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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
TIIS OREGON DAILY JOUAL. .PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1503. TOViJ aO;iG SUrquta tirsod.. HvlaaL-O. , TOEIOHT'B AMlTirMEBTS. "Irl bm" io !(! j or Lon B kfr ............. . Ilualca I Baritsqu Imnlre.. .."A Human HI..." Lrr .....,...,."....,,Ut lor Life" rand ........... Vaudarlllt tr i. VaTlll , 'yj- YaMderUls Th Portland Women . Union held It - monthly meeting yesterday afternoon to nrur repuno irom me ,. various de ' pertinent of its . work. Mra. H. L. Pittock was In the chair. Mian Falling, Breidnt of , -tha -Woman'. told of the growth of the work during ' the nummer. A tea wilt be. given to morrow lor in Denent el the exchange to which all Interested are Invited. Mra. C..B. Templeton. representing the union in the Traveler' Aid association and acting as nnuioi committee, reported the work done during the past aeaaon and asked for continuant. a tk. given by the union, A monthly con- tnuuiiun warn voteo. , i;ne , industrial soliool will be , opened toon under the auaDlces of the . union. Tm,n were awarded the union by the expo' . suion einciais: . one ror their rest . room at the (sir and the other for the needle work exhibit shown by those using tb exchange aa a medium for ' sal THE EE IS JCT VI TDAT FAMILY Whose linen ia sent to us to be ; LtzzzZzrci ct Gc PCeihd We do heaps of family washing at that price, and once adopted everybody likes the scheme. You may know the plan if yon will 1.13 Uj Kill $8 7 ' UTuSrJ LAUT iEHY CO. MOOSTO AMD COLUatBIA. was taken by' w. J5. Wfnslow of the 8 perry ' ' Hutchinson Trading Stamp company, . and the negative was sup ported by 'w. P. Old of Old. Wortman at King. ' An Instructive address wa given by A. a Morrison of the N. W, Ayer advertising, agency, - Philadelphia Emmet Brown of the league gave a re port of i the . advertising, men's recent meeting at Seattle. , n.. 4a cDerman, a suspended patrol I 'at o vi 1 -i ... rTo-?M0o -n w!?-,1? ! ff,n Lrney. a laborer. 1a in a critical con position and yesterday his attornev tiled I i. ' . L?.. lu 'e,V0n C Chief night of atslr last night Physicians -fli.?ffhp .h .P?."0 com"rt"e state that there . I a fracture at the Zi..,"aa aa" "erT,c cow base of th brain, but that the man may L Jlnfn te"n1f ajLinyeatlgatlotulrecoveF. He was- found by PoHremen Kbertnan was first diseharead for nm.J ik.. s-d.-.. i... duct unbecoming an officer and neglect unconscious condition on the sidewalk of duty, and as a result of a midnight front of l l-l Second street. Bo fat carousal with a man by th name of as Is known McLarney has no relatives Baker and two women. . Chief Grits- in Tnrti.n . 11. . ..m t h.v. -u-viiuoti mm lng mo siuipen i aruok at the time of the accident. iun was niaa permanent oy oraer 01 ins police, commission, out me civil 1 n,..n. .. a i a. rii..r . 1" the department of agricultural and VL "ie,1itiT ftvr h w? lry Implements at the .Lewis and reinstated Chief Orllsmacher acaln I fi.-w tm '... removed him because of physical dis- having received ' awards, ail but one of which- were gold medals. Oregon received 14. awards. It of which were Max Flelschner and R.: U Sabla of T ZJFyZ . b" the city execuuve board. Chief Camp- SaCttSS n?.e. wlthT-!;..1? Katl I n tKa m ilafiatMaMt al V nD. w"V;ioTVn7'Haxborn ' .V frday b, Ben. Blglln Inveatigated the log rafts "Iik. .. B" UT' I a A. Crowell. formerly manager of ' .TJ " v mT 1 . .. Calumet hotel, has obtained a gov front. of thewlUs. They found 1 that thelernmrot appointment which will Identl : rafts covered nearly one third of thel. hi Hrnn,in..n. i,h th. wldth of the river, and that In case