18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 8. 1CC5. DISS PHILLIPS IS 4,000 AHEAD By aSudden Bound, Shs Passes . Miss SaltiV Madigan'ln ; i Journal Contest ' .. ... , " ' V '':"'' For Stout Men 'v.i..', -xU. 1 1 FRI v FROST KINO OR FROST 'QUEEN CHAMOIS VEST.;.;vX..Re. J2 C Q3 v , 'Keep out the winter blasts.,. ... .;.?? "EC'AL y V. TOLU ROCK AND RYEquart...iV....t..,...v, ;.V.'. .',,.'.,. '.Reg. . , C5 . ; "An old-time remedy with merit; f;. : V.. i.t: f , SPECIAL UUl COMPOUND SYRUP HYPOPHQSPHIT r-. ; ; t ' The very best Nerve Tonic. '. ; ' v ........................ SPECIAL, yu y PURE' NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIlTpint : . V, . ... . . . .Reg. - 5 C --:;- Absolutely pure Bottled in our own Laboratory ;... SPECIAL uuw "-i ; . 1 , j.. :,..- . : - ..-, . '' .. ; ... .m- ... - .';..-.'.. ' GRANULAR EFFERVESCING SODIUM PHOSPHATE, per pound. .Reg. 85 AT .. CQr - ' 'A pleasant Liver Stimulant and Laxative...... i .''.. SPECIAL UUy tildXouEnterJhe ztiellln's-Fpod Baby ? At the Fair? -About 1 4999 other people did and only one in this .number "guessed thex sex of the entire 20 little toddlers. ; These pictures properly labeled are now in one of our Washington street window o you. had better look them over and see if youwere J the lucky one. Our ad. will name the winner; next-Sunday. By the way, these are really . Mellin's Food -Babies youngsters that have been "brought up on this well known in--fant food probably that boy or girl of yours would grow, fat on this diet.' This is no ' GUESSING matter for we've sold this Joed about as long as we can remember and V, with lots of satisfaction. Suppose you try a'sraall bottle on "him" or "her" -or both of them. Foot Warmers - Little Woolen Shoelets which keep your feet warm as toast these cold nights. If ; you have Rheumatism don't fail to take a -- whirl, at these little comforters. ... 15C Pr. TwoPr. for 25c Finest Gold Fish We have ever imported now. on sale at 50c, 75c, S1.66 THEY'RE GOING FAST. Wellenvare Vases Louwelsa Jardinieres These beautiful and useful home decora tions on sale this week at just one half1 regular price, which means that we are selling them - far - below cost, ; See our window on Washington street and be sure to take advantage of ' this opportu-. nity. These are positively the lowest prices at which this art ware has everr been, offered to the ..Portland .public. . . y REG. PRICES 80 TO $6.00. . NoVt40c to POVRTH and WASHCTON ECONOMY CORNER FERRY LKIK IM 15 MILE DRIVE Passengers Soon Will Be Trans . ' ported Between St.' Johns ; and Clarempnt. ' " r BOULEVARD WOULD RIVAL T THAT OF NAPLES, ITALY Proposed Drive., to Extend From ; Center of City, Via Linnton Road 'to Claremont, Then to St. Johns by - .-'In tm imyi a ferry will b ta . . oparmflon betwcvn Claremont and St. iohmu." Mid Bol Blumauer today, "and ' this will be another tp in the mora went tor the lS-mll drire, which, when computed) will give thte city a boule ' rrd caMilated to make Portland fa-, . moua, " ; ' ' ' , ' " "' "la company with H. Wemme I have 1 been before the county court and He- cured a promise of effort to complete the 40-foot drlreway from the city to Claremont. We went before, tha court In Lthalf of tha automobile club and owners of boreee who are Interested In the enterprise. The club will keep the driveway oiled " after tha court ha built it. - "With the ferry placed la operation and the8trTJohn boulevard put In shape for fast riding;, the people of tha city will have tha f ollowlns; route for a loop of IS miles: . Starting from the center of the .city, say at Third and Washington, tha route wilt ba up Wash ington to Twentieth, down Twentieth to .arsball. out to Twenty-ninth, thenoe to Savler to Thurman, and on tha Linn ton road to Claremont; cross the river to St. Johns, along the boulevard to Mult nomah addition, '. near tha Thompson school, through Alblna to", the steal bridge; one may go along Holladay ave nue to East Twelfth and down to Burn side or Morrison bridges to the starting point. . .' , "When this driveway; has been per fected Portland certainly will have a boulevard which will rival that Which mads Naples .