. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDA EVENING. NOVEMBER ' 8, 1905. 12 7n Ft yi r '" :- 'I if aiaTLi! rr 1rt I Entered at tbe pnatofrice st Portland. tearoa. for trsnsi-oriauoa ll, rough tke Malls a seeosd- rlass mailer. KatwlM ahta-W inbt Toe as. B 18 eg 12- page pik. 1 cent: 10 la 30 pages, t casta; 32 to as pagsa, a esate. . TYXErHOBEa. . Editorial Booms. Bualueee Office.. ,-. .Alain V ...Mela tM TOEEIO ADYIETISIBO BEPBKSEBTATITs?. Vl-eelaiiSJ Benjamin Special Advurtlalng Ageacy. ISO Aimi utNt, Kaw York; .TlbOBe Bulla- .. ., .' - iJiCETIOK BATE. Tt Dally J noma I. with Sunday. 1 year.. .$7.5; "Ibe lally Journal, I year...., Too I'.ilr Journal, with Sunday. mouths. 3.76 Tub IHilljr Journal, months. ..... ... s.OO n iim tt.,iv with HiiMiBf. a months. 1 he lastly JmiTI swuiba.". WV.7 -j. T The Dally Journal, villi Hunday, I month. . .ki 'i he I wily, mc a ark. delivered. rSnndsy to- . dnM .13 The Dally, pet week, delivered, 8uad, t- copied - ..... ......... .......-.. 10 Tans by Mall. : ' " The Pally Jonrnal, wltk Auaday, 1 yar...$T.O0 Ilia Hsily Journal. 1 yssr J.Oii 1"t Daily Journal, with Sunday. ntontba. J.iJ 'ihe Daily Journal. It mouths ...... ... His Ially Journal, with Honday. 1 menthe. J.JJJ Tna Dally Journal. 8 month!...... a.? I lia Daily Jonrnal. with Miuviay, 1 nisatk.. 'I've .Daily Jooraal. 1 month. , - ya The Munday Journal, 1 yesr. . The (iuaday Journal, 6 months. ............ a-W Ths -Ssmi-Wsskly Journal The Seml-Weeklr Journal, i M 11 pages , each. Issue. Illustrated, full market re port. 1 year ........ 1W Hesilttanrea ahooW he aiada hy draft, soatal imiaa, aipmas snwira and aruali amoonta an accapbl te a ana S-rent ixiatair atareoa.. , " THE JOUKMAU P. O. Bos 121. Portland., rr". WHEKE IKS JOUAllAt JUT MX TOVtO. - TTia Jnarnal caa ba tovnd a aala at tlM fnJVorlnf nlaraa: ' 1IR8. IDAHO U. Sella ft Ca.f W. B. Me- Inlyra - .: CHIiJAUO Poatoftlra Newa coojpany; 178 Paar. bom atraat. l ' J DKNVP.R, iNtlrtADO J.; BUek., Blxtacath ad rtla atria. -KANKAS CITY Ta Noy 5tra enapaa. allN NKArol.lS M. J. r KayawiMdt, W Booth Tblrd atraat. - - KKW VORK t'lTT Brantano'a, fnlnn aqnara. OMATA Millard Hotel naw ataad; Mascata KttUttrrj mnipaay. iari Famam atrart. ALT I.AKK t'l'l'VKanyoa Hutal aa stani: BT. l.OLIH 1'hlltp Rordar, ! Lwaat atraet B. T. JWt. turn onaa atraat. . r. BXM TtiKsnHi-O W. B. Antlna;, Palar I?al aewa aland and' limt Markrt atraet; 4fcM amlth Kmf.. ZD Mutter atruet and Halit Fraarla txilell Foater ft Oreal. Ferry boll -tint: !.- Wbealtey. awnUa -naara -stand. -a ner Market and Kearney atreata. ' BK ATTt.K Kataler Oraod am atand; W. I. Nhanka. - Hotel Kmtle nawa aland. SPitKA.NE. WAS111NUTO.N Jobs W, Orsbaa ' ft V. - -V Tacoma. WAJtmxOTOJf Central Nawa oa - nan: lltel Tar-nma oewa atand. Vli TORI A.- BH1TIKH OOIXMB1A Victoria - Bonk ft ftlatkmrry campany. . ' ,; WEATHER REPORT. Tbe kirk preaanra area eewtral srer tbla dta trtet durtna: lha laat sraaral days emtlnues la : SilTanre akiwly eaarward. A dlatiirbanre, an parettlly of nmterale enerry. kaa 4uada Its as pHiranca off taa Waaklnyiosi enaat and ss llii ' sirirts adraneea Inland tna preaent fair aiwll will five pleee to anaettled, rainy - weatbar In tkla dlairk-t. bealnalna: In areatem " tJrrtrMi ad . araatera Ora(oa Jala tonight or early Tbura-- day. i '. ' - The atorm off tiie Callfnenla" enaat kas to. - rrrmmri la energy and moryd to land Jo. Aritoni, ' wwern hr la eauaina BMaleralely beayy rain and in name kiealltlea thnnder alorma. Rata baa alas fa Men ka exireoia sontlieni fallforala and erresie weoters Tevaa. Isaattled rainy areatkaT ' pieiallo Ihla sananlaa ka ika- lake rrrlnn. jbe Qtilo Taller, lbs JnMdkr Allan! Ir and, tiie Nrw F.nland atatea. doe la a disturb arn-e n!ral oyer eaatera rmnaylranka. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Oimtarna r.. Riuke. : Annl Y. Wnnj. is, Al B. " Erirkaos, Orient. OiVfoo, 7; Marta Duff. y 'AW, W . r. Baley, Beattle. Waahlnaloo. 13; Marlr . Perry. -" ' Nora Z. Peets. Trsatdala, Tfasfclnftoa. 2t; Ida Ijoolae Perta. tn. Harry H. Pa nine la. Xt; Fanny T. Rmltk. 2a. H4 It. riararaer. it; Ijb1 J r M. Woluiaa. jn. Weddlnc Cards. W. Q. Umltb ft fa.. Wask lart.m blda.. eor. Foortk and yaaklaatoa its. - Alba Bertka AUrtla. room 311 Altky bldf. Btftmpltia and flna needlework ; leaaona aires. BIRTHS. DAILV November I. to Mr. sod Mrs. WlllHrr - F. Dallr. saS Grand a venae, north, a enaa. Bl RKMA.V lri.er jM. to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rarknaa, ZM Hloat alraet. s deua-hter. DEATHS. JciMANKX Naaetnber 4. M. Jahaneea. ' seed t years, st Qnlmny konae; rassv. abaeeaa. f riytit law. Hartal at Us Fir eeaaetary. , B.VNKKX .tnlr 4. Anns K. Hasara. sard 41 years. B27 Kaat Oraot atreet; eanae. ros- eamnilon. Bnrlal at Rirrrlew cemetery. Ml) AoralT t. William H. Ills loo, a-d 2H years, at ttaod Kamarllaa boapttal: eaiva. . preaanre.s taa krsis. Baiial at Mllwaukla Boi.l.KY Karemher 4. PHtebsed P. 'Bodley. aHFBaa T"'B'' " ashWr VWWJ" sMsWv. ' FWfWtatM ' an, oalil at Inm i lrC'meterjv . Jl'HXtMIN orrmbT Asnla Jotuison, fJspA pMTrnin mreer. flMMXiMi!! Snremhee . Orlstea TamUaaos, aard 4 moots. Ttllamoob. ftresjoa. . - BrrtKTinr cemetebt. Bta1e ayayaa Family Iota tTO to ll.Ona. Tbe only ra-steterfj la Porttaod wklrk par. Ptaally malstalna sad esres for lots. For full InformatVm apply to W. B. Markeosle. Waa eeater blaek. etty. W. M, ladd. praaldeai. J. P. rialay ft Boa, fsaeral airaetora and nrhalsjeea. nrsr Tblrd and Madtaoa atreata. Ofa of aaoaly rsrsai r. Telephone Mais a. Psaolna. MeKores ft llbaairb. - ajsdertakers .sad em balm fa: aandera la sasry detail. Bsysatk sad Plna. Mala 430. Lady asslsUst. Fniieral wreathe and ent fV'weia a specialty at BosaTlFy CrnhaTnrfA5od""i5 aaai Morrtaos), atapaaita cemetery. - Tba Edward Holmaa rsdertakittf eoaspaay, , roarral dlreetnra