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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
D .....1 , .11,1! JEITIES DID FOR SOUTH R. S. Howard, Sr., Tells How They Mads New- Orlearir Second Export City. WHATMUST beJdone FOR COLUMBIA Need of Enlisting the People In Get : ting Sufficient Money - to Opi ; Portland HadV to 'the Biggest 1 Ship of the WorldVf. . Pfrdnd. Oct , T )h Portland Commercial Club Nothlnr but tb very lively Interest which every "loyal Ore ironlan must (eel upon the subject of a deeper enamel from Portland to the ea could tempt me to emerge from tne fUniMt which ia so. congenial, la-m. and undertake the, Us of lending what aid I may to that' great nndertnktne;: and I know, entlemn. from , the Intel li sent and effleient work done, and do ins. by your orsMMsatlon; Hhat yon will rot only pardon,-but appreciate anything, which I -ntejr attempt in .behalf of this, nr common cause.! ,t ' - I rnay be pardoned for -calling atten tion to. the " fact nat I have had,. some experience In the matter of getttlng as tstaorfefrbm -the golternment In behalf of deepening tha channel of the greatest of rivers, the noble Mississippi. . When tb question f constructing jet tie to .deepen v the - channel of - the a-rcal river f rem . Ma w Orleans to the Kulf -was mooted. "Jti, ch rjqecT.tliaftf Was pfesldrnt of the .New Orleans chamber of commerce (which' was, as wetl, the Commercial club of that grand metropo lis).' arid, by reason of such position, waa called von, 4n a Jaxge measure, to devise ways and mean for. the accom plishment of that work. Having been. t, that date, a long time connected with the commercial .and financial Interest of New 'Orleans, I was ' necessarily wall acquainted.' and I may with: pardonable pride. I hope, add, well known in all sections bf the ;. southern . states;, and thla knowledge, alone, . enabled, me to accomplish the tasks placed upon me by toy 'relation, to said work.; : . What 'Hew Orleans Won. v. The result of tha -building of the Mis eil'pslppl Jetties was that the ciy of New Orleans wss raised , from .being the eighth in Volume of export to the envl- able position of second place, which It now holds. : Being a native nf the south, and hav ing spent CO years of my life. In fact. ' a. Itmy- active 1 bualness career there, I tnay be permitted, te nay that 1 think J know the people of that section of our great country, and, I have not tha least roM thai thl active InUreet, may be enlisted in our behalf la the work which oems of -suchTl tarlmpoitnoe to us at this time the securing of a 40-foot j channel to the sea. '... ; What you - have done hae been well done; the securing of tbaaervlcea, bf Mr. -f heodorr vyikiut Hi gJte' Whshlngton In our behalf must be a cause for congratu lation to all who ax at all familiar with existing conditions. .v., , ... A , J," , ' .'', No -better selection-could- be. made; but, if I may be pardoned) for. making e euggestlon, hta efforts wilt need: to be supplemented - by raueh . work In other olrectlqna; .en4.J-t-Jat call your atten tion to aome of thla supplemental work that I Intrude upon your notice. . I realise that to secure -tha Interest of the rivers and harbors committees . of congress, will go very fee toward get ting the appropriations necessary to our work, but. in the face of the many 'eon nictlng Intereata which our enterprise must necessarily encounter and antagon ise, we shU need every Interest which we .can by any fair means enlist; and this brings me again to the matter of looking after our friends of the sunny . aouth. ... . , .,.''!. .-,',..-.. -, Borneo, .the .People. ; i To reach that people you must do two i.dnire. ris: Appeal to a sentiment, and convince themf tho Juetlce of our , CaUBe.. r." .-i-. ry :i ' ..-.,. -i..