of tlon of the Panama canal and will Are they would prevent the effective use necessitate his removal to Panama. ' a ,? nreboat. Soundings were made Wlth his wife Mr. Crowell left Portland ?, 1 : " "r omr a few weeks ago. They are at the dock was from to 10 feet deep present visiting Mrs. Crowell's home In sufficient for the flreboat. a go close Lounum,. Bh- wiH ' accompany . her w in mui m nn oi nrw. x rrey mwt. i husband to the Isthmus. tigated also th lumber - piled among r the old shacks beneath- th Burnsld ; Ben Schloss. grand vloe-prealdent of irei oriagv. in. commirai win re-i the Order of B nal B'ritru is visiting In w" i " iwaru. i tms city. Mr. chloss Is connected with a kelson, vice-president of the eUc0t but BtI ha- co,f corn.p h . v.... 4..w-, V - heart for Portland, his former home, yesterday with a force of U men. te He will address the members of the complete right ot way arrangements pert,. Iodg, of B..,. B rlth . - f0rAn,Bln?JLfrfm USur meeting to be held. In the Selllng- I'.u J. J I Hirscn - building this evening. ward , the timber belt southwest of ... .." m.- Mount- Hood. Engineers " are runnTngfTAn iitnrft nninmhii Pivw nnfiiii . Jevels snd setting grade stakes and the eoacK , left the rails at a point near ping uitraiiomj upon. . in ooble. on the Joint track or the North- ... road Is completed and In operation from cm pacific and the A. ft C, R., last The Dallea to Dufur, and It Is said evening, and for two hours trainmen the tonnage greatly exceeds expects- were unable ' to renlaee It. Northern lions of railroad men. The business Ipaclflo regular drains were delayed. It ..' lends Strong support .tQ the Claim Ot I wi ntmuurT in anrt a work train ml t, Portland-business men that central Ore- roroy from Portland .tp wet the car back SUI1 ItW iwmwixmm .HU UWIt . v I OU tO irSCB jutify--th building-ofraUroada lntj the interior. r , , I Invitations have been Issued .; for a .ut' . ... nh,,..!,,,' .... n)nBierrecepr.igii to . penej sijtn , ... .J Taylor Btreet -Methodist Episcopal ' ?T.plet? pJ?Sed'.n' of tn h,tfntn church tomorrow evening. November I. National Irrigation congress, heltf In tn honor of I.. I. Boak, of Denver, head Portland last August, has just been Is- of tne Woodme7 of thevWorld. It - J, i?i J, Lr I! u a a Planned to have at least 4.0 people. ai a w . vlIZ.i. .IJlt... I Woodmen and members of their families, of the trana-Missiaslppl commercial eon-1 " . gress. in coiiaDoraiion wiin iom Kien- plan, ar being made by the Elks ardson. 0etrXllff Mtbm ' '"Igetlon f0p ne te k held mt the en- congrees. The Portland eonrress was ual mm0rtal services of that order the most t Important Inrlgatlonlat meatlng on Sunday, December a. The memorial ' -- 1 committee, composed of Charles K. '?.J r.!r?, manI ""f''.."0"'1 .fnf Oarey. Charles ABoyce, E. W. Moore. mm .-". """ I e. E. Peterson and A. HEIlers, met last ever before gathered at a similar meet Ing. The published report embraces thr papers, speeches and discussions. evening and discussed plans. The . steamer Roanoke, of the North Panltf ntaamahln mmntnv whlrK HaA rori.ano. .nippers are immnu m scheduled to leave for San Fran cisco snd Los Angeles this evening, will the outcome of a meeting of t,h Wash ington railroad commission, to be hsld BOt leave until tomorrow. Wednesday at Colfax Wednesday, Washington Job-1 av.ninS;. November 8th. at o'clock, th oers nave him xna tne uregon tun- (on being the cause for th delay. rona at toavigauon company oe com pelled to pot in competitive rates for Portland Tamaie Parlor, 141 Park a great part of that trad territory, now street, between Alder and Morrison, th principally occupied by Portland mer- only place tn town where