aad staaslawra, KM Tblrd 1 at Tkosa oOT. a l - i 1 1 i i n i i i ii mi REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . C. Y. Bebe ssd ife to J. t. Cars, lota in; M. 14 asd IS. Browse's addition.! - B. I.. Barnes., trustee, ta J. L. I'aros, kita Hi. la to 15. Browne's addition,., - Oak Lamb eempaay to J. P. McCartky, Ms 1 to A bloc 13, Pnrtaraofltb .. B. " Marward to E. R. Wrtaht, lot 8V bb fa. Mnsnt Tabor Villa .77..... : T. Ciittentos Bet nas Home for Wonwai tn NalbHul Fbweoe Oltteinon aalsslos. Ma T to I J. fractional block 4. Haw. tborne-a First addition F. rrlttratos Kefnaa Home for Women tn National Florenre Crlttestus mlsaUm, 3Wil.vj.T3 fetl ls'limtinj T. Julna doaatloo land claim - B. Kyas to F. J. Biaasos, lot i. klark 1, Harbor View ,. L. C tjolaley to B. Watneda and kns. 1 hand, west H 1st I, blurk 62. Tib- . belts' addition TV. W alkee ssd wife to II. K. BreltlMrtk and wife, lot ill, block 14. Ladd a 1 addition - ClJ Weat and wife. to J. I. Kadd-rly, aadWMMd H lota 3 -and 4, block 12U, tst perdaad , , tllllla Weaka et al. to Title Coarante ft Trnat eompany, lead lylitf sorlk aad - eas Wlllamotta bonlevardi lantl con . -a?'rd by U D. Brown to B. Weeks, trustee. esecvt ,1 seres BOO ant) 100 J . .wacka. STtarrrlsat-to -TrM ft Trust cooipany, asm property v, Ben Helllnf snd wife tn L. PtfioC M T, blm-k 1. Lanrelseaod I'srk Oak Park latnd company to C. U ramtk era. noriheaat fi M 1. block ft, Oak I'ark arMltlua 0k Par Land company ta ft. A. Wrlirht, .-sl U lot 1. block 5. Oak Pork addl- iMa ....A V"-: rss Park land onmpasy to D. A. rlthl. w.at lot i. btoek . Oak Isik ertilUkm .T r I'srk l and company to I). A. Wrlht. I;ln feet brglnnlns; a roroer b. I bi-k A. Oak I'ark addition . ... (ir of i'.rtiend to K lise t areee. trsft Dl-a twlaen eas Hn Vino. ,,r.h, Vlir. 'tiwesl line f railroad f. II. R. and nortk Una of ' Wllaoa, aad stticr prvvtrtf, ......... 1 1M REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. V. ReHtt and wife to K. 41. l.unrtstmni. lota. IV to -a, block is, Weat Portland 'Helahte . W. pvhmale - asd wife k J. IroosloV, sontbweat ta sartlaa 82. tow nab la " 1 norlk, ranae I weat. Hat seres .. .. 4,000 J. Heato-y to - ffc 4'. Prteatley.- mis 13 to I. block I. and atbar Broacrtr. For Cbaae addition 1,100 a. a., lata often la J. wbeatley, tots . IS re 17. blm-k 1, and other property, ' Fa. t'bssa addltloa . I D. f Rovera to li. A. Dyaoa, aodl- . tl.4 h loll I H &, blork T, lit. Jv'.aa ......... ., . 1 U. I'. Berraa to B. E. IVddlrord, Iota 1 K and 33. block, fi, Bmltbaosa Laud ' eompaay addltloa 1 B. K. Prddlrurd to W. J. Prddinwd. Iota . ' . and iU, bkick ft, Bmllhson a Laad ' . ejomuany aouitlua i te'sIs-VV. 'Stiohna .'. .J1!1." .! 71 B. HI rack and L. Htrarh to II. C. B-ihi: . mas. Iota t, , Mock lul, Conck'a addl. thm v..., 11.600 1. K. Wkltmar and kiaiband to D. . , Peaoeyv lot f, block ft. keystooa addl- , ttrsA. ...7-- B. A. Ilaltkempor aori wife to A. Niit- tln. snbtllrstoa X Moror'a auhdlrltkos ' lot 3, blw-k 3. Portland Horn oat rad . .. 423 T. Htopoer and bimband to H. B. Smltb, lot l.V. blork 13. Willamette ......... ' too W. Fllrdner and wife to W. Beldt, los 4. . , . east M feet lot fj. blork larathers' - addition , : 13,S0(t B R. Whitney to L, H. Barton, sttfx t STTl47j44 fart belnnln weat at- ' - - tenawa or xai. aactum 7, tows snip i norte), .ranae i east 1.750 too 1,1 00 1,300 L. 11. Tacpley and wife ts U H. Burton. lata 31 aad 23. blork 3. Locbinrar . . . , B. I. McKenna and wife to J. II. Bana, parcel land bealnnlot Inleraactios renter. ' line - Newell with south Has Hrraeaee. Korlbvrs Hill addition Security Inreatment company to a, I. I -rocker, lot 60, Palatine Hill, and block DO. Palatine Hill Ko. 3 J, W. Henawortk to P. A. Blnfonl. sot IS. block 3. Railroad Fbons addition.. N. Moors and husband to K. D. Morgan, eaat bj lot S, block no, Buiubaaa' addi tion v... r, Mayor to 0. B. Dean, lots 34 and 3A block A Oorerdsle Tract 463 T0 650 3.W3 400 Jnlla Fins to O. B.' T.-sn. kts 13 aad 24, block . Datla Highland ........ F. Petty aad husband to Portland Trust ' company, lot 9. blork 0. t'lorerdsle.. Bkertff to- F. Uandorph, lot ft, block 41, ra ntlhera' addition J. Matschlner and wlfa ta B. Epton, tola 34 to SR. block 3. Bra Irani Sheriff to William Thtelroan, lota II and Wast- Portland Park.... - Oet yos- Inswranes and abatracts to real estate from tba Tit la Guars a tea ft Trust sots psny, 30 Washington stroet. sorare Bccotxl, LOANS W havt Bmiple funds' to lean In any amount on improved business and residence property ln Portland and ., vicinity at lowest rates. - ' TTTX.BB XJIBUatXS. The Title Guarantee 140 WABarXBTOTOsT , ..tCarnar fiacoiMl st I ' ' 1 PORTLAND, ORBQON OUR NEW BANKING-HOUSE Located at southeast' corner Third and Oak streets, was formally opened last Monday morning. ,' ' IThc public is invited to call and inspect the. elegant and modern ac commodations provided for the con venience of our, patrons. Portland Tnist Company ot Orejon 80-82 Third Street Phone Private . ;.. .,, , Eachange 72. '''.'".. rBRWGS EASTEKN MONEY TO OREGON -NORTHWESTERN - MUTUAL LIFE : or atnwivuB, wi. . - Ixmned 0t.l00.09 of Ha policy holders' money In Pacific North wast In 1304. Htts a. tout of 13,. 115,000.00 Invented in Oregon and Washington.. S.T.Lockwood&Son imu Aasam, Oonoorrl BUIg- lortlad. Orsffom. SPOT CASH . ..... . - FURNlfURE In Any Quantity Wo also sell on commission. Guaran tee beat raaulta. PORTLAND AVCzl TIOM ROOMS, 111 FTii StrOot. A. SchubacK proprietor. . Phono Mais SMS. . 