-. . We may do both. .AU social, political and commercial affairs in that section ore largely Influenced by the organisa tions known as the United Confederate ""Veteran, the Bonbr Confederate Vet erans and the Daughters of the Con federaey; not because tha people cling ? "relInPfjUsLoyaltjtJhA,oii, eminent, nor of prejudice toward the people of other sections of our country. bat because of the fact that they have not yet learnod how to be disloyal td thoir own.4 If then, we can appeal to them through these channels, where We are sure of a hearing, and can then con vince them that our cause Is merlto t ious and Just, we shall secure an Inter est which will go far toward assuring success- ' ,. ... i ,.- -,: ,-. ;. - That people do nothing In a half Iteartad way; whan once y6u have en listed thorn in a cause they give tt their DON'T WAIT ,' '---.:'.'.. .. . ,' . Take Advantage of a Portland v Gtizon's Experience Be-' fore It's Too Late, -j '; .", tThen the back begins to ache. Don't wait until backache . becomes ri to et w r'i!rsiwirwa rest iroupiea aesiroy night s PrriBt by Portland cLtisen's export tnct: .) ' ' . Mro. J,' D. Kennedy, 7 years old, "who : resldcM st If Corben rrMt. v.. -i t"ve been afTllcted with kidney trouble for thirty years, and for the paet twen- r years i nave never been entirely free from It tn some form or other. I suf fered 'terribly from backache and could - hardly stoop -over- in4 4-i uia TroubleXrom the kidney secretlone e . iHiea. jm- limes I was greatly bloated, my feet swelled to twice their natural : (tlse and I was seldom without a plaster on my bark to ease the pain. I .doctored a great deal and ueed more medicine than any one pereon rould carry. I had read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I concluded to give 'them a trial nd got a box at the lue-Davis Drug fn.'s store, rorner of. Ysmhlll and Third streets. I wss a good subject, with a case of Jiuch long standing, and I t nought ir tney neipeo me i could safelv recommend them to Others. " I ied them faithfully and the results were sat 1 1 factory In every wy. Doan's Kl.lney rills are wonder. They did me more rood than any other remedy I ..... ..mmA ' rev sole b si! dealers. Price BO cents. Koeter-Mllbiirn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United Mates. - nemetnher the Damt WAH and take ne other. ... . THT? SISTER AND TWO BROTHERS MEET - , AGAIN AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 'w ' S - Mrs. E. B. DeWolf and Her Broth ....;.f 'r"Amiae Perking Meeting in this ' city near the close of the' Lewis and" Clark fair, a, sister and two brothers looked upon one an other for the first tlrrie lit 15 yeara. They arethe.aurYlvora of a. family of The three relatives who held a reunion In Portland; after the lapae bf a quarter of century, are Mra. E. B. DeWolf of Blue Ridge, New York; Amlsa Perkins of Oshkosh. Wisconsin, and Ellas Per kins . of Oklahoma. AU are well-to-do, and Ellas Perkins owns one. of the largest ranches in Oklahoma. ' .'.'..- - fullest and best support; and. if -we can secure the Interest Of the represen tatives arid senators from that section, we shall. have a fighting. force In con gress, which will much mora than mako good the loes "which we sustain by rea son of the crippled condition of our own delegation. - The' -work tof enlisting thts Interest, should be largely done before the convening- of congress, but should be con tinued until the work Is fully aocom- plumed, and It can best be, done by send ing to inetn some one ' tneir own; one who can' appeal to them through the channels mentioned; one who will com mand an Immediate audience.-. , r amggeetg Colonel Banigus. '';;--.--- ' There may be others who would serve this purpose as well, or better than the gentleman whom I have In mind, but 1 believe that " the gentleman whom 1 shall recommend to you for that work has every necessary qualification for Its accomplishment. . - He Is. like myself, a native Kentutk. tan, servoa wits some aistinciion in ins Confederate army.' is Intimately asso ciated with the organisations to whlcu have referred Is at the head of the United -Confederate Veterano- in this state, and, aa you have no doubt noticed, In the newspapers, has Just been hon ored by appointment upon the staff of the commanding general of. Paclfla de partment of..that organisation 1. f refer to Colonel Lewis- G. Oarrlgus of this city, whoMs doubtless berso'nally known to most of you, hence I need say nothing more aa ' to- hie fitnesa. I can- net d0 loaa; hewever, than to urge noon you tha you ' do- not' neglect' thla Im portant feature,- which - should. In - my humble Judgment,, command Immediate attention ahd prompt action.