(Italy) famous. tomoblle club wlU take up the road to Mount Hood and try to indue the au thorities to construct a fin highway to Government camp. This will be an other thing to send the fame of this city across the continents. "These are two plan of the automo blllst. but we' do not expect to stop with them, but lll'aalt in any good road movement that I started In the northwest, not forgetting at any tlroa the project for a permanent roadway from Puget sound to Los Angeles, which, of course, would be the most famous highway In the world. Whea we get mat ueatue-LiOS Angeles highway coin pleted, we will be In a position to take down the historical works,, read about tha old Roman roads and say what never- has been possible since Caesar went into, th road-making business, tbat-we have excelled his accomplish- mema aiong mat line. . NOT ENOUGH CARS TO HANDLE THE BUSINESS "We are tl cars short-of our present needs and th railroads are not abls to supply thorn to us or to other furl houses," said W. A. Storey today. "The trafflo her simply Is beyond th ability of the roads to handle it -with present facilities. Even the terminal company Is several days behind in 4t'wora. and although Ita men are working sight and day we cannot (get our car delivered by tha switching crejrs. . - 'if apy one doubts that -business in all line is good and that commerce "Junt no oon as1 this enterprise III at Portland la at tha hla-heat Hi). mr carriea mrougn. 10 completion me u- recorded, let lum try to get cars for current use: let him order coal or wood st other points, and then he will under stand that this city Is dolpg some bus! ness." At th terminal yard th statement of Mr. Storey was confirmed, and other Lfuel dealers reiterated what be said. An l.ton-acr ranch two mile below Klameth Fall ha been sold for 140,000 to men supposed to be agents for th Union Pacific railroad. ron the r"; V 9 TO ALL DISEAOEO h OF DOTH Lunos nn nnrann FOR TH3, THROAT UU LJ FOR CQ.N SUPPTIOrJ Cured of Consumption In Its Final Otages: . J.O. R. Hooper, a merchant, of Woodfprd, Tenn., wrltesi Fifty witnesses here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollle Holt of Consump tion after her family had watched at her bedside forthe end,whlch doctors said "was near.". ' : , .-' '- ... '. : v . . , euncsr conE in thb vohld pon coughs and colds. Prlca COo end 01.00 CUARAHTEEP Trial Dottles Free :CCLOAf.D nSCOKMEnPED OY s ' . . , S. ; G. SKIDMORE & EXTREMELY ': HEAVY -VOTINQ IN TWO DAYS Leaden in Other Districts Are the Misses Nash, Crossen, King, Heav fen, i Battee,. Courtemanche ' and Parsley. ; . ; Kxtremely heavy voting, particularly In th nrst district, has marked Mi past two days In-Th Journal's Hawaiian trip contest. : In th first district Ulss Minnie 8. Phillips, by making a great gain. Jumps to th lewd, with 11.8S1 vote toiler credit. ' Miss Ball I Mndl gan drop to second place, with 47,104 vote. Miss Badl V( Intermsntl re tain third plnce, with 60.I10 votes; Miss LuraBaty fdXtrtb.- with 44,tT vote, and Ml Kurth fifth, with t,604 votes. - liUi Katl Nash of La Grand atlll Miss Emma Moffett," CO. leads, the second district, having 4S.144 votes to her credit.,.' Miss Agnes Fletcher of Pendleton ' comes second. with 6S,2 votes, and Miss Mollle Proebstel third, with 4S,54 votes. In th third district Mis Emllle Cros sen of Th Dulles' retain first place, with 12,816 votes. Miss Luclle- Crate Is second, with 14,025 votes, and Miss Btwlla R1chardonof HoodV Rlvar- third, with 24,431 votes. i ; ;i - The leader In th fourth district. Miss Eme Mae King, .now ha 24.141 vote. Miss Hattl Barton of Baker City i second, with 24,40a votes, and" Miss Ethel Tic third, with 20,141 vote. Vancouver- continue to lad th fifth district, Miss Florence Heavren having 21,774 votes. Miss Katharine Qore is second, with IS. 024 votes, and Miss Ame lia -Williams third, with 17,404 votes. . In the sixth district Miss Madge Bat tee of Eugene leads, with 24. OKI votes. Miss Emma Moflett of Eugene I forging ahead and now ha 12,451 votes. Miss Blanch Brown of Salem hold second place, with 21,414 votes, and Miss Lucy Morcom of Wood burn third, with 16,. 457 votes. i . - .Miss Bertha Courtemanche continues to lead the seventh district, with 22,040 votes. Miss Haael Kennedy of Laay' ette I second, with 14,412 votes, and Miss Cora Spangle third, with 12,274 vote. ' In the eighth district Miss Edna Pars ley of Roseburg leads, with - 21,722 votes. Mis Dal Harmon Is Mcond, with 28,46 vote to her credit. . arrxa Ci.orns comes Suwomini. ArrRK Desfowpmut comes Jot. . After Sickness comes Health. .Amtii WxAaituM comes Stkenstb. Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription 4 irwit due it alL it's a wonder worker for vxnnen becsuse If. Is JVatwre'e rrnnetly, adapted to th needs of twentieth cen tury women: ( No aiwboi., i Aaconr, ho rwjrmt Otrs DRue. Made of glyceric eitracto from roots, therefore their virtue grew in them In Nature' labcmtory,- vis: Lady's Slipper root.. Rlack Cohosh root, llnlcorn nxt. Blue Cohosh root, and Oolden Seal root; extracted, combined, preiterved without alcohol, by Doctor fierce I oum- peculiar- procett, ana in the most exact proportions to, secure the best effects. 1 - If In need, of careful, competent sdvlo before beglnnlnc treatment, you wlU re ceive It without charge by writing, and stating yonr case, to Dr. B. V. Pierce, oS3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. All letters confidentially received and answers sent in securely sealed envelopes. . "I was a great sufferer for six year, write Mfi Geo. floe-den. of (41 Bonds Streak (finsw. WU-h. "I commenced lotake yeur 'Favorite Preacrlptlon ' and hi. taken tea bottles In alL Am now resular. after harin tnlwed two yean sod sufTered with pain In the head and back. I was ao nervoua, could not eat or sleep. Now I can thank you tor toy recovery.' . - Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure con stipation.' One little "Pellet is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. DMT SYOTIIIZE WITH OREGON Twenty-Two dongressmeii - and Senators; Write ; Encourag - Ingly of Jetty Appropriation THOUGHT CONGRESS WILL ; . PAY HEED TO PLEA BesidesTHaving'a "Cood'XaseTTo'eh ;Who Go to Washington for Ort - gon'a Cause Will Have Good Lis teners, Says Captain Goodrich. The bow legged man should not wear his trousers" too tight. The man of generous avoirdu pois should not wear a style overcoat which shows off his corpulency to disadvantage. - v Our "West End" coats, made in Oxfords, Vicunas and Thibets, ' are long " and mil drape from the shoulders. '.;rrr::i;' i c The M West End" ; coat; made for a stout man, has a tendency : to make him appear slender. ; Prices $20.00 to $35.00 Superbly Taftarcd r m wi FURNISHERS' HATTERS CLOTHIERS 311 Morrison St, Opposite Postoffice ; BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WISE AXD ISCN FENCING ; Barbed Wire, Wire and Laws Panclng, . . ( : Poultrv Netting, Efo. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS . jSBaaisaaa.eeas Phone Main aooo aflj-piJlNDERSSTVNearThlrdr SUFFRAGISTS ADJOURN tr EXCELLENT SPIRITS ; Mr. Henry , Waldo Co Elected Pretident-Campaign in Stat ; 4 'Will B Vigorous." J - With last niaht's session at the Vhlte Temple the women - of equal suffrage views adjourned their convention, hav Ina elacted offleer and launched tbelr campaign with strong enthusiasm. Mrs. Henry Waldo Co Is president of the state association; Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway I honorary president; Dr.annlce Jeffreys Myers, vice-president Dr. I O. Johnson, -recording; secretary; Miss F..E. Ootuhall, -corresponding sec retary; Dr. Abble C. French, treasurer; Mrs. P. I-awton. Pr. Mary Thompson snd Mr. Bath, auditors, while Mr. C M. Cartwrlght " Is vice-president for Multnomah county. - ' Tbe women doclded to organise th stat fully for th campaign by which they - hope to win equal suffrage. To thi-r nd the national organisation will send - eorae of Ita moat - conspicuous speaker to Oregon. Mis Oregg, Mis Clay and Ml -Laughlln already, ar her. They will be Joined by Mis. Ida Porter Borer of Pennsylvania, Who will conduct a prase bureau; Mrs. Clara. B. Colby, editor of the Woman's Tribune; Mrs. - Julia Woodworth of Oklahoma, Mis Harriet May Mills of New Tork and, nnslly. Rev. Anna Shaw, who will arrive shortly after the close of the national convention In Washington, l. C, next February. A state central committee is being selected to carry on the campaign. . At the closing session of the conven tion Mayor Harry . Lane -addressed the women, - pledging hi - support.-- The other Important ' feature was Ml Laughlln' able address on "The Eco nomic Basis of Political Freedom.' A vocal selection was. rendered by Claire Monteltht and Dr. Brougher, pastor of the-White Temple, spoke a few word of encouragement. . Th -woman believe that the conven tion, although It lasted only one day. accomplished a great deal . for their ranee In arousing sympathiser to ac tion. . - V. k. - . .'