40-Acre Snap 11.S00 Pnrt caah. Owner lea vine toarn. -lnqutrv, 203 FourtB st.rinuat W sold. .WOTICB. IB the etrcatt eonrt of the stat at Oregon, for Multnomah eoitiity. i In tba matter a( tba tscalrsnhlp of Aagnst aCrsta Ts lbs eaedltorst Tba anaterslgned kaa filed ' wllk tba clerk of the aboas entitled eonrt kla report of ths bids race I red for tba aaaaca of - August Krsta, asd ths eonrt kaa set Koasmber ' Hi. I taw, at the sour af 10 o'clock a. nv, aa tba time for bearing objections la lbs omv flrmstloa' of sale of aald saaata.. an lasrsona Intereated are notified aooord- ,glr. . n. I.. atBIX. Bfcleer. BtAta ft SIMON, Attorneys tot 'BacslTsr, ARB " ; 8AT13FIED. LOST AND FOUND. PARTY who tank kat asd overcoat from Wool en's hall, east aide, Monday eswnlnf, by mistake, kindly psoas a. set iiat , FOL NU Kear Sandy road; aocker spaniel doaj. O. O. Gullasdec, care of Codpey ft Sua, lallore. Third st. - - - HELP WANTED MALE. LAttT call for men amder 38 years ta prepare for railway mall elerket enrollment must ba In before Saturday; good paying poaltlooa; gradnal promotion. Call Immediately, . B. tr. Jleynen, 13 Breeden bnif HUH WaehlngUej St., a a. m. ts S p. m. . . j We assist com pal ent office men, bookkeepers. MF.N asd boys wanted to earn $3 dsy, after a moninr inatrsciioo, poaiiran guuraniaoa; special tuition half price, few dare only. Coyne Bros. Uo. Plumbing; Hohools, New York, ClnclBBStL, O., St. Uoula. Mo. Fraa catalogue. 8ALBNMRN V wanted; cash advanced weakly; good territory onaai outrtr rrea; aoms are mas- fng 3100 to 31S0 per niontb. Why not yoal Adtlress Washlnftoa Nursery Co., Toppanhdi. Wsahlngton. , . COMPKTBST bUI clerk for wholesale hoase. preferably eipcrlenced la grocer lea; givs age. eaperlenes and aalary wanted. Address P 57. Jonrnal. WANTED Olerka ssd wlndow-dreseers to atndy show-card writing at X. H. C. A. aignt acbxnl; poraoaal ioatrnctloa. ' Apply for par .' tleulars. WANTED Shoemaker to rent repair shop, tools snd machine; good location, plenty work. cheep rent. CaU Z8S Burns Ida at. WANTF.D First -rlaeg salesmen In Portland and country; big wages. 80S McKay timg. EXPBBIENCF.D finisher for kitchen furniture; alas mschlnemaa. IOQ Elevsnta St.. noynyj WANTED Oood newspaper rtrcnlatloa man. tapiiai aooroai,' oairm. vregon. B0T about 10 years eld ts learn printing trade. Mercantile rrlnlln to., viv, rirat sc. - - EXPERIKMi'K.n aU around man for farm..! P , 43. Tba Jonrssl. - . 0OATMAKRBS wanted.-.' A. t. Brault. room 16 Hawllloai bldg. - . ) WANTriV F.nergette snd rellshle msa for part. Paririe enaat; small espltsl required. Addreaa P 40, Journal, giving sgs and. atperkraca ta boslnesa. . , .. . . WaNTBP 4 teUanla agents, -salary -or com nilasloa,-S4 per day, noons B Lstbna ft lug. A nooo try wanted to Iran tkorseahoetng trade. z7 rsymr st. HELP WANTED FEMAL WANTlib by this gentlemaa. a lady to fink ch . him the Bngllab lanwuaae. to read. wr and ' apell. Address P 63. care Jonrnal ' ad TBt'STWOBTHT. snergetla women to travel and organise, for Vlavl company. s4mB of addreaa room-33, Lewla bldg. A BANBBN'B LADIES' A0EMCT. 343H Washing. . ton at., sor. Bevaath. apatalra. Pboas Mala 3SRS. ' Femsla kslp wasted. LA PT solicitor for the tea -and coffee 4ra4. iiswtnorne -lea uo.atu rtawinoms svs. WANTBDr-OoM sewers for dressmaking, 'absr woi"s asestTgomevyt'St"'- WANTED A gh-l to do general Apply w Twenty-court a. , VV0MAM for general bouaawork. 431 Bodoay are., near iingans s. Ol RI. wanted ts ' assist la bonaework; good home, am no mama si. 7 -- " w JM AM cook --fas. - JonrsaL ' -42.1 TOT.'NO girl to help ta general bonaework. Boom is Hamilton mag. WANTED (llrl for kaasswwrk, small family. t all at tsi wavier at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeepers snd stenogrspbers Is grcstrr thsn tbs supply. From Aognet 1. 1904. to Ascnat 1. 1005. wa placed , 1"7 In good posltlona; bad calls for mora fkaa Snn; oar graduates are ALL employed; ws will assist yon to a position when competent; enroll now: Jay or night. Rrhnke-Walksr , Boalnass College. Sixth and Morrtsoa in. WANTED At eece, bright, energetic, Bra sen table man or woman, a good talker, to taka op sn attractive proposlUoB. Iaau T3S Chamber of Commerce, S a. m. , HELP wanted and snpplled. main or femala. B. O. Drake. 3iH Waablngtoa aL Black 1333. WANTED Imme-llatety. S men or wsmea to ds esnvssalng. Call up Eaat 537; good proposition. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Position by an experienced book keeper; esn coma nny tin arter November IS; logging firm preferred. Address W. J., In ears of (femcllna Warehouse, Cornelius, WANTED Sltnatlons tor all kinds of laborers I B. SHllnerlanU supertnti Light mission. HAS m Oavta at. WANTED Ptarttfcm by , first-class meetcutter. Phons Msla 4R3S. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITT'ATIONS wanted; cocks, chambermaids. waltresnes. second girts, bonaekeepers, gen eral bonaework girls. 230 Si Ysmblll. Phona Main MIS. A COMPETENT middle-aged lady desires post- fkm aa housekeeper, ma iron, caanier or aaiea lady; refereocea. Caaliler, 3S1 Going at., city. RITI'ATION wanted, reapectabls nnln cumbered wKlow ss nonseaeeper wntowers ramuy; city preferred. BWH YamhllL , Ihona Mala 641.1. Nl'BHR daaangaged. maternity or medical; terme BHslerata. Address Noras, Eaat BOO. 411ft '' llswiborna avs. - . - .. POSITION waated by a trained norae. S14 Jefferson St.. or phona Mala 6433 Call WOMAN waita small family washing ta do at addreaa 11 an. ears Jonrnal. TOVNO lady desires day work. 3417. Phona Eaat EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. , " FOB MEN. S3 J Second St. Phona Mala 1S3S. JAPANBSBCHINEBS BMPIXYMENT OFFIOB. Henry Tabors.. aor Bvsratt at. - rnona ra clfla 640. - STANDARD KMPliOTMENT AGENCY Help , fnmlebed f res. 2n6 Burualda St. fUooa Main 1.1T I .'