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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER.'.. 1SC3. A - LITTLE BETTER MERCHANDISE Than at Other Stores; . A LITTLE LOWER PRICE ; ' , s Than at Other Stores;, - ; MAIL OHD-H3 Get the habit of ordering , by-mail if v .i can't get to the store. .Our expert $ho; fers .will execute, your order with the same care -and attention you would give them person jalfy, and nine times out of ten as satisfactorily.,- Money back, or goods exchanged at V...--t your request. -- - "THE DIFFERENT STORE w A LITTLE LATER STYLES STORE OPENS AT 8 A. M... STORE; CLOSES i VAT; 6 P. M. Than at Other Stores. Furnished you at this store. Every Item on this page is fraught with interest to all thrifty folk who care for. Quattty, DependabiUty and IC OREGON' DAILY JOUI he Olds, Wortmaii King Store These November Day Will Be Memorable for Economies GOOD EVENING . We know you're interested els? you'd not be reading here. We want to talk to yon in "confidence" may we? Why do you go to your family physician when any one at home falls HI? v " V " ; . ; ' ' C BECAUSE YOU HAVE . C0NFIDENCE4N HIM Isn't that so? Why do you come to this store when you want an article of merchandise? CONFIDENCE AGAIN, ISNT IT? . , .'V . . ; U- A bride who bought her trousseau here wanted some pots and . pans ; and a range' for her new kitchen; i X ' ''.''V' , '; :.'; ,' GAO; OLDS. WORTMAhLi JCING'Saaid her motberRU "But I don't know anything about kitchen things,' and wouldn't know -what -to-bny.""---'-';-- .7--- --vr: . "NEVER MIND," came the reply, "THEY'LL SELL Y6U WHAT YOU OUGHT TO HAVE AND THE THINGS WILL BE RIGHT," CONFIDENCE AGAIN. ; : --.; ."v . If you can't come to the store, phone and leave the rest to us OR SEND YOUR CHILD. HAVE CONFIDENCE in our help. . ' . . High - Class A SPLENDID DISPLAY" IN THE "BIJOU" SALONS ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. . r- , begets like." This representative showing I well "Worthy the potty environ ment of the cosy. "Bijou" Salon of Milli nery. Models here are exclusive and fc-uly 11- lux (rate In smallest detail the newest and brightest ldeaa-of foremost New--York and Pari shops and our own clever adaptations. ; NEW "GAGE- HATS IN BY ". EXPRESS " r""- -" A fresh shipment In this morning. Splendid variety of new style and charming- color. . , combinations' embracing- prune, gray, nary. diw. eic. we control me ' Ul(e JiUI XOtyT Portland, ha vln w frmt ..i,,,!,. .m.. , their creations. - "Oege Hats" .sold else- VVf wnvre nave oeen panseo over as not new enough or ehlo enough for : - our clientele. --New aAOE"-Hst v.;-;; . . tTiTTT. . 9 5.00 to MUlineryJ Cushion vcreRcady-to-Usc "AT ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN FOR ART: LOVERS IN THE! HOME - -TBo CUSHION COVERS FOR 6Jc. ?. r:. - . - Art- Bhop Annex Second Floor. - Cushion Covers, made of velour and embroidered In ecru braids. ' AU ready to iiui snm ine puiow, zi incnes in siae; our 760 value.,, epeclal Bale price. v ...... .... ...... . .......i. rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 Irnrfr.nae- Good rctiance tbBuy a Bedsjpread ?R THATrARS.BQOM'lAND SAVE A PART-OF THB. PRICE TOWAB ' ..--;.';-;-. OTHER NEEDS. ; , V - " ' Tomorrow in Domestic Section Approved Advance Styles for Mid-Winter Wear of Correctly : 7 i Gowned Women " ; Grand Salons Second Floor. THIS STORE BUYS AND SELLS MORE WOMEN'S GAR MENTS THAN ANY OTHER TWO PORTLAND STORES. . COMBINED. Charming New Arrivals in Women's Winter Suits and CoatsMagnificent Show ing of Rich Furs "" If all Portland women could have 8eenthe"newr- est Coats and Sujtss we unpacked them-r-well. the store couldn't hold The throngs that would be here tomorrow. . We've hurried the makers a bit on some of the, advance models for holiday and mid-winter wear and they're here. The story of" the new is in teresting, indeed.. The style centers of the world ; have been searched for cleverest conceptions the character of our garments as well as the tempting -prices are potent arguments for buying