- And now, gentlemen. If I have Intru ded In an unseemly manner,' or have shhwn oversealousness In thla matter. the' Interest which I feei In aeelng our beautiful city become the great city of the Pacific coast must bo my sufficient apology. ..v., . . Thanking you,' gentlemen. In antici pation, for the consideration which 1 am sure you will give this matter, J beg to remain, very respectfully yours. . . . B. 8. HOWARD. SR.," .".;' ' Of Howard de Flower. NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY- r PHILOBOPHT. ""rrtterTMirs. L. M.. and Rogers, Mrs. A. a., wisoom or Omar. Nltobe, I, Bushldo; the Soul of Japan. BOCTnTxmvL Blackmors, Ei. British MercanUle Marine. , Guerber, H. C Legends of 8wltser land.; ers. Labor.' Bureau of Regulatlolt-fmander and Restriction of Output. , ' SCIENCE. I Blondlot, K. "N" rsys. 1 tot. -1 McMurry, C. A. Special Method In Arithmetic, ltOS. ' - " ; rSEPUL' ARTS. "''"-.-I''"; American . Forest- 'Congress Proceed Ings, 106 Lang. H. Matte Smelting, list. North, fl. H. Oil Fuel, 105. A Rolleston, H. D. Diseases of the Uver. 1(06. ... ..: ,. . FINE ARTS. . Ootoh, J. A. Architecture of ' the Renaissance In Engapd. t ', ': " ... LITERATURE. ... ' Moliere, J. B. P. Oeuvre Complete It. ,r j .'- 1 '.-. ,v . . TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Eggleston, O. Cr-nOur First Century. Elliott. Mrs. M. fH.) Roma BeaU: letters from the Eternal City. Soule S. H. Rand-McNally Guide to the Great Northweat.' - - Early Oregon -From-WO to Jane, L. C Coming of Parliament iX)LLECTIVE BIOGRAPHT. Miner. L., ed. Two Heroes, of Cathay. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHT. Marat, J. P. Jean Paul Marat; by E B. Bax. --. Sacajawea Indian Girl ' Who . Led Them; by A. J. Magulre. iiUvenson, - Rr U Robert Louis Ste venson; by A.. H. Japp. . '' ,.llm. GERMAN BOOKS. Heyklng, E. A. L, Brlefe die Ihu Nlcht Errelchten., ,k i ... . ; ; BOOKS TOR CHILDREN. French, A., "Story of Rolf and the Viking's Vow." Frothlngham,. P.. "Sea Wolves of Seven Shores." . H Oilman. A.. "Colonisation of Amer ica." -i Two volumes. . .. , v Knoa, J. J., "Little Almond Bios soms." , Munroe, K.. "Wakulla; a Storypf Ad venture In Florida." Watson, A. E.. "How to Build a Fifty- Lignt uynamo. Willlams, A, Locomotives.". ... Williston. T. "Romance of Modern Japanese , Valry Tales Retold." nRrROMr DAILY1 TOURN All" PORTLAND. TUESDAY If 7 ere ElUs, Perkini on Her Right and , on Her Left. '';,.;: i - Though they corresponded frequently, the brothers and their sinter never con ceived a plan for a reunion. When tha Uewla and Clark fair opened they agreed that they should all come to Oregon. -nrhisis-nreauttftJr countrx,1 "ski Mrs. DeWolf, "arid we all have fallen In love with It, 1 1, think we three, being the survivors of a '.large family, arj likely to aee a great deal more of one another In ' tho future, probably In Oregon. . Easterners don't realise the wonderful advantages of this state as they should, though I think the fair haa I In a measure opened their eyes." CABIUET GIRLS TO FLEE CAPITAL Daughters of Statesmen to Re main Away From Washington : ? 