SHANAHAS 1 - 4 - viz ? Fruit of the Loom and - T.nnaa ' tlio urrtrtfi'e stanaaru musun, yard G '(! yardi to customer.) . Unbleached Domestic , 36-inch ; regular, 7V$c quality. ' Yard. , .5s TLI-L.J CI . ' ..'.SI 9-4 width: regular 23c , rquality.Yard r.7.l8f - i Tularwidthftisual - 8J-$e I If X af. S Out! no- Flannela Ww patterns in light and ul dark colors; 9c -quality .i.64 Comfort Calicoes Tn - new Oriental and floral designs. Special,. yard 5 '''''CtmTBitting7-"pur , -white, 1-lb. sire, usual-- ' ly sold for 15c per bat. During this sale 12et - - -.. ,:. .,... '. . . Shirting Prints in all Percales, doublet fold, s LJSr new figures or stripes, rS--- i' Li j i. --i . - jigm or- uaik. tuiura j .. 10c value........ qa Percales,' yard-: wide. new designs, light; or dark colors : IZVic pSoquality r Swisses, white, figured, fine quality; -regular 15c values. Yard 74 German .Blue Calicoes,; best quality,, extra ' heavy ; 10c qual- : ity.... 7 -31 - Apron Ginghams, reg-" ular width, standard ' checks. -Kow, . ? - . yard 4ytf 1 Outing Flannels, ' all '; new designs, in assort- . ed colors. Yard.. 4 English Cretonne. printed in new pat-: lZaC quality owf Cream Outing Flannel, regular width, mill lengths of the 8c qual ity.' In this sale at, the yard .......... 5: Si jr: is ouEGON daily jour.: :al. l ornxAWP, Thursday evening, novemdei a. mi 4 - 14(3 Third Stroot r Successful In the full meaning of the word. .The-great, happy throngs that crowd iir more shopping. And why shouldn't this sale be successful? It is the logical, sensible of disposing of their surplus stocks oc over-production, and since they seek to realize as to impress even the most economical. The reduced prices we quote here are but '.' ,s-';,:: . '. '" ,, V ,. -., .. ,-, ' . ; ; , come as soon as you can, Mill Ovcr-PrcflucUon Sale oi This Season's Dress Goods and SiiZis 1 McOALL'S PATTERNS FREE M'CALL'S PATTERNS are only supplied dealers who agree not to cut the price, there fore we cannot sell them for less than 10c o r 15c,- but we can GIVE-themawayr-r So, until further notice, we will give free with every dress or skirt length of goods sold by j , :,';....:.,;,'..;.,: our Dress Goods Department - v ' -''.,,, - - - : ' Wrj&t McCall Pattern Free rTilTTTS in black and' whlto. with klb11n backa, full tl ineboa mill n4a I BWa, Now. yard C pmTnraUa In black only, with aelf-colorad fls- area, in Havtral pat tenia; 42 Incbai wlda, J( RcsuUr Ho QuaUtlaa.. at ............yC IUOI OMmai SI Inchaa w!d. and Bnltlnva SO bichaa wlda. In blua and srajr. Kacular jn iia valuta, for, yard ...yC BXaUaUSm 41 inchaa. In atrlpa and mlxM off acta, alio plaid back golf sooda. . Regular 11.18 -4fi aradaa . r..,. OVC OUT .AH S4 inchaa, all para wool; tha naw. Iara or amall pattarna. In tha U.04 qual- f ff llty. How. yard .; SOmanrsrS tt Inchaa, aalf-oolorad ' gray plalda only: mill anda of Sl.SS material. 01 Tard , ..............