here. , Our .prices-are lower for eqnal quality than any other store on the Pacific Coast quotes. The range is so wide that any purse may be accommodated. With new TAILORED SUITS starting at f 13.60 and running by easy stages up to 60.00, with espe- "sially strong lines and grand, generous choosing at f 18.50, f 22.50, 925.00, f 28.50 . to f 3S.OO, no- woman need feel she must go to minor stores with no standing at all . in the style world. ' One, need not confine herself to any one model, but may " run the gamut that Dame Fashion generously a' lows . her votaries for winter wear Coats running "L -fronrlirir-tcr-ank hr-4enieth 4 h e- Ion ger-coats-having- a. slight preference on account of their graceful, aristocratic mien. . . 1 r " ... : FIRST FLOOR "WTE OFFER -.';'. Large, full slxe and extra heavy Bedspreads of splendid workmanship- - Spe cial at . :..,....i.,t ., ...; .$1.57 - New Walstln Flannels and Flannelettes, extra heavy swansdown. in figured effects for bath robes and kimonos, in nowest colorings. and designs at prices lower than equal qualities are quoted west of the Great Lakes. . - ' ' THB AMERICAN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL Voting Contest Ends November; 29th BUT MORE DATS LEFT JN. WHICH TO WIN 'A FREE SCHOLARSHIP. - . votes come pouring in tnica and rast these days; some or the boys are drawing on their reserve. - We would urge all to get In their Votes aa early as possible now, that friends may know each candidate's exact status. It may help some. Rend In your votes. It's time to stop hoarding. .On and after today but six names will be published, but DAILY the six leading contest ants at time of going to press no far aa counted by our tellers. p NAMES OF LEADING TEN CONTESTANTS IN THrT AMERICAN MANUAL 1HAIMHU BCHOOIi VOT1NO CONTEST WITH STANDING! OF - - EACH AT ! A. M, TODAY. . : OEOP.flE SLATER. Tdii f - WRIOHT BROWN. Clinton Kelly M,HI BOBERT HorHEH. Harrison ., Ta,sa Kiunr.i wiMi, orin central ...... ..v...... , v m'ni i.i.t HS01 intMAn vuuiw. r auing, 4. ... .................. . Scattering . ......i. S3.91S Total . ......I......... .ea,iM . V ' SPECIAL THANKSOIVIKO BALE OF Dazzling Cut Glass, Handsome Lamps and Good, Heaters "HOUSEKEEPERS' EXCHANGE" THIRD ' FLOOR.' Keep the home bright, light, cheery and warm and you'll have a big stock ' of happiness to disseminate through your neighborhood. We'll start ' the cheerful feeling by quoting some happy prices the house-furnlshlng' has made special this- week. . . . ,.v .-, . : LIBBET CUT GLASS. ;. '; ,. 1 Thousands of articles to select from. 1 Our grand . Holiday assortment now ready. . See window dls-" ply-- , - :.''..,,, Table Tumblers; regular value $1100. I Special. do ' ,.,...r.,.,,.$o.B Nspptes; regular value S12S. Special.' each. Sl.TB Bowls; regular vslue lt.00. Special, earhl . . .B6.2S Vases: regular value l.eo.- Special, each. ."..$6.25 Water Bottles; regular value 15.60. SpeclaU f-a.-as each . ,, . , HM LAMPS. 7c V- Base of solid color In shaded tints, gold decorations hade and base to match; regular value ll.eo, each .,.,.,..1 ,:.,.,...,..r...M.T9 ' 11.25 LAMPS.' c. ;-r .;"" Solid colors In assorted tints, floral decorations, base land shade to match; regular value 11.26. Special, each .98) SI KA LAMPS. 11.28. Braes foot, decorated vase and shad to match, as sorted tints; . regular value il.e. specisi. each . ....7;.., 1.28 Brass foot base, t-lnch globe to match, assorted volor , and decorations, center-drart , burner, SO. cnndl power, detachable oil fount; regular1 value S2.7&. Special i. . 82.15 A large an sort men t of decorated lamps and shades at special reduced prices.-- Electrto and Oas Reading Lamps, with shade and globes. Special values, each from ... ........ ,s . . .:92.28 to $65.00 ' n 14.10 AIRTIGHT HEATERS. I1.7. ' .Airtight '"Comfort" Heaters for wood, machine made; every piece and every part fits perfect, making a neat, well-flnlahed stove; : regular value 14.60. Pc!aJ. - '. ... -., .t-i -.