f TII2- OREGON 1 L t.l U DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 9, ,1905. A LITTLE B ETTER MERCHANDISE THAN AT OTHER STORES. , A LITTLE. LO WER PRICES THAN .ATV OTHER STORES. , ' A LI TTLE LATER STYLES THAN AT OTHER STORES. '. OLDS, KING STORE' 3 Store Opens - at 8 a. m. and Closes at : 6 p. m. FIFTH, SIXTM VVASMIINCITON 8TS. A, Page of Stirring Economies for- the THE WORTMAN Store 132nd Grand Special Friday on Fourth Floor. .' 4.00 FEATHER PILLOWS FOB $2.95 Fine Selected All-Feather Pillows., size 19x28 inches and three pounds in .weight; our $4.00 value,. Special Economy Sale Price, the ' pair i .... v . . .-. f 2.05 $U5 FOR AXMINSTER RUGS WORTH y-:?7jy:---,: :. two. , v Axminster Rugs, in handsome floral and Oriental pattern, size 27 by 54 inches; our $2.50 value. Special Economy Sale Pfiie, each. f 1.85 30c ART TICKING FOR . 72c. Art Ticking", in pretty color stripes and floral ' effects; our 30c value; Special Economy' .Sale Trice, the yard. .......... ...V...,. .22 iU-V. TIMELY SAVINGS IN ': THE .' I i Womens Knit Under, wear Aisle VO.,: First -Floor.- :'v"'i ' T-TsPECLfLrFRIDAT' A WOMEN'S ' $2.75 i UNION SUITS : $1.79.. Medium-Weight Fine Ribbed All-Wool Union -T SuitSr-Ht-silver- gray-pen -across bust, very - ! neatly made and trimmed; regular value -$275. Special, the suit .............. ( .f 1.T0 - WOMEN'S $1.25 VESTS OR PANTS 69c - Flat Woven Camelshair - Vests '.or Pants, - full .ihapcdLgoO(L winter weight, size 30 to 38 only; regular value $1.25. Special, each .. ,69f 'J. WOMEN'S $175 VESTS OR PANTS 88c . Fine Ribbed MerinQVests or Pants, in cream color, vests silk finished front and neck, French band pants -regular value $1.25. Special, 7 each .'. 4 ..7. i . .88 ..' 3 :, ' INFANTS' 50c VESTS 3Sc Infants' Soft' Fine Ribbed Crshriiefr"Vestv - -"medium weighr, sizes 1 to 6; regular value SJte Spefjajach . . .. . ,.35 " Bargains Gleam With Alluring Savings From the - Cut Glass Rooms Third Floor. , ;,, Handsome CtittGlass Flute Cutting : " Cordials, our $13.00 valued-Special at,.'.'T""""" ' - - the dozen .... .' T. .'. , . f 1.0.38 I, Sherries, our $14Q-value SpeciaUa't"'- the dozen .V. .V.f 11,25 Clarets, our $190 value Special at . ' ' ' . j5e;orc- r.'ilT. . .t .-.?,-v, frrti&A f 15.T5 Saucer Champagne, -our $22.00 value 1 - - Special.,at, the dozen. 17.60 Goblets, our $24.00 value Special , at, the dozen ............................. $10.25 Whiskey Tumblers, our $9.00 value Spe- ' " cial at, the dozen $7.25 Champagne Tumblers, our $11.00 value 'Special at, the dozen. .,$8.85 x Water Tumblers, our $14.00 value Spe- "cial at. the dozen. .. ...... ....$11.25 Handle Sherbets, our $14.00 value o !lt .L jr: : ----- - a ' - special at, me aoirn .. j ,. k. . ,f Finger Bowls, our $17.00 value Special at, the dozen........... $13.60 Finger Bowl Plates, our $17.00 value Special at. the dozen.. ...... $13.60 Watr Bottles, our $3.50 Value Special " atTeach . ..$2.85 Oil Jugs, our $2.50 value Special at, each.f 2.00 s Every article is offered at reduced prices for our Friday Economy Sale. .Hundreds of articles from which to select , en s Jtsargai nsr On Special Sale Tomorrow In the Haberdasherie West Annex First floor. MENS-73crtmDERWEA A line of Men's Natural Gray Merino Under- '. shirts and Drawers, winter weight; regu ' lar value 75c. Special, the garment....... 50e -V. - : MEN'S 2Sc HOSE ISc, ' . Men's Woolen Hose, in natural gray, Oxford and black; regular value 25c Special, the pair, 18 MEN'S $1.00 TO $1.50 GOLF SHIRTS 50c A small broken line of Men's Golf Shirts, in light and dark effects; regular: values - $1.00, '$1.25 and $1.50. Special, your choice... ..60 nioiT iooiokt unauoM z rwm , . , . Small Wares Section; Bo Itooklag Bum to Black Stocklns : Damcr with handle; rtsular value Sc. Special. ea...3 16s matr Bolls lOo lt-tnch Pompadour Hair Roll. assorted, shades; resular valua 16c Special -' : each c .104 140 irssdls CftSM eo RolJerts' Nells Cases, : contains large assortment brt cold-eyed Knftllsh . needles and pair embroidered , sclssorst-resular ! valua $1.00. Special.' each ............... .65. ' 10 aaohalor Sattoas Vo Patent Automatlo Bach, lor Buttons. 