. ' ! ' Oak rteea as Memorial. From the London Delly News, .. ' Many English queens have choaen oak trees In Windsor forest whereon their names, wlth-t.h dsles of their ichole. hsve ,heen commemorated bySnean of bras plate. In different parts of the. forest, with at around them, are oaks bearing th name of Queen Kllsabeth, Queen faro. line. Queen "harlot I end Queen Victoria. Heme's Oak." mentioned In the "Mer ry Wive of Windsor" as being In Wind sor Park, wee destroyed by gale on August ai, ' A - . ' . Twenty-two letter from congressman and senators of his acquaintance have been received by Captain W. W. Oood rlch. arthlteot in - the- Fenton -building, and every letter I couched In words of encouragement regarding an appropria tion for ths Columbia river Jetty. Cap teln Goodrich believes the temper of congress favors taking care of Colum bia river Improvements. A fair-example of the letters was one received yester day from E. A. Hays, a California con gressman, who write as follows: . "Ban- Josey-Cai., Oct. 11-1908 Cap tain W. W. Goodrich. Portland, Or. My Dear Friend: I am Just In receipt of your favor of the 11th inst I believe that every member ' of congress end other persons Interested In public af fairs deeply sympathise with the state of Oregon In th humiliation that hss com upon - It through its representa tives. In Washington. If L ean be of any service to the people of Oregon it will afford m sincere plessure to ad vance the Interests of our sister state. Very truly your. E. A. HATES." Other letter are from Maine. Con necticut, New York. Georgia, California, Wsshlngton, Maryland, Pennsylvania,. Virginia, Louisiana and Colorado. ,- "In nearly every case the writer tro- fesses a personal friendship for one or the other of the disqualified members TIX. T. Jr. wm IT DIDIN'T HURT - v..A BIT ; v Is. vast faey say ef " at ante aUl work. W work tot eeeel trea at et the etty Dlrlily te aolg aar aetay. nrytbuig i te e.ta. . Op. a eraaiaaa aa gaaeara. atata SOss. - WISE BROS., Dentists Tks raaiaev sss, XkM aa wasklsglaa. nn. w. a. tut no word of condemnation for any of them; bat there In every letter a tone of strong sympathy . for the state of Oregen In ' her bereavement at Wash ingtoti." aaid Captain Goodrich, - ''Mem bers of congress seem to recognise that the people . of Oregon are entitled to soms consideration In spits of .the fact that they ere almost without represen tation at the nation's capital. - In my Judgment the men who go to Washing ton to work for tbe Columbia river Jetty WlU And- they have not only a good casa, but that swnetors and con gressmen are willing to listen to their story and,respond to their appeal." ' Football. Willamette University vs. Multnomah. One of the season's beat. Saturday, November 11, at t o'clock. 'Multnomah Field. Admission iOo. ' Frf erred 'took Oaaaed oods. - ' MASSIVE BLOCK TO : r T : BE MUCH IMPROVED --Ruaaell Blytha -have 1st contracts for the - remodeling of the stone enJ brick building owned by them at Sis'-h and Ankeny streets, which was need a a temporary postofflce. Tha work of Improvement has begun and I2S.00 will be expended before the structure la ready for tenants. The lower floor will be dropped to a level with the ground snd steel beam and Iron pillar will replace those now' In the building. Th building .1 massively e constructed, mostly of atone, and Is five storte high, It was erected In ISM) by Snelt. Htltehu A Co. at coat of SvA.tOO, and was used - by the firm as a wholesale drug store. Russell a Blythe wilt lease the lower floor to mercantile concerns, but hav not yet decided what la to be don with th four upper floors. A modern high : eased slsoatss ! ha lasUlledi UI nig uiegiiii oeiegatimi. aim there'll 1 t mallei ft A V. ' UV KV - sv mm M T W -aaaaW : . , ! - -. ' ' . '. ' .. ' j " f, "w . i: !Ui;:g co:.:?Ar,f m Ilafwf mmm r 1" f . eat few blue ste.m patln TilEDlVLLES OS f: White River Flour is a striking example of the latest scientific application of this wonderful force. ' .-;vY ;;-..V.'--'" Electricity, applied to the air with which f , the flour is agitated . while .being, milled, :' makes the finished L product, superior in color . and -texture and better for making " bread. T':,,- 'r ' Whitens, lightens, renders more digestible.' white nivcn ' v '. The guarantee which goes with i every tack allows you to give the . . flour a fair trial, and if it doe not i 8 ' come up to your expectations to re- . . t . " turn the unused portion and get "'."''' your money back. ! '. ' ' " Whit Xlvef tneajp area I OOtS MBOAXi and epeolal meatloa y ary ef Awards a lewis ar Clark payoaittoa. Allen & Lewis ; wiouuu omooaaa V -" SelUng Agaats, ; - 'rOnAaTl) -OaV, V. M, A. "WHITE WVER FLOUR MAKES LIGHTER, WHITER BREAD" w . t-,