-... '. -83.T5 "niv iiKiTPtm t o. '" "Comfort' Oak Heater for wood or coal, nicely, finished, , tight-fitting doors. special at, each .,85.50 l25.00 "Quick Baker" Steel Range, with. high closet, polished steel body, 16-lnrfr- oven; regular value 133.00. Special, earh ,. ..;;,,... t-. .. 0 . ,.928.50 IN BY EXPRESS VERY UNUSUAL" VALUES IN 'le-: , COATS. . Portland's "largest and - leading- Apparel "Store7 for-Wqrnen offers special advantages to coat buyers. It will be a sale such as seldom takes place for a number of reaaons The m of our organization is to prove to the most skeptical . that greater . values are obtainable here than elsewhere. Our stock, are very large and new arrivals are coming in daily. Resrular lines range in price tip . - ,aa.ov to from... ..f. VJ'M-J Hi 1 1 tv 1-1 gJ A Women's Voguish Neck Dress For All Occasions, In and Out-of-Door Functions First Floor v - "Winter Shops." . . 1 ,; Ostrich Boas We have a most complete showing of fine Ostrich Feather Boas. All are made of the best made stock and are positively the best boa values in the city. . Boas one and one fourth yards long. Priced at, each .915.00 920.OO and 822.50 Finer andJonger ones. Priced at, - " " each;..i... . 825.00 927.50 up to 9SO.OO DAINTY FANCIES IN NEWEST NECKWEAR FOR - . '. WOMEN. - - .. - Ai Attraciiiia-Jirst Floftr Rhnp Rhpwlne-. ' ' PRETTY JABOTS, made of fine lace. Priced at. each., ..761 to 92.50 NEW LACE YOKES, of Venise or fine net lace all shaped: to fit well and have stock collar attached. Prices, each, up to 9S 00 NEW, WASH STOCKS, in. the flatiron -shape, made of lace. linen or pique. Priced at, each. .. ,. ... ;,35 up to 1.48 LACE COLLAR AND CUFF SETS of Baby Irish lace. Priced at, the set, ..W 91.00 and 91.25 Same as above but finer and larger, for coats, etc. Priced at. the set....; .. ...92.50 to 95.00 A FULL LINE OF. THE CELEBRATED - "KAYSER'S" - NECKWEAR. Surp ssingThanksgiving Linen Offerings ; ' . .' IN THE LINEN STORK FIRST FLOOR Are attracting throng of folk who want dependable, hahdsome Damask . for their tables .during the feomlng festal holiday season. , How did this Llhen Store win a place at the head of all Western Stores that sell good TTHMiiT By"-trvlngnbargslnrNo- by giving beet values in splendid, dependable linens. ' Bargains are the ' Incidents of the business th salt to the meat But bargains com where business In their line Is greatest henoe, though not frequent in Itnens, ' thay come probably with greatest ' frequency . to this ; Linen 8tor 0f our. - Bargain indeed! are these handsome, sturdy linens w offer her from Ireland's Best Linen Mill, whose loom wlsards are so exceed ingly careful that only fine flax of long fiber goes Into the RICHARD SON linens. . These famous linens have the ' double charm of great beauty and -sterling worth. - We import other splendid linens the best from all. the . leading linen producing countries of the world take your choice chooa any nationality that linen claim and come here to buy them at the smallest price. This 1 the only Portland house that can sell you linens at their first price. Complete lines of staple and decorative linens in-splndld assortment. Luxury without extravagance, rich fine table linen, superb design, onequaled for artistic elegance In the history of damask weaving. .: Linens for the home and linen built for Such hard usage aa fall to the lot of table covering for hotels, restaurant and boarding-houses linens from the vineclad hllla along the Rhine German silver bleached damasks, for those who prefer-.but altogether an aggregation of the handsomest, moat sturdy, lasting linen made in the world at price positively lower in every Instance than any ether Portland house can afford to sell. Full bordered damask, tablecloths In all sises for round, square or oblong tables, with or without napat-,t match., Single or double linen table damasks by the yard.-from H to 0 inches wide, with or without napkins to match. 1 Separata napkins In breakfast or dinner sises In a wide range of qualities.