. k.1 .df: PACIFIC Cos.t Emn. Co. Reliable employment agenU I2i N. Id at. Pbons Main 0070. tiONEEB EMPLOYMENT '0. Labor eon tree- tors; help free to smployrrs. .310 Marrlsoa. ACME EMPIXTMENT CO. 311 Morrison at. snppnes msa lor all kinds or worn. .. BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help snnnllsd fraa, Id B. Seoood at. Pboas Mala IBIS. NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency, 313 Pins St. Phons Msln 1S04. THB PORTLAND EMPIYMENT CO, 306 Momaon at. mono rsciris sew. a- -o-0 Read Journal Ads vRcplarly Prl- OAgawtltrtm hfwwm merrtiaiiti U mn kswn anfj tKkM unrli unffxptrd turiw) fhnt nl mi r rsitUr ti4T nt Jfniri.a.1 ail j cm tni M ivifiMn.illr fm-r. tltf sawfrTa) fVT a91Tr flrtlrU IhHal ! WtCTWtJ. WANTED AGENTS. A WINNKB fur agents Health and accident rosacea on popular mouUily paymenU. For lliwral terma. address 0. A.:, Lymaa, mana ger, . Ooni Ineulal l aanaliy Co. N. W. llept., 3W Mohawk bklg.. I'ortland. 'Oregon, AGENTS 'wanted to aeB aorsery slock; saw asd complete outfit furnished free; cask Weekly. Capital City unary sumpaay. Salem. Oregon, WANTED REAL ESTATE. I'HAVE buyera waiting to hear of amall homes ta or near rorusoa, any oiranioa; 11 yoa srs ready to saU address F 1, ears Journal. WANTED New boose, shout rooms, Isrgs ground, bargain, part cash; giro location .and psrtlculara. 1 4T, care Journal. W I LL boy" for cash. Improved or unlm proved lot or less between Morrlann and Burnelde, Third and Seventh. Address, giving prion and locstwn. F 63. Jonrnal. WANTED Ta buy or lease n bnlldlng lot close. la. Mci'herson, unman hotel, rirat ana Aider. WANTED Lot or fraction maid city Umlts; giro psrtlculara: ' A 4o, Journal. - - - WANTED TO RENT. WE want desirable bouses asd,. Sata, all parts or tbs city; nsvs aiga-eisas cncinar.waiuiig; rests collected, nroporty cared 'for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 341 Stark at. phons Main 1376. WANTED Ta rent farm, IS or 10 acres, near riiy, noose an4 aara. - at. v. morgaa. u Mllwaahls at. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' SEE the Lewis and Clark fair at noma; send 4ie in atampa for handsome photo booc, nearly ton pboloa of (air, 7H0tt Inches. Western View Book Co.. Portland. Bos. 204. PAINnNOsnraylnar snd "whlteWiablng trrrnr nsaements, bsrss. docks, etc. ; largeet gasouse apraylug outfit ss Ihs coast. M. 0. klorgaa ft Co., T0 Mllwaukla at. Pbons Esst 301T. OBCHERTBA. 3 pieces, wants angagementa . sssulngs. Sundays: mnalr. tor all occs.1i.os very reasonsb'.e. 46 Lacratla at. Tel. Main 3603. HIGHEST cash pries psld for battles sad Junk ot every description. Portland Bottle Bunply Co.. 801 North Klghtoenth.- Pbons Msln SZhS. WE will store that piano for yon free, care for It sad pay tba Insures ca. Aduress Journal. - EICHT teams to baul lumbar snd ties. Pros tor ft II nas, . Cottrsll. via Or lent. Oregon.' WANTED Lady'a bicycle: most ba la At dlllon; cash. Address 643 Mllwsukls st. B0VIK8 bonght, sold and escbanged at ths Old Book Stors, 228 Ysmblll at. F. J. BYDEB. printer. Second aadTVsshlngtos sts. Phona Main 6030. i IF yon want manura for rosea or lawn, rail jjhona Front aoao. -.- - - WANTED A pony for boy. Inqutrs 303 North Foorteenm st. . WHO IB M. 0. MORGAN ft CO.t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE HUH. OS Eleventh at., eor. Stark New momlna-aoose. newly furnished, stesm aesc. gas light and bather clone to bnelnees see- esrrrneralt "ths comforts of a aoma:- everything np fa date. Mrav F, . A. t ianoy, prop. . . THB BINO 800 Jefferson St.. new bollrttnff. bandaoaaely rm-nlahed, wita every moosrn convenience: al! out side rooms, with- best, gas or electric tlghta, porcelain bather rates 'BneTRe and 31 i apodal raise by the week -or mootk. , , : .. . . THB BE7J.EYCB, -TISH Fourth St. Neatly "TurolaheoT rooms Tor gentlemen;-"an otrtstds rooma; alectiie Ughbl, porcelain oaths; rates, 60c. Toe. 31 ; v.ry low rates by week or month. Hood TOA. a-. . ... TWO large, light, finely furnished rooms; gas. rurnscs neat, porcelain - oetn. taiepnone; everything neat snd clean: rates very reason ahle; walking dlsUnca. S4H BUth at Phona Main 6640. . - HOTEL. PALMER. Centrally located at tba corner of Alder and cars sts.; siesm nsac not sno enia water, free poreelsln baths; noma 60c, 7 So aad 11! special weekly rates. THB HAMANN. 183 N. lfcth.. ear. Hart Mewty fnrnlehed raosns. 81. SO an: snovanlenft location. IS mlantas wslk to fair groanda: Morrtsoa ear at anion depot direct ta Bouse. Phona 347s. BEAl'TTFTX front salts aad 1 other aeetrscrie -. furnished rnnms la aandera aoms of private family phons. bath, furnace beat, walking distance. 680 Fourth st. Pboas Pacific 813. EINO'fl HEIGHTS Daalrabla natgbbornond. near St. Helen's Hall; alcsly fnrBlahsd room ror ons or two, wiin pnvsia isuuiy, psrmn. neat preferred. TBS Mats at BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooma In brick bull. Ing: bath, electric light aad phono: 33 net week and ' an. Tba "ew Belmont, mti First st, THB OSBOBN HOTEL. 11 Grand svs.; rooms from so ap; restaurant in connection. Get off at tba cast aide depot and toko Aa keay car. UNDEI.L HOTEL, 4th aad Market: -agement,' ruinlalied new u rooma; Comfortable home. McLean. MABQUAM HOTfJR. 149H 4th Rooma aa salts or single; aonaeaeoping moss si gaa ait bath, electric lights; translssta aolldtsd. THB WII.BCB. 34S Esat Oak Fnrnkhed bonsekeepmg moms, ii.tb per week snd np; todgmg 31 and op. Phona East 4366. FCBNISHED noma, alngls or aa suite, 33 net month and np. notel ran uarunr.- swaaty Blxtk and rpabnr and Vaogba ata. , NICELY furnished rnnms at moderate prices for rent tn largo- private nonas, class la. Call at 14T Tenth aU Bear Alder. HAWTHORNE HOTEL. 371 Hawthorne arc.; the beat pises to atop ror real acuta Is our section of tbs dty. v. 163 IITlI-snd " Moir!an7st. Moat" deen-ahM rooma: not and cold water, bath, atasm ke.it, gas snd pbons. : -" " t - an ... . wtm w . . 1 . - k ., hot and coiawstsri.jatoa reasonable. S3 Jl nor ro main si. NEATLY fnrnlabed alngls sleeplng-mome. one doable psrlm-; alee alngia hooaekeenlng-rootua. 