-.....pJC Oman SB AUMLraM Revular width. In all tha naw and popular aolora; tha. 16c quality, f i Now. yard I4C SnnmraW l(-lnch, tha lateat-draaa fooda nrlty n all- th tete bd for aulf and A ( ktrta. Regular 7So Taluea. Special 41C SKIRT AND DRESS LENGTHS Of the season's newest and most approved fabrics of all kinds every good kind too many to classify. Make up your mind what you like, then come here and get it at '- "--,-..v ;' HALF PRICE. ' t ' 'TT Mill Over-Productidn Sale of OOXSXTS, assorted alses. ef different black er ' dra b ma terlala, made with ttheiiong- or short waiats; tOo and 11.09 valuea, only 184 LAS Efts' XOSX. medium weight, full fashioned, seamless hooe, in all atses, of black only; tha usual 110 quality 6 1-4 CWTT.PXXXTS SOSX, heavy ribbed, black cotton seamles Hose, la slsea up to IH; 10o valuea for ............................ .9 14 WOMXXS ArXOXS, made of standard checked ginghams and out full. You've never equaled them for less than too .........94 ZAOIXS' VXSTS AMD. FAXTS, heavy cotton, ribbed and fleece-lined; odd garments out of order for Its goods make up this lot. ...'.".. .16V aVADXXS VXSTS, In aearlet only; though tha alaea are broken, yours may be here; ll.oa valuta . . . . ........... . , , 78 tVABZXS TJXZOX BUTTS, ribbed, light-walght cot ton, long sleeve, knee length; extra good I60 ' values. Now .18 aVASZXS OVXSXO) SKTXTS, In all colors, and nloely finished with ruffles. "Too many colora," so now these S0o Skirts are.. 29 &A1IXXS' VXSTS, derby ribbed, natural eolor. all wool Vesta. In all lsea; worth ft.M regular. Now .68 OKxxDXxars suxrara axsixxts, made of cotton, ribbed and fleece lined, all alses; regular 40o grade .23 1VA9XX8' XOSX, heavy cotton, fleece lined and aeamleas; juat an odd case, of 11 Ho quality left over. Special .........8 13 IXTAXTS' XOSX;' jlna ribbed, seamless cotton Moee, in assorted sixes; the regular 1(4 quality. While they lest. pair. ........ .8 1-4 woaexsrs wxttx uvi arxoxx, extra good "quality, out full and finished with deep hems;--, ISO values. Special 11 OOXSXT OOVXXS, extrs good . quality, neck fin ished with embroidery edging, . A big lot of , 1 0c Corset Covers at,.... 9 Z.A9ZXS' XTUBUX BBAWXXS, good quality, cut full and trimmed, deep hems and tucks for - ruffles; lie values. Only .18 XXTAXTfr SAOQTXS, made of striped outing flannel, in all colors; regulsf His values In this sale -for .8 TXTAXTS WOOL XOODS, nicely crocheted of fine yarns. In whits and colors; regular Its valuea. Special , .13 WOOI. IEAVM, crocheted of lea wool, medium else, black and whits; regular fie values - - for ..28 VASOXsTATOXX, made of all pure wool. In crochet patterns. Too many patterne, but not enough of any particular one,' makes these Ho . .. '. valuea go for 11 aVABZXS rXTTIOOATS, of fine muslin, full iength, deep camhrlo ruffle, finished with fine urk and edged with lacee; regular It " valuea for ...29 SHANAHAD'S 1 SrOTarr Bmasa OOODB Tor School Proeaaa, Walata, etc.. In a sorted patterns; regular IS ' g value, r, Yard .....,..,..y.....i............yC OUnims-fvn Inchea wlda. In plain colora -and plaid back. Erenr yard guaranteed; I fQ ' plecea worth tl.Se. Special ............yoC IrOVatTT nrxTXira)" 41 inchaa ' wide. In Scotch mixed and atrlpa off acta; tha regular lie grade. Tard QuC BUCK VAmTA 1 1-inch' iwlaa Taffeta. . oil boiled and warranted; the weaver Bella It m-t f( for a $100 quality. Special 3)1.1)7 JA maxti inchea. hi black and all the daolrabla colors; short lengths Of the lo grade. -Tard ............... 