-. Dainty, beautiful designs In floral and -art effects., dollies. - tray,, table -top and searfs -in-Immense, assortments.. -The- stocks are too- Isrge for detailed price- mention suffice to--say.- the '. GREATEST VALUES ON THE PACIFIC COAST FOR DEPENDABLE LINENS. . ' . , . . . - 1 . I : SMART AND SEASONABLE TOOGERT CKDEBPRICED 1 - .. In the "MAN'S SHOP" .' V I ie t 2 - Sixth Street Annex First Floor. ' ' -. '-. v ;.:.7 fr" - MEN'S a( AND iOe TIES FOR-lc;----r-: --;-r---r; vr.M-a aiik Mut, it. fnnp.ln.h.nil. tmitm mtiA shield tacks: In ilarm variety of patterns; our P-nd sOo values Special Sale price. ea4h..l9 f - .MEN'S tt.M SWEATERS FOR - . A Ilne-ef men's all-wool Sweater la navy, cardinal and black. At the present prices of wool they are .well worth 12.00, but our regular, prtoe is iuo. Special Sale price ............. 1 ............................91.15 "V - v ! . MEN S 10 SOX. FOR TWO PAIRS FOR Sc -, - -.... , Men's merino Sox. la black, Oxford and eametshair, medium weight. A good wearer and our lOo vain.- Special Sale price, two pairs for.'.t ........ .25 : a. 1. .MEJrS.75Q.OrTINO NIGHTSHIRTS FOR 4c.-' " iMen'agoodT heavy-weight outing flannel Nightshirts, in stripedTeffectSL The - best 7 So gown on the market. Special Sal price, each .........49 The Great Sale of Silks Is at Its Height! ; . .- . Fifth Street Annex irat Floor. ' . If you don't need-the Silks now, buy for. nexr summer. :w With .raw., silk advancing, manufactured silks will surely'te higher. Buy now while silks are selling here at prices less than asked by the mills today Read! ' STARTLING SALE OF SMART SUIT SILKS. Merciless Slaughter of a $20,000 Overstock! Profits Sacrificed! ' Costa . - Cut Into! Handsome Novelty Suit SUka at Your Mercy! - , Ncw;$l: and $1.25 Suit Silks at 49c ' .rr't... .-69c AND 7S YARD. . .-.-' We've divided the Silks into three lots and spreatftnern over long tables " running thro' the Silk Salesroom in the Annex, making buying eay .. for all. Prices are slashed this way all $1.00 and $1.25 values in all colors and styles - v ' . . LOT 1 NOVELTY SUIT SILKS, YARD....'..,... ........49 LOT 2 NOVELTY SUIT SILKS. YARD.. ,.6e LOT -NOVELTY SUIT SILKS, YARD , ;.......T9e A TWO DATS SALE THATS TIMELT WEDNESDAY AND THCR8DAT SPECIALS IN THE r ", , v .. -.1 Women's and Children's Knit Underwear Aisles r 4 -' FIRST FIXK)R. ., " i ' . k.y BOT8'36o SHIRTS, -. ' Boys' winter-weight. Jersey ribbed, fleece lined Shirts. In ecrw else 1 -to JJ:- regular value IRc. Speclnl. each .......23 .... - WOMEN'S SOe VESTS OB PANTS. 15c Balbiiggsn medium-weight ecru Vests. htWi neck, long sleeves, with French band, ankle length, punts to match! regular value ftOo. Special, each.. 854 ' . - . ' WOMEN'S 12. 2S UNION SUITS, $1.76. , White Ine ribbed cashmere Vnlon Suits, good weight, long sleeves, ankle lengfh; regular value IMS. Special, the suit ..................... .91. T5 Specials in the Women's Hosiery Section " ' FIRST FLOOR-btWEPNESDAT AND. THUR8DAT ONLT.' " ". " " : ": . . , WOMEN'S 18c HOSE. 2c. Black medium-weight lisle. Hose, finished foot, double sole, spliced heel and toe; regular, value Site. Special, the pair ; -23 i WOMEN'S iRc HOHB SUPPORTER8. lc. ' New. Hose Supporters, pin top. detachable In center) no need Of unfastening from hose; all colors; regular value ttta. Special, the pair. .......... .18 Handsome Lace " Curtains - v.- You've Waited For. , HALF PRICED-HALF PRICE ,. V HALF 'PRICE. DRASTIC CLOSURE OF ALL ODD PAIRS IN THE LACE ' , CURTAIN 8TOCKa Monday on Fourth Floor. ' All our odd pairs -of Lace Cur-' 1 tains, including Arabian Lace, ' Cluny Lace,- Renaissance. Brus sels. Net, Irish Point. - Notting ham Lace, also Ruffled Net and Ruffled . Swiss; regular values from tl.OO to 150.00. Special, ' the pair, frdm... .SO to 925 or 4... ....mjlut nuoa " $4.00 COUCH DRAPES, ' ; Extra heavy Imitation Oriental Couch vDrspes, ROxlOl Inches; - regular value M 0. Special. -t each . .....92.95 Penny Savers FIRST " FLOOR - SHOPSm SMALL WARES AISLES. J 5c Box Hair Pins. ........ .15 . Card of 1 dosen Safety Plna...5e 7 Spools Cotton Thread..... 