enchiladas, chants. The railroad company oppose chile con earn with frljoles, Mexican the proposition, on tne ground uiet style, also ths celebrated Frits tamalea, eh rate ewil aajsn e aruandi - m from l m. tn 11 n. m. business Interests. W. K. Coman and : W. A. Meara left today for Colfax, thai Baker's delicious Caracas eating, choc former to represent ths railroad com-1 olate with booklet in beautiful carton pany and th latter aa a. spectator at 1 1 cents, ' snd vanilla Chocolate with the meeting. v. I whipped cream, at 127 Seventh street. - Tn th Selllng-Hlrsch building . last night Industry Lodge No, s. Ancient Order of United Workmen, met and the extension committee explained the prog ress that is being made In Increasing the membership along , lines that' have been effective sine th change tn the assessment and rating. -The extension committee Is composed of subeotnmlt- " tees appointed from ' all of the city lodges. Psst Master reeney sddresseo the meeting.. Grand Recorder Clsrk and other also spoke. The next visit of I th extension committee will be to Up- church Lodge, no. in. : , . " , . W.'C. Bowers', msnsger of 'the Port land hotel, leaves tomorrow night with Mrs. Rowers for a three weeks' yislt In the east. Mr. Bowers will look -for the latest Ideas In modern hotel man agement. In pursuance of the plan tnat he has followed for several years, to uj jo sum, eo .pun-fj J lip oj gunq nbservstions. ; .. - At a meeting of th Portland Admen's league 4at -evening 4n-the -tower -room of the Commercial club a djsouaslon of the . trading stamp system was 'heard. . The side of the trading stamp concern Watches sod diamond's tl down and tOo per week. Goods delivered on first payment..' Xmas Is coming. Metxgsr ft Co., jewelers, opticians, ill Sixth. . Paintings, etchings, pastels and othef pictures st cost at IllVs Fourth street Buy now and save money. ' Artistic framing done to order. - We clean snd press your clothes and shins your shoes for 11.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 17 Washington, Main Hi. . . ' . For perfect fitting eyeslaases at rea sonable prices, see Geo. Rubensteln, graduate optician, IIS Fourth street Why psy tt.Ba to tl for eye glasses when we guarantee a perfect fit for fit Metseer ft Co- 111 Sixth street ' Pfunder the florist has removed te new . store st 14 i Sixth', street, between Alder and Morrison. . . a.O Undemcar Our Uzj Salt 1 AH Kinds ' An trices '''' , -m. ' -r , Hewett, VxwCzy C Co. , XAaxiDAixxaa. . S4S Wathlngtom ftrt ' .;. mi eiAirs nnaTits, Portland's best dancing school," 109 Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buckenraeyen , -.. , mar - . - i.-.'.t, Ladles' gymnasium class, the Rlngler Physical Culture sohooL 11 per month. If you want youV signs quick. Call up Foster ft Klelser, Ex., SI. Try a meal without meat st the Vege tarian cafe, 10 Sixth strseC . Frtts's tamales are the best' YAQUINA WINTER RATES, Asllgntfa. Wsat&e Most of the Time'ai y irewport Beaches. The people who visited Taqulna Bay last winter were surprised at the de lightful weather at that popular resort The Southern Paclflo and the Corvalll ft Eastern railroads have resumed thelt I cheap rates to this place for the winter. Particulars by asking at dty ticket office. Third and Washington streets Portland. . Dancing School Prof. ' Eaton. Beginners Mondsy 'evening. . Class Thursday evening.. Arion hall. taon I by term, ti cents. Phone West 104). OIL IS SCIIEGE u; POPUUitf O. R. t N. Agents Afraid tQ Let , Ordinance , Co Before . ' Council. TANKS WOULD INCREASE I WATER FRONT INSURANCE Those Opposed to Proposition to Let Company Store Oil in Alblna Say Also That Oil From Barges Would Get Into Water in Harbor. The