23c unan ATrj ti Inches. In black and aU popu lar colora; medium lengths of tha 7lo qual Ity. Tard OyC TMAV S aOZB 10 Inches. In blafk-onfrT' few short pieces of the 1.1 quality. Special "q JAV SXSX IS Inchaa. lit black, popular and evening .jhadesLMveraUe!!?' pleoaa; worth I Sc. Tard . ...TiTTQy Enjbroideries, Laces, RibljonsrEtc--" V XXBXOXS of satin or taffeta, la' wide assort-; ment of colors; medium widths, worth up to .. Tard .....................3 arsrsmorxxxixs, zxxxbtxoxs, sMiires asm rZjOVXOIxas up to IS in. wide. Values up to lo. Trd ... .7 12 XMXXOZSXXXXS, mUl lengths of edges and in aertiona up to S inches wide; worth lie regular. Tard .....5 XMXXOrDXXXBS, pieces hp to yards, of the 10c qualities of edges and Insertions. In . . this ssls only, yard ................3 BOXOAX XX11IXX OOTTOX, the brand you aU know; in black, white and colors. Tha . lo spools,. each .............3 aVAOEBT VXTXBX1AAS. mads of cotton gloria, with ateel rods and framee and, Congo handles. ; Regular Sto values. ,", 29 ' TOXOXOX &ACXS, edges an4 Insertions, tSKtriateh, in assorted widths and patterns. Regular lOo qualities, yard .......5 WOXOSara SLaJrSXXXCXTXrS, pars linen and hemstltohed. A genuine Imported linen Handkerchief, worth lfo ....16 XXBXOSTS, plain colored or fancy striped, in all popular ahades; widths up to 1H In., . loo value ,..-i...5 ' "-'' " 7 . XIXXOVS tn the tteweat colors In widths up to . 4 inches. Regular 10c values. .10 TAJTCT XZXXOXS In choice plain colors and with fsncy stripes of contrasting colors, up to I In, wide.- Regular lid qualUy, .19 Wk 144-6 .Third Sfrecl, Dchvccn Alder and TJorrison Between .lorricori and - goaway to examine their purchases and finding them satisfactory come back 'again to do way a number of the biggest and best eastern mills and factories have adopted as a means only the cost of the production of their goods they market them at prices that are so low a few of thcTmany hundred that await you at this sale, t If you have not already been here. for now the choosing is best. . , -". -;-:';-:;- ---- -- -':-V-' ' '-!:'' Fall se Winter Ooalis ami SMils The Cloaks, Suits, Jackets and other garments priced here are from the best New York manufacturers, being the odds and ends left after a busy season. A size may be miss ing here and there, and thejitylesjare assorted, often as many as six styles in a lot. But ',.;,.';,., .. : .theTprlcesno such values have evelFleenrseeninPortland.": -; . KASXar 'aOSOBTS Made of heavy materiala. in dark gray. In short and waist lengths; the' 30 manufacturer wants to be rid of them. Only..QQ USnf JACKETS Made of wool doaklnga, with half-fttted'-backa-.-miHtary front , rnllarless hack, trimmed with .velvet and fancy button; Una and bluea only; sold regular for M.Io. .- Ofl now . v. . ..... . . . ..... . . J I.oy OXTXSSmrSJ maarSBaWNIeely made of meltons. In blue, gray and red, with wide, full berthaa all tha way round, trimmed with fancy braid and 3Q buttons; the regular 1 1.7 valuta ... "OOv ZiASZaa OAnavMada of fine keraey, with aatra shoulder rapes, trimmed with fur and braid; aeveral styles and lengths; worth regular A pQ Now J)1.00 LASIX' " lACKaTB Of fine keraey7 made with half -fitted backs and trimmed with large buttons; all colors, blue, black, tan, castor, ate.; 3 in regular IT.So values. Now ............. .