7; During the Winter- ; ! ! MISS ROOSEVELT COVERS THE FIELD TOO LARGELY SecreUfT"Httclick1iTDuhter . to Merry gt Thanktfiviny Time Miss - Wilson Renounces Capital s Doea Migg Root. ' J ' (Waihlatoa ora e.Tbe nral.l , Washington.' Nov. . Miss Anna Hitchcock, daughter of. the secretary of the Interior. -will be married In' Wsih lngtonbout'Thanksg1vlng.' "Thli"wni bring the llat of eablnet girl down to Miss 'Edith 'Root and Mlaa Margaret Hitchcock. Tho date of Mr. Shaw's- re tirement-from the cabinet Is still g mat ter of VonJocture.. but Mrs. snd ths Misses Shew have . announced their plana -with a lavish .wealth - of detail. fThey will" klT" aall for tho other aide early nest month and spend tho winter In Paria. Miss Enid Shaw has endured all and more than ahe wanted of society at the capital- Alice bcoupiee tha TMO, Miss Flora Wilson, daughter of - the secretary-of agriculture, - has. from, all accounts renounced Washtrgtbn for. ever and will return no mora Until her father decides two important Issues, the eeeond marriage and the retirement from - the cabinet. The rumor la that Mlaa Root does not look with favor to returning to official society and Intends to spend raosjt of tho wlntsr in New York. Miss 'Rebekih Knox waa the prime mover In this line and she seems to have created a new school. It Is hinted 'that Miss Roosevelt covers the field too largely. It was a different proposition during the "McKlnley regime when to be a cabinet girl, really meant aoma prestige snd -much flattery. Mlsa Margaret Httcncock.ITkeher ststef,-abrlde6f next month, goes In for books and looks down on mere frlvolty. Miss Anne's engagement to Commander Sims Is said to be the -result of 4 mutual love for Greek drama and classic music. Her engagement waa tha surprise of the summer. She was considered the bachelor girl par excellence, . while Corn Sims was known aa a wo man- hater--and tha..foe. of connubial bondage. ' Km. Bonaparte Thaws Out. Mrs. Bonaparte, the wife of the sec retary of the navy, la hawing out from her naturally deep reserve. She has had a lumber of handaome gowna made in Paria for the coming season's formal and Informal functions, and although she prefers the quiet of her home to the gayetlea of social life, she has fully made up her mind thst.Jf.her husband la to spend trie . winter in Washington aho must be equal to the situation and not an obstacle to his political career. Mra. Bonaparte has done a wise thing In securing the - services of a capable secretary who will look after , all her correspondence as well . aa give advice from a more' extensive experience. Mrs, Bonaparte Is very gracious and cordial at the moment of meeting but shrinks from demonstration of flattery of her self , or husband. ' ' LIFE SENTENCE RESULTS FROM POVERTY OF CLIENT - (Hpeclal Dlspateh te The loomil.) ' Helena. Mont. Nov. 1. Lawyer S. -r Hogevol 6f "Butte has spplled . to th supreme court for a writ of - habeas corpua In the case of George Mrslkv who Is confined In the Silver Bow county Jail for contempt of court Mr. Hogevol urged that the .sentence wss practically a life term. Mrslka built house upon a railroad right of way and waa ordereVl by the dlatrlct court to re move It This he did not do, asserting thnt he had no funds with which to perforin the tank. - He was therefor sentence! to pay a fins of $S0 or serve 15 days In Jail. It was further ordered that he was to remain in Jail said Lawyer Hogevol, until the order. of removal had been complied with. - As his client would be unable to effect removal, even after expiration of the aentence, because he had no funds, Lawyer Hogevol ? ttrgnj that he had been given a life Sfnfenca. The matter waa taken under advlaemoo . The Soouser SIT Win. . T V '-): from the Toledo Blade. ' The doctors have found that klsalng In winter Is especially dangerous.. Those who can should arrange to do most of their kissing la the good old summer time, -Av 1 -. - There It kWUf a. crying need ot a re formation Jn the treatment of the body. The basis of thla reformation Is to be found In the thesis of Dr. R. V. Pierce: Diseases which originate in the stomach must be cured through the stomach.' In the forty odd years ot Dr. Pierce's experience as eniet consulting pnysl-; clan to th Inva- ; lids'-Hotel fiurfJcsl-InsUMitev 1 Jn Buffalo, N. Y.,--he has treated more . than half a million --j people, with nw'-v cord of ninety-eight f& cures in every nunr f dred. .The theory held by I)r. fierce roe ftfr. that tha stomach I the chief breodlni nlaoa of disease. I abundantly borne out by the success of his treatment 'which Is addressed primarily to the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. No