proposition of the Oregon Railroad ft Navigation oompany to build storage oil tanks of 116.00 barrels capacity in the car yards of the corporation In Al blna has met with determined opposition on the part ot Insurance men and resi dents In that neighborhood. The ordi nance granting the permit to build th tanks wss to, have gone before the coun cil for" final consideration at the last meeting but the agents of the company saw that it was doomed to defeat if it was presented st that time. The councllmen sre making : a 'more thorough Investigation.. They have been! told that if the O. R. ft, N. Is granted permission to build oil tanks snd connect them with the water front with a pipe line f,or pumptng oil from barges, the rates of Insurance oh property along the water front on both sides of tbe -rfver wll bejnrreased from JO to t percent. John C Stone, manager of the board of fire underwriters In this district, hss ssld that there -as no doubt sbout the raiss oeing inereasea on ooin siaes or the river but he did not know to what extent In order to learn definitely, he Jaeob Doll mahogany, $110. Largest ANOTHER PIAD- selling -mm Unheard of Valuea in Exposition, ; Slightly Used and Rented Pianos', Pianola Pianos and Pianola at .', Eilere Piano House. Easy Pay - menta. - Sure to Go Quick. Room "Needed for New Christmai Stock. has communicated with the headquarters of the national board of underwriters In New York. Property owners who will be affected by the Increase in Insurance rates have entered a protest agalnat granting the permit and the local board of fir under writers also has advised the council not to pass the ordinance. It la a r rued that the presence of .oil scows would be a menace -to the entire water front The oil would get into the water ant gather on tbe piers of the Wharves. , In case of fire the oil would make' it almost Im possible for firemen to combat success fully a serious conflagration. It Is said also ths t th presence of sea many oil scows in tne' river will bT disadvan tageous to shipping interests. Just received word that our Christ mas stock of beautiful new Chlekerings, Webers, Kimball. Pianola Pianos, pia nolas, etc.. will arrive In a few days. A little earlier than we expected, but we must make room quick, we must have all the floor space in our salesrooms now occupied by Exposition, slightly used, rented and sample styles of Pia nos. Pianola pianos. Pianolas, etc Many Instruments were rented to ho tels and rooming-houses for the term of the Exposition. - All have been thor oughly gone over in our repair shop, and now are in our. retail department, good as new. , In adoltion, we are going to close out during this sale slightly used pianos, "?mS..h','a taken, as part payment on the Pinhole Piano, or Chlekerings, Web ere or Klmballs, , Many of them have only been in homes for a short time.- A few sample pianos also Included. Every--thing must go. Not a question of profit; we must get rid or them In double-quick time, and we have marked them down to practically cost price. r r . Here Are tiie Prices. ' . ..Two dainty Lagoniias, fits style, now llfO-Baco. Kin. MurMhBll A waniti . oak Case, now Raautlfill Kohart T.