101 Tenth St. ... z - a.LKU Ars I lis mmisoen' pins xor one or xwa gentlenlmi; private family,, host, gas. bath. 661 Taylor. FBONT parlor tor gentleman of refinement whs wtehea resai near tba crater of dty. 631 Everett et. NEWLY furnlabed rooms, with stove, bath, telephone, suitable for 3 adults, cheap. 223 " Mill st. -.-" WELL fn re! abed noma, board! good loratkmi csr sesf los. 401 .Tenth at. .. I'hona Pscilla 68. . - i . CHEAPEST sad bast Inettsd nonas la Pnetlaad. 11 week aad ap. Ollmaa. First and A idee ata. Ths Headerson. tfttt Alder Elegantly' fnrnlabed rooms tor nermsnsBt sso trsnaisnt ivusima. HOTEL MONARCH. 303 Stark at.; transients ao- uciiso; prtosa seasoasui.. s nuiss sbviiiv ov. venlencea. nasonaois, eaa Biita at. THB GRAND Newly furnished roam by the week or moota. ipwisa ursaa are. 0NK room wllk or without board;. bath, phooe. class in. 4 st neventa, n. BtlOM tn private family for gentlemaa, 10 per moBth. 831 Mill at. - - -- FURNISHED" room, 87S Bast Six tk. snd Har rison. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING PI.EASAXTI.Y FURNISHED HOI H1;KEEPINH HOO.MM, conveniently located, ror family sr 8 adults; references; atate pertteulare and Pice or reply will not ne considered. Address 64. re re of Journal, - ttii pr.nr.r.n.,11 aim- a r'- u . - slngls roptnjj varx rta so sable, 131 Xhlitatata, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT FnrBlabed bonaekeening rooms la best brick block oa seat aide: gaa ranges, bath, etc. t so transients; prices moderate. 1 Logan rlk., inSH tnlon are., oornar Baal AUier. Phons Eaat 4UM. KEW -Tnrgtshed - or - antarnmbeal ftoueekeeptng and aleeplng-rooms. 31 week.-- So4 Kurth . Twenty-sixth, eor. Ssvler. Waahlngtoa cars ' ts TwaBty-slith, turn ts left 100 feet. NEATLY furnished housekeeping and sleep-Ing-ruems, rluss In; bath, ad Tenth, . near mark; also at 364 North Twenty-sixth, cor. 8a Tier, 1 week. X Sl'ITB 8 rooms, grouml floor, newly furulalied, all modern conrenlcncea; also other rooma. The New (Irani, Second and Great sis. NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, flna Is res place, low rent foe winter. Phono Bsat tl.u. Barter an. xaoor. $1.T8 PER WEEK Largs ' dean furnished housekeeping -rooma; laundry aad bath. - 184 Sherman South Portia ad. THB MITCHELL. Flandere snd Seveoth Booms, koaaekeeplng sad traualent; convsaisnt; prices rsssonabls. t' THB GLADSTONE 6 13H Bsvler St.. furnwhed noma; andsr new msaagsmsati prloaa rsa- aonablis. . FUBNI8HED hoasskeeplng rooma. alngls or en sullc. reaeonabls. Ill snd 113 North Ninth. 30o4 -FOI'BTH ST. 1 nicely furnlabed front housekeeping roowa; clean, sjulct house; gin per month. . LARGE new elegastly furnished housekeeping rooms. 33 60 and bp. 6UIHs Alder st. ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE, pleaaant room with board for two yonng men with private family; has gaa, bat It and - phone; wtthtn walking distance; ready for occupation ths 16th; 820 per mouth each. Ad dreaa p 4d. Journal. , - . THE ' COMMERCIAL Belect family hotel; nlcelf" furnished; alngls or en suitef table -' Seat class; freo bathe; - walking distance; rates reaaonabls. 4N8 Washington St. . FIRSTaCLASS rooms aad board for permanent psople. 622.60 aad 326 per month; table board 4 par wsek. Aator koase, 7th aad Msdlaoa sts. Tel. Msla S231. 306 TWELFTH Newly farntshed" fTTsarrronrn - with CHsset; also bright aide room; gas, phone, hath, furnace heat; private family; ressonsbls terms. ' - - l ww ami laird fiw man snd wife; fnmscs best, bsth. phons, gsa and alsctrlc llsht; eloee in, oris ata home Phono Malo 1047. . , , THE HAWTHORNE, 121 Thirteenths. Rooms .with good board; walking dlataaca, reasonable rates by tba month. - ' BOOMS with board for ressooablsi flrst-claaa . Sixth aC nent keaanta. cooking. 1st BOOM AND BOARD for two gentlexosn; pri vate . family. 287 H Larrabea st. - 320 FOB room and board, one or two; refer. ss tvsst rsmtn at., n. WANTED Children to board; ales horns. Phons Hood 1001. . Ii' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. essaawximeorJab FAIBM0CST.- -V. North Tweaty-alxtb st., . from ' Cpabar : ts v i 1 Vaagha , " Boomt forslsnsd and onfnrntshed, , slnfle HoaWan suits, 31 per wsek and up. ' A peiuiattslit modem building, plastered and with bathrooms ssd modern plumbing. PIPD FOB OAS FOB CO0BIN0, . ALL 0UT8IDB BOOats. FOR RENT HOUSES.", H. B. EDWARDS. ' x nousef urn la her. . ; ' " BENTAL DEPABTMENT. ' Dwellings of sll kinds snd In all parte --of the city listed wltk us. Wa bars tbe most com- 6 lets directory of vacant nouses tn town, and ' yon contemplate moving It will nay yon to -Halt our rental department. Ws an ours to have a place fur yoa. Following Is a partial list; . ' WEST SIDB. S rooms, gaa. beta. Mam st. .110.00 4-room noses, good condition. 12.00 3 rooms, new. good location.. 12.30 3- nom cot tags 16.00 Aroom cottage. Thnrmsa at. . ........ 16 .(el 6-roora cottage. Eleventh eU., ........... 14.60 6-room flat, new, bath, gaa. .......... 17.00 4- room flat. new. bath, gaa. ............. 17.60 8 rooma. barb, good condition 20.00 8-room cotlsge, new. barn. gaa. Main at. 21.10 8 rooma, bath, gas, electricity, close la... 23.00 A room flat, gaa, bsth.?..... 1S.06 6-raom flat, new. modern. Sixth at....... 82.00 Ik eoMsa hwiss, new, hatii. etectrklty.....,, 40.00 EAST SI1IB. . v x 8 rooma. bath, gaa.... 8 00 8 rooms, new, bath, gaa......... son 3 rooms, bath, gas 12.00 T-roora bonne, new. bath i.....t 12.00 A-room house, hath, good cvmdltlon...... 16.no A room bouse, bath. Alder at............. 10.00 5- rnom boose, belli, gaa................. 17.00 A room bonne, hath, good condition IT. Ml 6- mom fist. new. bath. gas. electrldty... IS.ial T-room hones, bath, good condition IH.n0 a-room house, new, hath. gas... 18.00 A room flat. new. modern...... 