1 dosen on card; regular Tahia 1 Or. - Special, each ii...-i6 30a Sroas Bhlalds BOo White Adjustable Press . pbjelds, slip on over arm, light welsht;rcrulirL viue tOo. Special, the pain. ...... .v.. . .20- tkdles' IS Caff mtsetors ISO Ladles" Rubber Cuff Protectors, checked cloth covered; resular . vslua 15o. . Hpeclal. th pair 19 15o gboe Sresilns So Blxby's Royal Polish -and Jet Oil Shoe Dressing-; rerular rslua .ltd. Special. ' the bottle. .... i .v. .8 3So Almond Oreajn BOO Bottle Almond Cream for face and skin; regular value J6o. -Bpeolal. . - Uch .'. ,y. ..20 ISO ToUat Boa lOo Witch Hasel Complexion Toilet Soap; S cake In box; resular lto. Special, tOX , , . ; i , , , . ,I.Ti 1. Trrrtitt,..,ilO 4e Toilet Vaper SHo t-os.- rott' Toilet Paper; resii '. lar 4c. Special, ,' each ...... J. ; ... . .... 2't Zsk WrtUar Tableta So Ruled Ink Writing Tab-. Jets, smooth fju.lh. note or packet slse. Special at, each ,. ...6e to Indalible SCajrklsg Ink ISO Household Indelible ! Marking Ink for marking linen, etc regular 'value 26c. Special, each IS 7o envelopes 4o Extri line, cream, smooth flnlsli envelopes, long shape, slso l regular .vslua 7c. Special, the packnse 4 lto Writing rape 10o Box Writing Paper, atand ' srd tints, pink, blue and gray; regular, value ISc. Special, each .-. '..,...104 So Writlaf rapar goo Box plain white Writing Paper, fine crash and linen cloth finish", regular , value I5e. Special, box ........ M ...... 20 : r ; list of price quotations on new and seasonable merchandise of dependable-quality that proves again this store's leadership -in meeting the deniands . ojrthejj proven siich i a potent factor in making this store to is today. We urge you -to compare the offerings told of here with elsewhere val- liies-rNpte Lthjqualides, ylc and workmanship. This done, we're sure of your patronage aftertax ; v 7 T s : ; j A Day of Remarkable Values in the Woman's Ready-to-Don Apparel Salons SECOND FLOOR This store buys and sells more Women's Apparel than any other two Portland houses cpmbiricd. The 'above PACT enables OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING to offer better values it ALL times ' than are to be found under any other Portland roof. Tomorrow we shall offer Some Extraordinary Savings IN THE BUYING OF NEW Raincoats and Walking Skirts "Values among the best offered yet during the passing of the current year by this matchless or-' gamzation. We nave revOIUOOnisea tne gaimeiK Business ox ronuno in more ways inui uiic, compelling other houses to look more closely to their styles as well as "bear" down pricea to a fair plaine on garments as well as In other lines. Tomorrow's offering is proof positive of our -mastery in psce-setting' in price-making. - Our Miss Bernard's last trip to New York waa result ful in securing the very newest and most advanced mid-winter styles in Women's Garments and also in obtaining several lines of those new garments at underprices from manufacturers who ,riniia t rinse all winter lines orerjaratorr to stock-taking; and entering upon the making of spring garments. Such an opportunity- brought to. us a lot of handsome Raincoats at a fourth less than their, actual value and enablea us to offer our patroni "tomorrow . -r . ., T 2 -TwotHM $20.00 Rain-; r: v:;v ;:-rv-. coats at; $14.95 ;They are all in the amart trim and trig half-fitted models, full length, . -witb-Urgor fuU-BiahoffeveaJajicy-anlaid- velvet, collars yoke line(L r trimmed over shoulders with straps and buttone; cravenette, materiale . in, Oxfords, black, .tana, navya. light and bluiah graya. etc. A very j, ' swagger coat lor out-of-door -wear -on almost . any occasion and in all I . mt M . t - 1 . 