other medi cine acts so power fully and as perfectly am tha ktnmach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. as Dr. fierce e uoiaen aieaicai uiscovery. Men and women afflicted With shortness ot breath, heart disease, suffocation, dis xlness, spots before the eyes, "Uver pains and similar ailments have been promptly and perfectly cured by the use of "Golden meaicai uiscovor lias Lavllla Bonlne. Curator Natural II ls r Society, of Lewawee Btreeu. Went, Lansing, ilich.. writes 1 "I suffered with chronic dyspepsia for nearly seven years, and this caused me to grow very thin and pals, at the same time my blood became poor and I was so nervous and 'unntrung that I waa unflt to attend to my dally duties. Heart was also affected and fluttered at the least excitement. I spent a lot of money doctor ! aind fnnnd nn rllf. nntll I took Ir. heme's Golden Medical Discovery. It cer taluly is a wonderful medicine. It toned up nr stomach and I bearan to have a splendid appetite: had no trouble with my digestion. and 1 besan to pick 00 ana get strong 1 soon naw. rich blood flowed in mr veins. I veins, and ADceinoro felt the beautr ai a jot 01 11 is. kava now enjoyed perfect health for a yean thanks to UU f Mice's Ooldea ateoicat wis eovery.v- BEEF TRUST CONTESTS " . MONTANA TRUST UWS ' (flpeelal Dtspstch te The Journal.) 4 Helena, Nov. T. -The supreme court today heard arguments In the case of the state of Montana agalnat the Cudahv Parking company. Swift Packing com' pany and Hammond Packing company, which were charged with having formed a conspiracy to regulate the price of beef and beef products, thereby violat ing the anti-trust law. When the ease was called for trial in the district court, the defendanta attacked the validity of the anti-trust law, which waa held on constitutional; hence appealed to tha su- preme court. Attorney-Oeneral Albeit J. Galen represented the state, while M. 8. Gunn appeared for the packers. Mr. Gunn urged -thattha-Montana statute was similar to the Illinois stat-uta- which the supreme court of the United States had held to be unennsttto-j tional - In that It made exceptions In favor of labor organisations and agrl- cuirirnircTaBMsronnlnsha'are generally known- as Virus ta. Thla .con tention was vigorously combated by the attorney-general.1- Th court " took the matter under advisement. . - - o Trofaalty-Allowed In-Tell. 7 - Speclal in Chicago Tribune. ' Ann Arbor, Mich. No more will tha boastful and carefree Michigan" rooter,' while hla team--Is battling other- unt veltlea. yell. TWe'll all have a hell of time when Mlchlaan rirjs 'em up.' 4-Hale forbtdden-to atng that In publlo by a new rule of the athletic association. Tha prohibitive order hag President An gelica approval. : Addressing the ihaes meeting of 4.000 students held beforfc -the Drake ganv "Silver Throat Bob" ' Parker- said that ths aentlraent against certain songs and yslls containing profanity waa growing stronger every day, and that President Anaell had hinted It would be the right thing to eliminate them from the list of Jubilant cries given utterance at tne football games. : V With thla ruling there paases Into dis use Michigan's moat popular rooting song, "When Michigan Rips 'JCm Up Again," and another almost ae popu lar: . ,.'-.- .. Sing a song of Michigan, The yellow and the blue. -Sing a song of Michigan, . ' Tho yellow and the blue. , O, when we get to heaven We'll give the good old yelt. And those who're not so fortunate, WHl give It dbwnlnhelL (Spoken) Hell, bell, cheer up,, boy 1, there ain't no hell. . -. j fWHoever haa a "mind to work will have work to mind. mm M(rHiSTBt : f'i ' STWIK .'A. .-- It's all right to study' the weather probabilities, but' the prudent man will have , one of our-"rain ror-Bhltie coats' on hand.' : Light on your arm and will make light of yourdis tomfort if the weather turns bad. l-:'- .'w-.-v- Our, : special tomorrow 11 Overcoats at $10. . Topcoats at f 0. "T" Double-Breasted Siyta" $12. IrloiiCLtOTHinGQ ontfltterg for Msn and Boys. 194 ul in Third Street, , Men Morrlaom.. . EVENING. NOVeMDEH . 