25 Peart Top Hat Pins. each.....5i Black Silk Finish Thread, spool . .94 too Jar Cold Cream. ....... .30 25o Tooth Brushes, each ,.,.15f SOo Bath Brushes ......... .35 I5o Jar Petroleum-Jelly... .12e lOo Bar Glycerine Soap'. . . .6e So Bottle Ink ;......3f 25o Packet Writing Pa per... 19 10c Packet Envelopes ......... T 2.Sc Box Writing Paper -T .ISo Day Ledger ...... ...... 20j , SPECIAL VALVES IN THB WARDROBE SHOPS. .,' Cold Weather Skirts: and Outing Go wns Underpriced ; ' r, '. Second Floor Annex.' ' ' .-'""''"."- ' ' LADIES' OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS WORTH 5o FOR 4lo. -Ladles' outing flannel short Skirts. In pink or blue, plain or striped, with , hemstitched or scalloped edges; our tc value. Special Sale priee. each . .....49 LADIE8' 7So OUTINO OOWNS FOR STo, - 1 Ladles outing flannel Gowns, in striped, pink and white or blue and whMe. .Made wlthplaln turnover collar and cuffs; our TSo value. Special Sal ' price, each . ... .. i i- .e. .......'..... ....5T .. LADIES' $1.00 OUTINO GOWNS FOR I2.2S. Ladles' fine outing flannel Oowns. trimmed with silk stitched dot and with . plain outing flannel collar and cuffs; our $1.00 value. Special Bale price. each . 92.29 , ICE WOOL SHAWLS WORTH. $LTI FOR $1.1.. . ' , ;'... Second Floor Annex. ... Ice wool Shawls, square shspe; la plain black or white; our regular $1.7$ value.1,' SpectaTtiahj prtve, oatiti' 1 SAD NEWS FOR SHOE BUTER8. i . . . We Great Shoe Sale Ends Tomorrow JNight! SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Whew! 'How folk did come for these shoes) . In two days we surpassed all 'previous November selling records for same space of time. Values wilt tell and have told tn thia Shoe Sale with- a vengeance. But our ho man has warned u that the supply will not sur vive more-than one more day. The bar gain ar passing, but a plenty of the best for all who come tomorrow before S p. m. then, THE END. . MEN'S SHOE BARGAINS MEN'S $6.00 SHOES. -Men's patent colt .Shoe In the Blucher "straight last" and Pingree' best make, with seal tops, sewed by hand ' - process. The. last Is the one so much ' affected . of late by men of dreeay procllvitlee who - look carefully to '.footwear appearance. A splendid $1.00 value. -Special for three-) days only at . .....S3.SO iiatni Itn aiuai biiuis, 11.11, A line of these fanoi shoes in box calf stock, vlct kid and velour calf. An ' extremely, dressy ( shoe and on possessing remarkable wearing qualities; . ' the regular $1.60 value. Special for three days only at. pair. .......93.89 t- MEN'S $4.00 AND $6.00 SHOES. $3.4. , -Men's handsome, durable box-calf Shoes, with double oak tanned soles, lined throughout .with buckskin or heavy drill. Balmoral style and the famous "Pingree" make. Two of the finest lines ever sent out from the Detroit factory. We shall pine them-on sale for three days onlygrand valies sf $4.00 and $6.00, at a choice for... -93.49 ' MEN'S $0.00 SHOES, $$.. , A line we shall discontinue of men's best patent colt Shoes In Blncher lace - - style and Florshelm mQk.Thelf best $4.00 vajue. - Special for three days only, at v. ...-. ........93.9s - . MEN'S $6.00 SHOES. $6.60.- - i,.,... .Men's patent - colt Bluchers. In the famous "Pingree' nakw; with kns' . tops, very dressy and dependable? regular $6.00 -values. . Special for three ' day , only ' -93.50 WOMEN'S SHOE . BARGAINS WOMEN'S SI SO AND 14 00 BOOTS FOR 12.77. ' . Several discontinued lines of Women's fine Shoes, manufactured by the t"t maker In the country. Many different style rroro wnicn to seiert, in mo or calf, button or lace, low or high heels, light or heavy weight soles. One of the greatest bargains In shoes this house has ever offered; our riiir $1.60 and $4.00 values. Special Sale price, the pair...., S2.T7 - , . ' MEN'S $3.60 SHOES FOR 113. The celebrated" '"Atlas" Shoes for men. Ooodyear sewel. eolld throughout. In three down-td-date styles: our $3.60 value. SperUl M.le price, th pair. ! fSC - - WOMEN'S $4 60 SLIPPERS FOR li lt. Women's patent eolt one-strap Slippers; our St 60 volue. Ki-ir Sale prt , the pair 1 91,10