1 M.imm ... Stfe 4 . rf"V SBV ' weatners. rsesi regular au.w vaiucs ui uc vn. " Special for Friday only at a , . , choice for.,..,. ................ ........... ... cession and in all $14.95 t r Special Friday Offer No? 2 ' ' ' -" ' ".0O WALKING SKIRTS $7.98. ".' 'A splendid gatheringof: the very latest new circular styles in pedestrian - Skirts in the dressier, lighter weights of cheviots, worstedsr-Panamas, jtweeda coverts and mannish mixed woolens extremely smart in appear- ance and beat wearing materials known. Hand-plaited and full flare . ef fecta. in a color line embracing tana, graya, blues, black and handsome mixtures. v Plaited front and back and trimmed witn banda of mate rials and buttons to match.1 Grand valuea at the regu . lar price 410.00. Special for Friday only at............ ssiaaaaSl anas oi maie a $7.98 i Remarkable CorsetSpecial tor1" 'Royal Worcester" Salons ; Second Floor, -i,. 3.7 ROYAC --E-i "- WORCESTER CORSETS FOR $2.89. ... . Roysl Worcester P.on Ton v Corsets, deep Princess hip style, medium high. bust,- whale bone filled : hose supporter'- atlach ment in- front snd. at' - sides made of white coutille or batiste; sires V" 18 to 30; our $3.75 value., .. . Special Economy Sale price, the pair.... f 2.89 Specials in Infants' and Jhildren's-Wcar- Baby-to-Mias Shops Second Floor. CHILDREN'S $5.00 BATH ROBES FOR $3J7 Children's Plain or Fancy Striped Eiderdown ' Bath Robes, trimmed with satin edging at ' collar and sleeves and frogs and large cord . with tassels. Ages from 6 to 14 years; our regular values to $5.00. Special Economy .Sale Price, each.. ............. M. ... ..93.37 INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S BONNETS -. AT ONE FOURTH OFF.- Our. showing of Infants' and Children's Bonnets ,VW' ' never'ao large and pretty as it is this sea son. Dainty iittle tight-fitting Bonnets in . Dutch and French effects, trimmed in fur 7 heads,' French1 knots; snd other r appropiate trimmings. Also full front bonnets in white. .or colors, trimmed in chiffon, laces, ribbon, i. ribbon flowers and hand painted.. They range ? in price from 35c to $25.00. . We offer them Special for. Friday Economy Sale at ; Jnst.One Fourth pff, or.. ..:6f to f 18.T5 A GREAT TWO-DAY 'SALE OF Handsome Suitirigs Dress Goods Salons First Floor Fifth Street T;- . ,:. T""" 1 Annex. r 7'r-r; 71'7t- COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.' V 54-Inch Waterproof Suitings in the fine covert weaves, "all coat and suit colors to choose from; our rcgu Jar $2.00 srrades. Special for Friday and Sat- urday. yard !....., 1 in fl.flT-, Lovers 1 of Art in Necdlecraft, ' " Are Interested In Low Pricea of JCEWOOL. ; In.' black, ' white, pink, "blueL and cardinal the , proper yarn to use .m fxiakKTcT those pretty fluffy head and shornder-slia wis.. For Friday " v Economy Sale we offer it this wsy One Large Ball.otir 14c value Special at.. 10. Or, Box of Eight Large Balls, our $100 :..v value Special at ". .T4 r WORTH WHILE SPECIALS IN THE Women's Hosiery Aisle ' ' ' First Floor.-'" , ': '' ." WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 25c, i Black Ribbed 1 Fleece-Lined- liose? 'icamless; f . regular value 35c. Special, the pair. . . . . .2Sf WOMEN'S. 50c HOSE 35c. V , Black Cotton Hose with gray cashmere sole,, imported stock.: splendidly finished; regu . lar value 50c. Special, the pair... v .-. . .. .35a ' . -BOYS' 25c HOSE 19c; ' Boys' Heavy-Weight "Iron Clad" Hose, single ;. ribbed, 'seamless, splendid for wear; regu lar value 25c. Special, the pair.,... 