-rable, largest stse Cabinet Urand, angmiy marred, I4e0 style, now izso. Beautiful Bailey, largest slse. Colonial style, tl3. A iflne new Lester, beauti ful walnut case, slightly damaged in transit, Largest-slsed ' Hlnger, fanciest case, 1155; another Singer, not quite so large, $148.. Fine Gilbert ft Co. upright, reliable old Boston make, good as new, 187. . Beautiful Stuyvesant, taken as part payment on Pianola Pi ano, now $26d. Fanciest style Weser Bros. Orchestral Grand, $218. Fine M'nse mahogany case, S17S. Beautiful APOLOGY WITH THANKS. feBoefs rssaoh Dinners sod Ker- r 7 ohaats' Xiuneh Are Winners. I regret -exceedingly that hundreds who jlalted-my restaurant, yesterday eould- not .be served on aocount of the tremendous crush. I consider this' pa tronage a -compliment to - the French dinners snd merchants' lunch given by my new chef. I have more tpan doubled my present force of waiters and secon dary cooks and hereafter hope to . be able to serve, satisfactorily, every pa tron. The price will not be .increased. French dinners served from - to I p. m.. 40 cents: merchsrtts' lunch-11 to 1 o,cloclr?'J5 Ijents..A TheJormerblll f far will be continued aa usual. With profuse ' apologies for Inability to commodate all callers yesterday I wish to thank sll for their patronage. George Jabour, successor to w. II. Wstson, Fourth street,- between Washington and 8tsrk. . , slaed Whitney, beautiful oak case, good aa new, S21S. Elegant Omaha Exposi tion styl Kimball, $311. Another fine Marshall ft Wendell, mahogany case, $215. Larcest-slsed Wltir - Bon- Or. chestral Grand. $12$. . MagtilHcent wal nut caae Brlnkerhoff, 'J0. Largest sised Baus, $210. Elegant walnut case $500 style Schiller, now $245. Beautl- lul Hardman,- large else, only slightly used, $285. Fine Wesley, oak case, $138. Beautiful Victor, Colonial style, largest sise, two nne new reasa, discon tinued styles, $20 each, . . WiU Go Quick. Remember, there Is no time to lose. Every instrument will go quick at these tow ngures. iwn i oeiay. uome, write or telephone at once. Payment to suit your convenience. Buy now, pay later. Please do not forget that Kllera Piano House guarantee accompanies each In strument sold, and If not found after delivery exactly satisfactory or as rep resented, your "money - back." Ellers Piano House, - Retail Department, 351 Washington street, corner Park. ; Milwaukie Country Club. Kaatarn and Seattle races. Take Bell- wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. , . v. : , - -Way Ohlldrea Are TUd." . .:' Front ' the Chicago New. " Because , they are hungry or thirsty. Because they have been allowed to I avaratt. M Becaua . they have been given per nicious cheep sweets. Because they have not had proper sleep.. -.1 Because ths room In which they sleep or play Is stuffy or ill-aired. 1 Because their parents break promises to them snd buy' them off with bribes. Becauss they are brought up on a negative diet of-eontlnual -"No, no, no."' instead of an occasional good, hearty gePaTlwrrhttiractlvltr lsHoraTifectea' Into the right channel. t-Even-' from babyhood a child must be doing some thing, and If It Is not wisely directed Its energies will find, outlet In "naughti ness.": -: ; ,. : - r ' AN- . OCCASIONAL VISIT- Tothia Jeweu-yStore wiU hor 'make any man poor in purse and it will make him rich In the gratitude and appreciation of "the remembered ones." A good deal of happinesa can be bought here for a dollar good, deal trior for fifty dollars. Try us. A. N.Wright 'the IOWA' jeweler . 293 Morrison St. I Skin Lukuryr The best Underwear that th cunning fabric artificers of Great Britain are able to product is the make of the Cartwrifht, Warner Co., Limited, of London. 4 We have been appointed sole ajents for this Underwear.. If you are looking for a luxury in Underwear let us show you the Cartwright-Warner. . . t ; .'''' '('.' T : . - ' 1 1 1 w . . Pric 17.00 the Suit ' . we are ageats also fey the fasaeas rB4erwear saaae by Wilsoa Bros, Okl- . ago, SS.OO aa SS.M tbe salt. 