$QtfQ LUIir mWXmVm Medirtrf-btrk-or TOTrtrr wool suitinga, trimmed with pleats, tucks, straps or folds. In several new designs; tha manufacturer tf'fl sold them for 1.. Now ............... cy COATS Made of velvet eofduroy In all colors, in loose bog at y lea, finished with leather belt a and large fancy buttons. Stses TC to years. Regular 18.00 Coats. Now... JpJ, Q VXOX SOAXrS Of Imitation seal, medium length, ahaped to fit tha neck and finished Iwith six tails; the " mnufacturlnf7tun1eraold rtherffl-for-yp-r tl.Od each.;, Now .... . ... ,1 ......... . . BttCX STXK SXXtTS Made of extra good taffeta, full length with deep flounces. Regular flQ $t.0 values for v..... .i.',.ijiVeVO UTUf WAISTS Of good quality, made with full blouse and I aide plaits on each aide. Regu- 50 lar Tte valuea for .3uC Beddinos Linens, - CurlainOic. - XXTXXSIOX C1TXTAXX XODS, made of brSaa. with fancy ornaments -on anda. . Regular Ic value ..2 for 8 CXTXTAIX mODS, made of tubular brass, 14-lncb extension, with fancy ends. The regular lOo roda. Special ...8 ' warn limn ottxtaixs. mads of good muslin, with full ruffles; regular length; 7So Curtains In thta sale. pair..... ..28 XO'XTIXSXAIaT OXTXTAXXX, good quality, sU new pattarna, full length. The usual lc Curulns now, pair ........: .89 XIXXOW CASKS, 41 by Is-lnch sise, of good ' muslin snd well made. Tha regular lie . Pillow Cases .... WX3TX XXSSrBXABS, full else. In new crochet. ' Marseilles patterns. Several designs in this lot. worth Il ls. at.T.. ........88 OOTTOX XXAXXXTS, either gray or whit, with colored borders, t- also. - Regular 0o values In this ssle. pair ..39 OOTTOX TOWXXJX, medium alee, fringed or plain borders. An odd case of tha lo kinds to be closed out at, each .3 XTOX TOWXZX. good. large sise. plain whits or colored borders.. Enough of this II Ho 1 Towel to last a day. ...T 1-2 WTJTSOW SXASXS, mads of good opaque clottt on good rollera; complete with fitting; ISO quality ....'..,.25 VXXOX XtAXXXTS, l ib. 11-4 else, white with ' pink or blue borders. Regular. 14 Blankets, pair 82.98 'BUAOaXft OXASX rOWXUXs), regular wtdtn; . you know whst It la. It la worth more ... than, yard .-4; XUBACKXX VAXSiX XAXCASX, Inchea Wide, - In chote new pattern; J pieces of the 0o quality. Tard r..... ..19 -VXXXA0XXX OBASX TOWXUXCS, regular width, for roller Towels. While It laata. yd.. 3 OOTTOX XIXXXTS, 1-4 sise, gray only, rec tory seconds of the regular 11. II grades,, pr, ,48 rui JL Alder SHANAKAf ! fcABIBS PBXSSZir SACQTXS Made 'Of "flannel ettes with the now sleeve. Dark colora only. In medium" and, large slses. Regular Tee , '5Qv Sacques-'for ............................... OOC TAIXS ATrOOATaV-Made of cravenetted ma tertala. Jn Oaford. tan ndfanejr-mtxw,--w4th loose or box pleated back, fly er double-breasted fronts, collarleea and new sleeves; 111.60 4jiT ff valuea , . . . . . ' j)0.y J rXXXCX nAXXXZi WAISTS and Trloota, In plain or fancy colors. - trimmed with plain er grouped tucks,' braids and fancy trimmings; worth QO from tl-ll to tl.10. Special, only ............ QQC XvABZXC XTOW JACXXTS Made Of aU kinds of goods, in blue, gray and popular colors; nicely jmada and well llnd and finished. , Tha material alone is worth more ... .... ,-4Jv:n . ..rr.-..-.- 19c IVADXXS SXXXTS Made of popular materials, in blsck and gray mixtures, etc.; over t different styles; worth up to $.0 each... ;: . If C7 Now , ..