1K.0O A mom cottage, new, modern, close la... 22. to A room house, now, modern.........,.,., 2-V0H T-room flat, new. bsth. gaa 2A.U0 Note No Information regarding tbesa nouses can be given over phono. . , H. E.EIWARIH, Honaefurntaher. IMS to 101 First St. FOB .BENT-r-Housea and Sata, an parts of the dty. Rental department ... THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. . 148 Stark ot,- . ;- ' STTJABT station. Mount Beoti ear 4 largs rooma, ontbnlldlngs. modern; parties without chtldret,; rural tnrs for sals. CsU ths BsUs roe, Fenrtk and Salmon. - 8-ROOM bouse for rent; moat desirable loca tion for rooming-house. Inqnlre Ma G. Cohen, 400 Folnmbla bldg., SOS Washington st. Pbons Msln 74. NEW 8-mota house aad qnsrter block, Hancock and East Twenty-slgth sts, 31T.60.- B. - at, Lombard. 614 Chamber of Commerce. FOB BENT New Amn bouse, pantry and bath, two hlocke from two car 11 nee, rant gia, Phons Scott 1042. A ROOM home, modern con venlencea; rant 320. Cor Thirteenth snd Wetdhr, ata. - FOB HENT A Anni crltage. ' Oornar 0fanl avs. and Hoyt at north. FOR BENT Haw, xacdsra cottage. Esat 2678. Phone L. A BOOM hones for rent. ' TflO Eaat Ankeny st, FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN -B -nod-8 room flats, furnished aamv tplete; hatha, gaa ranges and all eoavsnlsnces. . Cell lOfli, Fmrrteenth. -FOR RENT STORES. STOREROOM for rant no Union- svs., vary cheap to right party. Iooulra S3 Union arc. a. Hoehfeld. STORE for rant at 48S Waahlngtoa St., of jany nart. At a Round Table : There la no dlstiule about place snd The Jonrnal want al primed under Its proper elaesltrattna kaa "preferred position." HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOB host resnlts sa 'FCUNITTJBB. Whether to buy or eel I. ring ap Mala 6636. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. Sll First st. pTHRKH a-room hot) sea titr rent, furniture tar sale; 3 room flaia Tor rent nno iuninu.-s for aale; these srs snsps. Sea H. H. Ulgkty. No. 373 Taylor at. THE entire furnltnre ef Outside Inn st entrance to fair ground for ssls cheap; 34 rooms. 11. B. Nuble, 312 Commercial blk. HOU8KHOLD furniture for aala. . 62T Jsffso eon at. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOIt - HENT tJeakroom and everything fox ntsbed. B. S. Jackson ft Co.r lag Surk at. OFFICE- ROOM8 Goodooagk elevator, - Bldg. Apply FOR RENT "FARMS. ' FOR BENT Dairy farm. 130 acres; 30 tons hsy on place for sale. J. 0. Liaa, Cnrrlusvllls, Or.; O. W. P. earllue. . 10 ACRES with bouse and barn for rent near Troutdale; good land. Inquire 8.1.1 Burnaide. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT About January 1. 1-atory brick bnlldlng 1 Oft 100. northeast cor. Third snd Madison; will remodel and lease wbolu or - part to deslrsbls parties. Apply to K. T. Cox, No. T First at., room 10. . FOR BENT 8-story warebonae. 100x100. en trackage, northwest eor. Fourth and Hoyt. Apply R. T. Cox, T First, room 10. Pboua Main T01. BUSINESS CHANCES. Phons Msln 40ts). " . ... ":f .' ' HAVE YOU stated Your Prvmerf"or " "" ' Bnameaa eOjancea witb ' ; ' - ( "" . KMITH BROS.T - -i . .. . , ,' If not, why not? , For ws can sell It for yon. - Cn anrTTetlus tcU yoa our sew nun. ' 123n Sixth at.', cor. Washington. BLACKSMITH-SHOP doing good bnelneee paat 12 yeara, full supply of tools, quantity of Iron asd coal, dwelllng-bouae. ' bearing fruit trees, chlcken-nonsn, 1 peasenger-bosts, car servleo each day. 1 minutes' walk ta eeck place;, all for 8200 If taken boob. Apply ta Tkompsoa Faster, Rldgeneld, Wsahlngton. 3060 CASH hoys ponlrry, Sah, batter, egg and fruit msrkcl,-rnrral--4ocatlt.- bee one 1 city; will stand closest Inveatlgstlon; cash - trade 80O to 6120 per day; parties selling hsvs . other boalaeaa; Sua meat market run In connection! this - Is a bargain..... Address P . 63. cars JournsL FOR sale or exchange, a 3 10. Km fruit and bay farm ,tn tbs famous Hood River valley: one half cash, ba lanes residence property In the city of Portland. Call or address Northwest Land Co. 205 Morrison St.. -room 111, .... CANDY STOBBv- WELL- LOCATBD-W1TH LIV ING BOOM, caa be had at low rent by a desirable party; location on east aids oppv aita the Alblns schnptbnuss. Partlculara, call office. 617 Commercial block. FOB 8 A LB On account ot alekaess, nlcn, glean, I . money-maamg -ooaineas on ssat aids; sales from $18 to $.16 per day: pries $1,400, sr will Invoice; no sgeats wanted. O 80. Tbs Jnarnal. xrmnsl la me ha aall aa av. I chsngs furnlehltura aad business of beat 85. room BoteLIn Portlaod; central locstUsi. good lease. M., Oilman hotel. First and Alder. - 160 HEAD well bred Oregon rang horses for , aale; freo government range; a splendid ap- porinnity -ir small investment. , call or writs to Boi McKay bldg. MILLINERY store doing a good business; wlak . to ret Irs; pries $.v0 If Uken by December 1 Bsoer s. 7J1 Aoaress Mrs. u. K. hxcboib, 34a wast St.. Albany, urrgoa. PA-ETNKR wanted; exceptional etiaakn for good tmalness man: real eststs aad agents' sup dlrfamall capllaL large satuma. Aduress g BARGAIN Business centrally located, clearing - $100 month; 3400 required; mnst sell. Roots . 6l Commercial blk. Pfcono Mala 46S4. Davena. .. 1 PBODCCB business: psrtner wanted to at tend stars snd collect: $600 required; nny yoa ' $126 month. Call 148 4 Stsrk st. SALOON Here's a chance tn get a good aalooo - on beat oteeett- ease rent,- long lasso and price right. Partlculara 146H Stark st. FOB SALE Blacksmith-shoo In good town; established business: pries $360. Address B. Story, Oregon City. Oregns. FOR ' SALB-'Bakery. domg good buslaess; 1 Itnraes and 1 delivery wagoos; slckaeas ths Inquire aw rirat st.. IF It Is wheat land yon want, don't for ret our addreaa. same old placs. 