'I . i. j ' n sv. m i FURNISHERS ..r HATTERS CLOTHIERS 311 Morrison Su Opposite Postoffice Agents Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear ... " . . -f Agents Jaeger Sanitary ... Wool Underwear. AJTO Rt, LIBERTY THEATRE . roarth sad attark StMete, Minesement e Keatlag IVoa. ' . . . . BEST OT TAVBZTIIXa. v . L Wesesk of Novrfibr 5t skcond cm at rsATcaa. week. "BeMiaa reat Slagtag iSobWUs." TzoTomnm itbbji Electrical rearing krt. i ria BOf. 1 Sf'.t From the Philadelphia Inquirer. Lady I wlah to select a pet dog. Dealer---Do you live In town, mumt Yes. I live In a fist." "Then I would advise an Italian grey hound, mum. No matter how much you feeds greyhounds they anus stays narrer. .. f ...... THE oaioog watzb vowzb aaawAT oomfabt. , :":.iiotEt;.'-'. ESTACADA :: RATES: V;! nr irricT raox botxmbeb t. - tedgiag WiU Vreakfast... ...'..$ l.I Boarn ana soars pn say. ....,. a.w Besot and Board sr week IS.00 BrMkfut, to. i.anoBaoBjaai. . tMaosr, sOe. . Spwiial Tlekst, Uoladlac mad-trip far aa siasar paolal Ticket, taelndlns rauBd-trtf far, eae sist a taasw aaa una sisals .....kt.M CARS LEAVE TICXIT 0TTICE miT ABS AIDES STS. Dally at t.$. tiSS, 11:S a. si.t lo, o, ........ a:v, i.ia p. am. Pbone'er Writ L. O. MaeMahon. Manager ZSTAOADA. OBEOOB. -' 1 SECUnrA-IURKEVL FREE The Reliable Uerchant JohnDellar Banning Two Stores, One Cor. First acd Yamhill and the Other Cor. 3d and Davis The newest styles of Men's and Youths' Suits and Over coats, Cravenettes or. Top coats. ' Shows courtesy to the trade . by granting a TURKEY FREE of charg to every purchaser of a Suit or Overcoat.1 The public is well aware, that -our prices are very reasonable .Also a full stock of Hats, Pants, Shirts and Underwear, with "a "general line of Shoes. . .We save - you 20 per ; certt on Trunks, Suft Cases, Blankets 7" nd Comforters. "TTV' INDIAN PRINCESS AND COWBOY Chlnaullla. real ; Chey. enne Indian, in a won derful, act, assisted by Ed Newell, cowboy and Xiggler. $nrowa,' vowsra m wu . Impeiisl Coawtr Trio. Is LansbabU Hit. "WtJ . Browa Wa Bine." - -.. - , . . . . r ' ', - .v - LIO WBTfl - Pictured BalUds. . . POT. XDWAKSB Aad Rls Wenderfnl BOIIXO KAXOAROO U Act Taat Main Bveryea uaga. NEW MOTINO PICTURES snd " LIBERTY'S SELECTED ORCHESTRA. rerforaiaaeae Daily at t:S0, T:0 aad S s. Si. EBEBAX. ADMtSSIOB IS CEBTS. "f. v A raw Setts st SO Cents. a K. AU.EB-0O0DWTB (fraai fndenv Eng.) , Tcnef First." CongreaatlotMl eborrb. Port, land. TMtnr and vocal Instrnetor. Pupil of lite Bime Reeve. London; Klgnnrl Vlann.l ; and UnitaTH Usrrla, London; M. Fanre, Paria. Htndie S X. Elsbtaasth st. Fbose Pert tie IM. i . e eisatti Fililimery zrzLzzzzzzaKZZzzzzzzzzzzrSzzzzzzzzzza V at a J. a-. at.. , iieiYCti vunvepuuna lur lug , Head AHEAD in STYLE. SNAP 'AND VALUE Correct Ideas in dress or ult hats. Choose from our Immense. stock of ' ' over 800 Trimmed Hat at...'..;...'... ........ ...fS.OO to f 20.00 " ' a few' steps aslds from the high, rent district prices not so high. : After looking In vsln "sll ever town" for whst you' wsnt, you are pretty sure to find It s '. , -. DECKER'S, Third and Salmon Sts. aagwarr "" 1"c;ea!g-"-" : WAfCEES. OF QUALITY . Because we sell watohes on time on the easy payment plan don't get the erroneous idee, that our watches are of Inferior grade to those of the regular retail Jeweler. We carry the very best makea and we sell them on EAST terms at prices as low as the regular retailer demands for CASH. We can afford to do It, atnoe the Jewelry business is merely a side line to our regular furniture business. However, we give Just aa good treatment, as fine a grade of gooda as if Jewelry wss sn exclusive business with vs. . A little down, a little a wek. GEVURTZ&SONS 17S-1TS TO TatBT. . Marquam Grand Theatre Tessorrew snd rtsraitr Night. Neraabar SO. THB CUARMlKO ACTRESS, , ; AUCt JOHNSON ? J ' la tb Brllllaat Comadr, M The Marrago of Kitty "r raiCES....:.........c. use. Toe, rse, $i SrSAl PUW DaLUAU. ' Marquam Qrand Theatre TOWIOWT-AT O'CLOCK. Last Pertormaaes f Amerlrs' Oreatest Arizona' THE SAktB GREAT PLAT AB BXCELLEN1 CAST. . Terdlet f last slant's ssAUara. -Prteaa, ifV-. 