$,.Qi XvASIXS' WXvAXXiMade of good matM-tala. lit light or dark colors, with full skirt deeply flounced, and shoulder capes. Jtegular I1.2J valuea f) r for . OOC OamOXXaTm aVXXXBXS Made of fine meltons, la tan, blua and red, with full - berthas an around, trimmed with aeveral rowa-of fancy braids and buttons; regular (2.60 values. ,' Q( Special . 0. ......... .QyC COI.OXXS MOXXa SXIXTS Of fine quality, made f wo rufflea-and-deep- flounces. The nasortment of styles and alses- lis varied so, $1.S OO skirts . ; ..,.....,.... . ....... , . . .'. QQL lVADIXS SO ITS Made of mannish mixtures, with box back coats, collarless, neck outlined and faced with red velvet, patch pockets; lined with farmer satin and finished with covered buttons; tha skirt Is round length; the. manufacturer's price m was 111.. Now ipOeVO Hill Ovcr-Prcducllcn Sale of TMcnVFuniblifcns an. OOTTOX ; XOSX, . medium and heavy weight, seamless, black and tans; regular" UHo Hoee, for pair ..7M Kin XITX IXAXXXXi SXIXTS, medium weights, well made and trimmed with pearl . v buttona; regular 11.21 grades .....78 SCXXX VXXXXSXJXTS, ribbed and plain woven cotton, in natural and camelshalr; tha assort ment includes all alses. broken lines of ISe qualities, assorted to complete alses, 18 KXX'S ITXBXXBXZXTa, heavy Derby ribbed cot ton, la natural gray only; regular 76c quali ties, to close at ...39 XXII SX3XTX AX9 XXAWXXS, light weight cotton, fine rib, natural and dark gray; regular See valuea 19 stxarx vxvxxsxxxts atd dxawxxs, sii wool, regular Winter weights, natural gray;.. 11.14 values. Just when you need them , ... . .98 M1TI AVXTX.XTS, made of estra heavy Imita tion buckskin with medium high cuffs;' , regular too Gauntlets, for .........28 BtXX'S XLAOXZVTOSX COATS, of aesvy double faced material, ' with wlda ahoulder eapea An odd factory lot. worth ll.SS. Each 98 BOUTS UXXX XAXXXXXCXZXrS, also Japan ette. with plain white or colored hemstitched bor ders, with or without embroidered Initial, fac tory lota, of 11 Vie Handkerchiefs, Bach. . T. , .6 XX VS XAX9AXA XLAXSXXmCXZXTS, heavy quality, red with white figures and-borders; So values .' ......2 for 8 .am SUSrSXSXXa, of heavy elastic webbing.. patent clasps, reinforced backs;' regular I So values .-IT XanrS DXXaS SXIXTS. f fancy striped per calea. In light ofark colors, nicely laundered, cuffs detached. Small factory lota, worth SOo and ISc Each' .20 MIX'S STS7XX9XXS, aasorted styles, made of heavy elastto webbing. "Broken lots ac count for the price of these lie value. ...... .9 MIX'S MCKIXO XOSX, heavy quality, Mark, camelshalr and natural; tSo .quality., ,.12 1-2 MIX'S XIOXWXAX, four-ln-handa and terse. assorted colors and designs;' worth Ue. IT MIX'S SXXXU XOWS, In all gnodnaUecps; regular Ifrc stylos. Special, eaohTTTf. ...... .5 KXX'S COIAaXB. all slses and shapes standsrd ISn branda. Rach. ............ -8 1-3 MISTS WOXX SXIXTS, of white strlWd black, extra . heavy twill, double-breasted. The slses were not properly assorted that's why heee ISci' Shirts sre now 4 rt KXX'S OOU SXIXTS, of fsncy striped or figured rnadrea or percales, detached cuffs; regulsr fl.aa quality. Special .3 SOTS' SWXATXXX; all wool, in blsck only, with colored atrlped high neck; the ususl 4c Sweater for 2) XOTB' XSOUOXX SXIXTS,. made of fine dras. In Ughl or dark colors. Nt snob of eark color Is tliq resson these He "Mrti sre.liere