7. - ' " . -'" " ' ...J .Ft" eMfc1 - rmr awmpBBsaBgsgi .'. .... - .... ... ....... . - TYPICAL FERiI .'FOHEST OF THE IIAVAIIAN ISLANDS r--w ' 7 Some of the tropical beauties HERE IS Votes received up CONDITIONS Of The JournaVt Hawaiian Tonr CONTEST T . .i .. . aw IS f a( but be aemloated st ssy ea blanks ffwrldsd bj The Jo-tmU with te -wdsfMowat of - two wtU-ksowa ttlsa ef tb district la watch see Btatoea. SEOOT Throe JadgM sfreeable t', the -elffrrent - endtdates --Batt-ao- esleetedte rfldally asnoaaee the wuums la sack at trlct, one yooas lady te be eatasa treai aisttict. ' M . fc-A . AU' -AV 1 II MA Si. Irtet sbstt-roteltafcTyr-e--t-tB- ene caaaM arreet tse einer. - mmwiw vw erly ocrnlmr the dlrtrict will be settled br-the-wishes ef the MjorltT. Tb -wta . aer sbsH bsTt tbe rttbt as seat a preay if aaable te attend beratlf. roTjmr&Totlat will eoemieae . Tbr. .day. Aacast a. UOS. asd eloaa Batnrdsy. rMnaibee SO, et- S Veloek 1SOS, Ceapoae. arast be voted wtthla straa ears sfter Isbm. OoepoBS cat front the Deny Joaraal anst he aeatly trlaiaied. All eoopeas. whether etna-le er special, ainst W tb. nm f the eaadlsste te be yeted fer.- oovMiri au error a roixowii . TITTB Slnl ceapens, cat tnm tbe dally paper, are red far eoe' vote. BvbsiTlprloa to Mm nnnlnc learaal ssd Baaday aforntaa Joaraml,- UfM' saontlM, $1.S. a special eoapoa ef MO , Totes , , (paid la adTssee). Bnbecripttn to Innuiv. and Baaday Mara . las learnal six swaths, S3.T5. s special ' eoapoa of ISO otts (paid la sdraace). Bub ' scrlptlos -to tfea Xrearot snd Sondty lfora - tag Joarnsl It aranma, T.S0, a specUT eonpoa of TOO etes (psld u. saVaaee). flnbscrtpttoa to tbe vsataf asd Beaaay Moralns Zoaraal. three saentbs br Bull. I LKK a SpeeUI eoapoa et ISO votoe pel Is sdtasce). fcbsertetloa to the Teaiaf and Benay Moraine Joaraal br awil sis months, S3.TS, s special cenpoa et tM otM ' (paid la ersneo.- Bnbeeriptlsa to the EnnUt and Snnd.r MorBla Joaraal by Bill 13 months, ST.00, a special eonpes ef TOO eetes (paid la advaneo). Boot-Weekly Joaraal. tl-SO a year, spedsl eoopen ef 10 otee (psld la edTsno)r . ; ,,f , BIXTii bonpoas sboeid beotod st tbe kesdonarrefe aaanet yoa er. mailed to tbe " eoapoa eepartawa of Tbe Joaraal, e at -any point earned below. -Voter win be conateS bioadsya. WodnMdsys sad, rridars ssd tbe totals aaaoasced to tbe sablla the tollowlnc ear. j Any eaaaldtt wttbdrawhuf from tbe cea ' test cannot bars her retos eesetod tor sa stser. . ; .; , : . .-; xiAsavAtTxaB ioro vorrite rtAexsi '"' first Dktrlet htnltnomik tad Olsck.awS coontlM. Votlnf plaee. Oonpoa Departawat ef Tb Joaraal oface. , " eoeead DtatHet Cntoa. TJmatina and Willow conation, ;;. -'LJ " Tiiri DlrtHot Wsseo, ibnnB. Ollnaav Korrow, Wseoler end Crook eonntles.: ronrtb Slstrlet Biker. Oraat, Harney .ssd Malbear eoaatlee., i M , ;r yifth ' Irlitrlct OlniriM and nitso Mmntlos, Orrmm KHeklUI. Oowllta, Clsrk. Pietflc. WabkUkaa aad Bksawala ceaaUes, . WMtalagtoa. , . ' ' Sixth DtotrUt Msrloa. "Una sad Use ecanttea. . - '',.- ' Vrmtb District Wsahlnf tea. ttrtamsob. TamhUl, Beaton. Polk end Llneola eoanUea. . . virVtk Pl.ii lul PonElea, Goes. . Carry. Jowpuln. . Jackson, Ktamsa aae conntice. ' , Any Information regarding con ditions of the Hswsiitertont should be addressed to the manager ef the Contest ' Department of The Journal , f' :'.-.'',.. '. -, . : : Coupon Free Honolulu, HawaUaa UuatU "f eote tMi,,(,,,inM,iitnMt,iiinmi.rrwMn.,M yt- This coupon ronet be voted KCS. , T ' - X. iWcb The Joornol party win enjoy darlrtf their stayon the Islands THE WAY THEY STAND to Monday evening in The Journal Hawaiian Trip -,r..7..v..--.r,. . . BHiaMOT e.V-'-. : T , '-V-r-WafTeta. Ml Sallle Medlrin. Olds, Wsrtman 4 Kins store ............ ..'..... .. ,;V... .. e8,TT0' . in Winnie H. fhllllr. depnly rUrk Hrrnlt court ..-4,740 I1m Hadla WlatsfmantW, tilr Km works , M.qr.T Ml Lura Betr, S0 Han Rafael street. . ..w. ....... all ttri-trhra Korth.-tfleubon opiri i Mia Kutn- l. endorsed br rvderaled Trsdoa Council ?,7T5 Maw Bras Rftaron. 