88e. BOe. We. tt.00, $140. . " SKATS BOW SKIXINO. Dclasco Theatre TEL. ' BLaiB 111 -TIXIABCIOSTar0S."7 flVortaafltb snd WaahlaafM BMa. ' E. 9. Brio. Sea. Mgr. B. L. Saakett, Baa. Hgr, u. - . TONIGHT AT S:18. i -- - : White Whittlesey gupported br tae- Belssc Stock Oeastsy. ; Soesle Re-rlTsI f Lord Lrttea' Rosuae THE LADY OFXYONS Evgs. Me t TSc; slats. Sat'.. Sus e to tOc. "eit Week WHITE WTI1TTLK8CT la TUB riBSTJaOLHf Maasaald'S Sucesas. THE QRAND ; Oisgarr's Reysl Italian Baaaa Rasas. . xae ium sssiisg genetts. aad Clark. , . Ms Tas Oalaa Trie. . - Mr, Tn4 Psriatea,' Qiasileaese. General sdmlasloa 10c; - vatnss. an tKNiasTa. ifagi u anta aa toe; aally sistlBee,uestlrlewer bos seats IBe. Maavre,'. czpAHTr.rnT.TvV3 WEV are ' showing: an ele gant line of Library, Par. , lor, Hall, Window and Bedroom Lamps. . Many of theae Lamps are beautifully decorated, and all are of the best quality; They are priced so low you s can't help. but . like them. ; . CLOCKS THIS department offers some choice designs in Mantel and Ornamental , Nqvelry Clocks. '" Soacial "lstrBM Alana I Clook bnndrad sold ana 1 all satiafaatarjri . grant N tarsals: ............... SPECIAL LAMP AW) CLOCK TERMS 65c) 50c A WEEK WO CHARQE FOR CREDIT EftSTEBK ODiHTOKG CO Tbe Stars Wkers Toar Credit Is Qa$ WASniNGTON AND TENTH STREETS Sanaa r Soar lOe; lUKnunE-rs.' Tkeatte Os., T mil. I Baker, Mgr. -r" Fbose Mala ltOT. MATIBEXS Wsaasssay a a Sstarasr. Tier Ulies Burlesque Company ALRZ CABR, Anerlca's' Arentaat Cbnraetar CeneAlaa Graceful and beautiful sir la; strong, barswal ens voices; gurieoos eoarssMts and great Una of TaodevUls Entartslser. rRICES Evenlnga. 9e. SSc, so-. TSe: Vetl- soes. 15c, se. ase, soc. NOTE-waesesaajr Matin, Barsala Dtr. 15e to anr seat, NEXT WEEK "THB .UTOPIANS." relief for Ladies : FRENCH Tansy Wafer Origi nal and only genuine Put up la yellow vrapper and "Crown" trademark. For sale .by the - LKADINO PRCdGISTS, Pianoforte 7 oire pTodnetlon. fir Orttn. Famonf Ci mraaltlnn. Studio of rREDEBICK W, OOOD BlCla. K0 BelBMQt street. 1'sos Kut SW Liberty Theatre VvSSk BUaacaataat f Xsatlag Fleae. GREAT OPEMIMC WEEK, Mew eas Mwarta, Las Wbtta. Jaek Wis. CwSaU Sa4 Jarssss, Tb Blaerask. - Oleis Wabar faaitlr. Pafornaaeea eaily at :S0. T:SO s4 S p. s. Tbeatr banaaomaat and swat eantortabl aaoeTtll benas aa Pacts Coast. Adnlasioa, 10 an so eents. ... Empire Theatre! lltb aad Morrleoe. Pe Mala UT. MILTOX W. SEAMAN. Manager. All Tble Week, Matloe Sa(nrMr. TUB OB EAT SENSATIONAL . MELOUBAMAv A HUMAN SLAVE , . A Stupaaeoos Sele Podnrtle by Strong Company of Plarsrs. SEE THE BIO STRIKR SCEXE. . SEE THE ROLLING-MILL BCEXBi Dramatte asd Thrilling. Clavar Spartslf tacl- eantals. Matlneas Saturday snd Sands?. . raiCESBventng. IB, IV, M. SOe. Mstl- seaa. 10c. lor. 36e. KEXT WEEK "HOOUOAN'B TROCBLES. r DUNLAP ILK-HAT s 8.00 , : MATCHLESS IN - QUALITY - THE STAR KaaAareea aad Bess. Stonkaa riunatrkk 0., aiaastsa ChUdran. &!. v Batoklnsaa sad Xuabf. , Mr. Jaas B. Varan. - ' i - -Star nana. . Oeearel Adalsatna lic; evealagt, - tsdr an Holidays. r'aarra aaats aa lowee Bnor tnr; Sail marina astir lower Soar 10; LYRICTHEATRE Win St ABTTBS M0BDAT. B0TXM1XR , Life for Life ' ' A Thrflllat Melodraat la Tl-ra aet. AdmiHloa 10c; Baaarad Seat . . .DUNLAP .DERBY h -?5.00 ; NO OTHER MAKE .QUITE AS GOOD OTHER GOOD" MAKES AT $3.00 . .J ?3.50 JS4.00 . .' . v :" Robinson CS Co. - -p: -" 289 Washington Street.' Hotel Perkins Bid hZZ Jz' .11. ' - Formerly of Chiton : ' pupil t tn'l)", "i