206 Morrtsoa at., room 811. GOOD restaurs nt for sab, $oOn eash; good trade aad locatloa; less. Address P 61, JournsL . IF yon want to buy a nice cigar and con. fectlonery atore. with good stock, good fix tures, good living room, electric light, fuel, gaa, cheap rent, on s good thoroughfars, sea owner, 188 Madlsoa St. . . WHY live alone when yon caaaeenw a Ufa . companion by joining the Interatsto Intro ducing Hoclsty, snd meet or correspond wils repnishlo persons of Ihls section, msny wealthy; the November register. 10 cents. Bulla 24 Bussell bldg. Phono Pacific two. $73 A LOT of mlserllsBeous merehendtee. greater part rlothlng,. to storeroom st IT2 First; good beginning for second-band etore. NICE, clean 20 room bouse, fall of steady room ' srs; owner must leave town; price $600. . In quire 20tt Madison at. - BERTAUBANT fnrnltora for aala. W. H. Lsttln, Hotel Falrmount Twenty -all th aad Cpabar sts. "SPORTING goods business at Invoice pries f- snont aiuo. Aoaress xxox txi, r.ugcne, uregon. tTNB opportunity In estsbllsbed business; need - kelp and cspltaL Address G 64. csn Joaraal, FOB SALE Fbst-rlass btulnsss cheap; leaving city.- Address L bU, Journal. Party INVESTIGATE For a amall aroonnt ot eapt. UL large raturna. SOS McKay bldg. 21 -ROOM lodging Bonae. a $T00.VrMsa; good . rssson for selling. 225H First st,,.. . MANUFACTURING partner wanted; $1,600; best chance today. 24KV Stark st; , LA RGB rooming-boast far gala, IT rooma.' 431 Stark at. . WHO IS V. O. MORGAN ft CO.t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NEW modem 8 room honae, all complete, large corner kit, full basement, $1.4oo, belt eaah. New modern B room cottsare, picket .fence, wood fiber plaster, porcelala bathtub aad toilet, all for $1,060, assy terma. New modern Aroom bouse:, full basement, bsth snd toilet, sheds trees, picket, fence, (of , 31.8M. saay teroia j.T. ,.". . $-ronm boms, S.'t.V); Aroom bouse. 34.iO: half acre greet, $240; l acre tract, $460, right at car Una. Sea the owner, Jne Nash, in the white house at Nashville addition, oa Mt. Scott ear line. INCOME wonld be. at least II per emit pet annnm. or 10 per cent net, after psvlsg taxes and insurance sn two moqern oonnis aouaes snd 'a full quarter block oa weet side. In 'nod residence aiatrict; the nouses ocenny ut SOxloo feet; h-nvlnf 40x10 feet' atmo unled which might be sold off for a good sum to l educe tn the Investor the coat of . ths ba lanes ot. tbe qnsrter block on which the houses are locet.d; these houses srs " In 8 good rvmdltlon snd In s desirable kws. lion, surroundings good, i'rlcs $l,6sj half cash. " - , bka-tAMt UHBKf oi vomniar-Si . f FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 40 ACK KM, save half rich creek ' bottom, of which 12 srrcs Is lu high stsle of cultlvsllon; goial 4 rotHu- house, good barn end other -buildings; a good orchard of small fruit; ftp crek through place.' oa a good county, road; Ttvi.ooo feet yellow fir on north aide of creek l , Clarke county, Woalilngton; 31.000: tins rsnud , - and neighborhood, mils to school, r 40 seres, IS In cultivation, of which 4 acres xa beaver dam land, good orchard, good sew Aroom Bouse with pantry, good well, good "" barn and oilier buildings: amall atresia living water through place; 4 rows, calf, team, wagon and harness. I spring wagon, 1 plowa, 1 spring tooth harraw, 1 hayrake, 1 new he.1-. room aults snd other things; 8 silica norm of lleaverton, 10 miles from city; time car ba had, or placs caa be divided; $4.ouO. 330 acres, 200 In cultivation: 1 teama. bar uess, a wagons, all kln.ls-fsrmlng machlBery, 1 reauVr, J mower. 40 bead cattle, mostly ..sbta-tuuru: -110 -goats,-60 hugs, 30 turkeyr T kls of clilckena, all ktnda farming machinery: well fenced, cedar poet, plank and wire; Urge - bouss and woodshed, bams full of hay; mile to ecliool; 7:. wr M acres bop lsad; . pries 37.000; 14.000 down. baUnca tints. 18B scree, 3 In cultivation; 40 acres wild mea- dow. 60 seres beach land clear; about SB ' " aeree els shed ready to burn; located on Sandy road weat of Falrvlew, It mllee from city; sll fenced snd croaa-fenced; good T-roxs house, hern AnxM. good family orchard; weod- - ahed, rhlrken-lKHiae, good aprtng water piped ' Into the houae and tn fhs harm a hnHM n I . ., 1 mares, weight of each 1.400 pounds; 1 box sno ii pigs, a ennais, bead or cows, I . heifers; 1 wagon ahed full of bay. 1 wagoo and harness. 1 mowing machine, new; 1 bay " rake. 1 plow and harrow, and other tools . too numerous to mentions 30 seres of pota toes, 1 sere of corn. SO tons of hsy, S-'rO bush . cla of oat as balance of B0 scree seeded ts - clover and timothy f pries 312.000; terms If desired at low rata of Interest; no bills ts city. v .;. . '-; , . ., . v, 160 seres, AS seres clear and ander fence: . rut A room house, Isrgs barn; good orchard; rich, warmC aandy loam, very fertile; 2s u mtlea from railroad ststion; good msrket fw T, - everything' rslaed on the farm at home; the best buy . In Oregon: .pries 62,0)0, on your terms. ;" -jpr-- 20 sceea. ajnnd A mod barn: chlrkea- - houae. nillkhoose. ptgnea and rootbousr; sins1! faailly orchard; T acres clear and In eultlvs " Hon: fins timber on the balance of tba place; , price $1,000, terma. (Holbrook.) ...... , ,. SO-scrs chicken ranch, 10 seres tn garden snt . crop; Ms or fruit; good buildings; fins stress through the place:' good team, harness and--wagonar12 good cowa, all klnda chicken bu1 neaa paraphernalia goea with tbe place; 3.10 ohlckena. several atsbda beea; placs $1,340; ' evetlHiig $1,(100. 120 seres, -miles freoi car tins. 40 acres flna -. limber, 80 acres llatit bruah, ss.lly elesre'l. rich soli, lies well; good water: $20 per acre, . , or will divide Into- 40-scro tracts. , ., . j 100 acre farm, 100 m cultivation knd moatly .it in fall crop, with 10-acra hopyard: gopd O roonx bonne, barn, Itorrhoiise. besvy tesmAhsr ness and wagei, a good buggy, cows, hnga, ehlckena. sll kinds farming toola: phone In nonae; R. F. D. mall; U mile to school. miles to railroad and good tows; $3,000, terms. 