210 Kaat Thirtieth street S8,nen Ml Henrietta Wlnkteman, 4T Kaat Con Stjeet .i.-,.. ....................... 27,am "Mlaa Marsaret Smith. MM Wllllama srena 2H.VZT Ml Kdlth Bern, S4-'8trk treet ............... : 14,823 .Mies Lanr Derbrnhh-e, (WO VUr street...... 2H.675 Ml 8phi lan. ly treet v........ ...,.. S2,M '' Ml Bias Grleeel, SOS Kaat Thlrtj-Brt street.. Sl,3 Ml Arrent Uiirn, Oregon lily..... .v..v,.sr.. .-....-..-.., ..... .......... SI. ID Ml BIT Hiirlhert,- Bt. John i-":" iio.So -. Mies Locy-nVibid. telephone operator Orrns hotel ln.ft.1l Mia HneUre Ilolmn. .Old. Wortmaa Kln( store )X,r V Win Nellie lnnr, SOS Raleigh eteeet. Mlaa tleorgta- N'lnk. 22S Barnatde tret, ....... 14.44 . Mies Cor Jolly. TS8rirt street.... .............. l.Ks , Ml Mark. Jjeahr. Wondard. Clark Prn company 1J, Mlea Corull Barker, SH Grand avenue - Jrt.T'.T . Ml Bnrae Rediilt-k, Oregon City... .., T.StT (Voting Flac. Ooapoa Department. Jnarnal OfSre.) t . ; Ml Katl Hank. La Grssde, Oregon. ........ ea.lU Mi Molll JToebetel." La Oramle, Oresoo ..s----: 43,844 : I ToUns l'iaee, . La Or ode. Steinbeck JBirTSt Coafectloncry.X . MWAgnee Fletrncr Pendleton, Oregon..;....... .....,...' M.2KS Mia Fenrl Hrrt, ' Pendleton, Oregon.... ........ f Mia. lrr. HaexkaPesdleton. Orecoa............. ' 14.6IS -Mlaa. Mabel. Job neon, Prudlfton. Oregon. . Voting flare. rMietun. timr m v atlas tllllanB. 0'Hrr. Athena. Oregon IVnltne Plaee. Athena. Ietl Bra. Ire hlrCalllitsr, Walla wan. Wnlngtoa . . .. . ........,....,,..,...... l.Brta- Mlea May Callahan, Wall Wall, waehlngto Mia Rut Tnang. Walls Walls. Wartlngtoa TW laellsTBarr. Wall Walla. WaahlnctoM Mlm Jlattl Krown, wans wausv-nauiinsion tVotltur Pbtee. Walls Walla. Washington Book- Nook.) Miss Stella AA Mao, we loo, urrgo .-- - - ' DraxBICT BO. . - ' Ml Kmllle Crnen. Tb I)lles. Oregon........ ..r... ....r HS.M1 Miaalorll Crte. The Dalle. Ores......... ... XS.S42 v,in pi.m JTHm riellea. Blakelr Drug Btore.) Vhm Btetla R It'll fdnon. Hood BtreTr-Oi egoa - Mias Lanr Cremer. Hood RItot, Oregon. (Voting ri, nana wieer, wrign S7 Uaod Hirer, wrigncs Btore.) rg. Arlington, Oregon... a..M....M....vU,SO0 e, Arlington. Brabam' 0encJonry. , t f., r , t . insen. Condon.. Oregon t.. -m-J---.-i-eW. ..' tatw.i!S4T e. Condon. Jaekaua A Horul brook' Bbrc.F7 -- . . . . i Mia riorenc George. Arlington, trregon (Voting Plaee. AT .Mlaa OertrotW Shannon. M1S Lena Zilv--Happnet. Oregoav .'. J Ml Grae Uager, Heppner. Oregon o . (Voting PUee. Heppner. Pattenoa Boa's Drag Btore.) --m - atlas Gertrude Khar, rrine-rllle. Orecnn. . .v TAB ' . SIBTUOS V0. a, ,' ', ' ,-. Ml TtfBe hta King. Ontsrio. Oregoa. . .. .-.-......ifc.....'.. JM. Mlea Haiti Bartoo, Baker City, Oregon...,..,...... ........ ...... 2VSOS Ml Gertrnd Ttee, Baker City, Oregoa.. Jn.s4S ' Mine Kthel Parker. Baker City. Oregon. .... ....... ........ S.o3S ' Mia Mrrtl Bretton, Baker. (Sty, Oregoe...... ............. M.............n.10,Sue ( Voting flap. -Baker City. Ierrlnger's Dru Btore.) ,. :x- ... Miss Ctara 8wln,. Bnrn. Oregon.,, (Voting Place, Burn. Weieom Fksrmscy.i , Burn. Welcome Pksrmsey.) - . . , r, ley. Vale, Oregon... A4' rkt.-anmptcr, Oregon... S,S7 ' . Sumpter, D KeffeClrar and Neweetand.) , . , ... DISTRICT MO. B. . ' v: . r '.' . ' ; sues oly Betteriey. .-MM Geraldloe Dark. (Voting rues, Ml nnrrnre TTrTTtm TncoaTr. Wiehlngton . ...... 4 JJtTIt -i (Voting Plsee, VneouTr, SIS Slaiu nirewi-; . , v , Mini Katberln Gore, KimnL Whlngton IS, 034 (Voting Ple. Kalamn. Coffey' Store.) Ml Amelia Wllllasj. Kelso, Waahtngton wtvi........r,..i. 1T.4S4 (Voting Place. Kelao Confectionery.) s -. . , -- Mls Mary Berge, Uom Valley. Waablngtoa A ll.TMif Ml Bra U 'Add. Aatorl. Oreimn.. .... ..B.4fl0- . Ml Bather AnoVrenn, Aatorl. Oregon .- 8.0OS Ml Bobena Coftmao. Aetorla. Oregon ..... '.110 (Voting Plac. Aetorla. Owl Drag Btore.) , . ... . - ,. . - Mi Ply Wtkln. Bt. Helens, Oregon ... e,OSB . I Voting Plaee, m. Helena, Gray' Btore.) Ml Oertrode Randall. -Caetl Rock, Wnahlngtcau........... 1.0 Mlaa Grace Wright. Ctle Rock, Whinton ...... .. ............ ; 1,421 , (Voting Place, Caatle Rock. Aader'a Drug Btore.) , , . . . . . Ml Alice Petri ne, Clitakenle. Oregon. ................. ........a....M,...... S.18B i vnti - yiao i ietaaama nimmnn Mica Alice P( 'py, Rainier. Oregon ; Hare, Jtalnler, frlexlbar' , (Vtln AVJgl At Ml Mag Brte, Engem, Oregon. "Mln Rmma Morntt. Eugene, Oregon. ............ y.....-.i,oi Ml Btell Bean. Bugene, Oregon ............e.....M....r.... 1,44 . rr - (Voting Place, Bugen, nan s in-n.itein-. . - - . . t ., Ml BUnrbe Brows. S.lem. Oregoa It.414 ' Mlea Mary IeTidon, Balem, Oregon , 11,2T Ml U Belle Darby. Balem. Oregoa... . U.144 Ml Minnie Iretoa, Balem, Oregoa. ........ ........... ...,' 8,144 Mlea Pearl Shelley. Balem. Oregoa.... S.ln Mia Mlnnl Arhenbach, Salem, Oregon... 1.SH8 MM Nettle Reddekoon. Balem. Oregoa. . .V l.tuO (Voting Place, Balem, II' Drnf Bur.) Ml Lacy Moreom, Woodlmrn, Oregon.. . 15,4(17 - Ml Mrrtl Trk, Woodburn,, Oregon. . 11,0T (Votlns Place. TR'wdbnrn. Beebee A Whltnran' Store.) ' - '- Mia Maude Blair, Cottage Grore, Oregon. Mlaa E(na Stewart,' Cottage Grove, Oregon Mia Lll Vtrtj CotUg Grore, Oregoe :. (Voting Plsre.. Cottage Gcore, Gill'. Ml' Kathrya Garrla, RIlTerton. Oregon. (Voting Place. BIlTerton, Brook' Drnf Ml Perl BT(ge. Albany. Oregon...... 'Ml Maggie Chamber. Albny. Oregoa..... Ml Allc Lock. Albany, Oregon. ....;,.. (Voting PUce, Albany. Dawnn'S Drns MM Addle Him peon, leoanon, "leu ,-i . . . V (Voting Place, unnon. tuition nmrw.; -- . Ml HUM! wear. ,nn, ui,,iw..,..,...,.t...t...,i,MnMM...,i,...i' Ml fr Oeoly, BrowatTlU, Oregon. !"--........ ..... 1A40 ' DISTRICT M0. T. . . , . : ' Ml Berth Conrtemencb. MrMlnnTille, Oregon rtiTf ,7S . . voting riCf mrwinnrilie, n"ww Ulw IUi'1 Kennedy, Iileyette. uregon. ..(Voting Plee. Lryett pestoflli.) Mls ('or Spangle. Dayton, Oregon........................... 12.374 (Voting Place. Dayton. Harris' Drag Store.) , 1 ,v,. ' '-Mia Mlnnl Roy. Dallaa. Oregoa 11,054 . (Voting Place, Dlla. 8taf Confectionery.) t, .- Ml Marl Hoatetler. Hlllehoro, Oregon .....k.,...,. 11.118 Ml Bo B. Bowser, HHUboro, Oregon .................... ............ 3.125 "(Voting Plaee, Htllelmro, Brhulroerlch'g Ui uniu Rntl.r. Koreat Grore. Oregon (Voting Piece, Koreet Grore, I L'elir ; Vk. mire' Mtrattnn. Newberg. Oregon. .. i (Voting Place, wewoerg, taiow.ii uo. a unig "tore.) . MlTMHln Wenatee-.- Mlllomith, Oregon.: . .......... v..... ,MI Boaalo C. Holahelmer. Bearerton, Oregon (Voting Place, Bearerton. Thomas Thing' Confecttonery.) j ?.MI Grc Starr, , CorTailla, Oregon. ..... ..... .t . . ,.. ,-,,., ..... ........ uIBTaTnT SO. i. .... 4 Ml Kdna Parraey, Rosehorg, Oregon,.. ., Mlm Dale Harmon. Roetmrg, Oregon ......... tM.oiS ..- IVorlnc I'tac. Boaebnrg, Hamilton's Drag 8tor-k ' tt1m'1jonl T. Jne.JckonTlll. Oregoa ' Wiaa Mende BITT. Granta I. Oregon i -- (Voting Place. (Irent P, flmlth's . Mil Jennie : Woodford. Medford. Oreaon. -(Votlnf PUce, Hertford, Kil.ll Ml rrrie Oabnrne, A.hlend, Orego.,..... .......... ........ 8. Pit Mi Lyrtl McCll, Aahland. Oregoa l,n4 -- (Votlnf Place, Ashland, Bnttoa's Newsstand snd Byl'i) ' . jl. aBfgP'aSBaWwsw', j Hawaiian Trip enor before November J4, ltOJ.1 I twtlann, hotel .,........,...........TH.4T ........ ...,.,........1..' ;jj!.iiuA6oilJ cvn, muS . , ... B.0OS Stor.t - r . , . ......... ....... .v. i,;. ..,..... 1.W8 .,.... 1 1 iinranirM,W ...... ............... lMS. an.i .,.. i . , , Tree X-SB - ...'....,,,,. ...., .ew 4,TJIB Conxion err.) SSVAVW AV avi -W .f.i....M,.,Mi(vM.MiHH,ii, aa.nsi ......i..... ,.....:JS.4M i ... ....... 18.418 ............. ............... ........ 13.211 .,.... 10 Confectionery.) . - T r . 11, BIS Btore.) j....... ........ Slor.) . ............. 10, RAT T.881 - ' . ; - .li a- I ' . . , n.twmwa.i.Mwl. -O.Wiej 'S.ers nw,.( - -.-M.....iiu,4it Store.) S.011 6,421, S.IWl 8,8TB. 1.83S Btore.) .......... ....a , J8.T48 .......... 12,T0, Drnf Brora.) ................ 11.140 confectionery.! , - . CeOimting Is done on Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays end the standing of the candidates announce i to the public the fol lowing day . y 1 V "'''Vi .