50-Inch All-Wool Cheviots and, Storm Serges, in a larse assortment of colors: PiirrularlL25,. grade. Special tor rriaay ana daturaay, yara..of 200 yards of Novelty Mixed Suitings in the- wsnted hard-finished wesves, -all good colors to choose from; regular 50c value. Special for Friday and . Saturday only, yard... . I. ..... ...... .38f Annual Fall Oosvre Sale of MILLINERY OPENS FRIDAY Biiou" Salons Annex Second Floor. r-O ur annual closure sale of MILLINERV . opens ' tomor row in the An nex Salons -Every year at this. time we,. I close out our ' Millinery lines ' without regard to costs or. "profitstomake - L room for in coming holi day stocks. This sale in volves a great collection of this season's most pronounced leaders, iit . a diversity of styles so great as to preclude sny detailed-description. The most we will ' ssyis that tomorrow's event will be a very 'unusual -millinery, happening and will afford great savings to buyers of charming headwear. vThe Magnificent French Pattern Hats come in for ' tbc grestest slaughter, tomorrow you ' may 'C hffose from these values from $30.00 , to $50.00 at just HALF PRICE. ' A second great special value we shall offer is a lot of regular $6.00,valuet in handsomely trimmed Hats at Cl ff HALF PRICE.......... ...aPsJ.Ul- And still another, a lot of Ready-to-Wear Hats; values to $5.00, at a C 1 Cf NAMES OF LEADING SIX, CONTESTANTS ; . . ;-' ,;-;"; IN 'THE : AmericanManual Train ing School V oting Contest WITH STANDING OF EACH AT 10 A- M. TODAY. . GEORGE SLATER. Lidd. ......158,545 TRUMAN COOK. Failing ....156,283 WRIGHT BROWN. Clinton KeBy...... 134,876 ROBERT HOLMES, Harrison......... .125,305 JAMES WINSTON, Harriaon... ..t.. .115.706 , , SIDNEY CRUMM, North Central....... 108.621 Scattering 97,828 TOTAL ...897,164 Second Floor Annex. 97c for Corset Covers worth $1.50 and $1.75 Broken lines oi Ladies' fine . Corset Covers, in a large variety of styles of em broidery and lace trim-' . ming;all are tight fitting: our regular $1.50 and $175 values. Special . Economy Sale Price, each. ..Ta Corset Cottr A SALESMAN'S SAMPLES IN THE SALE FOR HALF. ; Half Price ' fof Beautiful Hand-Em-, broidered Cushions . i It was our good fortune last. week to buy a 'traveling salesman's samples of fine Jland ' Embroidered Cushions at half price. These are filled with pure Manilla silk floss. Only about three doren of them only o'ne of a kind and all very handsome. We bought therif at half price ; - and as we are always generous with our patrons ' , we offen them to you during our , Friday ; Economy gale as we bought 'em-at HALF PRICE. ' ' " A Jewel Casket of ains Timely offerings and holiday suggestions from the Jewelry. Shop Save a part of the price by selecting Christmas gifts tomorrow Sixth Street Annex First. Floor. . .. . 49c FOR CUT BEAD COLLARS WORTH J5c Fancy Cut. Bead ..Collars Jiof an inch .wide ; regular length -in garnet, emerald,., ametnyst and Alice blue; our 75c value.. Special '" Economy Sale Price, each. .'9f Same as above, but 1 inch wide; our $1.00 value., Special Economy Sale Price, each... ....60e Alsa some Vi inches - wide; our $1.50 value.'" -Special Economy Sale Price, each.......98f 75c FANCY METAL COLLARS FOR 59c. Fancy Jeweled Metal Collars, each link set with cut amethyst; our 75c value. Special Economy Sale; Price, each..... .....50 Samcaa above, but wider; our $1.00 value. Special Economy Sale Price, each.-. ...... T9e 35c TORTOISE SHELL HAIR PINS FOR 19c ,-A line of Genuine, Tortoise Shell Hair Pins, -v finely - finished; ' our regular 35c' value. ." ' Special Economy Sale Price, each .'. T. .. . . 19' Another smaller wize Hair Pin; our 15c value. . Special Economy Sale Price, each.. ...... .0 , TORTOISE SHELL HAIR PINS. I " Extra fine selected quality, come four pins in box; our $1.25 value. Special Economy ' Sale Price, the box, .;...S9e 35c WAIST PIN SETS FOR 19c. Pretty Waist Pin Sets, set with brilliant cut ' j amethysts, come three on a cardT our 35c value. Special Economy Sale Price, set.. 19 .. 65c WAIST PIN SETS FOR 39c. ' Fancy Shirtwaist Pins, set with-finely cut .. amethysts .and - topaa three pins on card--- pur 65cralue.SpeciaLcQnoinySale t rriteTthe set....... .39 35c SILVER HAT PINS FOR 19c. .Sterling Silver Hat Pins, - in a variety of -de- ' "signs, heads, scrolls, etc., all have long pin . stems; values up to 35c ; Special Economy 1 Sale Price, each... 35c FANCY BELT BUCKLES FOR 10c A lot of Fancy Belt Buckles in oxidized snd gitt finishes, also some cut steel buckles; values up to 35c. Special Economy Sale Price, r each -.TrrvTrr. . . . . . . .. ........ .JLQt- AN EXCEPTIONAL T VALUE IN "Petticoat Lane": Second Floor Annex. $137 FOR LADIES' PETTICOATS WORTH . $1.73. Ladies' Petticoats of Tine . black mercerized SAt een, made with deep double flounce edged with . fancy stitching and small tucks. Full width and dust ruffle; - our $1.75 values. Spe- t cial Economy -Sale - price, each... ..1.37 Dependable Domestics Underpriced Domestic Aisle First Floor. 1 FLANNELS AND WOOLEN WAISTINGS 37c A fine1 assortment of Flannels and Woolen - Waistings, in all colors, plain and fancy. , Special at, the yard. ............ ...,.....3Te HALF BLEACHED SHEETING 12J4e. ibout 1.S0O yasds Half rBlsaihed ShceUug-for-single beds.; Special at, the yard....v;.12J4e BATH-TOWELS -17c. ' Heavy Bleached Bath Towels, size 18x45. Special at, each .af Rousing Values in Staple, - . Dependable Silks : j 1 rtrvi Ti3pT iminaiT noos, : s ' Tomorro w'g wOderful values shouM Interast very woman who anticipates tha need ef a , black silk town, even though that need may be a ' future event. The valuea are arrest. Portlnnd's Bilk ' Store offers unprecedented Values for Friday and Daturday In pependable. ' . Black Taftetus makes - that hare helped very . much to make ua famous as a Silk Store. l-iiwh All 811k Black Taffeta; regular tBo arade, for, yard. 58 lt-lnch Alt Bilk Black Taffeta; regular tiq. araile, for. yard. 68e) Jl-lnch All Silk Black Taffeta; rasujar fl.00 grarte.- for, , yard . . ti-lnch All 811k Black Taffeta; regular 11.10 grade, for. yard . ..; ; ..;.....- 83 ! 7-Inch All Silk Black Taffeta; regular I1.2S grade, f .. for, yard 89e Il-lnch All Silk Black Taffeta; regular 1.& srrads. for, yard. .'. . . i'.f 1.2t In addition to above oar Monster Sal of Nov elty SUIt SIHca will continue- till Saturday at t p. m., tha , time all whltemen stoo work. ' Feminine Fancies at ; Bargain Prices In the Furnishing Shops First Floor. t . -LACES AND TRIMMINGS. A lot of new Fancy Colored Trimming Braids in bands and edges, some handsome embroid - ered effects on taffeta comes in narrow and 'l medium .widths 1 . . '..'. ' ; . - i-. , . Our $1.25 value Special at, the yard'.."..'..8Te Our $1.00 value Special at, the yard..;....6Te Our $ 75 value Special at, the yard.......48e : . BRAID TRIMMINGS. - Our35c value Special at, the yard... 2 Our 20c value Special at, the yard t4f Our 25c value Special at, the yard........lTe Our 15c value Special at, the yard......,.10f "'r-i'l VEILINGS. .' ;'J;'. A lot of Black and Black and White Veilings by , the yard some have velvet dots-mothers have chenille lots some! are fancy mesh Veilings. A splendid lot of them Our 25c value Special t, the yard... IT Our 35c value-Special at, the4 yard. S4 Our 50c Value Special at, the yard ...38 Our 75c value .Special at. the yard........ Our $1.00 value Special at, the yard......'.6Tf CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HANDKERCHIEFS A lot of Handkerchiefs with white or colored borders good for children's school handker chiefs. Special for Friday Economy Sale.....:.:......... SIX FOR 25 .LADIES' 35c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 25c. Ladies' Colored Bordered Linen Handkerchiefs, in very .dainty fatt colors; our 35c valu. Special Economy Sale Price, each 25 ONLY'Wc FOR RlBBONS WORTH TO 75c Hundreds of yards of Handsome All-Silk I'nnt " Warp Ribbons, in many different demyns "some light. Vme dark effe.-t values t 75c Special Economy Sale Price, yard, . .23 LADIES NECKWEAR 25c For Lace Collart Worth J5c, 40c and Jk A lot of New Lace Collars-in cream or or the new Pans shade -ie wrth front ti and some without our 35c, nl ,.- . - values. Special .Economy Sale Price, ra i -f