1 SOa, j,i land, ' teama, cowa, ehlckena. or- cnarda, . empe, etc.; K. r. V. man, phones; $2,800 each, terms. ". . . t ' 30 seres, in fn "enltrrstlon.' awod marie boose, - good barn and other bulldlnga, good team, ' wagon, plow, harness, sll tba farming toolaL . $2,600; Waahlngton county. . ,. t ' erev-chasb bbat.tt ro, - Boom 1 Hamilton jblng., on Third at betweeg Wsshtngtoo and Alder. ' RALBOR TRADE. 1 A4A acrsa rl v all sins- hotlnM s-rsssl. IsitA. .1 esa- Isrlgata lfai acrea xaow jiearly jHK) acres -:; or oxj;ixnaau renceanoaao ana nara. anout t - ... 300 bead of cattle. 10 borsea, all farm tools: altuated tn eastern Oregon: thai la a good -.-: slock farm and well located: will exchange -for Portland properly or good lauds In J tU. la matte valley or eon there Oregon. A fine home In Portland, large grounds; will . - trails ror some good buatneaa, ; gn.ar. 10 seres, near electric car line, nice land; ex change for bouse in Portland and pay eaah an iciviii v. Broom new prodern honaeon Oaok sen.' wftl . take soma good vacant lots as part pay; 82.500. Slows new modem -bouss . ta .' Irvlngton, . a - nice, home: will take good -vacant- lota- aa ' part pay; $3,600. 10 acres. Improved, with alee. ' new, modern t . house, at Hood River; wlU trade for Port laud ' property. . 36-a ere nice improved farm, good sew honae, kilns town of Medford; trade for portlaad property. . 90 seres, all good land; AS acres fenced. 83 seres cultivated: fins Uvkig water: honee. barn and orchard; B. F. D. aad creamery route; 8Vi miles to electric ear line, east ' of Port lead; will trade lata Portland prop erty. - 4 scree m strawlniles and fruits: good piss. . tend honae. brick basement, good barn: a choice little boms oa 6c car line; will trade tnlo a larger farm. Fine farm, sll In good order: good bnlldlngar near good railroad town ta Ltna eonnty: wllh--r take a small farm near some good town as nsrt payment ; 87.600. 00 acres; sheep'., goat or cattle ranch, nil good - rolling bill land, watered by springs snd streams; boose, barn, orchard: 30 acres cul tivated; beantlfnlly located in Yamhill count r. 4 miles from railroad ststion: will exchange ; for property tn some good town. 60 seres good land, all fenced. 40 seres ent- tlvsted. seres la good beer Bag orchard: good bouss and hsrn: fins road. 10 miles south- , seal of Portland: will Jaks a loci a Ing bouse or stsrk of groceries as part payment. Fine farm near Salem, Oregon; will trade for " good aaorehaadiss nuainees, aaroware pre ITO-acre fine stork or dairy ranch, on . tide- . water, at tannine bay: 1 mile from Mown ' and ralliosd etaxton: land all well fenced, nesrly 60 acres enltlvsted; fine besrlng or- oUaxiijxf apples. 60Q .treea: good bonne, hsrn OiHO. wllh sbsds; trade for propcrtyTB at near Portland. 5$ acres, 10 arrea cultivated: amall orchard: front on river. H mils from boat landing an I - railroad station. ... $ room modem house, nlca bam JoOxlOO, groand all ales, fine locstl.m: trade for a farm of ' Ini proved acreage: $3,000, 10 acres choice laad. near Odd Fellows' home; trade for Improved city properly. Ws have many good trades to offer now? ales large list of farm and city property for sale See oa before yon buy. v . HENKI.B ft BAKER. - - -c . . 21T Abtngtnn bldg. f ; INVESTMENTS BEYOND COMPABIS0N. . $,') AfO-acra grain farm; over SOQ acre moat fertile plow lend, balance good , pasture, 3 eeta ef buildings, wells and springs, best of water. I'mstllla eonnty, - T miles Pendleton; woold Inks nsrt la ;. Portland dty property. . . - , $3,ooo Very desirable- 8-room residence; beantlfnl lot, eaat front, close In. esat "" "f aids, ready to occupy; favorable terma. $2,30l A grand cottagc, palatial la drelga ana nnisn, monem sno nnum ! lot, landscaped and lawned; It's a regn- -Ur dream of a home; on East Flsndcnt ... ' and Tw.ntf.nlnth Bta.w $2,6oo One M ths grandest anbnrhan homes ' your eve ever gased anon; over 8 seres of slrgaat gronnd decorsted snd gardened, , , , besntlful cottage, barna. poultry-beueea, -- -e- only 3 blocka from electric cars; It ass $2,0oo Jtsst the place ws have hat many . calla for: 10 seres, convenient to electric care, with good Aroom house,, barn ami , other improvements, living water running ; ! through the piece. - , . '": . $l,tX(i M.Mlsen np-te-dst B-aero ponltry xwnelH -t-beantlfnl cottage. 6 large poultry -houses, ' good barn. Sne garden: It's a dandy for . the money; beautifully Situated near i ..i i i, i a, ByflfMtv. ajTstfa.. , . . f 1 1 a $l,Bei-.Very drdrsble qusrter block with A nlca 6-rootn col Inge, all klnda fruit, ber rles asd shrubbery, 1 blocks Woodlawa aiOAieNIr 6-room cottage. fnU bit wltk fruit and enruhbery, 1 blork ears; easy . payments. .'" I Too Very exrvllenl B-strre ponltry and gsnteu .ysD.h ia Oak Orovs; close to electric eara. . . ' tooo A malic 4" -a ere place with rich srnT,- rippling cteeks - with cryatsl - wstera " . ' meaiHlerlng ' through the place: amall -. house and barn: fronting on electric car- i. line; It's ths beat place In the stats for'' the nVineg. " Foe full psf 'Trtr1T- er- . THB DLNN-LAWltENCB C0 14011 First St. I GOOD, comfortable boms 'ft Utile money! . i i room honse aad 1 full lots, nice garden, on Mllwaukla are.. 1 block to car, for only $1.2i0; $:ioo- cash, balance monthly or to anil. Nice 8 acre ranch. 4-room bouse. 0ns well, sssnrtrd fruit, ,4 blocka to sehool, i T mile -front Portland, for 8760, or will trade. Nice 2 sere home, finely cultivated, good S ' room bouse, good hern, ssaovted fruit, good well, creek, es west side H. R 3 mllea out. $1,600; will trade for city property. , 5-acre home, east of lenta. rultlveted. T rtsvm 2-slnry hous. bars. henhouaeL food water, good oil. for ll.son. Hen UBI NOT MET. RATH t0 . -. SA aterrlaoa t,' 1 :'.