n- - . K,iT --,' BUVVYSIDC. '". J. E. Worth, 'pharmacist, 090 Belmont atreet. . . - ''' ' BBOOXLYII. Brooklyn Pharmacy company, v Pencil knd Mllwankm streets. , - -. ' " ABtETA. OBEOOlf. -Arleta Pharmacy, Mora pad Foster atreeta. '. SELLwooD. ' ' Memetock'a Pharmacy, 646 trmgmia ava ane, corner Eaet Thirteenth street. 0 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE .' ACBB TBACTBI; ,r ;!'..; 0C SPECIALTY IS ACBB TBACT81 " -' FaD-aincd strcsta. water to esch errs. TERMS (10 PEB ACBB CASfl 810 -FEB -ACBB PBBj MONTBs- - Yoa aw to these acres oa the same car, Cy tbs aama ft farn the lot men pays. Tba t nil Is your neighbor, but ss la re stricted In majority sf tea to raj that mass a true sanarbaa homo. . , , fl . . . ,il ' A.' C CBITBCHILL A CO" f .;-.' .... . 110 Second al f:y-:) RET PARTICI'LABS ABOfT THERE PLACKS 8 acres In highest -stale of cultivation, cleara aai yearly from berrlea: gout buildings. S blocka from Sc car; a good boms' for any one; , 81.1100. $2.01)0 eaah. balance oa time. 83 acres near Portland, well Improved and storked, all tlm Impleoieute, at for $200, . terms. S2A acres, A3 rn bops, about all In cultivation. fine buildings and anil; snkl tbs Isst 4 years. $.18,876 worth of bope snd wheat alone,: a grand blare for $W iter acre, with terme. 7, C24 acre stock ranch, well Impmvrd and watered, nniiniited outrange, southern Oregon. Sll.Oia-i: $13,500 cash, balance to aullft per cent. " ' ' F. . Fl'CHS, 148 First. , ' . $3,700, A 8N AP Comfortatile modern bouse, close In oa tne esst sine, v living-rooms, ham, , etc., gae and Vlrctrlctty, large baaement con. falnlug laundry. - two atom and fue Iron roe; sverythlng shout the bouas In Smtlaaa re- , pair; the lot la nv0 feet deep, contains chicken. ', house and yard and1' number of 8ne-"frit1t " ""'J trees; aa Ideal borne for comfort .sod can " " - I venlencs. Call or addresa . tke owner. fttaj, tbs Msrqnsm. Phone Main JUW. 3 p. xa. 10 ACBKS, 84 oiHee'froni Mllwaukle. all clear. bo stone or graver; annse. nam: inr aaia iy owner; price 33.200. R 6, Journal. TWO acres Jnst eaat of city limits snd near - . Montsvilia rsriins; no gravel, an riearea. eia kouse, msnv ntc- frnlt trees; $1.2TKi Alan m acres similarly situated, no building. u ' fruit trees-, $ilul. Several houses and lets. Esat Portland, of. good veins and atrle. cen- ' trallv located: eaey terms. Alan 6-room modi "em houeav new. Snnnyalde. $2.2.VI; . lot Is (Vox lot) feet. Alao 8-ronm house, strictly mod era and owner lot M7o: terms, ssy 8I.2M1 . to ftl.ftno eaah and balance to enlt: ccnlrallv located. Eaet Portland. Culver, 628 Chamber of Commerce. - - , ' FOR SALE Choicest half block In Portland. clone to business center, ons or tne few nar- J:alus k.ft.v Inoiilre Max tl. Cohen. 400 Co-t umbla bldg.. Stlft WaahtngtoB at. FOR Af.R 6-room cottage. 8 tola, all klnda-of - fruit, berrlea, rtne soil, gond water: in nin nteeV walk to car line. 10 tn Southern 1'aclfl -. -12 fcllca frotn Portland. See owner, A- 8. Draper. 338 Washington st, clty.a . 1 . FOB SALE At a bsrgaln, ft-room cottage at Snnnyalde, esay monthly psyments. ins Aimxa Mercantile Agency. Ahhigton hldg. ' EIC.HT-ROOM residence on Bmadwsy - csrlme. '.- lioiiaday s addition. Beat l-oriisnu: eTceiient nelkhlaivliood, beantlful location: bargain ns sn investment; must sell. Pbona East 1081, or-addreae Box 68, Portland. TWO fine lot. 100x100. corner r good view ef enow - mount a Ina; cneap, aw new nwsirm furnlabed ft-room bouse, barn. East 428, "V Msln 141ft. . -t ' '-.. . .. ' SPECIAL BARGAIN. ' 3 acres of good, rich Und. all hi frnlt and - berrlea: n-room nooee. ' 8 blocks from ear line; price .i,uou. r par ttcnlsrs mil at XUH Morrison St.. room ft. - B-BOOM modem bouas, good pentry. bsthi et.rj brick basement snoer enure -on place; will sell with or without furnrture; a year's supply of coal and wood tn cellar, Inquire 704 Lnlon tn.,fs.L w . 'ABRAHAM. 113 Second St., makca a spe, clslty of business pnerf.v; -cstablUhed IS yeara. Private Exchange 0. . i, . , 8-STOBY brick building aiiO lot ftoxlOO feet on rront St., centra, K- . - ' 113 Second al. . . .. . FOB SALE TftvlOO-'00 lot on Eaet Seventeenth sun sn"c-,", ,, , . e, ou , 1. . 1 - end COUCO! will an, iw e'.e.-, ",-,o id e- , few dare: fares esat; well wortk $1,400 will sell part of lot If wsalrad. Address K 48, cars Jonrasl, INCOME would be at leaat 13 per rent per annum, or 10 per cent sn. inn wrio laar 1 and Ineurance on two modern double houses and a fnll iqnarter block oa-west side, lo ' - . gond residence dlatrlct; the bonaes ocenpy Silt Wiaf-o ,eei, ...,..r itn.r,- cnplsd Which might 'be sold oft (nr. a gouil sum tn 1 educe to tha tpveator the coat of the balance ot tha quarter block en which the 1 honaee are located; . these bouses aru tn a good condition snd In a desirable toca- -tlnn. enrrouadlnga fund. Plica $l6,ftoO half cash CTLVER. 623 Ota tuber ef CommoreeT- . f J . ' WIIXAMETTE. Beautifully alt iw ted this side sf unlveraltv on csrllne; lots $2110 esch; $20 eaah and " P-r month. American Invest meet Co.r vyJ -ailing hldg., oe Zyguweki, , branch pffrc. . Willamette atatloa. WAONtR A PETTY, 302 Commercial blk., ba-e eaome ot tne near nna in tne city, not tbeaa beCorft bujlns gad be' eosTlnceii. I